HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-08-21, Page 5Thursday Angus 2 UNPREPAREDNIESS —FAILURE A bank account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which CANA Increases effort and paves the way to success. Open an account to -day and be prepared. THE; IAN BANK 0 COMMERCE Seetforth Brai ch J. G. Mullen, Manager rn tai.r.+,..•c, g , midi. .•ctzzrarypy�;tr oma _etwrwm-msrsn.•••.•. *n -u _...._ _ .. . ...,...--tea W J Walker Uncleriaker - and Embalmer W..1, Walker, holder of goy. ermnent Diploma and License Day or Night sale receive our prompt attention Day Phone G7 Might " t8 STRATFORD. ONT. Wi:3PIft%N ONNC4RIO'1 L.alt(x. NIST and t$l,i T (JO)'IlIERt.IAL SCHOOL. We have Oommeroial, Shorthand and Telegraapy departments — Hove expenicueed instructors, give thorough courses atilt we, assist graduates to positit,to. Wi int itt free catalogue, D. Pi. McLachlan, Principal RAroRTf3 tI\ItKFT Good Milling Wheat 51.1 t)ntd ... ...,.,,, ,. on Barlev . .................. .. .., ,... 90 Rr;uiper ton .............,.........;fi3Ot1 .iflt,nte per Lon ......... ...... ....41 Flour ..................... 3intter....... ,.. ... 41-45 tygs..,. .. .... „ —35 Hogs t,~ farmers... .2.010 For Sale House and half acro of land in the village of frgtuondville. The property is situated on ()entre Street, Moss *to the Presbyterian Ohureh and is known as the Purcell property, Good com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trawl, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and tho and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a Moe property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light,' For poetic tiers apply on the premises ort John Rankin, Seaforth. To Investors A Guaranteed Mortgage Investment Certificate, is- sued by the Trust & Guar- antee Co. Ltd.—Toronto bearing a p.„c. interest payable semi-annually is one of the best and safest investments offering today All information cheerfully given, JOH RANK N Special Representative mai: Street, Soaforth Phone 91 a N. B. Bonds and De- bentures including all is' sues of War Bonds, bought and sold. MEN S 3„,„ PITA Y tri gt,nI liOES Stl0 tow.* w.eu.�ar�-r ct 11TOWn TOWS; tea-,.eaa,�,.tta�..t The High Cost of Living -Economy the word today: Make yourold garments do instead of perabasing new ones. Have them dry cleaned and pressed, Dry cleaning when properly dente lengthens the life .nf garments, preserves their fresh now appearance and acts ase 'disinfectant. Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals My Wardrobe; (#oderieh ur,, leeafortlt, Opp, puttee's Hotel. Mr, J. A Marshall, of the Provincial Depertreent of Fiighamya Toronto, was iu the county lest week cm a tont of iu. spection !Ye in gising attention par- ticularly to the pdttitiune to the comity highway' system proposed at the June session of the comity council, Be was acoompenidd on his tour by Mr. T, It. Patterson, of Auburn, who is acting county engineer in the absence of his father, Mr, Donald Pssterson, who is spending the stttnwer in the West, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith motored last week to visit relatives at Flint, Mich. Mr, George Jackson of Montreal is holidaying at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Vanstone, of Stratford, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Van )gmond. Mr. William Brows and children, Robert, Mottle, and Pordie, and his sister, Miss Bessie Brown, all of De- troit, spent their vacation last week 4t the home of Isis mother, Mrs. Robert Brown of Mullet. They made the trip of 155 miles by motor. Miss Eva Brown; an employee of the Sandford Clothing factory spent her holidays with her mother, Mrs, Robert Brown of Mullett. Nine tons of catologues arrived Tuesday at the Express office from the T. Eaton Co. oft distribution in Seaforth anti vicinity. They earns iu a special car, The merchants of Sea - forth should take notice of this fact and -rise to the occasion. Mr. Harold Best of Moasejaw was a weed enol visitor at the honor. of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie, James St. Mr. Anthony, of Wiarton, has been transformed to the Seafoods Brandt of flank of Commerce as ace octant taking the place of Mr. Jos. Brown, r ho goes to Walkerville. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rose, who returned lately from overseas, are visitors at the home r.f his uncle, Mr, John Beattie,. Mrs, George Boyd and sons, who have been visiting Mrs. S. Boyd, re- turned this week to their home in Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. \ Isitesirles motor- ed up front Stratford and spent Sun- day with friends here. Miss J. Hills has returned from the hospital in Toronto much improved , h'. health. Mrs. John Gilmour and son Robt. of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. Mr. John Ironstone and Miss Rttby 1 austoue, of Stratford, spent the ,.,:i* enti at the home of his daugh- ter. Mrs. L. G. Van ligntoud, Mr. Peter McDougall, of Gnrterich township, is visiting his brother, Mr. W. McDougall, in Pentt,ndvilk. ai Mr. and Mrs. Anrh•ew Houston, Mr. and Miss Bell, and Simpr son ,. f rut ken smith, intend leaving this week on a trip to the West. • Mrs. Earl Bell anti Miss Agnes Sproat are spending few days in Detroit. Mir, and Mrs. .lames Alexander who reside hear Cleveland, were visitors ' at tine homes of Mrs. W. Morrow and Mrs. James Broadfont of nicker - smith, It is forty years since Mr. Alexander paid a visit to these parts, Mr. W. 0, Morrow and bride of Leitcldn spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. W. Morrow. Mr. Japes Anderson, who has been visiting Mr. C E. Smith, has re- turned to Toronto. Mrs. Roy Willis and daugh- ter of Winnipeg, are visiting Mfrs. Robert Willis. Mn, A. A. Naylor, who has been principal of the public school for seven years, has accented a position. ie Chatham and sent his resignation to.the Board of Education, Mr. Ray Holmes of . T.oridon is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Holmes, Miss Kate Hentterson of Buffalo is visiting Mrs. T. Paton. Rev. Mr. Milligan of Haristou oc- cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mrs. Eric Mitchell Who has been spending several • weeks at the home of her suet, Mrs, John Kerr, has returned to London. Miss McLennan of London is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLen- nan of the Commercial. Miss Mabel Smithers of Toronto is visiting her ,sister, Mrs, W. Oughtost. r k'la r ll,esn. ;`)ti1eea you can P;at on your feet, sir, don'I necess.r:rily ,cost more than the other kind. Getting :good 'shoes is a rat1m oat; se. lection and of braying. Our way of making trade is to give. our patrons the benefit of our years ..: ff experience in Hieing shoes; we show the styles best adopted to the root. The Late Summer and Early Fall Models Are 1sn.ally Attractive The English walking and long vamp lasts are stilt very popular. ' "•lack or rowf leathers Leather or Neolin soles Rubber or leather heels. Very smart or conservative styles. $6.00 $7.00 to $10,00 You can buy the best Shoes made, -at our store, and they are not high priced. Once we get a chance to prove this to you, e'il keep•you as a customer. `leg Cat Sti.Jl _t7`F,Pli OR'I[H The Home of Good Shoes d.' T 1 NE \tit S SOLKia I R Cheques and money transfers representing pay and allowancesof soldiers drawn in Sterling Exchange will be cashed by this Bank at $4.863S to the Pound Sterling. We will transfer money for soldiers, free of charge, to any point in Canada where we have a branch. els THE iM LN A1K SEAFOWf'l''7 BRANCH: R. M. JONES,.Maacgaa Ainiti'vorstafifinftUPSEMIS ilGdt?112RA63etrtlasoonsarramsaffar1t1 star 1(arrWiL:iff list Pte. Alex. McLerurau attd his bride arrived home on :Monday night after spending'' five year's overseas. He eas wounded at Langcnrarck in 191$ but quite recovered and returned to the. trenches. Ile is visiting iiiparents for •a time before going to Vae- couver, B. C. Rev. and Mrs, Neil MacPherson and son of Springfield, ('nun., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gov- enlock in McKillop. Miss Edna Stewart is spending her holidays in Toronto, Mrs. R. Boyd and lire. II Gibson htit'a returned from a visit to Stratford. Mrs, R. A. Wilson of New York is visiting her mother, :Mrs, W. E. Southgate. Mfrs. J. Patterson has returned Intel a trip to Lethbridge, bliss Dorothy Walley- of Si. 