HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-10-16, Page 7Thursday, October 16, 1919. F. SEAFt,IRrfi NE4\'", SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the pejople of Canada practise these essentials, our great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save and prosper. THE CANADIAN BANK L. OF COMMERCE 12a Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager W, 1 Walker lJadertaker and Embalmer W. J. Walker, bolder of gov- ernment Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night - r8 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The largest and best ch Com- mercial on1- merci 1 a School i n Western Ontario. We give individual in- structionand students may enter cur Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Departments at any time. We assist graduates to pos- itions. Write for our, free cata- logue and learn the nature of our work. D. A. McLACHAN, Principal SEAFORTHMARKET Good Milling Wheat 52.10 Oats ...................«...,...,.... 6 Barley ......................... gll Bran per ton,.......36.00 Shorts per ton ......... ......... ........ 41 Flour ............ 0.7 Eggs ..... ............ 47-48 Hoge to farinera .................17 00 imoardedinamdmanoNemnamaedussMassOdondft For Sale House and half acre of laud in the village of Egmondville, The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell• property, Good com- fortable hones, good shed, good well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro. party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer anti the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. To Investors A Guaranteed a -e Mortgage g Investment Certificate, is- sued by. the Trust & Guar- antee Co. Ltd.—Toronto bearing 3i p. C. interest payable semi-annually is one of the best and safest investments offering today All information cheerfully given. JOHN RANKIN Special Representative Main Street, 1Seaforth Rhone 91 a N. B. — Bonds and De- bentures including all is- sues of War Bonds, bought and sold. MEN'S Fall Shoes If you're ready for Pall Shoes, Sir, we'll take pleasure in show- ing you the new models. We will' also take pleasure in placing your feet insdie a pair of excellent shoes—perhaps better than shoes you have ever worn. We shall be pleased to show you the handsome new. Fall styles and you can then buy at your pleasure. We've the best moderate priced shoes ever built to sell at $5.00 (.00 7.00 Then we have Shoe Luxury—The best Shoes made at $5.00 10.00 12.00 Lace Balmoral or Blucher style. The new toes in a avtiety of asts— Military or low heels, Dull Leather Patent Colt. Brown Russian Calf and other choice stock We can satisfy the particular shoe requirements of any Man, Old or Young, and we ask the consideration of every man interested in "Better Shoes." When you call ask to be fitted, do not ask for a size. R. se TT The Home of Good Shoes The Old Store with the New Stock. Seaforth, Ont. e-ouuago.aels®rn u—uii-..ae Teas Tooted li an.�M,.—eusiwi is N—eu--tee The High Cost of Living,—Econ- onty is the wbrd today. Make your old garments do instead of pi--rchas-. ing new ones. Have them dry cleaned and pressed. Dry cleaning, when properly clone,lengthens the life of the garments, preserves their new appearance and acts as a disin- fectant. Unsanitary wearing apparel often cause the sickness and death of people, due to germs. Clothing should he cleaned at frequent inter- vals. My Wardrobe, Goderich St. Seaforth, opposite Queen's Hotel, On \\ferinesday evening, October Rh, a nest enjoyable evening was spent at .the home of Mrs. Twist in honor of Mrs. C, Smith and Mrs. R. Gol lhawk who leave for their res- pective homes, Toronto and the lat- ter, in the near future, for Welland. Both families• will he missed as they were very highly respected, especial- ly in church and choir work. Mrs. J. Shockor who spent a month at the home of her parents, B cc. John Sproat, left on Saturday for her home in Detroit. Miss Margaret Edge of Toronto University spent the holiday at her home. Mr. Howard Hays of Aylmer was home for Thanksgiving. Mr. Ingram of Huron 'College took, the services in St. Thomas' church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Deem spent the holiday in