The Seaforth News, 1919-09-04, Page 3A Spinning Wheel,
The front gate cliched, anci a women
looking up ftl to her sewing beside
the window, setiv a tramp walk round
£he hour to the back door. She wall-
ed far the knock, then opened the
door. Before her stood a young man.
He teas not nearly so old as she had
' supposed from seeing his slouching
Hy Agronomist, ' gait at 4e passed the window,
He asked for food, and the woman use of oUr.f�rin readers whawant-fhe estion scatted him at,the
'reds Creperirnern Is for the ouS question
,brought him in and sea
A4 of expert on any question .regarding soli, seed, ed th' ouoh this column. while she prepared some plain
fa. of sufficient general interest, It will be answerd ourgletter, a complete table t forbe appeared hungry
d addressed envelope: Is enclosed withY of Wilson Pubiishln i fare for him, pP
an Address Agronomist, care and discouraged. As be ate she learn -
Co., Ltd., will be mailed to you:
T r.:
Toronto. sto
his v
1 t
Co., 71 Adelaide St. W � e
isfies its tastes, Taste to a consider-, At seventeen he had left home and
To Disk the Stubble, n ear for nearly four years.
'Why Tr Pays Land. Iable extent is influenced by pP hail been away
1 once. This is especially true in the case This was his twenty-first birthday. He
s of
t -u,e
thatsalefrom 10
semi - perishable paway
fesemi had run
ukperishable < t P
It will pay plowedto disk stubble of herthere and the
is to be later, just as soon as ducts such as fresh vegetables, the monotony of life
_ the hocks are removed. This disking lies, apples and potatoes, ILardehips that` he thought fell to his.
ve moisture, and make it I Competition ,is keen in marketing•', lot,
will conserve p
• the
much fon ' after. who wishes `to sell his;"And still, it was not so n
plow this land S farmer
-possible eton Thehe said. I wanted .a
similar.„..undisked land is too 'dry to product at a high price must learn the I Bard worts,"
plow. It will also kith i eels and dediend of public teethe, and Put UPI change, so I went away. My parasite
effect iswaythat will give' were kind,and they loved me; b
4• eggs, and 'ishis product in a i ex
destroy their i
especially important where insects, the consumer reasonable satisfaction.` didn't think of that then, although I
p est. One can disk g f
have been a great p Most ands sold in:fairly,large c uan I have thought of it many times since,
the stubble land rapidly, and can make titles pass through the bands of a I'm. more tired of this wandering life
good wages doing .it, i middleman or dealer. These men be-; than I ever was of the continual grind,
early preparation of a seedbed cause of their constant touch with the' at home. A fellow like me might as
e ea y ] 1
for alfalfa is especiallybed trade have learned the desires of con - well give up the job of living and drop,
foe wheat orsells di -1 n i
important.' In tests on the seedbed re -Isomers., Whether a farrier out.
eparatfan for wheat the best re erect to the consumer or through al The woman wee silent for a mo -
i?y -iuh'eT
br; Fldb'er will ariCwCrla,ll signed tetters pertainingtoHealth.
eos columnst
cueetlon Is of` ggeneral Interest It will• be enswere l through
addresses! envelope am en.
If not, It will he enawe:red personally it stamped,
Dr, Huber will riot prescribe for IndiVldual .cases or make diagnosis.
