HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-10-16, Page 4.t.lit.x(..).1(1-Fi. NEWS " ° - - " 1'hursday, October 16, 1919. PROFESSIONAL CARDS . HUGH Rose Physician and Surgeon of London Roe;tat, London, IitIgje nd l.peo1j1 attention to de.enses of Ey. , Ear, Nine held boat, And residence behind Dominion ite:01; 1 Photte No. 0. ktesklenee t time 00, 151. Dx. J BURROWS Seaforti, (11010Ilnd r s irdeneee-Goderieb Street, east of 010 Melb MOM Church, Coroner for County of Huron lielliphone 00. 45. rOli, SCOTT .54 )1M.:KA V, Phyhtelans and n."Surgeons, (ioderleb Street, opposite Mettle- ithurebt, *Worth, lieurr. graduate Victoria ottO A110 Arbor, and Member olOntarlo College of Physielans ecu Surgeons Coroner for County of Iluton. D'AoRAY, honor graduate Trinity University, geld Medalist Trinity Medical Collego, Malabar to! College of Pysioinne and Surgeons, Ontatie, D1101), HEILEMAN, Osteopthie Specialist P." in Women's and l'hildren'e diseeles and Rheumatic, troubles, Acute 010 chronic disord era, Bar, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re - =loved -tritium; thelonfe. Consultation free. Offlee over Embach's Dru; Store Tueslay,5 a nt o p.m ;Friday 5 a,tn Itt p01 Or. F. J. R. Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Gradeate in Medicine, University of Toronto 18417. Late Assisteut New York Ophthal- mic mid Aurel Inetitute. Mooretield's Eye, anti Goblet, Square Throat Hos pitale, Louder Blighted. At the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. third Wed nesday in each month from 11 a. m. to 39.in railroad time. 53 Waterloo Street, `South, etre:ford. Phone eee Stratford. issued by f Cale rage Licenses F. DALY' '°"1" and optfclan,Saa. testa Insurance Imo pen tynaiderIng hunaance. Life or Accident? ilyon are. a postcard will get our rates. 1. D. HINeHLEY. (Jelin& Agent tor Landon Life Insurance Co.. edit:tinseled Guarantee and Accident InairenceCo, s-oforth. Ont. TH E McKILLOP MR, PROUDFOOT'S APPEAL I TO. THE ELECTORS iloderich, October 8, 1919. '11, the clieeere ei the Centre Retitle ot the County of Huron adie-, and lientlemen: le Pied I was first elected to re- preeent this Aiding in the 'Legisla- tive and was re-eletected at the gen- eral elections of 1911 and 1914. Dur- ing the nine 1 was your Represent- ative 1 assisted in making many laws enacted whish were. I believe, of eensideraliie importance to the Prov. Mve at l.tr.u.•. in them are include,' Iratichise, lie Ontario mperanc e .\rt and Workman's Cempensation Act. To me it was alwaye tite welfare of Canada and the Empire first; the hest interests of the masses by the most Progressive and etraight-forward legielation. 1 have :always hail these ideals 'be- fore me and conscientiously done my 1.est to achieve them. Wheel the fate of the Empire and ef the civilized world hung in the I slams IL felt and T still feet it was 0,. time fey party afediations to dom- Mate one's actions, Such Veal; the in the Simmer of 1°17. Tee Conservative and Liberal par- ties had 11 up to the formation of the Union Government done all they mieht have to work in unity in pros- eetiting the war, and in many quar- tets party feeling had grown bitter. A change was absolutely necessary iZ we hoped. to give adequate assist- ance. Tt was fatally decided to form a Union Goverment. Like many others. I was anxious to see this ac- complished without friction and by the united efforts of all parties and with a special desire that the Liber- als should have a prominent place in the nation's worlc. Unfortunately kir liberalism and, the parties did not 'fully unite and with a large number of Liberals, I found myself advocat- 109 a different policy to that of our Volual Fire !neurone Co. tarm and Isolated Town Ever Property Only Insured. OFFICERS JILL C0014014, tioderich, President, James 3vaus, Beeehreood, Vice -President, Thomas Rays, Seaforth. SJo..Treas. Director. D. F. McGregor, &Mortis; Joan G. Grieve. iFisithrop W. Rion, Constance; Jblus Renames. Andginigen; Robert Ferris. tierlock; Malcom Mcir.nnt„ Clinton; G McCartney , Searoeua; dames Connolly. Goderich; Jas. Evans. Beechwood. Agents Rarlorh; E. HInettly. semorti. jo Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Ye. rine; R. Jarman, Brodhaaaq: Jam., Warr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, earlirore. 4hea deadroga to effect Insurance or trainer, Peiness ;vol be Promptly attended to by uon to any of the above officers. address trespectIva eoetafficea. 