The Seaforth News, 1919-06-12, Page 4'111E FOR Ci N W
�.-�,:"'��h.2�..•rvt,�.3nts....rtir:.... m.r .,a..:. c,,,,. 'ek.a ,o•.•-��..•=ce'rS+-:WS�3.�x2�b�--•
'• 4: k �' j l `,l t, ,, ,�,, a ncwwino�•nwt a One of the f,, aie,nt 51',5s i•t, I held ft appears, however, that the bridge
PROIR in fiivth-tsxs 5 . 01'rat,•,t „t. .u,.e;la', to wholly within the County of L•utkb.
• UR:, H, Hottpt. L'.p99, 1'ht'.su,aana" Stirt;000
La1b lit Londo a HetpiHt. L: n trio t nglaad
Detlt� .attention. to diset es of Er tar,, Ross
and teslden,e behind. Dominion Bunk.
e a Those No. A, cosi-Marro hon No, ids
J• RC RRO`7i5 Seatlrth ,wit!!' curt r ...
��idune,e. , t�oderlch Street, cast ..t the Meth
odt#t tthulch, -. vomiter Mr County :::, H,iri,ll
`p•a�.� R5. 41 of L A tti.'KAY, ( i l l i tis and
54'PnP G o a t 'idern.b atonal. ap t'ast.te Afetho- l
tiittr t enforth
Seox'1 r adnate 5 f t rl lot Aim Arbor, and
jeootber of Outran, t. Hage, at i it t. Imp end
Surgeons Octanes r I itnia ,l ninon.
ttaeclLAY ilnnnr, I.T fiat 11'IL3l E"n�{tlml,!'
gold masa 1st TO!'! w tl .d,c.,i t ot-leg
ntC:hl'e., PS t' l3!.00•II urr.cona.•.antart^,
'gam Iit iV.,» eHn Ant 5 C a. tet•ptlni p
'g1 e
ft') V. linen's Anti Clot .ruu s dlsanrex and
Rewe ata tr.-mines, ct a d :merle disord
one, Poo, eye, Nose And t',,t im tt0n 1ld re-'
moved aiih'nt th•luafe tonruttattar
Olive w'r' mho h Drrig stet:
'2E05 let moss 10n. ±r.Sriday S:l,nt: Ta :fpm.
"• H> t i i, ] t.- Forster
Eye, E'u', Nese and Throat
Cradnate In Medicine, t'ttsvervity of
'Toronto 1897.
Late Aseistv.nt New York {tphthal-
inic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
E}a, anti Golds xi equate Throat Hos
pirate. London Englund, At the
:fluttered Hotel, Seale: th. third '.Veil
neatlay to each ur,cti, from It a, to. to
3l. to t„ilr.'ad time.t53 Waterloo Street,
S title itratford.'Phone •hie Stratford.
't,« timed br 3055
ro a Licenses ntioptt San, dee
silt fCe
nye% sen. a postcard will g get' Life or our raters.
.1. fl3, EIYIe` l-ILEY,
General Agent for London Life Insurance Co..
ad1n omtnl Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
S.afurth, Ont.
.1 two owns tante far and VELE maw
• rear erriring early ti the merlin:g to
IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Bee the oillititunu-into t, oe-- .tion
From the odiep which was good' One of r lee time'aud-1
l I was a.
i n fata f
:venins til'
each of till, dtlit•a to the ret'cut war
ea.:. ,totlar per year,etrtutty t : f '�.ce
.11tYttart .0 t a - , 1 3'... rats
a ha will re Oharial t orifi 111til+
talpera, tilt)' cents ' Cairo fr,aAI
When subs Tiber. cheance. their address
notice/Mould be', I tuslminedtately. giving
both the old and the new address. Sub.
scribers will confer a favor by notifying nu
1 e distil of delivery.
of anyxr
ghfi g y
Rending Notices—No .easing notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money is to be made by any person
will Inserted In THE N 5
Witt be
for the Insets
Stili ve
r charge.
o cem uta la 'STN
don of businessalin Un e
fenes Pl ingot line each ac !martin.. w
'parties saving FI E craw
for displayads
advrtiieing. and FIVE g display
spper oline ends
Insertion to those society yg ent rtai went
and fog churnotic s Crd andfentertainment
to ci
reading notices. Card of Thanks S to v
lines, So cents.
