HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-10-23, Page 4PROf BSS1ON Al, CARPS MEDICAL D ROBS, Pnhysiciaand Sorgeon 01 London Hospital, Loudon, England, �p. e attention to diseabes of Eye , Ruse Sod o OA residence behind Domitrisn no) k P180500 140. 5, Residence P Ilene Ne. lee D.3. BURROWS Sealorth °Mee and r s ittPnose-Goderloh Street, east of the Neel 81850 Church. Coroner for County of Enron leibithone No, oh flRS. sae= & MACKAY, Physicians aad nrgeona Goderich Street, opposite Meth°. Church, Sea forth, SooTT.graduaiellotoris, and Ann Arbor, and *Wilber of Ontario College 01 -PhYsisio.na and Eargtons, °droner for County of Huron, 114o3C1,Y, honor graduate Trinity Culyersitv, sold medalist TrinitY Medical College. Member of College of Pystrisna and Surgeons, Ontario. ralt, GEO. 11.EILEMAZt , Osteopthie Speoialist So in Wornen'a and Childreurs diseases and Ithentaatle troubles. Acute and ttronle disord ere, Ear, ;Eye, Nose and Throat A.denold re. snored -without theimito. conaultation free. Woe ever llittboxlc Drug Store Tneaday, 0 e -m. to 0p.m., Friday 88,01. t sPnt Or. F. J. R. Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto 1897. Late Assist, tit Now erk Ophthal- mic and Auralhistittite, Moorefield's Eye, ar.41 flohierl Stitint O Throat Flos pitals. Loudon England. At the grInint's Hotel. Reafortit. third Wool insatlay it: each mouth from 11 a. m , to railroad that.. 93 Wttterloo Str.ot, 'dontit. Alrat fcrd • ?hoot, 107 ritratforti. _ . 301314 LiCellSOS „ndoptlesan,ses• nnsara ce • An_ roe considering Insurance, Life or Accident? ?Dna =re. a rostrare will get our rated. ma:scat Attest tor London Life insurance Co.. 1341 10e01C,0118500 and Accident insurance CO. S.1forth, Ont. Tit fftfl utual Fire hiStiratiCe 01 t; rtarm a0I4 Isolated Town Prop )rts Ortl IneorrAd. tr- OPPICERS 100. counony, 38.303 1,, President, sines , Stant,. Iletwors,,,,t 1'00s..09-t.t,ntt 1 tomes Eiftio.fiefirorth. See...Treas, Directors D. P. McGregor, SeaforrIst Joao G. Grieve, Winthrop W. ginn. Constance; John Bennewals. arfookinigen; Robert Ferris, flarlock; Malcom Idiefregn, Clinton; 4, McfisrmeySeafortlal Wants Connolly, Goderiche Jae. Evans. Heacbwood. Agents . Leitch, liartoc(e; E. litrichley. Seafort. Chesney, Egmonsiville; J. W. Ye. i'Ffolancsyllim R. G. Iarmouth, Brodhame, J. IT -err rthd John Govenlock, Emtiorth. OWL'.005. Parties destrosni to efface Insurance Or transom Woes business mill be promptly attended to t7, AgmBentban to any of the above officers. address-. go their respective 1303toffice0. THE bEAFORTH NE17t,'S 143 oth Ways) flonamenolng SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, leaving TORONTO UNION STATION) 915 P.M. DAILY MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars. First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Oar through the Rockies. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Canadian national all the way. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday We G.T.R., North Bay, Cochrane and Canadian SlatIona4, Further Informallon from Canadian National Ticket Agents, or GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, TORONTO Toronto - Winxupeg Compartment -Observation Library Cars u iupstrtnitile-VARISSII 80 - <wrillovaxi ELT,114.71, =sac The nriginth ltfld t;enille 01„aze-4-.11f: trittTIVIt` DIsi%41 .8e." uNsti 11''' Ice 5 0.2, 1/Suma1raoli I 11144.6eaura e.caintutaasstali MciiT1-1,1\1,S • qe.,r•-4,:.- ""°1-' Beware of imitations Sold on the 01.