The Seaforth News, 1919-11-06, Page 6ERMAN koTION PIC 11111 FILMS
Camera Men on Submarine Took Views of Undersea Ves-
sels Shelling British Ships -Were Designed For
Exhibition in Germany.
A despatch from New York says:-
otion picture films taken from the
archives of Gland Admiral von Tirpitz
in the former Kaiser's admiralty, and
showing allied vessels being torpedoed
by German U-boats during the world
war, helve been brought here by J. H.
lelaCksum, a Knights of Columbus sec-
retary. The films, which were design-
ed for exhibition by Germany on the
day of its triumph, were made by
camera men on a submarine which was
commissioned to cruise about the Irish
Coast and photograph merchant ves-
sels after they had been attacked by
undersea craft. This boat used more
than 40,000 feet of film.
It was largely through the influ-
ence of the present German. Govern-:
merit that the films came into my
poseession," said Mr. Macksum, who
had charge of the motion picture work
for the Knights of Columbue In France
and Germany. "During the revolution
the Admiralty offices were raided by
the mobs and the canisters containing
the celluloid reels became scattered
about. At Coblenz I made friends with
a former high ranking army officer
and he secured the films from a revo-
lutionary leader whom he knew posess-
ed them,"
The pictures depict the U-boats
shelling four British vessels while
those on the ships were swimming for
lifeboats and rafts, A torpedo leav-
ing the tube of a submarine and speed-
ing toward its victims is also shown.
Receives Cash For Every
Bushel of Grain.
A despatch from London says: -
With contracts with Britain, Belgitn
and Italy for the supply of whea
signed, and contracts with France,
Poland and Portugal for wheat, barley
and flour, now under negotiation, Can-
ada sees her way clear to the disposal
of the whole of the year's exportable
grain surplus. So far over 800,000
tons of wheat are actually contracted
for. It is expected there will shortly
be an announcement of the sale of
200,000 tons of wheat to France, which
• will be paid for on a cash basis, and
a sale of flour, which wijI probably be
financed under the French credit of
$25,000,000. It is understood Poland
is dickering for wheat, but there is
difficulty in the matter of payment,
and Portugal has enquired for Cana-
dian barley. Canada has not sold a
bushel of wheat except for cash, as
It is considered our foreign credits
Should not be used for the supply of
such a necessity, wheat being almost
legal tender in Europe these days.
The Doneinion's greatest difficulty has
been to sell flour, and France may
therefore be allowed to use her credit
to pay for what she takes in that line,
leader of the United Farmers -Labor
High Prices For
Canadian War Goods
Ontario's New Prime Minister
Ernest Charles Drury, who is likely
to be Ontario's next Premier, farms
250 acres at Crown Hill, Crown Hill
is one of those little places that lost
its postoffice when rural mail routes
were organized, but it is abut five
miles from Barrie on the "Penetang"
road. Two hundred acres of Mr.
Drury's possessions were selected and
pioneered by Mr. Drury's great-grand-
father in 1819, and have been in
E. C. Drury, who has been chosen
A despatch from Lordon eays:-
Dealers and the general public: are
very keen to get hold of surplus Cana-
dian military stores. A five-day sale,
including, a varied assortment of 2,400
lots, realized e3,300. Some prices ob-
tained were phenomenal. Canadian
grey blankets, costing 29 shillings a
pair new, sold for 19 shillings a pair
after four years' wear. Tools brought
higher prices than the original cost.
New boots fetched 21 shillings a pair.
Repaired pairs went at 11 shillings.
Repaired boots, not guaranteed, made
5 shillings 9 pence, Much used type-
writers -128 Underwoods-realieed 20
• per cent. over cost, The highest price
obtained was £25.
British Warships to Carry
Commercial Men
A despatch from London says: -
British commercial travelers and the
representatives of business houses are
to be permitted passage aboard every
British warship leaving the country
for abroad. This, according to Sir
Hamar Greenwood, Under-Secretary
for Home Affairs who made
nouncement before the Association of
British Chambers of Commerce, is "a e
move unique in the history of the
Empire. Walter Hume Long, the
First Lord of the Admiralty, has given
his assent to this special service, Sir
Hamar declared,
parties in Ontario.
possession of the family ever sine
The new Leader is a good, practic
farmer, with the added advantage of a
course at the Guelph College and t
degree of B.S.A. He hasn't specie
iced in his farming to any great e
tent, though perhaps he takes mo
pride in his herd of dual-purpo.
