The Seaforth News, 1919-05-01, Page 8T-H'E SEAFORTH N E,WS`
Thursday May l
We reeomneewd our •Maafae
Shampoo for dandruff or our
,aero ButterShaiupoc, for dry „
scalp and falling. flair, or•for
"' b goorl-head wash our. fast=
• ous P:a nolive Shampoo.
Also our Owl Massage , .fon
` elosedpores and black heads
',.This will clean the skin.
have your Bair Cutting and
Shaving done by us.
We guarantee to put a shav-
r ing edge on your razor.
:Commercial Barber Shop, C4th
Mrs, O'Connell * has re -opened classes
in Piano and Singing.
1+.,ero..w.�tta •
ItYA2c Colinton
The Rev, (Capt); MaKegney was int!-'
noted.- by Archdeacon :"Richardson of
Loudon es rector of St. Pail's church.
He comes both as the soldier of the
cross and also of the king, having won
the Military Cross.
Mr. S. B Stothers has given his office
fur a root room for fermata wives while
in town,
St. eolumban
The death occurred of one of the
older residents of this community in
the person of Mr^ James Darling aftes
a.prolonged illness, Mr Darling carte
to this country nearly 45 years ago
from Scotland and settled down on:his
farm here, He has been unable to do
any work since he was hurt about Bigot
years ago by a falling timber in the
barn. his wife pro deceased him by
ewe veers, a fancily of two sons and
Pcipil8 prepared for the Lotirion C'on. three cls i hters survive Mrs, E. Litt of
eervatory Dubin!, Mrs. "aa, limbo and Mise
'tilts, is CONNELL, hive , at hoe,,.tics of Dublin and
lehn Street, Joint of St Mary's, The funeral took
place on h'lundaa last to the tieeferih
it:lue' itr%
31)n'`eube, , ib re t., I etino Hcui' .1 .0 oruce to l d
rilai `41.`2. Situ. day L'vcnr:g Poet
$2 11 of Caney }'.U,,tlttenatn rift $'1.751 -
• tor Marchi ante Stt:tnptnnll tI lft) per
year, Airs Vtot at, ItiILeod
For Sale
- A yeen,+,Jerse y cow, due to fresh,"
April'is. ,
Appy » ,
Horse For Salt
A mar„ .ir 1L', i;r,tt r e, and
RN„f,er to .
d'F41 r. "InQD
All arrangements have been made by
the Township Council for the building
of a new Memorial Hall in Loudeeboro,
It is planned to have the hall erected
during the summer and a committee
oonisting of the township council,
members of various societies, and rep-
resentives from, the different polling
divisions has been appointed.
Mees's. Norman Geddes, Dan Fei•g .
eon and John Stewart, accompanied
byMisses Iliugeue Geddes and Isabella
Ferguson of Bel'grave visited relatives
here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Watt and their
neioe, Miss Betty Wilson visited at the
manse lest week,
The Misses Alice and Flora Fingland
have returned to Toronto after 'spend•
lug the holidays at home. '
Miss Betty Brown has returned to
Toronto to resume her duties as
Mr P. Shaddiek and family are now
on their farm.
Robs. Scott is adding to his house,
Pte N Husking of the military hosp-
ital London, was home at Baster,
Mr, Rick Lyon of 'Toronto visited his
Mr. Pii•e is not gaining health as fast
as it was hoped
Miss Bertha Itrogders of London
spent Easter at her home.
Maas frits'Ii Dewey nae returned home
from Guelph,
Mr. ft m has it new ear
:tir :11not,,rd has disposed of hisoetv.-
mill her.' tent he Nils still eontfitue to
live hers,, •
1 Mi•, leek Ratteuhury and family of
Sarliugton spent the lolidaysett his
home herr
Mice Annie Walker is in 'I:ivertori
with with her stater, Mrs, Hugh M.
Bengali. •
3?les Ant %cost is the guest of Sirs.
Wm Soot•,
No one ea to the pr -vent has blamed
the void whale , n cis io'' on the Mhos.
le',ei tier eaeseltt'I,riis lambing tics
year, 'i it wn are at, our wits end how
to aaoontat foe t n. weather we do riot
I t7'. k'. 1 us' i -f
I t ' Y 1 'i>e t ,, .1 . „,..ata''
55;1.. <',,t., lli(i ..,l'ti' t: ,,.
t t t.;s t;,, :l, 1.ttr
Mr. J, •, I a Meow is still anxious to
interview the fellow who stole his
gate, He weulci teach him another
trick tut', .
3Ir, George Clark of •Toronto has
been vieiticg his parents, Mt. and Mrs.
1s, Clark
, Mise Jennie Nicholson of . Walton
has been visiting her cousin, Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholson, '
'The farmers had jest started seeding
end the feu' warm days gave a hopeful
Conk to spring when the bitterly cold
seepe:tute along after rain and tied
everything tip again,
To-day—:Not To -morrow
1:it, 1: R. ;lcLean and daughter
'vela, were visiting in Ripley are home
t4'tifr,•,t MrAie is its Detroit with his
"1'.'.t.''' ' u ., l'-'", '•", s.