Mitchell. Miss Florence Thompson is home from Toronto. Miss Florence McKay of Weston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. jellies McKay of Egmoudville. Mr. and Mrs. Hales and family re- turned to Weston on Monday. n Mr. J '. G McDonald of London n spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. John MeNab. Miss Sadie Campbell of Hamilton was in town on Monday calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oughton and dau- ghters and Mrs. Sclater and daughter Helen are visiting their father, - Mr. G. Smithers in Toronto. Mr. H. Meyers and daugther of of Stratford spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. H. McKay. Miss Thompson and Miss Madge Stewart spent the holiday in Listow- el Mr. Earl Chesney of Crediton and Mr. 'Milton Chesney of Toronto spent the week end with their parents Mr find Mrs. G. Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. John Maclavish spent the week end and Thanksgiving Lay in Ingersoll. Miss Ethel Williams of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Wil- liams. JI r. S.O. Jones v1to has been visiting his uncle, Mr. A, K. Chit - Mitten left on Tuesday for Fort Saskatchewan. Miss Marion Watson spent Mon tl<y in St. Thomas. Mr. Peter Kerr of Toronto is at present visiting relatives here Miss Smith of Chatham 'Who has been visiting at the hone of her ',sire, Miss Jackson of Egmond- viile has returned home. Mr. Robert Laird of Toronto is Visiting at the home of Mr. It Gov- culock, North Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker who have been spending a week, at his home here returned on Tuesday to Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. B. WKilllams of Stratford spent Sunday with .Mrs. R. Boyd, i\lr. J.R. Roberts of Torfouto spent a few days at the honne of Mr. and Mrs, J.A. Case. The Misses Doris and Kathleen 'l'wambly of Stratford spent the holi- day with their grandmother, Mrs. A. \Vestcott. Mr. Fred Larkin of Toronto is a Thanksgiving visitor at the Manse. Mrs;- John Hay and Mrs. fames Hay of Tucicersmith have returned front spending some months in the \\'est. Mrs. R` Archibald is visiting friends in Brussels, The many friends of .Mr, James Scott, formerly of Seaforth will re- gret to learn that Ili is ill with fever in Edmonton, Alta: i1Mrs. J G. Grieve has returned front Gravenhurst. Mr. J. R. Arcliihald was a Stratford visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpenter of New Orleans -are visiting the Misses Dorsey. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baldwin of St. Thomas spout a few clays in town. dir. Baldwin recently returned from This caused Mr. Proudfoot to go Min i overseas. the past history of Mr. Hyslop, ,such Miss i\Madeline Shaw, who was the to the delight and amusement of the guest of the Mises Willis, has. re-,msiurity of the audience. turned to Clinton. 'South Huron—F. . ) lier ington. Con - Miss Evelyn Greig spent the week stsvative; J. Morgan anti A. li cks, end in Listowel, U. F .0. ' Mr, and NYS. A, C. Stile, and fam- ! North Huron --Johne joynt, Coo- lly have returned front Lrittclon where aer,alive: Wnn, Fraser, Liberal: R. the has been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles sr. are visiting Mrs. A. G. Stiles. Mr. Thomas Ferguson returned on Tuesday after spending a month in the West. Mrs. Tompson and daughter. Mar- garet, moved to St. Thomas last Thursday. Mrs, George Weir spent a few days in Brucefild this week. I mothers' tears, A Convention of the Epworth I Anil harrow life with haunting fears - Leagues of Goderich District will be II 'to fill with shame the passing years. hold in the Methodist church here on I And sap front life all that endears? Wednesday. October the 22nd. Mr. Harold Deets of Toronto vis- lied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deem this week. Miss Kathleen Burrows of Toron- to University spent Monday at her home here. Miss Maud Laidlaw hcas returned from a visit to Toronto Mr. and Mrs. D. Fell spent the hol- iday in Listowel. Mr.' H. Hinchley and Mr. D. Beat- tie of the Guelph Agricultural Col- lege spent Monday at their homes. Mr. Earl Johnstone of Flint ,Mich igan is visiting his relatives here. Miss Rose Dorsey of Hamilton is visiting the Misses Dorsey. letiss