HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-08-21, Page 1a4441.44441.4f44!t4xtmaxza..iotranAotms4Gg4a4.4na.tst...t4t4..ttraoaloa4eanr.arrat-:t
NdW Series Vol. 17 No 31
, Counts
IJOU. haVe. More
confidence in deal-
ing with a than who
has had a wide •
Practical experience
WM E. 601.111PMPiN
tho Mountnental Works, has
ver Forty years pcaetioal
Waal FOr13.tir Special Big Display in t.)ur
lttiiinidusti. Pill Will Be Special on Saturday
The Palm of perfection
is: held out to ail who would
possess a box of our sweets
NoshOg tranecends the suceul•
telt teseellenee of
Freshly made sandy
bought here. One taste of our
Candy will (Lupe) the most hor-
rid Cabs) oF the !lintl and ecow le
instantly ditappeer at its that
teats, It's perfection personi-
fied. Buy a box for your gill: if
y.et doe't, eoine other fellow will.
"SE,TiFea'fii, DITTY -Ulla IIIURSDRY, AUGUST *21 ic.:019 st,,50per year
McKellar; Boys' Race., years and HURON NEWS Exeter lust one of its oldest and tation suifered severely. His neigh
August Lith, 1919, will be a Red
Letter Day in the history of Sea -
forth, In years to come people will
decide the date of the birth of child-
ren and other similar events in their
lives by SaYing, "It happened so
. many years before or after the War
Veterans: Day." The celebration be-
gan in the morning at 10 o'clock,
when Zurich and Seaforth baseball
teams lined up behind the Kitties'
Brass Band, from Clinton, and fol-
lowed by the crowd, went to the
Agricultural Park for the baseball
match. ---In the first innings Zurich
got away with 7 runs, which gave the
game a one-sided look. It did not
indicate the play, however, as Sea'
forth for the remainder of the game,
more than held their own. They
were not, however, able to overcome
their handicap of the first innings.
The Zurich boys are a fine aggreg-
ation of which that -town should be
very proud. They play a good game
and are gentlemen even in winning.
They can always come on a welcome
to Seaforth.
The afternoon program started with
the parade front the public school
headed by the Kiltie Band of Clinton,
followed by a memorial float to the
comrades sleeping among the poppies
in France and Belgium. which was
greeted all along the line with revel, her ryf prominent ins':. it must he
encs and bowed heads. This was fol- realized that unless ;t receives the
lowed by well decorated cars and hearty support of all the municipal-
• ' • dancers Calitinunp- ities, that should be interested there
cost resPected citizens in the person hor, Mr. Edward Kenny had his
ender, Harold Sheppard, S.. Cuelmoret
i Mrs. Chas. Harrison, in her eith Isom quite badly wrecked by the'vvind
12 years under, Wilson McCartel
nes Harold Button; 15 years and tali of sixty ieet into an old year. She was born near 'Hole- Ina he said that it was not nearly
worthy, England. tVitem SRI 1/kta tto 1411,1 11S I 11 (4 113'411011e ',17111C11 did so
nine years of age she with her par- t!luch damage oil June 2, 191d, when
cots, Mr. and Mrs. ;filo, Jones, sailed a number of barns and houses, were
for upper Canada, After landing at 6)mple,tely destroyed and immense
Montreal they made their nay to
Beverly, near Hamilton. Shortly
after her marriage she, with her hus-
band, moved to Derby Tp., near
Owen Sound. She bravely faced her
trials common :to all in that new
settlement, for twenty years, when
the family moved ti. tins vicinity..
where she spent e remaining days.
°tie son awl five daughters survive
p mourn her loss. The funeral
held to -Exeter Cemetery.
'lr''enhoel.ernhoishs- :-,to.ys of church
went by motor truck to .
Tuesday, taking their tent, bedding
and general camping outfit along
Their mothers accompanied them to
see that they got safely there and
help them to get their tents, etc., tel
up. The mothers returned home in
the afternoon, leaving the she boys
in the care of their pastor, Rev.,
Mitchell bowlers. font. rinks strone.
are attending Stratford bowling tour-
nament in the city to -day. The skips
are W. R. Cole, Rev. Dede, G. E.
