HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-15, Page 4L'ROEEsSFiout CA t
H. HUGH ROSS, Payelaiau and Surgeon
too(,f•notion Hospital, London, England.
1-atientian to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose
Q tool*,T t
0Y0 . P
Ise andreaident:a behind Dominion Bank,
.•,Phone Na, a, Reskletioo thane No, 100
D'td11%1eneee BURROWS
St eeott,teast of thand
Il Meth
*glint Chufeti, ('ironer for County of Huron
Telephone No, .fo,
4I�BS, sutra' do )tAC1fAY.. Physudues and
t�Surgeons, (ioderleh Street, opposite metho•
Church. Seaforth,
Seorr.giadaale Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
Member of Ontario College ni Phyeirlane and
Bafgeoue. Coroner. for County of Huron.
MacKay, honor. graduate Trinity T; aiversitv,.
gold medalist. Trinity Medical College. Member
ttf College of Py¢lcdsns and Surgeons, Ontario,.
Ina, GEO, HEILEMAN, Oateopthlc Specialist.
e.o in. Women's and i'hiit(reu's diseases and
Rheumatic trOutiies. Acute a id Chronic disord
ern, Ear, Ere, Nose and Throat Adenoid re-
moved witho,tttttakntle. ttonscitntioa free.
°film over tymhaclsaDoom Store u m
Teasley, a a.m. tor. p.m:Friday sunt. t P
Or. E. J. R. Forster
]dye, Ea,
r N
Graduate its Medicine- University of
`l'orouto 1897.
Late tseiStunt, Nre Yorli Ophthal-
mic and Aura; Institute, '01)orr'field's
Eye, and Gobi. -re $Rosie Throat Hos
pitals, London 1 k and, At the
Queen's Hotel, S' afortb, third Wed_
nesdny irk each :nom front 11 to •nl• t•)
tit. o#'1 time. iia W:otieloo Street,
"rratfotd. Pt;t. *t••';I, v;r,t •-ford.,
brnr.'a a Licenses 'cath
yi 'F'. 5111 'Nxvlet
$ o.nd t i L.n, een•
f tiostwgortaccidenti
Iyon etc=soldering
carr1 Insurance,
.0. D. 111NO14LEY.
Sou oral Agent for London Life Insurance Co..
cidlmp dntGuarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 84 Evening 127
Utnt dollar per year. strictly to u.1 o'atone 1
if out paid on advance, one dollar end
a hall will be charged. United States
papers, fiftycentsextra' striekiy-tot
ad vance.
When subscribers channgo their address
notice should be -leans immediately, 1110119
scribers will cont a favor'. by w notifying�tus
of. any Irregulatlty of delivery,
Rending Notices -No :ending notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money la to be made by any person
orcause will be inserted In Tan Mopes
without charge. The price for the Inser-
tion of bualness announcements is TEN
cents per count line each in:vertto.. to
parties having no contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cents par line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices. Card of Thanks 3 to to
lines, So cents.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
entNoticed—Ten cents per line for first
i.nsertion and five ovate per late for "Itch
Yearly cards--Peofessional Cards, not
exceeding one inch, will be inserted for
$0.00 per 'ear, ,savable strictly in advance
Display advertising—Rates famished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion.
wUntll forbid." and those sent without
written erarpn will appear until
ripen orders are
rt,sfved for their did•
Letters to the Editor RUM be accom-
won ed by the writer's own signature. not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accept, no reopen•
sibil(ty whatever for the Statements made
in such communications. Letters on rail.
gloss topics Mil not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter is ten
cents per line.
Mr, Henry itabi ttoon Who so'as :twot's
ly injured iu the Wet tlauffer foundry
Mitchell, },eased away in the Stratford
hospttnl Oct Tuesday morning last,
Twelve year's ago 1fIr., Robinson came
to Canada from the old aenntry to
obeli, where he lits worked as tt mach•
iu at. hive suns anti tluye daughters.
