HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-05-01, Page 1Oft
New. Series Vol. 17 No. 18
OU have more
confidence in deal-
ing. with '
eal-ing.wit:h' a man who
has had a wide
Practical experience
WM, E. a€ i I?MTIN
of the Monumental Works, bee
overb'o rtle
} years practical
BA®GCIBBIB Yt'" eeucctva - M x-..,.r2m,
151.. -.e ,;`y., Big
Air ��'jA For `� C7 -fl
ire a ,>bug was la uii Our
71,tsi ow. :ail WiyT Be Sisasi• l on Saturday
he Palm of perfection
:Hirt out to ail Who would
linfiae•4H ti box of our sweets
Nothing tram -condo the omen].
edit excellence of
Freshly made eaandy
bought Hers,, One tante of - our
,Candy will dispel the most hof -
rid ease of the bluss and scnwte
• instantly disappear at its first
taste. It's perfection psrsemtie
fled. Buy ;, Mix for your girl; if
yon don't, Rome other follow will.
�. 1044 tae.x .r cost ..re= -
��j1 p N -01W SHOW!
V 4 R 111 Se r ° ._� r
��` �• �
I e' tl f
it [Iiia&� i9`
i•a Q
A ST'(1 i"Ol' T11J -, lNNY :;)i11
-AND -AG(')i4 d>N1,
Friday mid at;il�r day
erely Players;"
Motion Picture News Says: "An Excellent Picture”
11Big" ''Extra Big"
Also, "A Fight For Millions"
Every Thursday Friday Saturday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Mary Pickford
"M Liss"
A Comedy Drama that You will like
Better Than Any 'Picture You Ever
Saw - With This Popular Star.
15c - 8.15 P. VI. 10c
I. Dr 0. F. Centennial
Oddfellows to the number of seventy
attended the service in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening on the one
hundredth anniversary of the Order
in America, The visiting brethren in-
chided D D, G. M. Bro Hall, Clinton
and P.D. D G. M Bro. Baird, Bruce.
field, After referring tothe ependid re,
cord of the Order, and the magnitude
of its relief work, tho pastor, Rev. H,
D, Moyer, proaohed an exoeptionally
interesting n and forceful sermonon taking
as his subject A Threefold Rule of Life
Special music was furnished by the
choir and the whole service wee much
appreciated by the brethren.
The Hospital Question
The Clinton News -Record mekee
prepoeal which deservos careful con-
sideration, it Faye.
`'The county cou!ieil at its Jaunty
lasting appointed a committee to take
up the question of a county memorial
hospital and report at they June meet-
"There s.e;me to to be atone agitation
jcat now for the in ch,tenanee of ery
three windier hospitals et dilfvreu
points in the county rather than on
largo one placid at a oentr'al point
"Pierre are already three hospitals i
the county, at God .rich, Wiega,itn air
Clinton, and Nadi is no doubt ricin
good work, If oils large hospital war
established 4t mifht he codsidero
necessary to maihtain•ills° one or tiro
of the smaller once and the coot to the
county would in, much increased, with-
ithout, perhaps, adding much to the
ellieiency of the rtek done. If each
of the three hospitals already estab-
lished Were made tai,tuorial hospitals
aril larger yearly grants given by th,,
county, perhaps the best interests of
the people would lie served
This !dart has a good deal to eon,-
ut•Oid it, rte ei-nipai'id with the pro-
pesal to establish one memorial hos-
it:al with a large comity grarir, Set.
nog iielel.t tbe dith1ottift. of l "atiog file
emu lie.eli.;: ii so that .t ,:•„•wit!- serve the
rte,,,ia o f the whide.'e enmity here is the
he met t qo.,entet. Itte..fe Testi ata
were r-1 iYL W'(1 ,p, a tri.!
i ttet't ' 110,11 ';i14l. i1. i i .,i,r. r•rt see
w'"tali :,l i(.e IF :1 •.,v, Ii,o;.ttcial
t tta,it.E a •n hot 17 1'10 ',-. lot -I And tLw
C. .n; of Int g I e ••• ii Iii r;'t,nlrl
u,, u, d tr,.l, , Thiel end nraiu-
nI it, in 4: etp o tr, V.1111 midair
he vat ! lis, o nt i rann. the county
loc.il as .i: gime, be, greater and
th,• dirt l,,, of Inmate ranee being die
would be MO - eatsily borne.
Without eomtuit in,. itself to tins' par -
denier proposal
ar.tiunierproposal at the present time,
t:luSignal admits -there are some
strong points in the new proposition.
