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The Seaforth News, 1919-10-30, Page 8
CLEAN AND SANITARY Nothing more restful than a hair -cut or shave in a clean surrounding. Try Shampoo for dandruff ter falling hair, or 'a ;'coat head wash.. if you have c:fased pores or blackheads. try eel ( Iwl Massage• \i.e guarantee to put shaving edge on your raozr. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th, W. ROBINSON, Propr. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, 0, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's biapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it! in five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. ga Papa's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It isthe surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. „Put an end to :stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty. tent ease of Pape's Y)iapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes hew needless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due to egressive acids in stomach. c CORRESPONDENCE I BAYFIELD Jack Atkinson and 'font Bailey of this place hail an experience last Fri - ,lay night that they do not wish to hit c repeater]. Putting out front Goderich in a motor boat about 10 P. 1I, they drifted about 'fake Huron all night:Next morning the anxious relatives instituted a search for them and at noon on Saturday they were located on the shore near Point ('lark, twenty miles front Goderich and ten miles from Kincardine. Bailey antlered front the exposure and was nearly exhausted when found but Atkinson seemed none the ,Furse for the experience, VARNA nit Wednesday last an interesting event took place at the home of. W. \I. Harburn, florist, when his eldest daughter, \li'.s Sarah 1 aviva was married to hir. NI:Lurie,' Ray John- ston eon of Mfr. Charles i,,hnstoll of Varna. a returned s.ddier. The eery tnoity- was pia•fc,rmed by the Rev Dr.\it.id Exeter. assisted by the Fe.- Fred i-larbnrn ni Tsui.. Nee \ •id: an to!, ."e ;,f the li :de -tile event rS ,r:neri tinder an arelt . f i Tnai l it - . , roan e t'.-.1 ,t;t:i the lac.. `i lie tt.n iio; mat,. nits played d by Niis Renee Leary try of Parkhill. khill a cousin of the bride, little an Johnston. sister .'f the groom ring hearer. The groom's pre- -eat to the bride was a beautiful ,eh s. t. With pearls, and to the Frost -!rarer a gold locket and chain THE SEAFORTH N EWS SALE NOTES Thursday, October 30th, 1919. Save yourself the time worry and incon- venience of collecting your sale notes by having this Bank do it for you. We will look after all payments when due and credit the amount paid to your account. Consult the Manager. SEAFORTH BRANCH, R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. neliassmierseeseweezieselzete 519 and to the pianist a gold pin set with pearls. The ' bride looked charming • in Duchess satin and Georgette crepe and silk embroidered veil and orange blossoms awl carried a bouquet of Richmond Roses. After -the cere- mony the bridal :party repaired to the dining room where dinner was serv- ed, - Guests were present front El- mira, Parkhill, London, !iu.higen, Seaforth, Varna, Staffs, Cromarty awl New \'ort State. A number of girl ft•ieard, r.1 the bride assisted at tin Mahle. The !ride was made the tt ceipcnt of a large manlier of pre- sents. Including a number of substan- tial cheottee. The bridal party nfot-. r.t c,l to the station and the happy ytnng couple took the evening cx- press to Flint, hfieb„ the house of the groom. P�� n t: Jri f T� PESCT "The Bridae, from War to Peaee95—.The Prince of wales. l t .r J F 'l%'.'t%iCr•, sir Tim 1 )[:STICtc':[i'+I +.w cANAr'A C^ffet' -Sr Public Subscription the n(`119©OO,OOOC 51/2% GoRd Bonds Bearing interest front November :,t, 010, and "tiered in two maturities,, the choice of which is optional with the snbs•rih.r cis faliowe: 5 year Bonds due November let 1924 15 year Bonds due November let, 1934 Principal patch's r i charge at the (.Attie c f the Minitel of Finance and Receiver General at t. ttaw'a, or at the Otiirt tt . Asidit.aut Pecei e. General at Halifax, St, John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Rttu