HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-01, Page 5rhoraday May x. 4 • c • • • A anking Service OUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. •THE CANADIAN •BANK. OF 07:(7)1Vilk4FPCIF . , . 0:4010,01.00a4aanavaliaanoalti•escaa.,0,0,4-4410:00,..rnmuatuuaicaaoaa,annaatuasanaam-• ataiaaacearraroeiawaamat,,niataarraciaar.7007: t - • 01v .4,nstramasaaaairaaaaa0a,,,,,,,atmarat—vaan.aaia.0.40,-i 4=4 5"--0^. is......oste......ii ii.......ii 00.,0.0 1.01.4 040444 Neli.,9140, 04111.1 oamotaaao, ram. was, Pt 1 Town Topics! Sa ta0aal sacce,aaatiociaasa.asmixeswrisa0,Ksamorma,.*.iCi I i ' a05 110.0assialimai.i.V; The High Cost of Living—laconomy s the word to.dr.y. M mice your old ecarmente do instead of poreltuaing new ones, fli4ve them .ciry chiete•tt and preen, ii. Dry oh -ening when properly dove Iteigthees the life of gartnente, nreaerves their (tech- new eppearance and nete as I-711SM') t cry SVOIX 1 ii. n %metre! tett0,1:44`. Eii ehlif 'SS and dill> (i004 ill get OW, olding ih.“141 IL} Ale 'Werthathe , THE ,SEAFORTH NEWS Mr. Con Eckert who purchased the two cottages and three 'Iota belonging to the late Fr. Corcoran estate bee sold them again the vacant lot to Mr, J Beattie and the others to Mr, P, 0, Sullivan. Miss Pheinia Cowan has returned to Dnedes. Dr. and 'tire, Aitken and Miss .ferret of Kippen w town visitore. Mr. Mores of Id thigen WitM In town title Is wit The Meth re., Players pi " Within The Lae /IL Si 4,0'4,031 lw i'41a111, /10,.. :0 el t. , t• eteht Mr. jamas keys, the new coal dealer received the contract on Mon— day for supplying the eoal,, of 40 tons, for the public school., there being four ether tenders. . . The Misses Turebrill have returned to Toronto to resume their etudiee at the Faculty of ,Edueetion. Mra . Phew of Zurda is moving his family into Mrs. house tletlerioh Miss Mary Gillespia returned en *melee to 8.. 'Interime51 . a!, tirt Teleerd •5,,,) who r.• I. o f.. • t ittW • ••••, • ' . • • • . eamasettaessey,Isteavimareet Use oily three level tea. spoonfuls for five cups Mr. lie elileree, et: I.i/Atii,!1 Si.i "' to•F""i Itir,••„;it rI„. Ida rd. VV. • I ..•• VOA'. ' . •,, dattgl;te‘r, T, vo. 000(41 ZS& •.. tf, iletr,• • ;••'' .• •,4 1•v old only bo wealed pascals:ages lira, %ern. •••;•••' •'; , , • . ,• 11, ' Salle n'to . Oaderiakor ant W. J. t't billet' of gee. erimient Diphtina aunt License Day er Night eltl'a nioniVo m. pi unapt attenti•in Day Phone 1,7 Night 18 STRATFORD. ONT. Is recognized as one of the most rediaele!,Comeneroial Schools in Can- ada, The instructora are experien- cited end the Coarses are up.to-date, Grailtiates are placed in positions and they meet with success, Students may enter at ally time, WRITE Al' ONCE FOR FREE OATA LOGUE D. 71, McLachlan, Principal••••••00.101•110111ftle.•9.1.0, 11•410•11.06.111 IF YOUR CHILD IS CFIOSS, FEVERISH, COM! pivrv. Look, Mother! If tongue is Ocie ; cleanse little bowels with "Cah- fornia Syrup of Fine." Mothers rout :ire!. ea.:7 ncier "California. e:youp cif r'i•:.:;," 1' flaw ?If/sure 41:.;...it:r1-11! our bile awl Leto:a:Mire ft ,1411Vi.ta Out of ilxt well, playful td,, ;Sick eliildren 'trout eaaa-er't "alto tliis lii rail "•Vraiii• tattat,•., of 'auto:they knroy it, del Ion ••••0 ,11:11.VOr and Tat', ''0> la crieept Alk your sirle,:gi,t, OnlifOrnitt St•I'111-) - of tins direct ktif tor led21. d. : ears and far zo.,;,--to...;•.:. F".3fiR PAL e.m LW Frame House, 7 remits and pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and