The Seaforth News, 1919-10-09, Page 1Neo; Series Vol. 17 Nt) 41 SE73t1,e" g--/, O vu811R'a2); TJ EJR DRY„ '" 1.: GR 9 �m�mua9r�wy.a�cri�z-r�-.��,•�ca. 1 Ill E �6TLa "Experience outs" CII.T llitYiy more e. iticleatee in daeal- it. with A. ill oz. - \i'I1C) ll 9 Il: ti R tt'itiici Practical experience @itt'a e11•lAP19172iN of r ,,1 cental Works, lras otrt l.,Ary years 3>tacticsl .. perre nes. .las. bully, ,Toe 'Lane, Baa- it ).ane, Little pigs, Freie Beattie, POULTRY ti Turkeys, f,ey* manna Koehler, IvTarg• :u -it McGrath Doris Coin„ White , t t„ei 1 i.l•. to (jail rlt,n f av Dorraime, Ci, f.;,a ,•, 1fa,ga'et Tfnran. Andrew Mdctutgonrery, Basil Lane, Helen Be- attie. Pekin decks, Earl Tliekson, til i -i;, ret. McGrath. Mabel Belton,. Willie Boyd. Rotten decks, Watson Shnldice, Geo., Campbell Janet Smith Eldin, Kerr. Indian R. Ducks, Guy Dot tre. loo Shea, O. A. C. Rock.. Pullet, Richard Nigh. Guy Dr rranee. 'Margaret :Haran. unknown pupil from No. 10, Mart Dtewrney Emerson Dal- . q ,r c'A.C. Peek, t ,cker,-1 Rirbard I-ukr�tn pjl from No. 1Q Watch For Our Special Big 'Display in Our ttlillzba�ar. 1111 Wilt Be Special oil Saturday I,•IP, The Palm of perfection le held out to all who would (,• Ft It,:a of our MOVES. ti, tt , s tr; nturritds the stlreul- 0rc.. xeellence of 'Freshly !made eatady flue tctete ui' -cur Candy will dispel tho most her - rid c use of the blues and scowls instantly disappear at its first taste. It's perfeution personi- fied, Buy a box fur your girl; if you d:.m't, eetrte other fallow will. -/O CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, j Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad • Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds bow bad your liver, stomael' or bowels; how much your head aerie,.. )tow miserable you are from eonatipa- 'tion, indigestion, biliousness and slugs gist bowele-you always get relief with easearcts, They itnmediate!y cleanse and regulate the storuech, remove tis -seer, fermenting food and foal gaees, take the ea•eess Lilo from the liver an: carry oil the eonstipeted watts ntnttcc and poison from the hdeatines at: bowels. sA 1.0.cent bog from your dee gist will ken your tr lixc. and bsw;a S P, t clean • om• , , at tilt sweet , .rt3 bead Diane' 'f months. They wort- while ,y11u etteie OLD TIME DANCE On Friday, October 10th t in CARDNOS' HALL - Everybody Welcome"' Reeves' Five piece r,rrheetra in at- tendance, $1.00 per couple FOR SALE -Seven roomed, one and a half storey brick house ht first class repair, with ,electric lights, good cel-; lar; also cement cistern and back kit - ]7 n kit- chen, The lot contains one acre t e ac, c laud with chicken fence, c e cc alsogood stable s abl and hen house, nearly new. Apply to the undersigned on the southwest corner of the Mill Road, Egmond' Title. J H. MCCATILEY. 2t MEN' WANTED, -Men wanted to cut wood by day or- cord. Apply to THE SEAFORTII CHEMICAL CO Seaforth, Ont. P. 02 -Box 309: ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin -say Bayer Insist nn "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" lin a. "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Colds, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen oars. ' Handy tin ox n y II n y r i b es of i.. tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic- rteldeeLer of Selicylicac!d. IF YOUR CHILD iS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONST1PATFL Look, Mother) if tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels vrith "Cali- forr•.ia Syrup of trigs." • Mothers car rest easy after gtc rn "California syrup of Tei ,, beeaus•: fr I hour_ all the c o r , n Cdr > , t w•a 0 ur btlr end , , utrr food fent 'troves out of 111 : , t,H; urd you her,. well, playful child again. Siete chilrh•rn needn't he• coaxed = 011:0 this harutles "fruit, laxatttr,' 1131130rie nf-rnothere keep it handy b-:.: 'x1196 ,bltey kuaa its let:ionroe the sire,.. h, liver and bc'xe.1e is prompt and sure. Ask ,your druggist a hotel,' iltlifornia Syrup of t''ins' co- directions e - ins direction -s rrr 1 ,6i• nhiIur<. -- '11 ages curd fur r'.r.: rttlw, WHAT THE U. F. O. STANDS FOR It is the policy of the United Fanners of Ontario -to build up a country with a staple, sane and economical government, a country 0 which.. all the producers of wealth shall receive a fair share of the' results of their labor, :A country in which the accumulation of vast fortunes is at least difficult, if not impossible. A country which puts a premium on effort and thrift and discourages idleness. A country in the government of which all classes shall have a share in propor- tion .10 their numbers and economic importance. A country in • which the goverment is not subservient to the "Big Interests" int truly represents. the ideals and aspirations of the "Great Masses" of the population VOTE H -I I a MCKILLOP SCHOOL FAIR The following is a list of the prize- winners: COLTS Best Heavy draught-lst, Clarence Rapien; 2nd, Fergus Kelly; 3rd, Tom Lane; 4th Win. Maloney; 5th, James Kerr, ' General Purpose -Frank Mc- Grath. Roadster Colt- Clifford !!Tart, CALVES'. ' Best 'Beef Steer-ist, Clifford Low- ery; 2nd, Stephen Eckert. Best Beef Heifer, lst, Clifford Lowery; 2nd, Mary O'Sullivan; 3rd, Isabel Lowery; Best Beef heifer, (paid fed), 1st,. Peter Eckert; 2nd, James Lane; 3rdL. Smith. Dairy Heifer, C, Lowrey. Fitted Calf, C.' Lowrey. Best pair, Jas. Kelly, Thos. Lane; E. Daley; Best wool lamb; Jas, Kel ley E. paw, Thos Likne: ' Mutton Gorikin. Mray Smith, Beth Govet lock, Annie Shnblice. 'Phlox, Lillie \\ nkel a Ella A[aoc.n )roan kn,hlo Jessie \Veno,) Foliage Frank Hog Beth (;ovcnlock, Viola Ritchie. 'Pot , tie! l Plant, Ir i; a k IrgE. Tri Hogg Essie Dorr-ancc... Dorothy \teiarly Pearl Firmin. Other Plante Rossi 1- : POLITICAL n t p ti, date there are threw Candi MACHINE OPERATORS 1) to s ili the field 191 (, l M. sovrn- \\ of urs feed upon the vitality Of g lock was xicctcd at the meeting on 19 -anted --a felt oirls to inertt,, 'children and endanger their lives,A. - Monday' by the. Liberals. Mr, Living - a',' mi.rl' '1 simple and effective ty flue,. \4. 1-.. ...,.tr.rc, P cw•e is Moth-, Stour' b, the [ F. (1 a candidate I : er .caves) Worm Fstermine nrr.. and A[r, 1 ,tudl ur Al. P. F. is in the � ' Si.5Opt'r year .a�.:.z,-�-.rm.-.tea=sevsi�zsamr.�an e , Lc 1,1 ae 11 dependent, HT}lcu, ia, T. 1lc,Millau, }%caro herr Helga 1' err. sweet Peas, Essie Dor ranee f. arr'1. 11tA1NTh1ti l,i.r! 1louse, \ralirr lioigy. An u- MT Rae. 'Tutu 1 -.ane, t larene. 