HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-29, Page 8• THE SEAFORTH N EWS Thursday May 29 ,We recommend our. Mange Shampoo fo l• dandruff' or our Coco Batiler Shampoo tar drp scalp and tailing hair, ortor a good head wash our fam- ous Pamolive Shampoo. Also our Owl Massage for closedpores and black heads This will'clean the skin. Have pour Hair Cutting and Shaving done by us. We guarantee to put a shay- ' lng edge on pour razor. Commercial , . . , . ....„ 0.4....4.411110•0011111.4emesafilommmappai,44611.1=11.11 CORRESPONDENcE 1 t360.ma/III....011*.0514.*016..m11X) Henson Rev, A- E. Garrett wan in London last week. • The merchants aro closing their stores oneafterboon each week dining the stimmer. A number of people from hereattend- ed the mission riervioes in the Roman Catholic Church nt Seaforth, Base ball is now on she tapes and n ateetiug wan held on Tneeday to organ- ize. That's right boys. No play makes Banber Shop, C4th J"k a dall bay • Harry Dougall who has been visiting W. 'ROBINSON his parents Since corning home from Prop France has gone to the West, aocom- panted by hia friend, Mr. Sam AlcAavin, A shouting match Wan held here ou Notice Saturday and some interesting scores tirade, Pte. Frank Nesbitt arrived home from overseas last week. Rev. A. McKibben. B. A. of Mimi- tiampreeehed romivereary services in the Methodist t 'hied.' on Sunday He is 3 ,Gient mper,lo• e and hia &lunette were appi, iciated. lir. a , Joyeit Rental Col`rw,n rfi Noy 0.3!,1. with hi .mot Mrs. rteei 04.4 Tbe assessment Roll for the Mnticip &Hy of WicKillep fo i 1' is now in the Cterk's effice Lot 24. Coe. '. Mid may be seen hy eny ra'peaeor it the Muni- eipailty dining eirPle .••;It's MOKailop Creancil Mee" :Is •olirt of Revi- moo th,2 1;611 at the Cone reerciat Retel , s' .tee1 Fr , the. to 1e - pc e•s egetest. gee , ';..1)tatthey 2tcrit. •••: Moncie Aetai ' 1 at Mee Willi:am Ali:mete who was visiting her iirother, 130 NOTICE the Babyloo Linke hoe rettuared twine. Mr. 1). Cantelon has been buying hp :trey liaterayere iiKillop Kon' -un Drab'to $3 60 per bushel according to tial. eonstance Aseeuumet 1 in 11,,f,..11,o may ,10 NO ity. all the beaus here, paying 52 00 and Op Walton McKillop lost 000 of its pioneers in the deetrof Mrs. A. Simpson on May 10th at the age of 83. She was the lest surviving daughter of the late John MoEildsean and wan born in Scotland coining to Canada in x8131 and came the following year to Grey township with the family Shortly after she was' married to Mr. Simpson, who died 30 years ago. MOKillop at that time was a' wilderness Mrs Simpson was a grand woman whose home life woe everything to her She. leaves three eons and two daughters, 'Iuterment was made in Brussels cemetery. The Ladies' Aid will hold the Bazaar' in the Workman's Hall ou the 2801, Fancy work of all kinde are If'rovidette Ice cream seri hems made candies and cooking will be provided, Joseph Hamilton who sold his farm has gone west for a few months, Mrs Hamilton and the children remain here for the present. erornarty The, lecturo given by Rev, N. Me- Gillverary on Friday night was a treat although the rainy weather kept many at home. Hie lnoid and vivid deserip- tettheof 1,31.eXpeilMiceS31 FranCe were a revel:own to Many who stayed at home while the beye went OVore,cati. Mt S. Mid 1 tnof Listoweli gave .81 addiese 0 they eminch the Forward L1.1,-,1,.q111,1it of the v:. 11, S, She urg. the i5'oeiot 0. Mn. Noll iiiiievpie of Seaforth in vittitaiaiier sister, Mrs. -Scott. Mr Haggard' is laid up .with hin ankle, which 'teas operated on. e li eforth the tort: irise My 13111' Seaforth Tilo Works 1".• L.rh ,;•:11,0ii to the. ttait ea 001, a euuttity of eement Tile ! Debli113 f - a'.:0 4 Wit', Havoig ;net 211 • •f t'enito t work1 • Mr, D. MeNarighten hoe bought a fine Perehte erl mare anti !teal 10111011he gut at Grand Bend, WI1 B.Ank 10 1/00 N118. W. .1, "'arbor wile has beets seriously ill able to .he out agate. Olad to rept rt that E J Step- herison, who line be1,11101i01.011y ill with tniteurnitiia, rieve doing iiicely. 7.i! - a eon guarantee tile 001 to 10110 01•01,1>1 Week sintable for veranda plere. Pieatec call and examine them, • R. FROST,. :leaf orth. ANNUAL EXCURSION GODERIGH to DETROIT and Return STEAMER GREYHOUNO leaves Goderich TUESDAY JUNE 1 7th 2 00 A. M. old time MOO A. M, new time Arrives Detroit 5.00 P. AI, Returning leaves Detroit Thusday, June igth, Imo p. m. Detroit time (Detroit time is the same as Goderich old time.) $2,25 round trip $1,75 Single Children, between G& 12 — half fare Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's meet beautiful and most pros perolIS city, A million population a city of bearitiful parks, grand boule- vards and a wonderful water front, Canadians corning to Detroit for a tem- porary stay are not required to pay a fax or make deposit. U. S, Immigration offieere will be en board to pass exam. sionists. Good music and claiming en - route. Fine cafe and lunch room aboard tamer. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, Monday evening, June 16th, 7.30 old time, 8.30 old time -250. 3 boom o18 beautiful lake Huron Oreheatra music and dancing in steamer's ball room, Reeve eolquboun %veil present the Medals to our retninell soldieru on dime the 2rd in McKerinan's Hall Paul Rohn eelleist of Termite will give his eervicee for the occasion, Mesere. Ed Harvey and I). Costello are in Kitchener working in a robber factory, Mies Mary Nagle of Stratford Nor- mal was home reeently. Many from here went to Mitchell for the:24th. Mr. Wni.i13atner of Tavistock tailed on friends here last week. Mies Roselle Cronin is teaching in Bullet for a few weeks: in place of the regular teacher. Miss Hay of Stella spent a few days with Mise Mary McConnell. Ed Murphy will open an ice cream parlor this Emmet,. CASTO R IA For Infants andShildren in Use For Over30Years Always bears the Signature of Maniey Mies Kate Eckert from Toronto ac- companied by her sister Monica paid our burg a flying visit lust Saturday. lire many friende of Mr. and Mrs, Michael Johnston are sorry that they are in poor health, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Manley and fain. ily spent Sunday with friende around Seaforth, The many friends of Master McLaug. hint are sorry to hear that he has a relapse of inflammatory rheumatism, Mullett Mr. J. R. Sundercoek of this town' ship dropped dead on Main fit, Clinton hot week, Be has not been well for some time and had been in Clinton on business and was getting into his buggy to return when death Mama from heart failure. His wife had died the week before, Two sons and two daughters survive, Mrs. Hughes of Manitaba and !Vire, Weymouth of Walkereille, 11118018 of Walton and Charles at home; Tilt funeral was held on Tuesday, Itabett wan the victim of an 1 F Large Oaks' "Large oaks from little acorns grow". And large accounts grow . from small amounts deposited regularly. Deposit a few dollars to -day and watch your account grow to satisfactory cliinensions. THE 8111 1 'lett •10 NK 568 SEAFORTH BRANCH: FL M. JONES, Managwy oilmIlooectufnuoiltavinisamilligallattstont00004101109DEDIDDIONIDINDED1011111111 Commercial Hotel Thursday June 5 DORENWEND'S of Toronto invite you to their dis- play of the netvest oveations in artiati hair goods, 11 youe owti hair is thin, dull and linheoom ing, int ns demonetrate 71. just %%quit can he done to etitiply yortr leek of \ t, hair, and how, perfectly FOR LADIES:—Switches, Transfornintious, Waves, Pompadoure, Chignons, Eto. FOR BALD M EN.---COREN WEND'S TOUPEE will make y•oir look years younger and improve 701(0 11581111. Light as a fee. 'her and indetectable on our sanitary patent structure. .etuat. accident while stretching wire, The I • stretcher slipped and struck him cans- I nig severel bruises, Frauk Hall, who beught the Week smith slam is changing it into a store room. Mr. and Aire, Jan, of the West spent 601111+ time with their brothers here, Several from here attended the Con- vention 111 Nib,. Investing For Children If heads of families drawing interest from Victory Bonds do not consider the amount large enough to invest on their own account, they might well put it in- to War Savings Stamps for their child- ren, The holder of a $100 Victory Bond received $5.50 a year, which, if put into War Savings Stamps for a child, would mean a savieg of 10c a week on which en amount equal to about 5 per cent siniple interest is paid, A $2110 Victory Bond annually bears $11 interest, which, put into War Sav- ings Stamps wonld mean the saving of a little over 20c to week, drawing 5 per ceat simple intereat, A $600 Bond paye 27,50 a year in interest, which invested In War Saviugs Stamps, would mean the saving of ole a week, and constitutes a very consid• able sum, So if the amount paid in Victory Bond interest Is too small for the par- ent to pot into War Savings Stamps it should at least make a fine start for a child. The Western Fair LONDON'S EXHIBITION London's popular 1Cxhibiton, the Wes tern Pair, wili be held this year from September 6th to 13t11. Prize lists, entry forms, hangers and other advert- ising matter will soon be ready