HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-22, Page 4(/ I 1 w. MEDICAL !. HUC,II Rees, phvsialau end Sureeco �Ltat'anf Londhu Hoepual,;Loudaa,England. Bpeehbl attention to diseases of .Lye, Iter,Nose and throat, t ilea and residence behind uwniufon Ii cult uo Phone No. 6,. Reside nee Phone No, ion rieaforth Dillceand7 s' fdeuett- Goderlrb xtreet, reel e1 the Idetu ' n h, coroner ter County of Huron ' ifal l.h t. 'del upbnm hu 1u noon. ' 'l'FIE SIii :.)[tri{ .NEWS 111T1 U:p�UyrIS 1.0./meelorT1..11..oasseymee.. HURON NEWS cEP RT0D5M6 IIS ISSUED EVERY' THURSDAY 3 From the Office a'. iF. MAIN ST, e SEAFORTH, ONT. p - Phone 84 Evening l2.7 ANUS., sitar r Id An I:AY, physicians and • a/Surr;l ons tj at -notch direct, opposite tunic• Ubnr b. sentorth Start.geotnieto;'ietorir,nod Alnt lrboe, and Heather of Ontario College tN Yb, t inns and ftergeonx t oroner' for honor:- tY of Huron. - ptAt:nlivnd,er aof honer teaCtet ersity, gbidmeastTinityMedadalcoil € Member Yvaicint9 and CO r„e sin. Mittel,. H, Ole nblLlittas()sweetie, .lpeetaUstl • in i\onieo'i' nod (tit u.'r,u' diseases and Rheumatic troubles, t cute a d 'lir, ate-discrd' ere, ' Ear, Nye, Noose awl 'Che ant Adenoid to. nerved with not ihehfltn, Consist t tin Iron, i)91 e over utbee.h's Moe more rte?a1a1',. „ is to p.m Irrklitv Or. Y r J. cis Forst D Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat yitatluatr, in M,-li cite<:.,. t uvorcity ''I J:orrentE Late AssisttInt Now inti. ophthal- mic nt: illi, i tri ttt.-ite, \I ,Uri milt'` Eye, alio U„dei `' it'N-c+ 'l oat lilt s pttnle, L,,#nloie Engit, rot, At ting Queen s Hotel, a e'-tl.. third \fi„1 steaday in each rd),ln tram Il a. to to 3p.ni railroad little. Waterloo Streoi. daoth, •.•trctfote . Phone :2..7 Stratford. • afaf.:�r�gf .�eq•�±e:� l�-q ;np !ss e r t "10' Id4i F [ieAnt= onseH H ,)lI I.fNAS`en' -•ta Insurance ar'a gran :nnatderiog Insurance, Lite or Accident? liscar are, a postcard will getour rats. J. D. 111NG''HLEY. tieaeeat Accent for London Life Insurance Co.. tad Imuerte! Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, 5-ntorth, Ont. wines Watson tienerel Fire, Lite and Acetdeut lnsurauce Agent, and dealer In Sewing Mae:Inca. Main Cireer, he,_fortl,, ME McKl1<1.OP Mutual fin iasura�ica A t''•nrm and isolated 'town Property (Dal;. insured. 01•F10ERS ;as. 4 t - i' i r, li, tart' Evans, lam -hae,, i 1:.:.1'r lit t li -r. nenfortn. D r ctora D F. McGre or, Seaforth; John G. Grieve. Mozart* W. Rion, Constance; Bennewefs, , While visiting at the home of SUBSCRIPTION 4 'i. ail 1' a lice - + d liar er oar, s[rletl u 4. itn o D Y Y , 1 , advance, one dot an and it not paid 11.6 1 Vatted ;Stolen well be. charged..t t isl a halt! 16, I her daughter. Nits, Joe, Antes, Grey town- ship, Mrs, Win Bryaus hail it fe* :rat, her exciting moments, when, int walk- iiig to the end of time veranda she step. ped on the platform of the cistern one l d' of the prate suddenly tyle way n 1 Y4 ay a d Mn.sByrans found herself in the- chi. tarp. Her calls for help soon brought pa para, fifty rants aztru, caro•+y n ad vance. aid anti with the exception of a few l Mra When subscribers ehannKe theft address bruises, i3i'yanaaa oaten the wase „e I I for hot experience,. notice should be i [ue'Immedlawly giving of u c scribers w confern favorrdcu Hnlintut lino' returned of any Irregularity of delivery. new addr a.'Sub- s both the old and the,Pio (ie 16 a! by notf[ybeg n Reeding Nottcen--•No -ceding -notice, advertising any entertafnttleut or matter by which money la to be•made by any person or cause will be Inserted to rice Naas without charge. The price for the loser - Ulm of business announcements le TEN cents per count line each lacerti'.'