Soft water, Electric lights, largo vii. rodith. Stable 10' :112' hen :hointe re • Apply at the News Office CREAM WANTED • e•Raitivisal,1 Send your Cream to 1.:a ata) r_ceive top prices, We are conning o or plant he year through stied can handle your foil supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice 0401 month and weigh sample and test each can of cream oar - Slily. Our motto is " Honesty to our Patrons " Petrous are requested to r e UM all mir :Jane when not in nee. 3 ittor an 'Buttermilk She on hand azd for at market priest. The Seaforth Creamery Co, • SEAFORTIEI MARKET e•eem Geed Milling $5.12 Oats ................................60 .... ........ 80 Bran per ton , .....36.00 Shorts per ton . .. Hogs to,, • Houre and ball tome of laud in the villageof hIgmoudyille The property. is situated oet'entre Street, Moth ti the Presbyterian Mundt and is known la the Purcell property:. Good. (male fortable hsnme, good shod, good well and cement Mitten!, All hinds of, fruit trees, strawberries, raspbersjee mad ()errant (oodles, 'This it a corner pre party with DO breaks on front, and the and is in a geed state of ettitivation. Tide is a Mee property fur a retired fanner and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or ta John Rankin, Seaforth. JHN Bonds for sale bearing' interest from 6 to 7 p. c. —half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed Innis slow is the time to buy some of these, Choice securities. No ex- pense to investor, All information cheerfully given. Bold and Deheniure Broker %1 sin Steatite qeaforth Plie ire o I e i,ocal AgeniViTillted ,...60.0avaa1 f. u' the "Old Reliable" FONTIIILL NURSERIES housands of Orchard trees' need replacing. at ar ens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. '1 he demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages' is large. —a" - Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissions, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1837) TORONTO, (INT. Mary Lang, a student at thin Colleg- iate, pot her arm through the glass in one of the (loon on Wednesday nutting en artery, Drs. Burrows and Ross gave her attendance and she was taken bottle Some one broke into the Public School on Tuesday night and several thinge are missing. Mr, Wm, Reid attends rcruevieg with his family in the near future to Tacoma Wash, Wise mothers who know the virtues of Mother Graves Worm Exterminator always have it on hand, because it proves its value, 14111 ,.1,•ati. if 't te I., ee. , ye. tt• iit• ti•Iter I ,,,4,,,b e.,::o1r t0",,,to,•.. Liaut tie rrey,.. D,>'.. "V i• t, T• '''''..". AS,,,,, I ',.." i torit1'' lia1,1 weilt t.,:, I....,i• 1.011,...st .17totteatt:4' to i ''"°' ' ' ; . . . . .., ...ti'kesut in .1• : II,V),:: 11,,, 4,..I., 1,3 T.1,,i •.•S o•T,T,T• I i i g. T' . '• V Y ,1 • •'• I „bee. id: Ilt,.. r .:,1i. o ;.,,,o, ov:d.,..,•••:,•: . i I,. ',...4-.'!'....rL'i.::::1.'";',i.04,,g, ::',.'::1 : : .„,..,''' ''.::: '1, ti:i ,i,. ,,, ., 1., ,,,, .. .,, . :,,, , ;.,.. .._, ., ;:...;.,, .,,,...:.t., t.:,-'.;i:Itaii,:tkota, Watid: 11.tt I! Ii a "'I., iil /041:ai f0r in; tber move," lo0 11.rs. to, tioor'.: brae', •41.1 .1) ,;,,,,,,,..,1i. rile. au.i dirs. i•etto Eint.tot, !SPA ii • 'ii,,,4 1:;,,, . ., l'Eu;,-teafer'411 Auxin:el ef 11e. - . 