HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-08-14, Page 7STEAK GENERATED
Sun's Energy is Utilized by This De
vice to Produce Power For All
Industrial Purposes.
Coal and oil have served many gene,
realms, and have added muchto the
enjoyment, contort, And ,.wealth of
eivelieatlon,. fn the near future the
world will not be dependent or titer
mine and the miner for industrial pur-
poses. Steam will be, indeed now is
being, generated without fuel,
The increasing cost and diminishing
supplies of fuel directed the attention
of manufacturers, and scientists to
other sources of power, and De. Wal-
ter J. Harvey, of the Royal College of
_Science, Toronto, who Ina devoted•a
great deals of his time and resources
-to: research work ifnconiioctiou with
the application of 'light and heat th
various mechanical uses, invented and
developed the Luxostat:
The sun ours its rays towards the
earth in a never ending stream, giving
Beat, light and growth to the earth's
surface. This sun energy is equal to
5,000 horse -power for an acre of land.
More than 500,000' horse -power on a1
100 -acre farm. The Luxostat enables
us to tali in on this enormous power i
reserve and convert it into hent, light 1
and motion for immediate use for in-
dustrial and other purposes or store it
for use of future occasions.
Luxostat, Household Word in Future.
Luxostat—an unfamiliar word -a
word without meaning to the average
person with a working knowledge of
the English language, and yet a word
destined t become as f•
o familiar o aril is as I
"Telephone," "Automobile," "Wire-
less," "Aeroplane," "Submarine," and
some others which in our father's
childhood days were unknown teens,
and which now are so common and so
Deeper Thom the 'Ocean
Did you ever hear of a !'suboceanic
canyon?'' •
The 13u,4Isplss Raven js one I;ta bed--
worri ity thg 1io iilg stream es con-
siderably deeper than alto offshore
mart of the Atlantic.
Another stole -canyon is the channel
of the St: Lawrence. Yet anotheh,is
that of 'the Congo•' 13dtn -efia deeper
than the 'oceian near their inouthe.
The 1Iuason, witlt,tiee great any into
which it flows is. a "drowned river,"
'Pleat is to say, it is flaodedeby male-
truding ocean,.,,The ,bay and lower
river compose what would he called
In Norsehfnd• a fiord,
'The Del'alvate ,is another drowned
river. Chesapeake Bay le another.
Long Island Sound is yet another.
_From Erin's Green Isle
The late J. -L. Barrington, tobacco
manufacturer, of Dublin, left an estate
valued at $300,000. •
Dr. L, J': Curtin has beenepi )oocint 1
to the staff of the Royal Victoria Eye
and Ear Hospital, Dublin •
Alderman W. McCarthy, J.P., and
F. J. Cahill have boon appointed ad-
ditional film censors for Dublin
The Dublin Corporation hae ap-
pointed Laurence J. Kettle to be elec-
trical engineer for the city of Dualin.
Tho death took place recently at
Waterford of Anne 'Power, widow of
R. Powor, formerly M.P. for Water-
ford City.
The death is announced of Rev. S.
B. H. Murphy, rector of Ratheome, and
professor of Irish in Dublin Univac
Bole E. H. Lewis -Granby presided at
the girls' brigade drill competitions
held in Gregg Memorial Hall, Dublin,
The body of Albert William, a stoker
intituate a part oft tier everyday Tito, on H.M.S. Hydorbad, was found float -
that life as we now live it would be ing in the Liffey, at the north exten-
impossible without therm
The •toxo t t is s em syst .. of bat- t The Agricultural Committee of the
Miles or reflectors, with a mechanical'nItoyal Dublin Society have. decided to
contrivance by which tine reflectors hold a winter fat stock show at Balls -
may be individually adjusted and cel- bridge this year.
leetively operated so that the rays of The parishioners. of St, Mathias
suushine'falling on any number of re- Church, Dublin, have under considera-
Hectors aro directed and concentrated tion the erection of a war memorial to
aeon one common point, There Is coot $6,000.
practically no limit to the number' of A passport was refused to A. M.
reflectors that may be used, and, as O'Mara, mayor of Limerick, to proceed
each added reflector means an average to America to raise money For the im-
inerease of more than ten degrees Fah- provotnent of the city.
renheit in•the intensity of holt atthe The Housing Committee has recom-
point of concentration, it etaa he seen
that any degree of heat required may
be obtained and that the :ossibilities
of the Luxostat for heat, power, and
lighting purposes are unlimited.