4444.-_ 1044
investigation of the none receipt of a
remittance by a party in ;town, This re.
mittance was by postal it''°te, and the
numberof the note havi-cg been pre•
served, inquiry was mad�a,ltynat Ottawa by
the Gederich poetmasterfee to who colt
eoted this remittance. The name bav•
fug been found out, Asgistant Post_
office Inspector McLean game up from
London last week, anti with the
assistants of the polioe,tlie modus oper-
andi was discovered. ofe of the girls
was found to have no fewer than four
postoffice box keys whioh'ehe had taken
fromboxes a
satt the°
po toffi,ie, .and the
practice, it seems, was to, nee these to
open the box and abstract the mail,
If the letter was found to eoutaiu
money, the letter was destroyed and
the money kept. Sometimes it was
necessary to fill in the name of the
person to whom the - letter
was adroesed, and in the case of ti e
a note wlciclt was investigated, the pay
cc's name had not ber.1, carefully
enough filled ii, to prevent a -new
manse befit ivitteu iii. which was done
and the onto e:.ahed. In ninithor coo,,
we understand erstand the remittance tvas for
$s" which was shared up by the tic,,
girls• ()roe of the charge was thus
made of stealing, and amt Cher of mceiv-
ing stolen goods cud forgery. Consid-
t eritlg the youth of the t2entlers, the
a charges ware purposely Iiruuget nt:der
the Juvenile Deliugnerts Act, and. the
magistrate let the girls go rl, ecispetiti-
n ed sentence, they toreport to , the
d Ohildren'e Aid Officer once a week, .
Site Thomas e$it'trch •
Honor i..o1l
A beautilnl Honor Roll was unveiled
in tit Thomas church on Stied ti !torn.
ing ifte>r Mathes the chair o-,ntr, to
tablet singing Hymn 361 Mr, Parte
then allowed the flag to drop exposing
the tablet to the etinertteatittu, After
dediouh,rr}• p ayrs the choir rotutittd
to the clianotti. 'rime Rev. "i', H. Itrnwn
pr,+ae,hed front thu war,12, ''i !rune, aver
anp Help t;e,'' ils, snowed shat eiory
' ons; on that rc hul trill F l;iy answered:
the crli from a situ , .f ei i'c_y, not freent
foruc Fl.+,c' e, r t _' •d. Pot:r ,ii,,.i utt
i the: field: 'it e- li,di h tb'wn, Itt.tt
Cola, n' d=ardou nd It. Tia
I The Itlri ItOTtOtittt..1 , i tWO 81144(11,
e l
who It iia thio ; r..rr , • cu ,t ,eu• r, cw .e.
!tat fn ;.•old. Abee tb.., ,c,'lielrle bee
Robbing The Mails
Two Goderieh Girls Before Pollee
Magistrate on this Charge
Oftentimes one notices a post office
box key carelessly left in the look of
the box, and we suppose that in the
majority of eases the key is promptly
placed inside the box or turned in at
the wicket and the box holder recovers
his key and thinks nothing further
about the matter. This does not all
ways happen, however, as is shown by
the investigation that took place in
Goderieh last week which unearthed a
systematic scheme of robbing His
Majesty's mails; and but for the feet
that the guilty ones were found to be
a couple of young girls' and that that
oheigewas purposely lad under the
Juvenile Delinquents Bet, they would
have to serve a term of years in the
penitentiary for the offense, the law
giving the magistrate Ito option in the
'matter, This allows how serious the
effeuco-is and the youthful offenders
should, and no doubt will take warning
and avoid temptation in this direction
again. Box -holders also should be more
careful not to leave their treys iu that
boxes or the box uuleeked and
so put temptation inthe way of
those who do not realize the serious
nature of the offence,
The discovery of the robbery tint
has been going on come about by the
'G stry Meting .
lege when he was appointed rector of
St Miehaels Church, Toronto. His
next position was the charge of Barrie,
While there he assisted in drawing up
the Constitution of the Dominion,
In /869 and 1970 he attonted the
Vatioan Council, lie afterwards was
iii charge of the Cathedral in London.
Petrolia, and Wyoming and later while
living at Parkhill he wrote an answer to
ingersoll in the ' Mistakes of Modern
Infidels" which had a large circulation.
From 1890 to 1910 he was editor of
Catholic Record, He
then came
to Seefor:th where he assisted Fr. Our.
cotan uutil his death, when he went to
Landon just one year ago, Many here
will regret to hear of his death,
No Action in Y. M. C. A. Drive
At the Public Meeting to ttfaeuss
what action should be taken in regard
to he prnl cease 1 , '4i 0, A. drive, Nay'
5th to9th t , F,. s V. A , were iarg,:.
It taiirescmeti and paaiented a r,:.soo .
tion passel by their ox•-c,,tive,
The Mitchell Spot Hug Association
providing a free Banquet and free :en-
trance to the Park for the sports, on
Saturday May 24th. 1919 to every , re-
turned soldier, in the County of Perth
The Ladies' Patriotic Society Lace
charge of the dinner and request that.
every soldier who intends to be present
to signify such ietentlotr by sending a
card to the Secretary, Wm . Martyn, as
n as peesible. The
co also
request that mach eoldier he in-rluiform
$L Oper year
When lifollowoy's Corn ('w.rte is
applied to a corn in wart it hills the
I The Canadian Flax Mills Limite
Seaford), Out, will rent a large corsage
of sod laud,' Spring or Fall ploughed,
Will furnish seed free and do the seed•
Ing, Farmer will plow, disc, harrow,
and roll.
