HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-10-23, Page 5,.y
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Thursday, October 23, 3919.
The companions of Victory are
Work and Thrift. If the people of
Canada practise these essentials, our
great problems of reconstruction can
be settled to the mutual benefit of all.
Don't waste! Save and prosper.
Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager
Wt J. Walker
W. J. Walker, tickler of gov-
ertnuent Diploma and License
Day or Night cal:s receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone b7
Night c8
The largest and best Com-
mercial School in Wester't
Ontario. We give individual in-
structionand students may enter
cur Commercial, Shorthand, or
Telegraphy Departments at any
time. We assist graduates to pos-
itions. Write for our free cata-
logue and learn the nature of our
D. A. McLACHAN, Principal
Good iVlilling Wheat ............... $2.1u
• Oats .. .................,.......,.., ti
Bran per ton ..................30.00.....
Shorts per ton ................ .........41
flogs to farmers ................. l7 00
For Sale
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, oleo to
the Presbyterian Church and is known
as the Peweell property, Good com-
fortable hoose, good shed, good well
and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes, This is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a nice property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
partic•ilars apply on the promises or to
,f oltu Rankin, Seaforth.
o investors
A Guaranteed Mortgage
Investment Certificate, is-
sued by the Trust& Guar-
antee Co. Ltd.—Toronto
bearing :A- p, C. interest
payable semi-annually is
oneof the best and safest.
investments offering today
All information cheerfully
Special Representative
Main Street, - lSeaforth
Phone 91 a
N. B. — Bonds and De-
bentures including all is-
sues of War Bonds, bought
and sold.
I - Lam)
If the Children need Rubbers, bring
them here.
We have all styles, sizes and cuts
Children's Rubbers.
Remember, please that we have, also, all
styles ofehiidren's Waterproof Shoes, to
afford protection to the Ohildren's feet
during the bad walking that always come
at this Season.
Seaforth, On
..a t...
The Nome of Good Shoes
The Old Store with the New Stock.
Hama, tI piny— .OIimax•..a R.....oi4
0....s4 paw
11 Town T®picsk
The High Cost of Living. -Econ-
omy is the word today, Make your
old garments do instead of purchas-
ing new ones. Have them dry
cleaned and pressed.. Dry, cleaning,
when properly done, lengthens the
life of the garments, preserves their
new appearance and acts as a disin-
fectant. Unsanitary wearing apparel
often cause the sickness and death
of people, due to germs. Clothing
should be cleaned at frequent inter-
vals. My Wardrobe, Goderich St.
Seaforth, opposite Queen's Hotel
Miss Belle Ballantyne has return-
ed to her school in Walton,
Miss Rose Dorsey who visited
\rill her sisters; the Misses Dorsey,
has returned to Hamilton,
Mrs. W. Oughton and two daugh-
ters have returned from Toronto ac-
companied by Mrs. John Sclater and
Mr. Stewart Marshall has rented
the house belonging to Mrs. R, Wil-
lis at present occupied by Mr. An-
drew Scott.
Mrs, Fowler of i4lathers, Man.,
was a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E, Hinchley.
Mr. A. T. Craig spent the week-
end in Toronto, Alias II. T. Graham
acting as org'tulet in his absence.
Mr. Peter Kerr has returned to
Mrs. Dr. M,dligan of Grand Forks;
North Dakota, is visiting her mother
Lieut. Pearson Grieve spent the
A very pretty wedding was solemn
iced on October 4th, at the home of
Mt, and Mrs. M. Dalton, Winnipeg,
when Anne Kosselle Isang, youngest
slaughter of Mr. K. S. Lang of Tor-
onto was united in marriage to .Rob-
ert M. '!refrain of Winnipeg. The
bride looked charming in a suit of
navy blue velour cloth with solthses
seal trimmings opening over a shell
pink georgette' blouse. . She wore a
French pink model bat to match and
carried pink tea roses. Mr. and Mrs.
Meliain-will .spend their honeymoon
in Minneapolis and Chicago and will
reside on their return to Winnipeg in
the Maple Leaf apts., Ft, Rouge.