Sawyer and Mr. Tuck. Stratford
better look sharp or Mitchell might
cue!" away all of the beet.prizes.
Quite a number from Mitchell at-
tended the fettered of the late Mr.
Fred J. Miller, at Brodhagen, Tues.
day afternoon.
under, Fred Price, W. McCartney;
Bens' Open Race, W. McDougall, S.
Dolmaget Boys' Shoe Race, Donald
Dale Walter Bat`einau; 15 years and
quarry at. (uelph, caused the death
of Fred Tucker, of Clinton, 3 re-
turned soldier, The body was not
discovered until several days after.
under. K. Stogdill, T. Price; Fat the' accident, and was badly deem:nee
Mans Race, M. Ste ;It't, DaVO 11414,ed am,.1 eaten by inseeti.' sa that
Boyd; Tug of War, Tuckersinith. identification was dififficult. Tucker
was undergoing treatment in an hos-
pital at the time, but when he was
missed it was supposed that he was
Goderich Calls Meeting in London'
A meeting is to be held in London
,m Friday anti Saturday.- August 22nd
end 2.1rd, at the call of the Hydro
committee of the Goderich Board, of
Trade, to give further consideration
staying; with friends. Tucker's home
was in Exeter. but had been employ-
ed in Clinton for a time and Was
secretary of the (1.W.V.A. of that
Fled Bell of Kitelteeer was buried
to the question of a uniform rate in Clinton last week. having died
for Hydroeelectric power. Boards of. after a short illness caused by septic
Trade in Western Ontario are being i,oisoeing. Mr. Bell was formerly
'asked to send delegates. and the employed as baggage mat, at Clinton,
meeting will be asked to consider the and later in the Bell works at Sea -
idea of forming' an association to forth. At the time of his death he
carry on the campaign. was with the Dominion Rubber Co,
In issuing the call for this meeting A widow and two children survive.
the Goderich committee states: Apparently about twenty-five men
"Our Board has already spent a lot of Exeter are scheduled to appear
of time any money in laying the iii police court on a charge of rowdy -
scheme before the general meetings ism on the streets on Saturday nights
of the United and Associated Boards and early Sunday mornings. The
of Trade at London and Toronto, matter was brought to a head about
and in bringing it to the attention of a week ago, 'when the constable was
the public generally; and while it called upon to stop a crowd of
has been endorsed 'by a goodly num- yoinig fellows from auctioning off a
horse on the main street about one
o'clock Sunday morning.
kr. \Vethcy, formerly of the high
school at Carleton Place, has been
appointed principal of the newly-
ians. ciente parade, cu iii %V Or ks dis- is very little hope of success.
play, the rolleginle Cadets. aml dec- Tbe eolivention will assemble for created high school at Exeter.
most imposing feature ever seen here, 1.39 p.m, Friday. August 22ed. _..-___.
Gtelerich street from Aline to Main I ern Ontario ITnited P -ords of Trade
orated bicycles. The parade was the leleiness in the Tecunhett hotel at e,
--.--,----.-- •-eeee.......---ve.
damage was done tit orchards and
standing- timber.
Lacrosse a dead issue in Mitchell
but baseball is the fad, and Mitchell
has some team. which is now in the
final match to, capture the South
Perth league honors. They are non
tied with the Salem team and will
play that team at Fulleeton this Eel -
day et-et:ling. with .the determinatiOn
of winning. This will be, some game;
Mr. Henry Diehl, who lives on the
10th concession, Logan and Alice
10th concession, Logan and Ellice
boundary, was in Mitchell yesterday
and reported that Saturday's wind,
rain and hail storm did him hundreds
of dollars damage. Half of the roof
of his fine barn, which has only been
up five years, was taken off. and his
drive shed was practically blown to
pieces. Fences were blown:down and
what crop that was eot cut seas
threshed and beaten into the ground.
He was in town getting material t')
replace the roof of the barn. Mr.
