HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-09-25, Page 8LAN $Al\IT'rAl2,Y Nothing more restful thttna'' a hair-cUt or shave in a clean SuatrOunding, Shampoo for dandruff an:fallinghair,or a good Il'tatd. wash; If you have closed poreS' or blackheads, try an Owl •MaSsage.. We guarantee to put a VL Xoyi Apron, J. Clark, M. bki,ttin,, (isle; Dirt sed Dell, Clark, A. White 3, • Ritchie; Tear, darned, 1, Lawson, Patch, L, Lawson; • hemstitched. lianderchief, L. Lawson.' J. Clarke, CLASS 1X—K. Laidlaw, R. Bolg- er, .T. Turnbull, J. Clark; Layer Cake, E. Bolger; Cookies, J. 'Turnbull; 131s - cults, K. Laidlaw. J. Turnbull, M. 1arquarIntrso1I„1. Clarke: Pumpkin I Pie. I-1. Bolger, 1 larke, G. Short- , reed: Apple the, K. Lailaw. A. Ryan, 11. Stimore. J. ("tart: Butter Scotch. Bennett, .1. 1 lig; \I aide Cream, • A. Carter, G. Shorireed, G. Nitirray: shaving edge •ort your ra.ozr. i school hutch I., i aw•am If.. Bolger: Brown Bread, If:. Bolger: 11'hitt- Comme:'.....a Barber Shop, C4th., B„aci, N. Bolger. F. Bolger: Bran 1 . . . W. ROBINSCII, :slutfins, :I. Clarke, K. Lahllaw, G. SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Mariawa • Pr°Pr• Sliortreed, 1 l'Iumbult. ' - CI,'1SS N - t'artags, V. Gardiner, THE. E w., e Prepared • The war has taught us the importance of preparedness. Sickness may overtake you wihout warning — are you prepared? Open a savings account to -day and possess the assurance of your ability to Meet all emergencies. THE BANK 655 • ao,,,s,a,,,,er,,,,,,,eeneeee,:seeeeemerreem2. Harris, R. Sboldice, M. Boger: SgeletstatateinattentgAraresosisulnienstuienatnantaeinatataintsnlanalnlateettsa,fettEs' og. R poNDENcE Fleets. !Al. l'I'llard' by her brother, 111r, XI, Feel: ',It W.,,,, t. ,L ,, A ELL F.aS . ton, ar. Gardiner, Beans, F. Harris, ' ' , , • _I i II Illtil.V. : '.......; )...fili':,' i . ey, wore a Ita V.% ;late Salt. VI Ille lat. ' 11. nrag•er• J. 1"lmsl”! L. lcNnimald and a beautiful set of taupe fox itirs, GENUINE ASPIRIN . ,. . Snall.wve Head. V. Gard . iner 1.. Me,. the gift of the groom. She. VMS 11,- W,,, A1,1,ri„eg,N; ,d iti,,ta,„4 11 m ,aid. 1. KerveP. .. keriey. .1. Nie tended by her cousin, Miss Margaret in ,..ti a 'visit to 11,1 hu Ilun,,.,' who wore a gown of French DI,nal.1: Pr. 1antams, J. Johnston; • Ins been Working here for some ltl-ft Ili•-dle,dds. J• 1,11nstmi, F• 1 30ndas, blue achesse satin and georgette. • Only Tablets . with''Bayer Crss" .Drager Cr. Mann; Bird House, L. The groom was assisted by hits neph- are Aspirin—No others ! ' • • ... :oldie which will W. 1)11wrr, R. 1i ,,s Rabid% R, , tier fade nor V' 4. off. 'Hoy. John T,:rnbttll, -W. Scott, A. ew, Mr. a Crl Stapleton. On their e - W. J. and Mrs. Carte.: ..f Water- turn from the honeymoon they will • down are spending a few days trithreside at the groom's home on the I /a% 1.141.11. C. )1 . tc;!.) ; r'mnpkin, V. ifur„, pi, • li CI Farquhar -on; Sunadh If. Harris. C. • Mr.. Carter's father and. mother. cad. east ot the TI age. A . CI ASS N. 111 - -Smitlou er Heads. DAY Lla Mr. William Sholdice and Mr. and C.ardilItT. la-- 1 odb,une. I. Hoy. •• McDonald, j. Tarnbt11, J. :alum,. STAFFA M Mrs. ji:toes' 'Hoover NMI tti, London a IA sow o Sunday there. 