HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-06-12, Page 1t C;;;; nada 922 New Series Vol. 17 No 74 141.11111 IMMOMMIBMSZNIIIM ter, "Experience k.)(unts" OU hare more confidence in deal- ingwith a man who has hada wide p'raetical experience WM. E C'rHAP16HAN of ibis Monumental Works, has over Forty years practical experience. ,9 yillfla Watch Foy Our Special Big Display in Our lalitedewa An Win Be Special on Saturday The !.Paint of perfection in held out to all who would ewes. aci a box of our sweets 'Nothing truneeent's- the sttectil- ant excelletlCe of Freshly made Candy bought here. One tease of. east Gaudy will dispel this most • hoe - rid serif of 3ie biles end se•levis inetunriy dieeppsar at it*tfirst taste. It's perfection &1 ,ui- fled, I3ny a box for your gu I; if you don't, some &tear fellow will, Red Gross Report FINANCIAL s1AI1x'11I,;N'r for tiwy Ileateceiete Balance on hand 407 04 Total Receipts 457 92 Expoueliture Mrs. A, E, Cooper 3U 00 Mr, R., L, Peck 3 dal The Canadian Express t'tt 45 23 45 43447 litnce-\lulltu:, Balance on }lad T it e Monument The ditfereut committees tape=oioted on the 51emnriel question mut_ in the Town hail lust meek, on Tuesday, to discuss the most proper course to plu- me ill erecting a attitthlo meUtlnlant to the fallen soldiers end the returned neon. There mere three proposals; A reounnlellt to eennectiou with a foun- tain et a eeet of about $3000.00, a hos- pilal at a coat of about $10000 00 and a Memorial Hall which is to be do eon etructed as to hs an everlasting menu. merit with the names inscribed ons u place for suitable relics and a 'club Treasurer. room, to be neater the supervision o SFPiF0'EtT14, ONTPIRI0} ` "RUR the mimosa men or the U W, T. A. who fought with those ,nen who sloop iu Irrauco or Flanders, They +sem to kuon just what their comrades want, that fell, but they try to impress on the public that they do not want anything in their behalf, neither should they have to eek for it, as it is the writer's opinion that the civilians of Oaneda owe those men more than money even procure for their oomfore after saeriic ing the best time of their Lives and even their livo8 for every citiesee of Cwa ads and we should oenaidar tits metier seriously, for altoald we bate lost the but they managed to beach it, then patched it up—camouflaged it—mounts Id some guns aud ran it that way as a hospital ship. We are ill wards— 100 or so in eaeh ward, twb berths deep. When 1 get out of this III join the Oneida community --I'll feel eo lone- some, with 70Q people to watch atte un- dress and sleep, etc, Oh! you ought to ne here now, The ship has absolutely no motion, The sun is shining and the sea is sscalm mid as bine as alI the hooka you have ever read of the Mediterranean says it is. It is warm and perfectly beautiful here on deck, on the bat of March. the blue sky, the blue sea at,d the stately white seagulls circling about the ship. We passed the Malta lest night. 1 las sea Sick one Pbtuatlay attd Friday but today I am right. on time in - the alining- room, The differenne in the two boats makeiemp glad 1 :urn a i',r t- iehat here we aline lireler:e its (mime nand the fo,nl is veru goeti acid vnty Eng lids, and what a change i_nm "Chow": Armenian Expedition DRY, JUNE 12 1919. Canadian Nurse giros her Experiences On board the British Hospital Ship Gloucester Castle are had afternoon ten and it made mo proud to be a Britisher you bet, it is such a -change from the ►rain— GLEAN -- positively shining. This boat was torpedoed In the Ohsunel about a year ago, though painted all over with lied Oroases-•it almost sank war where would our irasttorla be, It took men and money 11 