1,1.,'Inb-. •Jeinte- st • i(i, eieteree,. .., Intuit's til Welt:earl, al.miety of tie', MI • _ . _ __ __ _ ._._ ......._ .......,_ Minn Chetah eteeted olfleele; ter ensuing *ear clay follows; Pros, Mn,, II, id. N. or, Vice Pres, Mr% Burrows, Rau, Soa. Mrs, the as Janes Beattie, Cor. •I'.c. Mrs. Vi' D. • .:f•;; ,,..1 I • .'t r•41,-? It Bright, l'reas. rths, Bert Williams. •.. c . , _ ,....,•••.! F:, • •.; ."' 'V. l•.': ifi'•.:,il .,:', ''....-, if••: • ,,,,, • 1:1 !, e.:,,,,,,,•Li. kiI.., •-"••"'zi.".t. 'te-r.'.:, it• i • ''..• `. tt•t! ..,i''''..: I di' :•••25:' ti.:, ,..t* 1.1 :,, .,.. --,,, ,,,„c.:> .....,,: ''-ie",..;.-a? -a Oi...!;•." Q Iit'e* ' ,ec;Vee.••!!..4 --;-C"...e ,',•. [et !'t !'' ' li'' i...,:11 }.7.1 'I, C•64:4 ,:2:::4) ' I ' l-; Pianist, hire, Bright. Program OM. MOaditillois Alex MeGavin and Herbert Chapman; Herelds, Mrs Chapman for India; Mrs. James Thompson for China Mrs McGavin for Japan, Mrs. Jefferson Strangers withie our gates; Miss Annie Imwrence, Christian Stewardship; Mrs. Wm, Henry, Temperance. Miss Lelia. Beet left on Monday for Port Perry where the will tenet' for the remainder of the term, Miss Marion Larkin and Miss Edith Govenleck have returned to Ottawa. Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son of Galt are the guests of Mrs Wm, Slater Dr, J. A AltteDouald and Dr. Gandier of Clinton were guests of Dr. Larkin on Saturday, Dr. MacDonald is return ing from a trip to Japen, Mr. H, Stark bus returned from a brief tick to Brampton. Mrs. Fl. McKay and Miss Ethel Mo - Kay were in Stratford attending the funeral of Mat. H, Myers. Mr. mid Mrs, H. Lieene have return. ed from spending the winter iii Arkan- sas Dr Beeehly ins tug tin, returned to hum Dr ii.leKee who has lti'u ii, town for saute time left un dattirrhty Alias Reim MeKtexie of Stratford was a holiday viAtor. Miss lirtesio 0 lots tot anted to Tare, •• Niko elleilye Thom:e'en he, teturned to Merrithe. mice Kate Illel/iertnid has ,atturtied front, ii vi0it to lit. Marya. Mrs, (1.3r„) Ly itch end M Jetttio Lynoh have moaned Its Vidnuipog, Mr. stud *re. Bloretield of Whigham wore here attending the Ewer Dance. Ms's. .1, Shaw and two sons of Regina are the guests of Mrs, 'I' E Have, Mr. Russel Steele of London is here attending the fru:coal of his fattier the hate Mn', Robert Steele, lire. W. Govenlock has returned from e visit to friends in Ohesley. Mrs Paquenat of Toronto, with her little daughter, is visitisng her parents Mr, and Mrs. Garden. Mrs, Wm, McLeod who lips been visiting her daughter, Mrs. IV, South. gate left On Monday tO visit her brother in London, Miss Isabel Woods leaves on Satur- day for Loudon where she will train for a nurse, Miss Elisabeth MoCcevon of Roxboro has accepted a position in Toronto. The Misses Laidli;v4 have returned to Toronto, Mr, Warren Arnett of the London spent the holidays at home. Mrs. Castles of Toronto is at the horae of her parents, Mr., and Mrs M Wals.b. The annual meeting of the •Metbo- dist Epworth League was held on Tues. day evening for the election of officers for the ensuing The following. appointatieuis Were MOO: Pres. Fred Savouge; lot Viee. A. Porteous; and Vico, Miss Alma Miller; 3rd Vice, Mrs. Herbert (Amputee; 4th Vies. Ross Revenge; Rec, i.e. Mise Sarithelle 'Da- ley; Core -See, Mrs. AleGaviti; ;Treas. Miss B. Melville; Pianist, Miss Irene Dennison, The (diem B elect will meet next Monday evening at 7.30 to select their committees and assign the topics for the next six menthe, ' • tan Pt. ;14 g. ' MSS I! trifICr 0.t.tte ••••,e;c4eieeteeeiee Help the"Y" Construct the Manhood that will Re -construct Canada ALL the world now knows that the Red. Triangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the "•Sign of Friendship " to thousands of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbouni' boys in the last fouranda half years. Wherever tli•Can- adian Soldiers went, the " Good old 'Y ' " went to,). Al" now it is coming back home with them! . . For the support which has made p' 's6ble the WO l' tt'I•r1;: of the Y.M.C.A. we thank yott... Your money ha, 1):,--n itri expended. We have rendered full SOct milt. We ask now your -continued s:,,-1-!:,:itl.:.