DPublishing Add ressDr. John B. l•itibersMa7., care of Wilson Publl a
St. West, Toronto
ant mucous. Especially should people
Tote Much of a Good arnin • I prone to dyspopsia or people with
A London physician, learning tliat''delicate stomachs avoid sugar, jam
i to t
ata v food
efi' were g. other
sults were obtained by deep plowing , middleman, it may pay flim, if he can
early in July, and ,the profits stead- do so, to visit a marketing centre and
ily decreased as the plowing time was spend some time in the wholesale pro
1 for Y
are wheel
les spinning
advanced. It frequently happens that duce dist on watching how then used that sp r g
a drought comes in Jp1y and stops `actually conducted. Henan talk years," she said. "My mother has
the plowing at just the time it should. with dealers about the r: etliods di told me that site used to hear her
'be done, and it is then necessary =o; preparing products for market, 'viSlth mother working away and humming
wait until the rains come later in the, their grading and packing roans andan old-fashioned song after the other
fall, which is frequently as late as observe how that process is done. members of the household had gone
September. It is very rare that the: If a personal visit to the trade is to'1 that went
h family ns
weather conditions ore such that a � too expensive and the farmer sells
meat; then she pointed to a family
heirloom that stoodinthe corner of
the sitting room. "My grandmother
poorsweet i o fsw
f me amarmalade,syrups, n t P
ch ]xe ,os p ,
m n � Y
A l
r; I
to ssugar. 'n dwith s
�rmi eg
vesthg[tte and he found indeed: s" e! likely to cause dyspepsia are ho S.
such cases,, Bet in the majority of molasses and maple syrup. And yet
the families he visited the chi.dreli these sweets should etleo be taken is
suffering were fP g
"I 1N1 TEN' l Y
If in estecl fit 3%will amount to $637.75
If fnvestod at 4%, interest cone
pounded civar.terly. 'will$74 ,,Z's
amount to +• .
But if invested in our 6
Debentures will amount to., $860.20
Write Por. Booklet, via,
The Great We,tPernaiinent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office g0 King St. Wert
•. Prayer for,.the ,itingdtom, In. Malt, 6:
•��'•"-'"-"'-'''•'- v SU is the'two-fold petition, i-phy king-
". R.os,s-xanvo-anxu.,ca iiom come,".and "Tliy will be done as
i r .7-e y 4c1)°°16 in heaven so' cin earth." Fox the king-
, zti�.+" 5^" ""' 1ZFS to ,cit'your
] ` means simply doing the will of
s g
I. That must include alsoand 'lis
voring to make it supremeall
ngs. The one who prays for the -
Kingdom of •God—Matt. 6:10; 13:
3.1-33 44.50; 18,2, 3; Luke 17:20,21',
2 Cur. 10:3-6. Gold, Text, -Matt, 6:33.
\'� openin8e. Fitted
,gg fid?•. J.. .. ' 1
r °qi +'• --- Y, wid, 81a,e, Safq de.. GO
i'". •SZ4"c- '�� liveryauerggteed, to
4 a
wTitP (q 4
1 ,
IT.1, Cut&Ivofoul thi
1 _ .„ ...�,+•.t blas. fora Winter
The tlAt.f tDAY R;,•OMPANY, r iteRed also pray, f:or light and unLderstandmg,
I{AeILYen FACT 1Y. 415TM119LLTOItq, C(,NA nA a costa'•° iia aharucter and
coming of the kingdom, therefore, wilt
Hg h e in
0 at Y
�. ill
--.- --. its operation, Awl he will seek also
— f to have some part in the realization
of his prayer, in the bringing in
E have numf,
ies frogs Christ's universal reign.
ingrilr �
prospective purchasers
Western Fal Lands
end full p articulars of
5 p
your land to
• Winnipeg. brine.
u h from lack I moderation, especially in the summer
of food as from, too nruoh sweets and
good seedbed can be made on Sep -i through a doaler, he should write to
temper plowed land. hien, questioning him carefully about
When the stubble is (flaked, a loose Trow to sort, grade and pack apro-
mutcli is formed that retards the crap-� duct, so that it will bring the highest
oration of moisture very materially,, price.
de itpaysir
col shipmentis ,
and also allows the capillary Wlrea a
lion between the plowed land and the load goods carefully. , If possible
subsoil to be restored much more learn from some reliable source how
on materialin cars so that it
quickly after The
:than at Ito arrange
disked land. The dishing mixes the' will hest withstand the journey. An
trash and 'stubble tivith the soil, andi itemized account_ of the number, of
it is an easy matter for the plowed boxes or packages in the shipment,
land to form c^ union with the soil
that is not stirred. And it is ab- the different varieties, and amount of solutely`'essential that the capillary each, will be a great help to the dealer;
amdei record for your own use. Send
connection be restored in good shape thhssstatemet to the dealer at once,
before the wheat is have
a a el. ! together with a letter of explanation.