., a parties having no contract for tial'! v advertteta„ and FIVE cents nor tie,-ra n Insertion to those having 'if , tY ,rn to and for I.1113/67.. society ata, a it r,at,a,. n reading re i yes Card of Thanks 0 to One]. $J vent... l from ovareeaa to his home hi (ioderich 1 after seeiel - e Judicial. Lona'. Of glen end Cavern: moron Ni (leen Ten crone lar int ton l Insertion it_.f flax cent', p,r tine rot , aubse,tue n-pettlon. It Year! d.-Profesai R a n.- I enctedtng o one Mei:, tett be Inserted t i S5 (IOC?! ,lar t »,.;ole suit -I, , ole au ,�. inpiuy :,:1v recta;; --liars 4r il:tic-i 1 a ,a a t li..ut . n 1 w unit ,rr id.” orders] for insertion, • wUnr? forbid.” id chill er wltuser, written (nett, stir.• will co u lf, mitten order. are •,:Reed for :heir .lis 1 continuance, e Lett ara to the Editor ,not ..,e secort- panted by the wrlter'e own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of gond faith. The publisher accepts no mayor,. r afbalty whatever for the nearementr ata.e In such eommnnlrattons. Letters on reit- 3 pious topica call not be published at all !.. caeept of pato advertising, plainly marked r' as such. The rate for such matter la ten cents per Hae. 1 EDITOR AND D PUBLISHER a g five y amity. Pte, Holman enlisted in the Old 33rd Battalion, London and tea :lrtl, rug the 11.-tt to go overseas Mrs Charles Carper tel of Ashfield nnuow•11 ,arnp•ii iL'atlt. when on the hit on the t odei•feh title of the hell- i,•r 1 (.ridge ! I Motto took Flight at a I1 online oil the tack below. 1, i v „- tl I!•n t I woo ,t .. t s tl muton h .t<F Fa e ft:un Cr.I c through a wile (it,t „ori he body wean bent hook and c i ,cl the - f h n, U. to, ' pfontl t S,ci o1 t,caild hone trlu,lierl to i hi conn of Lout, t. ant. of Wm \i sere, or lily II, was before it ilgietrote on the charges of c • ; i,,•; a gsuib- lir,;; lte•ua., au,i li;it'iug liquor• I. r Bale, ti WAS fitted on the first charge, $25 ane i costs amounting to $OU,ou, On the second charge hr. tens livai for a trot offence molar the C. T. A. $50 and about. $11 costs, On 'fhnrs,lay May Stin, Eleanor, only d:utghter of Mrs dutch Patterson, ti'ibgltatn, become the bride of lilt Frank Hatfield Fair, Onondaga town- ship A very quiet tvraiding Wish place at the Manse Thames Road on hicy 7t11, %hen Rev, Dr, Fletcher united ,n mar. arc eervirt' lit the General Observations I rine, Miss Jennie •1•, eldest daughter of • 'Tine, ca, ':,r•tc. , ,;tet en, ei \lr and Mrs.'.1ci'ltllagit to :dr. John FARM I CATER SYSTEMS A Summary of Best . Availab'e Types For Stab!es, When Pastures Fill] the Milli I"lu,v Decreases Littlest Sciilin >' Uropri 1,„ Have Been l'Y•ovided (o t "'] 1 • of 1 case Silage Will Also Greatly � [ Milk Yield ill Hot Summer, (Contributed by. Ontario Department nt Toronto.) Agriculture. 1 oat ) N a day's visit among the farmers of Ontario in almost every. run across I c .you would 1 n u T cute t Y . quite number or stables equip- ped with some form or other of water system for ]itppiying the farm stock more or less automatically with water each clay, With few exceptions every new bars built now is pro- vided with a wales system, Among the available systems are the follow- ing, which, in this ellrn't article, Can receive only a very brief description: Of these probably the most com- mon consisting of a water' sup- plyis thate s ply tank in the hay or straw loft above the stable, front which the • l • intoe l 1 t - r to water runs by gr2v t ,r a g ing tank on the .stable floor', which supplies the individual