The Seaforth News, 1919-11-13, Page 46 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, November 13th, 1919. PROFESSIOIsAl CAVDS • MEDICAL 4. HUGH ROSE, 'Physician and Surgeon of LOTION Hospital, London, Engler 0. attention to diseases of Eye, For, Nt se Wont, wad residence behind Dommiee lama ghats lie. 5, Residence ramie, No, lea grhg.,Y, AIM:tows seeterm Nita, and r s l".14tae-0oderieh Street, 00111 01 the Meth ,OgaIgt oherea, 'stoner for COM) t y of Huron Ifteauhrine Not 15. suorr II A , ystria na and feSorgeotts, G0011011 :ascot. opposite Metho. Church. Seaforth, tong. graduate Vieton 0 nod Ann 1111d lomher 01 Ontario College al PaYairiant; End nrfitons. Coroner for Cnouty 01 1, 0500 51ACXAY,1101505 gratillete linty Co I vent Sc, wee matte] ist Trinity 'Al et -lies! College NI ember tenese of Pysiclans and Surgeons, (11aar) - • • - DIL GEO, HEILEMAN, Ostennthle Specialist in Women's anti ChM rents diseases and Rheumatic troubles. Acute n ,d ine d Nord hsh, Bar, EIS, Nose and Throat Adenoid re. without theicaite. cense:mum) tree. °Mee over riebeca's Dem store aintsaineai e_in, 5011 pon.deriday adn, t Now Dr. F. J. R. Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in :Medicine. University of Toronto 18547, Late Assistant Now York Ophthal- mic and Aurel li,stiiitte, Aleori•fieldis Eye, and Golden Synate Throat Hos pitals, London Englatid. At the 11neces Hotel, Seafortb. third Wed msday 0801 141.101311 frum 1114 tn. to reilreari time, :13 Waterloo Street, 4ont11, dtestf evil Phone Lo7 iStratford. matted by AWN Haulage Licenses L;Nglir:Wg,' 104,5 surance Ass yee e•ansidering insurance. Lite or Aceldent'r Myou ars, a postcard will get our rates. -J. D. GINGIALEY. Consent Agent tor London Life 'Intranet Co., erdlraperialGuarnmeeand Accident Insurance Co, Seoforth, Ont. THE iVicKliA„OP Mutual Fire lusurance Co. S'arm anti Isolated Town Prtaperty enly Insured: OFFICERS ..11110 Cotatoby, bodosit 11, l'reiikleat. Blows ETanta, Beachwood, Vire-IM. NIdent, Taunus 151 0)0. Seaforth. Sde..Tres Directors D. O. McGregor, Senforth; Joon G. Grirve, Winthrop W. Wan, Constance; John Bennewcic /Amgen; Robert Fang, Harlock; Malcom 0150",1. Clinton., 1. megrim try • Seafortlu cesna Connolly, Goderfeh: Jas. Evans. Beechwood Agents Alm Leitch, Harlock; E. ilinehtey Scott:us Chesney, Egunondville; 1 N. V rfliel R. G. Jarmouth. Brodhav • ; Jan err and John Govenlock, Senforth, atom. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transit 2141' business will be pcomptly attended • ponnatIon to any of the aboye officers, address maids rmoective nostoffices. The Origint0 and Only , Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Minard's Liniment LIFT OFF CORNS!. A CREDIT TO CANADA 'Canada has, every reason to be proud of that great family and farm paper, The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. It is now issued in a new form, sixty-four pager Weekly, and is more easily handled than the old style and read, The Family'Her and is the great home paper in this continent, Each and every issue is brimful of the choicest and 01005 int- eresting and instrtietie reading mat- ter, It costs hot $1.25 a year and ev- ery subscriber for 1920 is receiving a handsome souvenir Portrait of the Prince of Wales, size 16 a- 22 inches. This portrait alone could not be pur- chased for the money. How the Family Herald cite 'give such a beaut- iful portrait to all subscribers is in- dees1. a mystery, still they do it and their subscribers receive the benefit ei their generosity. Subscriptions Taken itt This °nice. HURON NEWS Wc4lev Snell of Exeter last week shipped seventeen ears of choice heavy steers to New York. ['itis is a very large shipment for one week. Mr. Snell went to New York last week in connection with the deal. .\ quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fran- cis ef Stephen on Nov. 3rd, when Rev. Mr, Wilson united in marriage Mr. Richard H. Coultis Ind Mrs. E. Ann Rook, both of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Coultis left on the same evening for Detroit and other places to spend short honeymoon. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements on Lot 17. Concession 10, Hibbert. !et utile west of Croinarty on Wednesday, November 19, 1919 let one o'elock sharp, the LIORSES- ...Matched nair draft geld- ' hags. risiag 5 years; draft gelding ising 5 years; driver, rising 6 years i'A'171.E- -3 choice Durham cows with calves at foot; Durham. heifer, 5 due Dee. 2nd; Durham CONN". due Dec. 23; 1)urhain cow. doe Feb. 27: Due- ; haul COW. due March 5; 2 Durham sows. •Itie in June: 2 heifers rising 2 5 years old: $ heifers and 4 steers ris- ing one year old. PTGS-2 Yorkshire brood SoWS. dile Jan. 5: 1 Yorkshire brood sow, due Jan. 18: 14 shoats. about 125 lbs • each. SHEEP --6 Leicester ewes: 5 ewe lambs. HENS -50 White Wyandotte hens. GR.