HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-10-02, Page 1Nevy Seties Vol. 17 No 40 z,'E'Afte grpt, th.VT71Ha1 T1-11.31RS0731/, f'ER '2 (919 0.-.00-,r=',,f0^''',-.°l.11==0°00.-l''0.0l..°'mr•'^-°.."-' -.0.0.. '''.."-"" ir0=0.0..-0.-0....0.0-,*00/ ..............0ran00.0,0.0......0......1. 0.0.1........0... ... ,- . p:;z,fiffg_,n • 3 LOCALS iNDEpENDFiAT coNvEDVOIGN Sklet:Ilb.0.'111 Meeting of the boy. : A c,„,,,,ti,,„ „I' the r„,14.1),,,,,rent scouts tionnected %hit the .tiday !il 110-i''' i'liiitii",;...Iii• 4-,,Pli Kat= II -Monists and tit,: Liberal. 1 ,),1 -,,lt 1p- i F '''''• :1 • ,; ,, l' i ' ''',A l.., ,., • 11001 Nl..15: held in the school ....in , 'If':"' r Il - 1K flu r)T. eiln of the Pres1)yterian cliurch .i.t Mor i tionists rtill b.) held in (Clinton yo . Tuei,dity, 3) j, 7111, at due oi" lock trations ,Ael'e given. Th • ' • if ,, .. „(id -i. 3 r. If .: 4tt (int- (kay c•,,•er: ;Ill/ l \ hell Mills and demo..s. ft_ty the mirpose of eelectim!„! oftp.ers. A special meeting of th. ird••,,, ev..r .1 ...'. r and IE Ilu)"ht athisdbIL t ) ...t:1' t. a tle?rreiasIti'Yteeltrt;rtia1ft';iliesIndsafIt:irt'ustbi.,Y.t; candidate for tientre Huron. : ff li. S.t..iiiiii ill Pa 1 t I I, 3 0, ;....,..,; Alen tlie resignation of the Rev. D. ..;•` 1-1,-e. 4., :i1CT t.. 'litrlX ''-) 1 ti.1,' 3r.,•0 ()Li ,:.,i ek, ‘..,,,e,2.t.a,t asetuts,0,0*sc.0000,:".a60.0ara, czema.,-.c.-....r..............,-..,,,.....amr-0,000.0=.100003...,...,t, -.....-,..1tiCIRC61%;1111...1.1.3itiA=PlatZtg.trittOttdit......tataittfltAtInte.S.,t2.4±0:11,...} ki3==7",,,r*''=r410,"+tratrgatt=ittlWaiZiatr.atUiatt.te=41111=trat'SBMW"rdarotr.V...,/.111..t..t.Z.E...ratWa RECITAL : 't le oeital ein eeie, tliepupil: of 2ft VjiritllilNsErAiEND0O,.RAHrgl, ,.... , Ootints" - 111ria,,.C..telldiar tL1,1ittld- wh, ,, 0,,, ,tir_ / 1, -much ere.lit on pupils and leacher. 1 \\lien/ all did well R is !pit necessary 1 mention any one in partientar ex. - 1 et iii to sa,„ the voal salections of code..., displayed l ti. elasticity .4 I of 11 ha l is a voice of great promise. 1 3 13 11 --. veho took part were the Mis.,es Muriel Willi-, ,'1,1. ralge, ,Annie Nloore 'Mary Stew01-t, Dorothy li erq- lake aed Messrs. F. VanEgmond, C, OU hav more pontillenre in rical- in:, with .:i 311 W!11) 1.1.113 hail a Widt PrIetiCer experlence . enit P.(0.11N $1.50per year' John (",.venlock. Carswell of Mel(illop was regri..tfet- afAmiii:72;i,,tpKit..,..,F,57.1 ttccepted. Ren.. M e T, ar, apywdort,:ri mode; arm. of the se-sit:a, of 11.. dmonnental Works, has • TUCKERSMITH Me. Carswell 1030111 resitting for a r„.ty yoars stewart. ern.- pretty wedding toolt place 1:in'e TQr°11r11' ex oil Sept. 24th at Ith.h 1.0011, At.r..an4 friclids ;,•• m",",for4- n.,Ss01.7..tpiT1-21,3 , HURON n;:Ttickersmith, when Oa .1re• Thii" ."! 0 I f 1 I. a ru e v ,i.etia, yea, Sie.gt- i1 1 ig — ton, et. farm,' a S Mary rt. 41 a, r„esealiv r, e oaildiflatv for South ,,`1 1"'Id ' :3 la a largely attended meeting 3-03140(konl t u, .... , Net !hy 171 the effort)1: of hthe mervatipay caet Sheehan r000 cmusenenturveyorpacked the cLoinb , fi t1,( r .tr ot.. tit.3, . .--.........."a"--n--d"".b.''.a- s—e---b'.ai. ll ,. • ,•heer'e,i.