drinking basins with water automatically. The tank is usually built of concrete and the size depends upon the kind of power used for pumping; if windmill be used then the tank needs to he large enough for three or four days' supply as the wind does not blow every day. Under these conditions a tank 10 x 4 2 4 feet, 01' its equiva- lent would be required for 30 head of stock. Sometimes the concrete tank is built just outside Bie"riable wall and underground enough to pro- tect it again frost, or in one corner of the stable, elevated enough off the floor to feed the regulating tank by gravity. In case pumping is done by gasoline engine and a. smaller tank is sufficient, a metal one is sus- pended from ceiling of stable. in .every case an overflow is necessary. 'Many provide means for collecting the rain water off the barn and run- ning it into the storage tank so that in wet weather very little pumping Is required, especially where a large tank is used. Another method of '1•o ii lilt, th t,l on of Mrs, ;Ih•x Turn- filling the storage tank IS by the 6u i i ,. tl of l of rune, hydraulic ram installed at the spring. Still another is by means of a one - tet, 1 sir ,ass d •tc ,v at V}u- inch pipe leading front a spring or other source at an elevation at least r the, nton. Butte t ct:rl•:.r.- TI . r I:,:.ins were as high as the storage tank. Some- w,,el , ' 1 rt'it f.,i • it t: - t„• ,,pt l h'...1,0•1- -; to 11 ret r f, r iret t l int the times where hydra clic rant or gray- w,1„. Frit,,,t Ti„, .,»,,? wap go Lty system is in use the storage tank .,Il, f t .l L'•1 Ill: trent i'' is dispensed with, the water, in the [ te' nn '-t Ion and hilt tutu,,,',, 'alai(' was ease of the former, running through til: t, set t..: 1 u� : ; o• . , n tI ,t t te,' Hitl•l, ,,,t. In it'u2 she the drinking basins or trough all the silty,}ter. o.:. i.1,. a ar-+-s. .., .t to ; tf a time and escaping' to a good outlet u i i v t ar it is „ , t I' ! t lv h . t• I ot,e !t? ti, -:+ „til::. -tt i�arin 1ia'ii G' t}t Johni • Itradghngen• Robert Ferris, Ilerlocict Malcom Ade”' eon. Gunton. Ir McC'NrtneY Seatortht rreaacn CooaoitY. Godcrtch: Jae. Evans, Reechw9,:d Agents Alen. Leitch. Aarloch; E, Hinckley- Scafor, ,illellam Chesney. Egmondvllle; J. W. V, tlbtweavtliet It, G. J. -mouth, Brodhapa-•: Jan Sett and Jobe Govenlock, Seaforth, ac utors. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trays Cher business will be promptly _attended ." app`atatfoa to any of the above officers, address ail their respective poe[ofces. ,hilt Ol'i incl and Only lIt'nui1ie 'f! r }ii inert. ia611oiic •; propel simile of sdvi:r- I tisio is Re a motor without tic b poyef rl -Seim rUUVi1f 1 i `i if 'e4'a S 9v1i ;1ffiee }ry rill' 84 ahem: : p evt ns' t rt i27 • n. The t , derilel boom r eniteaa rout of the l e eltoiu Eatable t, thp'tuy which a tow year's ego title mph, ti ti ma tee cheese from guate' milk at lionura Pay on tree Manitoulin. It also was pro- moted by Toronto men who had Chic- ago capitalists at their hack. Leases and options were taken on several thousand cove of !and, Work n as even starved on the foundations of immense factories After a few months the promoters were labded iu jail and nothing totnaim, of the vast enterprite today but a holo }n thea grountl• 11 e hope ttee.tertook awaitsifnte!I-li- i ecr- or drain in the latter the water is piped directly to the regulating tank which in turn suecnlit's the basins or tri a of hotat a oldest 1 ortitloW,If pane- trough automatically. Again the nil awe,y nn 1tie,tnc-sday loot it, the per - i0,1, of Mrs, ,dames Bissett aged g4 y e,ets Thu ,ler,•axe•d- lady Woo ailing far some tilhe, .1t the 3lethedist parsonage, Exeter, Saturday May Itiih, Bliss Hf de M. daughter of NL'. and Mrs. John Press ttatnr of the 3rd Con, Stephen, became the bride of lir N. 