HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-08, Page 8alliallaelaill11011101101111111MatilliaMMIOat
e we we les tat e eett Oka** Oatmeal
We recommend our Mange
Shampoo for dandruff or our
Coco Butter Shampoo for dry
scalp and falling hair, or for
a good head wash our fern- eonstance
ous Pamolive Shampoo.
Also our Owl Massage for
closed pores and black heads
This will clean the skin.
Brave your Hair Cutting and
Shaving dorze•bp us.
. .
We guarantee to put a shav-
ing edge on pour razor.
Oommercial Barber Shap, C4th
Horse For Sala
How to Obtain the Most Practical
The Quarterly meeting was observed Kind of information.
in the Methodist ()burgh on Sunday.
Kra. Ed Britton and Miss al, Love
have been et the home of their parents
et Walton,
A little more good weather would
greatly assist the farmers in seeding.
A mare atntelde for farm work and
driving. nold cheap.
Apply te
t• 111:ittIlSr4,
The W M. S. held their annual meet,
lug and elected the following officers:
Pres. Mrs, R. Lawson, Vice -Pres Mrs.
R. Montgomery, Sec. Mrs. D. Wheet-
ley, Trees. Mrs. E, Britton.
Kiniess and Cleanliness Two chiel
Points to Observe In Caring for
Beim, Stock e-- Cow and Young
Calf Should Be Sepettated fa Not
over Three Days.
(Contributed by Ontario Department
through en opening in the
barn floor to the basement below, Mrs.
Eliza Brown, of IticKillop township,
near Roxbero, received injuries last
week from which the died some bouts
later. Mrs. Brown was severely ie.
jured internally . I he accideut occur-
red et thm
e lee of aehyt Scott, 11re.
II meet's itieta t Mrs. I-IC(11Th was the
d ue.t.liter the late hob,:
blr .rt
tSeeti, me, ti;
'o /r settlert,
chi:tr.:et md, hot ;mat;
0 -OPERATIVE experiments
have been conducted in agri-
culture throughout Ontario
annually since 1886. Previous
to the war the number of farmers
conducting these experiments reach-
ed over 5,000, and in 191,8 (the last
year of the war) the number was
slightly ower 3,600. Some of the
leading varieties of crops now grown
in general cultivation throughout
Ontario were introduced through the
medium of the co-operative work,
such, for instance, as the 0,A.C.
No, 21 barley, Marquis spring wheat.
O.A.C. No. 72 oats, O.A.C. No. 3
oats, Dawson's Golden Chaff winter
wheat, O.A.O. No. 61 spring rye.
Canadian Beauty pease, O.A.C. No,
81 Soy beans, Rye buckwheat, _
i Bantam sweet corn, Early Amber su-
gar Cane, Dwarf Eesex rape, Irish
t ilebeler potatoes, Yellow Leviathan
omit, Ia,tettlium and Oetario
aatel. elfalfa,
1 '5..t.ttror lot et, ,trtitr.1 tiVt, ill- •
77h tit 1,1,111cttctt tti /1l'/"0 to 0111,;t1111 t
I,- ,.ie'
,if It'll
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-.;lt;',+;;:;* • c Itt.tNt rata -a at tee
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• 1 ;
."..;• • rt. I , t t, „tt, , ,
tiO ,t.tt. tit: :11.0
Your country's need for money did not'
cease with the signing of the armistice.
Thrift is still essential during the period
of reconstruction.
Open a bank account to -day.
t tte • a n'e tete
7 • t.1 't 11'0 tit,r1.r.1 tiJR
a • :1, t q•
Ok p„7, -,e118
11•1t •.1t; 1. ,aktu- tt.s.
711,1, ftr;ttr;ttt, Of
PrIll a , j,cl• t I boil'
tn.; lc • . ; 1 t• . •tt eenelty for
tt, pelvaey tInd
..c5. 1;;;tt ,ttl- iltrtt calf, and
rieeee,a, should :et the rule al this
f• -tet.,
Thursday May S
Oallouses or Cramps There?
Are your feet tired and' painful at night?
Seed the first danger signals! Do not let your foot troubles develop
and maltiply until your bodily comfort and daily ellictieney ore greatly
When this arch weakens and one or more of
the tiny bones are depressed, uneven pressure is pro-
duced, the weight is unevenly distributed, causing a
burning sensation, callouses, tender spots, contracted
toes and a painful, cramp-like pain known as Morton's
Toe or Metatarsalgia develops which frequently ex-
t—ends into the limbs. The foot widens and spreads
over the shoe, tht mstll ard the grcattoe joints be-
come inflamed and enlarged—bcdily fat igueand nerv-
ousness resutl.
For the condition Anterior Metatarsal Arch
Supports are especially designed to reach the vital
soot --to support the weakened parts, remove the
abnorrnAl pressure- and assist ,naturs in effecting a
permanent correction,
"The Nome M ood Shoes"
tt 11.1tt0t1.1 Seaforth
,eteyeeteereezerea--ataa-rea=e,e..e...e.....,,e...: etearaan'ateeatenantt-tatate venneareeetereic.
