HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-06-26, Page 8,AINININImnon
We recommend Oblr Mange
Shampoo for dandruff or our
Coco Butter S'hampoo lot drp
scalp and lading hair, or for
a goad had wash our fam-
ous Pamolive Shampoo.
Also our Owl Massage for
olosedpores and black heads
This will clean the skin.
Have ,our Hair Cutting and
Shaving done by us.
We guarantee to put a shoe-
ing edge on pour razor.
Ourarneretal Barber Shop, C4th
Cauliflower Plants
Geniune Early Snowball
50 for ti5c postpaid
Shipped successfully everywhere.
Ask for price list of Cabbage, Celery
and other Vegetable Plants,
Fri/Bland, Ontario.
Niagara District.
; ter became the bride of Earl Switzer
Rev Dr, and Mrs, M. H. Hereby of
-Springfield who were at the Conference
at Goderich visited here for a few days
This was Mr, Baruby's first charge and
his wife i8 a native, being formerly,
Miss lvison,
Rev. Dr. Aitken is home froin Hamil-
Sam Oudinore, is doing a big business
in hay pressing, Farmers are getting
520 a ton and it is plentiful here., It
is being sold in Toronto but chiefly in
the United States.
All are pleased to see John Workmau
home again frora London where lie
underwent an operation.
Many from here were in Clinton at
the Oonventiou.
Mr, and 51rs Frank Coleman, are
home again after visiting in Michigan.
Many from here went to Detroit last
week on the Groy hound and report a
good time,
A pretty wedding WAS held at Mr.
Joseph Forster's borne when hie &melt
!of Godcaieii fon-id:hip, After a short
trip the hai,e, ••••11,Jor rori, ttied
•••• Maiiy 1'; ieeds wish
• theta joy.
ith-31.0ith •-i•ii01-•••;,g • ,i • la
For Sale
- ••- ,
'';;; • 4eirce.-
• • I
Brucefie Id
Phe Grey hound attracted many of
our people last week to Detroit,
Mrs, John Granger is home after a
trip to Ilderton.
Mise Maud McIntosh is quite ill at
Mrs, John Walker' is visiting her
daughter at Tiverton
Miss Edith Rowett of London is the
gnect at her home at the present.
Many went to Goderich for the
Moonlight excursion oi Monday last.
On July the 1st the Sunday School
wiil picnic at the mountain.
Rev, Dr. McGregor will be the epee-
ial preacher on the last _Sunday in
Lieut, Alex. Mahafty is home again
from the front and is none the worse
for his hard work in the trenches.
Mrs. J. Livingstone is visiting her
son in Hamilton for a couple of weeks,
3irs. W. Bell of Toronto has been
here with friends.
Pte..Tas. nark of liensall who was
wounded in the:last drive but able to
go into Germany with his divisii•n,
spent a few days with his uncle.
A meeting of the Wornen'n Blatant
will be held herr coi Friday evening,
etait3, one 101II.. At11i05/1411 frOO•
Ti‘o it fi..gatt, of 010 Wein en'
r Sk{,1 hOO, Of thlObee
711'" .
A Rainy Day
The future, like the, weather, is uncertain.
Even the weather man makes mistakes.
BUT—do not make the mistake of being
unprepared. Put something by for a
rainy day and let that something earn
interest for you at
he received a good prioe. Joe keeps
nothing but the •best.
Air. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander mot-
ored to Grand Bend last b'riday.
Air, James H. Campbell had a very
suociesefid bee on Wednesday of last
week hauling clay onto his gangway at
the barn,
Winthrop seems to be the centre of
the dry belt this year, no rain having
fallen here during the last four weeks.
HEARD-HEWITT — 1,i Clinton on
Juno 10, Anne Hewitt of England to
John Heard of Raj:field.
June I Mabel Bethel Forster to
Fad Switzer of Goderioh township.
DOWNS—ln Clinton onJune ixth to
Mr. and 5Ire„ • W. i3, Dowoti a son
awl deughter.
IORY---.1 it Stephen, on June 13th to
41r, and Mie. ii, .10eyo datiele-
13t:!1 E 13 ',/N Sun -
Jtai," `.3260, U:1;).'10 le 01331'
31-3 13'33 ,,l'
" "'.
• ,,.tttniii•••;..,' OradleSmg
• • _Qv,1i1'l14-,1j40(110
;t1 Old aa 7...C' Be Liteieil'ett coriosi ties
;kion g. ..A1/004t 3,11 ,.0ptikt. t:tkintflo MOIlf.i0 are
'1113 t3 very So old that,
, ,„ r 121.0,14" slim t visit to
• i4 V.; niycir f a re- bo
..e ga 13(03 0(1600. I1liciti1,14 all the changes o
language they hat • 1101c1 tlwn
ir Ow
, , •••1e • fi• 1;1 •••••••1•I' • f. • ei 41'1" to w0r11* «tit Phi, tins Itcw: iu hearts of the
, -
. 1 ; '.1(301 Hawthorne
'3. is r1, 1010N0331ilitial4 ids friends
1.7c 1,,;(14h1113 izas grit axe
3h3.3- 13- ItatIght from 5Ir,
.011 is ptc•ii.cring to put a
to lenc raised his
, • i, ,
iq 110:3161331 trriti7e1 to
-i • f' •• ptu env tit wail -.Hofer it.
• 5f Oar: lies the contract el
-1 ; .•• 1. • • ;•••••
, „ „ .i,„ „ ,„ 1•1,re. reeeveritig froin ati
of Mr M. Johnnteit
G, i•-•1 ,!•::4 J,; , 44'11Y tt, it lie is 1,i 13prataf
'. 000 (OIL
hail a successfel
- ,,„. : • . f 06.4110," 1/...4- lafit Wraim.."1,dar,, Hugill's Music Store
30,3 0
people, ubserei s a writer in Kansas
City Journal.
From mouth te 10-mth they have
clone down throir,li the years with an
swimi ,,f rhythm and patter
and jingle of nod:, 101 they seem to
I/4,11 1.0t131,1:e. natural thaii 0 1331.
33103, inventior1133 .
all the 01;;;;ioi•••• there is a certain
iii(Ptit.ile of rhythm is oh a national., 1
might say 1 difference
ot 1111,114q1tota 4'.. --1 meter from the
slaw assured niajia• of tho' Germ= to
the wild plain:ill niiher of the &fetch,
characterized 03, :lir short eccenteei
ewes of the wrireineou of the Hungarian
with its sudden eltioiges.
That theme old songs should have
embodied and retained the chorea teria-
Co of the people nexong whom they
11:-. 1 tf.','Z Vttinthrop
it . We are agents for the
11:33 .1, 11)3,30
it of 1.;firri3- to
'Apply few drops then lift SOre3 II s 1333 3,11,5550
touchy corns off with
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop, a little
Ftreezone on an aching corn, Instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
it right out. Yes, magic,
'A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a
low cents at any drug dere, but is suff-
icient to remove every heui. corn, soft
'nen, or corn between, the toes, and the
calluses, without sorenese or Irritation.
Freezone is the sensational discovery
of-ltlancittnati genius, -(-its wonderful,
as It 1, tufo. ,1:10, 30,, had one.
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 30Years
Always bears
Signature of
A large number from here enjoyed
the excursion on the Grevhonnd and
all report a good time. Too bad Gode.
rich does not have a regular boat,
Miss Gore White of Drayton is at
the home of her cousin, Miss E. Miller,
Mr, John Granger was in Clandeboye
last week.
The Methodists will hold their en-
title]. Garden Party on the lawn at the
EMrs. Sarah Howson and son are visit-
ing Mrs, D. Mountain.
Oii Frithy afternoon as Mr. Georg
McSpaiblen was driving to Walton and
when opposite Mr, John Aitcheson'
farm his horse scared at something on
the aide of the road and bolted tete
the ditch upsetting the buggy and
throwing Mr, MoSpadclin out. He
was not seriously injured any more
than a severe shaking up. The buggy
was badly damaged top being torn
completely off,
Mr. Melvin Blanchard has purchased
a new McLaughlin oar from Mr, Geo,
Bell, local agent at Seaforth.
Mr William Johnston has purchased
a new Chevrolet car from Mr, Dan
Shanahan. ,
Mr. and 1Virs. John Campbell spent
the week -end visiting Mr. Campbell's
unole near Sarnia, they motored there
and back.
0 honola talking machines
made in models from $25.00
M18000 Marion and Grace Soarlett
who have boon laid up with a severe
attack of Scarlet fever are regaining
their usual health as rapidly as can be
Mr, Joseph Brewster sold a beauti-
ful driving horse last week for which
Will play any make of re-
The Phanola people receiv-
ed an order from Belgium for
12,000 phonolas to be de-
livered this fall. After their
consideration of other Can-
adian makes. This alone!
should concern you in buying
to see us before making your
We will have :over zoo
copies of the latest and best
in sheet music in stock by
Opposite Bank of Commerce.
originated gives them an importance
which their crude words and the ele-
mentary character of their melodies
scarcely 000111 to warraut. The worth
often seem a mere meaningless jumble
the melody is always within the easy
compass of home voices. No doubt
both express, in some supernally wise
way, the 0110 unalterable sentiment of
maternal love.
It may he that even the words o
these baby songs had orignally some
significance they have since lost T31
mother little thinks that "Eye 'Bab
Booting" was once a tale full of verity
To her the rabbit skin is indeed a "fairy
tale," for she much prefers dainty inits•
line and silks and laces. While,
though, "papa,' may be a mighty how-
er, 16 18 well known the game he bags
is dollars. - But in that time, antedat-
Big civilization, when this song was
first sung, the rabbit Skill was 3114 ma -
Portent part of the baby's wardrobe.
It was then that it became crystal-
lized in gong 00 11101 111(10110., Attd 1310.8
have besti able to supersede it)
and it hue become 3))33'14thr..*‘l, il,11•••
111010345 that li<4 baby if aa 1:3311133133
1,18 (1i
his own thrrugh I1 is bet
one of liis thaet
Thursday June 26
Great Stock Reducing Sale
of Boots ad Shoes
eticingSa turf ay
June 2:th, at 9 a. ill.
Store closed Friday to mark down prices
Those who ever attended one of our previous sales
will need no persuasion to come
Those who don't come will have reason to be sorry.
Watch Bills for Prices
a R. seurr
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 51 Seaforth
Fine English Art
An incident of a London Red Cross IS A SKIN WHITENER
pie was the purchase by Lady Worn -
her of a panel of English tapestry, How to make a creamy beauty lotion
;probably woven at Soho in the early for a few cents.
eighteenth 0:3:tury. or *2,2i 76, to give •
h usessi, and hst Pur• int? a Ito e centering Bur ounees
1 tit the London ;itThe jut of two !Tilt lemons strainrd
e }Me of a Toft ware dish; inscribed ore turd white maces a w tole quarter
,ozoomos nea," for 600 =torn_ pint of the most remarkable Lenin) skin
Meter purcheeing it once for 660 bealltiiii-r at about OP Coot 011.3Mad
pay for a entail jar of ; 1)1 13 ;
10 the Bale erenina. care should be taken to strId
'Again for tis • i.enellt of tim Rod Cross, the lemon juieic through a fine °loth 140
! AtIS el: ware Lady Wernher nowletT. pit? 1.3010i in, Hu-nit:as 101103)
:Ware, which is very rare, was one of to bleach and 030113,0, such blemishes as
:ie,',•:0,01,;;••••:., rasoah:seaLtettaignadiunsattrihnespothrtactldfoGuegrhinta: freckles, eallowne,, and tan mid is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
make it t; .i.• het, 1:0 to kaseeb1;11.; it Wat.1 ever imported, orchard uthite ;Inv arm, jefor. tad
pox° to the British 3r1InewiL FAV''ura0 V1101;0e'11113,14 "r01110Mil°1111C1.! te3;71
the aeristauee erar3thenwle, and In character nothing , . • .
dud tr., It1 Cet liiret. of
Ito its wort* 1
two lemons from the groeer and make up
a quarter pint of this sweetly frit +rant
linnet, lotion and massage it daily into
the Mee, ;leek, arms and :hands.
. •
est eoods Self ServicePrices
'. FA,
. ,...._,,,,
1 •
arts ..een
per fa) •
4 N.40
We Redeem Coupons for White NAPTH
Soap. When you have them bring them in.
arrived. Get It
Quick. We need more
room in our storehouse.
Distributing Warehouse No.1
-ER Co,