- Minard's :Liniment UFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers Doesn't hurt a hit! Drop a little irceezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift 88 right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Preezone CPAS kit a '48047 cents at any drug store, but is suffi- cient to remove every hard corn, eoft corn, or 00711 between the toes, and the calluses, Wiphout soreness or irritation. TernerondeM the, atneational discovery Hi A upport th EkT Naval Erigades the only organizations training Gan - 1 lo service its our nierchant fleet now being bui!L. the Seas our gruviing export trade at • t.anada Need TraezI Canadian Seamen The Naval Brigades Train Alma of NAVY LEAGUE OV CANADA To surp'..,!. C:na opporiuzities cord r.Ipon • sibslitios 011 81'.0 soz. To re'oa fuves f,r relief ,/ aur • ..e.1 33110109, W,1% 8..11 of ei,9y. 0118e To ,uus!..)i,i, in oar lot. To tram y MOP pr .44. 4.011 .11.11A5 P.t !,8Vil.214,1,5 pf el 4011 1,7, 7,83 . . '14:11,ES Dumf. AGM:: 1 sAitotS /s, ur B Ys $5003000 is Needed Because the work of the Boys' Naval Brigades and the other branches of the Navy League's activities are financed by public contributions. prr,, be Campaign Must Be a Success Because Canada must be assured that ler increasing surplus products will reach overseas markets. 43C7ILSON for '50 i� Coo .,,:;k7PCCt Markets qUarter .of'the world's ship« Vs;•,1 last the vt.Ar. Canada can - .not huy 48hir and so is building them, 00U00 Aust l7A.; .;;; a position to man them v;ith truhl.A1 Canadian seat:nen. ?s, [RJGN Jet Can adt a n s Mtzs Campaign Committee for Chairman: SIR JOHN C. EATON Hoe. Treas.: SIR EDIVIDND WALKER 34 King Street n ay. <7,(ze--, Seas the Province of ()Mario,: Vicett-Chniensans A. 41. HOBBERLIN • Assist. Treasurer o N. L. MARTIN • WO( )'Tart) to, a HURON NEWS The marriage of Miss Grace Ed- yth Seager, dattghter of the late Ed- win E. and Mrs. Seager, and neicc of Mr. and Mrs, harles Seager of Goderich to Mr, John I/fee:Donald Roberts, late of the R, A,F,, (for merly with the Canadian Seige AL' - finery), son of the late John Mas - Roberts of Denannon, and . Mrs. Roberts of Goderich( was soleme- ized at high noon on Thanksgiving 'Day in St. George's Church, The Rev, Dr. Seager, rector of St. Mat - assisted by the rector., 'Rev. A. 11.. G. Clarke. The bride, who was given' away by her &tele wore a travelling costume made of burgundy broad- cloth with mole skin trimmings and taupe hat and carried a bouquet of orchids, She was, attended by Miss Edwina Gertrude Carr of Toronto, granddaughter of the late Judge Sin- clair of Hamilton and formerly of Goderich. Captain fames L. A, Sin- clair IR, F. A„ lately returned from overseas service, was best man. The ushers were Mr. Harold Williams an dMr, Ernest Lee, of Goderich. Mr. Buckley presided at the organ. The guests included only the immed- iate families of the contracting part- ies. Following the eeremony, a ree- cilium was held at the home of bride %there Crown Attorney and Mrs. 5, ager greeted the many friends of 'bride and groom. Shortly after- wards. Mr., and Mrs. Roberts Igft on the honeymoon trip and upon their return will reside in Brampton where Mr. Roberts has been appointed to the staff of the 'Union *Bank. Miss Stager's departure from G.Aerich is a :lecided loss to a large circle of fromds awl to intigiCgi circles where her ability as a violinist has been 1 greatly appreciated. A host of good 1 wishes follow Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Relief For the Depressed. -Phys i3O1 and mental depression usually Ite-e their origin in a disordered state the stomach and liver , as when these organs are deranged in their action the whole system is affected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They revive the ingestive proceeses, act beneficially on the nerves and re- store the spirits as no other pills will. They revive the digestive proceases the effects are lasting. Corns and warts disappear when treated with Holloway's Coen Cure without leaving a sear. SEED GRAIN DISTRIBUTION The annual free distribution 0 scmples of seed grain is being con- ducted at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, by the 1)onlinion Cer- ealist. The following kinds of grain will „lie sent out this season: - Spring Wheat On about 5-111. sam- pit sl. White Oats (about 4 Ib. sam.