HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-07-24, Page 8W . recomme.Mange ShaMpoo for dandruff or our Cbco Butter S)sefi ipoa for drill scalp and falling hair, 6r for •rs Hood held wash our fam- <ous Pantoline'•Shampoo. AMU"? oris '?tail Massage for clOSSl pores and ;Black heads: will clean the skin. •'1.1,doe yallk• flak Cutting and 'Shaping 'done bp us, We gyarantee to put a shoo- ing edge on pour rasor. Commercial Barer ,Shop, C4th W. ROBINSON Prop tea Ors' Cauliflower Plants Geiiitlne Early Snowball 50 for tl5c postpaid Shipped successfully everywhere, Ask for price list of Cabbage, Celery sal other Vegeta-hie Plants, HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ontario, Niagara Distriot. For Sale nese with which death came cast a o ii®.p r3m,.wi«-.tea-+wt� n o®.qp OORJItJEI?ONDE NCJ't 1 t7ra .moi v.v.-nn+nw.--�oao.ute^+.a{,1 McKillop Flax pulling is now the order of the day and there aro some good fields where the seed was pot in early. The need of having the land ,well drained and putting in the seed at the fed opportunity when the ground is ready is.seen -everywhere in this town- ship at present. The fields of grain that were pit in early are doing well and of good length of straw. But much of the grain was put in late and the straw is short and the yield will be poor. The lesson ie "Drain the land and seed early. There ie much feeling among the. United Farmers ever Mr. McMillan trying to secure the leadership of the Liberal Convention while he and his brother are trying to lead the 'farmers against politics at the same time, I-➢ullett It was with profound 'sadness that citizens of Blyth and community re- ceived the news on Monday morning that Mrs, Albert B, Brigham had,pass- ed away from an illneea, of only a few days duration, Until her 'condition became eritieal it was not known gen- erally, that she was ill and the sudden. Good two story frame hawse, known as the Tapley property en Dolmen St. Seaforth, consisting of 9 rooms in good repair, good cellar, hard ci:d soft water also grind frame Isere, severe; frni trees- and ,seis sure 34 t;r .mrd. Fe 'further t tcuirirs sllilg t;'Jfis ,Lain. Shahs....,1, b'. Ns. - ; F, dt�a�el• iitst:vi Ont,, gloom of sadness over the whole neigh- borhood. Deceased was a woman of loveable disposition, a choice character and esteemed in the community in which she made her home since her marriage two years ago. The late Kra Brigham wee born on the 3rd line of 31orria in 1887 and was a daughter of the late William and Mrs. Metes. She w s married to her now .bereft husband by the R33v. 11t. Mann of Brussels, on, the 28th of aero nrrr, 19t^ and s!nce • .. taro'1y @. made her hone with her husband ('n na�l set t5 Ca,;, ':',.'13nliett, Besides her husband, :he 1..-.ives to tntiit1i' hCr lt,ss "''''±'• ., mother, tw,1l,rattn're, James 110ses, of tie: 9th of Grey Township, William mei Mi.!, 1; sri;b»t13 r„3 th•a o)1 hot,. 1 s ,a3; , a t o ;rd ,.f 81"rrse Th:, fun. i«salwt el teek ,n '1`ueeday efierseen woe largely ;..tn•n,i,:tl. The :::,rvice b.,411 .t ^y;iC h t1'S9 ,it 'jt o'clock h'. Rev. (leerge Telford, 13, s3,, li, la } pastor r t r dn v,'s Church. l lytic, Slats', ' iv nitorniont in the Union 'emetery, ti 'eel.. el. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply: felt- drops then lilt sore, touchy corns off with ;!. , fingers lioesn't hurt a biti Drop a Iittle Freezone on an oohing corn, Instantly that corn steps hurting, then you lift It right put. Yes, magic! A tiny mottle of Freezone costs but a iew cents at any drug store, but is suffi- cient to's'emove every hard corn, soft corn, or 'Corn between the toes, and the eallnses;14nithout soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius, it is wonderful. CAN TEL GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets. with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others' If ,you don't see the "Bayer Cross" on the tablets, refuse them -they are not Aspirin at all. There is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Cross" -all other tab- lets are clejy acid imitations. Look for the "Bayer Crosse"! Then it is weal Aspirin, for, which