Judldal,.Legal, Official and Governs
mint Notices—Ten cents per line for Bret
insertion and five cents per line for each
substrate' insertion.
Toady cards—Professional Cards, not
exceeding one inch. will be inserted fat
85.00 per year, novabie strictly In advance
Display onrortiaeng—Rates furnished
en application.
"•Advertisements ordered .tor insertion,
wUatil forbid," and thou Sent without
written Iners ore ae will appear until
rlttin artier,. ore received for their Its•
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no respon-
sibility whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters oa reli-
gious topics mill not be published at all
except as paid advertising. plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter Is ten
cents per line,
The main fatttnti of th flay wee the
Bights of two •„ reelatte s Ilea:, I'n'ottto
which, made 0011 a al let' till v t.Nidtta,
I They a:so did t gloatLuairras + o,irry-
iin, paasougcrs 'Tilton warp d te,aaball.
teams here r,untadih for tt i uta of
$hitt. The first genie 0,,0 pl tye,;i be-
t OO(!!, Clinton and limOOe,c,'.1.
lv,! by thm former i i sra.:0 of 9 to
It. the mi told :a. t e tieticlt mild Lie•
towel playe,l, hut t,pdee irl, aea too
strong fur I fa ow a! t
g [ t whining
g : nilly-
I this nag foll,aaal by a number of
speaker's, The dual genie el llaaeball
wee then played between Gude'ioh and
Clinton the fortnet' winning quite easily
In tno everting, Galt ;Maple Loaf Quar-
tette rendered a Special open-air Con-
cert, which was largely attended,
1'he receipts amounted to $2,000 which
aro to applied towards the memorial
which the citizeue aro going to guild
to contmetnorate brave deeds dune by
the boys from this section. This hail
is to be built by voluntary eon tribution
and title will give them over $8,000.
There is no doubt but that they will
be able to get ahead and erect the
heti at once.
Fames Watson I HURON NEWS
General Fire, the and . Accident Insurance -_
AAgenthr awd -dealer
a lerb in. Sewing machines.
Slain 'Tuesday night wag Jewelry night at
the local Oddfonuws' lodge in Clinton
when Mr. 0. E Hall, the retiring D,
D. G M. ivaal presented by the Dia_
t�iat Fire InsuranceCo, riot Secretary with a Pest Grand's jaw
Panto and. isolated Town el; Past Grand Gohhl and A, Cantle
Property Only :assured, with Veteran jewels and Mr, F Watson
who c'mtbmplates removing from town, The matter' of a new bridge at Grand
oFFtCERS will/ a of pili muff helm Bend would have to be dealt with, Enid HUGE POTATO vs1 YIELDS Jas. t 1 !:. Yr stdeht, Tame,
pairg the grant p:iased at the Decrtnb, i' sea- i &...,�1
The County Council
The Julie session of the county coun-
cil opened on Tuesday afternoon hast in
Uoderieh, all the members in attendance
Warden Uampetl, in his opening re
marks. referred to several deputations
4v lot would wait on the council, one
with t'eferetlute to county as8ietai,ce to
the various hospitals; one front thti ,Y.
M. 0. A. asking for a grant; cite from
tate Village of Exeter, asking, tor. 'the
establishment of a High School district
there; one from ratepayers of'I.'urnberry
and Mullett to have a onion 'school
section formed; one from the teachers
of East and West Huron with reference
to the impruvetne:lt of highways.
ton alts the road i.tiii bridge eontnttt-
tee aliment Cottet,y Connell decided
to take tto action in the way of aesietiug'
in the new bridge pending further in-
formation, Now the County of Lamb.
ton, through its eulictor, attuotutcee it
will eutleaver to bold Huron Comity
liable incase of accident throttgh the
new;bruteo not indite built.
