HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-29, Page 4PiRlitl.SSI.I l`Al II
roti R.'R; 1•itf(ilt IteSii, Phynlcianaud Surgeon
NOito eof London Respite!,Loudon,
, Eng
B a en ion t4 diseases of E9r, Ear,Nose
an e
aet residence behind ns.Bonk.
Phony No. it, Residento Miens No, los
D1, P, .l BURROWS Stateels Pince and C• S
denace--Godetich Street, east of the Meth
.stilet Chnreh, ' Ii.Coroner for County of Hurontelephone No
1,41%15,,'SUUT'1' is :1LACICAY. Physielaus aid
e'SChurrgcen,'hs,itGodetieafgrthcStreet,opposite Mettle•...
, ,h
Bco'rr, graduate Victuri a and Anil Arbor, and
Member of, Ontario College of PhyaUfaas and
Rargeens. Coroner for County of Limon.
teda, honor graduate annuls `slv reits
d medalist Trinity hCollege. esrol,Coliege or Pyeteusand 30100eno, °made
1it Ci to, REIT nlAN, oateopthieSpecialist
on Women's sod t'hileretes diseases and
kthetunatie troubles Ante n of ' trouie dlsord
ass, Far, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re-
moved without thefunfe. 1'unsnitattoo free.
• Oihee over ,. ,Lath's Drug Store
WuOuldy,S am. L .1 0.,1 ;Friday au,m. -t 1 fpm.
,Dr.. F, J, R. Forster
Eye, EarNose and Throat
Graduate, in Mahone., l iiiee+sity of
' oroitto 180:
Late A si,.ts:i t NOW Y(ti t i thttt.ii
01(1A said Leif:stole. Mooretinid.s
Thursday May 2g
I $
U IW IM Vi U tli llLdlSL:d6`
• From the Office I
Phone 84 Ermines 1'i7
Inn dotlpr per.ysar, strictly in ad ie once I
it uotpad is a vance, one do! ear and 'a.
a hall will be charged, tinned States
papers, fifty cents extra striebty in i
advance. }
nWhen subscrtiers, h an a their dd ens a
otice should be Gent us Immediately. gvinai
1 new address.
both the old and the Sub-
tiywill confer
a favor by
notifying R
ofanierregu1arlt of delivers.
Rending Notlees—No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money is to be made by any person
or rause will be inserted is Ten News qq
without charge, The price for the laser. I
tion of business announcement, is TEN
cents per count line each- !inertias to
parties 'having no contract for display 1
edvertising, and FIVE cents per tine each �
Insertion to those having display coatroom.
and for church, society and entertainment
-reading notice°. Card of Thanks 5 to P
Imes. 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal. Official and Govern-
meot Notices—Ten cents per fine for first I,
Insertion tad live cents per line for each
sabseque' insertion. - gk
Yearly a ards--Prefeselottal Cards, not
ceedlnR teles 1nvh, will be Inserted for
EJ'e, anti lest!,., r 11..•'at H+» eacedlug "lie lo,,h, ell bef)in advaax t
3siSale Looil e f g':, i At tit'
Queen's Hotel, Siefert:. third Wed In Dlepiappllcatiay aivertieing —Rated furnished
nestles Il. a,,tt'h m , Lit tu Ie I a. to. to
"tAdvertteemea¢•• ordered for insertion.
,g :tit
roily. -ace tt n ni.t Waterloo Street,
forbid," and those sent n•Ithont
written instrueticns will appear unto
Set.t!-. 8treafettl. I h.,.ru...f Strattor ti, cote nuorders are re:rived for 'heir -Sia.
to ted • c ORt<
Da.LT.;ew:fet taLtteetd eby thoe the tEedristormsisgtn=ngi 1
optlrton, 808-. er ppubllcatior., a anof good q -
publlehbuteras acceptiruars notee respon, !
age Licenses
- 1 ability
Bty whatever for the statements toad
Are you considering Insurance, Life or Accident?
Sfyon era, a postcard will get our rates.
