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The Seaforth News, 1919-04-24, Page 8
alt st960.t. .wa st tin uu u, ala We recommend our Mange Shampoo for dandruff or our RESPGN 1 NCE L Coco ButterShampoo for dry In°r °me�<n�+na�ttraset�wtt+®�e;tA scalp and falling hair, or a good head wash our fast- olis Pamolive Shampoo. Also our Owl ;'rt'assage for closedpores and black, heads This will clean the skin. Have pour Hair Cutting and Shaming done bp, us. We guarantee to put ashoo- ing edglv on pour razor. Commercial Barber Shop, C4th W: ROBINSON Prop MUSIC tIrs, O'Connell lie re -opened classes in Piano ted Singing. Pupils prepared for the Loudon Olt. Mrs, W. Moral, itt vtsiring her mottle Mrs dames3t:s,n who has neon 01. bigbeaus.aervatcr y. MRS, tri.'l)Nli ELL, Mrs. _stat', iell,, Si'li is laid op with Mr. Johnston has moved into .icehe Street, rheumatism :tt,si lumbago, tho residence formerly occupied by the I> to Cleo ge Taylor. Walton ilii: .,&e1 0 e.'sh, meeting of SG f ry,t,'s 0# uiet it s held -lee Meielsit also id:filial memiiics ..f the X5'0.• m u qui + tt it Coe Suiaisy School, Much fault te':tou found with 'the condition ef the Mu.Kiltop, Orey hound aryl Mrs..!. H. McLaughlin has recover- ed from a long period of ill health. Walton and community tendered a banquet to the returned soldiers in the Temperance Hotel last. T.ltutaday. There were addresses and presentation of the Medals and a Soldiers' Quartette from Torontofnrniahed a concert, Mr. arid Mrs, 1', Gardiner spent Easter in Windsor with Mr. Gardiner'e sister, Mrs' .1. W. Mowhrar. Tanfatmittice THE SEAFORTH N EWS cantly but a speedy recovery is look ed fur. Mr, Arthur lelo0linchsy'had a phone installed recently. Mts. %Vui, Elliott of t:'nl,peteltff is 'he guest of her sisteiein-lain, 11ie Lot tie Iden et the eloalien Line. Kipp en Mr. W. M. Amelet•sot' expects to leave ebettly for the west as he has mot been enjoying the best of health lately. it is hoped that . , the western climate will improve his con- ditiou Mr, Moore who last week relinquish- ed the duties of caretaker of hi, Andrew's Church was presented with an address and a purse of money. Mrs. W. H. Johnston was called to Luernow last week owing to the illness of her sister, All the churches in the village pro- vided special music for Easter, Miss Margaret McLean was in Lou. don last week, Mr Miokle of Ridgetowu, accom- panied by alt Amerman buyer was buy. Wanted 31111 subscribers for Ladies Hoole .1 oil ,nal at $2, Saturday' [everting Post at $2:0 or t:oiu+try (tenth lean at 111 5; i t AI..t', h 't• e..:1^. _' '400 C year. ' c VittIst ultt`G1p:3U:iRn'd � ri rJt:.14� eronarty Mr. amd )ire. Fisher and lithe son here r.t.trei for i.' c, your Lite masted tot Ir McConnell. Mr. Fishier has 401,e. .:.n„ for a .. n,ntit,, Irk t Lt:E tl t.yhrt hove rt•- ,l,l: 1i _.,.ii I f" -n title -ft `y ill Mr. John Workman is recovering after a settous illness, Mt, end Mrs, J, L. 's''nLean, acuotn- l::utied by Mrs. Orsicford, were in Ripley last week visiting relatives, Hehnsall VICTORY NDS The highest class of security and as patriotic Inv "talent. •,':E;ed to sell, the holder should secure the proper prices Our Managers will be glad to assist Nwards this end without charge. oto �. to t gni '1 d" edr fir 1}3°a"a U .s 's'tall uduring the., past e:. ek Was Trite` r ru..It aa tile lame' was too wet to work he...trios ft. laid in is _tt•ek of geode a , u,isy r .till. :e .lctayr held high one. „t t ite streets and bonier.. t -4• tic t;i1i.r t eare it lye: uc. CX- ot ,a ttk i y ta.,i baa been winch ,,v,:rl, tit:t,t; iii tilts line. - I • t,:.. -ti rc:t,l, a cti;;2d Unlit ',did at gmal erioss. rote oler;rc't1 that the • eeeeere ie itvt-r :ie ninth lies was :rls,, melo tsetoeia order tv,rF.t: in tilt! Clutrohcs ire va a _ ir:ree congre:gatious tree. ;.re i,,. f tt l 1' t e 1 .1 ;t V. e.V 0J'-11 , • ?. !....1.+1.1 ,11 Lb" rnzr t• it`t P Imes.; rt fee- ties with eight i e rant t largo .keit slit a `i Mr, "vu. 11 t ry the s birsuperintends' fr rocs 1 t 3ditnir ti et.t prs,9blcd Lata itadc foeli t ,arse, A i rt i s -col tt to wen plrer. at the fo mt'mhcra who had diol ouring the torn f .41z . +ara Mrs. Hr.