'flr..ta Miss Dorothy 11/alley of St: Thomas is a visitor at the home of Mr. anti firs, George Seip. Mr. Howard hays of -Aylmer spent a few days this week at the ]tome of his parents, Mr. and firs. James Hays. Mr. Morrison Siltery is speitpding this week visiting relatives iu Exeter and Dashwood, Miss Mabel Turnbull has a posi- tion in a school fn Huntsville, Mr. and firs. \C. Gocculoche and their grandson, Grey Parker left last week foe 1 tncottvcr where they intend to res” le for the present. Mr i S. Welsh h.,s moved ved into the house recently vreetted by Mr Jas. Mdar slnll :lit (e tri Sills is eregtieg ;+ house nu the site of the cottons for- merly occupied by his sots, Mr. Prank Sills, Mr. W. Ihmeen !Is- om -chased Mr. Sills' present r eid- ence near Victoria Park. Air. F. S, Sarau;;e preached its the Methodist Climb. Hensel I, on Sim - day' last: Mir. I)ttvid Al-ilson left fur Beams. on Saturday after spending his heli. clays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Alexander and Miss Agnes Barton are on e motor trip to Cleveland. Miss hi. Johnston and Miss A. Campbell are in Toronto attending the millinery openings. Miss Della Thompson of London is visiting her parents Mr. and firs. J. Thompson, Mr. G. Morse of Pliut ,llichiga,. it a town visitor. Mr. A. G. Smillie of Toronto was a town visitor this week. Miss Edith Govenfoele who has been spending her holidays at the berme in Winthrop, rn.terne,l hes work inn the ci;•il service. Mr. ami \Ire. 'Ire.Tran' Freeman eeman ,;f LneknOw art vi itieg r+lotives here at present. Mit, Walter Smith eel twilit', of Detroit ie visiting tones her.. MrsSampson o f Toronto ntr, t:. the guest of Mrs. J. C. (`dies,. Miss Ethel Williams of Toronto it Somite„ thehoiidttys rt the tient of her mother, Mire. M. Williams. s. Mr. Harold Deem is homeon sick leave front Toronto. Mn.W.Curtis of Seattle is re Mi'. and Mrs, Roy Oke and :11•. J. Masco .of Allis, who have been to Toronto this week. An air pian passed oven Scafurth on Wednesdayat height of shut 4000 feet. going west. Ms. H. R. Scott has beat a vercn- rlah to Isis house, greatly imprnvin•: the appearance of it. Mfrs. Geo, Woods and Miss Wooth" were in Londo)t ori Saturday: Miss Ross, of New York, is a visitor at Thornton Hall. Miss Mary Cowan was called to Toronto owing to the illness of her sister, Miss Margaret Cowan. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Thus I ergasnu and daughter visited se.Lttives ie St. hi u•v's ort Sunday. Mrs. 'Warwick, of :l nn street, whit u -c ut thi !s•mnn1er. re l u'.,i Hr with her daughter is home again. CA Aaii'S reatlti ROADt Consumer Benefited by Motor Tran port Over Modern Roads The oaznnatgn for good roads being carried on throughout t._aada is only part of the general awakening of the people to the causes which have led to the enormous increase in the prices of the necessaries of life. That the transportation problem is till -important for the farmer -producer is without question. That he may at all seasons reach lute markets at a mantra= of time and expense is a necessary fan. toe in the making of reasonable prioes for his products. For the con• sumer, good roads have an advantage in the fact that by enabling the farm• ere to reach the markets in greater numbers, the supplies of produce will be larger, and competition will be keener. A