HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-07-31, Page 8We reeomrneaid afar Mange Shampoo for dandruff or our C'oca''Butter Sha, p»n lot dry ,,scalp and falling hair, or for a goad head wash our fam- ous Panto/toeShampoo. Also our Owl .Massage for closedooree and blade heads This will clean the skin. TJatie your Hair Cutting and Shaving done by us, We guarantee to put a shav- ing edge on pour razor. C)bmmerekeral Barber Shop, Cdth W. ROBINSON Prop Cauliflower Plants Geniune Early Snowball 50 for el5c postpaid ,Shipped enecessfully everywhere, Ask for'price list of Cabliage, Celery pd other Vegetable Plants, 'HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland. Ontario, Niagara District.. CORRESPOPIIDENCE Henson Mrs, Ferguson of Toronto is .visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Qr wick. Mrs. Vi, Evans of 1'xeter spout a week with Mrs. J. B, Simpson, Mr. and it, R, Stowell are here from 'Gadsby Alta visiting herr, fuths Mr. h J. Drysdale. Mr. Chas. Shaffer of Marlette, Mich, an old resident of this place, recently spent a week among old friends, Miss Kate Scott is spending a week in Goderich with her sister, The tn:.uy frian a of Mr, J, Black are glad to seehint home again from overseas Misses Mabel and Beatrice Cudruore of Toronto are at their home here, Miss Margaret Carol of Seaforth spent a week here with Miss Emma I Dickson, Mr, D' A. Uantelon and Mr. J, Paseimore are flaking in New Ontario. A terrible disaster took place here last week number of young men were in swimming at the G, T. la, bridge. Everyone was happy until one pf the more vcutureseme went ashore and run - mug back called the others to inform them that their clothes were gone. Al- ter half en hour the clothes were found banging in a tree. Some girls had stole For Sale them, Good ten story frtn:e'isrise. knawit es tht. Tapley property on I'oleinott St. Seaforth, consisting t f !1 rooms it, good elintota opeir t tc1 er s ed r d e eft wafer Jit . Steep amt family have gone, to also goon itatx live tri �f°t•outo, vs un r.-^1, set err: t ei' trees and ,, , Y i -e Vi d I .41 E. P,.wnshrnd ei Ottawa has firtth s¢ ' ,,. r,c,.-u t sit,rg, re.!drives herr, at,ti. hi.Jar Shwa flat. .5 .1, F,,ilowsy 'iar r,.tnr'u.,i e}s c: dii,G i've1:;I i, , , n, pe's eonsta,ace Mr. Peter Lindsay has bought a farm from D, Wilson. He will get pdsee - eion in the spring• Mrs, McLean is spending some time with her sister, curs P. Lindsay, Grand Bend seethe to attract serval Mrs. Praetor of Brusselsis visiting her sister, Mrs. Oo¢olough, The barley harvest will soon start The.dry weather is ripeutng it fast. Mullett Flax pulling is being done in that fine field owned by Wm. Rina. -.Tbe pullers report it the best they have etruok. Gnbr's dredge is now a+; work in the Maitland. Mr. W. 0, Stewart and family of N, Dakota are visiting friends here, He says he is glad to meet old friends, Mrs, Urawforii celebrated het• 84 birthday recently. She is still hearty anti has a host of friend, who -wish her good health for a long time yet. Bayfield Miss Careou-eand Miss Sloan are at the Albion. Mrs..tteheson of Goderich is in Deer Lodge Park, Trinity Church will hold their garden party on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Geo. McTeegart and family of ('lintel) Orn: here, Rev, .fee, Ahray and family of Lend - burn are enjoying our breezes. Mrs Hodgins and fancily of Stratford e guests of of ilre, J 'Tippet. lire, Elliot and daughter of Look -now Imre with rietele, s t1.! -:t7 mit i:7tgesi7 t ` •.(' Lift airy .rr, Cit off with f r1T?rs SESOrr Don't suffer: A tiny bottle of Freezone costa but', few cents at env ply a few drops on th' clo ue,acalluses :arid "hard shin" on b ts- tom of feet. then lift them off. r When Prezone removes mens from the toes or cailuses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. t., .. 11;a1"1:1 !f 4e'iah lot's 1 t..--sa •.r14 �. .. ,h .c.,.-, 'tt' 'z .:r u , MI5 IA, E reef stud family, of ii vi ,..,t•n t, .i. ester Fiscip rera 'Si ns otti, ,,-tame i,re,,l.. Ii '.0 th-'it' 1,11,g1; al* 110 r!'3 id ,.