HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-07-03, Page 5s. .'` 'xtst T hursd4Y July 3 THE MERCHANT The banking requirementsof merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current account and every banking facility is :assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE sow Seaforth Branch J. G Mullen, Manager WI J Walker Undertaker. and E,�nbaimer 'W. J, Walker, bolder of gov. ermnent Diploma and License Day or Night. ,calls receive our prompt attention Day' Phone 67 Night r3 CENTRAL. STRATFORD. ONT. We. have.TELEfii2APHY, COW- MERCIAL and SHORTHAND' Departntents We tial inetrnotian Sti?dente •are. entering each week..Our grade.:; a,Gee.,seeure.poeitione•af haler. Get W'otir free Catalogue` note 'may interest you; , , D..2. l'VYcLachlan, Principal IF YOUR CHILD.IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue is 'coated, cleanse little bowels with "Call- . fprnle Syrup of Figs." ifothers can rest easy after• giving "California ,Syrup of Fire," because in e few hours all the clogged-np haste, .our bile and fermenting food gently Troves out of the bowels, and you have well, playful child, again. Sick ekildren needn't ho Coaxed to .alto • this lutrmless "fruit laxative." billions of mothers keep it handy be. muse .they know its action 'on the stun - "1t, liver and bowels is prompt and euro. Ask your droplet for a bottle of 3alifornia Syrup of Fig," whirls eon nine directions for babies, children ci '?l ages and for grown-ups, l~�RSALE le III? Frame House, 7 *corns anal pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large vs vandal). 'Stahl, iii' xl'l2' hen hotter, 9 sipP` o Apply at this News Office' CREAM 'WANTED Send your Cream fe ,us and receive top prices, We are roaring o lir plant he year through sad can handle your fu1J:supply and ftti•x:ish you with cams. We pay twice each month and weigh sample and test each eanof cream oar- fully•: Our motto ,is Honesty ;to sur, Patrons" PrtrOna are ragtiested;to.rs' urn all our.ahne,'whet, not. in use. .1 ittsr all nuttermilk al On hand. el for 'at market prices. The SeafortIi Creamery Co. . SEAPQ1.TIf,M.ARRL,T Good Milling Wheat ..... ..........$2.19 60 Barley 9 )' Bran'perton.. 36,0;0 Shorts per tan . 41 Butter...............................42 4S Hogs to, farmers ..................22(10 For Sale mainaissm. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville, The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known :as the Purcell property, Good coin ,Ifortable hones, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and 'currant bushes. ,This is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. JOHN RANKIIN Bonds for sale bearing it teb`e5t '.from 6 to 7 p. c.,—half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funis now is the time- to imeto buy some of these. Choice securities. ,N,o ex- pense to investor, All ,information cheerfully given. JOHN HANKIN Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street, Seaforth Phone qJ a Local Agent Wanted for the "Old Reliable" F:OItdTHI,LL NURSE RIES thousands ofOchard trees need replacing,_. War Gardens 'call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- burl., plants etc. The demand for Ornamentaltal stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency wwithtil liberal com[ssio IS, Exper-. ience not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1'837) TVANI'V '074,4 FLAX LAND WANTED yr,Ck� The Canadiaof'lax Mills f,trnito Seaforth, Ont. will rent a large ,orange of sod land, Spriiig'or Fall ploughed; Will "furnish seed free end do the seed- ing. Farmer will plea•, disc, harrowand roll,. Phone M. McCormick, Ssaforti, 219 after 6 p. in, 202. C. ire~fia....yi4.s,M 4,10..44�.4 Town TOPICS The High Cost of Livieg--Economy e' the word to -day: 'Make your old garment, do instead of purchasing new ones. Rave - them dry cleaned and pressed, Dry gleaning when properly. done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their freeh new appearance and sots as a disinfectant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals My Wardrobe, Goderioh St„ Seaforth,. Opp. Queen', Hotel. Mrs. Thos. Atchison and Mrs. John Sohad'er and Messrs T. J. and Charles Schaffer of Gowanstown are visitors at the home