at. C:l ary and \ fi'ts,ria. Bends may be regi t end ci' to pri:aciprl or ;:s to principal and interest, as hereinafter provided, at any of the ab:•e-mentdr.,ted r.fri . Interest payable. t i h r eh: -a. half -yearly, May 1-t and November 1st, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bath. Principal and Interest 1'ay tthl.r in Cold. Denominations: S50, $100, $500, and $1,000 Ilsstte Prices 1©1JAnd Accrued In.terest, w•ds li The proceeds of the. Loan will be ,*tier t..;} pay indebtedness btedness incurred and to meet expenditures to be made in connection with densotr.'a.a',o,a ,,including the nutltor .,ed war service gratuity to our soldiers land sot tic lent Imam, ori erhar r•ua ose : const testi v i 1l their re ;t :lslishment jute civil life), fC.J for capital erti :las tenon ; llipbuJtcli£t tmu] other national tmtiei i kitlllS fnrming part of Canada's industrial reconstruction srruction pro -rat t,.,e, ,old for the a st.a}.lishtnetdt of any neces- sary credits for the pnr'elt:.dse of grain, for:isttatt's, Limber -and other prea:ittcts, and will be spent wholly in Canada. it , ho wade a follows: t,&.aoe lIeectnitter 1+r1 A to l 2W-70 Jane'tv It, 1920: pit February i Crit, ..1„!; .,1 «l March, 0th. 1020. r a' t e r 1 c t f pr n it I -J.11c1 1.219; reprieetniing accreted interest at 51 mr, `a d of tif.;r cps instalments } ul l at v u' _,n '+t t / i making the cost of the bonds 100 and interest. S t-,e:riptiees teee peid . t i Ali it the. tirtht of application at 100 without interest, or on any instal - Mem * I- e dato thereafter.ler +1aecrued t-terest at the rate of 5l$% per annum. Thin Leen n 4e ;-.e.tse rized to •:i Ac;:ef the I-arliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a cherge upon the Cs.t 3 It_, er,ue Fund. a i mn r l r '; s , i : , ,n t s)_t 00$1 0.xAtti4ve of the amount ttif any) paid for by the surrender of bonds of _:: eviou r The Mit i r ,:1 Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part :t the amount ..abseribed in crcese of 8000,000,000. • Payments All cheque.5, drafts, etc., covering instaime qts are to be made payable to the Credit Of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions other than those paid in full en application must he accom- panied bya deposit of l0" of the amount subscribed, Official Canvas erg will forward subscriptions or any branch Ill Canada of any Chartered Bank will accept subscriptions and issue receipts. • Subscriptions may he paid in full at time of application at 1110 without interest, or on any instalment . due date thereafter, together with accrued interest to time of makhtg, payment in fall Under this provision, payment of subscriptions may let made as follows; - • If paid in full on or before November 15th, 10l0, par without interest or 1(10` e. If remaining instalments paid on Dee, Otte le Is, balance of l4I end interest 090.52 per $100). It remaining instalments rail on. tan. 9th, 1ee0, balance c,f i13 ,. and interest -(370.84 per $100). If remaining instalments f eirl en Feb. bills, 1eeo, ; t anti r,f 50' , and intcre i {,.51.00 per $100). if remaining instalment paid on Mar. 9th, 1920 balanus of 30 "c and interest (031.21 per $100). Payment of instalments or payment in full race November 15th, 1019, can he made only on an instal- ment due slate,. Denomination and Registration Bearer bonds, with coupons, will be issued in denomination of $50, $100, $500, and 81,000. and may be registered as to principal. The first coupon attached to these bonds will he due on May 1st, 1920. Fullyregteter>.d bonds. the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of 3500. $1,000, 15,000 810,000, 025,0110, $50,000, $100,000, or any multiple of $100,000. Payment of Interest A full half -year's interest at the rate of 5ldi% per annum will be paid May 1st, 1920. Form of Bond and Delivery Subscribers must indicate on their applications the form of bond and the denominations required, and the securities so indicated will be delivered by the bank upon payment of subscriptions in full. Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for delivery at the time of application to subscribers desirous of making; payment in full. Bonds registered as to principal only, or fully registered as to principal and interest, will be delivered to subscribers making payment in full, as soon as the required registration can be made. Payment of all instalments must be made at the bank originally named by the subscriber. Non-negotiable receipts will be furnished to all subscribers who desire to pay by instalments. These receipts will be exchangeable at subscriber's bank' for bonds on any instalment date when subscription is paid in full. All receipts must be exchanged before 1st June, 1920. Form of Bonds Interchangeable Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Receiver General Forms of application may be obtained from any Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof, or from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Subscription Lists will close on or before November 15th, 1919 DEPARTMENT Os FINANCE, OTTAWA, October 27th, 1919. Keep Canada9s Farms and Fact A large of friends assembled at the train to see the young people off and to wish them happiness in their new home, DUBLIN Mr. and Airs. Beaton left on Thur- sday to visit Toronto and Niagara Falls. While here they were the guests of 'Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Loopy, Mr. John Burns -shipped 800 bas- kets of pears on Wednesday and still has quite a lot to ;hip. St. Patrick's chtn'ch and Presby- tery has been repainted and shows quite an improvement. A mnnben front here motored to London to see the Prince and were notch pleased with his happy smile. On Thursday evening at St. Ifarye Anglican church there will be an ad- dress on "rite Life of St. Paul to the End t,f Itis Second Missionary Jour- ney." The address will be illustrated with lantern slides. Silver collection. The brickwork ,til the house that Mr. P. Staplet,'ii is building, has been completed.. \h•. P. F. Iletin is manager of the branch of the St:nt4taro Rank which has an of flee open iii Staffs on Tues- day, and Fridays. lit. C. Gies is in riiaarge of the branch at Iiradhageti t 5, S. tearl„-r; attended the teal'hire' convention grin ilt Stret- ford on Thursday and Friday, CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of South Huron: I Irish to express the most sincere gratitude to the Electors who so gen- erously and nobly supported the on October 20th, To the great army of men and women who worked unceas- ingly during the campaign, T extents my hearty thanks. The best service I can render shall be yours during toy term office. Yours, A. Hicks. AUCTION SALE There will lie sold at my premises ei Railroad r;ad St.. Seaforth, on Saturday, November 8th, 1919. t 1 a','l, cic sharp, the following art- icles;- 1lt)1dS1 rye.. -I Brown team one'1 yrs., tie 10 yrs,; 1 brown marc, 7 yrs. old: 1 bare Is nee.: years old: I dappled xray dririnc hare, ti years old: 1 Mit rising 3 yrs. old sired by Todd; 1 gelding risinc" 2 years, sired by 1'rnitl. I\11'I E\(EN15 1 Massey Harris bicolor; 1 na wei, 5t , foot cut; ]steel h•t. risk. Ill.'s ev Harris 11 line rill With seeder attached, nearly rr n: 1 ettltirat,,t 1 ccuffier; 1 sett t),tnfond harrows: 1 sod plough; 2 c Akio;: lough: 1. steel roller: 1 rub - her tire buggy; 2 cutters: 2 gravel boxes; 2 coal boxes: 2 hay racks; 2 team waggons; 1 dray waggon; 1 spring waggon; 2 sett Manitoba sleighs with centre shoeing on them: I sett Knee sleighs; 1 flat to go on sleighs: l wood rack: 1 ice box; 2 sett of train harness. 1 sett single harness; 1 portable forge; 2 oat box- ee; 1 iron kettle; 1 bay fork; 150 ft. of rope, fork", shovels and other ar- ticles, .\len household Furniture. TEA; MS-- 111 sums of $10 or tinder rash. Over that amount 6 months credit will be given on approved joint notes. 7 per cent non anon= off for cash. 'PHO\i,\s BRO'\VN, Auctioneer; Ti. 5. I' \RNETT, Proprietor. DISPERSION SALE Of Registered Shorthorns.