HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-07-03, Page 4900 DROPS
,.'. ' a a. HUSH ROSS;Physician and Sarcoma
u.S�-(pa�Zyt"a+rof London H
London, I' E
n t
l'attention t digo ss of 1fEar, Nose
.I* • e;andfee.behind Dominion Bank.
Phone so.5,,Residence hone
No, 1011
rgrr, F••J- BURROWS Sea(orth' Office and a
a.ide�bbe?-•Q'oderlch' Btnaet, east of tin Meth
odett q)lhrch', Coroner for County of Euuon
'yelbphoneNo, 45.
seRS, SCOTT & MACK'AY, i'byelelaue-and'.
SurgeOns, Goderielt Street, opposite Metho-
Chorea. Seaforth,' •
8cosr. g ikduate Victoria and Ann Arbor,. and
illember of Ontario'' College of Phyeirlane and,
Surgeons. Coroner for County of Boron,
1,scLay, honor graduate Trinity Dan/ &ridtr,
gold rnedalietTrinity Medical College. Member
of College of Py'eigtana and. Surgeons,Ontarir.
Dut,•osO: HEILEMAN, Osteepplhic Specialist
me in Women's and•Childreuo diseases and
Rheumatic troubles. -Acute and Chronic diaord
en, Ear;,Eye, Noon and Throat Adenoid re -
mored without thekhlfe. Consultation free,
' Olnoe over Utnbaeh's Drug Store
fueLiay,S ft.nt. 105 pies.;Friday sa,m. to bpm
;Or. F. J. B. Forster
Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University of
Toronto 1897.
Late keeistrn t Nei, York Ophthal-
mic and Aural institute, eloorefielde
Eye, and.Golden Square Throat Hoa
petals, London England. At the
Queen Hotel, Seaforth, third Wed
needay in each mouth from 11 a. m. to
3p.m.railroad time. 53 Waterloo Street,
South, etre. lord . Phone 207 Stratford.
loaned Dy aw8i01
'r'riage licenses pd Prt,len,see.
lise yogi liyan ate, a po,ttare. willdering ilet ace rapAcademe
J. is, H1AN(2IIL£Y.
General Agr^.e for London Life insurance Co..
ad inipertalt . tea''tecaad. Accident insurance Co.
4.afcrtta, Ont.
Tames Watson General Observations
Genera' F., i •- a 1 A `.1 L:,t ilishmio.
Agent. And t• o 1 :;q alae illi a Vt..--- D
Main Street.1,:'i:, _.. - . -- ___
i 1 ANTIIEUll6o
From the Office
SAI everR 127
Due dollar per year. strictly in adv o nee
it not paid in advance, one delaar and
becharged. United tates
paper[ will ch t t
extra, P in
pa pert, fifty cents r strictly
Whea subscribers chaatige their address ji
1 m vin I
noticeii. uld bes e e ddrdy, aeries
both aha old and the• new notify sub- 1
f any I wig conferamayor by notlfyln`u s !
ofany Irregularity of delivery,
Reading Notle■n-No :ending notice,
advertising any entertainment or mates by
which money is to be made by any manors
or muse will be Inserted In Tux Nows
without charge. The price for the loser -
tion of business nnsaunesmentr Is TEN
cents per count line each ineertlou w
parties having no contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cants per nue each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices. Card of 'Maritsa S to 0
lines. 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal, Ontolal and Govern-
ment Notleao-Tan cans per line far first
Insertion and eve mote per line for each
subseque' insertion.
Yearly cards -Prof esatowal Lards. nut
exceeding nue Inch, will be Inserted Int
$5.00 ner year, payable strictly In advance
Display advertising -Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntil forbid." and those sent without
written Inatructicne will appear until
ritten orders are received for their dis-
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer'. own elgrature, not
or publication. but as a guarantee of good
faith.The publisher accepts no reeeoo•
eiblily whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
gious 1
g r m alll not1
p be publishedat all
except c a, paid rate for
advertising, plainly ale en
centsts<p. The rats for ouch matter le ten
cense par !Inc
HE McKILLOY preop:,,' i:3a
Mli.`'ai Fire iosurarice Co, at >i the ;, g but Bet h., pro-
.a.a r h , r
rlrtnn• v
Three Essentials in Cooling Ex.
Make That Spring on Your 'harm •
Profit Question - it Should Re
Enlarged; Cleaned Out Well and
Cribbed In en Efficient Way.
(Contributed by Ontario Department. of
Agriculture. Toronto.)