of Messrs J. S. and J. F. Welsh over Saturday and Sunday. Mr, Sidney Deem spent the holiday in Brantford. Mr. P Nigh of Kitchener spent Sun` day at his home here. Mr. Donald Shaw of Broadley, Ont. is in town visiting friends. He is the sir of the late Rev. Mr. Shaw at one ,time pastor of Egmondville Church. Mt, Harry Grieve is home from Brampton for the holiday, Mise Nettie Pethiok has returned. from Burlington fol; the vacation. Mies Jean Buck and Miss Cassie Wil eon of Mitchell are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Buck, Miss Olive Rankin of the Faculty of Eutuoabion Toronto is home for the holt. days Miele. Mary Gillespie of St: Thomas is spending the holidays at her Stome here Mrs: Robert .Hardie' of Stratford visited friends here. THE SEAFORTH 'NEWS To Help Farmers. Farmers, you are capable of greater production if you had more money. This Bank is reedy and willing to help progressive farmers with loans 'to raise bigger crops and more cattle. The next time you're in town consult our local manager. THE DOMINION BANK 551 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manaseelt M*MMPI IJilMMMMMMTornSlana aItMpnannurKM eisie risangatiame S ngi Miss Olive Laidlaw of Boston and Miss Minnie Laidlaw of Toronto are visiting their mother Mrs, J. C. Laid- law, Mrs, James Cowan land daughters are enjoying the lake breezes in Bays field, ' The many friends of Miss Jean Hill of Egmondville who is in Wellesly Hos- pital Toronto will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from a critical operation. Major R. S. Hays is a delegate to the Great War Veterans Convention in Vancouver, Miss Jean Govenlock of Goderich is home for the holidays. , „gl Ira* Mrs. W. D. McLean of Edmonton is the guest of Mre, M. X. McLean. Mis Bickett of Strathroy is visitin her sister Mrs. H. C. Box. .germ"rzalt g Miss Mulholland spent the week end in London, , Mrs, C. Blanshard,,Mrs, S. Campbel • Mise Alva Graves left ,en Iand Mrs. H. Revell of Hamilton and' on Saturday to 1 Mr. F,. Burgard of Calgary and Mr. J. take aoairse, iii the ,art, school in. 111111 Detroit.Burgard'of California are here visiting their mother whit is very ill slight Mr. Fred Somers of Blythe is a visitor hopes being entertained of her recovery at the home of Mt's R J French. Mies Grace Markle who has been Pte. Harold Deem returned on Fri— spending the past week with Mrs. W. day to Toronto to the hospital for fur. R, Goidhawir returned on Monday to tiler treatment, her borne iii Hamilton. - Mr, Bert Spears of London spent Dr. James Hogg of Preston was here Sunday with friends here. attending the funeral of his brother the Mr. Ray Carpenter of the Batik of late 3Tr. Frank Hogg, Commerce Staff, Niagara, spent Sunday Mrs A. Partridge of 'toreeto it vis - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cl A Sills iting her pa -ants Mr, and Mrs, ,fames Mrs P, V, McGraw of St. Columban Kerr• won the sweater ooat donated by Miss Mr, John Habkirk and Miss Mary Lukes for the War Veteran's Associat- Habkirk motored to Grimsby on Suter. ion,. Tho lucky number was 42x. day to spend a -few days, Su Mr Frank Sills is moving into Mr. Daley's house on John St, vacated by Mr. S McIntosh who has taken apart- ments in the Stephens Bleck. I, willbe at the 'Strand" Thursday Friday—Saturday, July 10—r 1-12 in m' first Million rllioir Dcoat ca ' . Comedy "' Dog's'.Life—Meet use there—Charlir Chaplin. Get Ready for The Greatest Serial Film Dhow on Earth—"Eddie Polo" in "The Lure of the Circus" starts at the "Strand" 'L'hureday—.Irrtday—Saturday i July 17-18-10, Mrs. I, Modeland spent the holiday in Stratford, Mrs. Dickson who has been viertiug Mr and Mrs. Adam Dickson has return- ed to her home in Galt, Mies Gladys Fuller and Miss Blanche Lightlinuler of Ingersoll were the guests of Itlra, A' Westcott. • Mr. T. Daley has purchased -the semi.detaohed house on John St 'from.I the Misers', Caedno and Mr. W J, Walk er the two adjoining houses, - i Mrs. Warwick 'went to Toronto on Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs, G. Woods and daughter spent Sunday with friends in Clintml, h Hiss Rae Woods of French River is ome for the holidays, Entreuoe auk Deparmen tal Exams are now in operation, The Public Schools•tlosed