HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-06-12, Page 5:Ph WAfait June 12•44 vatammossammaegmammaameram4444444444444
anking r i e
"TOUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
evvelry confidence that ,careful : and
efficient service will be rendered,.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Seaforth Branch .f. C. Mullen, Manager
We J. Walker
W, J. Walker, holder of gov-
ernment Diploma and License
Day or Night oal.'e receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone ,67
Night '„• r8
We have TELEGRAPHY, 00M-
Departments, We give individ- :
'nal instruction.: 'Student' are
enteeing ..eaeh week. Our :grade-'
ates .secure,positions.of trust,,
Get 'our” free ' 0atalogtie' ;not*' it
niny interest you. •'
D. R. McLachlan;
Principal I
Look, Mother! If tongue is coated,
cicnnae little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest racy after giving
"Cali#ornisr f yntp of Pips," because in
P. few hours all the slogged -up wast.,
ntr bile and fermenting food gently
stoves out of the bowels, and you have
• r;edl, playful child saran.
Sick children neerdn't be coaxed to
.alto this .barmier% "fruit laxative,'
srrilione of ,uother, keep it ljv le.
raises they know its antion wn the eines-
'ell, liner and bowed, is prompt and sur,,
Aek your dray,giel for a bottle .•
3alifotuta. Syrup of tales," wbi.tb tee -
, : -
tine direetione for babirx, children • ,'
'11 ages and for ;crown -ups.
Frame Hones, 7 rooms and pantry
summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights, large ve
raudah. .Stable ly' x112' lean hoist• 9
i-"' .
Apply at the
News Office
Sen11 your (:ream to 'i Am:d rcesive
toi, prices, We are running o;ur plant
he year through and can handle your
Inll„eupply and furnish you with Dane.
' We pay twice each month and weigh
sample and test each 0311 of cream car -
fully. Our motto iti " Honesty to our
Patrons" F•mteoite are requester) to re
urn all our cans when not in net,.
3 atter anlBettormilk al re rem hand
u d for at ma*Iter prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat,...........: $2.1'.
Bran per ton........................86,ti11
Shorts per ten 41
Flour .6.75
Bettor a 0-58
.......................... h7-47
flogs to farmers................„.2200
For Sale
House and half acre, of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, olose to
the Presbyterian Cheroh and is known
as the Purcell property, Good oom
Portable hence, good Shed, good well
and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes. This is a corner pro
party with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of oultivation.
'L'hie is a nice property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
earth:eters apply on the premises Orta
John Rankin, Seaforth.
Bonds ` for sale
bearing • interest , from
5 to 7 p.' c, -half yearly
If you have any unemploy-
ed funds now is the time
to buy some of 'these.
Choice securities. Pio ex-
pense to -investor.
All information cheerfully
Bast! agd Aallcillri >Ireker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone ql e
Vocal A gcflt Wanted
for the "Old Reliable”
'I housands of Orcha'ra trees
need replacing .
War Gardens call for small
fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu-
barb plants etc.
The demand for Ornamental
stock in towns and villages is
Secure a paying Agency with
liberal commissio ts, Exper-
iCnce not 'net;cssary.
(Established 1837)
The Omani' inFlax Mills Litrite
Seaforth, Out, will rent a large acreage
of sod land, Spring or Fall ploughed,
Will furnish seed free and do the *sed•
log Former will plow, disc, harrow
and roll,
Phone M. McOormiek, Seaforth 212,
alter (i p. m. 202.
mem.. rEseem-xtemalrala.,•••
14,I A.:.L.4& �t�um,a �2'Z{f _ -,mr,.wvw•.
