HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-07-31, Page 5ga; "' ler.
.A bank, account is an assistant
in character building:. It establishes the
'confidence, independence and pride - which
increases effort and paves the way to success.
Open 'an account to -day and be
prepared: '
Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager
W. J, Walker
W. JWalksr,. holder.•.of gov-
ermnent Diploma and License
Day or Night calls reiieive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
' Night ,r r8
We'liate TELEGRAPHY., Lon.'
• rr
D'epartrneuts, We . give ••rndivid-
uyt,ine.kructi•on. ,. Students -' aro•
enteringeach weelr. Our gradn
ales secure positions of trust,.
-Get ..our.free Catalogue now it
may interest yon. •
D. Pi. McLachlan, '•
Principal •
{food Milling Wheat.....:... $2.1
Barley., ....• ..... . 9
Bran pet ton ..............36:011
Shorts per ton 4t.
Flour. . .....................5.755
Butler. 43-45
Hoge ttie farmers 2 00
For Sale
House Hud half core of 'land in' the
village of Egmotidville: ',the . property
is situated .on Centre Street, the
the Presbyterian Church and is known
as the Purcell property, Good corn-
forttble house, good shed, good well
and cement eistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, ` raspberries and
currant,bushes. This is a' corner "'pro
party with no broake•on front, and the
and is in a good 'state of cultivation.
rile is a nice property for a retired
fanner and the texas are light. For
partiailars apply on the premises or to
John Rankin, Seaforth. '
Ii vestors
,A•-'.'Gaarantee.d ..11!Lottgage
TtnveSitnent Certificate, Is-
sued .by the •Tn.tht Guar-
all tee Co. Ltd,.—Tor•.onto
bearing p. C. ,inte'rest
payable; semi-annually is
One of .,the 'best and safest
investien is offering- today
All inforrnatitrn' cheerfully
.Special Representative
•kinin `ttraet, Seaforth
('hone , I a
N. • B. -- Bonds and De.
ben tures including all is'
uesof War Bonds, bought
and sold.
Already' for the 1.3th°
The .veteranE know the worth
of Comfortable Shoes. You
will need a pair to meet them
How about a pair of our cool,
comfortable, slylish outing
We have a fine line and are
showing all of the Better Sty-
On August 13th we honor •
the returned soldier and re-
member those whose who do
opt return, .-'o -a will be hc.re,
H. ht.
The Home oV Good .Shoes
el n....eea®.....aa� nteaa Iea®r
e woe 'own Topics -
Itin-•dna.�.ne. �tn®.an®a 1a
5110 High Cost of Living—Economy
s the word today. Make your old
garments do instead of purchasing new
ones. Phase them dry cleaned' and
pressed, Dry cleaning when properly
done.leugthens the life of garments,
.peeeerves:.their fresh new appearance
eed.aots as a 4ieinfeotant. Unsanitary
wearing apparel often causes sickness
,apd death clue. to germs,.. clothing
ehould be cleaned at frequent intervals
My Wardrobe, Godorich St„ Seaforth,
'Opp, Queen's Hotel.
Miss Ole Dennison of Stratford Is a
ivisitor at the home of Mr. ,,I. Dennison.
Miss Peulea Ball is spending her hull.
iclaysat her borne near Clinton,
, Mrs, M. F, Elliott who has beenlvieit
iug friends in this locality has returned
to Toronto'
Miss Jean Jean Winters of Goderioh is
visiticg her grandparents Mr, and Mrs.
B. Winters. '
Miss Dorothy Kerslake'Ieeves this
week to spend her holidays with rela-
tives in Michigan, .
Mr. Wm. Greig has become junior i
the-Doiniinion Bank here.
Miss Gertrude Letter from Ytsilanti ie
spending the week -end with her uncle,
Mr. Wm. Amens,
. Mr, J. Ourrie and Mr. D. Currie.,,of
Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs. P. .
Mrs A. Scott leaves this week to spend
some months in the West, Mien Edea
Beset of B'fautford It visiting her coup-
tti'Miss'Ruby Bristow,' •
- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Stewart of
Emerson,,,' Nan„ are here speeding a
few week at the'horne•of the furnier's
( brother Mr. Alex. Stewart.
Miss Hazel Haliday of''Listowelis
her aunts; the Misses Mason- .
Miss -Harriet Murray is visiting
friends in Brussels,
Sits, ICsahnen .of Washington, Out..
iethe''guest of her eieter Mrs. J, A.
1Vilson. •
Mise Mary' Modulen& is • attending
he Old Boys Reunion in Palmerston.