11. AsIdelo Aey l'et, W. Shortreed. gt Next Sunday there ‘t ill he a spec- The regular meeting of the Wo - MI Rally Day Service in the Method,. ,W• II"v• K• Jackson. B. Harris. .. men's Institute will he held in the jet church at. I 1 11. '13.. at mbich the i CLASS XIV—Chirken Co,.p. t rown Hall. on, Friday afternoon, children „ill toce rt.,,,, At .1.33, there I.Iitchie: Best natde Box, Tom Shoo. ' Sept. 26th. A gctod progritrnme is Uhe- . wibl e a •Zally EnQ Serviae ce t Bth- Milking '-t o1 T• shoriretsa. R. Den - el church. e is; Rope Halter. T. Shor treed. I., 5,3e inepared. We. a1 0 epect t ,1xo have our DistrietPresident, Mrs. Cm-- , . We wish to congratulate Mr. EStewartG. McGavin, JCochrane; d - I rammer 'Handle. C. Ritchie, T. rie of St Mary's. to he present. wi,!.,' Mil-,er on the ,tauding he ,thtain- eid in the „,teeei,, , wii,,r ma,,,i,u1,6,11 Shortreea. W. Dennis. D, Murray: Mr. James Sittherhy, of Wiarton 1. J. MeGavin, Mrs. E. aim his brother, balm, of Bellville. Scholarship c,...iminations. In Gen- 1nlIs N'Irs• • were visitors in the village last week. eral Proficiency he ranked eight in I 4 1ardinert T. Clarke. 14 is forty years since they left here . the Province a01 :von the Edward i atol this is their first visit to the old • Blake scholarship in Mathematics . CA S TO R i A home village. : aud Science. Besides this he ranked l _ Mrs. Hotham spent a fe wdaye in ' for scholarship in Scion:lee which re- , For Infants and Children # Galt recently. Be a,iii) got 1 ti.,„ i ii .. ,. • in Use For Over 30Years a ,tourse in the Guelph Agricultural Mr. Ivan 11111 leaves shortly to take i Yerted because of holding this, other.. ' Moderns and Science. 'This speaks Always heaTS College. : tthe well Inc Mr. Miller and 3314.3f.lm the Signature of A little girl baby has come to live Seaforth C•:dlegiate . Ws understand tat the hotne of Mrs. James Harburn. that Mr. Miller intends to leave next ' MANLEY I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Templeman week for the Toronto 1-niverity. Nye 1 -•..... were in Thedford last week. wisik Ili mevery success. i Mr. Thomas McKay wears a The following is a list of the win- ' i smile since the Plth inst. when hit tiers of the school fair held here re-: wife presented him with a baby boy. cently. I Mrs. C. Eckert is at present taking, Crawford. \Mill Dennis: Oats, How-; CLASS I—W'lleat. Flora 'Harris, A. , ,I.,\,,ii, course of glir.ing in our village. Miss Vera and Clifford Colcough ard Oster, N. Hoover, F. Harris, J. ,isrs, C. Eckert and J. M. Eck- apent a few days with friends in God Mum„ Barley, F. Harris., W. Oster, ' V c"lie'l `113 friellaq here last Snn 'rich' i " . , ear% e D. McNabb: Peas. C. Hoegy. Day- .: alN'EMiss Margaret Love was id Murray: Corn, May Pollard, E. • i...ss ra ckart is attendingn \Val - the ton last week. DavidsonSheaf oats. W. Dennis, Nstrattord Normal ';‘..13001 -133-1 her N Ir. and ,Mrs. Jas. Finch of Clinton ; . - • many 311511115 wish her success. :ipent a day here last week with Hoover. G. McGavin. H. Oster. 1 Cl....6,'SS IT --Ternips. F. Harris. Har- alias Mary Ellen Dempsey is at- their sister, Mrs. R. Rogerson. vey. Johston: Mangels. W.Dennis, .