_ mrN.a.,.suer=tta•�ay.•.�.wa�ur},.,.....w•
I�.,.RN, M..14,4 -4.441.41,44441,444„C4
owrr `epics
4 Of
■ rW'"...^a%+.•-Mald®vmnt keeeem^n 't�I
Tke Neigh Cost of Living-Oloonomy
e the word te•day. Make your old
garments do instead of purehering new,
tines. Flays them dry eleansd end
pressed, Dry cleaning whoa properly
dens len p,thens the life of garmeute,
preserves their fresh new appearance
and este as a •lisinfeotant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often causes sickness
and death clue to germs, clothing
should be cleaned at frequent iutsrvals
My Wardrobe, Gsderioh St„ Seaforth,
Opp, Queen's Hotel-
Sergeant Harold MetTab of the
Amereian Army is visiting_ friends here,.
Mese 1, Twine and Pte, Melville
Twins are yieitiva relatives in Barrie,
Mrs, J. B. Frisks* of Butte Montana
is with her mother Mrs. al, A, Gaetz-
meyer, •
Mm. "J, C. Hoffman of Hamilton is
the guesi of her sister Mrs. M. Y.
Sergt, C. R, Clarke, Ptes, Johnston
and O'Brien returned last week,
Miss Carolyn B. Holmes of the Amer
loan Red Cross is spending her holi-
days at the home of her parents Mr.
and Mrs, 5, T, Helmer
Mdea Jesu Govenlook of Goderioh
was a week end visitor at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs J. R. Goven-
1 ock.
Mr. W. Harkness of Timmins Algoma
was a visitor as the home of Mr, R.
Mr, and Mrs, T. G. Scott went to
London on )Friday to meet their son
Corporal Thompson Scott who has re-
turned from overseas.
Lance Corporal Kenneth McKay
who enlisted with the 161st Battalion'
arrived home.on Friday from England,
Pte, Albert Habktrk' an Hervey
Ireland returned on Friday from over-
Rev. F H. Larkin 'D. D. who came
up from Hamilton to occupy his own
pulpit on Sunday returned on Monday
for the remainder of the Assembly
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Goatee spent a
few days iu Stratford last week:
Mrs, John Habkirk end son Mr, Wm,
Habkirk left last week for Chicago to
visit relatires,
Messrs. Lew and James Devote—eve
spent a few nays in Detroit last we: -lc,
Mies Awns Woods *pens a few d.evs
hr 'l.'orente this week,
Air, E. ltfcl"suil one in Str..r,fsn• l on
. Mice Henry cola in, eherg., of ;be
Primary room as Surn' • Wea.is was in
Teton to on Monday
Mise Richmond of Blenheim is a
guest at tho home of Mrs, A, Ycnre,
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Fowler motored
up from London and spent Sundaes
with relatives here,
Mrs, (Dr,) Patton and daughter of
Se Thomas and Mr, Colwell of Van-
oonver lately returned from overseas
are visitors at'the tome of Mr. J. Pat'
Miss Alice Archibald is vtsitsng her
niece km Brooklyn,
Judge Jaokeon and two children of
Lethbridge are guests at the house of
Mr„Jackson iu Egmoudville,
Mrs, Joseph Pinkney of Stratford is
a visitor at the Memo of her parents
Mr, and Mrs, it, L, Clarke,
41rs, H, D. Moyer is visiting friends
in Toronto,
Mrs, Oscar Neil sena Sunday with
Stratford friends,
Mrs A, T Georg;, and family are
spending a fury weeks with Mr. (leorge.
in Kitohoner.
Alias Jean Wallace and Miss Janet
Grieve spent Sunday int Goderich,
A beautiful hydrangea grown by Mrs,
W, Miller is on ashibitiiu iu the whi-
tlow of Mr, C, Abcrhart'e drug store,
store, It is one of the finest specimens
to be 'Mena,
Mee, Jerald; Cole of Toronto is visit•
ung her father Mr, T. Hrlle of_Lgmond
Mr, aiirl Mre. W. Hill of Dublin were
town rieitome.
Miss Heed' Thompson spent Sunday
at her home in Listowell.
Rev, H. B. ;Moyer was appointed
Secretary of Ooderioh district for social
Mr 011as. Barclilf aged 67 died sud-
denly at Clinton on Tuesday. Be was
a former resident of Seaforth.
