HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-10-30, Page 5Thursday, October 30th, 1919. SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people of .. Canada practise these essentials, our great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save and prosper. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 12s. Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager ,tamer Jentaireseegionseassmassetotemat We J. Walker Ueierlaker and Embalmer W. J. Walker, holder of gov. er•mtient Diploma and License DayNight or N ght cola receive our prompt pttsntiou Day ,1' -hone 67 Night " rel CENTRAL G,f STRATFORD. The largest and best Com- mercial nercial School iuWestern 1 Ontario, We give individual in- structionaud students may enter cur Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Departments at any. time We assist graduates to pos- itions. Write for our free cata- logue and learn the nature of our work. D. A. McLACHAN, Principal SE&Fo1ST H YIARtf ET Good Milling Wheat , $1.9u + Oats . u Barley ......................-...,... gr, . Brain per ton .................. 10.011 l Shorts per ton ...........................4 1 Flour............ Slitter.........4; oU . K .. ............1, —45 Hoge to farmers ............. 15 DO For Sale House and half acre of _land in the village of Egmonlville. The property lie situated on Centre •Street, olose to I the Presbyterian Church and is known II as the Arreell 'property. Good com- furtablo house, good shed, good well and etoneut cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes. This is a corner pre• perky with no breaks on front, and the and is i 111 aU l Ate Ustate of mdtivation. This is ti' Moo property for a retired harmer anti the taxes are light. icor particular's apply on the promisee or to John Rankin, Seaforth. To investors ril Guaranteed Mortgage investment Certificate, is- sued by she Trust & Guar- antee- Co, Ltd.—Toronto bearing J p. c, interest payable semi-annually is oneof the best and safest investments offering today MI information cheerfully, given, JOHN RANKIN Special Representative ,Iain Street, Seaforth ,'hone 91 a N. 13. — Bonds and De- bentures including all is. sues of War iiuncls, bought and sold. f'l - f r ag ESL„a7 , 9 LI RCt, r i t if the Children need Rubbers, bring them here, DON'T THINK OF GOING ANYWHERE ELSE We have all styles, sizes and cuts in ehildren's Rubbers. Remember, please that we have, ,'i ,a, aid styles ofS�hiidren's Waterproof Shoes, to afford protection to the Children's feet during the bad -walking that always come at this Season. S The Home of Good Shoes Seaforth, Ont. The Old Store with the New Stock, Sl; I 111 al Ii s1 vt at IT I ro the Ila vis Sur wa pro JJT0wQTO;K$J m nor rte. num. ; r.r...4.nu....0rO The High Cost of. I iving.-Ecou- onty is the .word today. Make your old garments do instead of ,purchas- lug new ones. Have them dry cleaned and pressed. Dry cleaning, when properly done, lengthens the life of the garments, preserves their new appearance and acts as a disin- fectant. Unsanitary wearing apparel often cause the sickness and death of people, due to germs. Clothing should be cleaned at frequent inter- vals. 'My Wardrobe, Goderich St. Seaforth, opposite Queen's Hotel. Mr. David W1sot of Beamsvillc spent, Stanley at the home of his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. 'Wilson. Mr. Wilson has been transferred to the Brantford branch of the Bank of Commerce. Mrs, W. It, Goldhawk and family intend I caving on Thursday for -Thorold where Mr. Goldhawk has a p sition. l'roir to their departure Mrs. A. L, Porteus, on behalf of her Sunday school class presented Miss Hilda Goldhawk with a Bible, \irs. Tenant of !mean and Mrs. IRev,) \\'aihim. of .11eafi,rd were guests at the home of Mrs. W. D. Bright. Mr. and lits. Acheson of (.;odea' ich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ). C Greig. Captain Edwards tr,ok Annivers- ary services in Exeter on Sunday and Dr. Medd conducted the services here. Rev. aid Mrs. 