HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-15, Page 8THE SEAFORTH N EWS We recommend our Mange Shampoo for dandruff or our Coco Butter Shampoo for dry" scalp and falling hair, or for a good head wash our fam- ous Pamolive Shampoo, Also our Owl Massage for closed pores and black heads This will clean the skin. have pour Hair Cutting and • Shaving done by us. We guarantee to put ashoo- ing edge on pour razor. 'tla—sa-..�rw+�u�.�a�wre.••r3f ICORRESPONDENCE I D ■®e nm u n-� u n�..e sto-u �e 9 Oommeroial Barber Shop, C4th W. ROBINSON Prop. Notice McICillop The aseessmeut Roll fur the Municip ality of McKillop fo ate is now in the Clerk's office Lot ea. Con, 7, and may be seen by any ratepayer of the Muni- cipality during office hours. McKillop Council will meet as a Court of Revi- sion on the asseemeut Roll at the Coln -1 nieroial Hotel Sealur'th on Friday, the 30th day of May loltt,ae i(t a, m. Ap- peals ageinet aseessmelt must he in the hands of the Clerk on or before May 20th. A4 Murdie April 26, me Seaaorth P. O . NOTICE Any Ratepayers in McKillop who wish to pay their Kinburu Drain Assessment in MoKiliop may do so at the Dominion Bank Seaforth before the 30th Inst. May 5th 1919. Jf, MtRDIE, ?ark. Seaforth TEIo Wanes ii salt- yt`lf cat. or' cid telei McKillop On Wednesday morning, May 7th, Mr. Patrick Gfviln of MoKillop passed away at his home. About a week prev- ious to his death he underwent an operation for cancel', Deceased was sixty years of age, and thirty years ago tune married to Mary Flynn of Hallett township Besides the bereaved widow he leaves to mourn his loss, one daugh- ter, Mies F. Givliu who is teaching in Hullett. The funeral was held on Friday from las home in McKillop to St. Columban Cemetery, Bayfield Dr. seri Mrs, Atkinson and eon of Detroit are spending a few days at their cottage. Inspector Tom of Goderich made his official visit to the school here. If these visits were longer they would prove more beneficial to the uupils and teachers. The time is so short there is no trine for effective work, This Spring has been costly for the fisher font as the storms have carried away a large part of their nets, Ther eatrlielt,were good when the weather was fine. We hope the latter will now imprave. Varna It is expected Rev. Mr. Wilson will again be pastor of the Church bore. The Quarterly meeting just held show- ed a very prosperous year, Mrs. .1. r Keys is at present visiting Mrs, Anstin Sturdy in Goderich Town- ship. Pte, 0. Pratt and Pte. Jos, Sktltin arrived bonze and were welcomed by I Goshen Church. Pte, Frank Boyce is also home. i Mr. J . E. Hartwell lies again re- turned to his old position of Clerk of IStanley Township, which he formerly held. Walton Manley Mrs. John Eckert from St, Colaniban is at present taking her holidays with. her friends in onr burg, Mre, W, Manley is on the sick list at present. Master Joe McLsuglin is laid up with inflammatory rheumatism and his many friends hope to see him around soon, Mies M. Reboot is at present taking care of her sister Mts. Win. Manley. Miss Shannon our teacher and Miss Millie Murray paid a flying visit to Seaforth last week d';fensall Miss ida Duisdale arrived home from California and is visiting her parents, Mrs, It, Campbell and daughter are home again after a visit to California. Mr, James Green is now quite recov- ered, John Huff was a victim when one of the heavy timbers, which he was haul- ing for C. Move's new foundry building, fell on his foot and orushieg the bones. The Rev, ii, Hamilton took the acre vices in Cannel Church on Sunday as the pastor is still very ill. Three soldiers returned from the front last week ,toe Hudson, Fred Bar and A. D. McEwin. Pte. Clarence Johnston also arrived a few days later, Sunday was Mothers Day in the Methodist