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for fixe cups
Sold only ira sealed p wlcat-1, a
ii•;g 126
L,ee t e:eta;.�ilio” ..
Mr, Btiward.M:oFenl left on. Saturday
to visit friends in St, Thomas,
Mre, A. L, Porteous entertained' the
members of her Sunday school class to
tea at her hone on Friday evening,
Mies Beatrioe Marshall who has accept-
ed a position iii Hamilton was made
the recipient of a chatelaine purse and
box of handkerchiefs by the girls of
Mrs. A. Sparks Sr. left en Tuesday
for Cereal Saek to visit her dairgliter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson spent
Friday in London,
•.s, ;,a,.;.', c x, c'
Rev, and Mrs, J, H. Brown, Mrs.
Halmstead, Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Edge and
Miss Clara Pinkney and Miss Brown
were in Clinton on Tuesday attending
the Huron Deanery meeting,
Mrs. Clarence Hell of Toronto is a
visitor at the home of her parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Horan.
A number of Seaforth Cddfellows
went to Mitchell on Monday night and
exemplified the third degree,
Mr. Wm. Pinkney went to Stratford
on Monde), to meet his bride ,who
same from England. They arrived
home Tuesday. '
A fire in Clinton did much damage
to Ball's photo gallery and the stores of
druggist ELowey sue Jeweler Johnson
were damage by water.
Town Council
Met ,lune 9th, Present the whole
Beattie—i'arke—That the report of
Fimruc. Committee amoturtiug to
$686 58 be paid,
OIntl'—P,eatlie--That ,l, C, Woods and
S'li'm, rlunnts be allowed to tap the
u'atet male,
Golding--ltarher—That the cirri: 'se.
cures in fit ut ction re Il ousitig'42 stem
(rnldiug—thurhot —'I"lint $4"mu' Vmn.t
i.onde ire e...iri the V1. I., & ,1m-
Barber—tioldmrrg—nkat Il. .1,•1,111.eut,
he paidi2.Inu per clay,
Bent tie— Pei ke...-i'hrit a new gunk be
gut far time writer reaggun,
ulutl'—Grieve—That tire Hydro Nang.
inner prepare plans for the water
work extensiorm.
Golding—Barber—That the clerk be
autheried to explain through the
local papers time facts about street
oiling etc.
Leading Varieties of Spring (:rails.
'he old -Six -rowed barley gave way
to the Mandecheuri, and that in turn
has given place to the O.A.C. No, 21,
which is now grown throughout On-
tario to the exclusion of practically
all other varieties. Tho Egyptian and
the Black Tarterian varieties of oats
which were popular at one time have
bee1S'largely displaced by the Banner
and more recently by the O.A.C, No.
72 and the O.A.C. No, 3 varieties,
The 0 .C, No. 72 variety has a com-
paratively strong vigorous straw,
spreading tread, and white grain of
good quality, the hull being Quite
thin, In 'experiments at the Ontario
-Agricultural College it has surpassed
the Banner in yield per Rare to each
of nine out of ten years. It has made
a phenomenal record in connection
with the Ontario Standing Field Crop
Competitions, trgkinr; snore first prizes
than all other varieties of oats com-
bined. The O.A,C, No. S variety is
ten days earlier than elle Banner or
the O,A.C. No, 72, and is an excellent
variety for mixing with barley when
it is desirable to grow the two
combination. Of the spring wheats
the Red Fife, the Marquis and the
Wild Goose are the principal varie-
ties. At the present time, however,
when the demand for wheat for bread
production is so urgent the Mereuis
and the Red Fife, and especially the
former, should be grown as exten-
sively as possible in Ontario. Spring
rye does not yield equal to Winter
rye but its cultivation will perhaps
be inereaeod somewhat during the
present year. The O.A.C.'No. 61
variety has given the best results,
surpassing all other kinds in yield of
grain per acre.—Di. C. A, Zavitz,
0. A. College, Guelph.
The Coming Circus
Sparks World Famone Stows are
billed to exhibit at Stratford, Tuesday
June r7, and from the newepaper re.
