HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-04-10, Page 8•
Shampoo for dandruff or our
We recommend our Mange
Coco Butter SharppOP for dry
scalp and tailing hair, or for
r: a ood head wash our Min-
i ous Pamolioe Shampoo.
Want:Ifili 410OP
• •
Also our Owl Massage for
, clasedpores and black heads
l'IdS will clean the skin.
liaoe your Bair Cutting and
Shaving done by .us.
We guarantee to put a shoo-
ing edge on your razor.
• Oommeraial Barber Shop, C4th
Wm. Attwood, and Mr, and Mrs, Thos.
in Piano and an
Singing, sion, He is Ittisy painting, mid arrang-
whoattended the funeral were Mrs
Miss Agnes Sprotit who" hes spent
sonio time in Toronto has returned
Sergt. Melville Mo('lyroont and Pte.
Atterbine have both retnrned to
their hotaes and aro being warmly wel.
cowed hauls after doing what they
Could for their Empire and homes,
While constantly in danger both
boys escaped even a womid,
Mise Ethel Jarrett lies been in Lon-
don visiting friends. -
The home Of Mr, and Mrs, .1. 0. Ball
is now bright with the laughter and
cries of a daughter, •
stones at everything in sight and they
absolutely refused to have absolutely
refused to ba've their sons' 10117.1611
placed in any. public place where there
was titiprotection agoinstineult.
Win,Leitch has returned to Sash-
atchesvan where ho will take np his
farm again for the summer,
P1 Tfuneral of 1)elphine, tile little
three year-old daughter of M
and Mrs. Arley Attwood, of Detroit,
(who died in that -city from the
of pnenmna tM
ook place on onday
afternoon from the homo of her grand-
father, Mr, Wm, Attwood, to the Bay-,
field cemetery The SPEVied8 W01113 con-
ducted by Rev. Win, Ashe-Everest, rec-
tor of 'rrinity church., `rho pall -bearers
were four pupils of the poblic school,
viz., Harold Weston, Harry Baker,
Wm. Parker and byre] Gemeinhardt.
A. profusion of flowers almost covered
the little white casket, as it was bone
to its last resting place. The young
parents have the deep sympathy of the
loonununity in heir sad bem
aso sympathy is extended to the grand-
parents of the little oae, Mr. and Mrs
Mr. Writ. Montgomely of Seaforth
has purchased the jewellery business of
1!,. 0'0"k"`" he rm
e-oPed 11188" Messrs McDonnell d is now in posses
King. Among those 111011 a distance
Pupils prepared for the 1.,out11en ing the stook before re
Frank King, of Loudon; Mr. and Mrs,
tiorfft -Mai"' 51c•Itth" 3" Pt(' Dan Harrison foul family, of rioulerich.
• MRS. ll(l SELL, Wilibert Pother arrived home last week
dotal Street, 1 They wore accorded a royal welcome.
X albino Cannot Last • when the
Pies. Britnell and Attertein ciao ro- , '
I V 10 ,1, lb.
011•11ALIkt of ad s iocifics is 1 E
- - — , .., . ..._ __ ._, . turned itlit came in quietly and could -
1, 1). Keilog's Asthma Remedy as-
' not he given a reception, bat they are '
SOO subscribers for Ladies Hens* Jou
rind at $11: Saturday Evening Post at 1
$2,0 or Country Gentionian at $1 75
for. March cud Statesman 2,1,0 tow
)03 AT. Mrs Violet McLeod
for Sale
• • 11 d -vs this exalted title
welcome just the same.
Milts countless cures to its credit
which other preparations had failed to
Staff. a bowl, It brings help oven to the
most severe caseit and brings the
Rev. Mr Lstigford of mitahed preach patient a condition of relief Surely Lj,
ed a very fine 0.ntli.V0rE411.3/ 14r1flott in suffering from asthma 0 1140d11015 w ho
the litethedist chareh here on Sunday remedy *11 this is au „tally 0000t0d
'lake Use of Your Pasture.
Have you good pasture going to waae ?
If so, increase your herd and make use
of it.
This Bank makes a special feature of
loans to farmers. Have a talk with our
local manager.