J. D. 111NOHLEY.
0encrel Agent for London Life Insurance Co..
ad Impeial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
S.•..forth, Ont.
fames Watson l sowed 300 acres of wheat end Olin acres
General Fire, Lite end A odd.+lit lns,trence of oats. and intend to
:Agent and tinnier to s ,visa Sluohlttee. i - cow 480 - acres
113 sin Siteet, Seatmtth• t General Observations
I snore in oats and TUU acres in traces
In such communications. Letters oe reitt/
iglous topics will not be published se ell
except so paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter ie tee
rent, per line.
•F '1•
ThouSands upon thousands of nurses
cattle and sheep eftfered. I. sustained
a heavy" loss myself. t lost ninety cowe
forty yearling cal roe, and title hundred
three year old steers, We had seven-
teen sticking colts and only saved two
Four yearling oolte, three lambs and
one sheep were also destroyed. My
total loss will be, about twenay.five
thousand dollars, mud will give tae
some set back, However, it will by no
ethane cripple fns, The loss of about
225 head of (tattle out of 860 is not bad
compared to what some Wren have lost,
Several farmers have had u per cent
of their herds destroyed, {hue man a
few miles from hers last fall bought one
tholtsand'ewee and lost sight hundred
end sixty It will break hundreds of
small stud big tneu 'I'lte cattle anti
heroes are piled up five and six deep
against wire fence, I have eight men
otst seeming the country. aiid nl, to the
pitsent have taken uiT 127 bides. The
mo,, had to travel thirty miles north-
east of here with two wagons and
saddled horses, Four other men ha
neon out gathering up all stray ,nim
and. from reports to dots, four hundr
head of my stuck have Leen, found al
It trill tale the teen one taonth to co
rt the country and gsthor' lip the oto
Phe est t1e wilt be assemble d err bunch
here and there ett the pr.errre. anti I
,.0 feed for some time until they pi
up in etrc+ngth, when all ntil bo gathe
oil together, We g t tl oto -1., ell
the sheep yard, but four Cmi, were ke
busy pulling thein out of the a,'uw dri
the A change in the ownership of The
ckGoderich Star is announced, Mr. Bert
es, ! Moireath of Toronto having purchased
ceptiou of the Mayor and Councillor's.
Parsons and Story, the whole of the
Goderich Owe (mutto.l are among the
(levitation, including the town clerk,
Front tire" Board of Trade the following
gentlemen were seat: Messrs. 141. G:
Cameron, H, J. Megaw, Rev, Canon
Hill, Alex, Saunders, Rev, A, L, U,
Clarke, F. W. V1'oodoombe, H, .1, A.
ManEwan, luduetrial Secretary, W. S.
Bowden and 'Phos, Pritchard. The
town of Clinton is represented by May-
or Cooper, Win, Jackson was also
named to go but could not get shay,
FrontG d '
o suchw
to uehip Conuoillors
Lindsay, Salk sIdand Vanderbnrgh,were
the delegates. Seaforth was sending
one delegate, Mayor fiarburu. Strat-
ford one (either Mayor Stephenson or
Ald. Gregory). Guelph soot a number
including Mayor Carter, Frank Etotvard
W, Hood, Coes. Burgess, J. W. Lyons
C, P.Penfold, Col. McDonald, Mr,
Murphy, 11, P,for N. Perth, promised
to give the delegation what assintanse
he could. The Heron (smutty council is
represented by the Warden'scomtuittee
and by the clerk and treaeater.
and we were fortunate lit saving theist.
My lues was on the stuck which was
gracing on the prairie. Every thing oil
the farm was saved, This has been
solus experience ami something that
thousands of us will remember. Oat
seeding operations had to reuse, for
snow is piled in drifts in souse fields
rem sevento ten feet deep. Around
our buildings it is awful. We have
Mutual Fire insurance Col, ,
I: (,l,.r -I I h C07 chit : t.. gt will,.!
Pro party Only Insured. :!mots b0001(0e a st.bleri• tot S,•of(:r'tlt ardle
es miiiiea :es f -sac tl:,etou- nib; suer. i p
is:tps ?'gild their -ttrn ,est
, to •lt ,,nu tt' resort o1: 1.:1:,. H
:i (lice warm wind end rain has set in
I and the snots is fast disappearing•
selling will be in order again by t
:he rest. Vie have over 100 } out
Ogg .and a car of fat hugs; :deo 20
Partin and Isolated Town
the plant and good -will from Messrs.