'Petit of Lundell. The, young ceuple'ci't reside hi London ,Mr, W. Dulles, the new Manager of the HHutson's hath Zurich arrived in Zurich ..last week and hes- tilt'se d his frtrtttt in' then'. 51re Henry Krueger, herr Zurich, re. coldly delivt'l ml a line valf to iiasltweo,l Th. ,,alI weighed Ia40 pounds chit Ices oh; y 10 mouths old. It Asn', eat"' d lay $1t, iirn•;;,.r, Sermons at a Dant° W ., ..._-._ + :.4w0h111,'. L'nmeal tan e'. I', t+e•, ,1. Asti tri f;, :, +!r ,:- The ditto,. .1 . ian'litto.'I tit.. C •mould ,. of , she lie fail• iii' A.••!!lir alit '.',;. rimy Ilr,l•.,..,....__._.�.,:....._-..,k..- .-.,noon«-. _• eei,i„r,.I :r:'., .;::n:r iy ac i. .:' .. -. t49, uiV'iayl� ',r'.1 i.:d>•'s]tJ n l ., I,...,,..;. i,:1 tt,l a rn- lino ') ti., attl I. nil , 1r: (IV- 1O 1lt:t'• fat [rr tl'Ftdo;r . i r f iiy-1',w I` --_...... '.`re r tttl',1' ii tied its noet',t, Llama v eak- { - ' otr'tt_ Notice I: For by git'ar, that s Ivy- i ', law wee pushed by tile Town of 3oa-1 !f<•rh „ t.0 tooth day - , ,i ,l t4n,,•, in l^, I , lir., r i 1'o ie:u^ tel l l e'Cn n. C. 'f! tasty t!: 41, a;h' u-. I ,vlrl :u 1 nail„ r f f t.4n :{t tra the r t .,r11':..� '.•, :l n, en ,il'atit,trIt, mil et [ , . „I ,,. i, f Stili.., 11- } 1 t+.'i. f: ,. +11: i,', r.. ...:, it _ ,,,.. II, illl, el,• '.l e• s•d,'. tihy- tttnt1 , if t e:,.el..... ritl'n 'lel! •. 1''11 .h' levo';'; ! tor til lir”;I In 1 inn a 1' ibis 11 it, at„r i; , n ,+.: ,,'i t» titer, [it •r, 40.1;t: .S 1 -.ill ayot1r ay 111 10 ) .30G,N A. NA:itee eN; Clete. SAYS LEMON JUiCE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin, Squeeze the juice of two lemons late a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a gnerter pint of the best ;Heckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at ,cry, very small coot, Your grocer hasthe lemons andany drug store o rit to et counter r will' sup thrl a ounces of orchard white for afew amts, Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blr'miehete disappear and how clear, soft t',nd white the skin becomes, Teel I▪ t le harmless, water is .pumped directly to tank in the attic of the hoose, and the over- flow from it supplies the stable with water. And since the advent of the compression water system we find a few cases where it is used to supply the stables as well as the house, the installation being proportionately larger than it would be for the house alone. Probabiy no one system, how- ever, can be absolutely recommended as best for every case as the cir- cumstances pertaining to the source of supply, amount of water used, position and elevation of the farm buildings, etc., always have to be carefully considered in planning the ideal water system for the farm house or stable.—R. R. Graham, B.S.A„ 0, A. College, Guelph. laumrarimaa Thursday May e"i n aQ N°rP& � • i ntl'[odicht Theiropliel---,a u AreOclaidePreparnhet clhss, similallnI111e o0iilly5e aha j tingtlteStontachsBad iio''ets of. PI 1'(dfa.l)YPaomibtIng5 o sNilo»,t GticefFudnessiln iter • Itchier opitiim,blot PLule IFN lineral. Now iTA'PCOTIG, lltckof altrStd'LJ'LINIT ' ,Pialtlr 1 i)t ' JWrt ! Areru r -.1rnf nl ,:rt,C,w I fI Jilt h . u%N Por •Yn Infants and Children. hild e u o a.m.