Church. Several Oddfellowe went to Exeter for Service, Percy Joynt left this week to take a position in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston are visiting their daughter In Hyde Park. The Jackson Manufacturing Co. have made an agreement to commence mak- ing Boys' Clothing in Bengali. They will employ 55 hands and will start operations as soon as the by-law is endorsed. Dublin Rev, (Malar) 'I', McCarthy M. C. will lecttlre here on the 16th He has just returned from the front and can Mrs. Outeun attended the funeral of give personal experiences, her mother, M1xe lost ph Campbell. . ' I Pte. J, Gleason wino enlisted with incr, r„a arr,va :A minutes 110 Battalion returned bouts last week iu the i"ee'tui; and rt," mutt' He tool; part in thelast battle of Mone !fe train : t' .1ttf11t-F o iriie•r, The Rini Owl: wont to Germany. He was Bt.:- irreort < a it , s n ln— e,) aitb ria address, • ,ie -e, •. a it, _;.Iu. 14'0” ;aS 1 "'i.: t, vradti,;, still backwards but every toads nee of. 167' 1 ,..,. tet d acs Ile.v'ai'r1 who vieit„tl ir rare nt, here returned to Detroit. 1' .4 I 1Cto,n n 4,a -i t t rlilr sty all Lindy a f t uzzli S ei t vii, n a in history, pe tgr.eplty 3,1rµ ;:>i y, a spelling, proniatciation,ego F, arts, P and suet see. 3 400,000 Vocabulary Terme. Des Pages. @ Overt060llluetrutiotre. Celared Plates - Tho only dlatloanry wlthtlta nrvldsarna.. r The type matter is equivalent to that _ of a 15 -volume encyclopedia. _ More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, _! and Authoritative than anyotherEng- nth Dictionary. - REGULAR AND 777 INDIA- s PAPER EDITIONS WRITE for speoimen panes. illustrations, eta EBBE a sato( Pocket s Maps if you name this 5 paper. C. & C. Rom CO., a sPi'fmaaFIIELD, MASS. eteismittiesteseileestiefrelereimeeseee eel e ^ •e,-„; In, �.�1,11fif , e' y' ,r, 'f lee t .16 ,'91 . a 'n than 1 a 1 `t;,nl'i Ilt:l'e +,11 l.,o. tii.rli,ty of Al tine- , } : home of Mr Comm c mite Dill Themselves a Coos Turn ;1 f -,•ti he people ''f Canada lest year et f tit,04 etateeolfe etit to the eeomed VireerY .t: ee they did a great thing . ter ct.e'a,.',,!yeti. and the Dominion. The .,,,1 ,e ei Canada to make a splou- 'ehtt deice 'ii the war, tbuy kept busy se h: e'e ef die country's industry aril nreli., ret „less personal invest. yi'7r zofeenee and Children the Ita:urs of Several from here :were in Walton lent week attending the funeral of Mrs, ,los, einipbell, mother of Mrs. Butsou, The concert on Friday night was very suceeasful. Miss Pearl Newton pleased the audience in her elocution and humor, Mr Fred Golding of Stratford was here for a few days. Miss Rioe of Fullerton is new a clerk in T. Hamilton's store. Mee. tlarbnrn of Mitchell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Templeman; , Me,' , ,,, t,: t'trfnry Bondholders ;Lew .,,.air 1,1FL i:,terest return tin t . i,,,,..i :ti ti,,. harm of $I8,000,000, orov i, .. :ill t'hitt ' iu this, from P Owe e,r1 lrlaad with $85,000 up sut;:a'ii' with $8 fifar10,000. And thi , ie ott', , t •-h. ii of tl'hat these 1918 bend& a -el p, r this yew. The 1,110,010 people who bought the bacula did not inflict on themselves oust itardehip in doing so, ,.They did themselves a good turn, for the bonds are g eted three or four points above pan'. The money is absolutely safel anti it is enabling the bondholders to oollcet $36,000,000 this year, Will this amount be permanently saved? It will, if those who drew it put it into War Savings and Thrift Stamps, A War Savings Stamp is a Victory Bond in miniature. One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the moat effeet- ire applioation foe them is Mother Graves' Worn Dxtersainater, Thursday May i5 Make Use of Your Pasture Have you good pasture going to waste ? If so, increase 'your herd and make use of it. This