• it •:' .a.t tier 1.10. it is t111151)1 t5 lli,ii,.3,1 of here, who 41,..,t I st,, '.t i'.!. 1,/,r (,,ort iii. lore '!u 11,11; r„.:,,., tel 11•.11,01t..01 .ccs at :1,, 1,4).11,1!! of hi,, sae ,t1 Mr. 1. t_'r..in., r, h .l to +at: -r narrow. ly esu !pest ,l.:ok!.i w hub then oar elfish!. ed near Stsrl', ,nil turned tt.rile iu the ditch. Hobe, had an Elena broke'. and fare out while air, Cruein was seriously injured. Mr. lames Shea is busy shipping hogs and cattle. Hogs are now "rale gentlemac selling for $23 81) per hundred and only gentlemen can afford to eat them now. Mr. L Evans of Heepeher spent a few days at his home. Mrs. ;Cohn Keefe and son of Toronto are viaith ip friends here, The funeral of Margaret Dorsey was held from the home of her brother William of tit. (ioiurrthsn. Miss Dor. soy had been in poor health for years. She is anrvived by two brothers, Win, and Lours earl three meters. Kate of Dublin, Lucy of Surma amid Etta of OTHER TABLETS NOT Stahl ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are. Genuine Aspirin if you don't Nee the "Bayer Cross" on the tablets, you aro not. getting Aspirin—only an arid imitation. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" are now made in Canada by a Canadian Company. No German interest what- ever, all rights being purchased from the 'United States Government, During the war, acid imitations were cold as Aspirin in pill boxes mut various us other containers. of tamers. Thr ]i,tycr Cross" is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, proved safe by Millions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablete—also larger sized "Bayer" packages Veil be bad at drug stores, Aspirin is the (rade mark (registered iii Canada:, of Bayer :Manufacture of Nonoacetieacidecter of Salicylicaeid. Mr. and Mrs. Cokltthom of Winni- peg are epeutline a few days with re- latives. Henry Golding is recovering after an illness, Mr. K. Webb and Mr, Ed Sadler of Hamilton spent a short time here with relatives. Medals will be presented to the sol diere of Hibbert on August 4, All are nvited, A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at the Township Hall Staffs, August 4th at 8 P, M, when over 50 medals given by the Township of Hibbert will be presented to the sol- diers of Centre and South of *Hibbert. A spl end! d musical program ram wi II be t v• en also addresses by Mr, Thomas Me - Millen, Mr. Peter Smith and local ministers, Come and give the boys e real welcome, Why suffer from corns when they can be painlessly rooted out by using Holloway's Corn Care; A service Will lie held in thin Metho dial Church on Huntley at 11 a, mu, Rev Capt Edwards of Seaforth will take time service The t)apt is oils of the strong preachers of London Con- ferenoe and 'everlone should hear him Miss Elsie Hatton ofs,'loronto is epootling her holidsyt with her broth, er at ilia parsonage. Mr .J, McMillen of Seaforth lies been apiroisited manager of the local Branch of the Renit of Comniere , M Meaner has gone Is, Marton, We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. Meaner but oongretn'Ittte hien on his appoint- ment Slim) Margaret Adams of Loiidesboro is visiting friends here, A large number from here were at Brussels celebration this week, .:T'hey report a large crowd and a good time, Pretty Wedding A quiet wedding took piece at the home of Mr, arid Mrs. Frank B. Powell yesterday evening when their, daughter Edna J, became the bride of Mr. Clarence Y: Potter of the Huron Road, The ceremony was performed by Rev, S. Anderson of the Ontario St. church, Clinton, in the presence of only immediate friends, The bride, who was given eway by, tier father, wore a pretty bridal gown of white georgette with satin ribbon trimmings, end pearl beads twined iii' her dark hair, and carried a baguet of sweet peas and ferns. The couple were unattended. Miss Frances Potter played the wetltlidg music and during the signing of the register M'r. Fred Potter sang. After the ceremony the ,redding' feast iv.ris'purtaltan uf. !ir..,s d 'sirs. 1?otter will reaida 'ii, the lith ootteses'ou, They have th. F -, ,t wishes of their friends for a fang i ,a 1 in 