HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-06-26, Page 1The Seaforth NeW Series Vol j7 No 26 MAROLENORANITE PIONUMINTS. 1 • News SEAFORT114, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 219t9 "Experience Counts" YOU have more confidence in deal- ing with a man who has had a wicle Practical experience WM, E. CHAPMAN of the Monninental Works, has over Forty years praetioal experience, • ,•• ia /9 Watch For Our Special Big Display in Our Window. All Will Be Special on Saturday -----.-- 0.441.04434,411 The Palm of perfection is hew out to all who would possess a box of our sweets. Nothing transcends the ginned. '•pIllexeellence of Freshly made Bond bought here. One L.i.•ik• 'Candy A ill dispel tfe tamet rid oxese the Id ,em. and .. liiatippear teeto. te,ition to,v: oat - box t0r you 4114, you den't, ,111110 other follow Armenian Expedition I - • Canadian Nurse views the Dardanelles We lett Salonika on March 11th It was very mixing to manage ear money la English, hr oh and French denim) Mations. all at the same time, we innitil and think and 00000 Med 'add for a long time b' am:erring eliaogo. You have no kW how horribly expen- SiVe every thing is oat here, Whew! When it comes te paying 2 Fromm for a 6 gout oak0 of olloophito. and all things correspond. Well we soiled out. The city look- ed poi featly !owl: iittl— the slendet, white minettits, the whi e houses and rad roots— blending on a ell with the big hill behind mod the snow cappe peaks on either 341.1,--ik 1411/144 so calm and lovely et 0 distamn-. it was hard to think it was such a place. of fifth and smells and horrid sights and Belinda We have to go slowly on account of mines, a now Mille field broke loose a few days ago, so our mine sweepers are out, we aro barely moving through the water, which I enjoy, because it makes no motion whatever on the ship. We passed the islands of LenneS and one- bros before we were up but when we came on dock we could see Asia Minor on one side and'the Island i.d Tenedoe ken the other, we had to take the chan- nel because of the mines—um passed very aloes to Tamagni, following in the wake of an Italian destroyer—and we saw lots of porpoises—and six or seven funny little English mine sweepers, "Mystery Ship".. As we came tip to the mouth of the Dardanelles, just creeping in, remember, we began to pass the poor sunken boats of the Allies --,one of the officers told rne that if the las could be dried up it .would look like a picket fence from here, to Malta of those, we oould not See, but there Were plenty that we could see—I count- ed six all at one time, just where the first landing watonade—we passed very ()lose to several, the "River Clyde" was the moat prominent—you remember how sae was beached and the troops 'poured out of her making the first landing,et the Dardanelles. Then the drench "Bouvet' lies near her, her funnels in the water and beside them battlethip Which Sortie one said was 'the "Majestic,' with. her back broken— 'She is Split,in two; Ohl it is terriblel The masts and funnels sticking up everywhere, in one place the submarine, the ii 14, in ilnother, a Turkish !tett!, shiI-', nothing showing but her rounded suit, They are all illitiefitie moon - Wen to, Wit 11114-1 entail cry to Gee them— nothnig but seagulls wheeling anent them tied the water lapping their rides anti thti wind and the min ---that's all that's left of the lire',, men who than, nod the ships and made the landing, Of coins, wo hare heard endlefla trti, 0 of them from the ellietirs and ,.r, w' III tell pin thoiii toine day, of how the non from the "River Clyde'. jumped gown boa, wsim.depp water to wadi, ashore, only to In. caught by barbed wire under the aster! And how flier tin II) (these lab,,, did get asho'n) rush over tho temics of tt.oir timid, 8, and Pi deop: Put, on th,, other hand yen p7iglit fOlta, -just a pile ef mins. We had several looks through glapaor— the "flit tv Ol yde" rh1il id Willi a/101 lire We can' the trenches on both sides of the Darda- nelles, and as far as wit enukt maim ent, not a sign of !Ho any where IV o' have 011 hours seine haliati Prow—tall, stately kraal, yet like Children iii their interest iu US, They wore turbans, and have un open men on deck In which they 001,11 their own funny foeds—Our shadows are not per- mitted to fall on it, yet they appear oblivious to a groat deal of dirt. They make ti sort of onion stew and cakeS like pain:ekes. They are very friendly and mild looking, but their, officers assure us they are the biggest bunch of 000-turouts ill the world, Some of them landed at Chanak, whore we stop. pad for ia time to. --day, Wo are now almost it, the sea of Marmara and they say we will be in Constantinople to- morrow, that will make three weeks of a trip—which is malting excellent time it is extremely hard to write, I am interrupted continually. Writing Tice is the hardest thing I do, Keep me posted of what is happening in the world. I feel out of everything entire- ly. fl They Cleanse While They Cure,- - l'he vegetable compounds of which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are compos- ed, mainly dandelion and maxidrake, clear the stomach and inteatines of deleterious matter and restore the de- ranged organs , to ' healthful action, Hence they are the best remedy far indigestion available to. day, A trial of them will establish the truth of this assertion and- do snore to,, convince the ailing than anything that can be writ- ten of these pills. ifilermamilmoomoutammelosamore d Time Picnic Under Auspices of St. James Parish in eASE'S GROVE July 1st 1919 Commencing at 10 a.m, Speakers Major Rev. McCarthy, 111, M. Stratford — Chaplain with the Princess Pats, Capt, Rev. F. E, White, St Col- umban—Chaplain Field Artillery Cant, Rev. Thee. Hassey, Kin - kora, Chaplain 3rd Division. Jonathan Horner, M, P. Thoa, McMillan, Dancing DOUGLASS ORCHESTRA Six Pieces Midway A long list of interesting attrac- tions and exhibits. Athletic Sports Running, jumping, vaulting and games of skill and strength for everyone, Tugtvofsrwar Hullett, MoKillop, Tuckorainith and Hibbert. Baby Show Fairest : Fattest and Finest One year or under, Games Dolls, Hoopla, Swings, Crown and Anchor, Fish Pond, Country Store, Steeple obese., etc, Cool Grove—Jolly Crowd—Plenty of Music and Amusement—Big Feeds. Interesting Speakers Don't Miss This the Biggest andBes ADMISSION: Good Prizes PiGnicof the Season.. 0 WS4003133441:33361115011,11133014. FMIWOOmMeawIllirasOwaxelialitiiiMAA4 $1.50per year Spend Domon Day in Coderich Greatest Program in Western Ontario Tuesday, July 1, 1919 AEROPLANE FLIGHT'S DEMONSTRATION BY GREAT WAR VETERANS BASEBALL—ZURICH(winners of Clinton Tourna- ment) vs. QODERICH (winners of Blyth Corn petition) BABY SHOW HORSE RACES 2,10 trot or pace Purse $15o 2.25 trot or pace Purse $300 2.5o trot Cr pace Puite $100 CONCERTS BY BAND OF THE 33rd REGT. HIGHI AND DANCING FLORAL PARADE, etc. CONCLUDING WITH A GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE EVENING SOIVIFTHING DOING ALL DAY LONG ADULTS 25C; DINNER 35C; SuprEs. 35c eome and have the time of your. Hie at "Hl's 63olden ',IIILDREN I5Cl DINNER 25C StTyrExt 25C sop SAVE TE -ii KENO 1 • Cilairma., :14 j‘Ipv.,r •` . 14r- ; • ‘te Rev. it B. 'Moyer • se tate, tihrt they 1,, -At-iti it, ele • 4=-7, ha'r ,,•,l dew to itioOt .7Or 1'k Saystel ne, he mutt, from sob A ,r it. ti! Last ittuntl,ty iter, 14. 11. Moist preached Om linai Aeration of his peel En*. Ate to largo ttougregttione both mem. lug sail evening Ile has (witty apart 1,13101' ii8-mforth hut lirring that -tine Mr. and M04, 110)111' It 310 Stcitreel a (loop place in the ta ctioit tif Ela ally the members of hie oWit Miegrog- ion but of. the town generally In the evening hie sermon was on ti's pow - ..r anal purity of Christ as seen by St, Potor The sermon was eloquent and inspirit/4, in 'closing he thanked the members for their 101 tilts and hospital. The church had been freed of debt and ho had plitlint.d for 110-,tv work in ill i corning year, tint iteetita had broken Ow tie ;mil a not h f•r Weithl take work. inoi no idea that one leer woolti cued 11111I 314 deeply rooted hem, lie aim bespoke iso his successor the entree warm loyalty that he receirt;d, Decoration Day Sunday war Decoration Day at the Maitiandbank cemetery Crowds mime in from all directibno and the road at the setileterk was Afloat blocked with 11110,, The 1, 0.0 F. Ludo marched from their rooms to God's acri+ and there the graves of the not:eased mem- bers Wore duly remernbc,red and flowers were reverently placed by the brethren on each, according to their ritual. Ai. ter which 0109uent speeches word made by Mayor Harburn and the resident clergy, A Wonder 411 i113t 101,, 14, ,t14,14 ',town to III., fittni YAWN; Ara, 11 Minor at,d ebildien tat d oh, ro roamed '11 arcuaol 1,1aida, alai altar.ab I tit 1311111:431114,1414;13 I 31.111.111:1-'43 At 01111 they are wild an,!, Whore oltie• on Yalta 1171 cal, tall,: 111 your band 11 11111 prim e aneraright nit ikiainst them, File-, w :ached ti,e .it r. lug ct,l alitling and 1,--eding. I,, OW, 1.11141k1 ,Each had gel .1 511,01./ nesting ill an al, chi barrel, You ',multi see her sitting P' 011th,, oxg0 anti just outside wits ate old gander who kilo, watch, Jack Miner Tames the Wild. Birds -••••••-- Jock Hiner,. one time hunter, and now student and lover of wild birds, the only man in the world who receives annual visits from the wild ducks and geese that migrate between the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson's Bay, has been giving illustrated lectures in the vari.. ous towmcof Bruce County, and from the reports published in the press of the comity, the audiences have been more than delighted. Many friends will be glad to know that Mr. Moyer announced on Sunday that he will no here this fall, in Seatorth, Excellent Stereeptioan alidea showed ,piaturea of old friends, • goose that re- turned to Miner's farm in Kingsville for the seventh time—ducks that had come back to thank iim tot his kind- ness and brought their friends whir Warts will render the prettiest bands unsightly. Clear the exorescemes them to spend a month with J'ack— A gent leumn calve itiong with his dog to thin night lull tile deg Wio, not alleWod to stity--eVery tinie mune near tho gander fold hini to go away. Mr. Miner thinks the geese travel ai about a 0111-' a berate Starting they fast for twenty -ionic hours and they 'mho thousand miles weal only ote• stop, They arrive in Er (1418 1131410101A OW 14311113 1.1011; erery 4,a1 Veg, March let soil 10111,a, -May let, , their way south they et!! and stay for the month 1 t Cents latent hundred doilsre to entertain these annual visiters who eat tip about servo hundred 6111•11VI•, day, Honey Fold we understand is now helping to feed them and cm gov- ernment have very generously voted e hundred dollars to 'It, tkas game war- den and this also is d..voted to the Care of Mate feathered friends, On one day it woe estimated by Mr. Ford that there wore 3500 birds at the farm Clinton Convention A Convention of Temperance work- ers was bald at Clinton last week. Di., Irwin was in the chair. Treasurer Roberton reported a vmall balance, The principal speaker, was HON'. A, Si(); Granttiiea of efreTnodruomn to which otiwasoL. g:%ioe xdi by discussion. The present organisation will be us- ed as a basis in tile coming battle A Banquet was held at 6 p, tn, pre- pared by the Girls' Club when speeches were in order. At the evening session the principal speaker was Rev, H. B. Moyer of Sea - forth. Officers were elected to the various departments. The singing was led by Mr, Willis of Wingbrun, , . his away by using Holloway's -Corn Cure, robins that flockedto s windows and which acts thoroughly and painlessly. 'e4-'17-",' • tt‘ INCREASED II OM ESE WING has brought an increased need for notions whether a spool of a certain shade thread or plain pearl buttons or notions with a fancy feature attached, we endeavor tohave the range complete here all the time Brittiant Crochet Cotton in all colors, at ball .8 Coats' Mercer Crochet Cotton in white and ecru, at ball. 12ic & t8c Clark's Crochet Cotton Nos. 2 to 5o at ball, . :oc Embroidery Needles, all sizes, at, package .7c spitig vo fan La stare.: P.' - B men 21C- ; A Lit 2i1".. -; S E 1:.°•• A Bit of 11.a.lIqV LL it 4;41.4 ;20,,- ;1- F.A;4•iii-ig „i• t• Ve,1 iO itee :111,, 0111'1 ,Vs,'.,U•li,14. ,.', 1'3 4) S7,50 to $3 SO GOWNS S'I-AMPED FOR EMBROIDE The designs printed on a fine white nainsook. The gowns are completely ready made, just few scallops and fl.•.w, ers will finish the garment $1.75 & Mercerized Em- broidery threads in white and co. lors .05 Large skeins of white mercerized embroidery (6 strand at skein 15c Pure Silk Em- broidery thread in all colors at skein 7c Padding Cotton per bail 5c & 8c MACTAITIS SEAFORTH