ACT1IRIA lo target. or smaller
numbers are always present
infres it drawn milk. At
1 Y
temperatures between ie
deg. F. and 98 deg. F. (blood -heat)
they grow and multiply rapidly,
causing the milk to become quickly
spoiled. As the. temperature .tails
below 60 deg. 9., the bacteria become
less active, the changes caused by
them are less marked, so the milk
keeps sweet and in good eonditioa
for a longer time.
Growth of bacteria in milk in 24
hours (136,000 per c.c. when freshly
Bacteria Per C.C.
(20 drops)
Temp. held. after 24 hours.
40 deg. F......... 280,000
50 deg. F. 1,170.000
60 deg, F. 24,600,000
The above table shows how low
temperatures check bacteriai multi-
plication in milk. This is the scien-
tific fact upon which the practice of
milk cooling is founded.
In practice a dairyman should bear
in mind three things in connection
with the cooling of milk. First -
cool milk with as little delay as pos-
sible after it comes from the now.
Second -cool milk to as low a tem-
perature as possible, say somewhere
between 40 deg. F. and 50' deg P.
Third -cool milk with as little con-
tamination as possible from outside
sources, such as dust,, dirty utensils,
water splashings, etc. If these three
points were regularly attended to by
all dairies a marked improvement in
the general quality of our milk sup-
plies would be noticeable right away.
The qulrkest way to pool milk iS
to run it over :some form of Mintier
or surface cooler, ani: hr pale im-
mediately ft is theme from the •ow.
In this, way Milk may be rapidly
cooled to within two or three degrees
of the temperature of the water used.'
The objections to this method are
the extra vott involved in washing
renter [w?• 1t>� tlo difficulty
of keeping tt prop ply clean and the
danger of cont busting lite milk
chtinred -t ?I;rc .•f fir• A:.t:ee ratify with dust, barn whines. ere,, unless
haraat anal isolated Town the fres,-
.Property Chip. insured.
;its :a:; .,.n i.t 1acre..
xray.,. Bet .i.r ••,a, ... -ic•, reties: '('h,+ .-.1 )y ..'i:., ;, clan who
'Hart.' ai-,r 1..•.'?'.,•eP
itns tin+i P -;a:,,.. ext.+rirnn•" HIS
t r
PS F. Mebreser. rafdrth Joan G. Grieve. 11.14;eel need, aiel he
Winthrop W, Rhin a osntoace John Bennewuls.
Bgedgtiaden• Robert Fettle.Rarlocki MalcomI AS a ,I ct y. at -r wrI• this f
Menton, Clinton t. ate Irt•ran.Evans.BeS Seaford, -
tontesConuoltS..Gaderlaly Jeecbweo-+ 'ir,.r,r• 1 i.ua. alrl 't Apt,rs d,+ thr.
• Agents
lleg„,',.eft•-b -i,r?otic: E, 'ilnrhin: Sea(or n rt :' ' 1 .n..l q .a-'iinlly not it. accord
Atillia' Chesney. Egmondville; 1 • Y• at., .r, i..a h.-:a•r.:Ir P t
trlzlmcsaittet R. G.larmoutic, Brodha v Jar t...:I,-can '15.E11.
Man and John c;oeenl0a:k, Sealorth,
Pnrtie ,desirnde to effe. insurance or term,
tber badness will be promptly attended - itrn-•.a �y!11 nt Lvr M u, i 'i h•, net
es their respeeNwo postofficea, ® ii;tr , iI t;, free: let'. ,i i', Ill-' , t
3 .k.ai, f .on, :i . p
it ,.t a 1: tl
t "' ` " •tt' ct ti r•'• -, Making Ill.', Iii t,l �pi:np :'ore
the cooler is i 'd in a clean and
separate milk room.
The other alternative is tq place
the cans of milk in it tank of running
cold water at the earliest :opportunity.
or in an insulated tank of water into
which some chopp•'d-ep ire is thrown..
It the rank is 5 ad once every ten
minutes during the Slut hour,cool
ng will take plates more rapidly than
where mill is left unstirrel. If cold
running water is Bol aveliabl•• all'
summer, enough tee should by put
up during the winter to ensure the
Milk being broil e. to •tt suf tently
•low t' mperatere unpins• the wanner
portions of then year.