Belle Ballantyne of Water- loo is visiting her father Mr. Wm. Ballantyn, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Pinkney of London were in town this week. On Friday afternoon the Colleg- late paid a return visit to the Clinton Collegiate. The afternoon was wet and the baseball gauze had to be called off at the end of the third in- nings with a result of 5 to 5. The basket ball game ended with a score of 19-4 in favor of the Clinton girls. Miss McPherson spent the week- end in Wiftgham. NOMINATION ' Nomination meeting wan held in Clinton on Monday at noon. and three candidates were placed in the field. Mr, Wm. Proudfoot M. P. P.. the late member, as an Independent, candidate: Mr. Livingstone of Grey, for the U. F. U.; and Mr. J. M. Coven lock for the Liberals. When tile time was up, the three candidates made speeches regarding their positions in the field and. the meeting would have passed off very quietly had not Mr. Hyslop. ex- M. 1'. P,. started en abuse .Mr. Proudfoi 1. Niviiimismatatwiraressir C. Proctor. U. F. O. TO THE PERSONAL LIBERTY LEAGUE Lfiertt 1 l:fow' you blaspheme! Iaherty! To plot and scheme. I o loose the saute limn from his mind And cram the prisons with his kind? Liberty! To feet the source of Mr, Nelson Govenlocic of Toronto spent the holiday at his borne in Win- throp. Mr. John Cowan K. C. and Mrs. Cowan of Sarnia 'were week end visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jas -r Cowan. . Miss Mary Gillespie' was hoots from St. Thomas over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Page of Toronto were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Ed- wards at the Parsonage, Mr, Win, Hays of the, Standard Bank, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; Jas. days. Mr. Cryil Marvin of the Dominion Prank, Toronto, spent a few clays at his house. Miss Grace Stephens has returned from a visit to friends in Flint, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. 'James. Plant of Ac- ton are visiting their son, Mr. J. Plant of•town: • Mr. T. B. Elliott, Western Ontario Editor of the London Free Press, was is town last week.. GRAND BENEFIT CONCERT in aid of "Boy Scouts." , The Galt Maple Leaf Quartette will present in CARDNO'S OPERA HOUSE Friday, October, 24th, 1919. their famous programme of SONG, DANCE and STORY Come and spend a• profitable evening slid help the. Boys. A good Scout never made a badman. A 1)MISSION - - - - 25c RESERVED - - - 3M Plan opens at A'BERHART'S DRUG STORE on Saturday, October 18th. JOHN BEATTIE. Chairman. J. G. MULLEN, Treasurer. L. T. DeLACEY, Secretary. Salvation Army ANNO'UCEMENT An entertainment will be given in the S. A. HALL Saturday, October 8th, 1919. at8P.M. by' Stratford Salvation Army Life Saving Cnrl Guards Dialogues, Drills, Club Swinging and Duets will be given. Admission - - . 15c. SUNDAY SERVICES will be conducted by Ensign Mercer and Sergt. Major Clark, Guard Lead- er Mrs. Clark, and 20 other Life Sav- ing Girl Guards. Services at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7 p.m AL?- ARE WELCOME Seaforth Leading 1 MUSIC SIC Store If you want a strictly honest deal, give us a chance to show you our goods and talk business. You are likely to buy a piano or phonograph once in a life time and make up your nnindthat if you buy a Bell or a Gottrl'ay instrument you will .never regret your investment. All you have to-do to prove it is aslc those who are possessors of the same or any high class musician. We are sole agents for the Bell and the Couriay Pianos for Seaforth Territory anti will delivergoocls free of charge up to a radius of fifty miles. DON'T FORGET THE SPOT Opposite the Bank of Commerce, JO}INATHAN E..I3UGILL Liberty! To lay thy poisoned snare to bring A curse on Youth in Life's sweet spring And back into our homes to fling The ghost of many a happier thing? Ontario!" is this thy will? Toronto. E. LOIS WILSON' ROD and GUN The cover painting on the October issue of Rod and Gun in Canada is bound to evoke the admiration of all S great '� r of the out tdoors who. have seen a partridge in its native haunts, To accompany this wonder- ful painting, F. V. Williams, the art- rats has written ag reptile story en - t tied"\'\'hen the Leaves Turn Brown." A