ale it but give the man credit first, as the money roan in a great many eases has made a for time out of the fighting man while hs cattle back-with.tut means and disabled Dir life le is only a patriotic duty et the Irian who has the means to be lib- eral to the men that worked so hard for his liberity. The writer thinka that the parents of the fallen boys should make their wishes known before the next meeting where a fill house is ex• peoted to give their views on the pro- posed amnions!, sued meeting may be called within a mouth, j Qst Keep this date open. for SL James' Church Flees Special attractions Fiffl annou icemen! Later tTelekone Rates for t erVl,C P''' t"""'if-IE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May 35th and based upon air -line mileage, correct inequalities ,, in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following .is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3 -minute talk to points most frequently called by local sub- scribers Seafot•th to '3'urotito Clinton Stratford Luttdou tlocI rtoh Myth Exeter Old Bate I1ety Rate $ .60 $ .i5 ,f0 ,t5 .25 25 .30 ,110 ,25 ,20 ,15 ' ,111 ,til ,10 The hours $urirrg which reduced Long Distance: rates (night mates) atre in effect are now 1;'rom 820 p.m. to 11.301'p.1n., 60 per cent of day rate From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rates are based on Standarrd2inrc LOCAL SERVICE Rattce for local service to present subscribers will be increased ten per cerut, effective from July lst next. Applicants for service will be charged at the inereastd rates, from May 25th. zser)l Dell Telephone is a Lone Distance Station The Bell rp'teIe ho 1 Co. 3 3e1 It'e rough eguin and 1'rn setaiok again but we'll be in part tomorrow so it won't he long, No child should be allowed to suffer an bear from wormswhenprompt re- lief can be got in a simple but strong remedy -Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, Ota 'this trim]. drat Was some exper- ience xpa r i.'ooe alright. From :4t ua' _y night to %Vedneoday 110011 'reeked into one a1 35 people and during that tit -twice were allowed out once for exactly five 111111-- 111013. We .left YYar8eiltoe just ..t five- mid ir:1111d casae oat of the harbor .,t 81111801, it was a lovely eight. Ths sunsets neo gorgeous—aud the star :: .Roadie, it looks os if one lould jest reach up ;ilia pick otfnne or two, they seem se near, it is so beentafq! sometimes it only a00entttatea our Itt,ehttees Sir Hugh Gough is 00 beard, He has several rots of ribbum oat !tin, animpoatu nice looking man We have had 10 have our money changed eget& from French to English. If this koepe un we wont have any left, heceeme we lose on the exeheugo every time, Rumor says we will Stay in elalotrike a week while the General looks over the situation and then we go on to Con- stantinople on the same boat, and we are lucky because if it watn,t that the General happens to he going there we couldn't go oil this, Have had two baths since coining 011 board! Of course the water 151113 Balt and sort of cold --but it was heavenly. There ie one thing, the Creat Lakes, the Atlantic and the,llediterranealy all feel alike and act alike when you are seaeiolt Two attacks in two week,' with the prospects of another when eve strike the Aegean; where they say it will be rough, is 110 jotre, I think when I got hack a short ride in a Ford will be eueugh. I hope you will meet. tee in France when 1 am coming liotuo It is so quaint and beautiful there. We all have great schemes abort some lug back by ciders -int ways but as F— •11—Heys, et the end of a year, if we; see a boat marked "Through to Hobo- ken, no stop" We'll tight to get 00 