4'Regele. Fidin Kerr. Basil t.ane 1'he tonservative meeting 11131 in St'ab,9111 nr, Wednesday derided not - 1 t„ puts a candidate' in the field owhtg 1 i Ito the attitude of Itlr. P1 ,nrifor,t to- t 1 et Lode t nio 1 C:r vcrnn1, of 1n 1917 n rrieet{ Vnnr vote alt,/ iittlnrne rjr sofir-ite.d to Andt'ew file' R. 0, candidate to represent moo Pc pie, (1,1, platfnrn, is ytr•r„1, moral an.i fair 1;,11 classes. i farmers of Canada ask only a ta," t ife el fr'al, and will 4I)'! th., caro - ±'' ;'1, Vote for the G. t (1. help 'restore co tidengr and to all Cati 1' Walter 11..,p•v, Carl Dalton, Frank T.apeleg Smith, Pair Barred sosass e i,1. l)(.rranrr. Clifford Low- era', Alvin Dodds. Ghent; 'White. White Rooke, Margaret Eaton. White 1-eghr,rns. George Campbell. Rhode Is. Reds, Glen Cuthill, Helen Beattie, Emu n, Daley, Pearl \9'eb- ster. Black Minorcas, George,Cantp hell, Emerson Daley, Einerson Daley, 1Snren I•Itulsou. White •Wyandottee, lotte . 1st and 2nct.; Euterson; T)aley; Brown Leghorns, Essie Kerr, Janet Smith. ,.silver \Wyandottes, Emerson Daley. Belgian Hares, Carl Dalton, .1.apsley Smith. Alex:Smith. Rabbits T.apsley Smith. Willie Bein eweis, Black Siberian Lapslev Sntith C'ari Dalton. Rabbits, Special, Alec :initlt Rabbit Family-,• Earl. Diekso,t, l,aby Chickens, Glen Cuthill.- Bantams.. 'Joseph Hart, Tosephe Lane, Glen Cut- hill, Pea of Pigeons, Ales. Smith. los, Lane, 4a,y. Dr,rrance. Guinea. Fowl, George Campbell, Eagle,spec., Durkin Sills. Mud Turtles. Wilmer Drager, Kittens, Curd Canipliell, El - din Kerr, Glen Cuthill, White Eggs, Frank T-Togg, (;en. ('atitpbcll, Pat. Feeney, Jean ,Alexander. Brown eggs, Martin T)eite. Frank Hogg, Arnold Lament, Edna Benneweis. GRAIN Sheaf Marquis Wheat. Carl Dalton, Pearl Horan. O,A.C. Barley. Lap- slcy Sinith, 'Peter AfrCnwan. Sheaf Com Barley; Cart Dalton. Helen Iief- feratan. Sheaf Oats, james •Fagg, Inc ).ane. Helen Tlefferntan, Carl Dalton. Fall Wheat, Glen Cuthill. :Marquis Wheat, Pearl Horan, Trene Trewar- tlte. O. A. C. Barley. Peter McCow- • an, Dennis Downey. Barley, Helmer Cuthill. O. A. C, No. 72 Oats, Irvine Trewartha, Frank McGrath, Joe Shea. Pea, Frank 1feGrath, Guy Dnrhance, Cora Campbell. James Kerr, Rose 1';rau,kopf, Toe T.ane. 'Darden Peas, ()Melia Rapien. Theresa Eckart, Es - Kerr Emerson Daley. Ground Cherries. Alrin Dodds, English Beans lana Smith. Butter Bean;. E1din i Kerr :Angus McRae, Iapsley ,smith, Will Boyd, Hazel Rapein, Alexander South, Black flutter Beans, Angus MrRar, Alvtu Dodds, Cora Campbell, White Smith. l e t s 11 c\Ri las. t t. \\hit Beat Tack i 1 latt, Geo, Lane. Aima McRae Geo. Lott Malted Sieu,on, Cora Campbell'. Ensilage Cry, Wilmer Gentili, Stan- ley TTillcn. \far i Sullivan. Yonne,- -Bantam Corn 'Cora Campbell, Emer- son Daley, Rubies :McRae, Kathleen :\fttlhgan, Clarence 'Malone. Corn, Spa isl TTelen Beattie. 'White Table Corn 1"ssie !CCM ROnTS ANT) VFGETABT.ES Beets. Annie McQuaid, Helen Kee- ..,, Frank Hogg. Margaret Me - Grath. Grath. Beets, Special, Irvine Leon - hart, Isabel Eaton. T!n nips, Helen Beattie, Charles Anstay, Clifford Hart, Turnips, Rose Kranskopf, G. Campbell, Helen Beattie, Tno, Flan- nery, Man+,aids, Clarence AfeQnaid, Frank McGrath. Willie Boyd. On - lents. Elsie Kerr. Toha Klannery, Dorene Hudson. Red Tomatoes, Ed- na Benneweis. Helen Beattie, Janet Smith, Jessie Walton. Green Tom- atoes, Edna Benneweis, Francis Mc- Quaid. Eileen Mulligan, Yellow Tomatoes, Annie Berineweis, Pearl Rapein, Tielen Hefferntan, George Campbell. Tomatoes, any other kind, 'Janet Smith. Carrots, Cora Campbell, Annie Beniteweie, Fred Leonhardt, Frank McGrath. Pars- nips, Eldin Kerr, Jack McMillan. Potatoes, Trish Cobbler, Clifford Lowery, Jae McQuaid, Dennis Dow- ney, Joe Downey. Potatoes, G. M. Viola Ritchie, Geo. Regelc, Hattie Dalton, Wilmer Howes. Potatoes Freda Merreschsmitt, Della Wetter °sen, Wilbert °GOrlkfn. Cnhhaw's; Rose Kranskopf, Mary Sullivan, - Marguerite Burns, Cora Camphelt,,, Cucumbers, Dorothy O'Rourke, An- gus McRae, Pearl Webster, Ruth O'Rielly, Special Mabel Sientsn.. Squash, Helen Heffernan, Essie Kerr. Veg, Marrow, Helen Beattie, FLOWERS Sunflowers, Janet Smith, Asters, Mac ]Meson;: Jaek4+: McMillan, . Eliza. �1111e- Stool. Emerson Daley. 