Greatly Reduce Manufacturing Cost,
The Luxostat then, producing a
Mended to the Dublin Corporation the.
appointment of. P. J. Dillon as superin-
tendent of buildings.
The terms of the Merchant Tailors'
Association have been accepted, and
the tailors, machinists and pressers
have returned to work. '
great surplus of power, during the The parishioners of St, Peter's
Church, Dublin, have decided to erect
periods of sunshito, with a system of a memorial to commemorate their
electrical storage batteries or water members who have failoir in the war.
reservoirs, to take care of this surplus, Rev. Gordon T, Clements, 01! Donors
means an unlimited supply, of power• Presbyterian Church, Dublin, Was pre-
for indurerial purposes, at practically
septet' by his congregation with a
no cost, without fuel, smoke or dirt, piece of plate on his return from
Its adoption means a great „reduction France,
iu manufacturing code, which seems Frank Ilannyngtot, who diet, re-
t onlydesirable but imperative at
the present time. ccntly in Madras, India, was one of
The commercialization of this inven-
tion means that unlimited power will
be available for every purpose, The
cost of fuel is entirely eliminated. `rho
the most popular men of his year at
Dublin. University, and won the clas-
sical scholarship. =�
Luxostat being almost automatic in its Add a cupful of vinegar to 'water,
to evhidt colored, clothes are washed.
operation, the outlay for labor is great-
ly reduced, while Ahs equipment, when This prevents running..
it is manufactured on a large scale, Place a dish of water in the oven
should cost much less than the ordin- to prevent cakes and pies from scorch-
oew steam plant, developing an equal 117g•
horse -power, The standardization of wearable
There facts, which Dr, Harvey has and breakable parts et' farm machin -
fully deluoustratod, should make the cry would be a move in the right di-
Luxostat of vital interest not only to rection.
every user of power, but to every user Customer -"I want a machine that
of manufactured goods, and more than isn't expensive as to gasoline or up
all to the governments of the various keep, and one that I needn't worry
countries who are suffering acutely about in the w,ay of punctures." Auto -
from the high cost of living due to
Post-\var conditions,,
According to Orders,
The doctor 'consulted his thermome•
ter and looked startled. Then lie hur-
riedly tested patient's P
t hlulse.
"Good gracious, men!" he gasped,
"What have you been doing? Your
• ' temperature is up to danger-pointeand
your pulse is' terrific:, Have you been
limiting yourself to infant diet, as I
told you?"
Theatient nodded feebly.
p y
"Yes, doctor, I have," he whispered
"During the last twenty-four hours I
have eaten three apple -cores, over a
a various but -
dozen match -stalks, and
tone; but I find considerable difficulty
i11 °halving the coat"
Ostrioh Feathers.
OetriclY feathers are made into all
ports of interesting trimming devices.
.Itis u
its taken for grantednted that os-
trich should be a dress trimming quite
bat rant n
morethan a t
as much o 1U1 g,
end the French have
been especially
t aa
h deism o
clever z devising ways melte i
V ..
A Good Mathematician.
Nowitt; "They say that .the person
With a strong imagination has f abso-
lutely no Bead o1 figures."
Barrvat: "Don't you Believe it.
When any' wife. gets her Imagination
at week upon her age she can make
arithmetic look pilly!"
