The Seaforth News, 1919-09-25, Page 4PROFESSIONAL CA1U S :0.,,ssonorN,.wtsairsieu..or..amNrIolormtweno, hREn1t rat. lau6 nit. S. 9 LCCM otR Iwas tan ,u l su Inn ,yIo400 on 01(a 1 n t a. Iso to 1. IS ISSUED EVERY ,'THURSDAY B.gteoiltl attsntton to dry I••n" , iu t at,. Y Frew tho' sad h,o Cl•'K Band residence bebu,q n ui ti hang, Mm sT. SEAFORTH, ONT. 9a+o Phone No. o; 8eldent," Phone No, tuU Phone 84 Eveningi T ray, i', 0J BURROWS �Settforth Ottlee. and r s 3Iden0oe- t3oderleh Street, cant of ilia steal aa1GM Cburt:h, Coroner for County u( Huron Te1`c+ihone No 40. rens. i(.U"1'T & .MACK{AY. 1'hyslt+laws and snrgeons,eoderieh.Street, opposite Metho• Church,Seaiorth, Sam. graduate Victoria and Auu Arbor, and Member ofOnterlo College;ol Physicians and Burgeons Coroner for County of Huron, honor graduate Trinity iversity, ;.gold medalist Trinity Medical College, Member o f College of Pysiciane and Burgeons, Ontario, soit. CEO. HEILEMAN, Osteopthic Specialist in ',Yemen's and Children's diseases and sad chronic di el Rheumatic,Ear, troubles, Acute d o sax sae, Ear, Eye Nose and Throat Adenoid re- moved withouttheknife, Consultation free, Of1loe:over Vmbaoh's Drtlg -Store Yneslay,810m. too p.m,tleriday 8eon, to bpm YFa'. irs- Js II. Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University 0 `..Terontu 1897, Lute assistant New York Ophthal- %lie and Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos pits's, London England. At the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, third Wed nesday in each mouth from I1 a. m. to 3p,m.railroad time. 03 Watgrloo Street, Smith, itcarford, Phone 0(17 Stratford. ri 4t rla�e L�GQIISeS issued by JOBS �.i Z• 'P ar DA4Y,'ewelet and optlelan, sex• (0.1n Insurance Myers n, aldertng Influence, Lne or Accident? 7 postcard will get our rates J. 0. HiNeRLEY. Gen era( Agent for London Life insurance Co.. td lmoestatGuaranteeand Accident Insurance Cet, SUBSCRIP TION tine dollar per year, strictly -m10011,000 1( not paid in ad vatmet, oue doKar and a hall will be. charged. United Otate.a papers, tltty cents extra, .trickly et ad vau•ee. When eutsart bens chaange their address notice should be Tent us immediately, giving both the old and the new y notifying gSubus ear007 I rwilleg larity a favor by notgylns fir of any Irregularity of delivery, Reading Noticae-No ,:ending notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money is to be made by any person or cause wll be inserted In Tart .News withoutt«. charge.The price or the D ..war• clot of br count arms esca :acs L TEN cents per count lln,,a ppeh tittterttou l.erustaa. mei FIVE cents per line each prttes hallo n0 eoattaet for display Creation to those having display contracts. and for church, society and entertainment f reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 2 lines. 50 cents, ..... 1 1 TOE • FOR NEWS NEWS • IO•W TO VOTE Cli'ere eeeih5 to be considerable diversity 1Ly of opinion is to the voting on tate coming retereicduni.' There i4 an impression prevalent that voters must answer each question in the sane nay: that is, that the 'four qucstiotic on the ballot lost be ans- Thursday, September 25, 1919, and. Mrs. John ltootitt spent aday; fast .week herr Mr, McPherson of Parkhill is the palest of Mr..Robert Elliott. \•1r. and 1lrs. James Carney and fancily and Mr. and Mrs. Win, Carney and fancily of Stanley visited their