1„ DY230 '!,rice 25 ets.uirilI LINIMENTBB 3-.1:MUTED — 1 t „taro catirlirsit:O1 The Ortginal and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Minahl's Liniment LIFT_CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF boesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don'a suffer! bottle of Olreezone•costs but'a few cents at any, (grog store.', Apply a few drops on the soros; calluses and "hard skin" on hot- Asent, of feet, then lift them off. • When Freezone removes horns from the' Ogees or calluses from the bottom of feet, •gni akin 3regeltje As left pink and healthy ited eget eare, tender. . .irritateg: . . . Leader. I had for forty years taken utions a true principle of liberalism io somewhat prominent part in the hae ' been departed from andsome- counsels of the Liberal party, and it thing akin to Prussianism resorted was with deep sorow and regret 1 tu found myself in a position 01 oppos- Under the circumstances, 1 could ition. not see my Way Clear to again Offer Believiug as I did that the inter- myself as a candidate for re-electioa stee of my country were at stake, I Its a Party candidate. I, therefore, did not hesitate to follow the course at the solicilation of matey friends iiirtated by Illy conscieace, In do- w ho desired to see. me agaie in the nig so I knew it would cause Inc Legislature, decided to run as an In- Iomble for the future and 1 wes to a dependent Candidate untrammelled tain (`): t L.1) t taking my political life 1..y the views of any political party. :11mv 101]de, Subsequent events If elected 1 believe my past experi- showed that my surtni Sr correCt. once would he of more assistance to The Executive of the Ventre Huron the Province than ,an untried man, 1..jieral Association in February' 1008 particularly where many coMplipated tetseed 0 reeolution to ceueure my questions will be deolt- with in the etotone and tills was tolowed by a 1 egislature in the neap future, similar motion in the Annual sneet- Scene of the outstanding questions icor in May. s in which I and especially interested I was also censured because1 had in are: Noted for the extension of tite life of Is, THE TEMPERANCE MIES- tee Legislature. I so voted because `HON, while this subject has to a did not think it was in the best int- certain extent- been removed from crests of the country to bring on an party politics, yet it has not been unction during the war, Before entirely so, and it is inctunbent on taking the question tip in the House, us to use our best endeavors to see I had a meeting of the Liberal op- that the Temperance tet Is 4UStaki- osition and was by their unanimous ed by a large so that those voice direeted as to the course to in authority wil 1 understand that put sue. I suggested an extension there must be no trifling. We should and it was arranged for. I am still aleo see that the usefulness of the of the opinkin that the course agreed Act is untrammelled by a majority to was erwrect. T have no regrets vote in favor of questions 2. 3, and 4. eor apology to offer, nor do I desire After having accomplished this, the to shirk responsibility for my ac- proper and efficient carrying out of 1:17.11S. the will of thepeople as ascertained ir also, I believed, in exercising toy by the referendum vote is of vital im- judgement on both questions, 1 was portance and will call for the excer- acting strictly in accordance with eke of great care, skill and judge - the principles of true liberalism ment. which means, if it means anything, , 2nd. SOLDIERS REsESTAB- that a man has a right to excercise LISHMENT. This should be made his oPpinion in acordance with the effective and suitable provision se - dictates of his conscience. Our an- eared oft- the families of those killed cestors fought and bled for this the disabled and injured and .such right. Why then should T have erwise as the funds of the Province brei found fault with? 1 thought other assistance by gratttity or othe and Still think, I was unfairly dealt e ill permit with and that in passing said resol- 3rd. RYDRO-ELECTRIC. I have AREEMIMEARMEEINP eWitoBou - cads EVERY one of the million and a half subscribers to Canada's Victory Bonds knows that he can sell the today for more than he paid for them. Every one who bought Canada's Victory Bonds has recei,-: cent. interest per annum—paid twice a year. Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada's Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved money that they would not otherwise have saved. The guarantee back of Canada's Victory Bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Two Dollar bill. There is this difference, however, that you get interest on the Victory Bonds and you don't on the One or Two Dollar bill. Canada's Victory Bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan. Banks are ready to loan money on Canada's Victory Bonds. Canada's Victory Bonds may be turned into cash at any time. There is no other way in which you can invest your money with such absolute security—paying such a good rate of interest. Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds /919. It will probably be the last chance to buy Canada's Victory Bonds on such favorable terms. Prepare to buy as many Victory Bonds this time as you now wish you had been able to buy the last time 'Ivy D *.• Mai -Spent in Canada" 191 Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee, in co-operation with theMinister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada, • .112megrain always taken strong ground in fav- or of this project. The Association which has been so successful and SI) ably managed should be continued as at present controlled, with, how- ever, more representation by the tuunicipaities on the Board. The Hydro ehould be encouraged and as- sisted to acquire every possible horse power in the Pro t'i it CC, SO tha t Pow- er will be made available at a mini- mum cost to every urban and rural reeident of tite Province. Education, Agriculture. Highways, Labor Problems, Proportional re- presentative, taxittion, election laws, tettronage. Social reform including pensions to widows, i'tth lie Owner- ship, Finance; etc., are all sttbjects of importance, but a letter such as this dues not admit of going into them in detail, 1 intend to hold public meetings theoughout the Riding and will then dtal with many of the above subjects and at each meeting will take care to explain the questione to be voted on at the referendum, In view of all the circumstances I feel justified, as I do, in calling on all Electors who believe in freedom of and action for their assistance, and more especially I appeal to every man and woman who voted in favor of Union Government to not only come out and vote for me but to do all they can to further my election. I also appeal to the soldiers in whose behalf, as well as that of the Empire, I took the course I did. Do not forget that the election will be held on Monday, the 20th. of Oc- tober, and that every elector, man end woman, should come out and ex- ercise his and her franchise in favor of, at any rate, the Temperance Act, the fate of any candidate is tlinimpor- tent in comparison with its success, Yours faithfully, PROI$DFOOT SOLDIER'S MONUMENT AND COMMUNITY HALL Voting on the Soldier's 'Monu- ment and Community .Hall By-law takes place on Nov. Ilth, the Anni- versary of Armistice Day and re- minds that one year has elapsed dur- ing which time we have accomplish- ed practically nothing towards the erection of a Monument in the mere- oey of the falleto or made any provis- ion far the welfare of the returned men such as has been done by Mit- chell, Stratford, St. Marys, Gorier ich, Wallaceburg, Renfrew and oth- er live towns—this is regrettable as it is unusual for Seaforth whose creditable record in the number of men enlisted, the work of our Red Cross, Woman's War Auxiliary, Navy League, etc.. has been equal- led by few towns in the Domion antl. surpassed by no place of the same populatime In order that the by-law will be passed and work be proceeded with as soon as possible the Citizens Memorial Cdnunittee beg to submit the following informa- tion. There will be no extra cost in submitting the By -law --all help cheerfully volunteered. Otte By-law— a saving of at least :52°°AClittnia.1 expense tn property own- ers will be but $1,00 per $1000.00 of Assessment or 50 cents per $500.00 The Monument will be a fitting tribute for generations in the mem- ory of the heroism of our brave boys who sleep in Flanders. The Community Hall will have Public Bathe, Recreation and Club Rooms, Gymnasium, etc., etc.