The imporsan.•e of prompt ;and
llnlatlnh rnnlitt d rail: is, still in-
urTtei:'ntly appy rtti ii by ienny utilk
rn•:L•trr•rs. There i:' no cheaper end
Mild t l t ethod by a twit milk t1'tai-
ly may be-.intpt I I.._..T. H. Lund,
1.S. t.. 0. A. Coil,•>• , r,:iduff.
atcpllmtloa `to any of tba 050ee o cera, addrref
'i'lIr, 1 I I, 11 e33f,
c t o ,t 5" t
dfltP t f I alt to ,3;:t:
�f+'fliiliEf' ;
t „
St>r Ielupe:
ort nu atels. a ei eit.t many f,u•,n ere
if t'ana I t can beat of a good spring
I' anter tin Il.,': farms. In some
it l.; lit" r.ul" rnliitblp rnd pe-
l'n:l ttl,11 0{1111/0' ofi^."ttei'. n al> When i tee, is the pd:;., I' nmuah r--eelees
i.r,rp.sr rata. P
r it -rill. tat:• Peal
31 Tidl t o tutu t ..
I;Fot'l, &a:::- 'ii ,
vr. it 1 It.'•;
• {I•inti •l. Tit..
;1-31,133 t . t,, 111.1'. +
i:,, t.t,
liii ra - Sum! High eels
WithouP 0 proper
SVSifii Of Myer.
flsitu is like a
motor without the
$lower. . . .
Seaforth News
will supply the
re4iuired energy
Pent - .34
Fri" . Mei-ever. in
i:: a tia•ntii+.try
I?�r trr1 ear -
•l.. „flli/l1 ,1.,•ntly
or 1,3Oe; :and
ieierine 1.133 :-er-
er, pates .rly
ei ,It thie :-Hort
tilt rte3:: Tiritt, r t 1 siltld
•n17t ii, } I '.. :lee ,I :.'..od
L.,I .-ue
ii.,,,i i. .. I.I'. , .i,`�r
• ,vn
"ie ,. :us
re Put .,n ,,) l .,1•I Initgh I
ail of Lit, I .I is ' to '
W110''ii py''�� r..: 3,1.:3.3-3rI I ,11.-w„
cares �+ Illi ,,,,,.,..,„i, u', 1,',T1,, a
ktgd�ery Nov( I 1!t., r 11 Its that ] ; id
...,o„w,e..mm.•o..s.o..can..mro.m,s..o..o.,s•.s..a.m.s..s..,..s,.i • '„tl't t. tt r. di'•' II '' i.5
• 1
Became. style decreee that, women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
in high heel footwear they stuffier from,
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which merely makes the
corn grow hard. This suicidal habit
may' cause lecitjaw and women tire
warned to stop it.
:A few drops of a drug called freez-
one applied directly upon a sore corn
gives quick relief and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts out without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of an ounce of freezone, which
fonts'very little but is sufficient to re.
Move every' hard or soft corn or callus
incitt one's feet. -•
This drug is an ether compound and
dries in a moment and simply ehrivele
up the corn without inflaming or even.
Irritating the slu'rounding tissue or
skin. Clip this out and pit on your
wife's dresser. •
Useful in Clamps, --Explorers, serve).-
ors,prospectors 'and hunters will find
Dr. Thomas' Eoleotric Oil 'very useful
its camp, When the feet and legs are
wnt,aud cold it is well it is. wolf to rah
them freely with 'the Oil end the roan's
hill he rite prevention of psi cc in the
eiuecles, loud should a out, fir nnnh'Pi.,n
or sprain be sustained, nothing could
he better as n dressing or lotion,
rt r•on ! r t 1 o I i ;•'tn
1 :r11n'lll I :,'1 1 •I- I I
IP' 1:1 tl.fl p;', .t 1.'. ,t ' c1•,'11, .1,
1 a ;rad lb.-rn I t i I c 1
7 .--311'11/10(. il(l'r r Ir}- Ir
outside 1hr. iii,- 1 I p i -yid
b' Irroti led With 1 !1 ill , tl 111-1,18
of enere' or: 1 rt 111.. 11
r lift spring I, ,1/111.: 1 tttt nl.I Ply
sn el) bl if it ha pp I; to is• lora' -,d
Q,1 Slit ' le .,,t!Oil a l...irr:rbt,, Kr14r ar
than tl e house :Lied berme , for than
the weter r r to Itee piped dr n nii•1'-'r
the nest lint- to. stonier, I;111.e ni tile
buildings. Front the eines thew rr
flows by gravils le the points of
ftervlro. Or it' Ile, supply is greeLt.