Weeh the flatirons in soap And
Water before heating,
mobile agent "All right. I can sell
you either a wheelbarrow or a baby
A certain rich man did not approve)
of foreign missions. One Sunday at
chute,}, when :the offering was being
taken up, the collector approaclied the
millionaire and held out the bag. The
millionaire shook his head, "I never
give to missions," he whispered. "Then
take something out of the bag, sir,"
whispered the collector. "The money
• the 'heat
is for
Why should these rivers be drown-
ed? What has happened to them? ''
Well, you see, ale like this; Tire
whole east coast. of North Aneeriett
has Bunk a good deal in tie course of
ages, owing to the =ormolu; weight of
material brought down by the rivers
and deposited out in the ocean Off
shore. But geologists are inclined to
think that the melting of glaciers has
largely to do with the phenomenon,'
Once upon a time a river separated
England from France. The rise of the
ocean drowned it, and today we cal
it the British Channel. Another rev
ran between England and Ireland;
was likewise droWned.
The British Channel, by the way,
a suboceanic canyon, its bottom dee
er than the ocean nearby, outside.
kEEP. (11,,1ilrBAliiN WELL
Every mother knows how fatal th
hot summer months are.to small child
ren. Cholera .infantum, diarrhoea
dysentry,colic and stomach ,trouble
are rife at this bine 'and' often a pre
cious little life is lost after only a feti'
hours illness. The mother who keep
Baby's Own Tablets be the house fee
safe. The occasional use of the Ta
lets prevents stomach and bow
troubles, or if trouble comes sudden,
—as it generally' does—the Table
will bring the baby safely throu
They are sold by medicine dealers '
by•ntail at 25 cents a box from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Quartz is Replacing Platinum In Manu-
facture of These Utensils.
Hitherto almost the only substance
possible to use' for vessels in the la-
boratory where high heat is employed
has been platinum, which has become
enormously expensive. But utensils
of this costly metal are now being re -
Placed to a considerable 'extent with
cheaper ones of quartz. It is practic-
able tomelt or even to vaporize gold,
copper or silver in a quarte receptacle,
so wonderfully resistant to high tem-
peratures is this material.
The method adopted for makipg
quartz vessels is to melt tete raw ma•
terial in a graphite box in the electric
furnace, at a temperature exceeding
2000 degrees Fahrenheit, under a pres-
sure of '500 pounds to the square
ne peculiarity about these quartz
vessels is that when white-hot they
can be thrown into cold water without
danger of breaking them. It is stated
by experts that if a window of this
kind of glass were inserted in a fire-
proof steel' safe 'and' tire latter were
exposed to fiercest flames, the safe
would suffer more titan the window.
Recently artificial spiders' webs
have been made from threads of spun
quartz. They are wonderfully fine,
with much the %sante appearance as.
strands of real cobweb and actually
catch flies fairly well when the fibers
have been stroked with a straw pre-
viously clipped in dastor oil. The oil
tastes the place of the gluten in an
ordinary spider's web, giving to the
counterfeit the requisite stickiness.
v b . found It leas even been a f a d possible to at-
tract a spicier to such, a web by a tun-
ing fork vibrated near the latter, thus
suggesting the buzz o1 a trapped fly.
Farmer Joe.
Farmer Joe wore russet breeks,
Farmer Joe was burly,
Farmer Joe had ruddy cheeks,
And his hair was curly,
Better man than I'atrner Joe,
Never shouted "Tally -bol"
When the air was crisp and free
And the loaves were falling,
Red and gold, from hedge and tree,.
And the hunt was calling,
Better man than Farmer Joe
Never rode to "Tally -ho!"
Open heart and open hand,
Hearty langh and mellow;
Born and bred upon the land,
Simple, honest fellow,
Better man than Farmer Joe
The 'old hunt will never know.
Rolling up children's socks stretch,
es them at the top and makes thein
fall down when worn.
Dampen the brooms in . hot suds
once ,,,week to clean and preserve
1 u r
them a little o g e .
I Reasoning From Kittene.
Little Edward's .twin sisters were
beteg christened. All went well unt
''Ldwnrd saw the water in the font,
Then he anxiously tuned to his moth-
er and exclaimed: "Ma, whicli'one are
i you going to keep?"
The invincible Arrny,
Friend—eq.-roles yi l' boy getting on
In the army, Mr. Johnson?" •
' Johnson="Wond'er•fgl I feel a great
sellae of security, ilii`army that can
Make my boyget up -early, work hard
all -•day and go to bed early cau do
Evidently Not.