sidle(, Mrs. Tough,. last week. Rev, A, Macfarlane was In Sarnia With foto yes's' or four 'no's' or the for a day recently, ballot will he spoiled. This impres- sitit is not COrieet. You can V011 vote 'yes or 'no' to the. Dior Hues Botts, but yeti must cote yes' ta• '00 e CROMARTY We are pleased i to report that Airs. s 11iglt Currie is improving. e Mrs, Donald Gillespie, who °has been visiting friends here for the past to all the questions, otherwise you !ballot will l e counted as spoiled. A an eetmple, 1 person may vot 'yes' on ttttestion 1,.'no' on question a .and so on. , a. Judtcfat, Legal, Official and Gorarn- ment Noticae-Ten cent° per ane lot firer tasertten and eve teats per tine for neck {l eubecque '""anion. e Yaorly cards -Professional Cards, nor !y exceeding one loch, will be inserted for 95.00 per year, payable strictly In advance S• Display advertising -Rates furnished on application, l "Advertleemente ordered for Insertion, wUntIl forbid," and those sent without written Instructions will appear until ritten orders are re•elved for their din. continuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication. out se a gunrahtee,of good (alth. Thea uhllener elblll a create t seme tp whatever for tete statements made In such communications. Lettere on reli- gious copies will not he published at aft except as paid advertising, plainly [narked as such. The rate for such matter io ten cent, per fine J F, SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1 BAYFIELD. Mr. G, ;sillies of the Sterling Bank left last week for Isis home in Peter- burit where he will spend a few week's holiday's, • ,. ,. '.+ .. •. Mit: I. A. Edwards is spending a few weeks with friends in Lobo and h.itehener, Mr.,and Mrs \Woolridge of Toronto and Mrs. Fair of Clinton are guests at the home of irks Feftis0n. Lieut. Alex. Aitken, who has just re, turned'trau overseas, is spending a week in the village, Miss Davey. assistant on the,.Pub- lie school staff, visited at her home in Kincardine last week. Mr. Orval Weston of Dettiot is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Weston. . \i. Malccn Toms, s, who has been engaged in fishing at Port • Stanley during the past month, returned home last week, Quite a number from here were - to the t,:orlerich trair last week; • M(r., and Mrs. "Thomas Baker, Mr. • NDN i and Mfr \\. °ootitt of London, ;lir. 2nd Annual School Fair, $. S No. 4 .McKillop,- .Friday, Sept. 26, 1919. Farmer Watson . PRIZE LIST General Fire, Lite and Accident insurance GLASS I -COLTS . •1 Agent, andt. bei[ rtLtu Sewing Machines. fest Heavy Draught. 1st Medal. by Bank of t unuisei'ce , $+ 32 $1 I e -t General Purpose, lst and 2nd by 13r.Borrow§ ; . 3, , 1 1 t,t Roadcrtr• THE McKILLOP Milillai Fire Insurance Co, Aarm and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. Y Y OFFICERS J as, t'nunouy, rt.deri, It, President, James ler eta, Reeehwood, l'iee•1'rtsid eot, Phomas Hays, Seaforth. Ells: Tress Dirsetors Jb. 9' McGregor. Seaforth; Joon G. Grieve, A"irtthrop W. Rion, Constance; Paha Benoaweta. Aredgbdgen; Robert Ferri., Hadocki Malcom )(Semon, Clinton. G McCartney, teats Connolly, Godericht Jaa. Evans. Beechwood Agents Ales. Leitch, Hnrlock; E. Hinckley, Seafortr • Lbloom Chesney, Egmondviee• J. W, Ye. tnenvllle; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhaneo • Jan and John Govenlock, Seaforth, an , Iters, Par ea desirous to effect Insurance or traone amass wnl bt PrompetY attended to h Eon to any of tha above officers, address 4o their respective postolgees. U a, (IRDS LTNM"lrrro: 1 LIMITED f 'stoasro c cp .RAs,.,,; Ruane The +lrigitia and Only Genuine CLASS II -CALVES ilea Beef Steer, 1st. ;C3 by 5. J. N -Ferner, Mi. i'„ . . . . . . Best st I eef Heifer 1-.t.