porta preceding them their exhibition
will be worth going many mites to wit -
Of the many features carried by the
show this season, some of the Animal
Acts are without doubt the most won -1
derful and thrilling ever presented to l
an American audience, The big group!
of fighting forest•brotl lions, all full 1
grown males, give an exhibition that is
full of thrills, autd the audience is left
with a positive feeling of awe at man's
wonderful mastery over the brute creat-
Another extraordinary featurewi th
the show is Capt. Tiebor'e troupe of
educated Seals and Sea Liana These
interesting sea animals perform the
most seemingly impossible feats; hal-
anoing.ohairs, umbrellas and whirling
brands of fire while climbing ladders,
walking tight ropes and ••riding the
backs of galloping horses, This feature
baffles description and must be seen ,to
be appreciated, .
Many other wonderful, things are to
be leen with this mammoth show, and
the main performance beneath the big
tents. will present a number of the most
marvelous foreign acts of the century,
The menagerie of wild animals car-
ried with the show is complete in every
detail, and contains rare Mid curious
specimens of the earth's most interest-
ing and curious animals,
A Mile long street parade of dazzling
'splendor, beautiful women, anti hand-
some horses, interspersed with three
brass bands and a steam calliope will
traverse the streets shortly before nuns
and this teatnre alone will he wool.• ^ a ��§ u ' �^ —
_ _
going miles Co see,
Don't forget the diet' anti the items
of exhihltion 'Tuesday June 17th at
siva tiara,
mu msev e- .'s,»: m:',><,,J
Now Showing
Viet esday Thursday
Uch Lewis
The skga
1A mighty drama o the NorlhlBHcl with
oodles of excitement—tI'a 'fls;s--sensation
and adventure.
Friday & Saturday
The Homo Of Mirt
A superb Photo -version
of Edith Wharton's
- celebrated novel =
with an all star cast
Thursday Friday & Saturday
12th Chapter of
15c 8.30 P. M. 10c
a 1
e o
4`[ser.•` ` ., .744
The Coolest Place in town
..or Sale
t,onil int, story frame house. 'semen
es thin 'Vevey property nn ',Iolc•nlun t t_
`•t, ifurth, consisting of n resoles to geed
repair, good cellar, hard cud soft water
also good fraise barn, several imui•
tteee anti cue acre of ground. Fo
further particulars apply is Mrs. .Julie
Shaun on it, Et, No 1, London Junction
Piano For Sale
Square piano, for sale
Apply to
Mill Street.
Buy A Used Car
harbor the idea that
m' is Ito, brat• 'l nen' it iti a 1. i o, sok.
iaacetteeet tin, d care 4r, s1 ' ln;' ;time
lirdieg Ibrlt ttiav t. tinte•',t1 ,tn .um flor;r
to be o ld ae aern,Hlb.trid; , fivi• a i•ar
l;0.pn.nnn a Petr hintdrod or evt•trit iew
th,nmsaud guiles; it h.. Hill at its bora,
urniec: it Inas boeu abused—tee paint ie
not quite fresh—and its sentirur:utal
value is lose -that is all,
You ewe buy a secondhand ear from
dt.alers ail private owners who daily
list their tines in The London Pref. t'res
classified Autos and Taxis columna. It
will_ save you money—big money!
Irvehtnally, you will own and drive en
automobile. Why not start tot now,
with a goodused car—atel get your
now ear when you have beoonme a 11e11 -
doted driver? The reading of "Auto-
mobile" column in, 'Tile London Free
Press will tell you where to find the
best bargains in Western Ontario,
Read the' Want Ads, its The London
Free. Press.
Thu esuay
to yd
Lon age
in the Comedy Drama
For Sale
•Viso showi g a 2 Part.. Comedy
Mondia ; Tne; ' " Wed ne da
• c
viItwa' i9�,ydsI
Tbl J�.S.
i� (fir 1; 1
. p li
ParE Wbite9 p
supreme serial
e Htuse
Jags•, 1 Ca