The Seaforth News, 1919-07-24, Page 4PROFESSIONAL CARDS
1r11:t. H. HU'G'H Ross,- Physician sad Burgeon
.✓hate of Loixion Hospital. London, N:ngtand.
a1 attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose
a and residence behinds Dominion Bank.
Phone Nn, 5, Residence Phone. No: ilii
ltUtt Ito w^,-ouf„rnl Office sad r a
# mousse - Underlch Street east of she Nett
mitt Ohcrab, coroner int Cmr0rc of Union.
Telephone No, tale -
c4Rs y' UTI v tt t.l'tc 4t Pu}-,iveins and
ean,oa.ts, ,,odexirn street oppnatte ?fetho.
(ttNirth 4eafottlt,
Semi, graduate Victoria 114 AIM Arbor, and
lltemberofOntario College of Phyohiono and
tdargeons Coroner for County of Huron,
'aiaeIta', honor :Umlaute Triarry t'uiverette,
gold medalist Trims, Medical College. "',ember
ofConocoof Pltierans'attd SR spills; tlntetie,
R, osteopllie tpeelaliat
;n Women', ant +.bib rens diseases and
Rheumatic troun is Acute ani •: hrnnfo dis.nd
on, Ear. Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoidre-
moved without th Bnffe. Cossn,tetlon free.
Other Oyer l'lllliirell9 Oro' Fier'
l ndSlay, ail -n,, stn „m.;rr'-tlly x •t, in r, ;par
Or, Ft 1, B. Forster
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate io Medicine, University of I
Toronto 1827,
Late Aseietent New York tit,krthal- 9¢
smie and Aural Institute. Moorefield's l
Eye, and Gulden Square Throat Hos
pitals, London England. • At the
Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, third Wed
nesdup in each mouth from II a. in. to I
3p,m railroad time. 53 Waterloo Street,
Smith, 3tratf•urd. Phone lti- Stratford.
y„x,sf' xxlege LicenseS
maned by Jf3HJs
audupnntau, sea•
19� a ,yenna dering insurance, Woof Accident?
7 postcard will get our rates.
.1. D. N1Je•'I4LRY,
Oen anal Agent for London Life insurance Co.* I
td /menial Guarantee and Accident insurance Co,
S..forth, Ont. Watson
General Fire. Ltie and A••eids•m Insurance
Agent, and '1 in - seeing '.iacn:nes,
Mala Street, d-ot,,o1i.
utuai Fire Instrance Co.
Perna and Isolated Town
Property Only Insured,
be a bad idea if they passed one more
rr�� (ejlmw,oxinii ritEm6 lw . limited the profit on an necreseit•
IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ! ( Congeries attemptedto curb proiteer-
ing by paining au excess profit tale, but
how snit this do any good with cora-
1ponies I11:0 the American Vyonion
paws that welts organized with a Capital
gg I where ttety dollar isee as tremolos)
stock was watt,
gI rill this watered stock the company
I must held up to the public and when
iv' look at the oplotetions on the rem.
I un'tl stock cud'see hotir it jumped from
I ' $14 to over $100 it proves profiteering
I on sure as two oust twit inial, es. four.
What the tintsleanWuolet,.Com-
itliJmem* torittthiny, ide�gn
l.s•ttkie'c Company }weans to shoes,' and'
it here again we find the satins records of
enormous 'profits since. re)14,
The Hide and Leather Company
has already paid up back dividends on
its preferred stook that had accumulat•
ed for over a decade, and now Wall
Street is talking about dividends on
the common stock,
The r h
t ut is that the public is paying
to day for its folly of allowing truant to
he organised fifteen years ago, and
when we proudly spoke of our billion
dollar trusts in those days, we did not
realize that when those atom trusts
tiuolly grew sip and because strong they
would take us by the nook anti choke
t e very life outof its. . .