Soil that does not leave mulch will; stating the number of the car, the
crack when it gets dry, and these date it is to leave and the road' on
cracks are the lines on which the which it is to be shipped.
clods are formed. A mulch on the Prompt settlements usually follow! thousand miles in four years; tf I as you when y
c drillprevent this clod forma- approved methods in handling bills of ,bad stayed at home and had gone( the opportunity
work yyourself great
surface pP
.. tion, and the labor of seedbed pre- laclinfi• It is customary if goods . argi l round my little circle of daily being. to difficult
pon after the plowing will be, solei -for cash, to have the bill of lading I should have a home of my
own at n i responsibility
te onone
less. Dry, cloddy soil is a hard pro-; mads out to yourself, endorse it over and not be begging bread
comes to making a local banker, and instruct him doors. When. I've learned to spin( Abraham Lincoln was, State the
position ewheited,he it to yourI'll write to best rail -splitter in
proper seedbed. As a contrast with to send A to his banking correspond_(Rithout breaking thread, I -
Boole and he was proud of the fact
take land drat has a good surface ant at point of destination with at I You. Good-bye,"
starches. Their: appetites were dis-
turbed, their digestions were derang-
ed and they in consequence evidenced
much anaemia, and their teeth.were as
a rule very bad.
Candy is a good thing so far as
Qdestione and• Answers.
i am troubled greatly with my eyes.
During the day my eyelids become
very heavy and the moisture on my
it goes, but it provides only heat emits {'eyes dries up causing the
and is,not a tissue Wider. Candy tighten on the eyeball. My lower
lids are inflamed and when I awake in
the morning the hairs are all stuck
together. Until I was 14 years of age
I suffered almost constantly with se -
develops energy; and if we were to
eat candy alone we would be like a
fire that must seen/ or later burn
itself 'up to.nothingness. Meats, vete headache which appears to have
milk, vegetables and, eggs must have,
rightplace in our die had its origin in the. eyes. Sometimes
their fit and g botheredwith acute pa
nowI am
f the
Cakes and other sweet foods are ;which alpeai• toup
usually compounded of flour and my eyeba Il -Your malady appears to
eggs, butter. or other fat and plenty Answer
of sugar. They. are nutritious for both be Xerosis er dry lids, This isco tg tracted. dry condition of the
tiva, the membrane which lines the
lids and ei hich folds over like an en-
velepe, and covers the whites of the
•es It is uncommon and a serious
bed, Most of the wool i young and olcl;•and mane' can mistime
intopthe,nat whe of the ami its en-! tlrenm with imptmity. But many other
spun on well,et wand{, stItill
served never
g have heartburn, and other evi-
dences and still it never did{ People f indigestion, after eating
dentes o g ,
anything except go round and round.
But to go round and round was what
it was made to do. There it stood in
• om
room, Y
a cornerof
after year, singing its little tune and
spinning out its slender thread. It.
was a monotonous life, and yet the
spinning 'wheel has a place of honor
in our home nomv. We love it because in the gastric juice from penetrating
of tke service it performeB for those
Ito the latter through .the supaiabund-
we love." ._..._._
The young man finished ' his meal
table, started to sand soldiers. with `their equipment,
and, rising from theI for the fr•eedom•of the world.
go, As he stepped out on. theporch to fight
" turned back again ., and sin-, It is work if ot a you dont well,b bgrace to ut sywrong
"Thank you. for the story of thepin.i continue re at lowlywork••thet a thou
home a a to 0
a g
going I g
• e.well
d l
'nalmost mos
I've covered one m bigcircle of several, sand when yohave the ability and
them immoderately. One cause of such
indigestion is the fat saturating t
flour. Another, and a principle one,
the ob-
excess of sugar.