—D. M. McKay has instructed Capt. Robson to sell by public auction at the farm of Itis brother, Mn, Peter McKay, Lot $, Concession 6, H. R. S. Tucker - smith, on Thursday; November, I3th at 1.30 o'clock, his entire 'herd 'of 20 Scotch Topped Registered Short- horns, with some calves at foot. There will also be offered for sale at the saute time form the herd of Mr. Peter McKay, 1 young registered cow, 2 two year old Registered heif- ers, and 5 yotmg Registered,_ bulls, ranging in age front 10.to 19 months. Ali these bulls were sired by, the im- ported, "Conqueror" The 20 head are all females` and some have been bred to Imported Conqueror. ,Terms, Six Months credit on furnishing ate; proved joint notes. Six per cent per annum off for cash.. For particulars and catalogues ap- ply to `Peter McKay, R.R. No. ' 4, Seaforth, or phone 8 on 131. BIRTHS lfl'T'1'ON--.\t 1\Talton on October 18th, to Rev. and Ill's, J, ltnria4), a daughter. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a t'uult will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voter's Lists Act by His ifonour the ,iudge of the Comity. Court of the County of Huron at the Town Heli, Seaforth, on Friday. the Fourteenth Flay of November 1916 at the hour of I(1 o'clock A. AI. to hear and determinie complaints of errrn•s and nm ultissions ill the Voter's Lists of the Municipality of II.cKillop for 1919. ih iiurdie, Clerk of McRiflop, Seaforth P. O. FARMER'S NOTICE t\ionthly. meeting, Farmers' Club, Carnegie Library Hall, \\'eainiestlay evening, November 5th at 8.15. Members owing dues ,are requested to pay same to the Secretary or at. the Store by Nov. 8th as list will he mailed to Head office after tight date, \, R. i)orrance, G. 1), Hearne Sec-Treas. President HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR Sale House of S rooms and 3 lots. with large -barn and fruit trees. \i. s,:; two heaters t base burners), and a piano case organ. --Apply to Mrs. A. G. Stiles, Goderich Street. MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted --.a few ' girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. Sanford Mfg. Co Seaforth. Phone 59. ACCOUNTS—For convenience T have placed my accounts with Ii R. iOHN RANKIN, Kindly settle with mint as 1 need the Money. ;111 accounts not paid by Nov. 15th will be placed in other hands for colter - JOHN' I-fcN,\V. CREAM WANTED Send your cream to us and receive top prices. We are running our plant the year through and can handle your full supply anti furnish you with cans.' We pay twice monthly and weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully. Our motto is "Honesty to our Patrons." Patrons are requested to return all our cans when not in use. . Butter and Buttermilk also on hand and for sale at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. it 1 s- 122 Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor Sold only in sealed packages l;.r urn,. sC,p ke Every ; * : ; Cou FOR the salesman, collector, con- tractor --tile man who "must get there"—the Ford Runabout. Through the traffic of the city, over rough country roads to the outlying town, the Ford Runabout travels rapidly and economically. Pord Ttunabout $000. Touring $000; Oa open mquipmentodelsis $1the 00 Electriextra.c Electing and Lighting E Coupe, $975. Sedan, $5,176. (Closed model prices include Electric Starting and Lighting equipment). Demountable rims, tire carrier and non -slid tires on rear as optional equtp- mont on closed cars only at $25,00 extra. Theso prices ere f. o. b, Ford, Ontario and do not include War Tux. Buy only Genuine Foi'B'Purta 700 Canadian dealers and ever 2,000 Service Garages supply them. 121 J. F. DALY — — — Dealer — — — SEAFORTH COOK BROS. — — — Dealers — — — HENSALL Our OttO9 " Qahty Firt'9 •rr• 1 �e e have on hand i 7, 'eS to dispose of at $2.40 per 100 lbs. This is a good buy at this time, but present market conditions indicate that you must act quickly. t Ther is a treat in store for our customers this week as the following list will prove: Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkts 25c. Forest City Bak. Powder glass jar 85c, Lipton's Tea, black or mixed i%fib 35c, lf_uffed Wheat, pkt. 14c. Royal Excelsior Dates pkt. 20c, None Such Stove Polish bottle 15c Corn rooms 88c each 'class Washboards 65c each. Scrub Brushes, Bass Scrub Brushes, fibre Quart Sealers Galvanized Pails 1 fr f 9 LIMITED H. Distributing Warehouse Not l 24c each 15c each 125 doz. 85c each i (Phone Cts) Seaforth, t