Almost every tiecssityl of life us thi
country to practically controlled by
souse company that can fix the price
and they are fixing the price to -day, so
that they can earn itivnlsnds on miliohe
of watered stuck that' lied im value
issued from the cost of engraving and
Front the Office
Ilion. sa.' Evening 12`
ea. Sonar per year, strictly in it Ivan oe
If nut paid in adlvanc one dol‘sr stud
a bait wilt be Thames roily l States
pipers, tlfty rear. -rrt,k.s in
ad ,site,
When sub' sit els cbauu...e' h"nr address
notice should be ?w tui immediately. gluing
both the old and the new address. Sub.
salters will confer a favor by notifying us
of any irregularity of delivery.
Reading Notices—No .eading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money in to be made by any person
or :cause will be Inserted In Tax Nates
without charge. The price for the Inset.
tion of business announcements la TEN
cents per count line each inaertlo:t w
advertising. and FIVcontracttafor die
per tine each
to those society
having display entertainment contrartainment
read for church, paCard of hanks to II
reading notices. Card of Shanks 5 to 4
lines, So cents
Judicial, Legal, Official and Gooern.
moot Notices—Ten cents per line (or first
Insertion and flee cent, per line for each
suhseuue' insertion.
Yearly yards—Professional Lards, not
exceeding one inch, wttl be inserted foe
$3.00 per year, savable strictly in advance
Display advertising—Rates Iurnfshed'
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for insertion,
wtrntfl forbid,', and those scat without
written inatructkns will appear until
ritten orders are te,eived for ?:herr dia.
continuance, - _-
Lettere to the Editor must be aceom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
orpublic publication, bur as a guarantee of good
faitpublisher accepts no tenon.
ifbnity whatever for the statements made
in such communinatfoi. Letters on reli-
gious copies will not be published at all.
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
ea such. The rate for such matter le ten
cents per line
'fu •..•).•••.. •-,.,,•.•,,.••,,,.....•1,
...� :� .. paper.
Talk about the get riclt•gitibk faker
anti the harts he does, well take it Prem
tars, the gat-rich-t;oink faker in hits. the
man that steals the loaf of bread com-
p4r,.tl to the embezzling bank earthier
whets they are compared to the mighty
trees that Ices'' erg tuizad ,s decade os
Hay -box Fireless Hooker
'To secure cacti :t sinal! tilt -id, 1,d on
Why High Prices Continue
Uur greatest backers, euliege pro-
fessors, iunnotntatS and experts on
sociology are row eng.,g:•ut in th, truest''.
amental task of explaining whr the high
oast of firing is still here six ,oared.,
after war ceased.
lit spite of argsumeu's the truth
OFFICERS rernait s tlsat prices have aetually
J aa. 5ct,,t•1ty, l ter • 5,- tr v los' Iamea
Status /teeth, n V',,,;-1 r.•r' 'nom*,
Raye.Seatorte. air ,roes.
ativ;.tuced Once the arnt'ettc•, Win ai•�n-
el. anri hrnw the ivied hien of 'hie a'„r Lk
Director:fru givium ns many htiadernic yeas i,:, Eeomize 'Time and Heat
Ciseaply triads Article which will
Sento t
4 J
nein G. Grieve,
irintiwoD W. RConstance,' John t Malcom
&Cwiton,arrodatioaratClinton;Robert Perils, i'rtnec;tt Malcom
reesea n, Cs• Ns, Evns, , eeafortbt
,Stasi ConnoltY, Goderlch: Jet. Evano. Beachwood
Alex. Leitch. Harrod:: E. HIns"tiler Sealorr
tVliilam Chesney, Egmondvine• J. .V, ifsesvalet R. G. Jarmouth, Hrodhacrr; Jan
sad John Govenlock, Steforth, au' :'tors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transa
ether tinniness will be Ixomptiv sttended co t
s}ppttcetion to any of the above o®tem, address
to their respective postoffices.
backed ht f:u-situ! theorlta as to the
ht and wherefore. A oi.v„ni•'nt aid for summer 000ltery
I flu not elairr, to kr„w se two, PSIs„t tcu}.wnfzes both time and It,at,
,ehaut these tr ahers as the (earned epee- mar b0 ci:va?rte' mad”
in the foiivaing
noise r(”
lessors that matte a life work of 'seer,.
omits subjects, but at the sane time I
think a great deal of all that is written
is nothing more or less than -trash".