•ggatth by past year, eight in number, the people of the village to 3ergt. The programme consisted of choruses Fleury and Charles Webber who recent- ly returned from France. A otos pro- gram was given nearly every one taking part itt sumo way. Mr. Usir. Wilson gave a well worded address which was solos, duets, recitations, drills aud a Greek pantomine, The several num- bers were loudly applauded by the audience especially the drills and pantomhte. replied to by Sergt Henry Webber in a few words. Their many warm friends On ::today si oinl services were were glad to see them back again look - held for the School. in the morning in so well, the choir was formed by the gide and F the pastor preached on "Movies" That - a Blindno Mau Ixt,d aero In the even- ing.r S �" mem and buys Formed the choir and the l,r.tmun was for young men. For Infants and Children avyf[lerlei Iii r, ton A, Mustard was it, ',.er. outs. re re "toy "m intmnkaa. D,.>taidatrit i ;}s oro epettt .a tottoh! cl' days in th ,-Mewl past tvF„•k, II :ipi.ears to have ria proved its stealth Sntco his rr,aeuit ill. nese. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Brandon of Wingham were visitors at the home of Mre. C. Brandon daring the past week. Mr. John Castle made a business trip to to Toronto last week. Gunner Win. Brandon of the 56th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, hes returned borne from overseas after ]spending nearly four years in the ser- vice, He was wounded twine and gass. ed once while in France. Harold and Abe Brendon returned home duriwg the -winter after spending three years over seas. kr. Joseph Archer has again taken the position as head teametsr at the sawmi». . '��Mrs. Jobs Tippet is visiting her 'ghter, Mrs. Perry Clymont, in De. ` John Biggest who have d Mrs, gg g in Toronto daring the \r turned to Hayfield. nn UseFor Over3©Years Always bears he Signature ofGk' � •mow r his f sten of Bar '.ii,.•id, Mr. mai 'lira Wee itodgill unwed from the farm to a c. itilortuble resili- ence they purchased iu Verna, Mr. Stodgill wae horn 6e years ago on farm he has jeer left arid has lived there up to the ptaaeut, He has the best wishes of a host of -friends for a good rest. Mr. and Mrs. Maloom Fraser and his sister left on Tuesday last for North Battleford,Sask, Mr, Charlet Farquhar of the Parr Line who has been confined to his bed for the past week is able to be around. Mr James Steep of Varna has en. gaged with Wm. Sproat of Seaforth for the summer. Mr, Leon Jeffrey is wearing a broad grin that never wears off—it's a boy, Mr, Wm; Boyce has left for the west where intends to spend the sum. mar. He has secured a job running a steam plow, breaking the prairie. Mr. Wm.•Sootohmere had the.' mis- fortune to have his foot siewskeid re. ,t 'tht111119eIt Lae elisl,1 It,. {?il�ffa 1! v 1 Stewart gave an excellent i:ilr n, nee night last week in the Methodist t'liutch whioh wee much ene joyed by those present. Rev. Stewart is a missionary returned from China. The Methodist Sunday School held a very successful entertainment here on Monday evening. Mrs. E. Drake of Seaforth was here last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. McDonald. Mr, and Aire. J. Harburn were in Mitchell last week to attend the Inner. al of their nephew, Pte. Harry Girlie was here last week for a few 115ys visiting friends, Pte. lie Love of St, 'Thomas accom. waded by his toothier was a visitor at the demo of his Mother, Rev, A. F, I,,,ve, Pte. Love baa only lately re- tureed ficin -France and bears sot 11of tars, hM..tO,,t:il meeting of the W. I. will he held in the town hell on Tnos- e-a ui' ,poly, May 0th. A large attendance ie ,bdh r,: 9m tpli•t to d. Mullett 'rhe death ocnurred.on April 6th of one of the earliest pioneers of this town ship in the person of Ann Jane Morris relict of the late Wm. Morris, She was born in Ireland in the year I829. At the ageof live years she anti her parents came to Canada and settled near Brampton, Peel County, Ln 1846 she married Mr. Wm, Morris and ten years tetter in 1856, they came to Huron Co, and took upland on the 10th non, of Hutlett. There in the forest they bowed out a home for themselves and family and there they lived the remain der of their lives, In the passing of Mrs. Morris is gone, one who knew and endured all the privations of an early settler's life. Of a family of eight children born to them seven remain to mourn the loss.of a kind and loving mother. Wm, and Enoch, Toronto; James, St, Thomaa;Joseph, on the old homestead; Mary at home; Mrs, Nelson, Highwood, Montana; and Mrs. �s; EREAFTEI4. Ford .ti-.. One -Tim Trtrekamay lyi:'. 9 l mmn+pl e' l i h boCi,t, dl 1. the road. The a y y trio ne frora 1.1 -1,L ne tine -..t ..'. 