The Board of Management of the
Clinton hospital has put in a request
for a grant towards ntaintonenco, the
hospital being now established ars 'a
public institution ,
Rev, Ben II, Spence wants the coun-
ty council to petiton the Government
fur ermattent prohibition, and
F ,
County of Outerio wants Huron to
petition to have wartime prohibition
ooutinuetl until a vote is taken, and
that six months' notice be given iu
parliament of the time of voting.
The Department of Highway's state•
meat of the soma returnable to the
county on the money expended on
Provincial County Highways and Coun-
ty Good Roads was ns follows: showing
$20,685 67 of Legislative grants for the
year 1918 paid to the county end the
total expenditure being 559.385.30.
Total amount of statement 539,383,80
I. .Provincial County Roads
Maintonauce and repair $ 6490.72
Amount of grant 60 per
...... ,..............3,894,43
2. County Road Cunetructiou
Road oonetrut.tiou,.....$ 7,031.15
Bridge construction...... r3,i62.92
Maohinery.................. 6,832 50
Superintendence.,....,e.,. 2,055,03
Amount of Grant 40 per mint 12,432,64
3. County Road Maintenance
Approved .:................... 21792 98
Amount of grant 2U per cent 4,358,60
4, Disallowed '
County Solicitor, drawing •
up of'eontreets 20.00
In coituection'with the hospital me-
morial scheme, the nomnittee's reoom--
me ti n wtis that a committee`'
nda o be
appointed to gather information and
bring in a report at the next session,
Evans Bets be, od • tuts 'art f ,•ammo At trona, eu llnnd av, J:tr .• _ud.
gage. see,•e tt.. Oar --Treat, si.,ft to the ;wavy Leegu,. wraetcf r 'quire
D. F. McGregor. ceaiortht John G. Grieve.
3Vlat fop iS, Rion Constance' John Dennewels.
.Etr,dghnger.-Robert Ferree, Constance:
Sic eon, Clinton; •- Aica'nrt ,»s Seafortb:
t3�3es Cannol4;•,
104eristst Jas. Evans, Beecher,s:T
, Vg nag ,
Val int. ti till' to c . Ill al d 10
J• 11 mm5 :!
Pubic, of tr t _la; hr n'
of %it` F>eni t t i : l i,, t.,1 t.
to ,n, c„nbraao l
i'i,. t1 .0 1 n , ,sunt tatald uu the s id
reeenelets ef tireet, it, the tnhe'rel of
,. n: Sri,. 1. tin=,t to 14(`".."3Iot•Gthlt i,l
aa:. Lo.,a, e,i.,: a, itt i bti,!e' Ca ,Leh hrid nesse,' J :.t. as
Seed From Northern Ontario
Outyie ds Aft Others.
Aleft:...14,,,,I .s '+ ile, artist wit a •1•„i,it i t, tet ',' to r til Watt ,tit lilt ani i It. the
Stlti9a' ao'a illi i w _ -.
L41m^_r t dt0hilCi d, - 5 t .te :t l a l l Jiltt all„
Mew as41 t,mr .:al YI Segfortn. Jv - e;. f.d, t... a. t ,• e .e1: t i 1.a is it ,. e':, :,•11!!14 ' ,tlh-
Pnrtt giro' I c ell r 1 - t,a do as ',,, "
,rther ht is s. J c reeve:Ale ,,t ted Is ' . 1,t I i.;,.: I . I,e 'v ;1'. .a1:+ I ., nate
apptieat t , J 'tbnvc •'i ers, ea, ... - .
8.0 the!? Y P ., tt p3ttA irC' ' t,: 1 lit I'
.. I' ., 1 :, • r ale..,.
