HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-04-24, Page 5'rhLIrsday April 24
cvAscmr'S"aaMOim. •.ro
n...g Src,,r-,,
v,• R •OI. banking requirements may
'1L be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient -service; will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Seaforth Branch J. C. Mullen, Manager
W, J. Walker
.W, J. Walker, holder of goy
ermnent Diploma and License
Day or Night calls receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night r8
Is recognized as one of the most
reliebleiCommercial Schools in Can-
ada, The instructors are experien-
ced and the Courses are up•to-date.
Graduates are placed in positions
and they meet with Success.
Students may enter at any time.
0. 1i. McLachlan,
Look, Mother! if tongue to coated;
-cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Fiue."
Mothers elan rest easy after giviea
'California Syrup of Fin" because ht
a few hour*` -all the clogged -up waste
your bile and fermenting ;'end grut.lt
:moves out of the bowels, nmol you lore
well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't tin a 1, eon {i
take this It miles "fruit,
'lilliorls of 10t11;!,,I
use :MKT holt il .a,r,t,, , .t
'11, liver marl li•^l4 1' 1. t
Ask your :1414
i$alifor i i, ,
line dirt i r n r , ,..
di ages z i.t
For Sale
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmonilville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Church and is known
as the Purcell property. Gold com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. All kinde of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes. This is a corner pro
party with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a nine property fur a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
particulars apply on the premises or to
John Rankin, Seaforth.
Bonds for sale
bearing interest from
6 to 7 p, c. —half yearly
If you have any unemploy-
ed funds now is the time
to buy some of these. -
Choice securities. No ex-
pense to investor.
All information cheerfully
Bond a if Debenture Broiler
linin ` root, r eufurth
I hour q I n
R ,.t
.4 t •
F,;.,.7)17;17, ',11 "171,. -..irri r.5. [: g._.•'� 39 i
I t'I Zt 1`l ip,11,.1. .`" l". l4fl'. ;'b ,'ia..ok az, pi
, all,s.r
It'll:, .ono sold )•.I1r 1 afa
ou•nru'.t !: it,.. i,'i, .trt(1 :e.it i. iI. i,t 'ler)- - "-" - crier iloemi t+, va is home from
t -
, ,,.., r t- I 1 hilt1,' alis r
too ,, t, ...bar rc ti::jui 1:.:;. , . -. i 110 -e 'i':a•a,
im adi ie• -.:if b,-,, '! 1 i. i;' - l,ant. 31.11i4,:,,.mar4lirrs::vreitor at
n hie home here,
tl`Yit- 61a3
ta,+,+:...t1 n.—.el to qtr t
n ivy,
soak _. 01101.010. 0!0.000,0 0.00000.1.am4 0
0W pies
,'Ssrvu..>s.o .,�...-'rwo+�t Sa.. r %. frsa2 a
The High Cost of 'Living --Erionieny
is the word to -day, Malo your old
garments do instead of purchasing new
cues; Have them dry claimed and
pressed', Dry cleaning when j revcrly
don, lengthens the life of garments,
preserves their'fiosh now appearance
and outs as to disinfectant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often causes sickness
and death erne to germs, clothing
should he cleaned et frequent intervals
My Wardrobe, (''oderich 81„ ::oaforth,
Opp, Queen's Hotel.
Mr. Frank Coates is visiting in
Brussels this week.
Miss Ruth Sproat left on Setnrday.
to take a position in Detroit.
Mr, H. R. Scott was one of the
speakers at the 7, 0, 0, F. banquet in
Stratford on Friday. H, R. ie one of
the eleven cumulates for Grand. Warden
this year and stands a good chance of
Audrey Orieh of the Imperial Air
Force arrived home last Saturday from
Daylight saving was defeated by a
vote of 340 to 272.
The services in St. James' church
were very bright on Sunday.
The unveiling of the Honor Roll
will take place next 'Sunday Morning
at St. Townes' church --special ad-
The Easter services in the churobes
on Sunday were very bright. The
Methodist and Anglican churches had
special services and music for the
Easter hymns.
Mr, L. Bristow has rented Miss
Trott's house.
1VIies Gertrude Crich of Stratford
Normal is visiting at the home of her
Mils. Janet Govenlock of Gods,rich
is a holiday visitor,
Mrs. L, 'I', DeLacey has returned
from spending a few days with friends
in Stratford,
Miss Mao McOlinchey is home for
the holidays.
Mies McDougall of Egmonalville has
returned home from attending the
funeral of her aunt, Mrs, Bannister in
11Ire,- (Dr,) Tntfotd who was the
guest of mer coueins, lair, and Mrs. N.
Gillespie for a few days has returned
to Cromarty,
Mrs..1. Cline be visiting friends in
Mr, Hobde and family are moving
into the house reoently-vacated by Mrs.
J, Fisher.