to sugar mentioned, excess of
it leads to, a disproportiopate secre-
tion of mucous. This hinders digestion
by enveloping the food and prevent -
I. Parables of the Kingdom. In Matt,
113 there are seven parables of the
I kingdom: the Sower. the Tares, the
Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Hid
Treasure, the Pearl of Great Price,
and the Net. They are each anti
every one genes of teaching. The truth
does not lie on the surface, hut be-
comes clear to the one who seek'te
Two of parables
deeper meaning. w
are interpreted by Jesus to his in-
quiring disciples (vv. 10-23 and 36-43),
-1 for, He said to them, "Unto you it is
ail or bean bag, run back to the( given to know the mysteries of the
post from whichhemade the throw; kingdom of. heaven." The tmu�ani to
and make another trial. ort of parable, significance, iiis unfolded to
hits a post he picks up the ball ori spiritual
advances to the post that. them because they are sincere with d
bean bag,inquirere, They want,
he has hit and tries for the next; ardl eaall their heart and soul, to do the will
all thea
f God and the will of God is revealed
ey ,
aliment lvich occurs mostl :in people so on in turn until he has hit every
of below par constitution. Hot oem i post. Whoever first metres a circuit{ o
presses and lotions must be applied to of the posts wens. In a variation of to them in these inimitable
the eyes, You must put yzurself in this game the players use a croquet The parable of the of
y Haveandi v. 31-32)represents the kingdom
theioe doctor, Hor agolf stick (v
goodeball ,
r x
Iworld the kidneys examined! No doubt the ball, and advance from post to post' God 'as growing'o .the n
I ......,n beginning to a great consumnra-
origin of the headache is in the eyes.
Almost all headaches are referable to
that organ, the eye.
mulch before it is plowed. There are Lathed draft for the amount to be The v inn want arc
but few clods Annie case, -the soil is collected. Upon payment of draft, the; room, gave the spinning a pat
mellow and loose, and it is easy to bill is surrendered to the dealer.
If with her hand, end dusted it wheelcerefully.
prepare the field in ideal shape to inspection is allowed this should As she took up her salving again by
receive the seed. I stated upon bill of lading.'If goods the window she said to herself:
you wish to see how capillary at -I
are sold on time or shipped on con- '"I believe I, too, needed the stony nation in the lble to be 2erio:d or a
traction works in pumping the water slgnment, ,have the bill of lading{ of the spinning wheel. I'm glad I It is
out of the soil, take a cube of sugar , made out to the dealer, and send+ it to have dresses to make and stocl(ings helper if than is vihat God mads yon
and dip a corner of it in your coffee; hint at once, When an adz to darn and food to cook.
in ''d a }hou-1 mind .orBa leader of wrong
to it to and set how quickly the liquid climbs be erode for part of the consignment sand times rather be asp g i
up. It is being moved by capillary, the procedure is the same as when in a home that I love that a wanderer put the possibility of such within you.
action. If you put some loose sugar, friend or an abiding place:'
the goods are sold for cash.
on to you will sea that the. coffeeWhen putting up goods for ma
PI e
1 into the that he could split a good rail; but
the world could not have measured its
loss if Lincoln had been satisfied to
split rails always when God had given
him the greatness of soul to save a
Clothesline -Post Gaines.
The following are games that can
be played with clothesline posts:
has post
for a goal. The player runs from post
to post. The player who is "it"must
tag one of them between posts.
Ring the Post --Players stand ten
feet from a post and try to ring the
thop . The se cores arost ea hen keptas inap or
Sitting Tether Ball—Use imp small,
inflated ball like a tennis ball, or a
bull made from a piece of cloth.
Fasten it ton string tied is the top
of the post. Two players sit on op-
posite sides of the post, and each tries
to wind the string round the post by
batting the ball with the hand in the
direction opposite to that in -which his
opponent bats it. The player wins
who winds the string up until the ball
touches the post.
Hit the Post—Two players start
from the same post, and each places
'one foot against the base and tries
to hit the next post with a ball or bean I
bag. If he throws at the post andi
fails to hit it, he must pick up the
rket, without a ri_
Dry all leftover celery to use later
on for so .
