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The Seaforth News, 1919-05-15, Page 1
n, alt ;f1;•,`' th se. ho s;.. id ga-�' er he Seal orth News New series Vol. 17 No 10 SEIFeRTH, ONTP1R1O, THCJRSD2Y, MANY 15 1919 $1.5Oper year iNARBI.Er�o6R !ITh MONUMENTS. "Experience Counts" OU have more confidence in deal- ing with a man who has had a wide Practical experience WM, B. CHAPMAN of the Monnmeutal Works, has over Forty years practical experience, " Olyin a Watch For Our Special Big display in Our Window, Pill Will Be Special on Saturday The Palm of perfection is held out to all who would possess a box of our sweets Nothing transcends the succul- ent excellence of Freshly made Candy bought here. One -taste of our Candy will dispel the most hor- rid case of the blues and seowls instantly disappear at its first tante. It's perfection personi- fied. Buy a box for your girl; if you don't, some other fellow will. If Seaford - 24i' AN EFFOR 6' i;b IIIf ll "l'(} RAISE IN, oNiE'>:" FOR SAI VA+it_rtN ARMY t tttil:K. k,,r1.;'AT- P.;Nisi% UNITE IN li 0,) emit l d l• ' • � 1 l�Nt 3f7 'illt�l il+ cs.: :w•-.•r'rx.....:s.:: ,a.axs-axra_caw • MM:MN filo Fatf 3.: MHOS laOS Al ' The Proceeds Will he Devoted Ehtirely To OF THE BA `7 4 .'ION ARMY • i A 3,1 A Memorial (THE, VETERANS IDEA) to the course of the last few months there has been much agitation, or rate her much talk, as to just what should be dine towardserecting a Memorial to our soldier boys, who have paid the supreme sacrifice. And hence a sug- gestion coming from those other boys, who were granted the good fortune of returning, either wholly or in part, would perhaps help to bring the vexed question toe feasible aouclusion, in the first place,ey Memorial to be such, must carry within itself some de• finite outstanding feature, which shall be for all time to come, a reminder to the rising generation of the great sae• rifles the boys •1Goue West" have made, indeed the greatest of sacrifices, that we herein this country might retain the freedom and liberty, we now enjoy and must continue to enjoy beeause of their noble efforts. And silica none deny the immense debt we owe these boys, and since also, acknowledging this debt to those departed, we at the same time, thinly of those more fortun- ate companions who are retaining would it not be fitting that this; Mem- orial, we intend erecting, should carry with it as its outstanding feature, a commemoration of the fallen, and also be a tribute -to the returned man, and carry with it some helpful attribute to• ward making his return to civilian life a pleasant transition, rather than a rough and tumble soramblef When we consider that these return- ed men, were the companions of your #ellen, enjoyed life with them, and in most eases; suffered with them, and since the one great lesson the war has taught the boys, is self-sacrifice and ':co- operation, is it not right to assume that, the Departed boys themselves, would have wished to carry on this co-oper- ation, when it meal,t so much witi'a living, And so the Veterans feel on this gitestion: They feel that it is poeeihly and fees Bale to erecta imitable Memorial in the form of a building, which sholl have as its main feature a Memorial Facade or f''rontegu, carrying oil i:e face in the tree.t ooncpieueua position, the names of the fallen, from the town and cur- ruu,;ding district. 'flirt the Memorial e aeon could contain rooms:. epeeially ill•,tweeteei to the Departs d, macro their ehelee eeeld ads -re the c t !i�•, abe,ce= It u,t ably t suuhe l t,01 -01.