\ IN & ROOTS -200 beshels oats 300 bushels barley; 50 bushels peas; 400 bushels mixed grain; 500 bushels mangolds; 10 bags apples: quantity of millet and corn. \VOOD---45 cords good hard wood, 16 inches. long; 111) rods good raiLs. IMPLEMENTS -- Massey Harris binder; mower; and 13 hoe seed drill. view; steel land roller: Frost a; aaaeat Cultivator; set it -tin Intrrows;settifier; 'alking plow; set sleighs; vtagu'ont hay rack: gravel bos.; roller crueller; 5 horse power Internatii•nal gas, - line enable, root puiper. buggy -2 cut- ters. Meloit•• cream sepavator, 5011 lbs. eaoacity, fanning mill, set brash 'mounted harness, ;et plow heelless, set light harness, 2 doz. garin bag's, scoop shoeel. bay fid; rope. Set slings swivel car, hay fork, sap pails, 2 panA, 2 oak barrels. etulbeard. Mot etove, forka, hoes ;hovels and many other attides to•• immerous tnentien. 'use 611 ',it the farm. Positively no reserve as the prim- , rietor has sold his farm. This sale wil start sharp 00 time. Terms—All gums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount. 12 months' credit will he given 00 furnishing ap- prowil jirint riot ;, or a discount of 5 tier sent for cash in lieu of notes. W. E NAIRN. PERCY MILLER, koetioneer. Proprietor. ROD AND GUN '1 lit' November issue of Rod and • ;en. published. by W. .1. Titylos• 1.111- « 1, (5,51 lot. 11Mt, bnatalaai ba.4 Ill, molting t., tort.. ".k Mot 1111111 ittesiigonclie t'ottuty.- Inure Duncan "Days Apply few drops then lift sore, 4-1.""r"" * too:, t.ittoto-tt n sore,' col 1,, • touchy corns off with ieu,tioe, .0 "The tem rhai euall fingers a :Mile" "\ Non., a11.115 1841) ar,,I Att,.tbert .r. Doan t hurt a bit! Drop a little tereezone on an exiting corn, instantly Aline corxs stops hurting, then you lift di right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a cents at any drug store, but is sum ,tienii to remove every hard corn soft itg.tra, or corn between the toes, mid the 'Ira; re:Muses, without soreness or irritation. Zreezone is the sensational -discovery .01. a Cinetnnett gettrum, 25 10 wonderful, 'a la•lt ,''maty interesting- to hunters v.heth ('5 on vacation 005 or going, t0' turning. The first part Of au interest ing ei••ry •if .1.laska, entitled, -Tire Damming Bird by Mrs, jean '1'' 55,1 Ili,' opening' story 15 this ssite while Boneyeastle Dale will he as in tstrestin g ile vl'er in his "Ttso \ ncient Beach romber;." lattecan Caumbel! Seoles addr••ss on 'Rehatior. of Indians to life Conservation' and "f)pening [Jas a t I atIce Seng,og" John Townson are timely anditi- ing articles. "Fishing Notes" condneied by ko ht. Page Lin ('1(1 tii....ntaining "Dusk mil Ember Paper," ".\ long the 'rrap Line" by 11. 1'. Had- don, "Guns and Ammunition" by I , 51 La 1 d is„" Rori and Gull alechanies," 'The 1<ebitel' and "Trap" department will be found up to the ostial standard with much interest to their various followers. DUBLIN • Miss Nellie Ernest was in TCCSWat- CV East weelc. Mrs, 'Flynn and her grandchildren, Helen' and june Wilder of Bay City, Mich., were guests of Mr, and Airs. L. J. Looby, A number of our young people at- tended the dance in St. Columban last week and report an enjoyable time, Miss Ida Hotham oi Mitchell Mir - poses taking a limited number of pupils for singing lessons. On Mon- days the lady will be in the village' from 11 a. in. to 9 p. 111, \ dance will be held in the Opera Hall. Dublin. on Friday Evening, November 14th, Douglas Brothers' Orchestra will furnish the music mid all a re cordially invited. Messrs. W. Hills and CoMpany will have a line Inisieess Neck wheu the now building 15 Cpmpleted. It is large and is situated in one of the best locations in the village. We have good business houses, tine residences, electric lights and ce- ment walk, Travellers through the village on the 'Huron road have a poor chance to notice its progress, oue cannot help but see that on... street is neglected. The walk Indies. to St. Marys church has outlived its time and become dangerous to walk en. 'What an improvement the vil- lage would present if a nice cement walk were lai,1 connecting the one 00 main street. Ifhe 0.11 wing is the report for St. Patrick's school, Dublin. The names listed below is of those who obtained 00 per cent or over on the October exams: Sr. Hills,' H. Cronin. 151. Ci•au ford. R. Bryne, E. Delaney, CAST RA J. beeney, 1 . Kelly, R. ill. 3., 1\ A. Shea, J, 'McConnell, F. Carpentee, A. 'McGrath, P. Dill, Ai. Crawford, J. Nagle. Sr. b11—1, Hills, A. Delaney, al, O'Connor, Vera Feeney, M. En- right, L. Watera, Al. Krauskopf, L. Hastings, 1. Carpenter, J. Dili. Jr, McGrath, •\, Moly- neaa, J. Looby, C. 1)orrustyn, '['loos. SOUR, ACID STOMACH% GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once, Time itl In five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn,sourness or belehing of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or heada.che. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless, •,:,Put an end to stomeoh distress at once by getting a, large fifty. cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepela or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due to excessive acids in stomach. 