I Lieut Curcio of l'orcutu spent Sunday
gat. tlt<, h..ule of Mr. :anti Mire, P, M,
o auoy,
Mine Edna .Day nt:.r: tri 7'Slonl,' ('ni-
v01111 y ie nth 1 halo., 1 3lcliiilop.
lir dgit -' of. ':batty' al„irt a few
days at his. Il nln'f,
Miss `.1ad..)11-Ltal[in oflsi.ni,rv:a. is a
Apl.:3 e ti ,
:tit, r Ruth list: f i.teit Mrs, J.
NO”" .11111-dVt-t, t7'r._ :1 :.,Il ft:rettlill
Ut ti: n w :,wrur, on 4 ir.tu to
Il'r ltt t
� �[i;, 1'x11''.!• rat U', l•titre of 'Puruntewas
hal, ifl;;t,t'- t01.1k .rel vin .or :,t tlo itur;.,: of lila
wether, Dais el. P. l,riut;.
C l:aAM WAN r
Son I your (I . 0,.i1 Ir., iw or.iioil
tri,, liiicus: We sie cur.. tog
ha year through a,71 *Mil handle your
ftill'aupply and furbish yen with cans.
We pay twice each month anti weigh
sample anti tool each can ut crone car -
folly. Oar lr :nett i', •' €tom st•y to utrr
Pat[•,* o I' atrou:.tro rocfesit id. to re
urn :Wow 31[[a' when not in use,
3 atter a[i.113ntter,ilk alas on hand
n,$ for at market prices,
The Set:forth Ci'eain ry en
Good Milling Wheat,..,........... $2,12
Oate ......... Fa. .u......,.. ,., «.. 6n
Barley:........«... °8t)
Bran per ton..
Shorts per tom ........:.............:....41
Flour...... ............... 6.7 5
Butter, ...• 5 8- 56
Eggs. .. .. . 37-37
Hogs tom farmers 1y00
The dflmanci lorntlrnt'.ittai it r 4e:die fioiritan of (Sedericll
stockti i.tfatl • rl,l fi
t e:s is was in town on Saturday. -
latge, Mr, FtmlaySmart ofStratford visit-
ed has mother, tura, Ill, Smart, Jehn
Sei.lre a paying : girtl:icy with
liberal con, ni. sial Exper-
ience no. lie assary.
(Established' 18.37)
peciall (::Eptigal Sale
Of warranted high ;•redo gn1cl.Klled rim-
med spectacles and tiro giass:•a lute,)
with Best (polity el hericai leugae, Rog-
ular $o 00 value, for only $2.5o, Eyes
examined free by our well known and
painstaking epeentlist, (jr.JHughes, for
manly optical expert for ,Koirts Jewelry
Store, Toronto. The price of elf optic.
al geode have advanced so much yon
will do well to take advantage of this
chance end some early, Two days ably
Tuesday and Wednesday April 2i) & 80,.
Mrs George Weir is io Now York
visiting her daughter,
Mrs, S. i3mthin end 'Morley lire in
Deahwood fu: Gaster. -
Mimic Jesie Wileon of Owen Sound is
visiting her parents, IIr. and hire, ,1 M
ti' ilson,
&leo..I. W. Valk or and Jack aro in
Mr A L, Smillie leavos. this Week to
teaoh at Powaesnn,
Misses Ofatial alit Ells Thrilling of
Toronto are Baster visitors,
Miss Olive Rankin la irint-:r from Ton
onto University, •.- ,
til.iss E Freeman of Toronto is at her
.Miss Jean Hays of Stratford Normal
is Fenn for Easter.
Miss Bella Ballantyne is home from
Mrs, Marvin end Cyril left on 'toes
clay for Toronto where the latter has
accepted a position in a bank.
Li, ( 11; ,: t'- 'I H .w
Mr K. 1 ii l !a spending i cater ritli 11Ir. Nmrn
l'moon I' mghi of �l t van i
his mother. spent Beater with liirs'p•1[•,uts, Mr. aura
Mrs, James Wright,
Ms. ClydeItnulii ,r. thr Bank of
Commerce, lhuidat ,.;tt: Fenn for the
holidays, the tie ri which was derailed
3 Oc lnilee from Ottawa o❑ illnndtay'
Mice 1l u V .din ,,. �.i r, t„rd Naini al night Do was returning to i}ttewe
heal a for Eost-u aftor speeding Eaetor iiiti I rr f•au,ily,
Mr, J, J Merrier, M :W. was, on
hi..r. Jae, t,}!hsl:0 ;'Fp Inluntil :Soho
of tiei, nee no ho
A. spa,' 11I,re ti atom” et I, „Lntge-
le weelin'.-, nn ` u,,.11y Presby-
terian ter
nu alnlrrh.
Miss M 1i atiltlrlc of Listuweil sport
a few days al her hump here. t
Miss Mary (Jilleepio of St, Thomas
's home for the holidays l
Miss Dorothy Merlon of Toronto we
The following soldiers u.inr'red from
nvursrvaxtlrin work Arthur Reid
Lorne l'ethiek 1+ 11.tieir,i,,
Harvey lloir,w,,e
'me Monthly business n.,•etit,g of
the Red Cross Society will be held' in
the Carnegie Library on Thursday icf-
etnoop, May ret at 4 o't, mir.