The final rinsing of real lace should
be in skim milk.
does not climb up through it so quick -1 expeelrneict upon how best to combrn
ly. The reason is that the grains are, quality and attractiveness. These are
so far apart that eapillarity has been; potent factors`�in determining price.
destroyed; the grains are not in al It is not advisable, ordinarily, to
condition so the liquid eon be reised..shii to several dealers on the same
Boil grains are Placed in a somewhat inerlcet at the same time, for they
compete against "one another for
disked, and the evaporation of the, buyers, thus bringing your product
similar condition when the surface Sal may
much-needed soil moisture is checked. into competition with itself, and lore -
When one considers the great am- i ing down the price,
ount of moisture necessary to mature The farmer who sells to a dealer,
a crop properly, it is easy to under -1 finds it best to co-operate with him in
stand the great treed for conserving: handling his goods, for the more
the supply. It takes more than 500, money the dealer gets for a product
pounds of water to make every pound the more will he in turn be able to
oi,dry matter found in the oats plant, pay the farmer. If you sell by that
with a with your deal -
400 ounds � communicate
angst. takes ab P method, c
wheat, A little less, or sometimes as .er regarding the condition of the
little as,.300 pounds, will do for cern.
Unless great attention is given to
storing the rainfall in the soil, and
putting the land in condition so it is
there is
action, not lost by capillary
apt to be a deficiency at just the time
it is most needed.
Good Points, on Marketing,
Success in farming depends to a
considerable extent upon success in
marketing, and marketing has come
to he a highly specialized business. It
involves an understanding of human
desires. The consuming public gauges
Its demand for a Product according to
the degree in which that product sat -
Hands and Help.
"How did you lose your hand?"
"I lost it working with an engine.
I was reaching in for a loose bolt
when it got caught and drawn into
the cogs. I have another good hand
left, though, and I get along pretty
well with it, One hand will do pretty
good work for a roan if he knows how
to use it,"
"Help! help! A man is overboard
and drowning!" The general manager of a big rnanu-
An officer throwson deck it toes a life Pre 1 lecturing plant was talking about
server and to the sinkhng.
• aches him and holds: him; some of the problems of his business
It re -_particularly the problem of men.
A nnme
in thedescribed
Races Round the Posts—Players tion, The mustard plant (Sivapis
may run in competition with one an -I nigra) grows c ildv n Palestine,
estin , but
other by starting each from a different! is sometimes ,
post, running round all the posts to, gardens "reaches a great size, being
the starting point one or more times, often from ten to twelve feet. in
height" The birds are very fond of its
as they may agree. The. most excit-
ing races are relay team runs. Each
n in
his fur
takes s
rune r
covering the course, but he must not
start until the preceding runner of
his. team touches him at the starting
post of that team. If there are four
posts, it is better to assign each team
two adjacent posts round which to run.
To prevent starting too soon, require
each runner to carry and to pass to
his successor a stick or other object.
Variations such as running backward
and hopping add to the interest of the
Always wash varnished floors
cold water.
Get Rubber StampMarked "Finis"
m a Wear It Out,
trade, a few days before your ship-
ment is ready and learn from him!
whether lee is fable to handle the•ship-
meat to advantage,
In all cases act promptly in for-
warding the dealer records of ship-
ments that he may not be delayed in
getting possession of goods. Market
Condit ns often change front
hour. In a very
fluctuation in price quota-
tions may occur.
Marketing perishable farm products
is a business in itself, and co-opera-
tion between the buyer and seller is
an essential principle of successful
business xeiationship•
How It Paid Us to Buy an Ensilage
One of
• ble
leery fall among silo owners is the.
timely filling of the silo. In soe
eases it is a •serious one, and a
siderable amount of money is lost by
the owners of the silo because a cut-
ter cannot be fouree to do the work
-when it is most needed.
When four of us, whose farms are
adjoining, nought, altos at the same
timg we had this silo -filling problem
to solve. One day an agent came
along, and after an hour or so we
bought a small -sized cutter.