• • ". • " t, mime. tne :seatorth Collegiate. Mr. George Riley jr. has gone t,- : • DUBLIN Brussels to work in the flax mill V. Carter. L. Ryan: Potatoes. (L C.) ! . F. Harris, X. Laidlaw. E. Holmes; 1 . — there. Potatoes. IG. M.H. Tomlinson, 3..! rhe funeral of the late Mrs. P. Mrs, Cole is at present under the ) Gad'eney of Logan. who died in Lon- doctor's care. Campbell, X. jazkson: Corn. Ti, Laid. law. M. Hoover. F. Harris, V. Carter; Hospital, was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lew Tebutt and Miss PeasT. Ritchie13eets, A. Ryan. 3. friends from Dttblin and Hibbert, Maude, spent Sunday with Mr, and , ; Ritchie. W. Scott: Carrots, 'kr. Reid. Mrs. Gaffney was laid to rest in the Mrs. Rogerson. 1. Cochrane. J. RitchiOnons, L. ' Mitch,•11 R. C. cemetery on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Cole and fam Underesood, F. Ilarris. e: J. Munni• moreiug last. Mneh sympathy is ee- ily visited Mrs. Cole. tended to Mr. Gaffney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Glazier andParssnip. Parssnips, I. Vudere,rolz Squash, G. Me(3avin. E. Cumliln-tham, V. Gardi- , 411, f Mr. Gaffney's sons, Bart., is son of Stratford were the guests nf • nem Pumpkin, L. Un•lerwood. al.:a stli,lent at St. Peter's Seminary, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pollard. ttedsn t hurt a bitl Drop a little Scott. N. Hoover; Tomatoes. L. law i 1-"ml"o. . ..........-............., Freezone on an aching cern, instantly son. M. Seott, A. Ryae: Cabbage. i \Hs, Marie Nevin has accepted a it right out. Yes, =pet that eorn stops hurting, then you lift Cattlifh000r. G. Pollard: Citron. H. - M. Stimore, T. Stimore, r, TIoegyd 1"-,sition as teacher in Toronto. Her parents move to the Queen City the their children are troubled with 'Few cents at any drug store but is anffi- eivAnttiny toTbottolev eofevForryeezhonrne,de, onsotnns :bustof: he 11111111 11115451 at St. Patrick's Mother, eat, easily know when McCit11. ll. joltston. R. sholdica:, last of this 01011311. They have been cora, or corn between the toes, and the worms and they no time in applying ' /teams. 1., st,,,,,,„„. ii, m,,,,,„.E. c„„„ hie Ing re.ddents of Dublin and will the best of remedies—Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. calluses, without soreness or frrita.tion. Freezone is the eensationa/ discovery 1- glut tn. 1•\5, ITT_ .r! 1- i• al at .ta, rhurch as Mr. Nit -vin has been {Jo' a of a Cincinnati genius. n is wonderful. 3331, N. Laidlaw. NE Pollard: .1,ters, 011113135r of years a member cif tht , A. I•,r1,c,y. ,cM. :'.. MSre, ltoPticnrwllro1 T ..":-PINnak,.nc.Cia..l.la-lr,,l.:lec rI hosoIi'rds. Galiner T. hMtto ui,Jld, i--es-at SWt, ellPeetehra'ss Seremsbuimareyd M LI fill ® Clifilif Mol1 1,11Nlinkluttnmer ,tgra,tth SpectaS ctie LaIlaySnapdragon, I). 1-N.I.Ir, I. Drtritd to locate -there. H was Tnrillotil. J. Clark,-; Ver,lenac. T a( oompanied hy his brother, Wall,r. McCallum: Ilest 11' 1113111 T. MeCal . i and fa milY, hon. J. Tatailmll, Hatel Drager. NH,. Agne-- Curtin's mon,. wa- in- C1,.\ \,1 1V--r,,o,„r,l p31111. W. advert ciitly omitte,1 last we, 1: from Clark; i' oeter-l. T.,. Ryan, T. R; -alt, 'he 114 ,,f tho-', from this ',Plage Clarence .Stei,s; Pullett. J. 