to mail. Although the wet weather of lest year was the cause of groat loos and disapoi. ntmeut the management is not at all discouraged, but is making active prep. arations for tits largest and the best Exhibition ever held in londnn, The prise list which is a very liberal one, has been adjusted by the committee in charge of the different departments and 10111 be found of great interest to intend ing exhibitors. A copy of Ibis, with entry form required will be mailed to any address on application to the Sec - rotary, A, M. Runt, Dominion Savings Buildings, London, Ont. This display is foe 1 day only. Thurecie.y June 5th Appointments can be arranged at residence 11 818 desired. THERE IS NO CHARGE/ FOR A DENIONATIIATION r HE DORENWEND COMPANY OF TORONTO LIMITED Bead °Moo —103405 SI', Pains, I louses or Cramps Dere? Are your feet tired and' painful at Hight? Heed 11,113083 danger signals( Do not let yoer foot trouble CleVEdOp and 111111 ply eatil yea, bodily comfort and :lady efficiency ore greatly impaired. When this arch weakens and one or more of the tiny bones are depressed, uneven pressure is pro- duced, the weight is unevenly distributed, causing a b—urning sensation, callouses, tender spots, contracted toes and a painful, cramp-like pain known asqMorton's Toe or Metatarsalgia develops which frequently ex- tends into the limbs. The foot widens and spreads over the shoe, the :mall ard the gre attoe joints be- come inflamed and enlarged—bcdily fatigueand nerv- ousness resutl. • For the condition Anterior Metatarsa+1 Arch Supports are especially designed to reach the vital spot—to support the weakened parts, remove the abnormal pressure and assist nature in effecting a permanent correction. REiTYOUR TIRED FEET 7(1113 "The Phone 5 1 a ',4•44,44. ‘6.TT Horne of Good 'Shoes" rtA Seaforth extmeslree- evilititerzeissMraMmeta2Meenienumeezraremenestaeg Danger in Unsightly Ruins Why is it that so many villages, Mettle and cities Itermit the wreckage resulting from sericite fires to remade in the very centre of their huaitiese areas? Every traveller who visits villages and smaller towns especially, must have noticed these disfigurements Ruined basements extend right to the sidewalk, filled with water and partly burned timbers, without even a railing to. prevent accidents to pedestrians. Owlet% has long held the world's re - die matter of fire leases, and, the fact that burned ruins afe permitted to remitin for peers 111 scores of ooniniun- Wes, indicetes how ehameless Caned - lona are with respect to their prodigal- ity, Whether the corn be of old or 1.1611' growth, it intuit yield FI0110Wity'13 Corn Cure, the simplest and hest cure offer ed the Notice The Fatittiers Club will hold ito monthly meeting in the Separate School Hall on June 4th at 8 p m. Good neusio and programme. Come and bring the [salmi. With you. 0 D. (I. HARE, W R DORRA NOE Plea, SPety, Meeting of Huron 001111Cli The cement of the °operation of the County uf 1111011 will meet in the Conn. oil Chamber, Gloderioh on Tuesday, June the ard at 3 o'clock in .the after- noon All accounts, must be in the panda of the clerk on or I afore the Monday preceding the meeting 01 1118 Council, GEO. W, HOLMAN, Co, Clerk. Goderie 1 May 17th, 1919 Cauliflower Plants Geniune Early Snowball 50 for /115c postpaid Shipped successfully everywhere. Ask for price list of Cabbage, Celery and other Vegetable Plants, H EROLD'S FARMS, Frnithincl, Ontario, Niagara District, LIR' OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers aliam.••••••••:•••••.1•61:12.m12Mi ra,DINA.9.1•CANTMANOOMOPM. Best Goods I Self Service I Lowest Prices Values fo ani TEA Delicate Flavored Blend 53 cts. per ib. AitGO CORN STARCH 11 cts. per pk. Milk Pails 95c, Galv, Pails 85c. EXCELLENT VALUES in 12 qt. pails $10.50 per sack Redpath or St. Lawrence •!. g ek Rolled Oats 5 cents per QUAL IT y a Feature Porn Flakes 12c, PIER PThelf AGE Dried Fruits PRUNES 18C per PEACHES 20C. " FIGS 20C " Sedless Raisins r7c" Currants 30, Boost Y .#1p Greater Pair '4: it - 4 ; F n Business ge; Great 1o13sn t hurt 0 hitt Drop. a little 1Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurbingl then you lift at right out, Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug -store, but it suffi- cleat to remove every herd corn, soft wan, or corn between the tope, and the calluses, 'without soreness or irritation. Freston is the sensational discovery ,fa Cincinnati genius, 'It is wunderftd. C 1: I ear r Divid d IVE 11 Distributing LIMITED IP 61-11. 4.0 Aa .1-11. NJ V A.11 0 o 1 UT lir eahirvi gin -t . Seaforth