1,e Tl.n'rant'e, lint Lame. Rop • Halter. Cart Dalton. Clifford Lowey, Guy Siernon, Fbtin Kerr, ?1o.go AlrRae. ,,,-i Doke SCHr.K1T. t'ONTESTS Coll. 'Weeds, No, 1, Nn, 3. N. 1 \Weed .`cols, Nn. 2- No, 13, No, 3 tic.. rel}, ,:499(4, 'Ye..10. No. 0, No 1. ('oil, teatew 9o, 6, ti,,. 10, Nn, 1 coli, of bird', e •-. , No. 4. 11, No. ,i, nh sx. ,l milt+cre. No. 1<'1. \VRITING AND DRAWING Girls over le yrs.. Viola 'Morrison, .Adeline \Leesersrhmidt, Ruby Me - Rae, Girls cater 10, Jessie' Walton. Gertrude trude 'McGrath Marie 1 -ray. Boys over 10. :\nt is \fr1. e And- rew 39fonl,,,nary. \Vatter Map of TTur'er.'h.oel Smith, Clifford T,nwcry, Gilasn 1 \Vhite. Eseit- Kerr, Map of Canada. Alvin Dodds. Roby 1 t .. Mediae, re' r c • F i a, ,c. Tait Hogg. Pencil Drawing. (:nl., Eile ,. bInili- r.ar.,Alare Malone. Pencil Drawing. Boys, Moles Kerr, Patrick '0111ne•y,. lanes Shea, Dan O'Rourke. 'Water' (ell ns, Vat, Flantir.an, T1e1he• Rvan Mary Ci'Ro,rke, Ruhr McRae:. flan of Farts. Willie P,ov.a., Tsabel Low- ery, Rnhy \fcRae., Angus McRae. COOKING Bread. Freda ?tfessersehtttid Ruby McRae, Tilly' Smith, 'Margaret McGrath. Brown Bread. Rnhy Me - Rae Graham Muffins, Beth Goven- lnclr, Mary McCowan, Viola 'Morri- son. jean .Alexander. Oatmeal Cook- ies, Mabel Bolton, Margaret White, Annie Sholdice, Essie Kerr, 6 Buns, Freda Mecter•sellnlidt, Mabel Bolton, Tilly Snry. School lunch, Helen lief- ferntan, Muriel !Wankel, Annie Shot - dice. Tarts,Mary McCowan, Trene Smith: i -Telco Fierrernan, Tsabel Lowery. Tater Ca1ce, Tinian Wankel Afargaret 'McGrath. F.sslc Dorrance. Apple Pie, Annie McQuaid, - Annie Downey, Janet Smith. Raisin Pie, Eileen Flannery, Muriel Wankel Ea r, estine \lithe, Lemon Pie. TTel- en AfcKerchei', Helen Hefferntan. Teacher's. Pre, )fisc 'McTver.- SEWTNG :1 ND KNITTING Mended Tear, Ruby McRae, Hat- tie Dalton, Mary O'Rourke, Mabel Bolton, Pair Corks, Mar Mason, Til- l' S Til- lie Storey, e Mary Cuthil r 1. A Wanda Koehler, Handerchief. Ruby McRae. Lillian Wankel, Eileen ,Afullfgan. Sample Darning, Tsgie Dorraru.e, Isabel T,nwery, Crochet Lace Feig- q "i in ., .Amor tele' 'r i g 1 lie Hattie Dalto ,. Amanda Koehler. Ethel M'Ctnsl-ey. Centrepiece, Hattie Dalton, .Amanda Koehler, Martha Sherhert. Doilies. Miley A'fcRae. Nettie Dalton, Cash. ion, Tsabel Lowery, .Amanda Koehler Yokes., Roby 19frRae Ethel Nit -Cies - key, TTattte Dalton, FANCY WORK - Pillow Slips, 13nhy McRae, 2nd. TTul:ov; n, Mary Downey, Martha S . Iterh r S e t. Special work, '.ss'r i T' ..r. Dn- pr ranee. Amanda 1Cr, .Ric', Ethel i>fe- Chiskey, Doreen TTndson. APPT.FS Winter Apples Afahel Siemos Stanley Hallen, Lillian Wankel. Fall Apples, Wilbert Co,ikiu, Trene Wan- kel, Emmett Malone. Citrons. Rus- sell 13rltnel. Cora Campbell, Albert Dodds, Robt, AfrKercher. Pumpkin, Guy Dnrrance, F,Idin Kerr, Dorothy O'Rourke, :Anton Sieninn. CONTF.STS Boys' - Hitching contest, Cart Dal- ton. James Kerr, Ton Lane. Girls' Hitching Contest. Catherine Mn-. Grath, Cora Campbell, Government Shield for School winning most first .prizes, Nn.4. Men's Rare, Hir- am Blanchard, Don Bremer, V. Lane, Married Men's Race, Sid. Doimage, Ivy Henderson, Trustee's Race, G. Berineweis, Neil Klein,.'tnt. Beattie, Boys' Race, over 10 years, Emerson Daley, Angus McRae, Walter Hoeg- ey. Boys under. 