$3, by L. J. Looby. Best t Pref Steer spall fed), 1st. cufflink. by F. S. Savauge .. 3• .' 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 fleet Heifer ttall trill 1 te 3 by ('•rm r 2 Farmer's a C1 h u ... 1 1 s t U,irt Helfer, 1st and 'n:d by (ht . Barber. . 3 2 1 Fest pair Beef Calves, . let: 2ndand Srdbn the Standard B•un! ... 3 2 1 Lest fitted Calf. Steer lir Heifer, Medal by Dr. Harburn Best shown and hest halter broken calf. $2 by Jos, Dorrance & Son. CLASS III -LAMBS - 11e -t Pair Lambs. 1st, knife by Geo. Sill, . ..... I est Wool Lanmh, 1st, 2 by 1. C. Greig Best Mutton type lannh, 1st, 32 by R. t iarrow- CLASS IV -POULTRY Best pair young turkeys, prizes by John Scott . . 75c 60c 40c 25e Rest pair white geese, lot, 2nd, 3rd 4011 hr T. Smith 75t• One 40c 23e }lest pair grey ,gees( 1, 2, 3,4, by D. Shannahnn 75c 60c 40e 25r Rest pair Pekin Ducks, J. MacTavislt 75c 60c 40e 25c Best pair Roue Ducks, Cardin.) Bros. , . 75c 60c 40c 25e Pest pair Indian `Runners, R'. R. Sknnith 75c 60c 40e 25c Best (0, 3. C.I Barred Rock pullett, Jas. A, Dale , 75c 50e 25e Rest (0.:\. C.) Barred Rock cockerel Dr. Ross , . 75c 50c '2Se Rest pair Barrel Rocks 40e 30e' 20e Rest pair White Rocks 40c 30e 20e Rest pair White Leghnrns 40e 30c 20e Best pair Rhode L Reds 40c 30c 20e Best pair Black Mfinnrcas 40c 30e 20e Rest pair 't 0., or S., \\'yandnttes, H. Edge , . , , 40c 30e 20c Rest pair Brown Leghorn. 40e 30e 20(• 1ie5t pair Brown Belgian Hare: 75c • 50c 25c Rest pair t'Ltmmon Rabbit. 50e 2Se flet pair 0rantnnnn Rabbits, '1.50 by W. F.. Hinchely. pair t,, i.e Lit'er, to fit.. rianot. 1 50 1 50 1 50 14. t pen of Pigeons ,, . . - ,,. _. CLASS V -GRAIN Beware nest sheaf \farqu,s Wheat of ile,t sheaf Marquis Wheat (0. A. C.) lmilahons : ret Sheaf Barley. ley. t 0 C.'i .. ......... 'est sheaf Barley SOtd Best sheaf Ott r(t, A. C.) 01 the Best Sheaf Oats Ikie(its Ilc.t ire. A, (',i 5. Ears Corn. Golden TtantitOt of fie t (t..\. C./ 3 Stalks Corn. Compton Early . t 1U A. t ,t 5 Stall Ensilage Corti . Minard s ;;Lindment I,a,t I, t;alh'n Oats i17. A.c.1 40e Be't gallon Barley (0. A,C,'1 Rest ' 1 ;anon field Peas ;test ;'int Gamlen Peas Re.t Pint Bean; 40e 40e 30c' 20e 11/c 411e 30c 20e 10c 40c 30t 20c Inc 40c 30c 20c 10c 40c '30c 20e Ilk ane 30c 20c' 10e 4tle 30c 20c 10e 40e 3i)e' 20c Inc 40e 30e 20e 10c Lest t• gallon Marquis Wheat (0. A. C.t . , , . 40c 30e 20c 100 30c 20c 10c 40c 30c 20e ler 50c 40e 30c 20c 50e 40e 30c 20c CLASS VI -ROOTS & VEGETABLES 30i tit 10c et..t Yellroe 5fstigeis (0..\. C F. Fowier . 40c 30c 20c lftc Ile,t 5 -Mengel.. - 40e 30c 20c 10e ,t 5 Turnip: (r7. A, C 1 . . , , . , , 40c 30e 20c inc :,- t Curiiir' 40c 30c 20c 10c Be..t , Beet; (0. A. C.)-...... 40e 30c 20e 10c Let 5 Beets 40e 30c 20e 10c Ile.t 5 Onions (O..4. C.) r 40c 30c 20e 10c Bt• t o)ninn.. .... ate 30c e 10c Bet 5 Parsntpo(O. A. C.) . - _ 40e.. 30c 200 lnc Bet 5 Parsnips 40e 30c 20c 10e Ile. t .3 Cabbage 40c 30e 20c 10c Best 3 Pumpkins 40c 30c 20c 10e Rest 3 Citrons 40c ids 20e, Id Rest (m Putatrtes (I. C.1 40c ids 20e ids Best fi Potatoes (G. MM.) 40c 30c '20e 10' Rest 5 Carrrat. 