N BANK 5so
lt1 .f.,,,ItArA .,100.4..11. -.)0.0.l. ,
Its A.SSAM quality gives it
that rich flavor
Sold only iti Sealed paekages
A 110*1 t131F45i1,1Nliy from eimpj, Will
gita' .14 lidAtt7.6,•• 01 at, ',AMC, 14111teb 101
11:0 vetdcg ,,i the •:ksh.
jj- 11.j i'ir, lAvJAg •-to),;•.; .1148
' 'i•0;1••
feht •!` iih h iiih hhi h It •.! 1•1'7.11, 11)
cent of e, I • ; ,k a vs t
°WI' 11 ,t -, '' .tel0•111 1.11t• tny friends, 1 t it;
der 1101 1.,0".•^81.0(13 1111 geo,1 to see hew.
at; 13110 he seen 31 tho eierkr!,
Lot 24,1!on. 7 McKillop
Airs, 0. Hastings has sold her film
to Will Dorsey.
M, 31-CRD1E.
Administrator's Sale
There will be offered for sale by Pubis
lio Anction at the Oontosereial Hotel
Seaforth, MONDA.Y, APRIL, 21, 1919,
at 2 o'olook sharp, the fallowing prop-
pAttopi,s 1 ol& 2—Lote numberatwen-
ty seven (27) and twenty-eight (23), on
Mill Street, in Carter's subdivision of
Block "H1) of Jarvis' survey of the pelt
of the Town of Seaforth. On each of
these lots is a small cottage, Lot
twenty seven is on the corner of of Mill
and Brantford Straets, end either cot-
tage can he made into a nice little
PARCEL 3—Part of Town Lot num-
ber sixty-seven 1,67), in James Beattie's
survey of port of the Town of Seaforth
east DI West Street, commencing •it the
northissest corner of side lot number
SiXty-0oV110 aol 11110141p 3101,g4.101
uorthelly 1imit of said 1 t 1110141,W;
feet, tit,..lit3E, Souther ty pans I ir
wiL, the a esteri3 limit to 'Ise.: soeki,
shit of scut in,th.1.,.- sA, ,,t,
feet to WAst ',Street.
1110.4.11 1"..10-1. 01 1'•1,0111.0.'. .1,1;
61.•ing' • ,
(MO 1110,th C ce•vt. :1, &pit', :Alf, Watt
ing about ono -cleft, t; ;X3, 011.0,0
more or 110 Thits 14.1 1tntod 1 0i10
the hest residential sections of Sea -
forth, and is if, first °ices buds:nag lot.
TERMS—Ten per cent of the purchase
money to be paid on the day of 80.10,
and the balance within thirty days
• thereafter, the property will be sold
subject to a reserve hid. For further
particulars apply to
-Protidfoot.Killoran dr Coolie
Solieiters for Vendor
ThO"BrOWil, Anotioneer,
Mr. L Howard of Detroit is with
his parents at present.
Miss L. O'Connell was visiting
friends in liesforth last week,
Mr. Wolfe of the Standard Bank has
been transferred to a like position in
We were all very glad when the weath-
er man changed his line of goods and
was able to hand ue out aomethins more
reationable, Why do the merchants
not take their cue from the weather
man and do likewise. They would do
more busineas,
Mrs. Rouatt and Mrs, Clarke who
have been in Detroit ditring the past
three weeks have returned to Hay-
field, They were undergoing medi,gel
Mr. H, W. Erwin 118 1(06 been in the
best of health for the past few weeks
His many friends look Inc a speedy re,
Priv•fis I it scold 0111 Abrv,hn 131'10/•
'1011 ,11,n110 1010 •-•119.1, 1.4'01
4; 0!.. `,!• • 11. •
P.' !hi ih
he,J.de 1,114. ',',11.
1 , 1,•,,f1t01
1'.0' 40. 01 '1'•,;••10 1) 0. 0,W 441. OW' 1
log the 1,19 t 1,
'1, tishetiften er, ring pt•Or 8,01
0Wi4.tg 1,0 10 (1)0 Ettcatly Wit,tdP, and
the impure water,
A large mooting was called in the
Hall for the purpose of discussing the
the purchase of a monument to be
pieced on the square in memory of
the heroes who lest their lives during
the war. Phe movement was strongly
opposed by 00040 .of the paeents who
deolared that the monument would
only be a targ'et for the lawless class
of boys wbo are smith:many throwing
," •
• 1, •!-' 1,1 ,,-,••••1.:(1%,..ji
11:1 ,j'; "J1' ;1f I' Carl 2.11 he
iS •011 ne,10 era. It
from war to Let t;s Start ko.s new era right.