Vanatter and Neftel who cho kava oouciuct
ed the paper with success for the poet
four years. 'rho new owner takes pos-
session .hole n5th and announces that
Tht Star will in future he conducted
as a non-political paper, paying speoinl
attention to the interests of labor and
Mr, Earl Bentley and Miss Ella
daughter of Mr. anti Mrs, John (loush-
er, of Hullett, were quietly married at
parsonage, Vyingham, on Wednes-
day, May 7th, by the Rev, Mr, Arm-
strong. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley have
taken up their residence on King St.
Blyth. Their many friends extend
good wishes for a long, prosperous and
happy wedded life.
Dr. Win. Boles, formerly of Stratford
ho but at present overseas with the caned.
ug Ian fauces will locate in Mitchell int -
mediately on his return, which will be
of in is few weeks. Dr Boles has had four
U years service in the Various theatres of
hoots, 11,4 also shad 3,, io"rd
rime beef ateere wo t6ht1- _ oboist 1,35
.,, t if.,;, e:
Frans, 11000..:,od -', ,•..i .:. i ten.
ii ate
D. F
McGregor, Seafornt
+ lobo tGem..
'Winthrop W, Man,
Constance; t•Ytnbea John B !ansa-
Sradgbngen; Robert,Ferris, Is liarlerk Malcous
Site'ton Clinton; 1St+a -u aezotth•
tsars Connolly, Goderlchr ;as. Evans. Beechwood
Ides. Leitch, liarlinkt into ale 'eetfor
t am Chesney. Egmandvihe
mesvtlie, R. G. Jnrmoutb, Bredli °Jan
t and John Govedlock, Seaforth, a; ::ors.
;Pestles deslroue to effect lnsurancr lir tree ao
t',l'lrp baslneos,wili be promptly _attended '. t
application to any of the above officers, address
;netball. respective postomces.
ft' Gnu!! 7,
gait Ec Bksi
' Ie 2s S.�C1b0�i9
l -AT -0
Genu ine
an lite
f Minafd's
A Business
Without a proper
systirl of ativer-
tisin is like a
motor Witftont the
Seaforth News
}SI VeR rIsl NI Nr5
will supply the
phone - 84
i .' eveninsy:127
ag,•, 11, a
I/ ,
,1110!1,•, tt, ••lire,? t , 4'1-•- t
,,. i IJ,' Hos , • t tient ,
;tl delta:ti„ t' ;,et 310:I { ,'t,,', b(tr;:1 1
lth in its glut.; i , i'nee t'0.0 ir,il p;..t•i p
trees were, magi Cficieli' ill hooturns al,tl t'
pr coaISO a good crop of frac
k, war, having beet, on the staff (if hospit-
Ie aim hi Egypt France and Eegland. and
hits hunt a varied experience Lt is not
t known where his office will be sit-
s noted, but tt possible, it will he on the
is ground door nouns mu pints on Main tit
nil the fat hurts a a. 'k lures. Not
t 1+.e7 i,uraos wee, lost, ttill: ti excel
nit, of 4t t r etas. :1f1 et
oats anti fowl c- me, through lute, -bu
1 torkeys, (tit, t,,, tints hot
hien a ,r' still p t -t, ,he.r tete. an
t t rioter rt t olinga will he teethed..