„e --- . ....--........--...-. al....•.a...............wpaY.
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tc c 1.,:tt
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• • ti 1:::t :::-S'l ,as,. •-:::, t., 1,-.1..;::7-.).-„,...- 11 (.„
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1A !".. ae
t at fl
t— _ '..atet 'tta t..'t, a ta a., e, ',3a, ae, t' ':. ' • tt.ti' 't,',
te a....e.t.'" .".1',!'.'. tat tttttt".... It..T. '17ttt.tta; Sf
rt'.:. •1t ...' St.%
11•. . 1.110'71:'11t11%ilit ,'tc.. 'tit,•''' 11" *
• ft3
• dealer, ,fr' ;•';
dealert Etter,.sall • 41.
• 1.,‘„rins
1.7tte Worm Peva'eie mei the • c",,t1 State/m/1e,,
The ''05/ rtilOuitt :t Boated to Ben Meet'. et. pet is felt at the Ittictlt of
:• • tat. rail''iv, arid :-0:1,taid be kept tied t' the ea al Is of a former neighbor. Mita
until the efter-birtet ia removed. The
ae-0 may sy, Ifs cng,tcnv,ttit NI. one 1 to .1sine s Altelaiiiiin in Brussels last week,
Lart,tri to t M : r : throe •lays. Sone, remove the eau t. hut
II rearedit 4f,v litt. Luudy is atteudiag the Sy
at onee t it is to be , nod in Weedstock.
Mrs. Joke Bell is ill poor health,
t..„ • V,f, ,1,tb,e• t••• 11 • t•tc• pot, •tlt !
L1st.tt ttetluctt,tit, tt.a1t F,,,,ti6
•it• 11.-1
should he left with the dam for a
short time, in order to give the young
Icy atrl au • animal a good start. Leaving
net divo yetlr
I &ad mit together for a day or two
0ltit"rtenit$ t" e le, , ti r t aleo tends to remove inflamniation
e Lea., tart I. opm 3 a .5 .c
make their home _:
from the udder of the tam.
;11,1V,1,11 -r01 gv"tlY [1"4.11'd 1"t We"4 by th" la"" If nr or some
ecessary the cow's adder should
t• ka',..7e tenherieg awl Dimming up the titatte be bathed with warm wate
them the seine
tet-; chtineeetowinpre- et on -in' Piave. form of liniment such as camphor-
-a-, emtion and enrceee ated oil, or equal parts of turpentine
and vinegar and an egg in one quart
eee e:tt
as the lad having the S. rtt. Ladies' Aid the Methodist
advantage of of the mixture.
ChattOh aro giving a grand ometert on In case the dow and calf are all
turned to her regular stall. The calf
tvill assist the legate.
. creation answers with final author-
Dictionary hi his home. This new c_ ASTORIA nursery
Friday eight. Talent from Toronto right, they may be separated in not
over three days, and the cow be re-
a may- be allowed to remain in the box -
i this will cause
in history, geography, biography, IFor Infante and Children l it to forget its "mammy" more quick -
with other c,alaes, as
ity all kinds of puzzling questions 4
In. spelling,promanciationesports,arts, 517. It should receive its mother's
end sciences. a in Use For Over 30 Years milk for a week, whole milk for two
a Over 6550Illustrations. Colored plates. ..% Always beam or three weeks, then skint milk and
I The only dottiozscraith the DifidedPage. the
other suitable feeds for six months,
400,000 Vocabulary Terme. 2700 Pales. .
3 The type matter is equivalent to that g Signature of and be kept dry and clean at all
I ot a 15-volmne enevolopedia. g
. . . times.—Prof. H. H. Dean, Ontario
; MOTet ScholudY.Accurate, Convenient. -- Agricultural College, Guelph,
llsh Dictionary. Dublin
4.1 and Autritative time,,hoany other Eng-
RZGULAR n me... Trimming and Staking Tomatoes.
AND a:.! , , ,„ This method of handling tomatoes
INDIA. CI tatty. i's;. .tinArlitt% tJ est field wee has come into very extensive use In
unlgoEris. ate warmly aettitti v:P.i fte a for days laet the past few years among the com-
mercial market gardeners, owing to
gardens. The plants as a rule are set
two feet apart each way and after
.,„ planting are given one caltamtion.
' The sticks are then set; driving
0- them down about a foot into the
ground and leaving from five to five
awl a half aboye the ground. These t
ings implings or anything else of a i
There ere a couple of oases of ty-
phoid fever at present,
Mrs, Win. Deueison has moved into
her new borne,
The Womees Institute will hold their
annual meeting in the A, 0. W Hall
on rhinsday May is at 3 p, in. The
meeting will oonsist of reports and eli.
station of officers. There will be a chap
ter read from the new book Our Gov-
ernment. Every member is urged to
be present,
t WRITE f or :t1ct
etn. to. .1,1.las, se is,
[FRE.F.t, a et of l'oelt
Is,p;•Ntrr if you aurae tat, 55 'lip. lite I atritatt: tt• prrpard
S. C. iViElaRIAM tt fat tatttet rt in tt ,,,,:rt' (tante pr
viti,•: gifts to rate:,:t ,,,laiers.
the high price of land and backyard
1:...ca,-11k.'iloallatilielltilltillitate.toilltle1111.01%411111111%111,11111%74 •s..s„ ,„1,
"n eiteliar nature about otie and a half I
11 stikS may be made from mill edg-
AT The -
Monday Only
re/RAW , /,.////•*P",5?
