HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-08-28, Page 8•
,..Nothing More restful than.
a haircut Qr shave in a clean
Sr) Shampoo for dandruff
Or falling hair, or a good
head wash.
lIf you have closed pores
or blackheads, try 'i's Owl
We :.:.:::trantee to put a
shaving edge on your raozr,
Comtnercial Barber Shop, C4th,
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
Preesette on an aching corn. instantly
that sawn stops hurting, then you lift
it right out. Yes, ringlet
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a
els cents at any drug store, but is suifi-
cleat to remove every hard cern, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, and the
calltiaes, without soreness eir irritation.
Frescoes to the aensatienal discovery
of a Cincinnati genme n is.w...0.,rtw.
ne.w.mle.raotans0 tql.a.1.0
Mr. A. G. Smillie and two sops
of Torcuffo haye beenthe guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Tupp.
Miss Flu Ludy:tore of Fortuna is
Mime for the vacation.,
Mrs. Kernachon of Sea forth spent
the last week here.
Mrs. Bell has sold her house to
Dcesilale, and bought an-
other from Mr. A. NV. E. Hemphill.
n,,,Avn of Hills Green was
C01131111iled fir trial by blagistrtate
'et ty for setting out bush fires and
destroying property and live stock of
his neighbors.
A: voluntary subscription is being
offered to pay the flee of Dr. Met-
calf for surgery.
Pte. Darold. Pollock who served in
Eranee is home again.
Mr. and Airs. Wm. Clark have
leen visiting relatives in Bothwell.
Mr. Peter Lindsay is busy putting
a new root on his home.
A mmther front here have been at
rand Bend.
Mice Elitta and 'amiss Mills have
been visiting their grandmother,
Mrs. McIntosh,
Mrs. McGregor is in Ottawa with
Miss AtIdie Lon. e -of Walton is
with her sister 71.ne.
Mr. Chas. Hallis now in the Bank
of Toronto.
staff ot our school, all are retuthi
to Own respective homes to resu
their duties.
beafilifIll bOlne of Air. Ed-
ward Eeuter, a mile and a half
south of Mitchell on the Enna rthn
Road, mown as the old _fat:team:
fa it was es inplettly destroyed by:
a big file yesterday afternoon.
The Misses.lvleDaid are holidaying
hi Toronto.
The following candidates were so
cc ssfel at the Normal School Et
atter, examinations; Clara Dill, Vs
Eckert (honors), Gertrude Mum
l'he lice broke out about three
o'clock starting in the, unslairs over
the kitchen. Ii is thought that it
originated in the chinumy.
The lire was Mist noticed by Mr.
Eichler. who was near the back of
the facto. Otte of his daughters and
a neighbor's girl were in the house
tool Miss Liebler Was talking to a
friend at the roadand did not know
that the house r was on fire htit the
dense clouds of smoke soon attract-
ed neighbors and people passing
and in a shunt time willing hands
were carrying' out the furniture.
All the household effects in the low-
er part of the house were gotten out
hut everything upstairs was burned.
This included most of their cloth-
ing and bedding.
The house, although built between
70 and 75 years ago was in splendid
repair. It was of frame construction
and contained the best Of pine. tim-
bers as in the days ,when it was
built, pine was plentiful and cheap.
Mr. Liebler's loss will he fully $5,000
as he had only 1,000 insurance on
the building and 0500 on the con-
Much sympathy is expressed for
the family as they are without a
home, but they have kind neighbors
who are doing all they can'for them.
Had the wind been west instead of
Mr. Donald Campbell's buildings
would have been in grave danger.
and again if the wind had been from
the south nothing would have saved
Mr. Liebler's barns. At present he
does not know what he will do Inn
he will likely rebuild:
Tessie AVebster (honoro), The staff
Mated 'un the success of their pupils.
of the schools •are to be congrat-
The schools reopen on Titesda3
Mr, and Mrs. Loins Wolfe enter-
tained in honour of their son Walter
and ,oilier ,rieoels from Sebringville
and Brodhagen, The evening was
spent in dancing, games and singing
and much amuseMent: was caused by
two ladies appearing in costume
fashioned after Queen Victoria's per-
iod. The Inerrhnent and laughter
was at its height at the quaint -styles
A dainty hutch was served and ati
1 a. . all left for their homes with
stitch Praise for their host and host;
bliss Frieda Wolfe of Stratford
spent Sunday with her aunt and tin
The young folks attended a dance
it St. Cohnnhan On Monday night,
Mr. Querengesser's gang of
brick layers are busy at Mr. Joseph
Nmaile's new house on Laurier ave.
Corn and roots are much improv-
ed by the many recent showers.
There was a happy re-eeion of
the children of Mr. and Mrs. .1. J.
'McCarthy of North Logan on Sam
day last, All of the Children eXeefs.
three married daughters in the west
wen present. The children present
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy and
baby of Mart -horn: Mr. and Mrs.