Mr, J, l{, Halls of 'Mitchel, has dis-
posed of his bakery business to his son,
Mr. Fred Huila and Mr, John ltloNairn
Mr. Halls Sr hn e a he'
a surcp z ha h dt IGe•
eral Store of ,ino, McDonald, Ethel,
Mrs. Elizabeth Camelot), widow of
the late Peter 'Oantelon or Cioderioh
township. and daughter of the late Wm
Aleeander passed away at her home in
AI Clinton, , 9he was attirken with paraly
sic int April 24th, lout 'luring her week
4 of illI'oss she ltdItit to regainconscious-
f o s
ai roz soi u -
11 noes, 'Hoe funeral was conducted by
(I Rev S, E. McKeguey.
It' •1. A. McDonald, late editor of
the Toronto t it} e, who for several day's
W :13 l v1aiCG1 Ifs t',i iet0O, find his beet -
f!Lir-In-law, lir Gaudier, had a uat'ron
tse'.l t item what might have beep e
Iint4t7 oceikleot recently. Fa I•Pus meter -
tog through {,uilerii:h township otoltip by way
of Ferco,,r'0 i,trdge the ante skidded in
1.,',1 g tip the lioderich town trip hill
and only the quirk application of tate
braises prevented the car from going
over the hank. The sudden stop' threw
D)r. MMeL„ttalti against the windshield,
breaking It and inflicting it Monty cut
„o itis foro#te,u,1,
.1, A, '.'oughiin, of Toronto. a former
reetdetst of Stephen township and a
cattleman, was badly gored by a ferrc-
iats ball in the Cttiou Stock Yards,
'Toronto Oslo Wednesday, He entered
Um pert white the animal was totnered
Flues Watson, .. t While his Lsick iron tnrnrd ti,, animal
General Fere Liteand #ectd'"tt lusttratlee . ~'� carat ra
Agent, aa1 ie.s:.'r i Sa•ti,•:a ttnchute+., i General �+ p�d«�} tt p collared and throw him against the
Mahn Stt a s..at.•r•t 'iilil1t31t99 observations
tS { wall. He was thrown this way four
Z1I trial*s, the last time landing :to a trough
THE1tt7�v I fS t o,tt f r rpt: of the Att•nt'tl wllieli wag
�g sig 11 p g� a� 4(9�
it. tin 1
tU l Firs hlisUf ucD 130' j { ?l •. ttl,?.,,n: Ti tqui.son of West
woo. 'owed' passed a
wns 1.11pkuowParra and Isolated Town
tAft r a couple of gulps. or tt
Property ea.y 1nsnred. I Lhetol party ht to again ins:'O5 for seine
tiros, pi. May
ow'.! d tocsin t.1 H Ff',s
OF ICER.3 uset :;ri 1 tfuneral was acid to the
las. r.er,.,.ri., :'r. -i.+..,! Salo.,I100,,1,tt-yngtttii herl:o.i, 'fheudIliinch:tine,+ntt•tu'y
Event, i ec ...1 „ c', r.,0m
• t nr't .r !e:atn t. d t.s,e lo..I n
Nays.Sen,.rtr,.-.,c 1 ".H I o•
t tie, ti o -,l t -n t"'1 • plait
Dircatosa v...,P 0'i y ht'l, lin had tried t,• foals- 110 tl.y'I feit rs. t dit 1, t too too' . and
D. F. McGregor, fieznortir Joan G. Gri ra
Winthrop W Rink, Constance John nennetw is - lip tt t r. L. r. a I., :'u: t} '} t i v
Brlomdghdgen Robert Semis, liarlook; Malcom
floc -"-An, Clinton' hoc '-trod: , Seaford) s'd to ii iotCa'-tl it.41 1.1.1.i it hitt e(ft It,
tramteoC'onnony,God:rich. Jag.Fvonn.Beechwood
Agents Fool'a year I:ts use dumb i ,tt .1'.w' the
Alex. Leitch, Harlaek; E, ilii hoar. Seafolr - lii'e.r,ol !o.ot. the roan. n i,o will writ..
A111linm CRgmostdvilie• J :V, y,.
$ a aviile; IA. R. G G, Jarmoutlr. Hrodho +- re.,
Rem and John Goveniock. Seaforth o .ore.
Parties deniraun to eftoct insurance or tr :nsa
ht'her badness will be promptly attended r:
aps'lfiaotion to any of the above oltirets, address
to their respective pontoffices.
