HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-29, Page 1The
Seaforth. News
66Ex�ap1�e iience
C oU:n V s"
ivoU have more
A confidence in deal
iingwitte a man who
has had. awide
of the Monumental Works, has
over Forty years practical
Watch For Our Special Big Display in Our
Window. , All Will Be Special on Saturday
The Palm of perfection
is held Out to alt who wools.
possess a box of our sweets
Nothing transcends the succul-
ent excellence of
Freshly made, candy
bought here. One taste of ,err
Candy will dispel the most hor-
rid ease of the blues lied sanwis
instantly disappear at its first
taste. It's perfection perenni-
fled. Buy a box for your girl; if
you don't, some other fellow will.
New Series Vol. 17 Mo n•
mNmwwmTila 11nOs MI-WM
PubHc , a t rvkke
Colonel J. Raveling and Ad=
jutant Ritchie will hold a
special service in the
Friday, Jul a 3rd.
at 8 o'clock in the evening
Adjutant Ritchie is an ex-
pert in :isician on several
different instruments.
Come for an enjoyable even-
The Cauliflower
While the cauliflower is more diffi-
cult lb grow than the•cabbage the gar-
dater should not hesitate to grow this
delioitlds vegetable. The preparation
of the soil, the time of sowing the seed
and method of transplanting and cul
tivatuon are almost the same for the
cauliflower se for they cabbage,. 'The.
Early Dwarf Erfurt us one of the best
early varieties while Large Algiers has
been found a good late sort at the
Central Experimental Farm. The met-
hod of cultivation riot only• for cauli-
flower but foto cabbage as well is fully
dealt with in Pamphlet No, 23 of the
Experimental Farm and available at
the Publications Branch of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, The
pamphlet states that foamy several sea-
eoua early cauliflowers were grown
elnite'eetiefaotnrily in a cheeee cloth
Welcomed to Canada from the Peace C'>nfr reirce
wheat and weed semis contained.
Screenings that have been purified of
what is Icnolcn as` black seeds" are
meal) more valuable than those not so
treated, for the reason that these seeds
if not actually }termini, are so pungent
and distasteful to stock as to render
the meal nude from them practioalit
Daylight Saying
Sir ---.The writer would just like to
euggest a few hints as to the Daylight
riving problem mid the tu•est . of the
Labor Unions.
when they, write those they complain ai
so of high ooseeef living. Now whose
fault is it? The allawsr, that is no one
wants to work but tether. Even hr
gets tired too and .ells the farm be-
cause he and hie wife cannot do the
But the ntancllawtnrer says-.. 'Bet a
car and a tractor and make life worth
Those wise inert we have for our rul-
era cannot charge the time of the sun,
moon and stats, They have to leave
that So the Creator of the Universe.
It seems that those men are trying to
show the public they are earning their
money and helping production, but if
they could consider the matter thor-
mighty they would see they are decreas-
ing production, The man who is help-
ing production is the man who gate up
at n 1n the morning by sun time and
works his garden in the refreshing morn
ing air an hour before breakfast I
was pleased to see some of our town
friends last week, when I was driving
through the streets at a a. re. working
in their gardens. Those aro the men
who deserve credit for Daylight saving.
They co-operate with the farmers that
are the producing factors in every
country, If all would take an interest
in production as the early riser does,
the high cost of living wool soon be-
ceme normal end the labeling class
would not be so restless, , Now they
are clamoring for the eight hour day
and more pay while the producer has
to work 15 to 18 hours and he does not
ayerage lg cents au hour even if be
has good luck.
enclosure. In the euelorure they are
not exposed to the fly of the root mag-
got and the air was moister than out-
side favouring the development of the.
Commercial Feeding Stuffs
Stay for the Cance
aftar the Play
'The Heart Of Uullauity'
. Cardno's Opera House
Friday, May 30
Reeves Orchestra
(6 pieces)
Dancing i f to 3 o'clock,
Gentlemen 5o cents
Sale Register
Mrs, Win, Reid will hare it clearing
Auction. Sale of Household Furniture
on Friday of the week, May 30th at 2
p. nt, at her I'relt1CnCe On Railway St,
west of the Creamery, aeefurth.
t. BROWN. -tncti..u.,er.
Many mothers have reason to bless
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator,
because it has relieved the little ones
of suffering and made them healthy,
$l:ffoper year
I e Heart of Humanity
Positively the greatest picture ever produced
Coming to Seaforth for one day only
Card flgs Opera Flail
Friday May 30th. 1919
Afternoon 2 P. M, Evening 8 P. M.