The more ores reads the less he un-
derstands, while every week the good
housewife does know that the dollar
buys just a trifle less then it slid the
month before.
High cost of raw material and the
lever -increasing demands of labor me
the two excuses always given - when
maunfactitre re itis asked why high
i prises matinee, blit if anyone asked
use to name a third and possibly the
transits a box of a suitable sine from
the grocer or the Mai store, line the
tuner snrfac•a and lid with titwuel, or
saekiug and newspaper, then plasm
place enough hay inside to tom a nest
for a saucepan. This completes the
It is steed by partly Looking the dials
in course of preparation over a gag
stove, that immediately placing the
saucepan in the hay, patting some hay
over it and fastening down the lid
tightly with a weight or strap. After
a little experimenting, is woman may
I most potent of ail, I should say it was ..prepare her dinner, before engaging in
the grey,.; of everyone to get all they other i household. it or. before goingani
Can,. anti Slid ft hot and ready sortie hems
B"OW6 8 A sus of (doilies that cost $I c int
Of 1014 now. musts $•l4: and h Tett i ,sr 1t rt pus*1h.N tc, nook misec ” snail Diss
imitations teats ynia si,.. same snit. WI•, intro .it , et it bine, hit on no aom,uct front
Old six months from else b,•s, bo :opened wait thh fond wbleb
On the1 t r.r•+s nrc,st cooking; is ready. All
4rn`•,i` iltsio•N , ',:I':1, ,• '1 a Brill *t71r i.
R8r1t$ Aal tiT • aun•i :,,t, VV,o 1,r, it„n,
8t t a"Ys t q:culttt are Ind ne made as to
the eutn:.rtt that nlak„s most of the •t:,, „u tit' n tun, they ivbitlel 'ink,. in
iMinard's cl nth ne• sl by uu•tuutV t91ier9 in these the sirsius sue tt•nt) they shurJtl [hell no
fidLlnlm88t $L} pmts. coakasd ter half that time uu the gas ,,r
ll: 1914 nobody tcith a knowledge of fire, and Iirllohed ill the box, After ss
scatters financial ever thought the little uxperienee many things cenl bo
A inert Pau Woolen Company with its 'et t on the gas 0110 -third or Oren legs of
hedge watered capital could ever' earn a the time required iu the ordinary way
a dividend on the common stook, but The fallowing are some of the tbiugs
the war meant opportunity for this which tray be cooked in the hay -box;.
asmpauy, as it did for thousands and
ever since they have begin snaking hay
while the sun shoneor perhaps it on tits tire, throe hours in the box,
would e
tw clb mire
C appropriate
to say they Stew—Prepare fit the usualway, sten
laveoeined money while the shots and gently for forty-five minutes on the
shells lasted. gas or fire, leave in the box lot
A .Business
Wthout a proper
systln of adver-
1 t sin is like a
➢ motor without the
+ power
Seeforth News
will supply the
required energy
phone - 8.
Boiled Chickens—Half the usual time
After tasting prosperity it is hard to
go batik to a bread and water diet eo
instead of reducing priests when the
war ended this greatly oatopua actually
advanced them,
The world must be eothed and with
ell the big europearh manufacturers
struggling for existence the American
Woolen Uonrpany holds the winning
hand, and so instead of being content i
with a fair and reasonable profit they
force manufacturers to pay prices that
stmt end. with the eetaeumerpayiug $24
iur a $15 suit,
I do not believe teat we will h It
any relief frets/ the biglt oitst rut ,/suis.
until foreign competition is rob coned
and this -rooks years
congress has
passed about a Shone-!
d new laws lately and if would not
three or four hours.