Bess—"Somebody passed a ccr,Ynter-
eft dime on Rob a ,year ago, and he
hasn't been able to get rid of it since,"
Maiden Aunt (horrified) --"What!
Does that • young man 'never go to
church, then?"
rarealgV dgm14743PReg'-ztz...E.4:603§Mpa
Cff o 99
n si e food
and ,builder of bre"
' 1
lkd by
Alenand d pine d
Made of Wheat and barley vkl
Chance e
to Learn
"No, Bobby," said his ntother one
)fete of pie is quite enough for you!"
The Graves of France.
X saw thesileut graves' of France
Lie traatquil in the night, .
They seehied as though they t,
With stars for candle -light,
roxt sAi;El.
�Oount'APLrir,.. WiderVert IN D.RUe:a
l5,u County, Splendid opportunity. -earl to
ere 78 vlk7erdlde,n1a '}Iiig bin CO., Lizplted,
I. �T>'71.L'. 1C,QU1Pi+T+1U 'N'n14VSP —~'
I thought of all the mourning hearts—
The sorrow and the loss.
The aright moon painted on each grave
The shadow of ae cross,
I saw again the graves of
Clear in the morning light.rance
Gone were the shadow cr
Thate asses then,
there les
r in the h u{h
g t.
For flowers bloomed on every side,
The leaves stirred, juet to make
A murrnuring, Crooning lullaby,.
Till time should eome''to wake.
Solay those dear brave lads, in Franc
And, though to us the loss,
To them the glory and the prize'
Of each white lowly °rose;
Understanding English,
Lae Fong was brought before a local
justice and tined fonbreaking the law:
The judge had great difficulty in mak-
ing the Oriental understand, as he
feigned entire ignorance. of Bnglish,;
Finally, in desperation, the judge said:,
"Here, roan, do you see? That Is
one dollar.
go to
The Chink
still t
1 11appeared
un- I
enlightened and the magistrate Fe-
lt s funny," responder, Bobby with pelted the question,
n injured air, "you say you are an;ii-i "Allow me to talk to him,
ns that I should learn to eat proper- honor," burst forth the huskyyour
y, and yet won't give me a chance to had arrested him, cop who
ractiae." "I'll matte him. un
Tire oiitad approached the prisoner
When Sill Balked. and shouted in his ear: "Say, you
Bill wanted to slip out of barracks with the teakettle face, can't
you hear
o see hie girl. He couldn't get leave, anything? You've got to pay a
so he went to his friend, the sentry, two dollars." a clue of
and stated the ossa You're a liar!" shouted back the
duty when you come back, so You ;-
ought to have the password for to- Horses, Men and Elephants,
night. It's 'IdlOsyncragy'. "
Lebanon Cedar
When Ch't Was Born.
The famous c rs of Lebanon, tra-
dition says, we `planted by' God at
the creation of t world and that they
will endure unt he last day. That
there was a gr,grove of cedars on
Lebanon in' the rye of Ring Solomon
there can be'noi.ubt, as it was from
them that h 0. hied the wood for
building Cheer; e, "
At the Pr'a ' flay the grove con-
tains 389 tre ,f which only fifteen
are of large It is thecenterof
if reat Basi '
g the e.
.mountains, rs 6,000
feet above t ' , A Maronite chapel
is on a moi In the shade of the
trees, and he ass is said and on the
feast of the tsflguration a great
festival take ,e•
Several off to calculate the age
oC the cedars. standing have been
made by lit
the rings in the
heart wood case that have fallen.
These estima; according to Prof,
A. Henry, of Royal College of
Sciences for lid, vary from 2230
years to 2500ag, although it may
be that they alslowergrowth than
the speelmensed in other eoun-
The largest dcedars is thirteen
feet'in diarnete,
Canada, Newfcnd, South Africa
and Australisess Deposits.