1, IVE "1YRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED amp Delicious "Fruit Laxative" earn harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels, -Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels i•sied cleansing at onee. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleop, oat or set naturally, or is fever- ish, stomaeh sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhea), full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs',' and. in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and For Infants and Children 4 sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you- have a in Use For Over 30 Years well, playful child again. Ask your Always bears lruggist for a bottle of "California the Syrup of Figs," which contains full Signature of directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups, Gormley, L. CraWford,/ E, Kraus- kopf. Class Il ---Clayton LOoby, R, McConnell, ht. Krauskopf, V. Dill, 53. Krauskopf. Part II—P, 1-Ghle, 011, Crawford. D. Molyneax, B. Doren' styli, 12,a0'Cormor, Id, McGrath. Sr. Primary—J. Krauskopf, H. Kenney, Leona Maloney, Lawrence Maloney, T. Ryan, R. Krauskopf, H. Ryan, E. Donnelly, V. Enright. Primary --A. Brennan, C. Looby, J. 11nright, J. McGrath, AI, Dill, P. Krauskopf, Kratiskopf, T. Hill, A. Dillon. On Sunday evening, November 9th, a special service was held in the 155 ethodist church when the monaural tablet was unveiled. The Ladies' Aid was held last 1 Thorstlay at the home 01 15110. S. Webb, Mrs. 1-1otharn received word re- etaitly that her sister, 'Mrs. Carter of 1;.,,y, \vas seriousirill. airs. Me ey has gone to help nurse. , \•Ir. George Golding delivered a frier year old gelding to james Archi- bald of Seaf;•rth and the price be re- ceived was a high one. Mr. Thomas Smale who been in the W051 for 501150 time is visiting rela- tivee 111 this vicinity. . Mr. F. A Tiambly has returned from a week's shooting in 'Muskoka. He reports the the sport was good and game plentiful,. • Our school was closed last week owing to the death of Mr. Hay, fath- er of our teacher, Miss Hay. lir. and Al re, Dalton and family of Galt were in the village last week for a short visit. Messrs. Strudley, Keys and Riddle of Stratford held a meeting in the town hall in the interests of the 'Vic- tory Loan and all spoke well. Con- s••seeable inteeest was stirred up. Moving ['1(10 CSO pertaining to the sub Jest were shown,' which were thor- o'lgillY enjoyed and 010.8c. 151110 did not collie out tniSSed one the best trea! ; _ 1051'c ha,1 in along 'time. Reeve AA. Colguhoun occupied the ehair. help for.them. They should read the Children Cry for Fletcher's , • Fletcher's Castoria is strictlyla remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine • is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has, not proven. What is CASTOR1A?_ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregorid, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. "Its age is its guarantee. ll'cr more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the reliof of Constipation, 1?latulenc7, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea.; allaying Fevethhness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidrA the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural cleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. cern A. GE' WINNE ORLK ALWAYS Bears the Signature of mmosig032° In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CaTY ,1.,kviltr..t:J.41.: Long Standing Asthma. Many have suffered so long from asthma and have tried so many remedies, so- called, that they think there is no real letter.: ie'ecivii•I the inanufacter:lai of 1)r. 1. D. Keilog's .\ stluna Remedy from Inuelceds of ai51'0 once as des- perate as their own. Even in long neglected eases this amoue i)repara- Hon prompt help. ,11 Fond parents dream of a bright future for their children. They dream of the literary and musical education they are going to give their daughter, and of the high position she will take in her sphere of womanhood. They dream of the education iley going to give their son and vision him some day as a clergyman, a famous. lawyer, an eminent physician, a prominent financier, or a captain of industry. I3ut to make these dreams' come true uy Victory —or even partly -11.1,e—requires foresiglh pl,mnang and moniiy. To provide. tho money what plan so wise ELS to liuy 'Victory Bonds for each child? Thousands of parents bought Victory Bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918, - Surely you will be among the thousands of loving parents who will buy Victory Bonds for their children—this year? Victory Bonds may be bought on instal- ments at such easy terms that every parent WI! 3 so washes may buy r-17 „ , " h,suced by Cant:rhea Victor: Leen Com;'': • • in co-operation with the Miniater of 151e5 of -the Dominion of Caen'T •. • 625 e 1113...a•••••• I a t l5tt 10 Yr'