40c ids 20e ids Best 0 Tomatoes 40c 30c 20c 10e CLASS VII -FLOWERS Bouquet of Asters.. (121 40e 30e 20c 10c Bouquet of Plilte 40c ids 20e Inc Tlonottet of Sweet Peat 40c 30c 20c 10e iloneeet of Dahlia;, Dahlia Bulbs by Dr. Grieve, Bouquet of Gladiolii . 40c - 30c - 20c 10e Foliage .. 40c .30c 20c 10e Nit), other Potted Plant • 40e 30e 20e 10e CLASS VIII -SCHOOL CONTESTS ;lest collection of at least 25 weeds $3,OO 32.00 S1.on • . 1.50 1.00 .50 2.00 1.50 1,00 1.00 • .75 .50 A Business Wthout a proper systm ot'adver- 1 t sin is like a raptor without the power "r Se forth News ADVERTISf;Nt:NTS will supply the re'4u1iri ed energy phone - 84 eveniitgst127 Lest tollectinil'ot weed seeds Fest collection of Insects Best collection of leaves . .. two months has returned to her home in the west BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Neil McGregor, :Mfrs. D; McEwen, Miss Jean Mustard and Mr. John McEwen were in Tiverton last week, Miss Graham of Seaforth was at t(ie hone of. Airs Geo. Baird last week. We deeply regret to announce the Beath of Sarah Baird, beloved wife of Mr. Alexander Thompson, whish oe- curred 51 her home on Sunday, Sept. 14th. •The deceased lynx the second youngest daughter of the late Thos. Baird and'\yas born in the Parish of Anchinleck, Ayrshire, Scotland on Nov, 2nd, 1850 and carne with her parents to Canada in 1852. After a stay of a few months near Galt, they located in Stanley, where her early life wee spent, On May 23rd, 1877,. she was married to Mfr. Alexander Thompson and settled on their fine farm on the Bayfield roar( where she lived for forty five years, Mrs. Thompson waswidely known and notch admired by a large circle of friends and acgttaintnces, for her kind and hospitable disposition, She had been: in ill -health for the past two months, i,ut the end' came more suddenly than was anticipated, Mrs, Thompson was a totasistent member of the Union. Church, Brucefield, Her husband and two daughters and one son survive, Mrs. Arthur 3feQueen,. of Stanley, Miss hate Thompson at home and Mrs. James Thompson, She also leaves three sisters and 'a brother,` Mrs. J. Gilmour, Mrs. P. Campbell, Mrs, J. Cameron and Mt•, 'rhos Baird, all of Stanley. The pall-bearaers were I.essrs. T. T. Baird, G. r\ Ba.hel, T. B. Campbell, HughGil a g n Sur, G. T, Baird, and T. 111, Beitti, The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon,. The floral offer- ings were many and varied, among. them being a beautiful wreath from the 1. 0. 0: F. of Brucefield, Much Sympathy is expressed with bereav cd family. The funeral Was one of the largest ever seen in this vicinity and internment was made in Baird's cemetery, Among those from a, dis- tance were Mr. John T. Baird Air,_ George A. Baird from Detriot, Mrs. Rev,) S. Carrieren Grand Bend; Mr, and Mrs, Angus Gordon, Mrs. Hy. Lednor, Mr. John Bennett, Port Al- bert, Mr. and Mrs. John Aikenhead,. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Aikenhead, ,Albert Aileenhead, When :Asthma Conies do not des- pair, Turn at once to the effective help -Dr, J. D, Kellog's Asthma Re- give you the aid you need so sorely, medy, This wonderful remedy: will. Choking ceases, breathittg becomes natural and without effort: Others, thousands of therm, have suffered as you stiffer but wisely turned to this famous remedy and ceased to suffer, Get a package this very .day. • Best Physical Culture, Dr. Field , It.'t 5 I . t first prices 00011 by any school Shield, to be won 3 times before' hrronting property of any school. . CLASS IX -WRITING Verse of National Anthem, girl over 10, 1st prize b5'Dr.McKay 50e Verse National Anthem, girl ander 10 75c. 50c Verse of National Anthem, boy oi•er 10, prize by Dr. McKay, 50e Verse of National Anthem, boy under 10 . , , 7Se 50c CLASS X .e] RAWING Best map of Huron, boy or girl under 12 yrs. Mc- Lean Bros $1 '75e 50c 25c Pest map of Canada, boy or girl over i2 years . . . 75c 60 e40c 25c Best Pencil Drawing, (girl), Whip Creast set, J. Beattie 60c 40c 25c (Test Pencil Drawing, (boy) 75c 60c 40e 25e Bestpainting, water colors, book by W. Thonipsott . 50c 25c ;lest plan of Farm, drawing to show House. Barn, Orchar, Driveways. etc., Dominion^ Bank 75c 60c 40c 25c CLASS XI -COOKING Best loaf \White Bread, N, Clttff & Sons 75c Best loaf Brown 'Bread. 1st Cook Book, \\'. Stapleton Best 6 Graham Muffins, 1st Cook Book, W. Stapleton Best 6 Oatmeal Cookies, 1st Cook Book W. Stapleton Rest 6 Buns, 1st S0c by W. D. Kliukhanntner , , . , Best school Lunch. 1st Pen by E. irnmbach . Best 6 Tarts, 1st Linnougse Cup; G. D. Haigh . Best Layer Cake, 1st $1 by Chas. Aberhart Cake to he given to the donor Best Apple Pie, 1st 50c by Chas. Aberhart . , I'ie to be given to the donor, Best Leman Pie, 1st 50c by Chas Aberhart Pie to he given to the donor. Best Raisin Pie ids 40e 30c Rest pie of any kind baked by teacher, 1st $1 by F. Fowler Pie to be sharer; with donor. CLASS XII -SEWING & KNITTING '^ 40c 3O Pest mended tear e 20 Best pair, socks $ , , ll)e [ Best pair socks knit by teacher : ; .. • $1.00 75c 50 25 1.00 75c 50ee 25e Best Sample of Darning 40e 300 20c l0£ CLASS XIII -FANCY WORK Hemstitched handerchief ; Crotctheting, lace edgings Centrepiece Dolies Cushion Yokes Pillow slips Pin Cushion . . ' 50c 40c CLASS XIV -MANUAL TRAINING Bird House, 1st and 2nd by Stewart Bros, $3, $2. Hand Sleigh, 1st boy's watch he J. F. Daly Box, not over 2 feet . , , • 3fllk Stool Rope halter TTannner handle CLASS XV -FRUIT Collection of 5 kinds of winter apples . . , , !Collection of 5 kinds fall apples CLASS XVI --EGGS Best dozen white eggs q Best . dozen brown egg 60e 60c 60c 60e 40c 75c 40c 75c 40c 40c 40e 40c - 40c 40c 30c 50e 30e 50c 30c 30c 25e 25e 25c 25c 20c 50c 40e 50e 40e 50c 40c 50e 40c 50c 40c 50c 40c 50c 40c $1.00 75c 75c 75c 40c 40c 40c 30¢ 30c 30c 30c 30c 30e 30e 30e 30c 30e 50c 50c 5oc 30e Zoe 20e 20c 20c 20c 20e 20c 20e 25c 25c 21). 20e 10e 20c 10e 40c ids CLASS XVII -SPORTS 40c 30c 20e Hitching colitests- The horse to be harnessed, imitched to btiggv, then tie - hitched and unimarnessed. The horse must be held by t res nosible 3 the bridle by some ( person at all times.: Boys $1.50, $1,00, 50c; .Girls, Aluminium tea pot by W. Hill, $1.50, $1.00. Boy's 50 yard race, over 10 years, .knife by Geo, Silts Boy's 50 yard race, under 10 years, knife by Geo. Sills 50c 25e 50c 25e Girls 50 yard race over 10 years, running shoes, PT, R. Scott . 