Diehl was in Milverton at the time
and says that the aorta was bad over
there as a number of buildings Were
wrecked in the Oath of the storm,
and where the hail fell bent and veg,-
end stretched the whole length of The Hydro conimittee of the West-
The year 1919 has, proved a
peculiar one in the annals
erich..\ top the
PenPle iii that liretty seaside
town, fully expected to secure
the g•reatest iron nod:a in Can-
ada to mettle there, but as Burns
said, "The best laid plaits of men
anti mice aft gang' aglee." so the
plans of our neighbors fell to the
g,,reitelif N Ow comet t he ot her
phase. Kincardine f;.W.V.A.
raffled a car, .-trul a el idariolt boy,
John Bedford, won it. l.ast week
the G.W.V.21, of Settfiirth put up
a Ford car and tiel«•ts were sold.
Again the lucky number went to
Mr. George Belcher, of Goderich,
who took the fine car home with
hinvvery much pleased With his
success in winning it.
.\ fatal accident occurred hist
1;i4day on the. farm of Mr. Fred
Miller in Logan township. He and
his Sttll Were driving the horses to
the stelde. Mr. gave one a slight tap
with :t stick, when it kicked and frac-
tured dna breast Intim. from Nvhich he
never regained coesciousness until
death came on Sattuelay. The funeral
took place on Meshy to the Luth-
eran cemetery hi Brodhagen anti was
very largely awaited. He was of a
'During recent years live snick
raisers have realised as never be-
fore the palue of the pane bred
Navdour, from Peterboro were visi-
sire.- The benefits ti. he derived
„twima.k tore at the former's home, Mrs. T.
from the use of such
are apparent to the majoriey, and t Hara•
M?. and Mrs. Thos. O'Hara of
this knowledge is becoming more I
widely spread ‚eh Year. In oe .1 1 anden with his couein, Sister
fldith, visited at the home of Mr." 1.
der to assist those desirous of 1 .
obtaining pure bred sire., a ,ii-'- fl',14,.ara•
ML MeLelan of Detroit, fol nit, tory of breeders of pore bred i
Miss Mink Manley, and son, renew -
sheep and goats in Canada, whIelt
sil,,,,p I ed old aegnaintenCes here,
is pamphlet Nit, 17 of the
and Goat Division of the Live' ini‘,'Dia,7bYiiifir'0371 tile
ere attended a social
12th, and reported
Stock 'Branch, has been issued bya
the Department of AgrienIture, good time.
1 number from here were in Sea-,
and may be had free on anOlca- ^ Veterans'. Day.
lion' to the Priblienticm Branch,' forth Inc.
this eeil_i The harvest is over, Oats are
Ottawa. In preparing good as this section has had plenty
tion all the names of 'breeders of
sheep and gnats registering their c'f raja'
Miss Mary Murray has been en -
animals in the Canadian National
gaged as junior teacher in our school.
'T-ive Stock Records were oh -
tamed and compiled by provin-
., ces, and in order that any intend- McG;RATH-e-In McKillop, on Aug.
know those 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick"
ing purchaser may
near his home who are breeding McGrath, a daughter.
SCOTT -In McKillop, on Aug. 12th,
the class of animals he yet -mires.
191a, to Mr. Mrs. James T. Scott,
• DOT ---In Clinton. on Aug. 0
----- .,
License Inspector Elliot, and T. A. to Mr. and Mrs. 7. E. Doherty, a
Mason, 'chief representative officers •
of the Inland Revenue Departmeet,
seised a still in_ operation in the BET„.L---In Kitchener, on Aug. 9th.
house of Dennis Castillo at Kermi- "Fred nen, -formetly of Clinton and
Cott yesterday. The officers des-
troyed over twenty gallons of. fee
mentation,. The accused was brought
before' Magistrate Davis at Mitchell
Who fined hint a hundred dotlai•s or a
jail sentence of six menthe.' The ac-
cused took the jail sentence in pref-
street. Front Church street to the ie to meet at .0 o'eloek the -amt.