Die cost of the mishits was $285,
which, divided among four, was not
much of a burden for anyone, On the
whole it is a cheap cutter. It has a
13 -inch throat. On an average, with
good power, it will run from 6 to 8
tons of silage . an hour, One can
usually figure that a cutter or any
other macbiuery will do from 3.0 to
50 per cent. less work than the sales-
men claim; and this was no exception.
This size is not what would be called
custom machine, I.t, is for local
Bing only, and is
this size we ate told that
` is
se g
to tramp
cause there is more time
t down well, and also more time for it
to settle while the felling is going on.
According to some writers this is an
error, and we should not tramp it at
all. I em -not sure about this point.
The great advantage of this priv-
ately owned cutter is that we can get
our silos filled when the corn Is ready.
Corn must go into the silo at the pro-
per time to make the .best food.
Another great advantage of owning
a cutter is that a silo is easily re-
filled. fillod after settling,- because it o
not leave the neighborhood after the'
silos are filled. And to the man who
wishes to utilize the full capacity
his silo this is -of considerable im-
portance, A silo that settles down six
feet has than much wasted space,
that part of the investment must be
added to the overhead expense of the
part of the silo which is filled.
Egg yolk in warm water removes
coffee stains.
up until a boat is lowered, and the
man is brought back safe do board.
The telephone rings ice a farmhouse.
A neighbor's voice is recognized as
he asks, "Can you come over to -mor-
el fill m silo?" The farm-; himself. Things were in sof think -
row and r p Y shape, according to his way bat Iswsen "No,mI hand.can't come l doe{ s' In that his successor would find little
but I'll send my He will do as g>
much as I could." to do.t each part of "I wished him luck; I had arranged
Bibleyfiteaches the , put in his place a live
that rhad
the 'body, filling , Young fellow fro :1 the.
isservice,eto fill, is honorablehand ,in that mado a record in office management.
eye.B whether Bible be i or an "A couple of days later the young
hon: But the teaches that it hs fellow came • report on his survey
honorable n we have todd well the highestdo, work office. He threw up his hands.
too_ of the
that ra the continue
to a 'It's terrible! he said. 'I
honond when e mighe to bewhole man Was up against a more discourage g
a ingd strong might work, a proposition itt my life. Give int a
doing a rvice mans ifeweeks, however, and you'll begin to
The service of a life preservert t wld a notice the difference.
honorableefllremaints conlytlardeckuhand, There you leave it," the general
helper tomanager continued. "The condition
a hangs o even a or preserver, which
that was so absolutely satisfactory in
hook for•months and man was atter y '
an a of one
performs its service of helping to save
one elite, if you have it in you to be
the captain of a great ship and bring
her across the sea full of ten thou -
big enough for that
"Our office manager resigne
time, ago," lee ,said, "and last week he
came in to say good
Ple sed with
He was obviously ek
small seeds which it bears in greet
abundance. So, like the tiny seed, will
the kingdom grow in the hearts of
men, in human society, and among the , -
nations, until it dominates all other
forces and bestows its benefits upon
all men. So also are the precepts and
laws of the. kingdom like leaven,
working silently and yet mightily for
the transforming and renewing of the
world (v. 33).
This new order of the kingdom,
with its rule of justice and righteous -
netts, of peace and good will, uder
the supremacy of love, is a treats re
with • indeed, for which a man might r
part with all his possessions. It is "a
pearl of great `'rice" (vv. 45.46). But
Charles Darwin made his reputation
with a single book. And how long do
you think he was engaged upon it?
On my return it occurred to me, in
1837, that something might perhaps
be made out on this. question by pa-
tiently accumulating and reflecting on
all sorts of facts which could possibly
have any bearing on it (he says).
After five years' work I allowed my-
self to speculate on the subject, and
drew up some short notes; these I en-
larged in 1844 into a sketch of the
conclusions which then seemed to nae',
probable; from that period to the
present day I have steadily pursued
the same object. I hope I may be
excused for these personal details, as
I. give them to show that I have
been hasty in coming to my couclu-
sion. My work is now (18h0) nearly
finished; but as it will take me many
more years to complete it, and as my'
health is far from strong, I have been
induced to publish this abstract.
i to
of a
tick n
r g
A 6
ant y
the thing, working always toward
day',when it could he called "finished"
a �a»'„aasscnai •
Dusky and dim in the
The pine. tree st-a.nds
rt.nd sings
Its- lullaby lits- my
To swat, through()
tlicjht on
win 's.
the eyes
excusable according to the standards _nit la such work that the world re_
of the other.
wards 'with its highest honors.