enough and a fall of a flew feet can
be secured within a nhrtt t distance,
say 30 or 40 fc I of taunrin;g.., a
hydraulic ram may be installed for
pumping the water of a spring to the
house and barns. Unitedly II it pump-
ed into a storage tank its tate attic of
the house or loft oi' barn, and from
these gravitates to the various plumb-
ing fixtures in the house and the
troughs and drinking basins in the
stables. if you are particularly in-
terested in this subject of the ratio
spring and how to make it more
serviceable write the Department of
Agriculture, Toronto, for a copy of
Bulletin. D67, which tells you all
about it. It costs you nothing for
the information except a postal card
and a two -cent postage stamp,-
R. IL, Graham, B,S.A., C.- A. College,
Thursday July 3
The home of Mr; and Mrs. John Tor-
rance of Clinton wan" the scene of a
pretty wadding on June 25th, when
their daughter Edythe, became the
Miele of Capt. A. G. Virtue, eon of
Mr, and Mrs, Win. Virtue, of Leth-
g , Many gueste from out-
side points %handed the wedding, The
young couple left for trip up the lakes
on their ear way to Lethbridge, ♦Ito.
Thursday of last week, David Clark,
an old and respected resident of the
fish eon.'Grey township had a close
gall during the thunder stem. Light.
Bing struck the chimney of the house
and came down inside, the room being
full of smoke and electricity, Mr.
Clark was sitting on a chair at the time
when the"hot stuff"ran -foul of a jack-
knife he had in his pocket and from
there went through the seat of his
chair, There was a reddish plias along
the top of his foot where the current
may have passed, bait Mr. Clark is able
to be around again.
After a residence of over thirty years
in Goderioh Alexander Straiton passed
away on Thursday lune 19th. He was
born iii Scotland and came toianada at
the age of 17. In 1963 he married
Anna Grant of Whitby, Children nor.
viving are, John of Goderioh; Thomas,
Arthur and Donglaa of British Colum-
bia; Mrs. Pearson Ohesney of Egrnoitd-
ville; Mrs. Robbins and Miss Patherine
of Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. 0. C. White-
ly of Detroit and Mrs. Herbert Camp-
bell of Goderioh. For forty yeate Mr.
Straiton' was associated with the U. T 1
R. of egeht at Port Union, Bellville,'
`eaforth, Cliaiten and Goderioh,
SIr,.Amos Tipi'itag•of Wingham wet In
Toronto on Saturday ' attending the
funeral of his uncle the late Mark 1 ip.
ling, , whoi v
as well known in this vi n-
ity.• The deceased was a well to -'o
contractor, He was 71• years of . e
slid was a victim of hardening of the
arteries, '
On Tuesday morning, at the home of
Mrs. Eva Bates. Eight g Road, the mar-
tiaese took place of her elder daughter,
Miss Sadie, to Mr. AllemMancliester, of
Toronto, Rev, Mr, 'Medd, of Exeter,
performed the cerntnnp at Ti o'clocir,
The brid'O was attired in white georgett
with pearl trimmings end•rail. and oar'
reed a briquet. of roses. She WAS given
away by her brother, Mr, Ernest Bates
Miss McClinton played the , wedding
march, Mr. anti :elle. Manchester
afterwards left on a trip to New York,
the bride travelling in a suit of jersey
with a milan hat, i'hi their return the
ynnng couple will melte their hence at
Termite, where Mt', Mrancl1t.nte t' is in
binaries a a manufnnrlarer.
.Innllriiimme,um uulll'a.E IM4amllll
litePleprictaryoryatolitMediCeie I
AYetetab a itntlonforAs
(s Iatingthef 1 '�'
kitinitheStolnaaftse Bowels.
11 ThetebyrlonialWg�m$esti'
' Chee)futnessandBist
neither Oppium, 1orphlne n,
b Mineral. NoT,NA1WoTl
, R4morotds UELP/n'ya.
ilk aorta
llvpn tr d
ct,O . t-t7Sv l
probes fW!..---
IGonstipatlon and'Diarrhoea'
and Feverisliliess and
restlltiii lherefrom•inhlfMtY%I
. FitCSimile @
i un CormAB
Ili ]HONTRE.AL&gip �,
Atoivnnfits utu
35 Do- - :35_ 1
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Infante and Children.
Mothers o e s Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Special Offer for Farrst
I am buying all kinds of
rand owl
I have a great stock of second-hand
Water pipes and shaftings for 'sale,
Je Naftolin
Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9
Next to the Dick House
tt 1-
S7'"'t" i,: J `',•a s: i ��.3; :w.a.G?.,y.,; ` ' ., 'i •s� '` ;fi'r`s;
Ra to for
`11-1E t3Cdu r +eu i+Jr Lon Distance Service, effective May
25th and iI 'i .l upon all i ne mileage, e m'rect inequalities
in theoil .6cii 'dupe and i:.111 cdy both increased and do•
creased charges,
Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a
3 -minute talk to' points most frequently called by local sub-
-r h
to Touren
trot 1(3131
1.3,7111, Iii
Blyth --
Nit II it.,
The hours during which reduced Long Distance rates (night rates)
are in effect are now
From 8.30 p.m, to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate
From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate
Night rates are based on Standard 79ene'
Rates for local service to present subscribers will be increased ten
per cent,' effective from July 1st next., .
Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from
May 25th.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station
The Bell Telephone Co. tri C nada
IM .ewtur nee..eMee...YNrMRrwwo
eeee*eaeaesa,111 1ea....ee...a5110 wa
St. James' Church, Rev, Father 111
F, Costs P, le Early Mace 8,00, High
Maas .10,30, Sunday School a;30 p, of
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless-
ed bakrament,7: p, m,
St. Thomas'
n las'
Rev. T. H. Brown, Rector Sunday
aerOcee 11 can, and 7 p.m. Sunday
school 2.30 p. m. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30
p.m, Children'sbrench Saturday 2 p,m,
oteroeseion services every Thursday,
.0 p.m. .,
. Methodist
Rey. B. D. Moyer, pastor
-SUNDAY School at 10:00 .a,m,
Public servibe 11 am. and 7 pen.
Prayer Meeting Tiruredey, 8. pen
Salvation Army
Lieut. F. W, Leight
Sunday services -Holiness 11 a, m.
Praise 3 p.m, -Salvation 7 p.m. -Sun
day School 4 p. in. -Wednesday- '
Public meeting. All are welcome,
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev. S McLean pastor. Sunday set -
vines 11 a.m. and 7 p M. Bible class
3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
8pern. Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday
ill the month 8 p Ill, Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 pact Ladiee' Aid tnee.s iia
mediately after. -
„ Rev, F. H, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
services 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Sunday
school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting,.
Thursday, 7: 45 p tri Ivomet's Miss-
iollary S,:Oie.y-the hrst l'liesday in each
month at ,; p m. Barbara Kirkman Mis-
sion Baud and l'uesduy'iu the month at
7.30 w
alulshine Mission p oral 13
every '21111 Monday lit 4,16 pea.
Meicillop Presbyterian
1 iv. tl 1 tt'a v.It pastor- Sunday
serviue Beira' eiteri:h I I a in Sunday
it:113o1 1.1 t if ' Prayer taunting Wed-
nesday Y p. 11. ivoin• is SIiesiotfary
Societyitst,NriJat iu each month at
n':In tic.
Wlnth'op Presbyterian
Sunday seivice 2,1111 pm. Sunday
School I lip to Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p, r't, L C6 taut Wed.
Cdonstance Methodist
Rav, 'I' 11, Sawyer, paster. Sunday
service 2 151 p.m. Young i'oople's Lea-
as ' .1 iirity v,nta'a 1tti1
try „ •,'.. -. ! t,• f ovary Moittlt a
lit n I 1.i!a I I'gtu'Sday
Lf • 1,eii .a I I, ....0 11,01
"For the Blood Is the Life."
WilEil pptl aa� (Y� ` tea;\' ] t�A�,, ARE
St, 4n1RI11LlG
1. lar eh any draoane data 30 ieepuro blend
mocker.Ec Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Sad
Lego, laisnceseem Ulc ., Glandular
awaiting., Belle, PimplesSoros of any
kind P lot mood Po fie ,Rhnumetiom,
• Gout, to, dont Waste v tar time and money
1 on iouons and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the shin. What you Bunt
nrd cine that wit; thoroughly free ti chloud
I of t Ile poisonous matter which t is alone ? the true
a sc or all pour suffering CI trIWN Mood ,
Mixture laja such n nudtcmt It is composed
of ingredients which quiekly trpel bale the
Mod all' h,para icer from ialatcver cause
'Ir, ing, and by rendering it ulcall and pure,
c n he relied un toeffect a i t'ting cu,-
yThourands eltestimonial,.
r bruoo Yirapaa•'-,..
cd b rile),
Over St rears'
Pleasant to
Sold by all
Obar/ala and
S taaxcolara.
aqua* all
S ublerte fee.
Nilo of Attested 'Value.-Patncslce's
Vegetable Pills are the result of careful
study of the 'preprrtiee of osrtain
rots tied herbs, and the action of sock
as sedatives find laxatives on the (Hemp,',
'liars app:ratne. 'Iiia Sneer -se the QOM -
ret hxve neat Willi attests the va-
lue of their worlr .'1'h,:ee pills have
been recognized for maw)' I eai•s'ae the
heat cleansers of the system that can Be
got. 'Theirexit:Pence weerecognized
from tbe'iiret a•,d they grow more pop-
ular daily,