`, t r,,- rdaroudb:depoitd, That u. ;hese theme all she ,x cutlte+ stet]: of the i:: 1'i , V, A, could ;aLe ;.l,©, met 'a ,e ,• i., al, deliireratiune of the t.. .. cleats runl;:atei„stn wo,ild he prect•nt in spirit. The Veteians euggtstI ,.1,':t le—hind this Mtai erIo et'ti(al, it would be l.a usible+ to erect .,n annex, suitable its a club house for the uses of the boys. This could be ;t one story structure avid, hasetrtent, the upper !lent devotes' to an aneiitorfwn •red UI tusiiint_ he basement to be rooms of venins l n rest Buell as hath Wad re. creaticn txu.em+, In all encm ueelerftskings the que,etiun of maintenance i,,ome large. It is this Vetetane idea, that using a system of { m:uabutship, this includes business men and buys of a suitable ago, together with the active ioni,,b,, oh i, of the Sea- ! cotth Stahel of the 0, St , V, A. , it w sti'l't Lo' shute p'.ee ble 111 rnana,;e tie building of a club honey, It is the idea of tate Veterans that the adjoining manieipalieios might ate their way clear to help in the goon work, elnel' their i dltc, will be ronien,beroil anti tbcir relurnott men ,till b,; members of the tecta U• W. V. A, Thee town and district has donee most excellent work for the boys in the field through various agencies, tin' ladies especially have -doug, well, and for their information the Veterans visit to say, there is a Ladies' Auxiliary of the 0, te. V. A, , which is made up of the re- latives of any soldier, who has seen service overseas, Very few in this country are thus barred from member- ship, One can see that this idea 'carries with it all the features of a permanent monument to our Departed Heroes, and at the same time gives a helping hand to those of us, who at times in this town are hard put to it, to find some suite homelike place, where we can at ane ST 1 India is its the di silly grill of piegt,,: end Winne, The state ':e which the papnlatioi, has been reduced is appalling; and prevailing conditions are so terrible that they ba flat description. In the Central and Northern Provineespf India death stalks through the land, taking a toll that makes the Great War's casualty list pale into 'insignilieauce, To date the estimated manlier of dead from plague and famine in the past year is over 33,000,000, The nor have eaten all theirfood, and the physical conditions of thousandanpon thomnods is such that they are too weak even to carry their wider jars. Others, driven triad with Hun- ger; are eating roots, seeds, kernels of old nuts, or anything they can pick up, If should be -clearly understood that Self -Denial Money is Not for V!ar or Social Work and the same time get recreation and helpful suggestioiee, oe our return .'to this "Our Canada,” In concluders there is one thing which we want to particularly emphaeize, and that is, that, the G W. V. A. is a chartered organization, which is bound to grow in number and influence, and will become and remain our strongest Fraternal and Benevolent Society, and of world wide sway. The Publicity Committee of the G,. W, V, A, will be ouly too pleased to elaborate on the above suggestion R. S, says, John Best, Earl Ross, D, C, M. ,M, M. Chas. P, Sills, St, James' Mission - A Mission is being held in St, James Church at the present time by two Re- den,ptorist Fathers McLoughlin and Barry which is producing a deep im- pression on the ceugregation. Both are earnest, fluent men of deep spirituality The exercises of the Mission began on Sunday morning and will continue during the weelr, They consist of Mass with instruction at 5 30 and 8.30 a. m. and sermon and Eenedietion at 17 30. Their object is to awaken and !deepen the spirituality of the mem- bers. Council Meeting The Council held their regular meet, fag on Monday night. Present—Mayor, Reeve, Aberhart, Beattie, Golding, Barker, Parke and Oluff. Grieve—Beanie—That the time of the collector be extended to next meet- ing, Parke—Barber—That the solicitor sue -Chas; Barnett for taxrs;- Beattie—Cluff--That report of the fin- ance committee amounting to $534.93 be paid Golding—Aberltart-•-That the 0, 'r. R. be asked to carry passengers on freight train now rueeiug at it a, m Beattie—Chaff—That ll:t lh , the truck by- law be given its several euedinge leather-».Golding—That Meteor i 1,4,1, he granted water privileges for the thus rind at $2+5 per yearend hI r. ,1 C Mulli t, at rrl:utar rates for Nonan. The l,et .i• ns a reilt i, streets ware Ill not sta$laie-.;,lt signed for ho comical it to take cce,o, LLilvill.irtd(;11'er Caught At Toronto - Frank McCullough Surrendered Without A Fight 'l'orente, May S.'