The following paragraph from an ac-
count of the MousterPeaoa Celebration
in the St.'Chomae Times,icnrtini refers
to Mr. W. it. Goldhawk, son of -Mr. and
Mrs, Goldhawlc' "The dram major who
marched at the head of the Kiltie Band
was Wm. Golcibewk of Seaforth a
nephew of Ernest Golctlmawk, Horton St
He wore the tartan of the 43rd, Win-
nipeg Highlanders with whom lie sery
ed overseas.
Miss H. L, Young and nephew An-
drew MoLeac are visiting friends in
Washington. .
Mr. and Mrs, A;...Wilson of New
York are guests at the home of Mrs. A.
Miss Pettigrew of St. Catharines was
a visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs.
J. 8 Ihomupson -
Mrs John Murray has returned from
a visit to friends in Wroxeter,
Make Use of the Mails
rt is entirely unneccessary for you to leave
your work or lose valuable time to make
a trip to the' bank.
Bank with us by mail l Send your deposits
in by money order or registered post and
the amounts will -be acknowledged and
placed to your credit upon receipt.
6tpRPfldIIfll idHACfIRtGdi3®®if [i9i®At tA➢1BI8 SI pglGiID QrtHI9PIFIBlfAi'ip9LYIat7@tFii�,ftiilflfi
he Westeril Fair
London, Ontario
September eth to 13th, 1919
- 'This is tree Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Very Best
Speed Events
Atrractiuns . Johnny J Jones
Better Midway
'than Ever Exposition
Auto Entrance corner' Dundee and Egerton Ste.
Usual Fntrauoc at the Gates'
Pro's Lists, Entry Forms and all uilo,riiiatton fropi ttle.Seoretele „
LL -COL IN.. M. OARTSNDRE; .President A, ;M, ,RUNT, i Secretar
Mr. Robert Darrow, aceompauied by
Mr. Jolie Scott and daughter, Miss
Scott, and Mr, W. 7', H aye of Seaforth
were visitors to Goderieb Tuesday,
ing in the Chautauqua meeting in the
evening,— Goderich Star,
The local odddfellows had a s•,ldiel's
welcome night cm Wednesday night
last. It consisted of a very pleasant
social. evening. Rev. Mr. Edwards
gave an address and the t+tast list wee
carried out. Mr. D. Blair P. 0, H. of
Lawson, Seek., was present and gave
an address.
Mr. W. Clovenlock has returned to
Rev, Mr, Wilson of Hamilton °coup.
led the pulpit of the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday last delivering two
practical sermons to appreciative :uid-
Mrs. Cornish and two children who
have been spending a week with Mrs,
P. H. Larkin of the manse left on Tule
day for their home in Toronto.
Two complete shows at the Strand
every Saturday night. First show 8
p.m. Second show 9.30 p. in.
Dr, McRae of Brighton wee a town
Mrs. J. W. Walker and Master Jack 'visitor.
are visiting. relatives in l&mesa's.
Mrs, F, H, Larkin is spending a ke#
Mee VettEgtuoud of Clinton sperm ticlaps in Torotit°.
a few days with friends its town.
Mr. A. MaQnaighas disposed of his
interest in the grocery business to Mr,
J. Dorsey who will coudnet it in the fu.
tire, - -
Miss Rent Cargo of Viesherton is the
guest, of •Miss-Hilde Goldhawlr
Miss Nary Fieblcirk has returned
froma holiday in Grimsby.
Mr. and Sims, Millet of London are
spending a few days with Mr, add Mre•
Stiles, While here they assisted the
Methodist choir in the the service of
song on Sunday evening. ,Mr, Stiles
and Miss French also contributed a
well -rendered dtiet,'
Mr, Milton Chesney of Toronto is
holidaying at his home here,
The monthly meeting of the Red
()roes Society will be held in the Car-
negie Library, Thursday Aug. 7th at 4'
o'lock—Executive please attend.
Misses Laurette Smith and Si. define
Gaffney of Detroit arevisiting with
their •.unole Mr. Charles Consiguey of
this towit,
Mime Hoffman of 551-Overtott is a iris.
itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (,salt know" acid painstaking specialist
Mr, hiin.ghson 'formerly optlo'al.'ekpent
for Rents jewellery store, 'Toronto. The
,pria'eoi all optical goods have advanced
so much, you will cin well to take ad-
vantage of this very .low offer and come
earty 'two days only, Thursday and
'rfday, August 14 and 15: •
Mrs. A. W. Bough of Flint, ,Mich,
ie visiting Mrs. W. E, Kerslake, -
hir. & H. Brown •has been trans-
ferred to Walkerville illi•, Anthony of
Wiarton taking his place as accountant
in the Bank of Cotnrneroa,
Lieut. Jeffereon is a visitor at the
home of Mr. Wauklo in Mel{mllop,
One of i'oier great "Harold Lockwood
specials—Stashed jest before he died—
will be the attraction at the Strand
next Mott. Tues. Wed"ria Great
Romance,' a rmnsutio drama of the
type in which lie excelled,
Men. Shannon of 'Tars is a visitor at
the hems of Mi, and Mrs. T. Grieve
Mr. Semen S'lee't'h of. Sarnia is visit,
Mr. Meredith Umbeet et Laudonix a
• guest of Ins pncle, tIr,. H. Colbert '
Until'further notice, The Strand wiit
show two complete, sl1ews every .'Sat
tu'day- night. First show •8 ii.-rn.
SecoItrl show 0.30 P. mu.
Mr, amid Mrs. Haseltinr. and little
danghtee of Gr,md Rapids are visitors
at the home of Mr. end hire Janice
Gemmell, 'Tnoker'ernith,
Mr. Abraham, teller in the flank of
Commerce, lies returned from Wiartuu,
Miss l'wiss kite erected a very hand.
some verandah which adds greatly to
appearance of her (rouse.
Messrs. Arthur P. Reid of Toronto
and Oscar Reid of Ottawa are spend-
ing holidays at the home of their
parents, Mr, and hire. ,1, H. Rend
Mrs, Colbert of London is visiting
Mrs. H. Colbert of Egmondvilie,
Four of the screen's greatest pro-
ductions ware the last four pictures in
which the late `Harold Lockwood"
appeared. Movie fans of Seaforth will
have the opportunity of seeing these
specials. The first— gime Great Re.
mance" on Mon. Tues. Wed, next, at
time'ltrahrl of course,
I'he Mises ,?ia.garei uitd l'en d4
Reid of Medicmo Hat Alta., are
guests at the home of their brother,
Mr. J, 11, Reid.
if rs,.I. El. Reil is hour, again after
spending several weeks at Hayfield.
A reoeption in honour of the return,
ed soldiers ooneedted 'with the coir-
gregatiou wive held in the Egmu mdville
Presbyterian church on'Cuesday even,
lug Rev, S. McLean presided, Ad-
dresses were given by Rev, Captain
Edwards and others Presentation was
made, on behalf of the congregation, to
each of the twenty ors- whose names
appear as having been on active service,
of $ro; also to a representative of the
family of those who have made the
upreme sacrifice. Au excellent supper
was served in the basement at the close
of the progamme,
M;. Harvey Burrows has takena
osition in Umbach's Drug Store,
An airplane passed over town on
Wednesdday'tnorning,' flying low and
toward the south', returning from
tug friends here..
Special OpticalSale
Of wetmatmgeit 'high grade gold-filled
rimmed apeetecies,and eyeglasses, fit-
ted with best qtt .lily flat spherical;
reuses Regular $5.00 valtie'for only
S2..$0: ''','yes examined free by our
Miss Henderson of Bu•ft'alo is visiting
Kra. T. Patton.
Mr. A, F, George of Kitchener is
spending the-hdlidaye at lila home.
-Mie. W D, McLean has returned
from visiting friends in Galt.
•Do nee 'allow worms to sap the viital-
^it'y of your children... If not attended
tot worm in ay.work ''irreparable haten'
to the coned .tbtion of the infant The
little sufferers eatiimot voice their 'ail:
Ment, lint', there are many signs by
which mothers are made aware • that- a
dose of•Stiller'o (Worm Powderie•neoee-
eery, These powders act quickly and
will expel worms from the system 'with.
otic any inoonvenieuoe to the' child,
Thursday Friday -& Saturday
The charming young Metro Star
5y AHison
A 5 Act rill-,N'.tsr'.',,nte,lrwith New ,angles, Net''J'I,hit
- ALSO =
3rd Chapter of the "Big Circus" Serial
"The Lure of the Circus"
= NOTE _
2 Complete Shows 2
Every Saturday night
8 P. M. and 9.30 P. M
Monday Tuesday & Wednesday
A stirring Drama. of Romance and Beauty in six nets
Price .15c 8.30 P. M. Children' 10•
Thursday Frika ' Sa
Alice Bradvs
Latest, Greatest Loveliest
The = rdeall
of ' osett
?iR�i►i�(l PICTURES
A story of life in New York city with
scenes staged in Sherry's gorgeous res-
The charming stat portrays 'a dual l.ole
of twin brothers entirely different
Monday rI ues ay 8 Wednesday
e Castle