Boiled Beef—Half the usual time on
the glue or tire, anti in the box as
long as possible,
Potatoes—Put into cold water
boil one minute Leave i4 li,e
box for two or two and a half hems
Diked peas, beans and porridge, ate —
May be boiled and put in the box.
over night and be ready for usein
HID morning.
Death oatoe snddeuly to Ms• Joseph,
Stueltzer, a well known resident of East
VVawanosh, Monday evening Ms',
Fmeilser was engage 1 in drawing ill
hay and was leading the team of hoses*
whets the horses took fright end ran
assay, Mr. Smeltzer was knocked
dowen and badly tramped, and his death
followed after a few hours of suffering,
He was a west highly esteemed resident
and ilii sudden death is moat deeply
regretted, The bereaved family will
have the ainot're sympathy of a large
circle of friends,
Little Rowe .Idinnoy of 'Exerer, the
two-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. lhos
Diriney, narrowly escaped actions in-
jury if not instau death on 'Friday
about'noon, °Mr, Diuney had drii'en
up with a l'o'ad of furniture supplies
and was unloading.a large trundle of
mattresses, The little tot, who, a few
am:owls previously was acme dist ins*
away, had ruu'up to the side of the rig
unnoticed, and the large bundle, obacur
ing Mr, Disney's view, lauded on top
of the little fellow. Lnokily the writer
happened along at the time of the
aooi e
d ttt otherwise the little chap may
have been smothered before he was
discovered, When picked up be was
apparently badly injnrad, but on being
examined by a physician it war found
that no bones were broiten, and that no
bad results are likely to follow.
Last week the Max mill company
closed a deal with W. F. Strettgn for
the leasing of what is known as the
Revere House property and adjoining
acres 25 or more in all at Wingham.
It will make a capital place for the
purposes it is designed to serve. A
cement floor is being put in the barn
and building will be ultized as a fax
mill this season, ' The house will be
occupied by the foreman and fur office
and storehouse purposes. This will be
a good industry for both town and
coul+tryride ns the Company is out to
push business. We wish them the
highest auocesa and trust everybody
will do what they can to aid its the pro-
gress g e of the work.
Mr. Clifford Elliott, Dundee S
Hamilton, ?net with a very painful
oidout early Tuesday morning, ,Tilly
at Sed Jima, , Brisk Yard, when
right foot was caught iu the roll
pulling it oft' and crushing the leg
that it had to be amputated just hal
the knee. He wag removoil to the e
Hospital where he is resting fairly lv
He ie the third son of Samuel Eltio
formerly of hilliott tiros, , Bluevale, a
moved to Hatelllotr about two ye
ago. He had jest retorued from sus
Ring his uncle, Mr. Chas. Elliott, 8I
vale over the Home Week,
The marriage took place iu CobaltWednesday, July 16th, of Jennie C. e
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,losep
Bowman, former residents of Wiugha
and Lieut. MacEwen of Galt,
T'htlrsday night of this week th
alarm was sounded for a fire in the Co
borne hotel stables, Goderich, Th
Hames spread wills amazing rapidut
the fire probably having been misolde
ug for sense time lander the roof, an
n a few minutes the old frame build
tug was blazing from Hait,uilton stree
/trough to Newgate street., Voluntee
vorltsrs early on the scene removed tb
oroes, cows and probably moat of Usnggies, The fire caught on the hole
eliding at several places in the rear
nil Robert Wilson's implement wares
wise on the other side of the stable
No o teas iii. great danger, indeed, a
ne time the blaze was so fierce and th
eat from the bturnieg enables so in
Buse that it seemed as if the whole
reet might go. The hotel was erepti
1 of its movables, and the contents of
they buildings in the rseighborhood
ere brought out on the street, By
idnight•the fire had been got under
ntroi anti the hotel building weasels-
, though badly scorched by and flood -
with water in the rear. The loss is
timated at $3,000 to $4,000, probably
vexed by insurance. Mr. and Mrs.