—all the young people of the towte Citiz- etts. etc, are elighle as Associate members— there will be no expense whateverto the town or ratepayers in connection with its maintence—it will be self-supporting- once com- pleted and in operation. The Boys—Returned Soldiers— while at the front sort of lost con eection with the community, while away they had recreation huts of all kinds providing entertainment, they are lost now, no entertainment, no club rooms, no place of meeting, the old Pals feeling is passing sadly away—out of touch with each other —so to speak, Our one duty is to restore that Pal feeling among the Boys—let•us be Pals with the Boys ourselves—Re- turned Men of Seaforth, if they re- move will be looked after at the Club Rooms in other towns and cit- ies and Seaforth in turn should have quarters for those corning here. The Town Council and Citizen's Memorial Cortunitte are nne.minunts- ly in favor of the passing of this By - and confidently ask the ratepayers to vote in favor of it, F. S. Harburn Mayor; Tohn Gri- eve, Reeve; C. Aberhart; C. A. Bar- ber; j, Wes. Beattie; J. J. Cluff; W. N.T. Golding; R. G. Parke; J. A. Wil- son, Clerk. CITIZENS MEMORIAL COMMIT TEE—M. Broderick; A. F. Cluff; J. Finlayson; Foster F. Fowler; 5. D. HilleitelO; Harry Stewart; Charles Stewart; A, D. Sutherland, Secretary. No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be it must yield to trolloway's Cora Cure if used as rected, Children Cry for Fletcher's Fletcher's Casteria is strictly it remedy for Infants and Children. Poo Is are: specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even ryini essential Itt Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for I1rown-u2s aro not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy -.;.or the commo.i. ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and al clai:'o has been mad&t f:r it that its use for over '30 year; has nit r:ven. Pas/ NA ht CtoSTOFUA/ Casturia is. a 1,1,.7tr.i1,.3 subj.titute for Castor 011, Paregoric,. Drops and Sooth.ing Symps. It. 'is pleasant. 10 contains neither Opium, 1'.r..-.rI.L.7-11no Mx- other narcotic substance. Its age is its oarant:.?,. P:r. Mare than thirty 'pars it has - been is •constant tj f.,r the rail:if of Constipation'Flatulency, Wind Colic. and DiarrhDea; Feverishness Arising therefrom, and -by rejnlating tie Stomach and Bowels,' aids the assimilatim Food giving healthy and 'natural- sleep, The Child:en's .0.omfort--The Mother's. Friend. • GEMANt CASTOR1A ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Special Offer for Farmers I am buying all kinds of Junk and Fowl I have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings for sale. J. Naftolin Seaforth. Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick! House 126 24 Years the same "good" tea TEA:s good tea: Sold only in sealed packages TRIM GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! 'Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glia. tens with 'beauty and is radiant life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine, Just one application doubles tate beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a. fever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; them the 'hair falls out lash. Surely get a small bottle of Tcnowleon's Danderine from any drug store and, just try it. GIRSOIR•awavoreasamasawareemagem • of on Oil f Toothache.—There is no pain so acute and distressing as toothache. When you have so un- welcome a visitor apply Dr. Thomas' Dielectric Oil according to directions and you will find immediate relief, ft touches the •nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothache is anoth- er fine quality of this Oil, showing the many uses it has. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, to GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Giapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it! In live minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or ertietatibus of undle gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmlees, oPut an end to stomach distress at once by ,...atting a large fifty - cent ease of Pape's Diapepain from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needles it is to suffer from i ' gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach 0 - order caused by fermentation due to excessive acids in stomach. Many children die from the as- saults of worms, attd the first care of mothers should be to see that their infants are free from these pesta. A vet miluge that can be depended upon is Miller's Worm Powders. They will not only expel worms from the system, but act as a health -giving medicine and a remedy for many of the al ments that beset infants, ep- feebling the mend' endangering their.. lives.•