Miss I:.ang is a former Exeter girl,
having spent her childhood days
a delightful evening,, the proceeel
week -cud at his home here,
Miss Hazel Thompson and Miss
Madge Stewart have returned after
spending a few days in Lisinwel.
Janes' Church, Seaforth, on Oct.
14th, 'xMargaret, daughter of Mr.
Robert Devereaux, to MI r. Thomas
H. Kelly.
Guelph, on October 11th, by Rev.
Dr, MacGillivray, Agnes Florence,
youngest daughter of the late Jas.
O. Cleghorn an airs. Cleghorn of
Guelph, to Stephen B. Stothers; B.
S. A., of Clinton, son ofthe,late lir.
Stothers sad Mrs. Stothers of
'9th, i uteh chapel of the First 1'
byteriau church, Bntfaln. by
Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, father of
groons,Florcnce I. Misner o£ I.
faits, to Ernest H. Jolliffe, B, A
. of
A meeting will be held the
Tuesday Evening, October 28th
at 8 P. M.
A Prominent speaker from 'I" rc.nt
will give an address.
FOND--SINCLAIR--Li Goderich, Path; views of the 1isit of
ml October 15th, by Rey. .1. F. the I riere of Wales will 1lsrt be
Reycroft, Isabel, daughter of Mr. shown.
and Mrs. William Sinclair of Stan- ADMISSION FREE
ley to Richard Bond of Goderich ._..: -____
MITCHELL—At Soutie, Man., on
October 7th, Airs. Robert Mitchell,
sister of Airs. G. it. Hanley of f,on-
Bon Road.
BECKER -In Clinton, on Oct. 12th,
Carolina Rentgen, wife of Jacob
Becker, in her 59th year.
Cr:BRIEN---In Stratford. nn Oct. til.
P J. O'Brien, brothel of the late
1drs. T. McQuade. T. O'Brien of Tuckrretniitlt. ,le er made a had man.
The Annual Thank Offering meet, -1 ROBERTS--On 5untay, October ADMISSION 25c
int; of the Woman'sMissionary Soc-I 13th• in Stratford. Robert hugers. RIr.SF R\"AII 35e
seri will he held in the First Presby- HURON NEWS . Plan opens at ABERHART'S DRUG
.18th ,Feeschurch on Tuesday October STORE on Saturday, October 18th.
llrs. T. Beacom: Clinton, widow of
ofth, vvhett MTrs. D. T, n,. reerro(' JOHN BE 1TTII't. Chairman.
of Toronto; who is an interesting the late Thomas Beacom was f nal
dead yesterday by hersou in"law j 1. O. MTCI T T \, Treasurer.
speaker, will give an sesistss. She.. li,c L.T. i)eL \CEV. Secretary.
just returner! from assisting •tori!- .James Dnufnrd.
Airs )no n+
es in the West in connection wills g°nr to lxer house early ul tit" HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR
afternoon but being unable t 'gain the Forward ie has est, • i v, -tic. Ilea ae of S rooms and , lots.
admittance concluded that Afrs Ilca-
lfr, A. has moved into the I with Luse. barn and fruit trier,. "1l -
cottage on North 'Main St. which r'om was our and returned boor. r\
he recently purchased from Mr. R. couple of hours later he went bars: two heaters (base burner I. and a
and still being unable to make any- Puns' C t' org.ut, ;Apply t'' Mrs.
7Tcnrlersone hear began to investigate and A. G. Stiles, Goderich Street.
Miss ,SpSparks has returned from
Stratford. 2t' finding that both doors were lock -
The Boy Scouts connected with ed on the inside, a way was forced in.
the Presbyterian Sunday School at- Mrs. Beacom was found lying beside
tended divine service in a body last
her bed. She was in her night cloth -
Sunday morning when Dr. Larkin es. The doctor stated that she had
gave an address. The officers are been dead some hours, The funeral
President, Mrs. C. Brodie: vice pyesis took place last Saturday afternoon to
dent. Mrs. McIntosh; Beaver Patrol, the Clinton cemetery.