V :•stt.:0
Judge Lewis held :a.tirt here tart
Mr. John Pollock has returned Weet
after spendiiiig the winter here,
Rev. W. Rinds who spent two
months in Port Stanley is home agate,
The question is often asked these
days, "Where is the game Warden or
Have we oriel” Time slaughter of
birds and duets go on as before. The
law is very strict against shooting at
this season and yet the lawless Sport
gees on.
1., 1 tc'Iii• ,,l' -s: ".I
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin,
Squeeze the juke of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best faeckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
'cry, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck, smut and
hands each day and see bow freckles and
blemishes disappear and how clear, eat
end white the skin Iteeornese Teel re
la harraleas.
• • .,"
5.meims square and stvong ,nough to
hold the plants when the fruit I g,
is fully grown. After driving /
the sticke anti tying the plants
to them the ground should be
ens ,maal fie n four to six inches thick IK.. -
with very strawy manure, as a mulch. 1
This mulch will keep the moisture In
the ground and, at the sante time, I
remove any necessity for cultivation
and other disturbance of the roots.
In growing tomatoes on the single
stem, such as is mused in this method,
all side branches which appear
where leaf stems Join the main stem
of the plant are removed as quickly
as possible. If they are allowed to
grow it will take away very valuable
Plant food from the growing plant.
The plant should be tied every eight
or tWelve Inched to the stake and
when they have reached the top are
out off.—A. MacLennan, Ontario
vegetable Opel:eh:titre,
pet:: .
Teeter 11,15[ :"[['.
enivelept6 • t.t.t.'
• .
Metut Cavite
• t.
,gee "nit.
• 1,f:h.-we Lett leetet-tr
tilealta'ifi' tie' ti the Pit
F.-..PC1.01Ata &Tit 11105- know
rani have.
aattle revieet worm; is wee, net,
pnatiorel correct tie' morbid 000ditious
of the stewed& nourish worms,
ned these destructive v1%11114001* eannot
exist after they emus in moan et with
the medicine. The e weimare digest-
ed by the powders and are speedily
emanated with other refuse from the
bowels. Soundness is imparted to the
organs mid the health of the child
steadily improves.
ocourn Pactwer
c-31 Programme,'
,e Calling Cards
Memorial tlarde
Bill Heade
Wedding Cards
Note Beads
Nearly and promPtIP
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the nudersiged, and endorsed "Tender
for retaining Wall at Bayfield Ont."
will be received at this office until 12
o'clock noon, Tuesday, May 20, 1919,
for the constroetioe of a retaining
wall in lieu of present superstructure
on part of North Pier, at Bayfield,
Huron County, Ont.
Plans andtforme of contract can be'
seen and specification and forms of ten
tier obtainetaat thisDepartment, at the
office of the Dietriot Engineer, Equity
Building, Toronto, Ont, , and at the
Post Office, Bayfield, Ont
Tenders will not be oonsidered unless
made on printed forms anppliecl by the
Department end in accordance with
conditions contained thereita
Earth tender must be accompanied by
en accepted cheque on it °bartered bank
payable to the °Hoe of the Minister of
Public Works, equal to 10 p. o. of the
minima of the tender, War Lattil B011(18
nathe Dentiniou will also heaccepted
as security, or War Bemis said
if reconred to make up an odd amount
Notre---Blee printscan be obtained at
this Department by depositing act
espied bank cheque for the stun of $10
payable to the order of the Minister of
Public Works, which will he retnrned if
the intending bidder submit a regular
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, April 28, 1919.
Advertising is telling
about your stock, The
firm that advertises
gets •ahead, every time,
of the firm that does
not. advertise. Shopo
worn and ont.of.date
• stock is the penalty
merchants pay for not
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
Don't suffer! City bottle of
Ereezone costs but'a few cents at any
arug store. Apply a few drops on the
corns, calluses and "hard akin' on bot-
tom of feet, then lift them off.
When Tireezone removes norns from tliti
toes or calluses from the bottom of feet,
the skin beneath ig left lainknalleietalitles
lad Iraq ileadtate artriattai,
For Salo
' One Chicken Coop for sale.
Apply to Mn. A, George.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath-LCandy Cathartic.
lo odds lattet, bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your heed neles-;
how miserable you are from constipa-
tion, indigestion, biliousneis, and slug-
gish bowels—Foil always. get relief with
Casenrets. They immediately cleanse
and regulate the stomach, remove the
eour, fermenting food and foul gases;
sake the excess bile from the liver and
carry off the constipated waste matter
and poison from the intestines ate
bowels. A 10 -cent bon from Tour drug-
gist will keep your liver and bowels'
0ZR itotiserob sweet and head slow for
mostairt, They worle white tem saw.