Bank makes a special feature of loans to farmers. Have a talk with our local manager. T D 'ION SEAFORTi•l BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manageat gtfYIIi7telerf lieserna0tlQ1Y9{➢iienee st3CAWet0 netierAiteee Si67 ansae nefdlai til +NNf! ti O P a - 96 NITY for Retail March 1; nts rrHE next few years will 1 mark a tremendous change in the business of retailing. Motor Transportation, now reduced to a low-cost basis, gives retailers a great opportunity for busi- ness ustness growth because it widens their trading area. The Ford One -Ton Truck makes available this opportunity. It is Motor Transportation at low cost —low first cost, low main- tenance cost, low operat- ing cost. A small outlay will motorize Price (Chassis only) $750 f.o.b. Ford. Ont. your deliveries and open to you the opportunity for business expansion. Complete Trucks — Two Standard Bodies Ordinary hauling and delivery work can be best adapted to two standard types—the Stake Body and the Express Body. These two body types are kept in stock ready for immedi- ate delivery. They insure the maximum efficiency from the Ford Truck. Both types have the Enclosed Cab with the two-way windehteldwhich gives the driver proper protection from the weather. See these completetrucks. Seize the opportunityes.toueasolve yoour delivery problem. Le µq Standard Fool Bodice extra. Got our prleoa Jr F. Daly, dealer, Seaford). Cook Bros. dealers, Hensall eel PIT HO. FI HIflt--At it', hwtiod, on flay 3rd. to Mr. and Tire. 0, D. l"isher, a sell, Alti1I5'CL iI3!i.lu 71,tllutt, on May dtlt to Btlt, titled Ai i., luivarei Armstrong, a daughter. telfisiIll PIG 541. KEBLE-BAKFP—in Toronto, oR 'Tuesday. April 29th, trues Phyllis Baker, daughter of Sire. H. Baiter of Gndatieh to elr, Arthur feeble of Toronto lof'ARDLE -It, leKillop on May lo Michael dlcUardle aged 85. (JIVL1N—1, McKillop on Wednesday, May 7th, Patrick Givlin, aged 60 years. • OAMPBRLL--lu Grey township, on May 4th, Sarah Jane Norries, rel ct of the late Joseph Campbell, aged 87 years b'AIR--Suddenly et his father's resid- ence, Listuwel el, Sunday May 4th, Leonard Fair, be'oved husband of lsabell:r O'Neill, formerly of Clinton. DOME. -In 'Tncketamith, on May 7t h, Mary McLellan beloved wife of Win. Dobie, agofi 56 years Early Cabbage Plants 50" for it0c Prepaid Ask for price list of other Vegetable Plants shipped successfully every- where, Agents Wanted, HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ont. Niagara, District. Corns are caused by the pressure of tight shoes, but no one need to suffer from them long when so simple 'a re- medy as Holloway's Corn Core is avail- able, I111.111111i111111r Pains, Gallowses or Cramps There? Are your feet tired and' painful at night? Heed the first danger signals! Do not let your foot troubles develop and multiply anti! your beelly comfort anal daily e:linnenoy 'Bre greatly impaired„ When this arch weakens and one or more of the tiny bones are depressed, uneven pressure is pro- duced, the weight is unevenly distributed, causing a burning sensation, callouses, tender spots, contracted toes and a painful, cramp-like pain known as Morton's Toe or Metatarsalgia develops which frequently ex- tends into the limbs, The foot widens and spreads overr the shoe, the .mals and the ga•cattoe joints be- come inflamed and enlarged--bcdilyfatigue.and.nerv- ousness resutl. For the condition Anterior Metatarsal- Arch Supports are- especially designed to reach the vital spot -to support the weakened parts, remove the abnormal pressure and assist' nature ill effecting a permanent correction. REST YOUR TIRED FEET 6te{ s R a R e e 1'i'1 i "The Home of Good Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth Os - mxsatrrs'memnt SEALED ID 'I't e 1111'S ebb rei to the tilltderrigetl, anti ent