'Tiunas drown have itttuntd to the rectory after :Mend- ing their vacation with relatives. hirs. Lewis and Mrs. :McLeod of hittiitowaning are visiting Mrs. W. "uthgate. The many t fricue i, of Mr. will be pleased to learn that! i is improving. Mr. and airs. William McMillan id family who spent the summer lie have returned to Toronto. Mr, A. Ketches has returned from wilding a few days in Exeter. Mr. F. Faulkner of Toronto is a sitor at his home here. Mrs. A. Ross of Winghaut is a vis - w at the home. of Dr. H. H. Ross. Mrs. George Goninlock is a visitor the home of her brother. Mr. F. ohnsteatl. Mrs. James and Miss Marlow of rt Worth, Texas, are visitors at home of bir, and Mrs. R. S. Ys, (Ir. W. D. i-Ioag JI\\'eoeNvg,e.n Mr. W. Knechtel was a week -end icor from Stratford. Frs. Forest of McKillop spent May with Mrs. R. Archibald, IN. C. R. Somerville of London s .t visitor at the home of her ther, Mr. J. A. Wilson. rev. D. Carswell ad fancily left week for 'Toronto where they I spend the winter fr. afac'Tavish i moving into the residence on (oclt rt h st. which °I he recently pure -hosed front \L•. E. McFall!, Mr. and Mrs. W. Somerville spent. the week-endu, Toronto. \\ a are glad to say that the item regarding the illness of Mr. Robert Pell at \ioasejaw .,is not correct, as mentioned last week. Mrs. Rick and baby daughter of Hillsdale Mich., are visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Webb, and her sister Mrs. W. .Montgomery, Mensal!. Miss Iva Twitzel who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. C. Golding during the summer, has re- turned to Brandon. Mrs, R. G. Webb left on Saturday for Hensel', wheresheintends spend - nig the winter. A large number form town spent Thursday in London, the occasion of the Prince's visit, 1 thi. wil f int OTHER TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Casnuine: Aspirin If reit rte..) ti..rer ("Toss" on 1i+.• xttin,* i (;et)) •blit• , t Aspirin" are new .nuu't' in v•:aa,;:a tri , tan:Wdien ('ou)penv. No H,•rn?at 'sr. whet - ever, all rights britt tsi .'9.;e-...1 from the United States ftoveranient, Ihu•ing the win'. twirl Mtn., dens were: sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various other containers. Th.. "lR tv er cross" f& } your only pay of knowing that you are getting ,enunie Aspirin, proved safe by: millions tin' neadarbe, Neuralgia, Colds, I Rheum" titom Ltu nb tv,te, Neuritis, and for Pain genorallIr. %Tandy ter hexes of 12 tabled;—also larger mimed "Bayer" packages can be had at drug stores Aspirin is the I. rude mark (registered in Canada); of Bayer .Man,ifitetnre of Monoaoetictteiilestei' of Selicylieaeid. TF{E SEAFOiRTH NEWS Mr. Robert McIntosh is moving into the apartments in the Beattie Block formerly occupied by al r. Goldhawk. McIntosh 13ros. have sold their garage to Mitchell and Son of Lis - to wel. is-towel. Mrs. James McKay of .Egmond- was a delegate to the Sunday School Convention in Toronto, Arra. D. T..l_„ McKerr•ol of Toronto was the guest of Mrs, F. H. Larkin at the manse„ AIr. Swaliwell of Toronto is act- ing as teller in the Bank of Com- merce in the place of Mr. Abraham who is in the Stratford hospital hav- ing an operalionperformed on his throat. • Dorenwenll's superb display of Hair Goods zit the Commercial Hotel on Wednesday, November 12th, will include a showing of their newest and finest styles for hath ladies and gentlemen, Advice on anything per- taining to the hair is offered to those attending this display. St. Thomas' church intend holrlinir a bazaar on Thursday November, meats later. lc 20th. Watch for further auuounce- A meeting was held in the town , Hail 0,, Tuesday evening when 111 r. For Infants and Children I i McAvov of Toronto spoke in Odra)+ in Use For Over of the Victory Loan. The monthly Iii nn•ss meeting of the Red Cross Sorcts will hr held in the Carnegie i.ibrary on Thursday afternoon, Nov. nth, at .i o'clock. in- stead of 4 as -usual. 511 Reel Cross workers are especially inviter) to at- tend. HURON NEWS An•auto accident occurred in Wing hart on Al on day Morning last when an Ault) collider) with a bicycle in front of the Chinese laundry, and it should prove a warning to autoists of the great danger in driving at a reckless rate along• a public thor- onghfare. An auto drivel, by Mr. hiealnen of .lnr"itbeiry travelling to the north and the hieccle of Russell "l'c vitt going smith crashed into not over as far as he could have gone but a turned to the right while the autoist turned to the left in meeting hitt As son as Mr. Aleahen saw the danger he wheeled the auto with such speed toward the curb that it turned Over completely, but lint until after it had struck the bicycle. The alrti, and bicycle were )both damaged and Mrs. SNecker who wa, travelling) with her son had a couple of ribs fractured and was rusher) to they Wingham Hospital and Russell Ter -'1 vitt was badly bruiser) and cut about i the legs. face and body and was driv- en honer by ink father. HIBBERT The Council stet on (J,tnbe,• 'l t Members all present, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Ur amounting to 52751,41 were issued on the Treasurer. The conned then ad- journed to meet nn Monday, the 24th of November at 1 o'clock, P. M. James Jordan, Clerk, Seaforth Leading Music Store If you want a strictly honest deal, give us a chance to show you ,,u, goods and talk business. You are likely to buy a piano or phonograph once in a life time and make up your Look at the tongue, mother) If mind that if you buy a Bell or it coated, your little one's stomach, liver GourIay instrumentand bowels f o.