10 years, Harvey Mc- Llwain, Geo, Campbell, Francis Hart Girls over 10 years, Irene Smith, Elizabeth Murray, Eliza Godkin. Girls under 10. years, Marie Murray. Irene Bolton, Vera Alltra, - Foot -ball Match -An excellent garne of clean foot -hall, worthy --of every praise and was fast through- .; .! There is no poisonous ingredient. in Holloway's. Corn Cure and it can bemused ,kithout;danger of injury. •1 . ��;; t the core - moo M, f ; Paith ,�'� 1 1 •! r F .i f' }' "�J I i 3 il'� 1 •3 yam' �j of the electors of Centre ` rr 'ad . : ,Aa dno's . i sll t0 hear +o r1t.,, L. 8 e Cti. dy `a Provincial g 4 ._,.).�� ,ti, t „�.. � is„. �.:�4,.t; �,a�.,s.�• ,L- 7i. �n�}�i�.{�.'�,�1! r^, °g �s^� re' g 7 q, iistE.',•aes k ,f Ni t.1n LJ d..'3 -�'Ye esr:t caM ar ran citizens. w VOTE HICKS A special hrvalrure c:' the �.�s'i✓:.f�i�'f,g. CREAM FAN'G'ED Send yoer crane to us and re,.-ci're t 0 prices. \Ve are running our plant the Firer 1lrrnnglt and can han'l!e- ynur full supply and furnish' you with cans. \We pay twice monthly and '„•eigh, sampleand test each can ,f orcein carefully. Our motto is "Honesty to our Patrons." Patrons are requested to return all our cans ,.Rete' not in use. it perance i be a .4 •ii11 �discu sio, of the Tem gctera R1ion. Ladleect Mr Proudfoot, the independent candldatll. and others will address Butter art Buttermilk also on tE,he nieettin Mind and f,'r sale at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. a~t GOD AVESTHE KING The V or Coats is en) a ? ced b eaves and Stales r� New Sweaters have been developed this season, and some womenive a sweater h g t ecoal c of n e p a fanoY blouse Shown in both slip-on and coat models, brushed mohair golf sweaters; Tuxedo and Norfolk coat style with youthful colars and pretty belts. Wool sweaters in the slip-on style sleeveless and with sleeves -priced $4.75 to $7.50. Coat style 55.00 to $14.50. Utte S seer Win Need i. water and maybe needs one this very minute to play in out-of- doors, ut-ofdoors Or to wear to school 1 the se autumn days . Mother will he'e'd none prettier or better value than these wove slip -overs or little coat models that have just arrived. Sizes are 6 to 12. Prices are $2.00 to $5,00, THE CALL OF THE NEW HAS BEEN SOUNDED HERE --OUR BRIGHT STOCKS ANSWER THE CALL The new In Home Furnishing,s the new in apparel for women. The new in apparel for children, - all these will be found here in vast array, brimming over with the spirit of a world unchained from the gloom of war, get into the spirit of the times -with new things for your home and per- sonal wear. Choose them here. Price and qualitily are all that you always expect here, but do your buying now for there is no question but what the selling will be big. Every department contributes savings, so come here for every need. weate"" A he fiew EIAs YVITII ULTRA S7')' -LI:` 7 OUCHES Await _pour visit to the MILLINERY ROOM And: with all their smartness these hats ore priced at figures phenonlinall-v low $5to $15 ., t '• :•' ci I� �I I,. a {S sty i ' @, l 1 tJ 'p - c iy D 1 .1�' i II EIAs YVITII ULTRA S7')' -LI:` 7 OUCHES Await _pour visit to the MILLINERY ROOM And: with all their smartness these hats ore priced at figures phenonlinall-v low $5to $15