-Freen: McCullough Or murdeier who e•sralaed from Tor- onto jail on Apoi t till, chile awaiting the Beath a.,tltr,nce ten killing Detect- ive Williams, we'oatptnred this morn. lug at 10,455 by- Detectives Burt, Cronin 'raft Silverthorn and Arntatr„ng, at 78' Bathurst street., The story of how the detectives cap- tured their men needs well, in keeping eping with McCullough's previous awe*, auei:trity. It appears ale,t!nllouglt haul 1 been au phi•; home. practically li the tin,'' since be euo.ti'ed f.rorii the ,marl, Ihiemorning the .cieteut+ is every ono armielass fight Irate 1s,t antrcipacre prneeeded to the Bathurst street house. Detaetivee Cronin and 'Tuft wen, in at the flout dour and weave met by an eld- et'lywoman who was quits deaf and eattn'elly did not hear the bnsieess of the detectives. Detectives Silverthorn. and Armstrong went to the rear door, so that McCullough would be cevered in any rear exist, Going upstairs Cron in and l'ufe located McCullough, but hearing the men coming upstairs he commenced his last ,effort to escape. Running from his room down a abort hall to a -window at the rear of the bonne he jumped from there to the. ground a distance of about twenty feet. As he fell he was 'covered by Silver. thorne and Armstrong with revolvers, who ordered him to thvow up his bands lNo struggle took place and McCullough was promptly haudeu ed, It c SIM St. Jams' Church Mission Two Redemptorist Fathers, McLaughlin and Barry, will open a Mission in St. James' Church Sanday ay 11th and close the Exercises of the Mission Sunday May 1 A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all Non -Catholics, re LLl1 IIJ�' NOTIBE I he Mitchell Sporting Association is providing a free Banquet and free en- trance to the Park fur the ,sports, on Saturday May 24th. -1919 to every r'e; tented soldier, in the County of Perth - The Ladies' Patriotic Society have charge of the dinner and request that every soldier who intends to be present to signify such intention by sending a. card to the Secretary, Wm. Marty,, as soon as possible. The .Association also request that each soldier be in itetiferm 01d Ti _ e Dance �fll A ogq Cardno1s Welt May 14,''19 Everybody Welcome $1.00 per Couple A. To Reeves, 5 piece Orchestra, Stratford Summer Hosiery and Gloves for Every Occasion, Dainty New Sty- les in Neckwear shown here now. THE NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS THAT WARM WEATHER DEMANDS Every w .race wants to get the right m;ttsrials for making her garments, and if is out lookout to see that she gets t hem 1i 1ben Sl:e !b'a'its them. We always prepare ahead ih ,t Vs s- me ;,Erle to show. the latest e :-1 L .:: long before the season starts. A mighty -good ct.tlieLtion e.i plain andfat i_y • I reo.r nte.tt•ria!s in -th<:. d:::�isa3�le to sere;: for the E:<.-tmidlyr>, 3t;';a.SCtt; a'i'ali c' i.:•r"V.. iii'',. 'all[% interesting are • the. ltt'rvei- ties. sand new shades. .�.ap ke'. 3. 1 Pee .:.,; 1!i las 'r„ 1 , •, r.. ,tiI i' Ilit,.i t:•*'-. Urgat,elie 30Sib- f, 1 ae,ceihybead-. .1,,I, n t:r even,'1ee,eir - 1; 3,1134 -.epi 1,3 the lett t is e yti inwaId F t'lEPb iiI+ i t.lu.. ia..ocgote3 sat.e60 in ripe rn i tl-s tit $, tie $2,,'".: ti w ,••rl 1)14 la it ^i • 15 LIN 1, , la! :;ii=I ye, lily Bi: f; fte:t•i,,, Meese- ----- lie.e f.,,e.s.,,, ,,,,,... ,t..i.,e, si y, pure i GI} ll ti d -- iiia b±'-'i.h ,' I real flues i , .I i -,.,.t ,.cit -, .f'd,s..:1, to $4 yel. WOOL. I.:JUL Meek ,,.,r,i a h . , efa.:, l hies Ftali,J::1mt .a.• ,`late s, aq .teal a- ,.rice Cost -once far -eels. !Inverted '',nuns Besutlfal Broadcloth to several Tartan anti faucy plaid Dress and Coating Sergee. tivarautoe iJ. 1421eTAVISH, t'+c' to $; .i,t, ayard $1.5o a ed.. $1.25 to $8.seayaid >ttpi der shades and in black $3-00 to $4,$o a yard 75e to $2,00 a yard Dyes 40" to $4" wide $1.5o to $3.00 a yd =SE.?�dl-'IfVf 1x