Shorthorns than in anything else. 0
late years he has given much atte
tion to the U.F.O. movement, with
particular relation to the tariff. A
ways he has been active in the corn
Majority to Go to France and
se Italy, Consent of Allies.
f A despatch from Paris says: -The
11- Germans must make reparation for
the destruction of the Scapa Flow
1- fleet, but this must be paid in other
Grain and Live Stock
Toronto, No. 4. --Manitoba wheat -
No, 1 Northern, $2.30; No, 2 North
ern, $2.27; No. 3 Northern, $2.23, in
store Fort William,
Manitoba oats -No. 2 CW, 83c; No
$,CW,.80c; extra No. 1 feed, 80c; No
1 feed, 78c; No. 2 feed, 75%,e, in store
Fort William,
Manitoba barley -No. 8 CW,
$1.4534; No. 4 CW, $1.40; rejected,
$1.24; feed, $1.24, in store Fort Wil-
Japans, $4.75 to $5; imported, hand-
picked Burma, $4; Limas, 171/o to
- 18% c.
Honey -Extracted clover, 5 -lb. tins,
25 to 26e; 1.0elb. tins, 24%, to 25c; 60 -lb
tins, 24c; buckwheat, 60-11). tins, 18 to
20c; comb, 16 -oz., $4.50 to $5 doz.;
10 -oz., $3.50 to $4 dozen.
Maple products --syrup, per imper-
ial gal., $3.15; per 5 imperial gals., $3;
sugar, lb., 27 to 28c,
Provisions -Wholesale.
Smoked meats -Hams, riled., 39 to
40e; do, heavy, 34 to 350; cooked, 66
to 59c; rolls, 33 to 35c; breakfast
bacon, 46 to 50c; backs, plain, 48 to
49c; boneless, 54 to 56c.
Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 32
to 33c; clear bellies, 31 •to 32e.
Lard -Pure tierces, 30% to 31c;
tubs, 81 to 31%c; pails, 3114, to 31%c;
prints, 32 to 32%e. Compound tierces,
28 to 28%c; tubs, 2834 to 29c. ,pails,
28% to 293c; prints, 30 to 30%c.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Nov. 4.-Oate, extra No.
1 feed, 93c; flour, new standard grade,
$11 to $11.10; rolled oats, bag 90 lbs
$4.80 to $4.85; bran, $45; shorts, $52;
Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $23 to
$24; cheese, finest easterns, 27 to 280;
butter, choicest creamery, 61% to 62e;
eggs, fresh, 70e; selected, 64c; No. 1
stock, 58c; No. 2 stock, $55c; potatoes,
per bag, car lots, $1.40 to $1.45; dres-
sed hogs, abattoir killed, $25 to $25.50;
lard, pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net,
Live Stock Markets,
Toronto, Nov. 4. -Choice heavy
steers, $12.75 to $18; good heavy
steers, $12 to $12.50; butchers' cattle,
choice, $11.25 to $11.75; do, good,
$10.25 to $10.75; do, med., $9 to $9.25,•
do, corn., $6 to $6.75; bulls, choice, $10
to $10.50,• do, med., $9 to $9.26; do,
rough, $7.25 to $7.50; butcher cows,
choice, $10 to $10.50; do, good, $9
to $9.25; do, seed,, $8.25 to $8.50;
do, corn., $6.50 to $7; stockers,
$7,50 to $10.00; feeders, $10.00
to . canners and cutters, $5 to
$6.25; =liters, good to choice, $110
to $176; springers, $90 to $175; light
ewes, $8 to $9.25; yearlings, $9 to
$10.50; spring lambs, per cwt, $13.75
to $14.50; calves, good to choice, $16.50
to $19; hogs, fed and watered, $17;
do, fed and watered, $17.25; do, f.o.b.,
$16; do, do, to farmers, $15.75,
Montreal, Nov. 4. -Butcher stetere,
$9.75 to $12.50; med., $8.50 to $9.50;
come $7.60 to $8.50; butcher heifers,
good, $8.50 to $9.50; med., $7.50 to
$8.25; common, $0 to $7.25; butether
cows, good, $8 to $9.50; med., $6.25
to $7.50; canners, $4.50 to $4.75; cut-
ers, $5 to $0; butcher bulls, common,
$5.25 to $6. Good calves, off cars,
$10.50; heavy calves, $10 to $12; good
ea s, $ 4 to $16; medium, $9 to $13;
rass, $6 to $0.50; ewes, $6.50 to $8.80;
Limbs, good, $13.75; common, $10.50
o $12.50; hogs selects, off car weights,
17; lights, $15.75 to $16; sows, $12.