- :. te1 T " .3inIfenall Tnday. f rra.lsinof theMid.the 310e1- 4". R. M. Pm" •.tyPcartc ....tcr: months with trowds who toodand lte membe, asb....1-o1.qt'', lilt.1 ------- 1 al and lir.Alcia! polities Except -1, l 1331 1. at upnmilaewwords , . 'L Wateh Our Specia! Sig Dplay n Our al v. :71 WM. Srecial 011 aturday The Velroperfecton 11 m. alt who road ( a box of oar sweets. transeeadthe cArn,11(Gen u._.,.*.13,. CdFreyIn.dany leawlis.t p tt )4, here. (3n' 011311' of 11: 131,11)333 3l13<4 33" 1114303 140' rid ease the Woes anti 418 instantly disappear 111 um gm.11141 .331» d'RF 4 1111113100" itemo1 .lo aol'ten Nc..her i.tare t47ef chlegeittecord. Even ii l.t v.i;31,li. T1(tiititl3110311 Ard'. A 1111p6S3ibld to cupliegte the 5004 ri- - - 4-eu anay. li0 liar int 11/1 ail.? 1‘,.,i-4 . . . • pis g intensity oi tee drama which DIZOr'S story of the con- .1.i. l'',a.r't.siil:i.i.n1,•, i..,t.l“. ,. •ta. `r,l.1'- ', c' l •':'r . •t' ; teediess, t,it,l. ,.f " 21'1'3'3l1.-•ur 1-'+1.1'1.`'` 3;3103.;vlliitS.1 iii-.i.1.,itiwith -i“ ,erP. l ,, Qt,iq1ava, pmfoomo, 1ii,, t.an f f:imaidill., .,oiy 3111111114 '`,1 10,l',iilt.:.,1 I)!. 13.11 M„l ,",,,,,,,, tO14ol; ..\ ft''-'.'.. 131113 volwra111.. ceee 1 lie had been 331 the ilattlo; longothan any other 1110111- WY. Ile thanked thta for the loyal- . , 1.- they hail shown to him antint\h 'onservativecauseduringthosee years. but stated ila! tie would no t „minheaesa,tidate.Mo.tnhlerwas refeatelle urgeto rennsider his i.olnt 1 thai hideision114111. N..initiatIons were then Eight were named bet all ivitiolrew except 'Messrs.. Elterington 1/11oet, Lobb 3(13 dretty. -Ind three 3,3333,134 33000 Fary to make a ttmice. Me. Petty dropped mit in th. fir,t. Mr. Tmbh n the scond '"P7r 311 1133 Mr. Elliott on the third. Mr. Elliott viel Mr. Lotb then in d "‘ ”311 . 131 Y' 'ir Ru and 001' 110101 thatUr. Ellerineon you .1 (AM r tellow 11131. 13311'1313 made the unanimous eludee of 'MICK, GLOSSY NAM FEE FROM DANDRUFF Wrist Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle o Danderine. If you en.re for heavy. hair that es- . .0 tens with beauty and is radiant wit,* life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, Ery Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of .your Mt% besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of afandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have. dandruff. This destructive 3eurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces 3, fever- ishness and liching of the scalp; the lair roots famieli, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a nnall bottle of 'Knowlton's Danderine 40211 any drug store and Just try it. OLD TIME DANCE On Friday, October 10th 10 CARDNOS' HALL : 'Weloonle Reeves' -Five piece ma- tistra 111 310 tendance. $1.01,1 per couple The East Huron TEACHERS ASSOCIATION will have an entertainment in the Town, Hall, Seaforth, on ' Thursday evening, October 9th, at 8 o'clock. Vocal and Instrumental music, drills. and lecture by Prof. Horning of Toronto University, ADMISSION 25cts. W, Jefferson, President, Dr. 3. M. Field, Secretary MEN WANTED.