'Ryan, 1'.1 who ,,v ere att•miling the Stratford q Steiss, L. Ryan: White 1 .eglion s, j. ‘• brilnil ''''lictol• i 'l Ritchie, 3. Turnbull, K. iaidlaw:, Mr. I,. 1 1„-,01,7,- has bad the vl•., I k White Nvyaiiriotte..... A. Craw i,.,,.,1 ; w.. 1 I ric 1i.,dtt rem In his 11011tie hy Mr. .. Id Leghorn Rags. I, Ritchie, L. Laidlaw i Rnhert'or of Mitchell. C. Munroe. ' Mr. P. Stapleton is having his CLASS 1.7--Colt--Agri,, G. MeGav- ' l"III4ori"'1. TT, has rented it to Mr, , in; Heavy Draught Colt. 33 McGee.; Tobn Rtans, row general hlaelliiitli. in; Becf Calf, A. Crawford: Durham i Mr. P. E. 115011 has been placed at-- Calf, A. Crawford; Clydedate Colt,1 Ttrodltag en as manager of the Stan G. NfcGavin; Best Calf. A. Crawford. Hard Bank bran -11 lest opened there, CLASS VT—Weeds, T. McCallum; ; The total inse of Mr. Milligan was 51,200 more than his insurance. Tt is thought that part of the walls ean he used again in rebuilding it, Staffa Sehool 'Pair was held on Tuesday and was largely attended by pupils from here as was also the concert at night. Mrs. Louis 17,,rolfe returned home on Saturday. Mr. Harry Melhams is Crecting a garage and barn. Those who complain about the cost of milk should remember that milk at three cents a glass is both cheaper and better than a sloppy drink of • soda water, The Marriage of Mr. Leo Evans and-Ifiss-Trene Feeney was solemniz-, ed in St. Patrick's church, Dublin, orr September llth at 9.30. The pastor, the Rev. T.-Ncionan; performed the ce-resnoni. The bride, w:ho Was giv- Thureday, September 25, 1910, iill&MgefialgengErraniZiefiallr "igagallat 4 eks ears f Lif :nsurance Records Prove Moderate Drinking Increases Death -rate 3596 IFE Insurance figures prove that the excess of deaths among moderate drinkers over abstainers runs from 11% to 74%. • It is the business of Life Insurance Companies to know the risks a man takes when he , uses liquor, ,These Insurance men have no theories to prove and no • 'doctrine to preaeh. Their figures are as cold as ice, arid they make you • pay for the risks you run. To them it is simply business—a matter of dollars and cents. But to you it is a matter of life and death. Actuarial Comparison or Death Records Agee ' Total Abstainer* Moderate Xitinker* 20-30 - ''' 650(1--76k 00 64,1224061 29 078 13,056 4,321 17016411 • 68 18,524 4,617 , 19% 74 0 42% 11. 30-40 34,568 , ' From tables prepared by R. 1-1. Moore; Actuary Of the United Kingdom Temperance , .onid General Insurance Company; based on Records of over 60 years' experience. Excess Dext....s Amon* Moderate Drinkers [OM 3011.7..16(IMPRINIMISIIMU If you don't see. the "Bayer. Crose” on the taidels, refuse ,them—they are not Aspirin at all. only one Aspirin, that, marked with the -Bayer Cros.•" all other tab- lets are only aeid imitations, Look for the "Bayer Crosel Then it is real Aspirin, for which there is no ,ubstitute. Aspirin is not (birman butis made in Canada by Canadians. and is owned by a Canadian .Company, all rights'being purella,ed froncthe tlovernment. Genuine ,"Bayer ''raidels of Aspirin'' have been proved- tair by millions fbri Pain; Treadafhe.,:iceuraluia,.