Ole tjtyifi,f1 8s4i, or a now tslitenle-
[ I in,. tit. sir ,tr•nllt » I'' " [tutu
if ,i ,-' as' . fuel gunu,,iite eil to leave
-4lat r..tfoil, :tit shins. 1L hen mann-
a"tit ,d, ilr, u5'Nti!0 data an annotate
apttl,istg r111011.,V, WI ea mei. tit let ,n.runt.,• will us company each salmi,"
their thuutb. They pull tin.k str'in'g at,tl - lariat Ultssrt•et' '1 he above refers
file pts}epft will ring, to a Huronold ata', wile for to time re -
It would be irep,rssiirit re inntgt oe
I worse twaddle than the shift' II F, (G.
!spins. Nothing la sacred. Gate day
j he leehun the Government ter not do
• tog something total the I ext h., put ,
them in the l.illory for doing tin, very
thing be h;.nit•d dryly. the lily' before.
I 'ons!St,•nt't', than trot It .I_ so','', _bice-
; s..r h'. ie o;h any
•0,uL 1 ho,o -co :, t WO: t ll_, rr. , ':;al !.•,
soled in (baton mill Ghdetleh.
'i'f.e Han. Dr. Cody, Minister of
Edrecation, is •-xpented do visit Gorier-
G 'der-
ou Monday. May its'b toad wt l vis-
it the dchno?s of the torso and will ad-
dress the Board sof Tracie and members
f rite,
Canadian Chtb,
lb' w:'dtlit:gtook placeToronto
of ii a. Phy hiss lBaker. a well Ito kown
14, .! ri h lout g lath. to Mr, Arthur
Mehl, f 'l,,rt,to',•. After their honey -
:teem to the `(tool,'' tic'} intend to. re-
,tlr iz; 1'or.1:.t,'
li .1, E. :I ltunfii lo -.on t't."`u nt l'nitlt
t..', f„c Sh .ae,:, (n fill
•. - t:su. .i l.y'. , ,',
.. ,. f:,• t. ,, ifili . t” i ',.11x1 "of
0•«tfj7,, '� ( I ,: :I:,:,Ill, , t NAL, dt'tl-
. ....' 1'.. a'0:. 1. -.to -
1 in
Ito , I } . o:. . O,5
I I ti'.• i p 1
a v - IL.: a. t 1, ,rt it, r[, I. ,t it,. I r .t,' t ,rid
.'�, o- t1.<tit, n',1 '',l ,I, s. ' ,.,':tr,i. ii. I' I)11'
__-. --.... zuoi A ........ .,-„ 71 a i, .s , total ,;h 1 I e, ,,Ig',,', ,n I .' i f.�:'i a i:nl. for t :. ' itis
�:fn-` -"'.")II tt ,ire! tnef -re, , t to tl; i t.; I,t,nt n ' ,:t,'r, t M.nga/rn it rep' to
tont yr a tor! and ii t 'i,:t •few
1 Ot Y1 proper "
I♦',�i't )�' ti ill r '4 tong Wl'r It i h-" i.n nils ti
Sip'Stfii i!f"alvs^:0's ll,•"ni Ho'e,tyl,rl-.• rut In wt t»
l,ISill is Plie o I "t schools o re not what thea—were lie
motor without rile overlooks #,o fact that e: tilt:t'en ale not
1 fh•,couttiry to clay. Farms are
dower. .
tr,'rli forin.rly ate! families re
1-a it St w'tltrl til e ] r4
t' 4 y t 10 i I t
I.t41:111t,,,, t" ,t1,
will 36? set flet
pitAne - 5'
tearttn urn don a with t er,iuhrn mold
life atoll ruttttre. "Just 11 allot tic' is
the ttntteing title of this cover ripe
pain tug by F, V, 1Villiatne. It kik-pieta
pair of mallards wings ;loo g to a
1,101,itta',1 t , ai.d I u,.l ,1r rk.