further consequence of larger attendance will be that more -attention will be paid to the con- dition of the produce offered by those displaying it for sale. In the present campaign for in- creased production, good roads will play an important part. Motor trans. fly portation is being rapidly developed and utilized by the farmers. By this means greater distances can be cover. ed and farmers at a considerable dis- tance from markets, with the advent ..1 of better roads, will be able to bring their produce to the consumer in targ• er quantities and at less expense. Why t:ilnlatee's Wife (utt A Preabyterlan minister in one of Nova Scotia's Ieading pulpits prayed earnestly for 'all the wounded soldiers among our own men," On reaching home his good wife reminded him that .:. he should not condos his petitions to the wounded "among our own men." Next Sabbath he bravely attempted to broaden the scope of his petition, and Was earnest in his supplication for "all of the soldiers who had been wounded on Both sides." It is under. stood that Itis wife has made no fur• titer attempts to criticize the phrase* elegy of the Iong *Iran'er. IRelief Prr•tit ASaima, Who Dan tict.' scythe the complete relief from snft'er- itig,vhhrh foltotvs the lies of Di'. J. I). Kellogg's Asthma Remedy? Wino est, express the feeling of joy that trete w'reit its soft and gentle influence re- lieves the tightened choking air tubes. ft has made asthmatic affliction a thing of the past for tbonettnde, it never falls. Good druggists evert. - where have sold it for, years. $tohiue will often clear a gi'(1. 4f ilttblte grub. if the sod is Is they can dig through 17, e T1 irsd y Friday & Saturday Things h m when. John Masters bosses the cifl Jolie ?Masters suect't:•dt d to the job of po- litical boss e ->f a tri;; city. ,vilc'l; his father died. John carni' to the, city straight frt t1i ut lumber camp, siders; -he ... ,: tie .tit-clly rottgh :Pee ked dao u- At,d, oto boy, how 11L.. did:stitr'-lot up in the Lit\". You'll show yourself r: Elie time by seeing "The R flu h Neck"4 It's a World Picture, and M 1G L V starred in the role of M ;stens. ALSO) The Sixth Chapter ot "The Lure of the Circus" A D DEI)A 'r 'r RA C I I c� N s6 Mille in the An Edt;cational 1' lilt; th.st r.'. . prow. a treat t,./ Gee , v o e+7. ^err as '•r' , i'? A:;ON r 0 Le ' t. 6 anariis i',<ciri•ial i�seaaii,as it i of the tot worki, )rdinm every phase of .... A ;laza orizrations overseas, WAR TROPHIES 'tis+iaaloth assemblage of 'g>autel ?„ilns., aeroplanes arab ail tile 'instruments of hellish warlare captured by Cstuadian 1.71•.‘rs from. the Hun. . - r.du.'rs Flying Circus .Cola. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendeu•ed German planes. ,t �traliP>r ET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival' of Triumph • The Mast "Ltttrtes at all Grand Stand Spoetado S Thus surrender of the German fleet FVercailiee Castle—Victory Arch. A Allenby', entry into Jerausalons. And a score of alloy oalratrdinory features THE GREATEST EXHIBITION OF ALL TIMES H t pcao Touring Cars arid Inc .dsters can now be supplied with newFord electric starring and lighting systems as OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. 'This electric equipment is a ford product built by the Ford Company in their own factory, and consisting of Generator, Starting Motor and Storage Battery. It is as reliable andsefhcient as the Ford. Motor, into which it is built. The Ford Standatd Magneto also supplies ignition independent of the batteries, Ford Runabout, get.. Touring, fdgo On open models .h. Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment is Poo extra. Coupe,,$g75.Sedan, $1175. (Closed modet'prtce. include Weenie Starting and Lighting Equipment). These erica ate fo. b, Ford, Ont., and do not include Wer Tan. .illy ? f:a • 116 Electric Starting and Lighting. J. F. DALY, Dealers COOK BIDS. DealersHENSALI SEAPORT`