"There was noticing definitely wrong "At the Day of Doom," says Chris-
m the character of- the first man: he, tian in Pilgrim's Progress, "nien shall
was neither dishonest or lazy, Butte he
be judged by their fruits. It wilful
just never finished nytahinbundle of be said then, 'Did, you believe?'
office was nothing but'Were you doers or talkers only?' "
good resolutions unfilled, It's a very good thing to look for -
"The other man, thank Hny ofiz, be -
ward occasionally to the end of the
Tong's to that little company of fdlks chapter—to the day when your work
who have the habit of seeing the thing will' be done and you must accept the
through, of malting a finished job
What they undertake, They are rare record as you have written it,
birds; what wouldn't I give for a few Tall good
more of them!" has fre-
ethployer of men
occasion to echo that sentiment.
We talk and write about success as
though there were some mystery in it.
But it is o very simple proposition.
All the world asks is that a marc
should take:hold of one task -,-any blcl
d complete and then pass
resolutions,things be-
gun and left in the middle—all these!
are pretty unsatisfactory items 'to
t. ll.
show up in the final repo!
It's the things you have started and
finished—great reat or ' snmall—that look
good when you g g
to tile end.
Let's join the company of finishers:
let's be able to say at the enol: "Such
task—an comp e e
and such things I did, and finished.
on to ono They are my monument—the evi-
It is very illuminating to "end the deuce that it was worth while for sue;
lives of great. men on this `point. Ito have lived."
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it is also like a net which gathers of
I every kind; both bad andCiiinsmo
This last fact regarding the king
dom of God in the world, or the church
as the visibly constituted and organ-
ized force of the kingdom, has not
been sufficiently recognized or under-
stood. The gospel throws the door
wide open both in Christian and in
non-Christian lands, and many res- .
pond to its invitation. Multitudes of
widely varying character and dispose- ,
tion flock into the church. The leaven
of the truth is working, but the mass
is not immediately leavened. The
process goes on through the ages. In
the individual. character. elements of
evil still remain along with the good,
and in the society and offices of the
church evil men often find a place.
The church, at the best, is made up of
imperfect people. Who shall draw the
line and make the separation between
good and bad? Sometimes the distinc-
tion is clear; very often it is not clear.
To root up the tares might be to root
up the wheat also. See vv. 29, 30,
The ideal of the kingdom is a per-
fect order, both in the individual life
and in society. That is 'what all Chris-
tian men and women labor for and
pray for continually. It is that they
may do God's will perfectly in all the
duties and relations of life, It is to
love the Lord our God with all
heart, and to love our neighbor as
ourself. This is the standard which
must never be lowered, the high at-
tainment of Christ -likeness after
which we are continually striving, Bat
we must recognize, sadly indeed and
shamefacedly, the evil that is still
present with us, fight it as best we
theend judg-
J g
knowing g
' '1 be
anent is sure and. the good will
The Weapons of the Kingdom.—In
one remarkable passage (Luke 17: 20-
21) Jesus declares that "the kingdom.
of God cometh not with observation"
that As not in visible power and splen-
dor, It is "within you" oc' "in til
midst of you," He said. With t'lti3'
harmonizes St Paul's saying in II.
Cole 10 8-5, that "the weapons of our
warfare are not of the flesh," Never
the weapons are mighty. They'
are spiritual forces, working like the
life that is in the :seed and like the
leaven in the meal, destroying the
evil, reviving the dead, transforininf,,.
eharacter, quickening and confirmin '
faith and
building new
world, i
world in which heaven andearth
be joined..! full and loving oboilienc•
to God and in fellowship 'with en
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
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