• r4es ), White Oats (about 4 II). sam-• pies), tiarley, (about 5 lbs.). field f.eas (not garden peas t (about 5 lbs. tleld beans (early ripening, only for districts where the season is short) tobont 2 ilts.). flax seedt about 2 lbsi, and Lias seed for lihre inhont 2 Only one sample can bt.t sent to each applicant. Applications most t ot printed rm. which may he obtained from the Dominion Cerealist any time af- ter September lst, \ s the stock of the seed is limited farmers are advised apply early to at cid disappointment. Xli applica- tion forms will be furnished after Feb. 1st, 1920, C, E. Saunders, Doniinion Cercalist, ft 48 14, 481, tirg 48 mionmamatememon.andomansamo. Therroprietaty orPatentgodistae LAiralreaaft,eltinarita?o'po-.-Garcthay male:5(10:: btingtheStamaeltsartdDowet rt, ------=--. ---*" -- — ,41:Therehylironotingpigc,,lio 1:1,GtteerrufitesSandRestGotttiV ..irteititerOpium,liorplilagnor 1,..' Mineral.4. Ilot_____TsTiutoo'rie .TeeappeancrotrD;oskiagaircgR'.. .17:11.#1k0 g.1I.tltoiiP1lfet.5..1p1p4lePItfi ,gl.r.e4ti aek ililgVPY t0t$1:ii01andira ._ Dedisyofarvotonielt0e11 st:Fcv-ris:hnes g:::it11:t:: a. , n• — . 7.7o:r.C;;;_r. , Thursday, October 23, 1919. diry CASTOR For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature - of Exact Copy of Wrapper. T,.M. CIINTAll 01 COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. 7NVESEAMi atemmentroCt.OormetettAMttOttmoOt AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock, implements, Hay, Grain, Straw, and Roots. Mr. Thomas Cameron has been instruct - to sell by public auction On Lot 11, f:oncession 12, i'sborne on \Verities - day, October 29th, 1919, at 12 1), ni„ sharp, the following: - HORSES -2 Marcs. draft, 1 geld- ing. e years, draft; 1 gelding, 3 years, draft; 1 filly. 3 years drat: 2 fillies, 2 years; draft ; 1 gelding, 2 years, draft; 1 yearling filly, draft ; 1 farmers driving mare. ' CATTLE -1 pure bred Shorthorn bull 17 months, old; 4 COWS supposed to be 111 calf; 2 3 -year old heifers; ors, rising three years, 14111)11 ('1 to supposed to he in calf; 9 choice 1, 4' he in calf; 5 steers, twit 0e111'14 old; S1Per8., 1 year old; 2 calves, TIOGS-2 'brood SIOWS, 7 shoats. 1 MPITai ExTs--2 lumber wag - grins and boxes complete; 1 truck 1 waggon; 2 pair of bob sleighs, near - Ty new; 1 pair $teigils, been used; top buggy; cutter; binder; 1 Massey Harris 6 font hind - 081 6 foot mower; fertilizer drill; 12 hoes drill; 2 manuee spreaders; 2 2- ftti-rOW Dif,itrs; 4 single plows; 2 set ol tors; land itoller; steel rake; tdriger, hfoo*s; glgo; 3-borpe cultiva- turnip seeder; .2 hay racks; 2 root ;wipers; 2 farming nii11§; 3 set double harness; 1 set single haffiess; horse collars; wheel hart' OWS1 grinC4E911e; ‘,1 11.1filetrees ; necic yokes; eltai6st1; forks ; . shovels; hoes ; saws; ,graiti begs.; cars; ropest; pulleys and slings; DeLaval 00•eam separator. Sem( Off or Tor FE am buying all kinds of Jed ors 1 I have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings for sale. Jr Naftolin Seaforth. Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House toonyalume,MMIMMI• About 50 tons of first 5001414 hay; IWO bushels, mixed grain; 100 bus- hels of oats; large quantity of Man. gi,Ids and straw 011 Lot 10, of Lot 11, 544 12, concei'ShIT 12, silipC,Z •Uiliorne, Cotinty of Huron, 50,lIL,L0II1 11g 1i1 ael'a or choice land; In ad -el 0,1 bitrdwood bilshl 4 acres orchard, belatid6 lit grass; 40 acres newly seeded: OH the yeemises is a good brick dwelling, fienk hal111, fenced, well drained, tificf in good stii(e t484 cuftivation. Cel(eciniefft 1,0 .clitIt'aCi Chid: SChoof.. TERMS -Terms in real es ate to be made known on the day of the sale or on application to the prop- rietor on the premises 01 to Thom- saistn,isnC artortifivit e$ si i• con 0, or Ap.;;;;edcrIH: ack:rs, 0.sr. amount, 12 months credit ou 4111377. ing appeovecl joint notes or a dis- count of four per cent off for cash on credit amounts. JAMES GARDINER, Proprietor! THOS.. CAMERON and P, boupg Auctiorner ,, q 'W 1 . x itec-17- 111, .14..., 4 ) - ,i 1, . 0, ,41, : 4 ''.., • ,,:'," ' Clit :,',''''' liriattA",;),711•44-41, WHEN YOUR ALL IS When your good 11501011 leaves ambition and the desire to Things that are worth while drag on from day to day. Don't give up; Don't Weaken, cause other medicines have failed that will Build Up and Strengthen again be Strong and Vigorous- Ha.cking's Heart It takee away "that Liredleeling" cheeks of your younger days, Health, Strength and Vitality got a few boxes of Haeltings your dealer today, and give Tonle and. Builder that will Succeed Mrs, II, nincharre of "Ilackingts lieart and for tue,1 0,8180 011 the point of could not sleep nor plan my suffered With my Heart and toy do little for me. I took ]lacking' on the recommendation of the first box I improved so full treatment of aix boxes that I inn able to return to my glad that I have at last found nmelf good." Ilaeltiag's Belot and Nerve $2.:50, If your Druggiet does; it for you or we will be glad Pahl, I lisitt on 118111850,, '8 HACKING'S LIMITED , ,t. '1,111, ', L' , . ,-. - . I 'i • , '1 :. ,,,:: , .... ,,„..,,1,,,,,,, , ' • ,,,P... ,1'.1.14 III.;&,a0M,,, ,1.-1,1,1* I HEALTH FAILS LOST ! you then you lose energy, succeed in life. do not intereat you and you just • do not, be discouraged be- to benefit you, hero is one the Body 40 that you will , and Nerve Remedy and brings back the rosy are yours if you desire them., Heart mut Nerve Remedy from thotu a fair trial, 10 11 the Master 8.011011 1)118510 have failed. Witighatn 141111.440 as follows - Nerve Itemisly has 410 (30 wonders a Complete N er vous Breakdown, household Maim; for Years I Nerves tout thud ictors cont 1 Heart aud Nervo Ilttafely -- one of my friends, After t thing muchin headth that I took It, 1 811(11;willow feeling so much better work with renewed vigor. Pram *medicine that has done me to Remedy sells for 50e I. box 6 for not have It be will he glad to get to gond It tolt yon by mail post . , Listowel, Ont. IA 0 ''(::: _______I___• ''"M About 50 tons of first 5001414 hay; IWO bushels, mixed grain; 100 bus- hels of oats; large quantity of Man. gi,Ids and straw 011 Lot 10, of Lot 11, 544 12, concei'ShIT 12, silipC,Z •Uiliorne, Cotinty of Huron, 50,lIL,L0II1 11g 1i1 ael'a or choice land; In ad -el 0,1 bitrdwood bilshl 4 acres orchard, belatid6 lit grass; 40 acres newly seeded: OH the yeemises is a good brick dwelling, fienk hal111, fenced, well drained, tificf in good stii(e t484 cuftivation. Cel(eciniefft 1,0 .clitIt'aCi Chid: SChoof.. TERMS -Terms in real es ate to be made known on the day of the sale or on application to the prop- rietor on the premises 01 to Thom- saistn,isnC artortifivit e$ si i• con 0, or Ap.;;;;edcrIH: ack:rs, 0.sr. amount, 12 months credit ou 4111377. ing appeovecl joint notes or a dis- count of four per cent off for cash on credit amounts. JAMES GARDINER, Proprietor! THOS.. CAMERON and P, boupg Auctiorner