beatiful picture story, "Under Canvass With Moses" by J. Livingston tests of Moses Missabi, art Objibwwsy guide in the Tintaganti Reserve and his cheerful Indian phil- osophy- "Coyoteo and Coy" is the title of H. Mortimer Batten's latest tale of the prairie foothills. Other interesting stories and articles in this issue are "The Kejimikijuk Monster" by Phil H. Moore "The Sea Serpent" written by A. E. Jay: Dredging With The One Hundreds Fathom Line" by Bonnycastle Dale: and "Wild Life Sanctuaries" by J. B. Harkin, Com- missioner of Dominion Parks. Rod and Gun is published by W. f. Tay- lor, Limited. Woodstock, Out. Conquers Asthma. To be relieved front the terrible suffocating due to asthma is a great thing, but to be safe guarded for the future is, even greater. Not only does Dr. J .D. Rellog's Asthma Remedy bring prompt relief, but it introduces a new era of life for the afflicted. System- atic inhaling of smoke or fumes from the remedy prevents re -attacks and often effects a permanent cure. ACCOUNTS—For convenience I have placed my accounts with MR. JOHN RANKIN, Kindly settle with hint as I need the stoney. All accounts not paid by Nov. 15th will he placed in other hands for collec- tion. JOHN McNAY. Costiveness anti its Cure.—When the excretory organs refuse to per- form their functions properly the in- testines become clogged. This is known as costivness and if neglected gives rise to dangerous complica- tions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will effect a speedy care. At the first intimation of this ailinent the sufferer should' procure a packet of the pills and put himself under a coarse of treatment. The - good -ef- fects of the pills will he almost im- mediately evident. GIVE "SYRUP OP FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels e'td cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, steetmeh sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of `California Syrup of Pigs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little towels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your haggis -6 for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full Iirections for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups. As a vermicide there is no prep- aration that equals Mother Graves' Worst Exterminator. It has saved the lives of countless children. STRAf erefer Pan Girl o the stage oL:{ r ill Paris 'Tigress 24 Brillant METROS eomedy Dram "LURE OF THE eigecs" THURSDAY — FRIDAY -- SATURDAY l5c — . — 10c STRAN "A Joan of Arc Machine" ' tHE withstood everything in the field andS above all was, and still ts, the last and only car to survive until the cessation of hostilities"—Extract from letter received by Ford Motor Company from a British Soldier, in Africa. Over shell -torn roads, through water soaked fields, second only to the tanks in its power to climb debris and crater holes, the Ford car made a world famous record in the fighting area of the great war. In press despatches, in field reports, in letters, in rhyme and song the praises of theFordwere sounded. In France - '700 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Italy - - • 860 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Egypt - 996 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Mesopotamia 999 ears out of 1,000 were Fords The Ford power plant that established this world-wide record in every theatre of the war remaine'jthe same, It will be in the Ford you buy, Tord Runabout 1460. Tosrtug MO. On Opon modals:Ole ateetrto atartine and 14gbttss atatpmoat Is $150 extra. Oonpe {476. eodadtt 174 (closed model prlora ]naiad. saeotrto atarttng and Lan Saalpmboti. ndmoanlabie rums, tiro carrier, and nen•oldd. Urea on rear man lona? east meat Se,meed ruts only at urs extra- TLeea rot'.. are f.o.b. E'ord, east nd Go a S 1005,4. war Tat. Bay only ()vanilla Ford Para. 700 Canadian Rosters 18$ and over 8,000 Serous Carxosa supply them. J. F. Daly Dealer, Seaforth Cook Bros -Dealers Hensall PRI Paramount Mack -Sennett Comedies Are now a regular feature of our THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY Programme Fnnny! Thep'd make a crab laugh. And remember they're being shown with the celebrated Goldyn and Select Productions at the muss