HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-08-14, Page 5V. Thursday August UNPREPAREDNESS —FAILURE A bank account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the way to success. Open an account to -day and be prepared. T . �E CANA IAN ANK OF COM ERCE Seaforth Branch el. G. 1�,' uiietn Manager W. J. Walker 1 For Sale Undertaker and Embalmer W. J. Walker, holder of goy - eminent Diploma and License Day or Night calla 'receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 -- - Night '• rS STRATFORD. ONT. WESTERN ONNt'ARIO'S LARD. 1t and i3If�T COMMERCIAL :CHOOL, We have Commercial, 4hortbanl and Telegraapy departments Have experienced instructors, give thorough COurCCs alit) we aeeiet graduates to pond tie rs—Vtnrrr (LI free catalogue. D. D. Pl. McLachlan, Principal • eEAlvultl'H MARKET Geed bilin,,, Wheat............,.. ,.. £2.1 Barley ......................,,,.n. illi Bran per ton lii,lu Shorte per ton. 41 Flour.......... Butter., ......... 42--•45 Hogs'• to, Houee and half acre of land in the , village of Bigrnondville The property Iis situated on Centre Street,oloee to I the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell property. Goold com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement Cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and ottrrant bushes. This is a corner pro- party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of onitivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For partiunlars apply on the premises or to John Raskin; Seteforth. To Investors A Guaranteed Mortgage Investment Certificate, is- sued by the Trust & Guar- antee Co. Ltd.—Toronto bearing; �.. p, C. interest payable semi-annually is one of the best and safest investments offering today All inturination cheerfully given. J(UIIN Kh Special Representative 9Trtin Street, ;Seaford) Phone 91 a N. B. Bonds and De- belltures iricludi(rg all is- sues of War Bonds, bought and sold. I 131 .1' Already for the lath! The veterans know the 'worth of Comfortable S Does, You will need a pair to meet them How aboUt a pair of our cool comfortable, slylish outing Shoes? We have a fine line and are showing all of the Better Sty- les. On August 13th we hon,'•.,' the returned soldier and re- member those whose who do not return. ' o will be litre, F . 'F The Home of Good Shoes r r -,a:fr, u a , �rrtt� �r is"IllEaRE1521111=MNINMEISY7 S r.111•Ww..0y-ar,lllri-U a.•..+..•UUr..on Ute.,-.. a L ',u.,• wit ,uM.iATuiiz;i;;; As. w...r.�... wsams, Can- �4 ha.®nii . 1 n..®aa®UTi en The High Coot of Living -Economy s the word today. 1VIalre your old garments do instead of purchasing new ones. Have them tiny cleaned and pressed. Dry cleaning when properly done.Jengthens the life of garments, preserves their fresh Dew appearance and acts as a'lieinfeotart, • Unsanitary wearing apparel often oanses sickness and death due to germs, clothing should he cleaned at frequent intervals My Wardrobe, Goderich ,St„ :leaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. OWIl Topics q Mrs, Etty of Mitelell was a visitor at the house of Mrs, L, Rankle Mv, R. H. Goldhawk left on Satur- day for Thorold where he has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs, F ITolmetead are spending several weeks in Toronto Mrs. W. H. Grasse of Vancouver is visiting relatives in this vicinity, Miss Janet Govenlook'who has been spending several months at the home of her brother Mr. Robert Govenlook in- tends leaving this week far North Dali. stall, She will be accompanied by her nephew, Mr. Robert Laird and Mr. Nelson Govenlock, Mr. and Airs. Wright and Master Jack of Toronto era the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ni, AT Jones, Mrs..T, 0, Rose of Guelph is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John 'Beattie. Mrs. McLaughlin of Paris is visiting lvlre James Love, �IMiss Grace Weir, graduate nurse of New York is spending her holidays with her soother Mrs. George Weir James St Mr. Muir Thomson, Mrs. Thomson and Margaret have returned from a meows holiday in Grimsby. Rev. George Speedy of Toronto occupied the pnlpit of the Presbyterian Church very acceptably last