Town Hall, both side, of the street
were packed with spectatore, and Biel
different floats as they passekby re-
eeived much applause. Victoria Park I
was crowded all --afternon with ; Solomon j. $lianrion • U F
quiet, genial disposition and by in •
dustry built up one of the most
modern homes. Besides hie wife., Ice
leaves one son r,nr1 ono clanghter.
Mrs. Garnincle, mourn his hiss.
The sympathy ot all goes out to the
bereaved' family in the hour of their
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKay from
Guelphwere visitors on Monday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Eckert From De-
troit and Mks Kate Eckert front
Toronto and Mrs, Wm. McKay from
Leavenworth, Vtrash.. are spending
their holidays with friends here.
Mitheell Brae. and Mr. Fred •Iieoh-
ler busy threshing,
• Sister Edith, acompanied by Sister
515 555 114' 0 Se 0 r 0114d 15111/ S'110111" tic ii time 1 ---: .41
siting the different centers of at Mr. Shatutou. tee-. benean ied by me 1 I hilLuNuri
t,,,ti,,,,. vie War Souvenir tem, the son Sol.. drovt, l',1 Sttafon't 00 Set L
NTithvay. and dilTerent games of nrday evening. While there, he call" Ill
chrome scattered about the perk. ,m Ti,'. Purrows to get some medicitte r
Mayor 1-Tarbern in a earefelly ' for stomaelt 4", '11)15. This he pt
address enpreesed his pleasure in eve- i meet end left in his nenel g',-.441 1111
big so many preeent. a.ild gave the ' hi nor, but hail scarcely gone si-x 1[11
freedom of the toren to the War Yet- ' rods when :,ie!..zed by weaknese or the '
crane, and hailed they would ettioy te.aet. e,eut bail., to the
the day thoronehly as well as find , office, where he received the Inn;
it profitable far their expectations. , care the .loctor and Mrs, Burr -vs
Maim- R. S. Hays responded, and I temlil possibly give. He rallied for a
after thanking the Mayor for his 1 time anti even ...,enied to lie gaining
words of welcome, said the (heat I street:hitt in fact, chatted with ti;
War 'Veterans had two objects before alie.ftit him. and at times •Slept emit
them: First, to look after the wielowslalvont 5.30 Smelay morning. whet-, lie
and ihmeedente of those who did not l again took w"rse and all that kind
return from the front, and seenedly.1 mirsing colt 'ho was of no avail.
to nenvide a memorial for those who I Deceased was iii his usual health on
were killed; and at the same time Ce- Saturday, and helped with the work
sure' to the Great War Veterans a ' around the house all, day, and his
Club Room. He thanked those pres- sudden illness was a severe shock to
ent for ehowing their interest in coin- his now bereaved family. which are
ing out that day to assist them in Thomas awl Sol, at home. John,
these objects, I West Winthrop: W. 5.„ of tauter -
Tea and meals were served on I wood. and Mrs. W. A. johnetoe and
the grounds and were well patron- l Mrs. tie.). 1,0 V e. of McKillop
heed.. The booths disposed of large Mr. Shannon was born in the eoun
gerintities of supplies as the restaur- i ty of Armagh, Ireland, on Nov. 201.11,
ants' were closed for the day, Ind the i 1$36, and canto to Canada in 1544.
committee in charge made ample pro, Fettling in the Tom:toddy of Chin,
vision and there was no shortage. I vphahy. near Toronto. and later eant•
The main attrections at night were i to lq,...Killp, In MO he w3s mr-
the Band Concrt. and the dancing. rieerto Sarah Atm Switzer, of Mead
mapipieg of the Henderson Band ildneiville, who died six years ago. "Ale.
the Pa qt. whieh was crnetded der- I Shannon had liven a very neise mall
g the whole evening. At eight I in County awl Munieitml atTairs, lie
o'clock a larnP part of the crowd i aeeessed the Township, in lelfiti and
on the street went to the ekatieg rink 1 114,7 when he had to walk or ride on
to see the boxing exhibition. The I horseback. For many years he was
evente were refereed by Pte. John- I Treacnrer, and was also a member of
eton, himself a noted boxer, and all the Banril 0 f Health. No one enjoyed
the, events advertised were carried i meeting the retblie more. He always
nut had the glad smile and ready hand.