Canada js no largest producer
of copper in tltish Empire. ;In
Ontario, and Iilarly in British
Columbia, notor'progress in out-
put has been 'during the War,
and the outpullie whole of the
Dominion has(rent 34,864 tons
in 1913 to 5285
last year. Valu-
able deposits ter ore exist also
in Newfoundian South Africa
copper Mining more o ' .loss in
its infancy. St!ogress has been
made in Rhodeing the last few
ears, and lai•gits of
Y copper are
known to exister parts of the
country, but tvelopment de-
pends on resuleed on certain
other propertie exploitation of
which has as ytssed the initial.
stages. Queen:the largest pro-
ducer of eopeeuonrmonwealtlr,
Tasmania being in importance,
The output in 0th Wales has
been seriously during the war,
but the copper lilt here and in
South and WelstraIia should
not be allowedlslr for want of
the necessary; while Great
Britain continilnport copper
from abroad.
The Olpltap'h.
Many proverely due to the.
tendency' •of aturios ago of
putting wo'dar to form
rhymes, regartruth. An ex-
ample is this n an English
Here lies the holies Wood -
The kindest oft and best of
Directly bencsxplanation:
Hie risme bock, but it
wouldn't 001110
Some recenttion of the
temperature oiaade in the
deserts and mo�rtrizon
a and
in the Santa Leine of Cali-
cru a have ret
f i
that leaves sh very,
�pid change
temperature of
tion are A
film 9
y going
on Changes oro three de•
as O. yore r
g1e \ Y,om 20 to
60 second, and;tely strong
wind Is. blowi'ango nosy
amount to five 0 seconds,
Mix bluein•
blueing 'Iter
addin ✓l to<,t
t 'tv
g star and
the clothes .wil
Roller skates rr Fr5rree
aslon e- oar'
g g der
lash ,skate head nvlieelsn n
a single row.
minima's Liniment ,urea Cmax, F,ta,..
"Well," said the sentry, "171 be off Chink. ""It's only one dollar:"
"Idle what?" asked 13111, Tests made to determine the respec-
"Idiosyncrasee" tide pulling power of horses, men and 1
"I'll stay in the barracks," declared elephants showed that two 1` • i
Chinese Wisdom.
Banker Earl C. Dodge, of Boston,
who had
some years in China,
said in an afternoon speech:
"Anybody who doubts the wisdom of
and .tnd printin AWMI
Ontario. ; Induroneo carr ed 11?600 RyWII
po for 01 200 nn .(ui k nal Pox 0Y„
'Nc11Ienb t?ubliwHtort Co.' Lt"I 'Toron' o,
k'bnze'ra'$ 'WAIZTZ •gib -..
lir RAT Tole FOR SALM 1N.'
Lire Poultry. Fancy Hens, Pigeons.,
Eggs etc.? 'Write L We1104auch' & Son,
10-15 Rt, Jean Baptiste Market, -Ironer,
real, 'Quo, r. ,
zortm SIIILDnatiet
/IVTiouZXeu RIT9 Tr0'R•"(?'Kin r 33008 Oil!
se Plans, and information tell
flri"h.)wlto $ave from .Two'. to Pout' Ban,
Ndred Dollars on your new Home,; Ad.,
ees Halliday company. ',.228. �Jack6 o"
amilton. Ont a •
rarsoma LL1Pmowa.
NJ internal and externtd. cured with-.
out pain by oer dome treatment, WVrlte".
we before too late. 7>r, Reitman Medical
Co.. Limited, Oolltngwood. Ont
Not His Name.
The train Was pulling into the sta-
tion, and as the passengers crowded to
get off, the hotelman walked up and
down calling: "Xing George, sir?
Ring George?" Coming up to an old
g e
m the
country he said,
o In
g for
the man's bag,
"I{ing George, sir?"
"No, sir," replied the old roan, 'you
aro mistaken. I'nr just plain Abraham
Montreal, 1Iay 29th, '09.
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited;
Yarmouth, N.S.