Sunday morning and -evening, Miss Irene Carbon of 'reroute is epetaling the holidays at her home here Mrs. James Davis of Gauanoque is I visiting her daughter Aire, F. Robinson. I MESS T421111a is visiting friends in • London, Mr, Gurdon Kenr of Toronto is visit ing relatives here, • Miss Margaret McIntosh of -Toronto se visiting her grandmother, Airs, Mc- Intosh, Mrs. Cureminghanr of California is vieitiug Mr. and Mrs. 0, Aberltart, Mr. Cyril Mary) has returned to Take onto. Mr, and Mrs, Thornton of Tor onto are visiting relatives in town. Mise,L. Allen daughter of Air. James Allen has been engaged as teacher for a school near Woodstock, Mrs .T, Cousin and 'hiss. Cotlsitt of Heusin are denting Air, and Mrs R. H Peek. Mrs Smith who has been visiting her mother Mrs, W. Cariloohan has return- ed to Taronto. The Great Wan Votersns gave Mr A. D. Sutherland a beautiful gold Loc- ket engraved ori Thursday night as an appreciation ut his work inn their behalf, Miss A. Henderson who hes spent two weeks visiting at -Mr, Thos Patton's left on Saturday' Miss Henderson is engaged inn social rarefies work inn Buf- fele, Mr. W. R. Adams of Toronto is vis' ting Isis home here. tlir. D. H, Reid of London is visiting his mother Mrs. J. F. Reid, Mrs. John Ross of Brnoefield is visiting her son Dr. H. H; Ross. Mr. J. R, Roan returned from Toron- to on Monday. Mr, A Hazen returned from Toronto on Saturday • Mr. W. Mulcahy of Chicago is visit - friends here, Mrs. John McTavtsh and Ian are. visit- ing at her home inn Ingersoll, Lieut. Neil Murray is on a visitto the Queen's City, Aires Katherine Ryen, and Mies Ellie Ryan of Chicago are visiting their sin. ter fire. M. Broderick. Mr. J, Grieve of Miilcillep leaves this weelr to visit relatives ' inn Brad. wardiue Manitoba Mrs. James Hay and little daughter leave this week to v:sit:friende in the (Neat. Mies Etta Box of Toronto is visttiug list parents Mr, and Aire, W. Box. THE SEAFGRTH NEWS SOLDIER Cheques and money transfers representing pay and; allowances of soldiers drawn in Sterling Exchange will be cashed by this Bank at $4,803 to the Pound Sterling. We will transfer money for soldiers, free of charge, to any point in Canada where we have a branch. ad's HE DOMINION Bpt. SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Mtlntererd,• 901NREBERIESEI OPE[G.tItintne 12112E IMEI&n+1r ;dt.t7 31.1b1NBMIlinel set seaeere !st Er, '�:.,°."w,,G".�.airwa..:S`41e£�.=��23.:9fci:even.f;N:;Gr:S:rYe�SEs7 The Western QCgj Loudon, Ontario September eth to 13th, 1919 This is to e Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario Exhibits the Very Beet i Two I Atrrecti.,ns P .luhhl t ' J""'''' Speed ECeII tP Better (1 t NUC Daily Than Naar PLENTY OF MUSIC FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT PURE FOOD SHOW TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Auto Entrance corner Dundee and Egerton Sts. Usual Entrance at tho Gn.tes, Prize Lists, Entry Fortes and all information from the eerr.•r,rs LT. -COL, W. M. GARTSHORE, President A. M, HUNT, Secretor elleiteennalMOIRASSISIMEMenetemeee Miss Erma Freeman of Toronto spending her holidays at her home it Mise Grace Walker of Rochester visiting her parents Mr, and Vire. J. Walker, Mrs. R. Bell and Mas Anila (tell felt on Fridaybu a trip to Seattle. Mr, Hurry thieve of liraurpten, home for the hblidey Mr. and Mrs ,m (theatre). anti Mir ut Sprout of Stratford event S,itrday wi fir and Mrs IC Chesney (Jode,lich St fir J (J 8ia(ieu and fir .1 NI Be have returned from holidnyitrg Cr Be field ii i Seen •'hrlrlie Chapriii in, lino ghaie. met (n reels) at the Srr'ta't ,v ti._ , rneen. i land teed Ir is the tiro of his Bag th e m r ; ;Intro v 't is• rr II tf1 w t stir to tilt Ai, -;a , Act :nor- J tidy Drama--Priee•e Ire) anti en, fine, st ('fait t 1.11.s.e's lel wiry inn town I r:J ‘Voll 21i!.r' ' 1t. 9( r Alta, iv srad h it ai .,. burg vieted theMiss,. , I.t''nz tum a' eek, th on her ,rev t„ line n••hi On holida3s. at Y• Bi g 4S t u i 1 its I ti ei Miss Clarke of Varna was a visitor nit the home of Mr, and Mrs. it, H. Peck. Mrs. Joint Patterson of Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mts. E. A, Box. Master John McNabb of Duugaunou is visiting Incigrandmother lire• John McNabb, Nursing Sister Mary Mason hes re turned from oversees. Mr, and firs• Frank Smith and Mrs Heard of Port Culborne"gre visiting at the home of Mn'. and firs, W, R Smith Mr, J Hinehley has retiu'ued to town The Strand has .added to its Mott. Toes, n Wed. programme '•The Oharlic Chaplin" "Big H. Series" of 'l reels comedies and will chow erne eveey ae• aond week staiiti:lg next Molt. 