Imitations i
on the
of !
• Y
t9 Q I3
yp trSi'1t.f
is lilts. as
Se orth News
will supply tiit
required energy
phpn,e - 84
Lambe—ti,•st 1lethotl8 o!' Caring
I• tip 134.414 13»•t• anti imasull
1?spilt na'af,
CCnntribu, I „} fact . Cryt •rtn,eeI oe
rt It 111, TOrt•i3t4
I „is Cl': 1. tilt, etr'nf tliif
;.! .vc+.e,l lit the fi,.ye;ttnent of
'"' eontiitne
. ',,t , .-, ,t t :. u,•
lc It ,y- cgs I ,t'ltoessie la,ei h last year,
, I i - .i::.,1. ,�; ._a•r_ v. hieh in ,.tp.'..t:"S evil; "1.7T far,
"' •, 1r1 It ., ,.. Sar 1•.r:`itiri�= 1 culla for tI, ir,l Ylo ito
tl:s ,; �p,1 ,flit i,. ,Lira, ,,. �. r,n ufl,i It-U0Irr ill Ontario I:'- Rat SLin'.a--
tt,Tt,l w'It h `tts.cla tt 'alit 1) .btrt-
r:. ort
halut k sare tnik,eC ate LhntnuSh anti i
Alit 'rot: 'tkt.l*NtOISIVO. 1.110 , o tF 'qt 'uric ,ome-
wl tt .'Iotw Lot it I ( ,ani Iclttty be -
4.'•[ n,ta ii,ti,t ,. high
l,t, t lt,•vod that 5tittiiitl fe.t. „,.r. potato I
', . i i' i f s I II ;hay
6 1 r t s -attend:my, that ,nuui4i far- seed grown i,t Ontario will be in
r.,,• t, the Nal' da!iots cJnuntt•:.' bt:vtt. demand not may by ether parts
A a 5r lir., wr,tr.g , ', 1 w et. `ti' tel e'l!
at Port t Sri:10 i , where .1 ick,
the i t'a:-}e+a -chi ,en of 31r, and 31rs,
Donald 31clv,', lest his life in Lake
Erie, The lad was playing on a :Argo
raft with sosie tither youngsters, anti
she , re:trit'p the oar fon) en trance.
a here the water is aucet••,ael,a ly steep,
h. tost rite holo. It et -se twenty -the I
rill tee hefoi' the bedy was tfnally
r,-rsad not 107, I nil-:eti,tt diff;
,:.vas namtar., 1 ,t :r rc h l ,l' d r, re - I
•„tet'. 'Alt, a ,., 'te; . a14:. a' arc '.It'll
f,l: ti[ , -!d•' r•,. Ir t' f';:.
t',p., Irv, i.t
. t�.•. a.,, ia.
a :ort-ot.l.: ,
. ear
• Notico front aha I)epnrtnn'itt of the*
.14.,...rurt0 of the three roads added• to
t., entity system of good roads was
Ito A 1,,
I ts .i
,J :Ho I:,
:1 ; Ms
win Dee t `
11 v inneii 1 0 damages $i ., dytna„t9 to
nat. through road not bsitag, as cleim-
f•d-it! repair,
rite try Canoed of 'Toronto euci.4vad
e,py hi resonitiant passed by it protest -
nog tihst passing of legislatiea. not
1' art HOW, uaunitnpalities iu the foil
th„tr aitreeta. tad a,:l,eti Ilnt'-•i
lit, tltacItt p e•.,, irut 'it res,dii';;itt.