n.., wrtil m, (.thet v,:n ,.mile;:( the
ant y.•:u, ueniiei pelt a ^htilp it, the
aels Of all u t trail+• taut+, i•tlt the elle
Mug left is to go at it he: der titanever
f we get a good crop this y ear, it will
!p some. 1 was lucking tot weld to
ling over $00,0OuJ of beef this full
but no chance now. Have in, garden
scathe its yet, and it will he two weeks
before there is. Last fall I bought
$20,000 worth of three-year old steers
wintered then fine, and was liguriog on
making a "killing" this summer. But,
you see, tins is this way it goes. .lust
one thing alter another, However, we
are all Site and happy and will survive:
'rim delight of t'ana,la zeay of the'
world, gots sunt toeiaJ to the re-joicil'g
wife who hue been awaiting in Ire-
land for trews of the intrepid husband
who attempted to cross the ocean in
the lust airplane. To some, it may be
reckless, but it tequirett a Strong nerve
to leave all and fly away from friends
into the unknown, and dangerous air
currents, from which not a single mes-
sage had some for eight days,
There'appears to be au idea prevail-
ing that the speed limit for motor cars
in towns and cities is 20 miles per hour
and :5 miles in the country This law
applies only where there are no munici-
pal bylaws governing the speed Any
municipality may pass by-laws to re-
gulate such vehicles within the ooporat
The arrival at his home in Grey town
ship of Pte ,John Kirlrcotniell was like
a story come true- After the battle of
Cambrai,when for some months nothing
was heard of him, it was presumed that
he was dead. A. memorial sttrvtce wee
held at Walton and general regret was
expressed over his supposed death on
the field of battle, Later came news
that he had keen oaptnred by the Ger-
mans. Es bad written to his home
folks on the first opportunity, but the
letter was never received, In the fight
at Uambrai Pte, Kirlccotnial]s right
t was shattered and Its lay for four
a before he ass found alts given
Sled treatrnerit, His leg was atn-
at-d about ltalf.w,iy hetweeti the
;le and the knee.
Litru'-ctt, 'fih: r..�rh-r, lir hp•.
'I'lte Act to disfranchises defaulters da
will he tete ,ted by ail J
1 good 4IY15^lib' as me
a righteo;.:+ cue, 1 hoe, people mailed put
in their duty to ter s,• ?some„ and noun- aul
r=y it its h,: it 'f Y -nes If Sites are dt•- :S
:1 lsby :,Y} m the ,I t,ol ,;i rf.,;: l lin
aurum, t,:r lifte,” ,,.,,' .:eo
Heavy Loss
The following !cites i, brio :etc oil
;l .safe, if. .•uy, 011• Fred Do, to, h! P P
of iletgury-to his brotherr in :Mit:+cell,
and is p'lhltalt- rl by rc'luea,,
Farm it odor; •'., biny. Ifj
Dorn• Herold. -.4u my last letter, I
think that I mentiuued sornethitugahent
a sterni that we were having (May 1st.,
dud, 3rd and 4th), It was one of the
worst in the country's nxperienoe.
Trains were . blocked, telephone olid
telegraph wires down, street oars stop-
ped, and a terrible loss of live stuck„
roc it.:,{., t i''rn t,- hull rn i,', -tee: ret- l
tic scud tit sir'- el'..r• of an7.,:.. was
u ,'I en,ii tl e Itk;:03.inguntie
Vas thOwti u1 1tsrxlt (Is ',s:Wel se-
u,ts, first •,e'( Sp.uti,- it *n00
}.---. '., d til;-Ii,ird
c ens e} meter •„r,ryci ten
e41 tat Lim ut,utlui U, It', Ain,r „la ,,.sena
the meeting to E.e held rn 'Pr,C„rabt in
the rear furtive
fine deptur+mlre,r to ULLNi a t,:. it.0ce
oat tI, itliurstel-zrf P1.h141 yeti feta- the
133 -II of curtain 11,111/00 tapir .vornnut,
lir a-,ln.tother, Will/ Cite r„'ujeeft-al tta'.,i.-
Irehtrlr.nt ,,'f tiro Bake Iii, ooh
polio jolt's plater ib e;; 1 It •', got , (}':
•rhntrdny rt ftnit tato,: ri sl+t case r. ,t. It, g
prestilvd rut Ib,. 'I', 1°,int. leueilig 11� re
on the afternoon trate , I4 ith the ex -
Iicv, 12,.1. H. Perkins, lector of St.
Janes C'ihtiroh, Ingersoll, it former rec-
tor of thus'1'rivitt Mea,, -slut Church, Ex
oter, who resigned there about 13 years
egie to go to Ingersoll hag tendered his
resignation to that congregation to use
oept the appointment as rentor of
Christ Church, Chatham, Be will sum.