'ill, piol,.,. tti roty 1 ti.r „n ,i?d
o t nalltl,• a u':. ...a
. - ti ;a pr or :I, •iris-issru: at..' t it +";,ht
navel to l ta.t' .',Fie, ._I•}.,s "f'r,.n' L;; li,tor:r H, lite,.,.,.,,' . It
,.,11'c1.0.l ., .,; t.;,' livop r; itlntu 6h:• r-ot .11. is ,tint 1'l'as• 1larlr" h,A of,
I, },t,t liar{!.fort bot. t it int, to Illtn .'Ion �; i.••e
i tot it, m- Pr' utl and 5J i , O! a v i o.t t= rotitun 1 Mo,
,,...v t. .•':n ri':rcpt .tel, by .J.A Yell 1,;4, i
,, t'00,otnl of I,'fstoeri. n aril (t.1r0
' ulg a s. n ttu 6r,-1, act upon .f e fn flu I"fovancu of Qur.beo. The high
bt•x,d '.p -A t•. riser. ii..'stH by akin will "taud•ud of the Fishing and (im,a and
f••itew rhos l:iy:,nt use t,l this hr,.t di,rd' Atrnnnlreton Doparfinenta iii fu',iy
nt::dlcir,e, Ladner v, tie ivtll fully main tairtetl la this interesting number
appreciate this prune quality - of these': which to stow on e..le Rod tot's (;on is
pill., San nsa them With rho oertab sip i puobltshod by FV, J, Taylor, Limited
shat the effect will be most gratifying. I Woodstock, Ont.
Thursday May t 5
Our net debt in 'thio Dominion before
the war was Three Hundred and thirty
six Mill s
ron Dollar. Now 1 'e tip be-
yond One Billion Five Hundred Mil
holt Dollars, over four and one half
tunes as mels as in 1914.
Interest charges on the.borrowiug of
the country before the war amounted
to Twelve Million Dolinrs annually; to-•
day they are seven times as heavy.
There were practically no pensions to
pay four years ago; today they total
over Fiftet n Million Dollars a year.
These are only parts of what, we have.
been called ttpotl to advance for the se-
curity of living our own ' lives free alike
from Prussiauism and Bolshevism,
The Dominion will pay these (sharps
gladly, though naturally it cannot be
clone by reverting to what was !'nor-
mal" prior to the war, the impelling
cause of it all, "Normal" then, trans-
lated into terms of today, would be
hankruptuy, These are the things the
Canadian Trude Commission at Ottawa
are earnestly trying to bring home,. to
every man .and woman, and even child-
ren, in tate Dominion; They touch the
very heart of our home and private
well being,
During the last twenty years we
have advertised the glorious possibilit-
ies of Canada wherever men can read•
We wanted immigrants. Yet it was
exactly ho the four-year war period that
we were taught that our development
does not 'need to wait entirely for fm•
tuigration. It is well known that the
productive capacity of the average stat
and woman iii the Dominion was al.
most doubled. We learned the stren-
uous "art of doing n ore•" We created
more wealth per head of the population
by higher stalotlarde of efficiency. The
speculator. the land ''booster" and the
gambler in all corms of wealth were
We learned to ho self-reliant in the
' Dominion. It es'as tits greatest lesson
perhaps the greatest benefit, which the
war brought us, This is the quality
which we most still further cultivate
I self-reliance ill business, in agriculture
1111 all ways that which goes to Inake
traria soil to hol "it, It can be done
i permanently in peeve tune as it was
idone for victory. It will he con:pulse' y
because no one else will pay our tiebto
' The wnggout r III Aesop who prayed
I to Hercules load burs own strength re-
vealed to him when he was MADE to
put his shoulder to the wheel, We art
past the praying tilote in (!auatla,
There is no need for discouragement
The transition from war to peace is
MOM complex than we thought. Yet
the wealth of Canada remains today
what we hare always said it was—tre-
mendous ill its possibilities. Lou feet,
the total developed value is probably
about $2o,000,000,000, 'I he toting to
do is to develop it still more. With
its manual income wiiielt in 1918 was
estimated at $2,goo,000,000, there
should be plenty of margin in our re-
ceipts for re -investing in national busi-I
Mees for its expansion.