! . -lie e oat.e rt. ;.1, act I
ii • , :all l .1t l,al,tat -:.•ver
of the Dominion, but b7 many dis-
tricts of the United States, This, it
is anticipated, will be a alierinct boon
to the farmers of the province,
The two -fold program which was
Siaugurated last year of certifying
l high standard of potato seed and
Making a survey to detect diseases is
to he carried on on a ntueh wider
scale this coating season. Reports
front the vfu•tntl» lglspr'rhave e now
been enmoiterf by the D p
and the atatistiee are of considerable
interest to than progressive and up-to-
date agrieulttit'ist. The two founda-
tio;t vert alts 5clti •h the Department
i iwou`it, l t,h Cobialur. the early
at, a,, 1 ,h' 1,+; "u Norm( fin ---have
loan Che.-'13,1,.'ii ni' r;ideeprehd ills -
mission. 1'1o.1a: low Rein tnill'11 dlf-
frrt-fur, ,,1 olden 'i ala to eshietl ie the
belie,' for t•m.•,,Il fatale tier. The
k„. I,K, w 'rt elr,rtg' prove.
. WA' ,,,,,,1.
I d i t t niittstitkile. 1, t,Itn
1,1 ,04 Vt. 1,..11, h.t„ I' he
lr it, the,
: : :u•,,, t,a +1 nl t ,ml lin•
,I rahiHS: all3 t,:,: ul, -_ . 1 e
t Ii .:c l,•, a, . 1 ,1
.V.10 ,! flirtChi+
i'i,: ap.:ar. , trait tit•:.
of ;c!,indrelien, was pr e t Led
en Iai= •:ti' •It I ". disll'Stl!e ra-nt,.,','ay
hr I I 1llic•'1'Inn rn ending, Lie.nt, r?n
H. 1 Kean it,. it ieeegnitimt of his
eerwieo to the I'mit: 1,d: Hv a crank snip-
er, fin 'on orither:I, l'trt, John Ho.
gertit and Pte, Clinton Hu;;art11, were
killed in Fiance. John was hilted at
tate battle of Mons and Olin ,:t: lit the
battle ofCourcelette. He is tie son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth of Exeter, and
eetiated with the lliist Battalion,
known a9 th,' tiu'on Battalion, at the
age of 18 y'oare. On one o0Oaaion a
shootitag test of two handrail' metnb0rs
of the battalion was hold, and Sergt.
Ciogerth'was pronounced the beet eliet.
he ll:•p,rttu:atof 1';ilne:Glen wrote
he tl l •ng 41 tnuty of Ut , .otemet. t,f
: L.. Ntoiatirt• 5111 .ts tot• sear,•,,' 1 ,f l,t,9. Ss,
$ :.11ti 77 Inc putefr,tl,t 31411,-10
Sop ,:.ra,ts' .','i.,,ul9 b"d reti e:1elfe :ire
flu `:attolrtnml C; ,omit „f rh:' Y
(I a, wt etc in protest egantstUlu de.
C 1. of the sonnet! nor to pity the
s ..mel ii.:If of the $24 tum grant vo'od
on .11111,, 1918
U; 'ownship of Aehteld and the
,C :doleh `I.'p, Farmers' i';ui, tutu i ud
res .iuld n4 approving of the plan of
. Ithitty 1,r,a,01!nee to hospitals in Wing.
It no. t1odericlh Clinton and taafor h,
rdi-r• el ertioriels.
1h„ hridgut,t Grand Heed iteudt re.
building, The county of Horan has
shared with Lambton in the minute, et
once of this for a great maty gaits
t,,1 Gro,a, M,•ntninin 1H the beret
w: !or Or,. •• on,.aat fstttnet, Shen
4,1 1114,,,s,•, lOto tt 1ruin ihrec dlf-
I :tr I -. - Ao, 1,1'rn Ontario,.
Brea; i 1: end still Ontario --
lam het n ' rtmtx led itll
pl lit d itt 4.1,,,• :tad .,(tui in u,:arlry
ale,triels to dein-rent peels of the pro
,Aeon- the following
oven, ee 11+t it e:
1 r i, f ublilf r - Northern Ontario,
1.,,..1; New e en,l.tviek,. 1411; Old
Otrt 7 'fo, 127.
t:,t,•en 1101,11' n herti On -
tee he 177.5; Nosy Ii im:sr:it:lt. 127.3;
Old Ontario. 137.8.