American corn -No. 3 yellow, nom-
inal; No. 4 yellow, nominal.
Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 84 to 86c,
according to freights outside.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Winter, per
car lot, $2.00 to $2.06; N. 2 do, $1.9'7
to $2.03; No. 3 do $1.93 to $1.90,
f.o.b. shipping points, according to
Ontario wheat -No, 1 Spring, $2.02
to $2.08; No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to $2,08;
No. 8 Spring, $1.95 to $2.01, f.o.b.
shipping points, according to freights.
Barley -Malting, $1.35 to $1.40, ac
cording to freights outside.
Buckwheat -Nominal.
Rye -Nominal.
Manitoba flour -Government stand
ard, $11, Toronto.
Ontario flour -Government stand
ard, Montreal, $9.25 te $9.50; Toronto,
$9.05 to $9.30, in jute bags, prompt
3Ylillfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont-
real freights, bags included: Bran, per
ton, $45; shorts, per ton, $52.
Hay -No. 1, per ton, $24 to $25;
mixed, per ton, $18 to $21, track, To-
Straw -Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11,
track, Toronto.
Country Produce -Wholesale.
Butter -Dairy, tubs and rolls, 40 to
42c; prints, 43 to 45c. Creamery, fresh
made solids, 56 to 57c; prints, 57 to
Eggs -56 to 58c.
Dressed poultry -Spring. chickens,
25 to 30c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 20 to
25c; ducklings, 25 to 300; turkeys, 35
to 40c; squabs, doz.,$4.50.
Live poultry -Spring chick -ens, 20 to
23c; roosters, 20c; fowl, 18 to 25c;
ducklings, 20e; turkeys, 35c.
Cheese -New, large, 29 to 29%0;
twins, 29% to 30c; teiplets, 30 to
30eec; Stilton, 33 to 34c.
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 00 to
62c; creamery prints, 61 to 640.
Margarine -33 to Mc.
Eggs -No. 1, 59 to 00c; selects, 62
to 63e; new laid, 75 to 78c,
Dressed poultry --Spring chickens,
30 to 33c; roosters, 23 to 25c; fowl, 30 t
to 32c; turkeys, 45c; duckling, 34 to
85c; squabs, doz., Oil.
Live poultry -Spring chickens, 22 v
to 26c; fowl, 23 to 25e; ducks, 22 to g
Beans -Canadian, hand-picked, bus., t
$5.25 to $5.75; primes, $4.25 to $4.75; $
munity life at Crown Hal. The fact
that the church and the school are
almost at his door made easy his at-
tendance at these meeting places.
The new Leader is a little over forty
years a age, is strong and well built,
and has a determined look. His family
consists of wife and five children,
three boys and two girls. His eldest
son will be able to run the farm while
father runs the politics of the Prov-
ince. In religion Mr. Drury is a
Treaty Effective
On Armistice Day
A despatch from London says: -The
German Peace Treaty may come into
ffect on the anniversary of Armistice
Day. It was announced by Cecil
Harmsworth, Under -Seer -sting for
Foreign Affairs, in the House of Com-
mons, that the Government hoped the
treaty would be formally ratified on
November Il and come into
acne day. •
French and Arab Troops a
To Replace British in Syria p
A despatch from London says: -
Andrew Borate Law, Government lead-
er in the House of Commons, announc-
ed that the Government was arrang- C
ing with France and Prince Feisal fo
ayruents Made Russia
By Brifain in Two Years
A despatch from London says:-....
ecil Harmsworth, Under-Secretary
r Foreign Affaire in the House
Commons, said that Constantin Nabo-
koff, who represented Russia at Lon-
don, had received from Great Britain,
between March, 1917, and March, 1919,
when payments ceased, more than
of the King of the Hedjaz, for the
Immediate withdrawal ef the British
.troope from Syria and the assumption
of the duties of occupation by the
French and Arabs, pending the con -
elusion of the peace treaty,
13'r 401 -Lee leiree,<OE
rsivER LET 4,18 A
[I H\1'- (OVEN
4 0-r CAR FARE. TO
514 •
United Mine Workers of America Go Oct Without 1..eside 11108
ship -- Federal Governnfent Seizing Coal Supplies. d at
rin"ecehol4n: 1.10bertson" were the un
given to a baby recently. christene
,1 ev4rIee'ciwr'loroUt3ei taytIchnafitriose no. lac Infirmary oc fe 11P'ercaluctilsy Dulac,hn the
oYS neares irfelveNogoring e ee;:vNI:oltrttrizii‘bvelietiii aw acsohaescti
ei Uniforms may be worn at public
e functions arising out of the war or
'1.1))aeyaeLevealletbztelorns7 by retired or hale
I Harry Rot McBride, a boy aged 'teen,
fell from a tree over the high
I Wye Valley cliffs at Tintern, and was
e instantlY"killed.