on Friday, There will bar special Thanksgiving Services at St, Thomas' Church for the ! return of Peace at lI and 7 p, m, next I Sunday, All are welcome, t1'Ir, Peter Anderson of Toronto spent! uday with Mr..7. A. Wilson, Mies Jessie Scott of Holstein is home for the holidays Mr.. A L, Chfttenden is spending hie vacatiou in Brantford, Mrs. McDonald of Stratford visited I Miss J, McBride. Mr. James Gillespie of Toronto Onto IfI11- vereity is holidaying at his home harm BHi1Irlat jl le } Miss Belle Ballantyne Of Waterloo is visiting her father Mr, W. Ballantyne, Mise Ross Levis of Clinton spent Sunday with Miss Sparks, Mr. W. Brine of Toronto was a week end visitor at his home here. Mr. Wm. McKay Barrister of Tor onto was a holiday visitor at the hone Mr J. A,Wilgon has returned from t of iiia mother' Mrs, STef(ay GoderichSt. Cool�� STRAND <emfo.t.el< Thursday Friday & Saturday A Humdinger of a Show - and - The Final Episode of a Fight for Million Everbody will be here Conieoiin 15c. 8.30 P. NI. 1Oc TR The Coolest Place hi town Mr. J. W. Button and family am,.1'as '® "'e -e-- = -- s lea to Walton tide week. �� .. e® The First had King's weather. l Many went to Goderich, Winghatn and other pointe. Most however ei,jovedj the Picnic of St. James' t,huruh, where I there was a large nrowd. Th., after— ? a tr, is 48141=< ••. -i!'.A+r, t110011wasapeut iu Gaines and s1 reFohas _ Pts by Ret Forbore White and Hussey( slid Mr. Horner and Thos• McMillan. I The piceeeda reflect credit on the corn- I fl" �� 3Ir. Melvru McKay of Fort George is Miss Madge Stewart .is home from lmittee who worked Bard to incite it a f visitint; parents areais 1S1r and IiIre Adam Aurora for the holidays, p w IDI IC ay lsureese, The a, istliii guiisflll�+d p ,relive [ties Aliraharn of Portland, Oregon, is I the guest' of Mrs. J', Me(%Iniehy IMr, and Mrs. Russel Sproat left last meals ou a trrp to Alberta. 3Ir, and Mrs lrtlwar,l MYleFanl have gone to St. Thomas to spend the sum runt' months. Mrs. Kelly and little sou of reroute. are visitors at the horme of her father Mr• James Purcell it, Egmondville. At, interesting display of German war umveuii•s collected by Lieut, Harry Dortauee is oar exhihitlon in the win.. dow of tie, V. S. Sausage's stere, I Rev. H .D„ and Airs, Moyer aid I daughter Helen leave this weep for his new pastorate in Gorl't•iel,, During their abort residence hero Mr arid Mee. Moyer have made many friends who re- gret their removal, . Mr, and Mrs It'• Lawson and Binders of Auburn were weak-ent1 visitors at the horn,, of.Mrs. W, Selatot•. • Mr. and airs, E. A. Box motored to Galt and spent Sunday at liar home thole, Mr. J .7. Monter hI .P, spent a few days in town this week Mrs. S. T, Holmes and daughters ars holiday :at Belrleirl Pte. Rey Mason•son of Mrs, H. Ma- son of .Illgmoirdville bee returi.ed from OVerseae. Mr, Fred 'Larkin of 'Toronto event the week slid' with his parents Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Larkin at the Manse. lilt• Wm. ltiuu of flullettis the mau who grows the good flax He brought in to Mr. McCormack a sample that beats 36 incites. N ould like to hear of the man wholes better, ' ort .ftttts IV-S.S. Cost $4.05 War Savings Strxtups can be bought ;Aar - ower this sign is displayed. Perhaps you have never been grc,ra saving. You COULD save a IttL. - y '3?i •-•-.._.. If you knew yoo conic every $4.00 yet save tempt you? Well, then—that is what Was- :y• Stamps will enable you to do. t;f you find it hard lo save ^r.0) a there because the quarters I awares, Thrift Stamps will , - c . You can buy a Thrift cents, and when you have can exchange them for a VA,: Staxt*, for which you will L..; $5.00 in 1924. ' By along this you will h t ..n investor! And you can go _ . .. up that investtxw-nt anodic.' $4.00. Th:' -_.._ accrued interest. Invest that "waited "wastedEwe ryr t7:7:.%" to iiax�a Savings Stamps. You trail never regret it. v rII. wk, .1 win Cl if P he a n.1onieat O gg'a�dd astonished anger • ale adalled Pc nch.It'� ri" ° '.iia a "hell 'cat" Under the Western skies w?n 6 loved, she dated and she oki glil A strong sulpportli<tig cast including Tom Santchie and Milton Sills appears in this 6 Acs Drama It's a Goldwyn See it Thursday Friday & Saturday