there is no substitute. " Aspirin'' is not German but is made in Canada byCanadians, lien , a nd is owned by a Canadian Company, all rights being purchased from the U S. Government, Genuine "Bayer 'Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by million's for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu- malum, Lumbago, Neuritis. Bandy- tin braces of, 12 tablets -also lar nl I3ayer" 'packages, can be had of anynag store. - aspirin is the,trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacoticacidester of Salieylleacid. Sl. e4'nituribid111 Fall Wheat and spring grain are ex- cellent here. The fall wheat is mostly cut and barley will soot, follow. Two or our boys have recently come bank from the great war zone. Milton nacho who is visiting his unule, Wm. Raoho and Lance Corporal Louis O'Rielly, a motor to London for the latter so soon as it was known that he heel arrived there and brought him Name, He enlisted with the depot bettalion. Miss Marie Flannery, daughter of Mr. Patrick Flannery of this place re- euved the highest marks for grade 1 wall first class home in the London Oenservatory examinations. Dublin The presentation of medals on Sat.. day night attracted a large number to Dublin when the Reeve and Red Cross Society presented medals to the return. ed soldiers. An entertaining program wars also provided. Peace Day was observed as a holiday by the merchants who closed their stores, Mrs, Simpson of Victoria, 8, 0, , is here visiting Mrs, Alex Darling. Mies M. Burns is a gnest'of Mre, 0 McDaid, 1I.1' ehsal B esevercessete The appointment mint of Wm. Henry Eke ton es enumerator for South Huron meets with favor as he has had mush experience in municipal affair's and is capable and honest in his work, Kra. Webb of Seaforth who spent a week here visiting.' her daughter Mrs. V* m, )Montgomery,' has returned' to her home, She was returning front spend THE SEAFORTH NEWS ing a couple 'of months in Michigan visiting her deughtere there Mre. 3. Sutherland and daughters camping at Grand Bend. Mrs, Donaleson hoe returned from avenli,l3•et, Rev, Air. Doan se nursing a • broken 08, iujut'ed while working on a 'farts during his holidays Bayfield much esteemed residentP assed. away in the person of Mrs. dames Spackman on July 14 at the age of 63. Her maiden name was Laving Graham arid was born in Hay Township, In 1878 she became the bride of Ler now bereaved husband and for 3r years liv- ed on the Sable Line in Stanley when they moved be this place. As a mother she was kind and thoug'fitfal, as a neighbor she wet respected by all, She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Pollard of London and Edith and one son Robt at home, Mr, W. Ferguson has gone to Buffalo Nursing Stater Sterling is home from overseas and is spending a few weeks here before returning to Toronto Mr. et', L. Glass M. P, of London and family are now in their cottage., Mrs, Burrows and family of London are here for the summer , Pte. Win. Elliot, sou of Robt Elliot is now home from overseaa, Staffa Mr. and Mrs., W, Jeffrey, Mrs, Mo. Vey and Mrs Nathan have been in Stratford visiting Corp, Robt, Drake, just retnrued from overseas, A )ergs number trona here trent to Mitchell to welcome an o1,1 - resident, Lorne Hntohieon, who has returned from the front. A ,pleasant 'evening was spent anal Lorne ra!ated echos, of hie experiences, . tttisa Jean Htirnilton is being con- gratulated by her friri,dsr 111 passing the Primary sxamination in Music with honera. lits, Wainer of t;hiaellutret is a gm-st of .Mrs CeTaggt rt. her mother, Mew Kills of Cleveland Ohio; has bo,..i visiting h• 1 grandparents Mr. and Mre i ,htii,a; The in -r1418 to be given 13ihbert e-lieli as will ho ,,rescuten ,et Stad'a town 4.111 on August 4th at 8 p. ut. when, a s•3itabin programme will he provided. Everybody welcome. The regular meeting of the Women's Instituto will ha held et the home of Mrs. Bert Fell on Wednesday evening July 34, For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3OYear8 Always bears �%9 the ` ede. /K Signature of , romarty Mr. Jas. Scott and son, Mr, Neil Gillespie and eons are spending a week with relatides at Alvineton. Pte, L. Laing arrived home last weak Miss Mary Currie, had three, pupil pees the MIMIC exams withehonore. Dr, 4V, Hamilton and family of Tor- onto are guests at the manse. Kipper] Mre, J. Beyoll and children of Pet er biro are the guests of her brothers. Meagre. Cooper. The rains which came reoently have done much good to the crops and roots. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Bell have got home again after an enjoyable trip- to Boston and Teterboro. They travelled. by auto the whole distance. Dr Aitken attended the 'summer. school at God'erieh. Miss Etta Jaerobt Was at the Gode-: 'rich summer school last week,' Mr. Percy Clark with his family are Visiting his mother Mrs- Wm, Anderson Mr. Clark 'has been attending the London Teohfnal School and is about to accept a P t oeftion at Wlnd'a r o. The students who have been away writing on Departmental Exams„ are now home. If one be troubled with corns and averts. he will find in Holloway's Corn Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. eonstance 1Mostiamee G. and J, Rita and Mies Gertrude kiuu of the west are here vieiting valet; vis, We are all glad to see them. Mies Louise Hely returned to wind - sot after eoei ding a couple of week, visiting relatives. Miss Maty Satese, graduate nurse is at her home, Mre, John Clark of the west who has been in poor health is spending eome time st her brother's Wm Rinn hoping to'iinprove her health. Three's fellows who are boastingof. 42 lu Rax in Hullett'should see what we have here. They are not in it. Berries are plentiful thio season and pickers are numerous. Manley. The many friends of Mrs. Cauley are pleased to hear that she is on a fair way to recovery; Rev, J, M. Eckert arrived here fast Tuesday from'Shakeepearee Minn. where he had gone for treatment for rheum- atism and his many friends are pleased to see him hail and hearty again before he leaves for New York to resume his duties on mission work by Aug. ret, Mrs, W, McKay from Leavenworth, Wash. is leaving on Thursday to visit friends in London, Ont. Walton Rev, Mr, and -Mrs. Lundy are attend ing Stammer School at Guelph this week, '' hi the absence of, Rev. Mr, Bundy union servicee will be conducted nein Sunday the Preaby.rerian Church in the morning anditsthe Methodist 'Oh'rreb in the evening 'Theme 'iviIIhe'in' (Marie of Rev Me, Button, _ al Winthrop. - 41.101.1•111181P An entlinsiayeio Temperance mooting was held en Tuesday night to organize McKillop for referendum vote, Mr. A Cuthill was in the chair. Au executive leas appointed with sub contmittoes in each polling subdivision. It is hoped in this way the'battiit rosy be explain• ed to every voter. Short addresses explaining the situation followed. Let ovary person over 21 years see that his or her naive is on the voter's list. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss K. Tantati of Toronto is a viaito at the home of Me. and Mee, J, A . Wilson, Mr, and Mite Montgomery of Hen sal) spent Thursday itt town. Mr, Earl Chesney of the Bank of Commerce at Orediton is spending his holidays at hie home. The following from this vicinity suc- ceeded in getting eertiffcates from the Faculty of Education as teachers, Jae• tie T. Kerr, Ella W, Turnbull, Annie 0. Rankin and Mabel E, Turnbull. Asthma Oen be Cured. Its suffering is as needless as it is terrible to endure After its marry years of relief of the most stubborn cures no 'sufferer can doubt the perfect effectiveness of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Come fort of body and peace of mind return with its use and nights of sound sleep some back for good, Aak your drug gist; he can 'supply you. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Publio School Board for the erection and completion of a New Lavatory at the Public School, MI tenders must state the amount for the whole work complete. Plans and specification may be bad from the Secretary of the School Board, and Tenders must be in the hands of the secretary not later than 5cock. olP, M. on the -28th, day of July r919, The Board reserves the right to re- ject any or all Tenders, Dated at Seaforth this lath day of July JOHN' RANKI'N, Secretary'Public School Board Thursday July 2,t Pills for Nervous Trouhlss,.