(seed the Rev, Canon Howard and ex-
pects to enter upon his sew pastorate
about July 1st, The announcement
was received with surprise and regret,
not only by his own congregatsons, but
by citizens as a whole. Rev. Mr Perkins
has many warm friends who will be
pleased to learn of hie advance in the
ministry as rector of Chatham,
The public rest roam which the Wo"
men's Institute have beets instrumental
in opening on the north side of the
Square, Dederick with some assistance
from the town, should prove a great
oonvenienee, Miss Annie Davidson is
in charge as superintendent and visitors
to town may have their parcels check-
ed there. The room is open from Ioa In
to 6 p. m. For the opening day, last
Saturday there was a ealo of baking and
lunch was served, and about $32 was
raised in this way for the superinten-
dent's salary, Such real rooms have
proved a great boon in either places and
the Goderich room will till a real need,
Big F'iartt for Goderich
The people of Goderich are moot.
elated ut the prospect of an industrial
hewn ill the town by the location
there of a new steel ergnnieation, to
be known as the Lake Elution Steel
Corporation, whb a capital of fifteen
trillion dollars to lnanulactnre auto-
nrebiles, tractors, trucks, eta., which
hitherto have Mien largolr assembled
in tieuada but whose parts have been
manufactured in the United • States,
The company proposes to erect a' plant
at l:odorioh and has scoured 1,000
sores of land in rho north part of
Goderich and in the Township of
fiodericlt which will be annexed to
the town. The scheme in to bring
ore from Lake Superior and Michigan
alid,hsee it enl,ntfaolu'ed into high
carbon steel for automobiles, motor
parts, trucks, etc,
loetiNMsnmmdtall, nemmmmnlmimm■m
t tmsm®
nnM,Inmtla,IlNt,at,aNnm 9 S
T1ieProprfetatyorPttontlisdicine sill
AV ¢efableEreparatloo1bt a r.
a Poadb Reg l ,
Lhe Y
tl r
tingth stoniaehsnodRowelsoff
.. �AtI�T�.� _ 1
There AtiOIt10tin 'pi estlo'l
Gheet'Puinessandlted,Collta 0
neither Opittnl Morphine nog
Nlineraal, Ikrr Ntiitt 3.ari.5
PemcyR,ri Tri+rv" \ t@,
ALnumsrq, -p
,naoIctl S+its e
,Iatsr WS _i
A,dpp ,aunt
(icr,(kSairb _ Ei
1105 , , ..' b?r• q 171
76 t rJm:vNarp` 7:
AltelnfulRemedy for
Constipa€ioilatltllJiarriloe a''
and Feverishness and -'.I
Lf aS5 OT
if;5lltii31't, ?ttE7 1 ottt 5 '
Tina CEItTAtin Cort'Yoltll• l'
i tI
Por Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
. C
t ria
Bears the
or Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
y tea... ..
Special iter for Farmers
I am buying all kinds of
tiuk 1,rr:
d ro 11
I have a great stock of second-hand
Water pipes -and shaftings for sale,
Seaforth Junk Dealer - Phone 9
Next to the Dick House
Every Wage Earner
n investor
fa ,rites
1Y-,5 i,
flg8f y'ift.
Wm Savings Stamps
cart be bought wh er-
aver this sign isr
Every wage carnet' can Le an investor in
gilt-edged securities Wiring a high rate of
interest witltont sacrifice or worry.
. lits pian is so stnlple and secure that di
eruani'nds itself to everybody.
All of r`; spend a portion of our earnings
thoughtlessly. It Is human nature. Yet
most of us would be glad if someone would
take the money we fritter awayand sate fl
for Os, because the And It difficult to ..stave it
Riitko your entployeir do it by ru•etus of War
Savings .tamps. Stay to hili; "I want you
to take five per cent, of the rttoney iit my
pay envelope tank week and kitty me Thrift
,tartars. Then with each. $4.00 worth of
Witrif( Stamps buy Me a War Sowings Stamp.
When you have bought each War savings
Stamp, put it in my envelope. (.o on doing
that for a year."
That is all, Your Wad is frees You will
not 'Miss that '75 cents or that dollar which
teas have hitherto squandered on trifles.