an McLeod are the proprietors of the
Mr. Gradlt Beaton, son of the late
to '.Thee, Beaton, and a Clinton Pub..
school and Collegiate boy has just
eently written on hie final examin-
ers in the Medical College, Wiuni•
g, carrying off the Gold Medal lot
at standing in the five year course He
d the Gold Medal in obstretrice, e
o won. a prize for higbeetetandiog'in.
gory, trying with two others, and.
o a prize for cage reports in hospital
rk, Re is at present supplying for
octor et M-aolroetl, Alberta, who is
Mr. Beaton was formerly prinoi-
of Zurich Public School,
ac -
t t,
a d
Simple anti. bate. —Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil is so simple in appiicatiuu
that a child oar understand the in.
"1 t,'-t'the child from the ravagy-a Structkone, Used as a liniment the
Or Sri rug 'toy using `Mothei , t; races' only direction' is torub, and when used
Werra Extermivatur.' 1.t iso stacdail} It a dressing to apply. The dfreotlone
remedy, and ,ears of sloe have rl:hat„u are so plain and unmistakable that
they aro readily understeofl by young
ed its reputation. or old,
Thursday July 24
,Thtrropridavor i^ntmdrilietla
!'".1 AYegefriblelkeptratlontedisl
s itlJklatinguuteroedby Resole•
tinOtheSatomaelts endflowets ot!
hTllelel) riiomotintpigestioa;
Gl eerfutoessolidRestGenteins;
'neither 0pptuln,15'forphinetlot
bl'ineral, No'ONA10GO'rtGa
• Paia ,fin sail
.s� Sewielano
-t' 5 it,8snck S,dm
i' ib us .r,wd
A llei'pfu l Remedy for
--1Cotfstipalioil and'Dierrhoca'
and I'CverfS11116sS and
7.oor SzSLEP resuitln$therefrss Caney
Sap•Silnil6 Si;namm of
y sire C�r'rl+ n n CoMnar+Y r
r.=>r A,t 6 ititdi�n�pr �oy,
"3rJr tS >Ca r j `e
For infants and Children;!.
Niothers Know That
�4•JIbaDH �C
Genuine 11 F a
Bears .the
For Over
y Years
CAST1Exact Copy of Wrapper. ens c rwvw COMPAI.V. "e c,,,:
Special Offer for Farmers,
I am buying all kinds of
I have a great stock of second-hand
Water pipes and shaftings for sale,
J. Naftolin
Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9
Next to the Dick House
Local Agent Wanted
for the "Old Reliable”
'l housands of (Orchard trees
need replacing,.
War Gardens call for small
fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu-
barb plants etc.
The demand for Ornamental
stock in towns and villages is
Secure a paying Agency with
liberal commissions, Exper-
ience not Necessary'.
(established 183;)
DORSEY—In London, on July 20th,
Margaret Dorney, aged is year's
HOLLAND --To I•ittllett, on July 18th,
Wm son of Mr and Mrs Noble
Holland aged 19 monllts,
Machine Operators
watltrd a few girls to operate sowing
machine R.
•'nttfln•d MIT, Co
Plume dl
Hugill's Music Store
We have been successful
in securing the agency for
the well known Bell piano.
And with a life time of ex—
perience-the Bell Piano can-
not be excelled in tone and
The Bell Piano has been
sold in Germany a country
that knows music.
Call and haw, a demon-
stration or write for particu-
Leave your orders for re-
cords, fret -dies, violins, mouth -
organs, sheet music, etc.
We ,-are here to give you
service and quality,
Jr,, . MCGli,i •'
Opposite liAuic of -Commerce.
(,{4q.antla•�•Im I4�114.�...Iltld�tl(1t..
SFr111140R.-1 041IJRefil S
,St. James''
St James' Church, Rev, li'athei' E
1i', (leets P, P. Early Kites 8.00, High
Mass 10,30, Suudsty School a,130 p. re,
Vespers anti Benediction of the Bless.'
ed Sacrante t,7 p. at.