—Men wanted cut wood by day or cord. Apply THE SEAFORTFT CHEMICAL Seafoeth, Ont, P. 0. Box 309. FOR SALE—Seven roomed, one and a half storey brick houtre in first class repair, with electric lights, good cel- lar: also cement cistern and hack kit- chen. 'rile lot contains 0110 801.0 land with chicken fence, also good stable and hen lionse, nearly 11033,', Apply to the ureleasigned cm the Southwest corner of the Mill Road, Egroond- ville. J. H. MeCAULEY. HOUSE FOR RENT.—Furnished house for rent to family without children, on Market Street. Hard and soft water in the house. Apply to the NEWS OFFICE, ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer to to CO •OASOARSTS" WORK WHILE YOTJ SLEEP For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach. Siuggish Liver at.d Bowels— Take Caccarets tonight. leen.. your t 111 r,,,Lai•t:Jt• tact between the hlack arid white rae:es inspired. Yu can 1!. - 343O3 -- FRIDAY SATURDAY • 19 ,..ent Matinee, Suitirday at 3 P. 8/1. All seats 15cts. Saturday night. tint, ilio }whit, and qroon, I the way' 1 • rli,1113.): when, it 3,41403 ,.,,4' 30104 sem ed„ 'rile 1 f;r11 bride tee0i, 1. 311y handsome n' 11, ho to 111,. 1,411:4 o aceidai-e svt mith 3111,3 :11110 tl :est and le the pianist a liretoelt set with i"art'' mid amethyst. Mr. and 1". ins !afternoon train for a short , mown to Witurharn and Teeswater. I The bride travelled in a suit of navy blue garberdine, with hat,,,to match. They will he at home to their friends ,1a.fter Oct. fith nil the groonfe fine 1 farm in Stanley. Their fury friends eillife may he happy and proeperotts. ,I' t tanning ant Ho mai, 40.1 t'f; 1.11e supply and furnish y0rl s lAie pay Dviee monthly siouple attl test eacl: can int;efully Cm/ .1 mt., is on- Patrons." Patrons' sled return all oltr can; t 11.e. 011 Poi ttermillt 3310.)fA. sale at market pricas. The Seaforth Creamery Co.. the convention . . This 8,, received with 1.0115;111g cheers. Mr. Either, the retiring 11i -ember. spoke for nearly an 1101113 in support 017the work and poll- it-ies of ilic T-Tearst Governemt, BRUSSELS' FIRE Afire which oecurred in Anient'e dry kiln at the placing mill in Bios. sets on Saturday was of 41311331a nat- ure that help was asked from the neighbnrnig towne. Chief Sills took the new fire truck and left for the scene with a set- of 11000. When a- bout two miles out one of the wheels brolce down, as the woortewtrim gave out, He secured the Flax Company's truck and went on, The fire, which was confined to the kiln. was put out about 9 p. m. CROMARTY Rev. Mr. Ritchie was in Gunton ene day last week. ,‘ large number from here atteed- e.1 the funeral of the late John Bare dulph spent Slimily in T.ogan the 1. 11 „y., 11. mr. nat.. wa, a eueste of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1)31- extend good wielles that Ceir marri- 11tiss Ella Pearce whppept months at her summer 11110 here re' turned to Denial last week to re- sume her flutiee as a nurse. Mr. Stone of Tavistock has been sent by the Standard Bank to fill the vacancy reused by the resignation of Miss Curtin leaving for the London Normal School, Mr. 1). Crawford has convicted the wnrk nn .1fr. Harry Nethems new gatae...e. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rock of Mit- eliell; Mr. and Mo.. Anderson of Tor onto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mee. Alex. Darling. Mr. and 'Mrs. Campbell of Bid native of Hibbert ant sum!t 3431.01Fit s life there. Tfe was a Weide res 'Puma Touzz., (ion, salow /kn :1 '-3.' head. he havetwo sons Ils 63,410ilill' mike," 41011111 (.r..),e. 1,,,r,ad I.:Wood. bmv1-1.. W3.111 1.,1100' :runr 131.14- 11r, Mart,arf_st Patterson of Tol- • • • 1 Insist on "Bayer Tablas of Aspirin" in a "Bayer paokage," containiug proper directions for Headache, Colds, Pam, Neuralgia Lumbago, and -Rheumatism. Name "Boyer" moans genuine Aspirin prescribed by phyeicians for nineteen years. Handy tM boxes of 12 tablets cod few cents. Aspirin,is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture o, Monockeetie- acidester of Salicylieegid. to Iteets„... mod, witirh'I..0,ins likll hi a A.:011 bat iiat*.i the fir.: to wateld misel-- 4.111,re, favl t 4, 334 Ito., :Lit, ineuttit tlitti 1: lug Mit! rtc to•aight Will ! hotimali. d,,easing and. etraialitea ottt 14)3 1114ing. They a; i you. 10.00nt box front your druggist will ts,p you. feeling si.o,ati far mouths. "Par the Blned is the 14 KE? YOU ARE SUFFER111.1; inArn any disease, duo to impure Load such as Easandn Scrofula, Sourot', Bad Logo, Abaoassos, Ulcerra Glandular Swellings, 130110, Pimplos, Sorsa of any Wad, Fnlos,Blood Pomon,GristnatItan, Goat, etbo, don't naste your tittle Alld Inoney on lotions and ointments which mutat get below the surface of the skin, What you want is a medicine that will thoroughly free blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true muse of 1311 your suffering. Clarkes Blood 'Mixture i5just such medlcale. 11 4, composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting curc (Thousands q/ testimonial+, '4"."kolftVeratle.° aver so resne slrGeds. Pleased to take. Sold by all Obondoto and &Innkeepers. Sops, all Sabotleu tos. rk,e's Tic Mixture sibu Joe 414 1114,1 11111,, evetung 1111313313 the ansptet \V. M. S. It 'V14 a e,ireat 3373131014' » hear so disliormished spea10,- s Patters..il, :lad it was unfort- unate that the well tiler was so in -1 element a.; to keen many at !Ionia. who missed 'her interesting talk on 1 ei..perietwei; ant! lift. 111 Twilit. 1 where ;he spent ten years as a yds- sinnary, Nfe, Chas. Afellaid leas pereliase.1 -ree of land his sititer. , last week visit Ivith liripp4p, barn allti figs, at Ti3 ander A.V(.. • 1''» M. fordam 11133 r•-har,14,1 t having 311131 a t.1011. -alit :133. :141,1 Nfre. forrian. Misses. Mai". t111 Bessie ford -ll left on ti -ti for Tot itectal, 334,1 Mondai • N't Ifoelaittg. ; 1313 ,j,r1t, 33 to Id.. inure from T14l41401- - .13,1 » 11''..a 313133 3'' 603 riote's brid,te on tin e11110 11,A %veep Ril' fent and 1'11111413 1' fli.v king is till 111133011SCi1411.1 alld 3110 110 311 car is CURES ALL ,SKIN & 810031 DISEASES. WALTON lifr. and Mrs. S. A. Handily and Ntr. and Ml" .\. of Statra spent Sunday with Nfr. Hambly's sister. Nfis. Jannis Campbell. Bert Dennison and Clarence Ben- nett have returned from a pleasant trip to Detriot on the Greyhound 130 - ing front Goderich. 