But air the end of the veer you will have a
little package of War Savings Stamps, each
hearing tie .$5.00 mark, but which have
cost ;you but It. few cents over 84.00 each.
Th,Yeo Canada 'twill redeem. in 1924,
Make Your Savings Serve You and
Serve Yam Country—invest Them in
War Savings Stamps.
t1n•amaa malla,.o/tB®paarasaa®00
D I(�agv�ua tl a,anu®Ua®NQ
St.; James!:
St James' Uhuroh, Rev. Father F'
F, Goetz P, P, Early Mass 8.00, high
Mass 10,30, Sunday School 2,30 p, tit,,
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless.
ed Sacramaut,7' p,
St. Thomas'
Rev. H, Brown, Rector Sunday
serUoes 11 aunt, and 7 p.m. Sunday
echoo 1 2,30 p. in, Women's anglioart
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30
Tian. Ohildren'abrauch Sktttrday 2 p.m,
Itteroessiou services every Thursday,
.0 p.m„ •
Ltav, f1, D, Moyer, pastor
—SUNDAY `dohoot at 10;00 a,m,
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m,
Prayer Meeting 'L'huritdety 8, p.m
- Salvation Army
Leant. 1 , W, Leight
Sunday services—Elolitesa 11 a, Ill.
Praise ,p.m,—Salvation 7 p.m, --Sun
day School 4 p. m.-_Wedltesday—'
Public meeting, All are tvefcome:
Iglnonduille, Presbyterian
Rev. S McLean pastor, Sunday ser-
vices 11 a,m. and 7 p al, Bible class
3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p. m, Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.m. Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 p.m Ladies' Aid meets im-
mediately after.
First Presbyterian
;Rev, A', H. Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
services 11 a.nl. and 7 p in, Sunday
school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.45 rein. Women's Miss-
ionary Sock y•the first Cttesdey in each
lmonth at 3 p m, Ilarbura Kirkman Mid.
Blob Banti 3rd Tuesday,' in the month at
7.30 dt l
I , t. >unsllfYie Mission Batts
every '2u(1 Monday tit 4,15 p.in.
Mcltillop Presbyterian
love U '1irs,vell p.fstor Sunday
i'tervicts llntfs' church II is in Sunday
sett.Yol LU um] Prayer meeting Wed-
! 'meekly 8 p.m. wolusu's Missionary
Society last Friday in each month at
Wint(t-op Presbyterian
Sunday service 2 30 pm. Sunclay
school 1 15p in Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p to. Is 0• lest Wed,
Oonstartce Methodist
Rev, T.E. Sawyer, paster. Sunday
service 2 30 p.m. Young PeoFle'e Lea-
1114 31 , nStllay Cs :01111
ars first Cleaser of every mouth a
30 s 'is f„ l:a(' ti l !tit Thursday
of south month 2,30 p.nt
"For the Blood la the Lite."
Whit any dl do. to Impure blood
ouch am Eoae , Deror,(la, Scurvy, Bad
Lege, yybeooe oe' aeon, Glandular
BwellltSE., Bono, Pimple., Bar.. oftiny
kind, pui.e,Glood Pole.n,Rheumatlem,
Gout, etc., don't waste your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the akin. What you Want
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone is the true
cause of all your suffering. Clarkes Blood
Mixture Isles, such a medicine. It is composed
of ingredients which quickly expel from the
blood all impurities, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
can be relied OHIO effect a lasting cur;
(Th,p,,,rrcdrsir n talc,
rerrexoeuer ,Ftinor
rduud berfte)•
Over 50 leers'
success. -
Pleasant to
Ofiertfftts arid
trtfuse all
stafrtLos, CURES
A fill that Protres its Values --']hose
of WI alt stomach will find strength in
Parmelee's V getable Pills, heoause
they serve to maintain the healthful
action of the stomach and the liver,
irregularities in which are most distress.
iug. Dyspeptics are well acquainted
with them and valtte.them at their pro-
per worth. They have afforded relief
alum other- preparationshave failed,
arta have afforded cures in ailments of
long standing where other tnedicittes
were found unavailing',
C 0