board At present no one appears to know where we will be sent. On Monday March 3rd we Sire among the tales, of Greece— "Whore boning Sappho loved and sung"--What'e the refit? Oh! "'The mountains looked oil Marathon—and llierathou looked on the sea—and dreaming there an horn alone, 'dream. ed that Greece) aright be free" --There new --that is all the scraps 1 know about Greece. We can !mettle islands all around us ---they look the same as any other land in the distances, One elfioer told us we could see Olymipua a8 we passed—were he explained 'all the jolly (reek Gods used to sit iabout in laurels", The English R, 4, M.'0, on gave a concert on deck; the other night, aud it was awfully hies, They sang their 'pens of 'ate for us and you never heard such fon. 'There are many con- temptib1es mong them, who have been torpedoed and in the trenohos, Opening Day June ILI Brighten up your home tap with some music and make life worth living ' If your children are gifted with a musical taleritget them a good piano or a phono- graph. We have them in all styles and it will be to your mutual `advantage and profit to come and visit our store before making your purchase, Every article is guaranteed in eyery respect and Honesty is our password Get your .next. record from us. Needles and sapphire points always in stock $1.54per year xeax WEit AG its---,.-s'.aZtsr wxl3cn" xt a SientI Dmhiooday in 1::oderich Greatest Program in Western Ontario Tuesday, July 1, II9 AEROPLANE FLIGHTS DEMONSTRATION BY GREAT WAR VETERANS BASEBALL—ZURECH(winners of Clinton Tourna -: Ment) vs-. GODERICH (winners of Blythe' Competition) BABY SHOW HORSE RACES 2, rO trot o' t11te Purse ft --iso 2.25 trot Or U;ce Purse $300 2.5o trot cr pace Purse, $160 CONCER I'S BY BAND OF THE 33rd REGT. NIGHM AND DANCING FLORAL PARADE, etc, CONCLUIIIiNG WITH A GRAND FIREVIIOR:KS DISPLAY IN THE EVENING SOMETHING DOING ALL DAY LONG come and .have the time of your, life al "Huron's 's 13o1del 63ate, Mayor Wigie, \1 I,-S;Ie_, T. I'r - t:13 rd J111. E. , TOLL ! Chairman :.,:.. ;rn::t: t . e - Treasurer f fi Sets ,.tar;.' )j f td "'=-•«lam .....,.:............_..> w,_,.-.'",..; ....;...y- .. ._....._.,._.�. •i_ei ttllltnecf hal k a,fi Ccntmerce• - - sa cool pleased )form ops "OH, I JUST ADORE GINGHAM!' Yee can often hear remark's similar 113 that at the counter where our t tnghante are kept. Ginghams 25c to q.51' a yd. YOU CAN MAKE MANY USES OF THESE WHITE VOILES, Especially when they aro priced low, you can buy it t.umbot' of t.t;il to servo for many pnrpos,ut, Priers 30c to $: . 0o a yard COLORED COTTON CREPES Excellent range of Iiimotia :and Lingerie Crepea, 1n plain :and hem, - ed patterns, 27 in, to 34 in. wide, 25 cents -to 6o cents a yard WOMENS' COTTON HOSIE -Y INEXPENSIVELY PRICEDD' Black and \''lute Cotton 1Hose. 1W, fashioned, medium weight' :igu Bylined Noels, 0,301110 soles and taw., heal tips; all sizes; 25 oafs 10 75 cents pair sm When you cru,r goods scat by grail VIc pay the viEE PLAIN AND FANCY VOILES ';u',•s, emali, reedinni area largo iii Sial.. fl+)Tal. ei. tl g0.+0)''t ri01ai design rte. Prices 5oc to $1.50 a yd.. AN INTERESTING • OFFERING Of t_olortd Dress Linens A heavy weave, etary t1 i..,:.'1 due- .ottie .and with a bright finisb. trey, Peek, lesser, 0resu, .411(1. +i5 events and i5cents a yard CRE TONNES THAT ARE' FRESH AND BRIGHT At on00 you will think of the many ewe to oltioh they adapt themselvria Prices 35c. to $1 a yard Silk Hetsery Vero' Much In Vogue `TT13.4 3504 1513011111 450358 011111 ttli!6 at ir' lura+ ,t t1' 1•raitt3 low shoe, oa nut. t. u. c,v.v.n aveal wlit re, 11143'lc {1 ,lite :eelweilt,3 653: ia1 52 pair avis Sealrorth 1P951.92r533Iua811.s