rte d 1' vele r for rut/61.111g 1e ,Il „t reyli ld Ont," will l, r eoivorl ,,' , itis efl;t e 'trail i t o'clock heen,'l,,"'dun, May 'Litt, into, for the t.onas tiwloin of a It',,.o wall in lira oY pr ', t,i curer rata tt.,e on putt of Ngrilt Pier, at ly,tliedd, Huron ('amity, Oet, Plana and hurtle of eetrtt'act earl be, seen and speeilleet ion and forms of ten tier obttieed at thislk*pattmont, tet the office of the leleiriet Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont, , end at the Post elite, Bee helel, Ow Tenders will not he; cotlsidetud mileee made oil printed forms supplied by the Department anti in 'iiC6ordatiee with conditions eunteitted therein. . Each tender must he eccumpeniod by an aocepted tin,; quo (ma chartered hank payableto the ordot' of the Mir,isrer ,,f Public Works, (Axial to iii p. c, of th01 amount of the tender, War I,itae Bolide I of tho Dernin'in, alit also be ,ieceeited , as security, or War Donde and ehr•gnes if required to mike ul, aur and tuuenlut No't'e---lilucp'intscuu bu uhtaniod at this Departur,.nt, by ,l,•pt:,ltin; an da - espied banl, cheque for the emit of $io payable to the order of the-iklioiei0r „ f Public 1k"mita', which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a re,gnlat• bid. By order, 11. 0, DESROOHERS, Seori'tary, Department of Public Worlts, Ottawa, April 28, 1919, An Oil of Merit. -Dr. Thomas' Baled - trio Oil is not a jumble of medicinal sub stances thrown together and pushed by advertising, but the result of the care- ful investigation of the curative qualit- ies of certain oils as applied to the hu. man body. It is a rare combination and it won and kept public favor from the first. A trial of it will carry con- viction to any who doubt its power to repair and Leal. A ertisi PRINTINGG Counter Check Books Letter Heads Posters Envelopes Menu Garde Lanee Leaf Ledger Forme ate. btntemente 1'i'ogre In ales. Dori{ ere Calling Garde Memorial Carle Pili heads Redding Cards lose Heade Neatly and promptly done The biggest men in the country have found that the easiest way to spell success is to 13DVERTlSl. SUp: pose the newspaper did not 'ublish the news. how would the people know what is happening ? If you don't publi h your Store News how will the people know about your gaai:ds? . You can never sell the «rt ods people do not know yon have. Olvercn zn 3 is tle:Nlieli,g, carTao?, t yoClll' atoediu. •ii•hre nlirIn that frili�Pa�ll' r ii' o G rites A -l' he.nd i•�`1lYfo'.1i�31 111iaii ".o of t $1,,2 ) i LTl ''i<'l .:F ii 't..i O f lS not. id vR:_±, ins . nhotiv- worn and QID[P4?.ot: kaai e si.'ll''aG$ 15 t.A.K penadry imerchants pay For not f tirS er'reising. NEWS ri+ Gr'1 X b.: -tr,vt<•rxi in LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers Doesn't hurt a bill Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn . stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is suffi- cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, 'without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovega el • (Assisi:MI*etiutltf Itt4u wrekirt ii For Sale Ono t;l,ielu'u Coop for retie, ie. BELL, Apply to Mr-. A, George. re. eeee=enee, 10 CENT "CA sCARET Sy' FOR LIVER. AND BOWELS•, Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds ,how bad your liver, stomae'h. or 'bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from .conatipa- tion, indigestion, biliousneis and slug- gish bowels—you always get relief with Desecrate. They immedialie(y cleanse and regulate the stoma, remove the 'your, fermenting food and foul gases; teats the excess bile from trite liver said carry off the constipated A•eate mutter and ' poison from the intestina* said bowels. A 10 -cent 'box Prom your drug- gist adll keep your liver tai W./e, matt' alb pase(1 sesg Assail steer dir issellad.4 OV 111114