There are tlaou.so.nosof sol6.1.ers returning from over-
stn.i& Tile Government is doing- all in its porcr to
get te men back to civil life.
It is giving a Ira?. Service Gratuity—more than
any other nation -4o keep the soldier going till he
gets a job.
It gives him a pension—where his usefulness is
impaired by his service.
It teaches a man a new trade when his service
unfits him for his former trade.
It gives him free medical treatment when ill-
ness recurs, and supplies free artificial limbs and
surgical appliances.
It is bringing back to Canada at the public
expense the soldiers' dependents now overseas.
'But the Government, how-
ever willing, cannot provide
the personal touch needed in
this work of repatriation.
That must be given by the
people themselves,
The men who went from
these parts to fight in Fland-
ers de-orre a real welcome
hon -tile best we CPfl give.
ln most towns committees
of cilizens have already been
or014. d to ]nee(, 1110 soldiers
atoll tioeir dependents at the
station, to provide loot meals,
sup afford
ter,!pirnry acco,n_elociation
In addition, many other
oi are Organizing social
gatherings to give public wel-
come to returned men atter
'they have been home a
few days.
After he has rested, the
soldier must be provided with
an opportunity for employ-
ment. In towns of 10,000
population, Public. Employ-
ment Offices have -been estab-
lished to help soldiers, as well
as war -workers, secure good
jobs quickly. IVILere these
exist, eitiZenS should co-oper-
ate. 'Where they do not exist,
the citizens theimel es should
help put the soldier in touch
with employment.
* * *
The fightingjob is done. It
has cost many a 1 1 ear I 1)1,
mg. 104a it has 1)4.4 4.) 1.14.11
done. The least we rail do
is to 'show our appreciation
in no uncertain manner.
Don't let the welcome die
away with the cheers.
The Rep
triation Co
Thursday April .To
a ter Footwear
' but we certainly have a fine
Spread of Easter Footwear 1
Our display must be an unusually
good one for every looker says so !
Remember Easter Sunday is the
Calendar day for appearing in Spring
Mens' Shoes in new Spring -
styles from all of the best leathers .
Dull, Bright or Tan,
Womens' Shoes, the finest we
have ever shown 1 The new Brown
and Black Boots, new, Oxfords, Col-
onials, Sandals and Slippers
The choice Street Styles in new foot-
wear are here and the best value that
the Price can buy is attached to every
Shoe Price we name,
See our ebildren's Easter Footwear
gi -- tP g
R9 ‘.(avo-_, „I
- "The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 51 Seaforth
Meuu Cards
Loose Leal Ledger
Forms etc -
Memorial Cards
Bill Heads
Wedding Cards
Note Heade
Neatly and promptly
The biggest men
the CAgaantry h.•Fave found
that the e‘,..m.)liest Wo-zy
sacx.ess to
the .ne.w$41;,:sinet..
did mg, ublish iV.4• e
new3:.• f(iiI
pe-...prte krow wliM 71,•$`
heippektrilvt:. ? pialt
prahl.:1b yablaur
15tore, Mows how will I,
the pcopie know about I
your goods? You can ir.4
never sell the g -•ods
people do not kriow
you have.
Advertising is telling
about your:stock. The
firm that advertises
gets ahead, every time,
athe, firm rthat does -
not advertiseShop.
worn and outzof=date
stock is the penalty
merchants pay for not
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
Don't eulTerr [A. tiny bottle of
Preezone costs but 'a few cents at any
mug store. Apply a few drops on the
corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bot-
tom of feet, then lift them off. 0,
When Preezene removes norna from the
toes or calluses from the bottom of feet,
For Salo
One Chicken Coop for sale,
Apply to Mrs. A. George
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness; Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath—Gandy Cathartic.
No curls UV?' bad. your liver, atoms*
or bowels; how mull. your head. ease,
how miserable you. are from constipa-
tion' indigestion, biliousnese and slug:
gishbowels—you alwaye get relief with.
Oescrtrets They intnediatel3r cleanse
and regulate the aerate:Ai, remove tho
•iour, fermenting food and foul gases;
rake the excess bile from the liver and.
carry off the constipated waste matter
and poison from the intestines said
bowels. A 10 -cent box from your drug-
gist will keep your liver and bowels
rooRteleanim.; gmTheitehy w6veetonlr wielle"d heth942,941.94.9149,Pl:ar