Stanley Nickel; Eagle Patrol, KeithMr. Thomas Pritchard, manager
Stogdill; Fox Patrol, Hector Hays; '.t trite Goderich Mercantile Co., user
re -
Wolf Patrol, W. Lung; Tnstuctora, with an accident last wee!: which \\'. Lung, C. Stogdill. The organ- stilted in a painful injury, yet might
izetion has an initial membership of
have resulted much worse, than it
thirty five. was. While he seas working at a
lir. P. wt. Iloag of T-Iagcrsville planer his hand came in contact
with the knives a
spent a few days at his hone lastand a small peke
week, end of three fingers was taken of1'.
Mr. W. A. Walker has returned to It was a happy company Ihat
the basement of the
Nets T.nndon. Vie-
M. Edwards of Chicago was tnria street Methodist church, C n ler-
the guest of Mire. Tulin Sproat, it'll at the annual hot sapper. n by
Airs. James Graves is visiting rel- the Ladles' Aid on Thanksgiving
atives in \Yingham, P•ay. Considering the many attrar-
lif .and Mrs. Leslie Scott have re- thous given that evening, the gather -
turned from a visit to Hamilton. Mg was a great success. The supper
The Referendum held in the conn- it goes without saying—was esrel-
ty gate a majority of about 15,000 lent. Th e' programme presented af-
to No. leeward in the auditorium of the
\large and instructive union meet -
church was of a very high order.
ins; in connertiou,evith the referee_ Miss Elizabeth Wilson. late of its -
dun was held in the M[ethoilist se: High School, who eery crecntiy
church at the close of the ordinary has been, appointed to missionary
services on Sunday evening at which worts in China, was heard with gent
. in aid of "Boy Scouts,"
The Galt Maple Leaf Quartette
wall present in
Friday, October, 24th, 1919.
their famous prr,;;ralilille of
Come and spend a profitable evening
and help the Roy:. ,\ good Scout
excellent actresses were given by Me, pleasure in her readings, and _her
Joint 1Cc1Ta.. lir, T M[ \\'ilsnn and brother, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson. also
my. \\Fiartry delighted the audience by enittribut-
tlfrs. Pequgnet of Toronto is visit- tug two solos. Both were cordially
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tr. S. welcomed by many who knelt them
Gamlen. in the days when their father, Rev.
Mrs. T. Rowley and her son of Jasper Wilson, was pastor - of the
Port Huron are calling on friends North street slouch. Excellent sal -
hi thisvicinity. es were rendered by Mfrs. Glover
Miss M. Johnston has returned and Mamie Warrener. Another tal-
frone the Millinery openings in Tor ented soloist was Miss Jean Chap-
man, and the Victoria street veteran,
Mfrs. W. D. Johnston hes disposed William Swaffield, showed in his
of her handsomeresidence On James solo, that though far past the four -
St. to Mr. G. D. C, Hare, score mark in age, lie had not lost
Miss S. Govcnlock is spending a his power of clear sweef..one Miss
few days with friends in Stratford. Jewell, a wee tot from Colhonr,m,
Miss Dorothy Morsot of Toronto recited a chanting little selection
was a visitor at the hone of Mr. and and Elsie and Edith, the tslee,te,!
.lir.. T, lf. Best. Young slaughters of Mr. !v inilart,
Miss Kerr of Clinton spent Mon- gavc two recitations The pastor.
da' with friends here. Rev. J. F, Reycraft, presided in his
Mr. Robert Bell is ill in Moose_ usual happv manner,. :U1 :old it was
jaw. lir C F. S. Garden had a stroke Seatfortil Leading
on Saturday lint is recovering Isis MUSIC
voice again. Store.
Canvassers will call upon you. for •
sehscriptirme to the Navy League of If yon want a strictly honest deal.
Canaria oil Saturday. give us a chance to shrn' you our
Miss Norma TTarh•y has returned goods and talk business. Yon are
from Toronto, likely to buy a piano or phonograoh
Mr, and lairs, T. A, Stewart and
Miss A. Stewart leave returned front
a visit to St. Marys.
Sergeant John Warwick is visiting
friencds in Woodstock
Sergt. A. Clark left on Tuesday for
Vancouver after visiting at the home
of Mrs. Jolu, Warwick.