'rites. t\ Many movies claim thea,, Comuillee ' to be fast as goon as pia ilillioll Dullar Pictures" See the first cue "dhanghinud" on Mon, Tues. & wed; and judge for yourself. No advance in prices. hire. E. Oiuittencleu and Margaret and Roth retained hone on Tuesdae. after visiting friends in Toronto for several weeks. Mn'. J. F. Ross has returned from Toronto where he Ines. spent the past few weeks marking examination papers. Mrs. Panghimon and oliltdren of Toronto are visiting relatives mere. Mrs. G. Boyd and eons of Stislratoou are visitors at the home of Mrs. R. Boyd, Hies Olive Siegel of Mitchell was a fawn visitor. Mr. and Mrs. .England of Ghioltgo who are on a touring trip are visiting at the home of Mr. Win. Alnent, • Mn'A. C. Hazen returned on. Satur- day after speeding several weenie inn 'Parente. Mrs Hiles of Lendesbore is vreit- ing Mee. Webb of town. ffar. G It. 'V'er'b elm has rattanoed ironsoverseas le vrsitiug•lnis mother Mrs Webb'. Aliases Florence and Emily Oreeawell Isere returned from spending several months in. the south her H ('leap Stomach, Clear Mind,•—The�l stomach is the werkeliee, of the vital. funetinns and when it entre out of order the a hole system clogs in sympathy. syinpathy, The al nits Hag tire tnisrd droops sad work becomes nmpr,ssihis. The, first metro eineuld lie to re :tore healthful notion of the stoned. ,old the best preparation for that purpose is Partnelee s Vegetable Pills, (i'sreiel use for years had won then) a leading place in medicine, A trial win attest their value, qo 'Eva Vii o'y r i v t 'i .i)' BY 11.P...71., ,.... l� itbi5 f ,j0,.V'J iJ AYRON'fO Serat.6 .;f:i'ciiC;ra.ladier Guards Band iul' -Memorial Paintings 'isation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of tuouster guns, aeroplanes and ail the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the 'dun. Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. I WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U .BOAT Festival of Triumph The .Molt Stirring of oil Grand Stand Spreyclo, �q�ggw The surrender of time German Fleet @ �7 @Jt)- Versdilles Castle—Victory Arch, t Allenby's entry into Jerausalem. And a acre of ether oxttaordinarr feelures' THE GREATEST EXHIBITION OF ALL TIMES emammeaseneamemenneamweenwammeameeenmeemeunewenu Thor 4 Friday &t • Saturday The�� Stro) St rring AH la PUIELSOB act AIleStal' Drama a ¢el the Yukon and the great Northwest. - .ALSO = 5th Chapter of the 51i3ig Circus" Serial "The Lure of the Circus" - SAT NltHT SCHEDULE 8.15 to 9.30 Drama, 5 reels 9.30 to 10 Serial, 2 reels 10 p.m. to 11.15 Drama, 5 reels Monday Ti esdayr 8b Wednesday May Alliston in Casfies' hi y the ALSO h?i'fl 4-'ve in f�vJr��y, �tka�j „.-,::.%I ids a�L: reels? No A va.Uce in Priee eFneereamernseee Electric Starting and Lighting O car has a better starting and lighting system than that now available to purchasers of Ford Cars. It is a Ford product, built into the motor- -a positive starter as reliable as the motor itself —a po'w'erful lighting system, uniform under all engine speeds. On the open models -Touring Cars and is OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. On closed cars—Sedans and Coupes—it is STANDARD EQUIPMENT. On all models the Ford -Standard Magneto also provides ignition independent of the batteries, See the Ford car with this new equipment. Ford Runabout $66e; Touring $Sgo On open models the Electric Starting and Lighting. Equipment is Poo extra. Coup. fern Sedan $..75 (dosed mode(. prices ora dude Electric Starng:gand Lighting Equipment). These prices ate F. 0. B. Ford' Ont. and. do not include the WarTex, ea, J. F. DALY, COOK BIOS. Dealer Dealers SEAFORTH� HENSALI,