Dan McCarthy or Logan and two
ehildren; Afr. and Mrs. L j. Gaffney
1,1 baby of West Monkton: (Ma i-
•1 Rev. Father McCarthy of Strat-
a -4. Sr. Thomas Aquinas; Loretto
bbey. Toronto: and bliss Evelyn
eCarthy and Joseph at home. A-
ong the other relatives at borne
anu . friends ' were: Mr. Louis Longe -
ay and family of T,;erinie me.
tI Mrs. Dan DeConrcey and Mr.-.
eyes. Tatgan: Mrs. Joseph Nagle.
Odin: MoSter lames Dee. Chica
'Arr. and Mrs. joint Healy and
mily. Mr. and Mrs. Bahnerman.
est Mont:ton *Mil many other
hits- ikirie Aiketithead of London 01
spoiling her Intlida3s at home. fe
Mr,. Ao.disol: ;tml family are in
I tsrele,bero.
I lit t Alberta has been
isiting relitives here,
Mrs. \V,. lianul ,1 has been
, I Ii it siter. Mrs. Fred Tom-
Mr. Sion Diet:, isg,,,:ting material it
ir a cement shed tit the ebitrch
• SAL E,qii •
11,2 of Ca- (-limn
of A 1 as t, token if sent-
THE ! 'Cars hod
;; fi!onit fiiit; ‘sitli the crock!
rh, •---• , 1%. Al et -,maid, seeontl-i lig
A sTo R A
For Infarts and Children • ;
74 USG EFfn ff °Warr
ays bears
nature of
• ' P1t. , hd. -Vs7h,,rea, it has
• N'I'"^rr • I It liqt5
I.y Solom-
tn hut'
Br.isr, r
Peri a rodefic offirial ci AfeNtillon for
Kef clot' 7'i irt- tirs fil7itec the timitions
ssor -wrilii,. Freastiner. and I
in:eeetor f the 1!,oarel of
that we, the uterus
14'ruit & ()Ina- if the Ni,Rillop Con/tell, while
mental Stock, Seed PoLat
„etc. growth iii Ganada,
leo,. tee' mho) 0:srvely to the Will
Ont' Heavenly Father, recognise
his lontr see,h,,, to the MonleipalitV
and also our sin"".' sympathy with
Write for Particulars the family of the deceased in their
STON'E &WELLINGTON "Resolved further that a copy of
This resolution be inscribed in • the
(EStablIsliecl I S 3 7) ; twinges of this Council. a copy pre-
sented to the family of the deceased
TORONTO, ONT. and also a copy inserted in the lora]
A Piano Bargain
A Bell Upright Piano in
excellent tone taken in
change for a Gourlay. This
piano cost $500.00. Will
offer for quick sale at $13500
We also have one Edison
11' talking Machine to go at $3o
One Victor with ten re-
cords for $3o.00
We are selling agents fo
Gourlay Pianos, Gouria
1 Phonographs, Phonula
ing machines and the Bell
Piano, and we guarantee to
give the best that money and
, brains can offer and our
prices are right,
, Make this your headquar-
ters for sheet music, records
needles, mouth—organs vio.
.1NO• E. 1{113GILL
Opposite Shank of Commerce,
To Hallett township belongs the
honor of being the first community
in the County of Ilurof to let the
contract for the 'nit ti,-, of 4.\ferrl-
orial Hall IP cot:pallor:0e the eat-
lant deeds ilinte lty her soldiers in
the great war. Myth Planing Mills
closed the contract for 69,000 and
the work .a ill cm- menee at once.
Mr. John Einglamt of Lcodeshoro
itis accepted the p,,snite. of Treas-
, rer of the is Ill Telaphr Sys-
tem to fill the vacany caused by
the death (4 the late :Alexander
Elder. We doubt if the System
could have selected one more com-
petent to fill the position. He is
naipstaking and obliging and the
System is fortunate in securing so
.o.t.rthy a surressor to the late Trea-
Mr. anti Mrs. 'rem McKay, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley and family -
spent Sunday with friends around
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay from
Leavenworth, Wash. and Miss Katie
Echart from Toronto, and Miss El-
izabeth Echart from Detroit, who
were spending their holidays in our
midst, and Sister (-laver of Thorold
formerly known ac Miss Kate Kenny
said who in former years Was one the
To have the children sound anti
healthy is the first care of a mother,
They cannot he healthy if troubled
with worms, Use Mother Graves'
WOrm Exterminator,
Fat mers' Club will hold its mon-
thly ineetim,i in the Separate School
Hall, Wednesday Sept, .3rd. A mus -
mi prom -anion, is being arranged
or. Nommembers-aS ttS mem-
bers shentid atteml this meeting, as
important besiness will be discuss-
ed. Rebate on hard coal will be
I..adies incited. hleeing at 0,15
f: ii /fa NCE e*
Thur. Fri
C..leo Madison jr.
Pomace of Tarzari
Wherin Natures giant nobleman fights the
sternest battle of his career, against mod-
ern society.