1.i.y married life, au.It'.h' do I a'ryat ; c:.; :,;ITg. i ad'1=t' iii LiIs, the I i*Sf ,girl! .11. Flax Pullers Wanted Canadian Flax Mille Ltd. must, gat- hettl'elnendous Crop In: a ehact time the groat (pop of Sax which the OariadGiti Flax Mills Ltd. have put in around Seaforth will be readyfor thn polllisp. l'nllers'ar'e re- quired end those who wish to engage iu the pulling shoolii !mot.; in their. isarnesto Mr, Cole, Cashier Canadian Flax Mills Ltd„ , Main St. Soufrth, The Company otl'ere iibesci rencuner ation for this pleasan t work—Mr. Cole's ot"ioe is at 7, Raitltin's•-See hint at once—Pulling will probably begin about July 2Stb;. SAYS LUAUi MICE WiLL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls: Make thls'chieap beauty lotion to clear, and whiten your skin. Squeeze the Juice of two lemons into a, bottle containing' three euntea of orchard white,,abalte well, and youJtays a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at +cry, very small Cost. Your grocer has the lemons and an drug store or toilet counter swill, supply. three outmost of orchard white for a few cents, Massage this sweetly, fragrant lotion into the face; neck, arms and hands. each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Pee! It to harmless. _ y aking Saving Altradffve In Stent, Cost $4.05 ILitre .03'1: tb War &wings Stsng: can xry e,..rhL i.her- Perhaps you have never been strong on saving. You COULD save a little, but -- If you knew you could get on every $4.00 you saved, wnuldr;'s: tempt you? Well, then—that is what War Ss:. a, Stamps will enable you to €ic. If you find it hard to reeve t ne because the quarters sl'• , awares, Thrift Stash s is I he; You . can i_ 1: a Thrift `t<= cents, and when you Lave... can exchanre them for a Stamp, for which you wig $5.00 in By doing this you w''' investor! 1..?!:--"! a i,.;.,. iu}I ..t d:auttlt"tt :i1 � , ->�tl tt ,re 1 111 eeti.�ns I rete t i -r. 1. Lea, ,Ay rn av ,test. t ic.•aiini; !early iest `bri4.70(. "t I f''4 f IF YTi CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, 'CONSTIPATED Look, IVlotherl If tongue he coated, • cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs." 'Mothers can rest "Californiaeau " after giving alifornia Syrup of Pigs," becaue l P few hours ail the clogged -up waste, sour; bile sail fcrsoonting; food gently. neves out of the bowels, and you lravo V well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to rake this Harmless "fruit, laxative;" trillions.. of mothers peep it handy be- muse :they know, its action •on t'he stom- "Is, liver and bowels is prompt and sure,. Askyour druggist for a bottle of elalifoimfa Syrup of Pigs," whioit oon- eine directions for Babies,: ohildreu -i It ages` acid for grown-ups. CREAM WANTED`' Send your Cream to on cad receive top prices, We are rousing our plant he year tlmrongh sod can handle 'your full supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice earth month and weigh sample and test each can of cream car - fully. Our motto is "'Honesty to our "Arpin " Patrons are requested to re tern. all our cans. when -not in use, latter areilluttermiilc site on ►Cand a3 for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. GIRLS!. WHITEN YOUR SKIN - WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. • Your grocer has the ltlnone,and any drug store or toilet tlourtter will :+ripply you with three ounces of oitiierd white for, it f tv eents. Squeeze tine ' fince' Of • two fit ilt lemons into a bottle, then put n the orchard white and - shale well. This males ;i quarter putt of the very • best lemon skin whitener and' complexion • beautifier known. Massege this fra- grant, creamy holism daily into the face, neck, arms and Itantls end just see how freckles, tafr, sallowness redness and roughness disappear and limy rmootlt, - ash. and clear the skin become•>, Yeet It is tcarnilee.,, arta! the beautiful resultt3 t Dill surprise you, shut r of Michigan rc.fsti,',-s note,li t', .I:Cmc Foote 'ii Exnter took sell ices hero on Stttitlay', Her, Ur, Aitkiu and fancily are spend hug a holiday at hayfield. fie tl ,Mr, Ii' .1, Cooper now