-Tlhe stomach is the centre of the nervous system, and when the stomach sus- poi,ds healthy nation the result is.man- fest in disturbances of the nerve i,:,• .1f allowed to persist, 11era0111 debility, ' a •daogerons ailment, r may ensue, The first consideration is to; resters -.the. stomach to propereotion, end there' is lie readier remedy for this -than Parme- lee's Vegetable. Pills. 'thousands oat attest the virtue of Abase pills in cur- ing nervous disorders, SAYS • LEIVLON MACE i/V1LL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make, this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Sifueeze the juice of two lemons .into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at eery, very small • cost. Your grocer has the lemon's and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, atans and hande each day and see how freckles and blemiehes dieappear and how clear, soft end white the akin becomes. Yee! I4 Is baronies%."• Making Saving Attractive ltt Jun w -ss. Cost $4.05 War Savings Stnnapo can be a ugf.t other.. over Mi Cit, ' fe es ePr ...d • Perhaps you have never been strong on saving. You COULD save a little, but --- If you knew you could -get 4% t,'; on every $4:00 you saved, wouldn't that tempt you? Weil, then—that is what War Sav' Stamps will enable you to do. If you find it hard to save $4.t? .- a time because the quarters slip atW4yta- awares, Thrift Stamps will halt ye - you can fray a Thrift S r^ '- `'.' ";,, cents, and when y'ois have a :'.':-• can exchange thein for a W:. Stamp, for '.which you 1W24: .. ... By dog this yen will & ,r, itinvr.,,,t,t ! accntats .fzrycs.. L•• IF ¥0 04 NILS' IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! Iftongueis coated, clothes little bowels; with "Call- Ionia Syrup of Figs." • ldothbrs can rest easy after giving "California.,Syrup of Pigs," because in P, few boui:e all the elogged-up awaste, sour bile and fermenting "food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have e well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be ceased to cake this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it )randy bo- :ause itbey know its action on tate stem - livor and bowels is prompt and sure. = Aek your druggist for .abottle of California Syrup of Figs," which con - eine directions for babies, 'children of '11 ;ages and for grown-ups. CREAM' ,WANTED Send your Cream to us and receive tap prices, We arerunning o;ur piane' he year through aid 0811 handle your full:supply and furnishyou with cane. We pay twice each month and weigh sample and test each can of oreatn oar - fully. Our motto is " Honesty to our Aatrens,' Patronsarerequested to re urn all our cans when not in nee, 3itter and Bnttermilk alae cit hand n 3 for at market prises, The Seaforth Creamery Co. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove, tan, freckles, sallowneee. Your groeerehos.the bmone and any drugstore pr,toilet counter will supply you.wt h,three ounces of orchard white , for e, fete rants. Sgbeeze'tlie*juice 'ef ttcofresh Iemona into a• bottle, then put to the oreliard' visite 'and shake well. This makes to quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily .into the fates neek, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallow/ice's' redness and roughness disappear, and how smooth, soft and clear the Skin becomes; Yea! I It is harmless, end the beautiful result¢ will surprise you. - ,WutwtL.. . MOP Best Goods Self Service Lowest Prices Our are Green two special lines �f excellent flay r 530 I Green, - 65e Black 65c Mixed 65e Black 53c Mixed .. .,53c Coff -:e Prices in all lines area gra elm]. U. F. G. 1 ib. cans, special flavor 50c Ground Coffee 50c Coffee Beans 50c Soaps A11 Soaps are advanced in price. However, our price is still held -down to Sc a bar instil present stock is sold. Secure • your share now. Keep your store the busiest in town, and watch us grow. We now have No. 2 operating in eobourg. UNITED FA RME R'S CO..OPERATIVE Co LIMITED (Phone 117) Distributing litiTarhouse No.1 .:Seaforth