The general a epic^ per litre on
the different plots was:
Irish Cobbler planted in sand,
351.5, and on clay, 126.1, which
shows a yield of 23.4 bushels more
to the acre from seed planted on
Green Mountain planted on_ sand,
169,3, and 153.2 bushels planted on
clay, a yield of 16.1 more bushels
per abre from seed planted on sand.
The rewrite when the yields from
all sources for Irish Cobbler are com-
bined show the average number, of
bushels per acre was '142.1, and
Green Mountain, 161.4 bushels,
Thus it will be seen that the Green
Mountain gave the larger yield, be-
ing 19.3 bushels per acre ahead of
She Trish Cobbler variety:
Iltc;'io11i cat, c: ;tHodtcnteaitt:
lrniIa tIngle0Fbodby lbetuta-I,
i #11
Stn11lat nn
tin 41t Sl0ntathsen1iBerget 4
w tc
ca t''1--
•A' tte itoft
ytel :7:10:1:q.per:15:05:1:;;ITReoAlr
aced, ericFrogird: */ eat
f dwiat1J`0m
t ibet stall row . q,
:Stip:tiontin.___t1Diarrloea,nd vorlf'St0s5 and �,!LSS8OT,$y.EEI?'ifinhcreoiSonEkE atter,,''
lac-5fnxlm SI _ l
til, . iia
N'oT Infante and Children.
Mothers Know That
}r Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
rHe <ea*wow eo,.nAHY, sew von,< orer.
r :lvl:. •,i
Special Oar for Farmers
I am buying all kinds of
f 5 1
JLH1k 'w
I have a great stock of second-hand
Water pipes and shaftings for sale.
eafo?th Junk Dealer Phone 9
Next to the Dick House
Say. e ey
Ind ake
d e'n:
lit 84M&
COSS $4.85
War Savings Stomps
eats be bought when''•
er,tnr tMe ekr, da
ddeple peel.
Row much of your wages do you fritter
away each week on trifles ?
9i you reckon it up you will probably find
that at least five per cent, disappears thus
"like snow wreaths in thaw.”
if your weekly wage is $15.110 you send
easily 75 cents of that on "mere nothings"
°)efo e•. you h't'tw
Dui suPpose you said to your employer:
"Eaf:h •(.eek I '.sant you to keep 75 emits
out to '.y pay elavclopg and invest it fda'
roc tIl' u ,'t s Stamps. As you buy
each War .;a eiy, Stamp pot it in my pay
envelope, aitta Etr nn doing tion for a year."
Yon will none nosy that 75 cents. But at
the end of the year you, will have • over
$36.00 invested in Savings Stamps. By
then thew will he worth corsiderably frl00I1
than $36.00, and by 1924 they will be
worth $45.00.
War Savings Stamps are guaranteed by the
Dominion Government, They have the
whole resources of Canada as their security,
the same as Victory Loans. And they bear
en unusually high rate of intel'eat. You can
cash them at any time, however, if you -
need to, '
Make Your Savings Serve You and
Serve Your Country --Invest There 4
War Savings Stamps.
WIC 12
allee spanesesiill Int saMtau •niaawassolla
,•� IN 1 [ U I
I.d•-••all i is
,xr�, ��gg tt,, ,,{{'''',,�� ggyy ryry ��gg i�(��yy ,(g yy��yy),a ���y raayy qq ��. {{,,��
sh7 R"aRl'H Co.,HURC$-lLnS,
St. James'
St fame' Uhurch, Rev. Father liii
11, Uoelz P, P, 'Early Mites 8,00, High
Mass 10,30, Stlw,lay School 2,80 p. m,
\'ospera mud heuediotiou of the Bless-
ed dict•llrueiat,7-p, 111,
St, Thomas'
Rev, T. 0, Brown, Rector Sunday
aurOces II a.m, and 7 p.m, Sunday
eoltoo 1 2.30 p, tu, tWoinen'n Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2:90
p,m, Chilclreu'ebranch Saturday 2 p,m.
utorcossiou services every Thursday,
,11 p.m.
a -e
Rev. Ii . D. Moyer, ' pastor
—SUNDAY School at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a,m, and 7' p,m,
Prayer Meeting 'Cnursfl.5y B. p.m .