- Mothers Know That Genuine a -a ills Always Bears the Signature of 1i i ipi' 2Ci,icdy ft"' rttlatipelr t.Iiltilltnttl.e8' £tillt v i tSlt£U tis nota 0,, yOt'�tli'hla I' NJ1ei1'' tr t' SltittFh k hlSOtlt 'tri T'dg$Ifi,ttr.5;7n ei i•i, 'trine RCs:20 Ot . roarrntr a:as;\�_ o_a�' in ha Over Thirty Years Enact Copy of Wrapper. It, n.5C l ,obi.: !Van., . t f.er&t' 4: Special Her far Farmers I am buying all kinds of junk rFoiM h { I have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings for sale. J. Naftolin Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House - Soiling Crops for Cows. Most Ontario dairy fanners depend - on the pasture crop for the feeding of cows during stlmnter, if the pas- ture fails, there is no remedy, the cows, go dry, the creameries and cheeseries suffer loss of patronage, the city mint plants are short of milk, and the whole dairy business is more or lets handicapped. The time has come when dairy farmers should take out an insurance policy in the form of a sr'ntln-.r silo, filled with can ft'uut tit p tions year's crop. Failing this, it in duo bottom of a winter q-ilo is good tried, but the surface a\p Is, -1 !'ia tn1cl be reduced one-half by tett cul; the silage down the centre with i l ty Itfi te, If this in not eveti,l i. elle slings) in um - hal" the silo ma,: be dug down with a fork but Ibis l : ves an irregular ed which eau. oxeessive spoiling of the silage, lir,:at care i:, needed in feeding htnunil r• silage, else there is danger of tainting the milk, The strott'e advant e -.' of silage for sup- pleuienting poo u;.sture, is the fact that a man t af:t;, t rued nut of a silo for a hemi of ,lows in about one- half the iimo t,'rinired to not e. Beg. ing crop in t field and haul this to the stable for the cows to eat, Soite meal, or wheel, bran, should be added to the silage for best results. If silage is not available for feed- ing during the. season of '19, then soiling crops like clover, 01115, peas and vetches corn, etc„ should be provided, so that the cows may not want for feed to snake mint,—Prof. H. H. Ueau, 0, A. College, Guelph. Farm Tractors. Interest in farm -tractors has in, creased rapidly in Ontario in the past two or three years. In the early part of this year the Ontario Department I . of Agriculture field 32 courses on farts power in different part's of the province, and there was a total at- tendance of 12,27v. No greater ifie let'est has been shown in coarses on any other subject, anti much ueeful educational work was. done. Handle Tubers Carei'nlly. e s PotMoss sthr /olde b handled care- fully c e full anti not as though it Y they g were cobblestones. The potato dolt living thing, with a protective skin, which it is able to keep intact If it has a fair chance. M tri May Cost $1.04 lit June Cost $4.05 War qa` ,Sarrafre "Y r�' rarft e a P can be boregltr' roller. ever this afra-i dfspls,yecl, And you can invest it in securities as safe and profitable as any held by cap- italists, Twenty-five cents saved each .Reek can be made to earn 441/2% interest by a very simple plan. Thrift Stamps cod twenty-five cents each. Sixteen of these when exchang- ed for a War Savings Stamp become a 441/„';,, interest-bearing security for which the Government will pay you $5.00 in 1924. In other words, if you lend the Govern- ment the $K.00 odd you have saved by this easy means, the Government w111 pay it back to you WITH AN ADDI- TIOil1iAL DOLLAR five years from now. And yon become an investor in the saf- est of all securities --a Government Bond. Carte,da need the small savings of her people to finance the work of recon- struction. Make loin' Savings Serve (en and Serve Your Country--9irvtast Them in War Savings Stamps. tgil....tteu nvvvseH11" ...•'antrr'iws/v..