+d cleansing you will never When peevish, Bross, listles,atdoesu't regret your investment, All you sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever - have to do to prove it is ask those!ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore who are possessors of the sante or, throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a any high class musician, teaspoonful of `California Syrup of We are sole agents for the Bell Pigs,. and in a few hours all tits foul, consand the Gourley Pianos for Seaforth sour tyiileegggeently movundigested sto t i f its srlland ittle Territory and will delivergoods free bowels without griping, and you have a of charge up to a radius of fifty "tiles.- well, playful child again. Ask your DON'T FORGET THE SPOT Ire 'at for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full Opposite the Bank of Commerce, directions for babies, children of all ages J'OHNATHAN E. HUGILL and for grown-ups. Always bears the Signature of The Bowel itu,;i. Net licaihily. L) 11r,t ailments the tide cart of the medical man is to see that the' bowels are open ,mrd fully pert fru- g un,. their ,ricin ins. I'm ntcloe's \ c„ - t .able Pills are set coni, omoiled that uigrml its m there act t the bow - medicine solelyand ibev are the very btst� medicine available to produce heal- thy action of the bowels. Indeed. there in no other spcciliso err service- able ab,t m iteepin 1 h diL;r;tor organs iu hea44hfni action. ;•; GIVE "SYRUP OF PIGS TO CONSTIPATED -CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative” can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. Dorenwend's,Oeautifnl Hair Goods Display, .\t THE COMM hRt.l.\L hurl). on WEDNESDAY, NM!, 12th will he of special interest to men and ivoo en in nee,) of anytihing in hairg,.od.. OUR SPECIALTIES TRANSFORMATIONS, POMP- ADOURS, SWITCHES for Ladies and TOUPES and WIGS for Gentlemen _\ visit to our shows -001n will not obligate you to purchase. Appoint- ments arranger) at residences ii desired. DORENWFND'S Limited Head Office: 105 YOUNGE ST. TORONTO Special Oer for Parmars I am buying all kinds of [Dik 1lily I have a great stock of second..hand Water .pipes and shaftings for sale. Naftofln Seaforth, Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House STRAND Thurs. - Fri. a Sat. " f•'lle llaniiltoii" IN On A aosn., - -.zssvcrara� c; 9 Oth Chapter of 6cm 6 he Lure of the I rr s ' Only two more Charters Get in For Them r 15 c 8.15 F. 111 . WHEN YOUR HEALTH FAILS ALL IS LOST When your good health leaves you then you lose energy, ambition and the desire to succeed in life. dingsragem tfhatrom are wordaytoth whileday. do not interest you and you Mat Th Don't give tip; Don't Weaken, do not be discouraged be- cause outer medicines have failed to benefit you, here is nue athatgain wbeill StrBuoildng Upantand igorStreous— ngthen the Body so that you wilt Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy It takes today "that tired feeling" and brings back the rosy ehrenku of your younger days. Health. Strength and Vitality are yours if you lc -ire them, get few boxes of Backings heart and Nervi. Remedy fro:" your dealer lrtday, and give thein a fair trial. It Is the blaster Toni!: and 'lathier that will succeed when ..: hers bare fail,'1. Mrs. II, 11u) It Olin of Wine:heci v rims as follow lIt'lcia s I , t i utd Nu•c,. Rene-ls hasl ),e woad,"lot' nu 1 .v;ts o t tt , 1 rent )t .t Complete Ne: vousBreakdown. could not sleap nor plan my II'm.,ehold- duties; for years stilh'red with lily )veil an M ut5 News •nd tiled nuts eonl•( do little fur his, I t to„ liar ki is Heart and Nerve It+'ore lv. on the reeonnu.udatiun of one of nn h•ictels _After tikin!, the host box I improved so much in health that I toot( th.' full treatment of six boxes amt am ut''w feeling s. much better that I tunable to return to my work with renown d vigor. I ant glad that I have at last found a medicine that has done use s•) -suneh good." Ilackutg's heart, cad Nerve Remaly sells for ,iOc a box 3 `for 2.10It your Druggist does not have it he will be glad to get it fur yi, or we wilt be ;lad to sped It to you by mail post paid. Insist on llacking's. HACKING'S LIMITED, 1! Listowel, Ont. 1' 1A Present --I N— i r),,tt't fail to s e this win ome little s : r vi ho came frcm Austt.il;a to capture the hearts of all American theatre - i rs here ill:'tt MON. — TUES. WED.