d Newport, Monmouthe was
Ivy. Smith, aged nine; belongingtoa
I motor car whole returning from a
I Whitsun school treat.
Hobart Hampden has written the
Wycombe Parish Council, offering to
make a now road by the picturesque
common as a war memorial,
A fire in th,p premises of Joseph
Lowe, Chiswick, resulted in the death
of fourteen horses and the destine.
Mon of three motor cars.
What was formerly the Army and
/idly Club, King Street, St. James',
London, is now occupied by the Bre
tish Motor Trading Corporation.
It has been decided to build three
long rows of wooden huts on the es.
tate of the Goldsmiths Company, Ac-
ton, for between 5,000 and 5,000 clerks.
Walthamstow council has naked the
education authority to instruct teach-
ers to warn school children against
damaging trees in the streets.
The Teddington War Hospital Sup-
ply Depot, just closed, has sent the
balance on hand, $310, to St. Dun-
Isitoamn'es.Hostel, and the Star and Garter
Mrs. H. W. Forster', wife of tire
Financial Secretary of the War °ince,
has converted Peak Hill Lodge, Ogden -
ham, into a convalescent home for
aged mother's,
Chicago, Nov. 2. -Information,
tamed from the bituminous coal fi
of the United States, in which
than 400,000 members, a the United
Mine Worlcers of America have been
ordered out on strike, to -night indicat-
ed that there would be nothing which
could check the momentum of the
walkout despite the temporary res-
training order which was issued Fri-
day in the United States District
Court at Indianapolis. Deprived of
directing heads of its leaders, a
result of injunction, the membershi
the union was prepared to enter
first full working day since the set
order became effective en an effort
demonstrate its ability to halt the p
duction of soft coal throughout
The operators, so far as available
reports show, have not yet made plans
to combat the strike, notwithstanding
ob- the fact that troops, both Federal an
elds State, have -been sent in ' many in
more stances to localities from which the
might best gnaw' the coal propertie
in the contingency of violent efforts t
prevent non-urfion Men from taken
the ploalse of the 'strikers. On th
other hand, there has been no reports
picketing' activity by members o th
ueeons. Both operators and striker
apparently had decided to 'await de
the velopments before either of their
s a I takes a further definite atop in th
p of I controversy.
the Reports from various raileon
dice centres showed that seizure ef • coo
to in transit, as ordered by the Fedora
re- Government, bad begun. Hundreds of
the coal -laden cars in transit were taken
over by directors of the Fuel Adminis-
tration, and were side-tracked to await
possible distribution under the ad-
ministration's priority schedule.
Throngs of Citizens Feast
Eyes on Shipment of
Rare Food.
A (despatch from London says: -A
throng of Londoners round the Cana-
dian Government shop in Charing
Cross on Friday feasted ravished eyes
on a window full of magnificent Cana-
dian eggs. In the good old 'days egg's
and bacon was the world-renowned
breakfast of the Englishman. That
was 'before eggs rose to 11 cents apiece
and promptly disappeared from cur-
rency -an economic cataclysm which
Cast a gloom on the Englishman's
whole existence, and must be held to
account in some degree for the pre-
vailing unrest. In the announcement,
attached to the astonishing eggs, th
"Canada will ship six million doz
eggs to Great Britain this year"
Londoner, weary of the Food dontro
ler's marina, caught the first Blimp
of the post-war land of promise.
Enterprising Victory Loan
Canvasser Has Already
Sold $624,000.
Halifax, Nov. 2.-A new record in
Victory Loan campaigning was made
last night, when J. C. Stredder raised
the 'total subscriptions from the Con.
ardor Mauretania to $315,00, giving
the liner eight crests on her Poince of
Wales' flag, one more than the Adri-
atic carried away from Halifax on
Thursday. This brings the aggregate
subscribed by passengers, meetly Am-
ericans and British, on transatlantic
liners in Halifax during the week up
to $624,000.