Retnrning from the rink Om crowd f shake for everyone, which won him
gathered on the street for the grand 'the high! respect in which he wive
Meg nerade Carnival, and high good I held. In religion, a gond Presbyterian
and ' olities a staunch Conserva-
tive, both of evhich be at all times
humor and harmless sport reigned
everywhere, 'Bunches of inerrymak-
1 1 bv “Jigg's Band" thronged
u held The ftmeral was held from
ers backwards and forwards for hours, I his late residence on, Tuesday. Aug.
in the vicinity. There were wreaths
from different societies which the
family deeply appreciate. The pall -
1 twin- and throwing confetti. until (1919,and was one of the largest
the early hours, under• the teeny col-
ored lights which were strong from
nil on the street, which
end. to brightly illuminated the handsome bearers were his four sons
decoratinus on the StOreA 011 each sons-in-law. The remains were laid
side of the street as well as the peacefully 1'0 rest in Maitiandbank
steearners floating gaily overhead. (einetery, iii the family plot-
The following are the list of prize- Dr. Little and wife,,of Toronto.
winners: who recently returned front over -
Girls, 6 years and ender, who
seas, have been visiting at the home
Frost 'Winifred Riley: a :years and of Mr. Charles Little, the former's
* • 1 T ti-' father. Dr. Little 'saw three years
Seaforth. undee, Grace Oughtom
STTOT,DICE-Iti \Walton, on Aug. 7, hull: 12 years and tinder, Grace of service during the war.
Alice Hewitt beloved wife of W. Oughton, Mabel T-Tartt 15 rears and Mr. Clifford Hunt of AkeKillop,
H. Sholdice, aged 53 years. uncle, Marion Smith, Annie Strong: has left for Western provinces on
e' ri shoe race, R1111 Holmes the Harvesters' Excursion.
utecrlett. Leadhury has
p,oyn-in Regina, on Sunday. Att-
gust 17th , Margaret Armstrong, May Aberbart: Married j-adies Rae°,
widow of the late Anthony Boyd, Mrs. Cecil Otte, afirs. J. Ihirgarcl;
Egg F1tne. oTtell. Irene Mary
o c oplyrTO1 aged 20 ,years.
^ f
ece to the fine.
. .
been vielting with Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
Lovett in (‚linton.
Opt', 4
, k!';‘WINC LL `!...1,94 4). t„„', •TI,"!1'77
F \NI) SEE 7
Three • Very Tempting Vahaes
rom. The Dress &Dods 5ecaorD.
Pot August Selling we have selected three very Special Values
from the Dress Goods Section. Every woman planniegi to matte a dress
or suit for herself or daughter should be quick to see the splendid oppor-
tunity for saving provided.
NEW NE(tic-----1
'I here are new designs
in the Victory Colors
and combinations; Van
Dyke, Picot and hem-
bee to $1.50 r&
1. Imported Scotch Tweeds, 54in.
wide, guaranteed old dye, just the
thing for separate skirts and fall
suits, bargains by no means you
should miss, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per
2. Pure Wool Serges. Vein. wide,
excellent weight for separate skirts,
suits and fall and winter dresses,
beautiful shades of brown, green, bur-
gundy, navy and black, $3.50 a yard.
Also Fore Wool Serges in the differ-
ent Popular shades and black. at $1.75
te..t2.75 a yard.
3. Corduroy Velveteen, 27in. wide,
may be had in popular shades in both
narrow and wide wale, Decide if
you want a Carduroy skirt or coat-
nhether in color or in white -and.
incite selections. Corduroy is unex-
celled for Children's wear, $1.00; to
$1.50 a yard.
• Women's E.,Thk
that was chosen
for good sm.vice..
8.5e to S2 pan'
Nouse Dresses
accepted model,,.
for use round the
$L71 each