HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-22, Page 1et, Now Seri t s Vol. 17 No 71 MARBLE ANDORANiTE MONUMENTS. 11111,1110M•Be "Experieue e Counts" YOU have more confidence in deal- ing with a man who has had a vvide Practical experience WM. E, CHAPMAN of the Monnmental Works, has over Forty years practical experience. VENSIX011111•Ii Watch For Our Special Big 'Display in Our Window, All Will Be Special on Saturday WAM.12.3.11••••••••••1114•.••11[MONr. ALUVISEULtIlir14.3@allW The Palm of perfection is held out to all who would possess a box of our sweets Nothing transcends the mum'. ant excellence of Freshly made. eandy bought here. Ohe taste of our Cendy will dispel the most hor- rid case of the bit:MS.4nd' cowls itistantly disappear at .its first taste. It's perfeetion personi- fied, Buy a box for your girl; if you don't, acme other fellow will. e 117'h to rth News. SEAFtORTII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 22 1919 Presbytery of Huron The Pretinytery of Huron held its regular quarterly meeting on Tuesday, Hay IA, at Clinton with tke. follow- i,ig ministers and elders present: Ministers—Mr. Telford, moderator, Drs..PletCher and Aitken and Messrs, McDermid, Roes, MaFarlane, McIn- tosh, Abery. derriere, Johnston and Hamilton; elders—Measts. Lindsay of Clinton; Jarrett of Kippen, Gardiner of Blyth, Fmgland of Auhrtrn, Mitchell of Goderich, Dodds ef MoKillop. Mr.' Richardson, formerly of Kippen, was a visitor at Presbytery. Session records were examined: Mr. McIntosh of Brucetield was appointed to eonvey the greetings of the Presbytery to the Presbyterial of the W. M S. at its next meeting. The moderator and clerk were appointed to convey by letter the sympathy of the Presbytery to Mr. Cartwell Tho lay conferene wet on the subject `.The °Introit and Recon- struction," and the ditivession of the question was begun by lii r. McLean of Egmundville, every member partipat- A new standing oumiuit.tee was appointed, to be called the historical committee, with Mr Mitchell of Gede. rieh as convener, and the following members. Dr, Aitken, Mews Maitiatc. lane and Hamilton. Mr. Arms ,wee given leave of absence fol the summer for work in the went, to which etreadv Mr. Fraser of Bayfield boo gone, and Mr. Telford was appointed to act as moderator of Aileure and Smith's A strong resolution wee passel against race track gambi.ug and a copy ad to to be sent to Ottawa. The a 1111,1111E!P .01 in (10intrich. July 5th to 12th, was be:only roue mended to the metribere by Mr Me De TM Mr A. T Coo pr• r pre 1 He 1'1 tl; d to the Preohyter3. the • work in temperaiitte, of , secretary and commei,.1,11 iI.•• them:embers. ri10 names Of is' ii"11 were road for wr,. .0. :rt.r, to th: ,0,11 II•11 Ii• :I. • , • !. • FOR MOTORISTS Some excellent rules for motorists are given in n folder issued by the de- puty minister of highwa3,e, iii which it is Pointed out that consideration for the convenience and safety of others form the basis of all reasonable use of the public highways, By request va pablislithe.fellowing from this folder; In the presence of danger there is no right of -way. It is your duty to prevent an accident tinder any circum Reckless driving is always illegal. no matter what the speed The majority of fast drivers have nothing to do when they do get there. They are are menace to themselves to those a horn they miss, a,, ,l a nuisance to those who reside along the road. Do not "cut in'. When you over. take a vehicle, and another is approach- ing custom and ealety give the right• of -way to the approaching vehic as. Do not change speed or direction emidelny. Indicato..your intention .by holding your hand up if you mon to stop, and to the side if you are going to turn. There is usually a car behind. you. De mit ,lrivc with glaring headlights. Pedasti ions who have atarted to cross a et vet t at a roan:11)10de distance from ati approaching looter, have the right mit des at at the pare of ail orcin cry walk, and the motorist has no right to compel pedestrians to rush or rim for safety by time it,eomnust blow. itig of the horn. • The fotegoing rules for te,torists do not exense pedeatrians a ho fail to look brfo7o stoppiog from the curb or at- tempting to cross the street. or who 'incoLsitl,•rao•lt soil tuitileies,arily stroll st .r.',it,' it, trent of a intr, Atinn. j45 01114 hushes 0;1. gr,,, a Vbs. twelPtlerittli AIN IN 1 ; h ,„ • „„ ,. , FOR tj =‘.i,."1.f.)N A i .SA),VA T• • • = • •=•-• ---•••=••• N 1 TiN N `41 Q rt fiil l j' H1r7:1' J • • akb. 11.N•AllA ';...filFilD;S. ARE • 4 It La. • .2.... • ,z,b The Procceds Will be Devoted Entirely To rei SI OF THE SALVATION ARMY HELP FOR INDIA'S STARVING MILLION India is in the deadly grip of plague and famine. Tho state to which the population has been reduced is appalling, and prevailing conditions are to terrible that they baffle description, ' In the Ottani and Norther]] Provinces of India loath atallts through the land, ia;r1r,i; a toll that makes the Great War's casualty list pale into Ft1 insignifittance. .0- To ditto the epliltbated untriliat of dead from plague and famine in the past year is ovei 32,000,000. The nor have eaten all their food, and ths,' physical conditions of thonsands upon thoneanci,i is sech that they are too weak even to carry their 'water jars, Others, driven Mad with hun- ger am eating rool,aeseeds, kernels of old mite, or anything they, Can pick up, ' ' It should be clearly understood that Self -Denial Money ts Not for War or Social ork eleanrea;231Z10335122311393111341MVIIIIMMEURVIVIRIEZELMAIRMEMPTiVAMMampatEn Concert The Concert given by the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church under the direction of Mr. A. T. Craig, at,. ttacted a large audience on Monday eveniug. The different selections given showed that Seaforth possessed an amount of musical talent rare in a town of its else Where all did so well it is not possible to mention any one in particular. The singing of the ohoir in the Part song showed careful train- ing. 'The readings given by Miss Walker of London proved her possess- ed of a pleasing personality. It is to be hoped that Seaforth will be favor . - ed with many of these Coneerts in the future. Aitcheson - Mdiarmid easem•••• A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, P. Baird of Stanley . on Wednesday at noon, when Rev, Dr. Larkin united in mat- rimony Miss Catharine MoDiarmid of Seaforth to Mr. Janice Aitoheson of Roxboro. The bride looked charming in white silk eolienne with pearl trim - ruing and carried white carnations. After the cermony they drove to Seaforth and took the afternoon train for Toronto anti' Britleh Columbia. The bride's travelling suit was navy blue se.ge trimmed with grey with hat to' match, Both young people are popular' and the good wishes of many go with them ort their journey of life, SI.,50 per year MMSWESSNMMTIOATffi WV1 TO THE FARMERS AND CITIZENS OF SEAFORTN igg Announcement WE ARE pleased to announce that our Distributing ' Warehouse No. I will be opened and ready to serve yon with a well assorted stock of groc. arias, etc., etc. on FRIDAY, MAY 23, Prices will convince that it will pay to deal with, us. Only best quality goods handled, Clean store; oorirteout treat- ment; quick service: Keep business in your own home town a Do your buying and selling with us. We want your eggs, UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE Limited. Distributing Warehouse No. 1, Saaforth, Out IMMMTTEMFffirliriSESSNEP-AMMW EFigiffi IMMIViareliECIMPF Special -attention,given:mall and phone orders l` The Alle"714n1-1o9u"regf2Tbar.e.r:14LIPPMr&ITYP °rI St= eart l, DOw-ry f Humanity • O PositivOy the greatest picture ever produced Corning to Seaford] for one day only Cal' 010h. „, 1Hal . Frida iw ti, 1i9 EVelthig 8 P. M. Afternoon 2 i, M. AliSPke-.: YL) -OMML.'SION Afternoon c.--11.duils 50c. Evening - 76'5' 11 00 Plan now open at Alb,ntro.lrt's Drug Stora an Underwear or ISEWEEMBIMMORRIESk We. pay delivery charges all 'mail orders At this Score tllv.P.t 747,1111 -..e•iiight you • • Splendid v.'s New • lioods • • •iiovtip?,-•3 ift'LiEt alw I wear it, ltin O J.t2" l'riC' $1.. 25 unci upw.irds Underskirts Cheap decorations are absent. But special attractiveness through neatness of fit and per- fection of material, and workmanship are features Price 5oc and upward 41511 ro:1 ars. t 15.5,05 louse Dresses They are made from good quality wash ma- terials, The assortment is large, both light and dark effects being well represented. Price $1 and upwards Corset Covers Dainty sheer creatiOns, that are a delight to see even if we don't wish to buy. Value is promin- ent in every garment. Price 2oc and upwards, Dressing Sacques These dainty garments will please you. They come in assorted colors. The material is wash crepe. and the price is certainly low, - Price 85c and upwards Shirt Waists We are showing new sum mer shirt waists. Already we can show you the lat- est styles in fancy dress effects. The materials are new plain and striped voiles. Price soc and up I a Ii ITISH SEAFkDRTH . . . 10159.11.1.1121.411M,0911.00113M •