Two performances
Saturday Everting,
7.45 and 9,30 p.m.
But our best advice is: Dont Wait for
Saturday, and
Goderich to Detroit
Don't -miss this one.
Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderich
Thursday, Sept. 4th
9.00 e, m old time
1().00 a ni new time
Returning leaves Detroit, Saturday,
Sept 601, 1 00 p.m. Detroit time (De-
troit time is the sante as Gottingen old
$2,25 Romig Trip, $1.75 Single
Ohiliren between 6 and 12, half fare.
Don't miss thio opportunity to visit
America's most beautiful and most pros
perous city. A million population, a
city of beautiful paths, grand boulevard
stud a wonderful waterfront Canad-
ians coming to Detroit for a temporary
stay are not required to pay a tax or
make a deposit. U. 8, Immigration
Officer will be milks Steamer to pass
exerwsiontsts. Good music and danc-
ing enronte. Fine cafe and lunch room .
aboard steamer,
See a reel big-leagne ball game with
Ty Cobb in action. lit Lottie CreWua
play the Detroit Tigems at Navin Fold
Friday Septi mini„ ii lit .
Goderich Band Moonlight
out of Goderieb, Wednesday twetiing,•
September 21d, 7.3e1 Oa time.; 8.30
ea tint', 27"nt hintIrti
beautiful TAW 111:1014
Thursday August 25
Clerk's Notice of First Post- f CREAM WANTED -
ing of
Voters'. List 1919
unicipality of the Township
of McKillop, County of
is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to Ills persons
mentionea itu Wection 2 of the Ontario
Voters' List Act, thus copies required,
by Raid sootion to bo transmitted or de-
iivered of the list made pursuant to
ssid he', of all persons appearing by
the last revised Aasessment Boll of the
said Municipality to be entitled to vote
in the said Municipality at the Elect -
lolls for Members 'of the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal Elections
anch that time said list teas first posted
up in my office its MoKillop on the
4th day of August, 1919 and remains
there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters to
take immediate prooeedents to have
any errors or onnesions corrected
according to law,
Dated this 4th day of Aug, 1919.
Clerk of McKilloi).
Machine Operators
Wanted a few girls to operate sowing
IV, N. Raeford Mfg. Cu
Phone 59.
Canliflowar Plants
Geniune Early Snowball
50 i? or 45c postpaid
St ;plied successfully everwhet o,
Ask for price liat of Cabbage, Coley •
mi other Vegetthle Plants,
FIERO', Wei FA it N18.
Fruitland, Otitario,
Niagara District,
Send pier Onions to us al.d r'iCeiVe
top prices, We are emitting a or plan/
he year Os rough ;led can handle your
hill.supply and runtish you with cans,
We pay twice each month and weigh
sainple and test each can of cream car -
Our ',lotto is " Honesty to our .
onssons" Patrons are rep:tested to ro
ors) all our cans when not in use,
dotter an 1Buttermillt al to hand
it S for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co,
For Sale
Good two story frame house, known
as the Taguey property on Coleman St.
Seaforth consisting of 9 rooms in good.
repair, good cellar, hard end soft water
also good frame burn, several fru
trees and one acne of ground. Fa
further particulars apply to Mrs. John
Shannon R. ft, No 1, London Junction
l,.'•=j CAN TELL'
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin—No others
If you don't see the "Bayer Cross'',
on. the tablets, refuse them—they ar
not Aspirin at all.
There is only one Aspirin, that marked
with the "Bayer Cross," --all other tab
lets are only :mid imitations.
Look tor .the "Bayer Cross"! Then
it is real Aspirin, for which there is
• no substitute..
Aspirin is not German bet is made
in Canada by Canadians, and is owned
by a Canadian Company, all rights hieing
purelonied from the IT. 8. aloVenunont.
Csequine 011ayer Taldets of :Aspirin"
iii' i" hue nu pet/Vel safe by millions for
Pain, lien/lathe. Nenraloia. Rhea -
mat liii. t titithante Neuritis.
IL tely lin boxes if 12 tablets—Moe
forger qtnyeV" yackages, can le, bad
rmi Mout store.
(tifiroi i,4 04.± trade mark I reitliterts1
tI Canada): of Bayer Manufneture of
Monoitenticattideoter of Sulicylieacid,
Best Goods I k3elf Service I Lowest Prices
n.---azraa.o.n-as...ae:rnrctemaa u4.
R. Oats, choice
Rolled 'Wheat
Cream Wheat
Shredded Wheat
Corn Flakes
Post Toasties
Grape -.Nuts
Puffed Wheat
sack $6.00
lb. 7c.
lb. 100`
2 for 25c,
2 for 25c.
U srEelaL
C ,•ff * e
n excellent cup of coffee, Have
you tried 'it?
Honey (pure)
25c lb
We are gtting another car of feed. Leave
order early. Feed will be scarce.
Distributing Warehouse No.1
(Phone 117)