Gentlemen,—i beg to Iet you know
that I have used IINARD'S LINI-
MENT for some time, and relied it the
best I have ever used for the joints
and muscles,
Yours very truly,
The Champion Clog and Pedest..tl
Dancer of Canada.
weigi..ing 1;000 tet ho — - --•
Pounds each, tpgethor ` One on Mother,
pulled 3,750 pounds, or 650 pottnds Little Tommy hada great dislike
more than their combined weight to being washy fs
says Better Farming., d• The other day his
weighing -12,000 One elephant was showing him a new clock
pounds pulled
8,750 I
and r
ed m
weight. FtftYmen4ggregatingpounds, or3 360PoundsIesathan its look tL•Aa
nice,clean an fa
the clock has, 'i onnxiy! "_
^ Pulled 3850 I ounds, or just as I "Yes, ansrere3 the child triumph-
hinese should read their pros much as the single elephant, but like antly- "but i
1 the horses, they pulled more than their 1 thouglrl" t s gat black hands;
verbs. The Chinese have a b
00 proverbs, and they're I own weight. One hundred men pulls
twelve thousand pounds. d
10,000 cot of
wise and true as the $r•et line inithe
volume, which says:
" 'It is safer to pull a tiger's tail
than to call a lady's attention-;to`ther
first gray ,fair,'
Reg'lar Flier,
,/there is a tal6, told in London, about
the Prince of Wales:
The Prince turned up one da
facers' .mess behind the lines on the
western front and asked if he could be
avored with luncheon.
"Certainly," replied a bright young
ubaltern, "but who the devil are
"I'm the Prince of Wales," replied
to heir to the throne, with :a weary
mile, "but for pity's sake forget it."
Everything was ready.
A short run, and she rose in the air
majestically, ducking, rolling, and div-
ing fn, the strong wind. The up, and
stilt further up she rose, till she was
almost out of sight, and a thrill ran
through the spectators.
Suddenly an exceptionally strong
gust of wind struck her, and down she
came—down, down, and still down,
till—mash!—rho struck the earth with
a dull, heavy thud.
And d lit l
aft in to-
mother for a penny to buy a now kite,.
Johnny Knew,
The formidable trustees of the little
rural school were paying their dreaded
annual visit, and the primer, class
was being examined in nature study.
"Now children
said the neryou
young teacher, holding up an appl
blossom, "what comes after thi
"A little green apple," shouted th.
class in chorus.
The teacher felt that the worst was
over. "Good!" she said, "Aad now,
Johnny, can you tell us what comes, at.
ter the little.green apple?",
"Yesm!" roared Joh
ache!" nnY; "stomach-
His Fate,
The young man brought some verses.
kettle father,
"Father, I have written poems:"
"What! Let me see them instantly."
The father read them over carefully,
the tears slowly welling to' his eyes as
did eo. Finishing the last one, he
threw ,down the manuscript, folded the
boy to his breast, and sobbed;
"012, my poor, poor son!"
"Are they so bad as that, father?"
They are excellent
Are real poetry,. My boy, my boy, you
will starve to death!"
Medicinal nal
a certain
hos i
P dl the
at en
P i is
nlooked for-
ward to an inspection, when they could
lodge a complaint.
Vallee., one they, the inspecting oii1-
eer canto round, one Tommy was de.
r mined not to miss this opportunity,
your complaint?" Taint
P ?
asked o the
"Trench tavern"
"Otis 'Ilii what le the (1100?" con-
tinued rho ortsee1' solicitously:
t tte-
1 thermometer
daily," was the answer.
5Tinard's Liniment Cures Distemper,
A Prize•Winner,
.At a works not far from Manchester
some workmen were bragging about
the skill of soma of the men at their
various jobs, After several had re-
lated their experiences, one man said
that what he had 'heard was nothing
to tete skill of a stone -mason he knew.
The curious part bf it was that the
mason was a nigger who had only one
"How does he manage it if he has
only ong.arm?" questioned one of the
"WbY," said the other. "he bolds his
chisel between his teeth and hits him-
self behind the head with the hammer -
What Did He Say?