It is essential that the people
should know that future prosperity
his ga oil :the wio1 sting and broadening
of trade—trade in a!I lines, agriculture,
inkling. fishery. lti'rilering and triarrtt-
Int t.ita,g. vC t,atii' a noise or produ< 0
wl.hi❑ our own .rot'tlar ininny air•s
to. nth<n',-and so Isrr-„ hilre t#tn inctrav
w„ Leve, 11<. e,eo!.i .'part rn;.n}.
oh. ',., ::dour m•ill[,,t.
..lf .t,,f 3 PIi't'I 'r ft;r,1: -. r„ (;'e, ll,•t nttf[I
., r8 r,irto I ,: t,'.. alt..t!', Wit
1.7 , ronr411 tt O It' to outdid,-,
Ginn sir,. !bo -1 ,r,e[:. 'sur rc_
?. l P^,rno of ,1'„ l.'i'.tl,r f,e,oi lO,l I''
t;1los, 1t fir", ,P went t.r-y'lil t6
nhidyi 1 , ti,., •o:st, t';n:-
'pet r1 _.y, 7 s d'. fro--'ir,w nte,l
though. '1'h'+ key will in: f.,uislt tot
,'"nttnl,PMCe '0 Rite t e•opot'nitivot- stt,tl
p.trtntis,, spirit that we t'rovod cereal -
Yen to pOss•'sfiduting the coat'.
an all Canadian Picture
Cada* soya HOBO
Peds} Way 30thh
Afterglow] a & Evening
Under thr• auspices of the
Seaforth Branch Soldiers'
Aid Cotnmissicn
See Posters
ININmtMMIIIaIMI011msaa ommacoutnows
— t.=
tun, ron also soca ailate n'osswertmimwm�mll
'ThePlopriclan oe7
bitnt)fo iso
shilatintglheefo dhyRegutv
tin 'ilteStobtachsnndBaivetso
A'l ' Sit Clift 1'
; l;iieerfutness-anti oesthion� n�5
';neitlter0�jlutn,kl Pooxlt,]
ryi Ztliin0ral No'Il NAa�_
AnmP•Far "I S
AN Saanrt
rash.!( colts
,/I,�Jpsa n to
j1J'! Tan IIJr r)rriy
J11,CI1 Jrd
;last ti SnJnt
Rini 7rrA"ot'eT
„ii1)81ioli t dOtboeec'
td 1 vet r,11!etr , And
ii`i4lhtheCCy.'.Y't ,lllldDDSs or e�,
Sas`Sanlfe5 n oY
Din`v �GWYOItIS.f
Oz(T-U•1Cu- ,.ccyvs�tt -
C •-- Tb
For Infants and Children. That
Genesis Castoria
Bears the
Wry Yeer,s
Enact Copy of Wrapper.TN= CONTAUN COMPANY. rte.'. TOPIC CITY.
Siiec Offer for Fauiers
I am buying all kinds of
I have a great stock of second-hand
WaterAiA shaftings and shaftin s for sale.
Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9
Next to the Dick House
COSI 11,04
In June
Cost 84,05
1eA S
Wen $55510gs Strrmpn
roan be beregilg- witstr-
ever chis reign Is
Courovie, Ca. �iw.':• .. _
Allie t cotnstri , ".
for w'ige
to invest asn :iii:, _
#e-. vele an--nail-au�itti�nte
� E
St. James'
St. James' Uhoruh, Rev, Father E,
F, Costs P. P, Early Mass 8,00, High
Mass 10,30, Sunday School 2,30 p, m,
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless.
out Saoramoot177p. in,
St. Thomas'
11ev, T, H. Brown, Rooter Sunday
aerOees 11 a,ip, anti' 7 p.m, Sunday
school 2.30 p, m. Women's nngliean
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p.m. Childreu'ebraneh Saturday 2 p.m.
ntercessiou services every Thursday,
.0 p.m,
Key H. D. :Moyer, pastor
—SUNDAY school at 10;00 a,m.