•nusssmIlfa CHURCH NEWS i ilu� u�nn--nu-r�uu--uuueq C I4 U A C I -i t Y St. James' St, James' Church, :Rev. Father E F. (loots P, 10, Early Mass 8,00; High Mass 10.80, Sunday bet ol `3 z..0 p, tn• vespers and Benettictiou of the Bless. tad Sacrament t,7: p. m, St. Tilotnas' Bev, T. H. Brown, Rector Sunday eerOoee 11 a.m. and 7,mt Sunday • p ca} scion I 2,30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30 11.11.1. , Children'ebrntioh'Saturday 2p,m, utoroessiou services every Thursday, .Op.m. Methodist lice, H. 1), Moyer, pastor. —:iUNDAY. School at- 10;00 a,al Public service 11 a -in. and 7 p.m, Prayer Meeting '1'huraria y 8, p.m Salvation Army Lieut. F. W. Leight Sunday services—Hal Wean 11 a. M. ('raise 3 p.m.—Salvation 7 p.m,—Suet day School 4 p, m,—Wednesday— Pnblio meeting, All are welcome, Egmondviile, Presbyterian Rev, •S McLean pastor. Sunday sut• vices 11 a.m. and 7 p in, Bible class 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, m,, P.? M,S Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.m, Women's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at .2.30 p.m Ladies' Aid media Ma - mediately after. - - First Presbyterian Rev. F. H. Larlciu,lPastur, Sunday services II a,m. and 7 p on. Sunday school --2.30 p.lu Prayer foliating, Thursday. 7. 40 p."1. WIIIIIeil's Miss- ionary Stuie:y•the first Tuesday in each month at 3 1! rn. Barbara Kirkman 1'1ie• Bion Band tied 'I'nesday. in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2md Monday at 4.10 p McKillop Presbyterian 1t,v, U Uars.vell pastor Sunday serviced Duffs' aharch 11 a In `innday 4,1110,11 lU Sola Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 3 p.m, women's hliesiaoeary Society last Friday ill each month et t'nloak. Wirith-op Presbyterian Sunday setvice 2 30 pm, Sunday School I lap in Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p. tn. le (1 lest Wed, ttonstauee Methodist Rev. 1', hi, Sawyer, paatcr, Sunday eervioe 2 311 p.m. Young Po ;l lies. Lea• 11,1.11 a o' Ct t i ty v 4ti+t's :1•teil tt•y'Inst 1'1- , I eV Of ,w:eno' tete ,teth a 30 , .1 ..i;, iii loot Cant';'rday t.1 .' t.'It ,.t •.1 ,:,.''J II,f ,I. n, YWCA. "For the Blood is the Life.” E 16 U AR SIDIFVERMITi; bis,, any dlnoano thio to Impure brand 01101, an rsasom,y eoroeuta, scurvy, Aad i legs, Abeeennoo, InG11011, Glandular itSwelltnno, Oona Pmpleoeeorea of any hind, P Iou,Htooel P e n,Rhoutnaticnr, Gallia ate, don't t l it tint: and looney int lonions tet t -hick cannot get helot the auto.. of ti. ,hitt. What you want a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood :i tl,e p.i,rnumn 111•01 0I mhirh clone ie the trite van on it toy tr ,ti Clark. a Blood Alen ur,o1 vis r :nog. me. iti 1 posed t gr rites le 1111.11 ter I c expel from tint hl 1 oil impurities, *env whatever !Align 1;, arising, and by tetnitrin0 !t clean and pure, -,, . be relied , to effect %lasting cu: ' 1 t'i n tr /' + rr=nonfalf, m. f a teran,Sklet round Wag). �° :fi s Over Ss:care' ellrteaa. Pleasant In tnkt, S !d by art ChomIsta and St,.eahanperi, a •on, " CURES ALL 3,6 tkn tx.v, Ciarke9s i r'lood SKIN & BLOOD. DISEASES. ( til:'. hl ': •I r3dissi.t li dN ttiasti : 1 pill tient Proven its' Value. --Those of wealt stomach will find strength in P:,rinuloe's Vegetable Pills, _ because seiv,+tn. inalniell Ihi'htnil111inlat- I�tion of. tin' etunri.nle , kind .the r I, rl;oli:rrnr lu tj:lath ',oro" in t dial Nn le , b! - t''l•t}c•s ,:ria troll eta e u :p to dt ltl them 1u.t1 them 41/ their proper worth. 'l'htt"•rive 'tifford- ed relief when other propagations have failed, and have erected cures in l ; •. mama of long etandiug where other" mecliciine were found unavailing. ", L' t t. 4 , t7