The Pastor—So God has sent yott
ers Dolly?
two more little broth
Dolly (brightly) —Yes, and
nd Ile
knows where the money's corning
front. I heard daddy say so,
It isn't so much what a man has
makes s him happy as what
doesn't want, he
Let folks step on your feet hereafter;
wear shoes a size smaller 1f you litre,
for corns will never again send electric
sparks of pain through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority:
He says that a few drop§s of a drug
called freez'ons, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re-
lieves soreness, mad soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug isa stioltY. ether com-
pound, but dries at once and simply
shrivels up the corn without inflaming
or even 'irritating the surrounding
It is claimed that a quarter of an
of ire
azcue obtained at any drug
cio store
t to rentove every ,hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet. Cut this out,
pec ears high
are a woman reader
who wears high heels.
How, to make a creamy beauty lotion
a few cents.
The juice ,of two fresh lemons
trained a Wed in
a bo
ttlo containing three
110cea of orchard white makes
pint t of
the m most
e lemon r s]
in I9ayat
bout u the cost one moat
ply for u
mall jar of the ordinary cold creams.
art Should be taken to strain the
croon juice through a tine cloth so no'.
onion pulp gets in,..tireu this lotion
111 keep •fresh for months. Every
olnan knows that lemon Inter is
sod t
o Wendt
and 'remove e rata
entishes as freckles, sallowness and
n and is the ideal skin softener,
hitener and beal}tifler,.
Just try i1! :fat three calices of
chard tvrlite at nay drug!'atoro and
o le
mons from the lice Sw,and make
a quarter pint. of this sweetly flew.
Lilt -lemon lotion ,r,,0 ,naaeage. it
daily into the face, neck, antra It:141
Remit by Dominion Express. Money
Order. IP Iost or stolen you get your
money back.
, Man's Way.
"It has always seemed fuainy to us,"
says a philosopher, "why a fellow says
Ile keeps bees. The truth of the mat-.
ter is the bees keep themselves. All
he does is rib 'meta'
OMER `°A L:jlt,�S �, v:� ;.
A p N 1
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If You c Don't
the "Bayer Cross" ..,r
the Tablets, You Are Not Getting
Asperin—Only Acid Imitation!
Genuine "Bayer Tablets nF
n ,an,tda by a L.
an Company—No Ge:ma!t hater
whatever, rel 1I his bring 1?archa
from the UM lied Settee (overruve,
During the, War, a. id rnut..tio.•, t.
d ae Aslnrrn in pill roxc:: mrd v.
s other containers. nets. Ths 13 .,
Cross" is your only way of l,Ia. ,.
thatJ•or are attune gentiles ;1=per
proved safe by millions for ll'ecdncl
Neuralgia, (,cilia, Rheumatism, Luna
o, Neuritis and for Pain geueril
Sandy tin boxes of 12 tablets —also
ger sized "Bayer" packages can
at dl'1igA10TL'a, Asperin is the trade mark, rogiste
in Canada, of Bayer il�Iarnfactu-
MonOaeottc;aciciestar of Salicylic -
N . .
Hands. Itched and
curs Heals,
only n month old
Maned to
and scaly, The
started in the
d. She
d fretful she could
.Iasted nine,.
d Cuticula Soap
need three oaken
saes of Qinhnanb.
sleet •, .
(Si nod
g )
Amh •
r castht+=
ttment and Tel -
ed Ser all tpilet
Soap, soothe With
Ds�leu , b c, Dint-
I551:1E 39
are note made i (• tna-
di e
su •tri.
Ca -`E1,
pro •hr,
Na 1e'
bag ly
I ly.
On Face and
Burned, Cuti
"My baby wee
her face and
get red
eczema ae
and burned.
°roes an
- t
•./ P
r' '�''°'`t `Thee
months when I tried
and Ointment; and I
of Soap with two bo
Was he
Mrs. ,rs.
Ontsria, May V, /918.
Cutiour&Soap, Ointment
Tel -
cunt aro all you need
esoe. 13athe with
Ointment; oust with
Per free
l snn,pl, emor} or
�norb qnd Thrum uttdra9't,
E Met,
ED. 7,