50c 25c Gods 50 yard race under -10 years, running shoes, 11. R. Scott , 50 23e Single Men's race - 'Married Men's race Trustees race Teacher's race , • , lehiliition Basket Ball game, two teams from No. 4. Badges Football ivratch-Tw<'o evenly matched teams, Seaforth vs, McKillop. BOOTHS LTJNCH, ETC. , Refreshment booths will be arranged. Lunch will be served in the basement of the school. All articles brought to the Fair will be carefully- . protected from destruction this year, We Irish to thank .the y for their interest and assistance last year in our wor d viIl be.' in attendence throughout. Admission free. Conte an dbenjo eland another lay with the little folks of McKillop. • enjoy WILLIAM BEATTIE, President F. T. FOWLER, Sect . Parade at 1,30 Sharp y ?rens. Keep This List For Reference. 20c 0O' Ide . . , . . Badges , Badges Badges 11 . ThcPropriefdlJ e �pianalitt ,� Azre�cfnb': i 1'°lfltratldit%elle ;n sitnilathnv;the toodbyRegutn tiny(the$tome�die niii1.59y61, e1 ITS a d e1.'Gri$ Gt v,- '00 ThenoyrecinOtil P”1$e tle ip CheerfufneSSandRe0SftSt. neither Opium, Motphinll (tilt Mineral. NOT NAato'0TI ktigeefOldDrSdP IZ P/Tellla Punplils Alt.rooaa . Adm.. Seed ANN OW .ff rbarerAddns .AhelpfttiRemedyler Constipation andDia'rhaea and Feverishness and Loss off. Sees el,�, TaeSinuleSignature ot 11 r p THE AURudPII' f(, MONTREAL & NE','`t?0'RIs:. STO Ttor Infants and Children. Motgers,Know That Genuine Castoria lwa�Ts J Bears the Signature of to In Use For Over, Y Thirt Years IA ���« i . vi FL rid •f I v Exact Copy of Wrapper• rNa eeN•r.Un eeFI.AMY. NeW Venn etre, •IMEWWNENgt art' •V asegoomm00000kord Special 0' ar for Farmers ram bu3iing' all kinds of Jik-.and Fowi I have a great stock of second-hand Water;'pipes and shaftings for sale. J. Naftolin Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House 1 122 -i..iiY,k. D, ri.- .rS'".s•..,,,^ .o te,r, , L 6. Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor !OSE TEA s good tea Sold only in sealed packages 10 "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any diaeaeo duo to impure 1.00d Bush an Eczema, Scrofula, scurvy, Bad Log, Aba000eoe, UIoorn, Glandular Swain ow., Balla, Pim ploo, Soren of any kind Ptloa,Blood Poioen,Rheuntatiom, Gout, oto, dont waste your time and money on lotions and t belowthesu fame oft the skin. tl What you tw,giet is a medicine that will thoroughly fret the blood of the poisonous :natter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Ciarko's Blood Mixture is just such a Medicate, Itis composed of ingredients which quickly expel front the blood all Impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a Lasting our, IThot4eattatt,y lst,tn,t,ali. or ”lents'ottcoatt.Atthl round bottle). Over 50 rears' stoma Pleasant to take. Sold Is sl! CN I ie end St r Nenpnra. rcf”a at! Snb t•tu tong CURES ALL. SKIN & 810011 OiSEASES, C'ofns cripple the feet and snake walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holloway's Corn Cure is withinthe reach of all. Anyone knowing the present ad- dress of Roger 1'. Roberts, formerly of the Dominion Lank, Regina, kind- . ly conununieate with Box 8, (Sea - Furth News). To his interest, Machine Operators Wanted a few girls to operate sewing _. (tut ch i n e a. W, lr,, eanforci Mfg. Po Seaforth Phone 69, CREAM WANTED Sencl your create to us and receive top prices. We are running our plant the year through and can handle your full supply and furnish you with cans. • We pay 'twice monthly and weigh, sample and test -each can Of cream eat'efully. Our motto is "Honesty: to our .Patrons,:' Patrons tole requested to', return all our cans when not. in 'use; Butler sod. Buttermilk: also on hand And for sale at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co,