Orchestra Accompanil,lent - 6 pieces
The ear►adi ri 11.3nkversall Flinn too• paf i$ive
ly geea>a ailee tnalteverryfoot oT ;he iiiiiiil,a will
be stows—nod a plretion, bug &kge entire ill>l
Pi Di IIS iON--
Afteranoona—1 hitdren 25c•—adults 50c.
Evening —5Oc 75c $9.00
Plan now open at 1 berhart's i#rug Store
living , but the old gentleman finds
out he minuet ruts his farm with even
the modern Cotivelltelleee as of
yore, It is Mao true that under the
c'rcu nstancoe the farmer finds the mod-
ern machinery is worn out by the time
it is paid for and that he can't realize
3 per rent on the capital he has invest-
ed. That is the reason no young man
wants to take hold of a farm without
capital. lie would rather work at
something where he knows what he
will earn each day,
The time or Daylight Saving problem
is a nuisance to the farming community
in general as they can't harvest or cut
grain or hay with the dew on without
a disadvantage in, the savings proper-
ties as we are taught by the experiments
that have been made.
Well some men will come along to
hire with the farmers from where the
Daylight system has been in vogue and
he asks his employer what about the
time you want me to start ? T he
reply is by the old time. Well he con-
siders for a moment and says well if L
can't work by the new time I won't en-
gage with you. The answer is suit
yourself I can't be bothered , The
man leaves and says the farmers are
not hard up for help when they wont
agree to what the law makers say and
as I said before the farmer is not in a
position to quit at the minute when
they hear the town bell ring at certain
seasons for if he did the high cost of
living would be still higher and the
Lord knows its high enough but no
higher than according to the wage he
has to pay and aocordiug to the running
expenses of the farm and if those who
think this isn't tnie let then bnyla farm
and try the genre audit wont be long
when they will realise the feat. These
remarks are open for oritisim and it is
hoped that there' is no offence given,
In Bulletin No, 36, Second Series, of
the Experimental, Faints, Dr. F, T.
Shutt, Dominion Chemist, recommends
that one buying feeding stuffs should
insist on the vendor furnishing a guar-
antee'as a porteie; fat and fibre con-
tent in such products as the Commer-
cial Feeding Stuffs Act•provides are to
be sold under guarantee, This public-
ation, which is obtainable from. the
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa,
points out that elevator screenings
which are now largely used in stook
feeding, vary greatly in quality accord.
Ingto the relative amounts of broken
The Daylight Saving SYitem seems
to me to be for the pleasure seeker.
Hie day is done probably at 3 or 4
o'clock in the afternoon. If he can
afford a.car,.he and his family will go
out fora spin and some will go as far
as London to see the sights of the city
and probably spend before they come
home all they have earned during the
day. Then they complain of the high
cost of living,
Then our Ferro boys and girls see all
the enjoyment that is going on while
they have to work from daylight to
dark and they say the farm life is too
monotonous and leave the old folks and
go to the cities and towns tie have a
high old time at short Moire, But
Attacked by Asthma,—The first fear-
ful sensation is of suffocation, which
bout by hour becomes more desperate
and boplese. To snob a case the re-
lief afforded by Dr. J• D. Kellogg's
Asthma Remedy eeemanothing less
than miraculous. its help is quickly
apparent and soot, the dreadful attack
is mastered. The asthmatic who has
found out the dependability of this
sterling remedy will never be without it
It is sold everywhere.
Special attention given mall
and -phone orders
tiii �nN�Ei
oar cd
-\V .' pay delivery charges
cn oli mail ordcrs
thr Ims
At this Store that will delight you
Splendid Showing of New Goods
Night Gowns
We want you to notice
especially the way the
garments are made.
Lace and embroidery
trimming, that willlwear
as long as the muslin.
Price $t.25 and upwards.
An almost bewildering
display of finest materials
embroidery trimmed or
plainly made. A style
to suit every taste.
Price sett and upwards.
Wash Underskirts
These garments wi11
meet with marked favor
they come in excellent
wash materials, are dur-
uiable and may be had in
both light and dark col-
Price $ t.5o each.
Cheap decorations are
absent- But special
attractiveness through
neatness of fit and per-
fection of material, and
workmanship are features
Price 5oc and upward
House Dresses
They are made from
good quality wash ma-
terials. The assortment
is large, both light and
dark effeets being well
Price $t and upwards
Corset Covers
Dainty sheer creations,
that are a delight to see
even if we don't wish to
buy. Value is promin-
ent in every garment.
Price 2oc and upwards.
Dressing Sacques
These dainty garments
will please you. They
come in assorted colors.
The material is wash
crepe and the price is
certainly low.
Price 15c and upwards
Shirt Waists
We are showing new sum
mer shirt waists. Already
we can show you the lat-
est styles in fancy dress
effects. The materials are
new plain and striped
voiles, Price 5oc and up
J. MAC'3aVISli