Tut .: i ; ..."1 it,. iii A
• '''''•,1'1 , . l ,t' 1
ahty ,' •'atrial 't: t of l u in r,
''t -,1, a .� i t.. so 7 tr
Clork'f...e .a, I, aa, ,. 1 .tib 1, f ... i. e, _�., j,l ltluii
be s,, ,l 1 r s .,,„:a
eipaltly id r 11*e r..' 1, It li � ..1 I; ',tit,' -i t t
Conch .. al in ,.e. ,:rr r 'F, 1 1 , l' II i. :t' ., I ,:'.
81011 i11, .i f , I. i ' '. us— far is ii .'..1 1i, 19 tacit 1„it,r „i,
mercia: t' ;J ., 01 F. ri, , rite f et s;t'g Int, i, -Fc,
30th sloe of IQIS, - lata n. A1'- I
peals age. -at itaaeraineat twist tot ie th
hands ',s 1 . k I,, f i e hlr.,,
20th, J(
al .',f urii,,,
51 sees Annie littd'. Gerrie llamas of
i r, Eil.'nlr viettcitl their omnvii,s, Mlles' e
Ethel and Ad,fis, Dr,othatn, last week,
Mies Gertrude Appleyard has re -
April 2e mill : vaiol•ilt o. t). turned after spending the Easter boli
days at her home in Woodstock.
Mr. George Holiness spent a day
hers seat weak
The W ' C, '1', U will hold a meeting
in the Carnegie Library on Wednesday
evening May 7th at 7.30 p. tn. All
women interested in the Temperance
Movement are cordially invited to
Mrs -Bert Williams,
"For the Blood is the Life.”
With any dlneaso dun to kepone Woad
cook as Eo9Nna, Scrofula, Sou rvy, Bad
Legs, Abeoeaeos, Bloat," Glandular
Swotting., Botta, Pin.pto., Sore. or any
kind, Piioa, Blood Poiann,RMumatiem,
Gout, etc., dont write your antenna money
On lotlon8 and ointments which cannot got
below the surface of the skin, What you want
IS a medicine that will thorough!y free the blood
of the poisonousmatter which alone is the true
cause of all your cufferlug. Clarke's Blood
Mixture blest such a medicine, Itis composed
ofingredientswhich quickly expel from the
blood all impurities Com whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
can bo relied on to effect a lasting cur„-
u-v(Thousand, of katmenral a
ferrrk .,ui 10.' .'ru
over so years'
goldby• oil
Phemlate cod
Misses Bertha and Olga El tett of
Thadiord visited at the money last
Mr. G. Atkinson of Detroit has open
ad up his cottage for the summer,
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always boars .,Q ��
the aSignature of
hi h„ a,r:'taa Iviv.,n of Muneey spent
',::Hie,. nl. y e at her home.
:i is,lu Cooh of Heiman wits a
n•e, c1 II,, Masse Cooper.
r , :i. Julinelou spout last week
in Litt
air, flog wh;r hat etertexl i Iate of-
• i..:' to Detroit epent Nestor with his
Mr, and :sire, w, H, .Johnston and
(feel! were coiled to Ashfield rmcntly by
he deals of Mrs. Jobneton's sister,
Miss Mabel Whitman of 'li oronto
spent the holidays at hon home here,
The dam at hgmondville having
broken down, fish are now able to get
up stream to the village and it is a
tang time since they were so plentiful.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs
J. V, Regan are sorry to hear of the
illness of their six months old baby.
Rev. Father McCerdle, who formerly
was formerly a curate here, has been
moved from Lttoknow to Stratford.
The schools re -opened on Monday
after the holidays.
A number of houses and both the
schools have been disinfected, -
The teachers of the Confirmation
' school have returned from Chatham
'where they spent their holiday's,
Don't put off opening a savings account
until to -morrow, as 'to -morrow you may
spend the amount you intend to save.
Open a savings account to -day with the
nearest branch of
61AACR�91Hgq asiteil ria Ella iH�17 i0 GFl t4BRIeP7ilHililsMsl lA it l'41r71d Aad rmt79ili+f1911H
Intended for last week
The Council on the 21. et of April.
The members were all present, the min-
utes of last meeting were read and
adopted. A committer was appointed
to investigate the claims of Wm. Jordan
and Lorne Pethiok for farm bridges on
their respective lots on McGrath Drain
and Bayfield River Drainage Work, It
was decided to make a grant of $ 833.
towards the erection of a memorial for
the soldiers who fell in the War, ale..
medals to be presented to all soldiers
who served in the Army. Alex' Dar-
ling's offer to handle the grader at o,25
an hour was accepted. Orders to the
amount of 161,80 on the Treasurer.