1.0 pa i •ce r w pro , 1, ',w a r& (or in the leash) and ready for prompt delivery., Thee., nave cell,. fivers, sill% of esis,ouod hitlt t 1 t Stf 1 f r i 4•el 7 it' .g, '7!ic every '3;y:int T.:: t . tt -s mid lee 9 j F. Daly, dealer, Seafortli Cook Bros. dealers, Hensall T u day April 24 -Pains Callouses or "Cramps There? Are yotll feet tired 'ail& painful at night' Hoed the first day ,r signal,: De not I.. ,r our fella troubles :develop - j; and multiply until your Ludily cumfu,t ns,ti Jelly a Ilicienoy aro greatly impaired, Vv her, this arch weakens and one or more of the tiny bones are depressed, ilnevk'n pressure is pro- duced, the weight is unevenly distributed, causing a burning sensation, callouses, tender spots, contracted toes and a painful, cramp-like pain known as Morton's Toe or Metatarsalgia develops which frequently ex- tends into, the limbs.-- The foot widens . and spreads oval- the shoe, the :mall and the grtattoe joints be- come inflamed and enlarged--bcdilyfatigueand.nerv- ousness resutl, For the condition Anterior Metatarsal Arch Supports are especially designed to reach the vital spot—to support the weakened parts, remove the abnorm tl pressure and assist nature in effecting a permanent correction, REST YOUR TIRED FEET ��q �r tat e . '°The Home Phone 51, tere re .11 of Good Shoes” Seaforth- ThurA Fri5 Sat ch is we ' k v ray larger audiences to the Jos. Maiming, ing, Lotedeshoro. One son died thicty.seven years ego in St. Louis All the surviving children were present at the funeral. She was laid to rest in Ebeneer Cemetery beside her late husband, who preceded her to the better land twenty-nine years ago. There are fourteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren. DEATHS. HAWTHORNE—In . Egmondville, on Wednesday, April 16th, Reber Hawthorne, aged 91 years. MONTGOMERY— In Herpuhey, on Monday, April Slat, Hannah Payne belovad wife' of the late Neil Mont- gomery, aged 66 Years. Manley Mr, George Starmgal has purchased the 50 -acre farm from Mr. NeilItline for the soul of £2100, George is a Midler and has already made improve. menta, Mrs, J. F, Molten' paid a flying visit to our burg this week. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. McKay spent Sunday with friends around Seaforth Js. Murray is on the sick list fo the past few days. Every farmer is busy at pretent is seeding operations stnoe: the weather has become favorable. Corns and warts disappear when treated with Holloway's. Cora Came without .leaving a sear, i(' 11 ,fir t Counter Cheek ek Kooks Letter heads rosters - l:nvclopiue Mend Lards Loose Loaf Ledger Ferule etc. Statementta Programmes Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial Cards Bill Heads Wedding Cards Note Heads Neatlp and promptly done ; The biggea men in the CGtfiiBltry havel'oilalrrst that the easiest wa," to spell success it, ffit - }j71:i•,•Rl'~ tkm Ale. soz-ape,,' r: drl'ifii Lot 'i: q.2ibdsh 1i -:lir never), '.:-c1,4,/ `Ar;;,uli: d the ? t pe,;>plt: E ow hat is hi °peisillau ? if you res% p'uhii: h your E.tor,4 News how will the 1p o le know. about ,rc, yyouue•' goods? You eon never sell the e4: oda people do not know 4 you have. advertising is telling about your stock. The firm that advertises ,gets ahead, every time, oir the firm that does not advertise. Shopm worn and outaof=date stock is the penalty merchants pay for not advertising. SEAFO.TII NEW, ammo 1.19- CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt[ Lift any corn or callus off with ffng"ers Don'ts ,suffer! 'd. tinybottle of Treezone costs but 'a few cents at any, urug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin' on bot- tom of feet, then lift, them off. at When rreezone removes norm from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the akin heneatla is left pislca nditealtlsy atm wd 43 t texts! irritat_' For Salo Ono Ohioken Hoop for sale, ..F„BELL, Apply to Mrs . A, George. 10 CENT "CASCARETS” FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure -'Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bach : Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, etornacalt or bowels; how mueh your head aches,. how- miserable you are from .cortstiplt• tient' indigestion, biliousness and slug. gish bowels—you always .get relief with Oaaeakete. : They imenediettely cleanse and 'regulate the atommali, remove the. dour; fermenting food and foul gases; Calle the excess bile from the liver end carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from Ott inteatiees and bowels. A 10 -cent box from your drug- gist will keep your diver and bowels chart; stomach sweet end head eiear for•. 111. j11g, 91tey work afbfie Tap' *l C,, 4-^'