'Mrs, James Mowbray and four snits of Windsor are visiting friends here. , Mr. Mowbray will join them here later. She is a daughter of Mr, Alex, Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Button and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Button and two child- ren spent Sunday with Mrs, George Button's brother, Mr. James Camp- bell. Joe Hamilton has arrived home from an extended visit to the Pacific Coast. He had a great time. We are sorry to hear of the fail- ing health of Mr, jcilin Berry, and we hope for an early improvement. Fie is past 80 yearsief age. Suoday afternoon next, the Rev. Mr. Ecclesson of Lucknow conducted the Harvest Home Festival services in St. Georges Church. WINTHROP 11 tiii• inte1e4F. pro.. hibition and the .11 .ensio11 of the lite- feredum question will be held in Cavan ellitreli of this 1,1111' CM the evening of Oct. Stli at 8 o'clock p. tn. Captain Edwards of Seaforth and otheas will actress the meeting and give valuable information upon this vital question. All are cordially in- vited to attend this meeting and hear these referendum queetions of the ballot paper explained that they might the more intelligently mark their ballot on Oct. 20th; BETHEL A meeting in the interest of pro- hibition and the discussion of the Referendum will be.held in the Beth- el IVIethoclist church on the after- noon of Oct. 8th at 2 p. m. when Capt, Edwards of Seaforth and oth- ers will address the meeting and ex- plain the questions of the ballot paper ,tha,t all might cart their vote. intelligently nn Oct. 20th. Every one in the district Should attend this meeting as they -will un- doubtedly receive valuable informa- tion upon this vital question, Wometes znd Misses' New Charming Coas Featured $ 5 to 65 at Another illustration of the marvellous success • achieved by the Store in providing smart—,very fashionable—worthy appar- el at a reasonable price. You'll marvel at their worth, their good styles. the fine lanoring, and they're here in the favored colors. Many are copies of coats that are selling for considerably higher prices. Smart chic coats --for the dashing young Wtintlati, for the more conservative and for the matron, suitable for street end evening wear. military effects, straight line or beite.: Stittne nave. slate 1 collars, others have choke fnr collars. SILVERTONES. ALL-WOOLPLAIN GREY CHECK VEL' OURS, TWEEDS. SALT'S ESQUIMIVIBTTS. PLUSH, LIS- 'rEIV5 POLAR PLUSH, BABY LAMB, ETC. Coats ef— Nate:a Wee 1144". Quake/ nrey. flt .30 I. 3m,1 iirey. Greer. Bargatuly, etc. .................,... ...,..,„_ t...:x, 131 Hats 31101 -vill to discrimsting, purchasers because ,e1,. 410at31Vi4it1,1.:133., Men excellent quality and their chic 4331p03313 -»1'41'3 No two of the eats are alike. All the new- eet .tae shovtu, in close fitting, medium and wide mod- els, 1: trimmed with wings, Ostrich Feathers, ribbon, limos. or nsivelty ornaments. Designs suitable for tailored sport, or afternoon wear. OTHER SPECIAL VALUES IN TRIMMED HATS $7.50 to $15 UNTRIMMED HATS at $1.75 to $10 nIflOafft•,••••*tttrt.. CLi ,ILeaforth wanstestsneseaseineamennennor,tasaccarisanosaatalonistentssimeixtraw