Salvation ilr'tny
Lieut. F. W, Leight
Sunday services—Holiness 11 e. re.
Praise 3 p.m.—Salvation 7 p.m.—Sun
day School 4 p. m,—Wednesday—
Publio meeting, All are welcome,
Egtnondville, Presbyterian
Rev. S bleheati pastor. Sunday ser-
vicer 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, Bible class
3 p,m, Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p, In. Y,P 15.3 Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.m. Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the mooth
at 2.30 p.m Ladies' Aid mee,e its.
m.diately after,
PiratPres Presbyterian b to
Y ,
,:Rev. li', H. Latkiu„Pastor, Sunday
services 11 a.m, and 7 p m, Sunday
school 2.30 p,m, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sooiety•the brat Tuesday in each
month at 3 p.en. Barbara Kirkman Mis•
lion Band 3rd Tuesdays in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 pan.
MeeCitiop Presbyterian
1 Jr. I) it,srswoll pastor Sunday
set^ice, Duffs' church I1 a in Sunday
ash fol Ill a,al Prayer meeting Wed-
tieed:ty 8 la.m. 4yotxee,in hlisefonaty
Society Istat Friday in ascii month at
teliut.s"o-. Pretilyteriatn
Sunday servicer 2.341 pm. tiitnttay
4011o,1l l lel, tot l..y„r ttiaetieig
i'1h0arla3 S p ri: I, tt 1. at Vltnd.
f6•nndtatice ,t'l;atltodlac
Rev. 'F.E. Sawyer. passer. Sunday
service 2; 30 p,m. Voting People's Lea-
r,' 31 viit,tiy v.,i,is:luxil
ATI fires t'Ii,.s:lsv of every month a
30 -' In, Lit It as' teat Thnt•sday
of each month 2.30 p.m
ce.mmn=sesiYm$a arm
Worm Powders are a prompt
rel{ f from the arteoks of wnel119 in
ohildi'ett. 'l'hey are powerful in their
action and while leaving nothing to be
desired as a worm expellant, .have an
invigorating etli'ot upon the youthful
eyetetn, remedying fever, hilio119lteea,
lose 'of eppelit,', 'lee?dsresnees, autid
other aillru•nts that falluiv alisordnrs
utuisrd br n..t01" tit till' 'stomach and
1'4 alden'1 'fleerit2'd
's'ender's for m:,a,r n :ir,r. alto Prycd
Brain In thn towh•htt tri islclitllolt earl
t'itn llirltsoe Ifr',,: flu. Iot'hahil,s Of
11iKilini, sell tint(•,•, i+1:1 ba: received
by the undersigned until r'athrday, the
21st flay "I ,inns, 1012. or at the 'meet-
ing of the t'nue011 alt tho Conlntn,rcial
Iotol, drafurlh, 4,n .1 WIN 23rd, 1 P. M,
A ohngno for li P,e, of contract price to
accent party each teuth•t The lowest
of, ahy tender not necessarily accepted.
Plans. etc, can he Neon at the clerk's
',glee Lot 24', con, 7, 0o.I1illop,
1ST, Murillo, Clerk of McKillop
.Juno 3rd 1919. Seaforth P, 0,
An Oil That is Prized .Ctrerywhere,-
DI' Thomas' Eolectrie,Oil wee lilt( upon
the market without any flourish thirty
years ago. It wne lane lip to meet the
of.a small-svotion, but as coon as
its merits becalm -it known it' had a iyh mole
continent for it field, told it is now
known and prized thr511ghont this
hemisphere,. There, is nothing equal to