HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-07-03, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS We recommend our Mange. Shampoo for dandruff or our Coca Butter Shampoo for dry scalp and falling hair, or for a goad head wash our fam- ous Pam olive. Shampoo. Also our Owl Massage for closedpores and black heads This will clean the skin, heave your Hair Cutting and Shaving dome by us. We guarantee to put a shav- ing edge on your razor. Oommorastal Barber Shop, C4th W. ROBINSON Prop Cauliflower Plants Geniune Early Snowball 50 for /15c postpaid Shipped successfully everywhere. Ask for price list of Cabbage, Celery and other Vegetable Plants, HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ontario, Niagara District. For Sale Good two story frame house, known as the Tagney property on Colemoll St. Seafortb, consisting of 9 rooms in good repair, good cellar, hard cud soft water also good frame barn, several frui trees and one acre of ground. Fo further particular, apply to Mrs John Shannon R. R. No 1, London Junction Ont, Piano For Sale Square piano, for sale Apply to MISS L. ANDREW, Mill Street. LOFT -CORNS OR e CALLUSES OFF 1'hoesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer) Atiny bottle of Freezone costs but'a-few cents at any crag store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "bard skin" on bot- tom of feet, than lift them off. 5) 'When Freezone removes cairns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath Is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. OTHER TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross' are Orniiine Aspirin If you ,l,,n'l .+o the "Bayer Cross" On the tonin .. yea or, not getting .erg,ri! ,nli e, , ul imitation. ((ermine Bayer 'abider:, of spirin" are now marls in Canada by a Canadian Company. No German interest w rat - ever, all rigltt.i bei;ter ),,,rebased front the United States Government. During the war, teid ;foliations were sold as Aspirin in pill boxcar and various other containers, The "Bayer Cross" is r your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, proved safe by millions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatifni. Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets—also larger sized "Bayer" packages can be had at drug stores. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of 4/19gpa9oticacicle0er of Salipylicacid. ICORRESPONDENCE 1` n�pa.v�ao.�r+t j Londesboro Miss Violet Phillips has gone to Tor- onto to accept a position. The lawn social at the manse was an enjoyable affair. Dr. E, Grey and family of _Michigan are here with his brother Mr, W. Grey. Coal is coming in but not as feat as nestled. Hay is still being shipped from the station here, Miss T. Brigham is home from Star City, Soak, where she spent a year, Patriotic services were held in the Presbyterian Charoh on Sunday, Bayfield Mr. and Mrs C. Chapman of London are in their cottage, Pte. John Stinson, just returned from overseas spent a few days here before going to the west, with his grandparents, Mr, and Mra, John Big- gart. Bishop Williams held comfirmation here on Monday. Several families from Detroit have arrived for the summer. Mrs. Thornton of Detroit spent a few days here, Mr. A McGregor has moved into the house he bought from Mr. Keegan, Mrs, Enwood and family of Toronto are in the cottage of Mr. Geo. Weston Mr. Ed, Weston has taken possession of the Commercial hotel. )Mullett Messrs Thos. McMichael, John Barr and Wm. Carter are in Guelph this week, judging horses, cattle and poul- try, Miss Mary Snell graduated last week as a nurse in Hamilton Hospital and her parents were present at the event, Dublin A pretty wedding,wae celebrated n St, Patricke Church on June 2,1, when Ethel, the daughter of Mrs, Roach be- came the bride of Joseph Flannigan of McKillop. The ceremony was preform• sd by Rev. Fr, Noonan, The bride was charming in a white silk crepe gown carrying a bouquet of carnations. The happy Young couple are spending a ahort time in Detroit and will be home after July r4, Many friends wish them joy in their new life. Many from here attended the picnic at Sea(orth on Tuesday. Mrs. F. Carlin of Heusall is visiting her sister hi rs. T. Ryan. Walton Phe District Institute meeting held at Molesworth on Friday afternoon was attended by delegates from Walton. Rev. Mr. Bentley preached farewell services here and at Bethel on Sunday Bev. J. W. Button will take np the work on Sunday next. The Orangemen will attend service in Duff's Church on Sunday next. The Methodists held, their annual picnic on Saturday afternoon in Leem_ iug'sgrove and a pleasant time result- ed. Athletic sports were held and lunch served Dr. Field, inspector of echoole has been in this vicinity, CASTOR IA For Infants and Qhildren In Use For Over 3OYears Always bears the Signature of Varna Hay making in this vicinity is now the order of the day and the result is good. Deaconess Margaret Everett of Vic- toria, B C. is at her home on the Goshen Line, Mr, and Mrs. 4 Sturdy have been visiting here The Goshen Sunday School held their annual picnic to Bayfield this year and. all enjoyed the cool lake breezes. Constance Miss kern Love of Wa)ten is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Ed. Britton- The'ttwn social on Friday evening was very successful. The schools are now closed for the holidays and the children are free from exams. fora time. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Britton attended the wedding of their sister. Hay cutting is now in general. The h .y is a fine crop Grain is rather short but a good color. The recent rain will help it, Hugill's Music Store We are agents for the Phonola talking machines made in models from $25.00 up. Will play any make of re- cord. The Phanola people receiv- ed an order from Belgium for 12,000 phonolas to be de- livered this fall. After their consideration of other Can- adian makes. This alone should concern you in buying to see us before making your purchase. We will have over zoo copies of. the latest and best in sheet music in stock by Saturday. JNO. E. MCJGILL Opposite Bank of Commerce' Best Goods Self Service I Lowest Prices Pure Paris Green, U. F. O. Special price, commencing Thursday, Juiy 3, 60c per lb. SEE US FIR OIL ES Gro Fast Calf Meal Best By Test 50 lbs $2.75 25 lbs $1.40 Deal with us. Save 's`elivery Bills zash the High .cost of Living bit gear by using cash & carer. ER'S CO I;PEQATIVE C LIMITED (phone 117) Distributing Warehouse N©i 1 Seafortb Thursday July 3 Read and Learn • Spend and SavE Scott's Big Stock Reducing Sale Will Continue All This Week Presenting a Wonderful Opportunity' To Every Person in This Vicinity To Stock Up in Footwear At a Big Saving in Price . THE Prices were quoting during this Sale are no make believe prices, anc are Not. on Goods bought just to make a sale, But Every Article offered for sale belongs to our regular stock and will be sold with our regular guaran of Satisfaction Your Money Back If You Say So. True we have forgotten profits on our original cost, as v e are determined tc make this sale go down in history as the Biggest. Value -Giving Eootwear, Event ever known in this district. It is Your, Opportunity During this sale all our big stock consisting in part of our big $20.000 worth of High Grade dependable Leather, Canvas and Rubber footwear for Men,'Women,and Children, Club Bag's',..uit Cases. Trunks, etc. are all on sale priced with a • special sale ticket at prices less than manufacturer's prices today' We List Below a few of the Special Clearings. We Invite You To Call And See, HUNDREDS OF OTHERS JUST AS GOOD IN THE STORE too pairs Women's Boots and Shoes, Values Up to $6 00 in The Lot. Sal, Price Per Pair 99cts, Nothing wrong with the goods, they are of good make and material, odds and ends of lines, iii sizes in the lot from 2 to 7. They consist to part of Women's Oxfords, in calf and kid leath ere, pumps of black satin and black and tau leathers, High Button Boots of Patent Coltekin Viol Kid, etc. etc. Every wise woman will get four or five pairs of these while the getting is good at ��ets Men's Oxfords worth $5.00 Sale Price 1.99 The material in these shoes ore even better than can be bought from the manufacturer today at double the pride, sewn soles, military heels, all sizes in many leathers $1.99 Parents Stock Up In Footwear For The Boys And Girls For Months To Come From This Sale You Will Find It The Most Pro- fitable Investmestment Of Your Life Time. 500 pairs of Womens Boots in Many Leathers, Values in the Lot Up ( o $7 00 Sale Price per pair $2 99 High and Low shoes, button and lees style, and also in pumps with or without ankle straps, Cuban, Military, low walking and Louis heels, turned and sewn soles, leathers of patent colt, and tan calf; Black and colored kid, also in White Canvas and Rainakin, a perfect fit foe every woman's foot, to -morrow at ,,,,,,,,, Men's Boots Values Up to $8.00 At Less Than Half Price X3.99 Hundreds of pairs to select front at this low price, in high and low cut boots fur men, for work or serest wear, the leathers are Black and Tau Calf, Viol Kid and Patent Colt, all sixes in the lot out they go $ at,...,,., v99 Boys' Anti Girls' Boots, • In Valves Up To $3.30 iJ Sale Price 99c Pumps, Oxfords and High shoes for the Boy who wears, size from 11 to 5, for fhe Miss who wears a she from LC to 2. For the Small Boy or Girl who can wear a size 8 to 1St and for tho'little tot who wears a small size 3 to 7 all are here at this remarkable price Tell yonr friends about this big Sale—;Tiley will appreciate your kindly action, SERFORTR. The Rome of Good Shoes Watch for Big Sale Sign over Store,