Coun.fl then adjourned to meet again
on Monday, May elf th for holding
Court of Revision of the Assessment
James Jordan
Miss Jean Ferguson has returned
Irons Toronto where she has been em-
ployed as a nurse
'Yin and Mr. Win, McCallum pro-
pose taking a trip to California shortly
where they have relatives,
The banquet that was to have beets
given to our returned soldiers has
been postponed to June Srd,
Mr. and ides. Misner were in
Electric Start i g and Lighting
—Consisting of Generator, Starting
Motor and Storage Battery.
—An electric system made for Ford cars
by the Ford Motor Company of
Canada in their own factory; built
into the Ford motor which has been
re -designed for the purpose.
—Controlled from a complete instru
ment board on the cowl.
Standard Equipment
on Sedans and Coupes
Alt doted models now have electric starting
endlightingsystetnaae Standardnquipment.
Ford Sedan $1,175 ' Ford Coupe $975
• trncluding:Rpre Starter and righting System) Prices
are f.o.b. Pord, Ont., and are oubdect to War Tax. -
ax:• Ford Closed Models will, for a time, take
the cattle production of Starting and
Lighting Systems. i
By June let, however, Ford Touring Cars
and Roadsters will be supplied with Start-
ing and Lighting as Opatonat Egatement at
an extra charge.
Samptee of the C'ard•Startine and d,fahtine System
are now on exhibit at ail Ford Branctiee. dor the
ttearfutan" las at'o expect to beabie to show acomplete
utmpte outfit, You arc Otetlod to call and inmeob if,
ei F. Daly, ' dealer, Eleaforth.
Cook Bros. dealer,.,Ilensall
The t.creen9s poptErzur
1 1 t T r hI }�"' i OREN
IN •
A compelling story of the high social and
seamy sides of city life
Pearl White's
Greatest Serial
The I louse of Hate
5th Episode
Thursday Friday Saturday
Pains, GIlouses or Cramps There?
re your feet tired and'. painful at 'light?
Heed the Stat clanger signair! Do Lot let your 'foot troubles develop
and oiulliply'nntil' your bodily comfort and daily eflisianey aro greatly
When this arch weakens and one or more of
the tiny bones• are depressed, uneven pressure is pro-
duced, the weight is unevenly distributed, causing a
burning sensation, callouses, tender spots, contracted.
toes and a painful, cramp-like pain .known .as Morton's
Toe or Metatarsalgia develops which frequently ex-
tends into the limbs. The foot widens and spreads
over the shoe, the :mall al:d the greattoe joints be;
come inflamed and enlarged -bodily fatigueand nerv-
ousness resutl.
For the condition Anterior Metatarsal Arch.
Supports are especially designed to reach the vital
shot—to support theweakened parts, remove • the
abnoorfnal pressure and assist nature in effecting a
permanent correction.
ffi e W 1 }•. a .Y -:,r." Er
"The Home of Good
Ethou': 51
Counter Cheek Books
Letter heads
Menu Cards
Loose Leal Ledger
Forms Ste
I'rttgrit ntsuc..;t
• Oalfing earn
Memorial Cards
Bill ilt,tde
• Wedding Cards
Nato Ift•iidh
Neatly and promptly
The l ig¢gest men in
the country have found
that the easiest way to
spell successtt��is to
A i�' VENT] SE. Slop=
pose the lrnewspaper
did not f ublish tale
news. Snow would the
pe tele E; roi r law, is
haf.2penuinfv, ? Ii you
don't puuhbn hi your j.
More dears how will
the pfinuprle lien tet' about
youv gfiisit5? Yon c .Afli
uaeV<<'n' se Eli tile fio'ts
peorrJe do not isnow
y ten Li to e.
36.1 n'3'." I .seli$+L: E .. 'l cls j
a• by. a .'ons' RftJCid. i.%ilo I'
firm flleiailt ai'liVl`w Itn:4u;r
w3rv^>i 1 tun'isee
'ol t`'ds, !arm tihiya 404'H
not ii.dvssrthst;. l4hopa
worn and olt11Lw471l^digi o +.
stock is the pent by
merchants pay for not
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
Doan t hurt o, bitf Drop, a little
llreezone on an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you Jiff
it right out. Yes, magic!
A tiny bottle of T'reezone costa but a
few cents et any drug store, but' is suffi-
cient to remove every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, and the
calluses, 'without soreness or. irritation.
Freezone is the sensational discorso
of a t+ineiaasti afna i4 is woudts'fof.
For Sale
One Chicken Coop for sale,
Apply to Wire. A. George,
Cure Sick Headache, Canatlpaticu,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath --Candy Cathartic.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; bow much your head acbese
how Miserable you are from eonetdpas
Moir, indigestion,, biliousness and slugs
giiss bowels—you always get relief with
Generate. They immediately cleanse
and regulate the etomlmly remove thfa
lour, fermenting food and foul goner
sake the excess bile front the liver end
carry off the constipated waste matin'
and poison from the intestines and
bowels. A 10.eent box from your drag`
gist are keep your liver and bowels
leas; stomach sweet sad head sloes fair
sagsi o, They veurk *le yept slow