Mr. Stredder, who is a local insur-
ance manager, conceived the idea of
canvassing the liners coming to Hall-
ett fax. his first adventure on the.Adri-
en otic met with a fine response, and
:he when he brought the Lieutenant-Goe
I- ernor aboard to present the Prince of
SO Wales' flag Mn', Stredder started a new
drive, ban -ed by British M.P.'s and
enthusiastic Amerecans, which
brought the Adriatic's total to $275,-
000 before she cailed.
The Lapland came next, and Mr.
Stredder and his aide, A. S. Carten,
extracted $32,000 from her passengers.
Two days on the Mauretania have
yielded $317,000, with the prospect of
more to come.
Monday morning Mr. Stredder
boarded the Germania, which has
among her passengers Sir Thomas
Lipton, and before the week is out
expects to have a round million from
the liners.
Sugar Shortage May
Become More Acute
A despatch from Ottawa says: -The
sugar shortage in Canada promises to
become more acute, owing to non -ar-
rival of raw sugar, consequent on the
longshoremen's strike at New York,
The Canadian Trade Commission has
taken a firm stand against further ex-
port of sugar, and also advises that as
a temporary measure, the demand for
sugar for domestic use should be met
by the refiners before the manufactur-
ers of products containing sugar are
United, States Will Not Dis-
criminate Against Canada.
Ottawa, Nov. 2. -There will be no
scrimination against Canada an the
atter of coal 'supply from the United
tates, the Government has been in-
rmed, and Canada will have her
are of the output the same as before.
his was the statement of Sir George
aster, Acting Premier, to the Cana-
an Press to -night.
Sir George 'stated that the coal out-
ok, which is made serious 'by the
esent tie-up in the United States
nee, was receiving serious consid-
ation from the Government.
"We have been assured," he said
"that Canada will be treated the same
as in other years in regard to supply-
ing us with coal. As long as there is
coal available there will be no dis-
crimination against us because we are
on this side of the boundary."
Considerable uneasiness is felt in
many quarters, however, if the strike
should last long enough to eat up the
supplies already an hand, in which
case, of course, the export from the
United States would be materially re-
duced, if not altogether cut off.
40,000 Died of Starvation
In Petrograd in One Month di
Stockholm, Nov. 2.-A despatch to nel
the Tidende from Helsingfors says the f'e
famine in Petrograd is assuming tero
rible proportions. Forty thousand 8,,,r
persons have died 'from starvation .eee
within a month, it is declared.
Petrograd has been without bread
for the last two weeks, thousands of
naval material or in property of thej;
German Government which otherwise fo
would not be subject to reparations. te
This is the decision of the Supreme
Council after hearing reports on the
matter, these reports holding Germany
responsible for the sinking.
In this connection it is learned
that the United States and Great Bri-
tain are about to consent that the re-
maining German warships shall bei
divided instead of being destroyed, the el
majority going to France and Italy.' xi
This represents a victory for the, by
ersons dying daily, according to in-
rmation brought to Helsingfors yes-
rday by a Finn who escaped from a
prison camp at Moscow on Oct. 12,
Arab Horse Given
To King George
A despatch front London says: -
The Arab stallion and a 250 -year old
Iden sword which belonged to a
onarch of Persia were presented to
ng George at Buckingham Palace
Sheik Ahmed, a nephew of the
esent ruler of Kovveit.
Conr,)elied to Surrender Cruis ers and Destroyers to Replace
Those Sunk at Scapa Flow and Surrender Equipment
of Equal Value to Battleships.
IParis, Nov. 2. -Demand will be
made of Germany that all violations
of the armistice shall be made good.
This has been called upon by the Su-
preme Council, which has completed
the protocal to the German treaty.
The protocol provides that Germany
shall surrender cruisers and destroy-
ers to replace those sunk at Scapa
Flow, and also surrender floating dry-
docks, lighters, trains, tugs and other
naval equipments equal in value to
that of the first-class battleships des-
troyed, which Germany cannot replace.
There is no provision in the proto-
col as to how the warships and navales,"
supplies shall be divided among the time
Allied and associated powers, Ger- ee t
many has been asked to send a coin- earl'
mission to Paris to sign the protocol „Pees
and attend the formal ratification of 'ng
the treaty. Cl
The Supreme Council has completed 1\a;'i
its reply to the Bulgarian request for NV"
changes in, the peace treaty, and will
probably submit it to the Bulgarian
representatives to -morrow, granting
ten days for the signature.