boasts of a Wordy balanced family of four boys anti the same number of girls CASTORIA For Infants and Children f In Use Forayerr�30Years Always bears the�j�- Signature of -in2E42 Brucefield Misses Mary McNsughtou, Louise Allitr, and Jessie McMillan, who have been attending the No;iatal, have sac- oeetlap hri passing their examinatioe. and ate now fledged teacitere, Jahn McKenzie is recovering from pneumonia. Mr, Yellowlecs and family of Bow- rttanville are here for a vacation, Mr. and Mrs, John Ackenhead of Lendon visited here. Miss Gertrude Wilson of Toronto is at the home of her sister Mrs, Geo, Swan, Mrs. Nichol of London is the guest at the Home of Mr, and Mr, Walsh, eronaarty Mr, Jae. Scott held a reception for the returned soldiers and all had a good Hine, Mr, and Mrs. Jno Laing of Seaforth are here for a month assisting in the harvest. Mr John Scott and eon of Toronto Spent a few days with relatives, • -Nearly all ehildaen are subject to worms and many are born with them, Spare them suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator' the best remedy of the kind that can be had, int.tnut ti t.+�tH ri,, i.+opertment or 1ur1. rltur:-. Toronto.) , n l,,5il e: t tne,unt of experl- nicnts l t, imlt has been eon- I ` aEi e dutf(d c:t. the Ontario Ag cultural College in teal grains both sinel. and in noeubinatl for the produreiort of grain. Th results of experiments indicate that there is practically no advantage in growing in combination two or more varieties of grain_pf the same class. Quite decided advantages, however, have been AAbtained from certain cobinations of grain or different classems. fn an experftn. it which extended. over a period of five years in which oats, barley, spring wheat and peas were grown aepiirately and all the different combination which could be obtained by having two, three and four grains in ea,•h mixture, it was found that in ehnuf. ninety per cent. of the experiments the mixed grains gave a :greater yield per acre than the same grains when grown separ- ately. Of the different combinations, oats and by 1. r eatne at the head of the list, :giving slightly over two hundred pounds of grain per acre more than' when either one was grown alone. it is important to use in combin- ation varieties which will grow satis- factorily together and which will ma- ture at the same time, Such varieties as the Q.A.C. No, It barley and the Daubeney, Alaska or O.A.C. No. 3 oafs give very good results. Of twenty-five different mixtures with different proportions of oats and barley used for five years its expert - mental work it was found that the greatest returns were obtained by us- ing one bushel, by weight, of each Or' a mixture of 84 pounds (34 pounds of oats anti 48 pounds of barley), G --uDr elph. C. A. VAN -Hz, 0. A, College, ri- ng q on Lamp glass, e Antiquity of the Dog. It Is Impossible tc' say when dogs were that domestleah,d, but some of the, earliest traces ere found on Egyp• tian monuments, with figures of dogs, somewhat of the greybonnd type, which date back to at least 3500 B. C. Even in those remote days the dog was highly esteemed, Coming down a little hater, we .readh t at Ulysses es y 3,000 years ago g was recognized by his dog Argus after his swineherd had failed to do so, Plutarch speaks of Alcibades, who cut os the tail of his.: dog, and Myron, the sculptor, immortalized the animal by chiseling his image in marble, The Homans valued their dogs and kept them for the chase end also as pets, Alexander the Great owned a veteran fit to tackle a lion. med. large Burners, large medium Reliance � , t eJlavIce L'.west Prices 11 is 14 12 _its rn p >: up lie Lantern glass, squat 8 tall 8 Wick, per yd 11 Matches 40c 11 Tapioca All rice is advancing La price. 1 CSI Japan 14 160 Buy now while the price is low. Have you tried our cheese? Lowest price possible 3bcents Our Grofast Calf Meal made the calves p E sh ahead. Have you tried a it? Sack $1.40 Leave your order with us for PAINTS. i e sell a special brand guaranteed, at a real price. UNITE R Er' e 9 CeOPERATIvE . LIMITED(hone liT) Distributing Warehouse No,1 Seaforth 7