Pnhlio aervioe 11 a.m• and 7 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Tlprrsd,o y8. p.m
Salvation army
Lieut. F. Nr, Leight
Sunday services—Holiness 11 a, m•
Praise 3 p.m.—Salvation 7 ji:rn,—Sun
day School 4 p. m,—Wednesday-
Public meeting, All are welcome.
legmondville, Presbyterian
Itov. S McLean pastor. Sunday ser•
vices I1 a.m, and 7 p in. Bible class
3 p.m, Prayer moetiog Wednesday
8p. in. Y,P M.S Union 3rd Friday
in the mouth 8 p.m. Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 p.m Ladies' Atd MOO .S im-
mediately after.
First Presbyterian
Rev. F. H. Larkin„Pastor, Sunday
services II a,m. and 7 it no. Sunday
school 2.30 ton. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.43 p.m, Womeri'e Mies-
iopnry Soots:yeths first Tuesday in each
Month lot 3 p m• Barbin a Kirkman Mis•
sion Band 3rd Tuesday' itt the month at
7.30 p.m, sunshine liiaeien Bann
every 2nd Monday tot 4,111 p.ttl,
Mc1'Ciiloit Presbyterian
t.v. I) t/aran'-.hl paatsuo' Sunday
services Duffs' ohuroh 1123 ro Sunday
scnoaI U) a In Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m. wtrmen'a Missionary
l;ooiety last Friday ion each month at
Wirttlt-.4t Presbyterian
Sunday entviee 2 3n VOL Scuday
Ithuhool I 14 m Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p. t,l, I. 0 1-st Wed.
............,-J t0onetatsue Methodist
_ 2•+v 1' I' Sawyer. paster. Sunday
service 3 3u p.m. Young People's Lea -
:/,3.'i• I It4Itboy v,nen'sAil c11
cart” t ?:•t1 1' irt lt,' of every month to
:i !.o rt 1,tt:,. hi I I ,.r, Phut•s,lay
t1 -suit ni',ntit Jo p.no
... - rc... _.:,.;a.V -a-,--...,..
oG72•^ "'a°r'd
"For tlfe Bloois the Life.
These srucf:ts'otoui ere celled
The cast now $4.04, but by r
it g interest, the $4.04 you
will be worth $5.00 in 1924. There ere is
no other security in which you can in-
vest such a small amount that is as .care
and that bears so high a rate of interest. •
Or you can start with 25 cents, by buy -
big a Thrift Stamp. When you have
sixteen Thrift Stacups, you can e!cchange
them for a War Savings Stamp..
You take no risks. The Government
of Canada guarantees to gay you tsru. is
your money — With interest --- .t any
time during the five yeas, or to i . v your
in 1924 $5.(D3 for every 04.00 (anti a
fraction) you invest now.
Make Your Savings Serve You ^i t
Serve Your- Connti'y—•-hives'
War Savings Stamm.
Si lt, any aflooaoo duo to.).rpu,'e brood
await ao Eczema, Sornyota, neer,}, Bad
twgn, Abeeooeos, Ulcers,Glandular
S vollIngs, Bolles Pt mptoa. Soreo of any
kind, Piloe,ntood Poleen,ntheumatlum,
Gout, oto., dont v t.te your time mod money
on lotions and ointnivnto ,,Lich cannot get
1'F elie wiri,ttlef the .:1 What you want
t' a tnrdielne that will thoroughly free flu; blood
o` the k n un :natter which :done 0• the true
f11. your suffering, rtlt Blood
Jii<.. :just t•weho, medicinr It is composed
Lt e It nt, tvhlrh expel p l Pout the
0.11 unpuritias, from whatever cause
nri.m,r.nd by rendering it clean and pm'c,
mon he lad on to effect a lasting alt:'
inson....es t.t "conal',
/'-- round zirpar),fhlrt
Over 30 senor
Pleasant fa
W edall
, fa nd
a I tern,
;s„Nefar, all taatea.I OURESS ALL
CI rke'1
(Amid f'ltondly idea for Asthma.
Writn, one min who I. tor years of sof-
f triton h ,s fnnttrd complete, tf,lls-f through
PPI .0, It HosOIoE g'e Asthma Remedy,
Vo,v he to nws how needless has been
hisvnfft.ring. This matchless remedy
g(vrn sure help to all sflioted ' with
asthma, :Inhaled as ;smoke or vapour
it amus' the help so long fleecier].
Ertl p dealer has it or aan get -it for
you from hie wholesaler,
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