Seaforth'e favorite baritone, Mr
Jaltou Heid will clog at the Strand
Thursday evening,
was a guest of Mrs, ,I. M. Bost,
Miss N Pethicic has returned to
- 13arliugrou,
Mr. Howard Kerr, son m f ,Tames TLe n
of town, is home from the Seliool of
Practical Science, Toronto, for the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Montgomery -of
Hensall were in town last Friday,
Clear Dalton Reid in tine newest
song bite at the Strand,*/ Thlri•aalay
Mrs Chas, Myrick and daughter Hel-
en of London, were Raster visitors at
the parsonage,
Mr, M..1 . McQuade of Stratford Miss R. Weilans, Clinton, is visiting
spent Teeter with relatives in town. Mrs, M, Stewart,
m ..
Now sold in a ,new waxed board
package ---' a great improvement
over the old lead package
Sold only in sealed packages
Mr. Palmer Whiteley of Han[itton
was a holiday visitor,
Many friends will regret to learn of
the death of Mrs, IT IV Mayer, nee
Miss Bell McKay, which ooeured at
her home in Stratford en Tuesday, Ap.
oil 52nd.
Miss Vera Dorranee of Ottawa is the
guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs, Jos
Dorranee of MolCillop.
Mia. H. l'hnmpeon of the J. Mae
Tavish Store attended the Spring Mil,
finery opening in Toronto on Monday:
Miss Thompson of Stratford is visits
tug Mrs (Or.] Cooper at present ..
Mr, Lon Chesney, Crediton, spent
she Baster holiday's at the parental
home of Mr. and Mrs, George Chesney.
Mr. Harold Stark was a visitor tai
Brampton for Easter,
elp C.A
Work For
Help the"Y" Construct the Manhood
that will Re -construct Canada
ALL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the
Y,M.C.A, was the Sign of Friendship " to thousands
of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours'
boys in the last four and a half years. Wherever the Can-
adian Soldiers went, the "Good old `Yt" went too. And
now it is coming back home with them!
• For the support which has made possible the war work
of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well
expended. We have rendered full account.
We ask now your continued sympathy and support tor
Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during aa';i-iliz,.a . ci.,
and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally di ria?:' ii
construction period. The Annual Red Tria' 'ir- r'„t at) , i
will be held throughout Canada May 5th. to 0th, T.?.9 1 ?.
objective is $1,100,000.
For Our Mel` .al a:.,ia - -;
For the soldiers and their (1,-:T4.1!,:•...-a,Ia. -...:,,
from Overseas, We have prot-ideci - 3,.!ei -
I, A Red 'Triangle men on fro [ r <*. •;I 1., t , .1
Great Britain, with ra foil cquiimar,.. , ..o ;
and seen r)- sp.a40 l n urn, lit r ,i
Whin go, ShIa, also . ,ui:.ar'i er J, a , I
sing a,in• instruction 1o_ (iu'V A.r -.i, r ,
Sllnda0' : iv[ c
S Re,I IrFru. k . ins t
Viral lob a , if t1, : .,i,),,,„ !.p1,:d-,,.,.
Ise str.11a, whiz -free t ,!,:, It - _i,tr
3, I<, n s,i:oua. •••••••••••••••••to: troop tr .in to is .. ri
fro! (Mtg...., .- t, t i •' 4 I ,:i �,, ! t '
•Org,rrtz ,ia. , ,-•,,t•,• -'
frit.,,._. : "1.
rt1'101- ,
4 t;
f t 1> r
,.t ,e
t 7'.
t ..•Pr ...
7 cl t
1111tl- ,:1
T ii t t:r•
fer111 tl-:,1I,nt. t
at: a, ,1 , he . ,rt•_ at ;1 r,i:11 1. t'-;•1 r1, 1 1 :.1
of" -;!:,":'..,1] e 4444
lib Ii
the so).
their little .1;e0 (t n:: vx-
ney, front fJ „i .,l t u.•G,.
for Can.riiau, nh.
Rot their sake also be gen-
erous when you mote your •
contrii-rtti.al. •-- -
The Red Triaamgle Cancpaigit is being ,educe,
the Duke of Devonshire,
CempuJgn: Clidalntxnr c ar. r �,a,,
G. Hni<nrtrt e Woqu, Toronto Tucx•,.-,:, , ,,• . Tr
Hon. Campaign Mai -frescos:
Joan W. Ross, Montreal
7•.'1.1 ..' :?
• S."t.(".;.
tilt ritr;el.rlf-
. 1 f,'4 il. •.,,7., ti'
campaign Director:
Coon. W. firsiror, Toronto 1,60
14.-MR-04W1,,,,:,Syr-' el : ,n 'oo141440rt1:"'u