Unique Gift to Prince
From Montreal Hebrews
A despatch front Montreal says:-
Gifts of many kinds have been pre -
:gelded to the Prince of Wales during
his tour of the Dominion, but one that
differed from the rest was that pra-
ted to him during his visit to
Baron de Hirsch Institute,
ablet of gold, on which were
ed the Ten Commandments, was
ented to the Prince, the egblet be -
handed to him by Sylvia Lillian
en, the nine-year-old daughter of
Lyon Cohen. The commandments
e in Hebrew character% but the
els "Presented to his Royal High -
the Prince of Wales from the
ish citizens of Montreal" were in
syt PRET‘iss•
Tou4I-1 ELL
ea ee
-if.) Up;
6.41), q
J. P. Morgan Subscribes
$1,000,000 to Loan
A despatch from Montreal says: -
Sir Frederick Williams -Taylor, gener-
al manager of the Bank of Montreal,
authorizes the announcement of a sub-
scription to the Victory Loan of $1,-
000,000 made by Messrs. J. P. Morgan
Company, New York, through Bank of
Montreal, their representatives.
It is believed that this is the first
direct subscription by Messrs. Morgan
to any of the public issues made by
the allies,
Many Trains Discontinued
By United States Railroads
New York, Nov. 2. -Sixty-one
trains on the various 'branches of the
Now York Central Railroad and nine
on the West Shore 'Railroad will be
discontinued temporarily to conserve
the fuel supply because of the coal
strike, it was announced officially
here to -day.
YOU 15A.C.i<
SO S 00N?
'(OU WERE el t
si-n-iiNK ON:
44114 4 .1
o`i4Pi;f1Y, I
Make Winter Navigation in
Gulf Practicable and Im-
prove Climate.
A despatch from London says: -A
line of fast steamers will shortly be
running fortnightly -from New York to
Liverpool, which will call at St. Sohn's,
Newfoundland, and Halifax, says a
statement by Sir Edgar Bowring,
High Commissioner for Newfound-
land, who hie just returned to London.
He added that Newfoundland was ex-
pecting help from the Imperial Gov..
ernment in the direction of more rapid
and frequent communication with
Britain. Newfoundland was consider-
ing a proposal, recently broached in
Canada, for blocking the Straits of
Belle Isle to make Winter navigation
in the Gulf practicable and improve
the climate of the eastern seaboard of
Canada and Newfoundland,
British Manufacturers Plan
To Increase Production
A dent:eh front London says: -The
Midland manufacturers, in conference,
are taking great interest in the prob-
lem of how best to increase production.
One scheme submitted involves notify-
ing employes of the decrease in out-
put. If no improvement is noted after
ten days the Board of Trade might be
called upon to make an investigation.
If in this event the employers are
found responsible, it is suggested that
a fine of .E50 sterling be enforced. If,
on the other hand, the decrease in out-
put is due to slackness on the part of
the employes, it is planned that a fair
percentage, in accordance with the de-
crease, be deducted from their wages.
The scheme also proposes that the
employer reward employes substan-
tially for any suggestion which may
lead to production being increased.
Marine mine e to the number of 800,-
000 were made in British factories; of
these only 180,000 were actually laid,
Postal deliveries on Sunday have
been abolished in France, that day
now being a holiday to all postal ser-
Food profiteering "speculators" In
tFwroanyceeai,sai.n liable to a fine of 5,000
francs ($1,000) and imprisonment for
The oldest vine in England, which
can still ripen tour hundred bunches
of grapes, is housed at Cumberland
Lod,u, iggeer sW ki seedy
than 1,000
jrer'sone in India last year; wolves
and bears accounted for 338 leopards
325; and crocodiles and alligators
104, Snakes headed the list with
22,600 victims,
Britain's Harvest Increase,
The corn harvest of 1918 in Britain
Was more than 2,000,000 tons larger
than that of 1914, wing potatoes also
mowed a big biomass,* in spire' of
Shortage of labor pied festilizerat
"Stripping cows between the thumb
, :and finger tends to dry them up," says
a young man in our neighbmihood,
"Take bold with your hand and milk,"
he says. "Mat Is the only way to do
a good job." Since I heard him say'
that I have li'een paying .some4itten-
tion, and I beli6ire he ie 'debt, _.4„