Phone Id. MoCorm`cit, llcaforth 212,
after ti p. m, 202,
roots and the oanosity effin,i,s out with. i
out injury to the flesh.
•• — _—a. l Have•. just race -fired a shipinant- of
1s a I fiufftlo ti scr;rreti l'hospi,ate-.
11 i }( i 'l dere taken and terrue atras.ged at
it1111 tela Oeince,
Har.. ate Store,
(i, c`OI lll3R'!'.
I'gutteatelier 1010
Ater etentirlerabie diaaueaten Ill I VVt d e i "_t h-
which the case of the tin W. V, A, was
slily eul,t+rrttrtl bye I', Bills aced P..{ s� eri°v ld:
Haysye thefollowing resolution was
car ried:-
-•Thatle.aae:tion be takeninthepie-,
s t t c rice. of the 111 C%. A. out! ,that
the 1 to ,ceition of the I,, W. V. A. be
placed before due people it, lieu thereof I
Tilt• a•ntsnai V. see y cid tlnietoegat;on'l
al mooting of St, Thomas' edowel' r.as
held on Monday evening April 2,8th
the wcltool House. Theta, was -a large
attendance of both mon and women
present and touch interest was taken in
the several financial reports that were .`
presented to the eongregetion which
all showed a handsome balance.
The Honour Roll which was placed
in the Church last Sunday by the con-
gregation was highly approved and will
be a permanent memorial to our soldiers
The following gentlemen were elected
to fill offices for the coming year:
Mr, R, Perks and Mr, 0, F. 0, Garden
Church Wardens
Mr, F.-Holmeted and Mr. John
Archibald Lay Delegates,
Mr, F, 0, Neelin Supt. of Sunday
Mr. Geo, Styles Assistant Supt, of Sun-
day School,
M r, J. F. Ross Clerk of Vestry.
A vote of sympathy was ordered sent
to Mr, F 0, Neelin who is still away -
through illness trusting that he may
soon be restored to health and again
able to take his place among us. The
meeting closed with the singing of the
National Anthem and the Blessing,
Father Northgraves Dead
Rev. Father George Richard North.
graves died very suddenly at St Josephs
Hospital, London, on Friday last, On
Tuesday he fell, brealtieg his hip
Pneumonia followed causing his death,
Born in Ottawa in 181.4 when the
Capital was called Bytown, he was
educated at I{iegstou and was among
the first students of St MichaelsCollege
Toronto, Be was ordained in r8s7
anti for three years taught in the Col
aT Tt
k'.''tili e
MOO pa. til. i 1Ie.
Ata Tr Reeves, 5 piece
Orchestra, Swofford
1441 ,•_nr Pr., , r n , ,fly.
e -.t...i,1,71;7,1"3,-,i
,;'} t'. t ,;I 1[:61
1t,. a. i."inch,Wet e 1:,, ,',,"s
it ftt.,. .,;or: +rutnas, '111 not I- l-e,-tt
rt _e IVO: , e. " foa 'erg time z„ d
on �r,iersE, !-.•da,
g pre Toone
t -,;,fa/ • . pio l.,,aa.. Tlii,;it:.,'A. prey..
jrel ,i; y,cc-,ct' Ida llllracbe,•t:•ae 1::tce't
have gi ee Hie,: to'tlietla- i. -a ail rf lid.
I rrat+, ar ., ient e.r:yh,. gots. e.ftta.a -of
1tli: t:i,ertlr enutpoun.a. ,:nt,!al hate
ceta,it c.ert weak and oil.l.
�� __.....�. __. �.,-•�.--.�.,•,- 1010.-4410_: �._. ,....,...--.•.�..r.�..,.
tiff W-=wru®an�uu�..na�m,,k
Carpets, Squares g
Hearth Rugs
X i
1:1atmnw,s.11lia a®n tHeeeaap
° ❑
I Linoleult's
andO °
Floor Oilcloths
puean.�nu.®.uu�.H u,®up
la 1010 1010. P..
tyn,..=«uo�esta. t�aaup�.tt�n�.ha�
AV's.AV,T;:. �&t7.,Ea'%..'4
f r 6:
MtatcactitiOurmstottiNitt».>::.r=ettatt=aia • .et:t
sr 4
-ti son, "i , _4410
yen Wid. tont i
not f 1111,11010 , .
ilii„ e,nit,,,
We sell great quantities of Linoleum
because we always show numerous pat-
terns for selection, and because we
handle the best Linoleum made in the
world— Scotch Ginoleume, Canadian
makes also in stock.
b..+ G S
We show them in the different
Edges and in very plesweieg
ri aiu �ua»�nn -Maar e�,taB
1 Lace_ Curtis
and •
" f yIra i',reh'je • I
Mb! n.t ,a:r44...,44GnrEe >eatRscn
C ,,
iv 3
n a,ai�watt®que®•.asee�..a
Table Oilcloths
Stair' Cloths
� u•"°'.,,sea.,�t.ster�.,ten�.ritr�.,