St. Thoma:+'
Bev; 1'. H. Brown, hector Sunday
serOces .11 a,ui. and 7 p.m. Sunday
eohoo 1 2.30 p. in., Woe -tome -eruglican,.
Missiousary Association, Tuesday 2.30
pan. t:hllclrou'sbranch Saturday 2
utercessioc .seri•ices every 'I'htrat'sy1
, 0 p, tn. .
MCti odf9t . _
Ret. H. De Moyer, pastor
—SUNDAY School at 10:00 aim,
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m,
Prayer Meeting 'I'o„Taos y 8, p,m
Salvation Ermy
Lieut,' N. W.. -Leight
Sunday •sorvioee—Holiness 11'a, in.
Praise 3 p.m,—Salvation 7 p.m—San
School 4 p. nI,_ Wednesday--
Public meeting. All are welcome, .
Egmondville, Presbyterian -
Rev. S McLean, pastor, Sunday set.
vice* 31 a.m. and 7 p m, Bible elaea
3 p.m, Prayer, meeting Wednesday
8p. In, Y,P M S Union 3rd Friday
iu the ruonth'8' p m,' Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wetirtesttay in the month
at 2.30 p.m Ladies' 4itk ?nee,* itn-
metliately after.
First Presbyterian Si
,,,,Rev, Is', H. Larkin„Pastor, Sunday
services 11 a.m. anti 7 p m. Sunday
school 2.30 lion, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p in. \Venue;,'* Miss-
ionary Sudo y•the firer, Tuossta). its each
mount at,1 pine Barbara Kirk Mall 1llis•
slots Band 3rd '1'nesday-fn the month at
p. Sunshine tVliesion Baud
every 2nd tlotsdsty est 4. Ib p nt.
'MCICillop Presbyterian
N. iv. U t Arssvell pester Sinnday
sera -Muir Duffs' oheruh 11 arts Sunday
sclsoul l0 a ,sI I'rarur 4seetiug Wed-
uaeday 8 peat. svout,nl's S`Cisekouary
Society last friday. in. each month at
Nfinth-op Presbyterian
Sunday sen vice 2,30 inn, Seedey
School 1 11111 In Prayer meeting
'Tuesday 8 p, m. L C) 1-st Wed,
f,onstauce Methodist
Rev, 'l' Si. Sawyer, passer, Sunday
service 2 30 p.m. Young Peal lee Loa -
;t°, 11 s ,t itilty v Y -sell
ary first P,. itr •,f ,.vary% month a
30 , .n , I V f 111E Thursday
of retell in ,lith f, :u P. m
"For the Blood is the Lite.”
S/ th any dleetteo duo to lrnpure blood
such as Ecxorr,a, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad
Loge, Abscesses, Ulcers, lllandular
Bwoinna'a, Dolls, Plmpico, Bores of any.
kind, Pllee,Bie N Poiaen,nheue,atlsm,
Onus, oteq dont watte your thge and money
on lotions and ointments which menet get
below the surface of the skin, What yen want
is it medicine that will thoroughlyfree the blood
of the: poisonous lustier which aone is Metres
cause of all your suReryyst , Clarke's Blood
Al Insure isjustsuch msdictne, It is composed'
of ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood all impurities, .from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean sad pure,
can be relied on to effect a lasting cur;
tri , oarfs t nwtr,
,Tor tt,t epampirly
round bottle.
Over ec years'
Plesssot to
Said by 00
chnnst, and
,,.1 n ,*
Miller's Worm Powders are not $ure;
passed by any other preparations as a
vertnlfuge or worm destroyer, Indeed,
there are few preparations, that have
the nn tit that it has to recommend it.
,hither,, aware of its excellenee, seek
its aid at. the first indication of the
pressen' dl "worms in' then' ohildrvsu
'itnowing that it is porfsetly tttis,worthy
medicine thel will giro irunlediato slid
lasting relief,