(loltle, inatism. Lumbago, , Handy thcboxes •,1 P1 tablets-,alao larger "Bnyor" paekages, can be had -tt at- drng store. ,' .1ridrin i tbe' trade mark. (registered, in Cantdal; -of Bayer Manufaettme of Menoacetieacidester Of SaIicylkateld. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, topchy corns off with fingers Weeds Seeds, N. Hoover, T. McCal- lum. E. Denitk: Tree Leaves. T. Mc- Callum. Lena Miller, L. Unde, Moths & Butterflies, 3. Turnbull, G. Davidson, N. Hoover. CLASS WI—Writing, 1. Stimore, Jessie Dennis, R. Bruce. 1. Ritchie. Writing, 3. Ritchie, E. Hemingway, Stincore 3. Clark; Map of Ontar- lio, J., Ciark,M. *Stimore, M. Reid: -Map of N. Ameica, M. Hoover, E. ,Hemingway, A. Crawford, M, Stint- -ore', Map of Huron, I. Still -lore, M. • 13alfour,I. Underwood, T. liennis; Land,scape, E. Hemingway, J. Clark, -Dennis; Crayon Drawing, A. 'Stimore; Snap Shots, L. Lawson, G. McGavin; Plan of Farm ' Horne, J. Clark, L. Underwood, K, Laidlaw. CLASS VIII--Hetriming on Cot- ton, M. Stimpre, F. Bennett, L. Law - of The:nriost ramc'us /notion picture of all time. Part I r,,Thur Fri & Saturday Part II Next week Regular Prices Remember the 10 cent atinee on Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening 2 Shows 15 cts Synchronized Music - Princess 0 Iftik la Willing to Die Before ur Time for Sake of 13.oze? THE number of deaths among moderate drinkers averages 35% higher than among abstainers. If you have habitually taken two glasses of whiskey per day or the alcoholic equivalent in beer, your chances of dying before your time are double those of total abstainers, It has been costing total abstainers yearly millions of dollars in pre- miums to help to pay for excessive deaths among drinkers! Can we afford such waste of life asaFl. money in the face of the war losses of money and men? • Vote 'No" to repealing the Ontario Temperance Act, and "No" to rendering it practically worthless by the proposed amendments. • 112 11 - Four Times—N! Answer every question on the Referendum Ballot with an X under the heading "No," and herein fail not, or your vote is lost to Temper- ance Progress. Ontario Referert UM, ,Committee . JOHN MACDONALD, D. A. DUNLAP, • • ahairman, Treasurer, • ANDREW S. GRANT, Vice -Chairman and Secretary (1001 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto) 54 AMINNISI Best Goods I Self Service I Lowest Prices Be prepared for the long nights ahead Lamp glass. large 13c - Lamp glass, small 1 le. Lantern glass, squat or tall 8c. Lamp wick 1 ic. Burners 12&14c. A Few of Our .Speeials Icing sugar 14p S. Wheat 14c Rubber jar rings .7c Extracts 9c Kippered herring22 Pork&beans L 28c 0 Dutch cleaner 11 Silver G. starch 14 Dates, pgs, 22 Shaker salt 12 The market shows an advance in Teas and Coffees. 1 -lave you o tried ours at the old prices? Tea, black and green, mixed 65c Tea, black and green, mixed U. F. O. Coffee Goftee beans. 53c 60c 50c We are the only store in town handling the Cream of the West and Quaker Flour. Your friends will recommend them. Try a sack. 'UNITED 'FARMER'S 'CO:OPERATIVE Co. LIMITED (Rhone fl 7) Distributing Warehouse No4,1 Seaforth