- 1., :,1,,•,A., Red Triangle Service for our ''.oldien; 4.171.i. and for Y.M.C.A. work for Calia-,i,-i .t..,A kti'... 'i. ,.'tl.'',:. • , - construction period. The Atititi!i ..,,,t .!'•;i: ,•!,. ,.. ,f,, ' will be held throughout Canada lvtay ,1..i: it 01: ',";.;',. objective is i,•1.,l0l1,000. •• For Om' Men n.w•'!:i•k:':. Vor the soldiers and- their 1 1 -et ; t. front OVcr•IICaG, 'We have pit a, "it'd a id,o0 .• 1. A Red. Triangle mad op. e., Great Ilsitain,wItt•to cub r•itifd, and recer•ti Flank. 111,11tTn, 111:n•,, Whei., IS''; pi.trd . ging tr;q::',„ in dinetion Co, Sunday Servieee, 2. Reit l'riangle eortlinis 1,11 f rival at St..1:‘11.1 i1. fee stalls, with flee drittli; II< • c.c. 0 , 3. Red Tit:Ando met, ,at ra troop train to y,ervid, ; ly free drink,;, d•ild• ,r• ••t Organize galites nod t.on., 0: farmed their -elation 4, lied Trent:4c eervice, information bureau, et,..e, at each of the 22 Diane) ea, in Canada. 5. Red Triangle Club.; its the principal cities of Canada it rip shape of large Y.M.C.A. besteis to furnish bed and board at Irea ra tee and to be a renderer -net for e ediers. • t • • , ;. • i • . . Seeente-live Seeretaries to mipt-rinteiel -Red .Trienah• Service in I\ tilitary ("'n,,' wi Iitat-r,ak; thr a:• :!,. Canada, 7. Tickets cut ...; six months at :Any futuislael, In addition to our work f'.' to maintain the Red 'tridte;le servia, to the full for Pie soldierq • i,.• t.. in. Siberia, as r:•. tit, vtorl, If Special ...teereirrk.; N. 'Vi,:,. f I ' 1-11 C.I ^ r • ae, :re "1: • Iv.31:11 .. • ••,:,; Russia, PA....eine :did Petted. V .97 ;' e '.a Itor -ire 011;ltiroll Overseas un''', Pan. edict soldiers, cid! fe: AI work in Canada ben; rd, . :tad of 8175,000 from the Ited angle Fund willie• sot poke. f• r the Dominion Council f the Y.W.C.A., which is caring, for the soldiers' woman folk, and their little ones on the long joie.. ney, from Liverpool to Canada, end is also extending De work for Canadian girls. For their sake also be gen- erous when you make your contribution. 4.•T'OTZ, •,;,•ko. of IOU,' • , fl•. 5 1;.: rili7:11 C, t:L 81101): 1.!••.„••1 •*!••_•' our Society aa, -2, to you.. yt.eet- big. as ce.te Hand plot. calls, or if !:-• e ,• send it by .•-.104"ey "• • the. National iTt'aeurer, •;•i•." , Bay -Street, Toronto. I 7. 'S.: e • .:5, t ce.e.iei; l's' • ee'ree oil (rut • , !- t :•ae, ; • •... • !.!•into, , ,,; ••••..1 4.0.atio.uc at its :::1.1 ..-,ome months, prfrvided for by tio :lido Lion of our Ivor:leas, and will till the last . Ita s,liled for home, Natioa COtikleil Young of Canada The Rod Triangle 'Campaign is being conducted IMO Cr 2..q'.i,,m-onage of 11is Excellency, Hog, Campaign Chatrotat: weir W. Ross, Montreal the Duke of Devonshire, campaign Chairman: G. lixternncr Woon, 'reroute ,.,•, T TOOAIA111 'PTAtri91. ...,;•;aw "maw ,rioQ,kkavao,• CutttPaign Director: CHs. W. BISIXOP, 'Toronto .1e 4;iatArr,RtAtr:,ttt.,Wt,tf'••teov."r't'2tit.trin•alee."-.ar,r"ta•,.oir, 1,17- nt,-01.41:1;