.aft. Willard Elliott has accepted a
position in Windsor.
isle'. and Mrs. L. B. Kruse of Galt
are visitors at the home of Mrs. W.
Miss Phemia Cowan returned on
Monday. to- Dundas,
Wanted ---a few girls to operate
sewing machines. \V. E, Sanford
Mfg. Co Seaforth. Phone 5e.
ACCOUNTS—For convenience T
have placed my accounts - with MR.
JOT1N R.\NKIN. Kindly settle with
him as I need the money. All
accounts not paid by Nova 15th will
he placed in other !olds for collec-
tion. JOT -IN McNAY.
Once in a life time and slake up your
mind that if you hay a Bell or a
Gourley instrament you will never No odds !tow bad your liver, stomasi
mai-et your investment. All inn or bowels; how much your Lead aches
!tow miserable you are from cotstipa
have to do to prove it is ask. those tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug
who are possessors of the same or
Look, Mother! If tongue is coater'
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
bfotlters can rest easy after givin,
"California. Syrup of Figs," beeausi I
r few !yours all the clogged -up wast --
our bile and fermenting food gents;,•
roves out of the bowels, and you !liar.
well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed '.
•alae this harmless "fruit lttxaxite.
trillions of mothers keep it handy I.
•:cause.they know its action -on the atom
'It, liver and hovels is prompt and sum''
Ask your druggist for a bottle
Cialifornia Syrup of Figs," which car
sins directions for babies, cbildrut
•ll ages and for grown-ups.
"Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, or you belch gas and eructate
sour, undigested food, or have a feeling
of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
bad taste in mouth and stomach -head -
eche, You can get relief in five minutes
by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
strep stomach distress now by getting a
lamp' fifty-ecnt ease of I'npe's.l.)iapepsin
from tiny drug stor ,,,,,;You realize in
five minutes itow need] .ss it is to sutler
from indigestion, dyspepsia or any atom -
sell disorder eansesl by food fermentation
Clue to excessive avid in stomach.
Cure Sick Headache,' Constipatic,'•
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath ---Candy Cathartic.
any high class musician,
We are sole agents for the Bell
and the Gourley Pianos for Seaforth
Territory and will delivergoosls free
of charge up to a -radius of lift' miles,
Opposite the Bank 'of Commerce,
gish bowels --you. always got relief wit.
Cascaras. They immediately cleans/
and regulate the stomach, remove ' his,
'tour, .fermenting food anti foul. gases;
take the excess bile from the liver onoi
carry oft the constipated waste nnattet
and poison from the intestines an,
bowels. A 10 -cent box from your &run
gist 'tvill "peep your lives and bowel:
clean; stomach sweat and hand dear to-
months. They weals while you sleep.
in in
'May Allison'
An Exciting Story of Adventure
—Also --
15th Chapter of
the eireu
re o
Only three more Chapters
It gmore exciting
aluw r s the end. -
15c 8.15 P. M. lO®
Full weight of tea in
every . package
TEA:is go
c. tee:
Sold only in sealed packages
Paramount Mack -Sennett Comedies
Are now a regular feature of our
IFnnnyt Thep'd make a crab laugh.
And remember they're being shown with the celebrated
Goldyn and Select Productions at the
Name "Bayer" is on. Genuine
Aspirin—say` Bayer
Insist on `Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
5n a "Bayer package," containing proper
directions for Colds, Pain, Headache,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rltcuniatism,
Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin
preseribed by physicians for nineteen
years. Handy tin boxes of 12 . tablets
cost few cents, Aspirin is trade mark
of. Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic,
acidcstcr of Salicylicacid.
save you)` Hair! Get a small bot:':
of Danderine right now --Also
stops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle. colorless and ser ;xy
bair is route evidence of a ne,gbs ed
seal •, of dandruti—that awful semi
�11tere is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish -
pass and itching of the scalp, which if
not remedied causes the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and die—their, the hair.,
falls out last. A little Danderinc'to-
night—now—any time—will surely save
your hair.
Get, a small bottle of Knowlton's
Dander ns from any drug store. You
surely eau have 'beautiful i,air and lots
of it if you will just try a little Date
`serine. Save your bairt Try; it: