HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-06-12, Page 8We recommend our Mange
Shampoo for dandruff or our
Coco Butter Shampoo tar dry
scalp and tailing hair, or for
a good head wash our lam -
mils ?emotive Shampoo
Rev, Fr'White was ascot ted to St,
rc ata a Mil !Ili
ttee intend. to rush the building
as much as possible,
Messrs. J. 0, Adams, U. Geddes, p1,
Brown and l2. Adams attended the
flume.' of the late M Lockhart on Sun
Dublin day as representatives of tho local e,
Also ''our Owl Massage for
closed pores and black heads ;
This will clean the skin, I
Have pour Hair Cutting and
Shaving done bp us.
We guarantee to put a shoo-
ing aa!r(3 on pour razor.
Qbmmeredal Barber Shop, C4th
t'oiulnban, his fernier Name by the
largest procession ever 'seen in theme
parts. Fr White had seen three years
service overseas. Au address and 2
chaie were presented to him by the
.Rett Cron Society,
Rev, Fr, Bruise who hoses ably con-
ducted serviette
on-ductedservicoe in St. ('oluu.ban during
Fr, White's absence was given a purse
well filled by the congregation.
Bd aura to be at the garden party at
Mr. Alex Darling's on Friday night. It
W. ROBINSON ib given by the Anglican Ckureh, iso
Inspector Lee of 'l.'orodto visited the
separate School last week
Soatorth Tile Ifarks
v1'e wish to announce to the pnblio
that w. hare a quantity of cerem t
for stile 4 and inch. Having lied 'u
years of experience iu C en ens, work
l_ 1
can guarantee tile satisfactory, not .o
crumble, also cement b!ork imitable
tor veranda pieta, 1'ie;ieu call and
xamine them,
Se.a.n .h,
ii' 1l
h e it m'
TEt EC GREYHOUND Ring t th i 1 h t' 1
K'iss'es C txlitrirai 11 r, ku',,:
rt Elliott lies x new rtitrber
TUESDAY i 1 N 17111 r<d i ttti r,
,l.he A i'1 tint dot...,
ld.t)o A. Di, new ince Mr. John ytowatt le buyu,g wool and
Arrit'i•,i I) fruit )0 P. M.
is paying from 45 to o6 emits for it.
ltein'nit;$ tenyi:a Detroit There was no service, ii. filmdom
'Mete day, jun ` Intl Lou p. ill, church on nnncley
Le=tr it thno - Detroit Ili is the scares bergt. Seely of Clinton is moving to
as tlodericli old time.; , Varna,
$2.25 rourd trip Mr, :iud Ir , F. Colon it is visit- 1
I`8 tug iu Miutuiten.
Mr. and Mra, Geo Clara, were gestate
Children, between ., ;a i ' --- half fare of Mr. end Mrs, J. E. [iarnwell.
Don't sties til op;, -at lair!, re visit Itis cosec Th, t
p Jule blit been yialtiig e
America'caaes 1 n'ifi • nal most pros•
perone city, :'s ailRiun l.p.r'•caioti a achou s siert'.
city of beeu'ifitc n ria et end el. --
verde and :i et ld.: fel leatra t, Manley
Canadians et:ai : ; .,, 17.•:11, • Lei , - _
The het weather of last week proved
a bouaza for this cool. pretty summer
semen. Every ecttege has been taken
for the mummer hurl1 .rl'd and lodging
is being sought Ii, vain. From all parts
the hot anal weary laden are Coming
for refrealltnent,
R.ere Erwin eras in (loderich laat
week attending the Comity C'omieil.
Mr, Chester Rowantroe and the.
tiissee Rotvantret of London anent
last week here.
Mrs. Scott ami 11isses Austin mild
Towere of Detroit were guests of Mrs.
Atkinson !mit creek,
Mrs Beth r to aura fatuity of London
have been ,.' dna:. to,taeo.
Rue Ii loelerer,n nae orileint•d at
tl e i irtl .?::,1st eotrfars., c :,t: �uv+ray.
HN att..Iitcd i1:0 e+•as:,:t: dnrii a rite
• Mrs Jeec of 2ret+-,it It she gloat if
Mrs. N. ,.v te.,
iI 1-r ee cola's M'f p 02 I sullen
bee been bar ac. .i.a:,.t. .121. where his
erre. is st:yit.r
0. F.
Pte, lthas. Leo has returned frown
overseas. He enlisted with the 1 list
ba ttaliau.
Mrs, Win. Armstrong visited relatives
in London reeently.
Mrs, MaK in io of Cleveland- hae
been spending a few days at the home
of her brother, Ai r t Fred Johnston.
Mrs .1. 0. Luunsberry and family.
are spending a few week holidays in
e` o,lllsta'nce
There was no service ill the Method
ist Church on Saeday,
Miss Edna Love of Walton has bee»
visiting her sisters, Mrs, Ed. Britton
and Miss Margaret Love.
Clerk Finglaud of Lottdosboro and
Reeve Ariustrong were here taking the
aesesarneut for the lsinnnrn drain.
e were. all ,tail to
g get the cool
spall en Saturday.
Rev Air. Bentley wss attending the
Conference :u Goderieh last week once
this, lis lie leaving here for Granit
Mr. J. W. Button of Seaford, has
beet, :appointed to this circuit.
The proceeds of the Ladies' Aid Soc-
iety BIer.:1dr amounted to the hand -
come of $76. en
t I e tan at lust Friday Was tvulcom
e1V .i r'etytr;d the Alt and helped th
gi ',t'th . f grain, ,
There tlrl nea genercl tlelnonstra
a .1 iii t4tr, A, it, U, tY . Halt on Tut.
toy .June i7 at ,i p. vii. of tho 050 an
t of aluutiauuu. Luech will will be
atltca:t. A tilidiniltntnt Sei10( pan will
u iv,•n friar, to each lady proseent
This delaem1tratiou is metier the all
nes Ili the Women's Institute,
If You Can't Get to Town
Banking by by mail is a good way of doing
business without the necessity of coming
into town yourself.
Forward your deposits to us by money.
order or registered mail. The amounts .
will be acknowledged and added to your
account upon receipt.
110 N"NK
an IBII(SIet1! FEeitaan issis iiisaa®aii115 Witratatsis1st•q@tllffiBiAit91NitttO69,`:I rlii'iii.
hay when in bloom, the hest quality
hay may consequently be redhead, It
is a mistake to believe that bettor
Grope may be secured if otttting is
somewhat delayed Some slight in-
creesefu the yield may be obtained
but what is seined in qualrtity is lost in
quality and fee.liuya stelae pound fa
Under the eirinnustanots, early cutt-
ing of timethy fey hay tenet of nooses
ity he teuommended e.e the more soon.
onrlcal method •of e. caring a hay of the
highest possible value .
Conference Changes
The following changes take place in
this vicinity in the Methodist Church
es givers i» the first draft.
Cliutoti—Wesley Ci nteh, Rev, D. N.
11c('amins; Ontatlo Street, Iter, S.:1;
r. Auder'c,t .
u God-rich—Ninth St's..., l+, D. Mayor,
Victoria Street. Rev, e F. 12eecroft,
Stith -nth E. W. It'dwerds,
t 1/ulmm-tile- 12. J. Kennedy
i3otuufllar—ll. Koun••cfs
ti Blt•niioirn---Itev. A 1 , Jc11t•:'. Q
Rev. 1)r. Rutledge 1. :e1perultnn.ited.
I Ernest 1''c:?loci: of Sr, Thomas is vis- . When to Gut Grass
a hie home an the item leli and Ciovol' tor Hay
It is regrettable that it is a ton gen
eel prastirn among farmers in Canada
to leave the Tray erups to be outmnch roc
long. •Phare are, as a matter of feet
a large number of farmers who delay
the mating of the hay urop far beyond
the time when it would pay theta the
most to out, In many cases the reason
for the delay is that it is a general be.
ref that a somewhat Increased tonnage
Tasty be secured if cutting is postponed,
and in other muter. the late cutting is
practised because it is oven believed
hat a better quality of hay may be ob-
altred than if eluting were done earlier
in the cane of Easteltl Canada, where
mixed clover and timothy, or timothy
alone, aro the fundamental hay plants,
[urar7 tat at. r ? ,, a tow eugg+.stione based on experience
>.11 Harry f e 11isrrit has purchased a , may be fcittld.itut to be out of order.
tax or tae Ai: n `, b It, !: new 111-2e'litau lrlt..urattnttal 'tractor
eitn 1t a will b: n : 111 nr a , ga nerl.f farm 0001 it. 'Timothy and red stover are the stun-
sloud ;t• lie r - dare hay pilaus which universally are
rows together, The clover to outwit -
ming the bulk ef the hay crop the
ear after twee -ling, and the timothy it
riiiebieg the bulk of the hay the fol -
owing year or years- Supposing that
farrier has a field of mixed clover
lid timothy, what would be the best
me for him to'butit for hay? The
over develops early and is ready to
lit some time before the timothy hat
ached its best stage. Shall the farm.
r cut the lacy when the red clover fs
n itdprime, or shall he waft until the
uiothy is at its baste The answer is:
It when the clover le at its best, not-
ithstanding that the 'timothy mixed
$1.75 Single
"tt s 'ilonlea Erknrt r•.turrt h0m5 g
f i•.•ar1
nares eeviiday._ ti
B vr11 1t i rein l Mr. J: h:1 I„rt. f M3a,lh y .lac• y
?+Iur ay .1r.i i !41 trip oy mill Vera
int bf in 1 ::5 t i.,,. Lrc✓.
Flelc,l11 m• tc*.•d to I
...ra'a 1 ni ti his• uta !
26111• , t leo
1 .ifs; Sinn a.
orrh• , and 41,011nttg is :vlaerc-r 1icLouj;bli» to regmilling his ti
•• r i iiall 7,.,�:1?, Ileal h alter a eryhi•t, i.l(ai!ii a t]i li ar ill- el
ml:u15 rheiana1iein.'
, The many t,iereds of stir. 4vlilia Mau- re
ley are pleased to roe alar its le able e
to be around 3201 ;. ; 11
Mr, Thee. 1IIeK;.1 had a nai'ru:t'
oa1,5 of gorril g verioilsly injnrr li lost c1
While bidding tu•uiu a it lilt thr, ypr• isle:r
-,.• �s�w:,daxlc:cwuerecarw,vats�,;
For the Snood is as, Li
r, Eh YOU'
e. SUFFER!,�`a9
▪ ?deal cow eilnea50 dWtS to lnti,Nvu ttau h
▪ Mitch no Scuionse, ilicroli.lin, aemrvy, 2
Roge, Abapeaa e, 2.170*,,, t•t ngatae'�h
:a, belie, ,n:Aiadr S,' e$iin'J kind, PII ail el P 0 ,iikiu tl rn,
Clout, ta, done est yoursuet n$ money
n lotions awl ointments which commit
below rite surface f cin side stir rat you e.',,111 '
1- a mads ,an tint will threwilighly frrtll bk,nd -
't9 c pnisonoU6 «ulster Which alone i. the true
cause of All pour sugaring•. 51,4501'. -;Rod 46
M;xturei,,j119R each a medicine. 11. 'tnposed
or In7- adients vheek quickly expel from the
brood all impurities, from whatever ,mice
arising and by rendering it cies.-mud pure,
can be rugs,i ea to ether a Listing cur.
I rho ea oft li ' Ni
lerrta r J ectad
rPlo «r [53Rd,
over 80 Pests'
Pleasant to
CURIES , .. .ALA..
ith it may nut be as well developed as
fight he climbed, for the reason that
11e clover is the t11oi s•;tluabls hart of
1e mixture, 13y cutting early, the
Iver is given a chance bo recuperate
id to produce a remunerative second
op, whish it might fail to do if the
Ming fur flay is delayed too long fur
lu sake of the timothy,
In ease timothy forms the principal
part of the hay crop, which it generally
sea two years or more after seeding
hay, it is important to handle it for
oy in a proper manner, Timothy,
like most other greases, has a period of
its own when it has the greatest feed-
ing value and when the hay made from.
it is apt to futuish tete maximum feed-
ing value per acre. This period is the
time of blossoming, At that time,
timothy is richest in flesh and milk
producing constituents and, if out for
the horses atartr,,, l's .,t. s ail Rr ttfttg
on, tIu•utvlary; him ell. t1• <..ritiapr„1 with
±i -ripe ;inlei4.
Por Infants and Children t?
ami Use For Over 30 Ye ;i's
Always bears
Signature of
t m
Pts, Rev Crawford has rotur•nsd from
overseas after being through sorne of
the heaviest fighting it* the war.
'I'lie Memorial Hall Committee has
purchased a site for the new Memorial
Hall from Mr, John Cartwright, The
1360/ell yolutg m011 1,111 ordained on
Sunday ared three prebationore were
appointed, Chas_ Fdaisit•s, Follartou
Howard Reberteen, t'harheni mini .1, W,
Butte», Settiorth,
Afton' ill Years of Astltuia Dr. J, D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy proved ti
only relief for olio grateful neer, and
thie is but one cure among many.
Little wonder that it has naw become
the one recognised remedy on the Har-
ker, It hae earned the fame by its
never eafeetl*'pi; , _ - .It is earning it
to -day, as it nas dote for years. It is
toe greatest asthma slleefio within the
reach of entt'eritig humanity.
MORIIIsoiv—L, fkdlett r,,whship oil
May 260, to Mr, and ' Mr. Wm,
Monism,, of rho gravel road, aeon,
BIRD—In 'Toronto, on May 28th to Mr
and Mrs. E A. hirci, formerly of
t'Vilegham, a daughter,'
HOrd41-4 •ON—In Cromarty on May
31st to Me. and Mrs w, Houghton,,
a 5011
FIT%1'<tTRf 1 K-M01t$ninf•--Its Toren -
to , n pe .,da • aorto •hid, Miss Pee -
trite. 31i,raiui, i-teuucl tlottghter of
Mr, W 11, T. Dl .rmin, forinei v of
Seafortleill i5, rJohn Fennels Fitz•
patricic nit Toronto,
O'REILLY-k'LANAGA1v—At ,'t. Col.
umber), .111 ,iune 3rd. by Rev Fetther
Whitt f1j:lI':a,.1 Lucy Flanagan/
daughter el '11rs. 'T. Flanagan, to
Francis (PI -tidily, son of Mrs, J.
O'Reilly of McKuilo.,
Ratepayers in the Township of Me-
Kill<Ip may pe,1) their Kiuburn Drain
Assessments at the Dominion Baul,
Seabirds until June 20-tlr 1919, Parties
paying please take their Kinburn
Drain By-ltiiw with them,
13) order of the McKillop Commit.
May ulst 1ot9,
Cauliflower Plants
Geniune Eatt'Iy Snowball
50 for El';L' postOafd
Shipped sitceessf:tlly everywhere,
Ask for price list of Cabbage, Celery
anvil utller Veget,ihie Ylants,
1l1:Rc7L1u'S FARMS,
h.iiitland, Ontario,
Niagara District.
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns oft with
Doesn't ]curt e hill Drop a little
T,reezone on an aching corn, instantly
Chet'corn stops hurting, then yell lift
it right out. rtes, magic!
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but s
few cents at any drug store, but is suffi-
cient to remove every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, and the
calluses, azithout soreness or (irritation.
Freezone is the sensational disoovesy
of :a Cincinnati genius, It ie wonderful,
TI1ursday Juane I2
Footwea r
,. Yl
"The Y: YA
l le
Phone 5;
of Good Shoes"
Creation of Provincial
The goetortiment is dealing efRcient•
kr, vigoronult ,'.:d rapidly with the
;inaction cif tot( and pror:ii-
lar nor, fo •,d .. id inedi.c•ced
soldier 1u :1 r t Ig from 51411
front. 1 1 -, f 1i t t for a to .•
time be gitin let Iy to Lids
prob t .. ; t 1 ed.ze.el taut
. her her-
oes a -.ta fur ,e,_
Emplre. de', "-eel °no ars, tlta
lart . !, t, 1', t...
bill 1 , .
pro etc ,. 1 a,L ,bloc
invaltu d 1 ii,1 a
abi' tt ',Id ene0ttn.:3
t1111e1 10 fdr0 ci4a 'rtlttt'.iy to 1
11001141,, 1 .,dl:rod. The 4I
they 41051,!141: ,er/ttuirsiut of Wlliclt
Senator I atlyh d is ahan'n,an, Wes
caked 50 go into the whole question
and devise n sointlen. A groat dr.ti
od thought anti attention has been
given to the cuhject and a conlprehen-
.e ache»:.: r1tvi,604 it. was nail ,gel
A Curb for Fever and Ague. —Dis-
turbanee of the stomach and liver al-
ways precede attacks of fever and agne
showing cle:ratigeiner,te of the digestive
organs mid deteriol anon in the quality
of thelilood. In thhs+: ailments. Par.
melee's Vegetable Pills have been found .
Most effective, abating_ the fever and
anladtiir.g the ..agent it. a flew clays.
There are many who aro Snbject to
these diet l.tairlg itlstnrbateeee alld to
these there is ne better on-pant/don
procurable as a toe •.ns of relief,
Corns canna ester. viten IIol!ow..s it
Corn t101 fs applied to thee,. because
it gime to the roots and kills this gm.Iw-
Best Goods Self Ser vice I Lowest Prices
Li "e buoy
per bar
Old Dutch Cleanser
Handy Ammonia
Gold Dust
14'0 . -2..?
85c C
m '
.lt 0 A y
.per pk, .i rets.
9ct s, �
2 pks for 2 5cts
!,s A hey
i m
Distributing 'V rehouse No.1