HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-04-03, Page 8We recommend' our Mange
ShaMPOofordandruff or our
Coco Butter Shampoo /or dry
scalp end tailing hair, or for
a good head wrist: our fam-
ous Pamolio,e Shampoo.
Also our Owl ,illassage'/or
closed pores and black heads
This will clean the skin.
- Have your Hair Cutting and
Shaving done bp us.
We gualantee to put a shav-
ing edge on pour razor.
• Commercial Barber Shop, Cdth
Miss Aunie 0, Goreeloek. Graduate
lseeher's poems Godoweky Methods.
4oadian Academy of Mimic Toronto
re -open hoc classes in piano. Organ
'.1 Theory on September Std.
' Pupils will be prepared for Canadian
Wordy ,and Toronto Ceimervatory
Studio North Mein St.
Phone 103
Mrs. O'Connell has re -opened 'i„,,g
A quiet wedding took plaits at the
Presbyterien Mange on Wednesday
afternoon lot at four o'elook when
Miss Fraresis Scott, daughter of Mr,
James Scott, of town, was united in
marriage to Mr, Kenneth McKellar of
Cromarty, Rev, James Foote, officiiat•
ing. The many friends of the bride
in town will joie with The News in
extending oongratulatioue.
A number of his old frieuds called on
U, D. C. Hare recently and presented
the family with an 'oak library table.
Mr Barn thanked them for their kind-
ness and said they would never forget
their friends in MeKillop. The even -
was spent in games and music.
Many farms have changed hands in
the township recently and report says
more changes are about to follow,
in Auburn, on Tuesday, March 18th
Eliza Smith beloved wife of Jun.
Mole passed away quietly at her home
after a lingering -illness of about four-
teen moot a.
The late Mrs. Mole who was in her
eerd year, was born at WeattlOOte Bar
ton, Oxfortiehire. Engleud and was
married to her now bereaved husband
in England some fifty years ago end
settled in Myth, inuring to Auburn
n Piano and Singing. about torte years ago.
nas &sir sums, Sims beer, the only
se:waving member et a >wilily tint,
41cct 0:4 1)0atitora ReeLivn
kairsia prepared for tint Loltd,,ii
001;.v.,t ory.
. •
visiting relatives in Clinton Mos return-
Egg gatlaerieg is again in order and
wagons are now calling on the farmers
for their hen fruit which has been a
good crop dais winter.
Mrs, A. Vodes is again recovering
her health,
Mrs Wm. Hiles is at preselit in
poor health,
Dr. Brigham of Star City has bee*
visiting Monde here for a rest as he
has been vary busy owing -to the flu in
his city,
The mild snap of last week seemed
doubly so reunites after the few warm
days we had:
Henry Clark has sold his farm in
Grey to Howard Dougherty of MoKil-
lop for $8,300. Mr. and Mrs. ()lark
have worked hard and wish to retire.
Rev, Mr Dewey, of Stretford wil
preach anniversary services in Pathe
Church on Ap ii 13th, The Stratford
Quartette will give an entertainment
the following evening,
Mr. Pratt and family are now nil -
Hens of Walton'
Tim tea-ineeting cf last Monday
night of last week was very success -
full, The apsseeh of Rev, Mr, Love o
Steffa was eery mach appreciated.
The Sumeley collections trete $95
- Thursday' April 3
The highest class of security and a
patriotic investment.
If obliged to sell, the holder should secure
the proper price.
Our Managers will be glad to assist
towards this end without charge.,
I l`k,
• sereteeetteeteete-ee•- - • •
e -e,e4eee-eisteette•se 'see eeeteetatteresee.....teasseeeesieseenereserreel •
P, LW. • •-• L
'V 13Z• •
. . • . . • - ',tee ,,
• ••
r , „ ,4„ 99
'tkp ea
Sold only in sealed packages
and $18') w.iv lndo ' at the tea -meeting •
tv, L tvieleiree fell on the steps o
.„: IniVt, 211c41In-ti''itic an arm and three . F ,• .. .
l I. htavos t‘t. morn:, !a•p' Mr.Kinesni has groin to - _
r • , toux -c,:cb,•cc.c2 , - , •• •
I /
Ilave You Visited. the Attic Lately?
' •
,• ":
A rat ',Col., ,n Olt)
tsf et is. ittanian‘4..ttr tie.
anicii•ere tii.dd t:',stier'e H,s1
Winthrop on Werinessiny rise 2r il tic0
of April let tit at t e'ehrels P. :Id A
ettendanee deemed.
lip ()vim of the eicKillop elouneil
, 15 BD I E.
For Sale
A young Jersey cow, due to
April set.
Apply to
ro. itt 00c nt,"AC".1c. t • 2.:
it••••...i.t•teti .0;
n‘, ble fir sttsary
en,no.• frren,i
%toy C, !cr.-Tints Of EIA14
in -to, a ut in ti nqe.olAy, inintidaig ,,to
'irons tbi• Rochester Herald Chapel
whieli Ms David Melo is a member
neerdee ethera fi'mn the family end
friends, iunerat was In Id from
the late residence in, Friday afterooen,
! Meech erst, and was stenducted by
Rev, W, R. Hawkins. A large number
of friends and ar.quaintatices gathered
to pay their last respects to the family,
1, who are well and favorbly known in the
Rev. Major McCarthy after serving
T. j, WEBSTER at the front with honor and being de-
---1 oersted' returned a few days ago, Be
was with the Princess Pats.
• Hensall
Dinep forget the concert on Monday
next. Hear the $5000 violin. Bear
.U1'113,508 famona blind pianist. Come
and hear the Ward Buchner Company.
Mr, R. Penick is home again after
a trip to Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. J B. Simpson are
egahr settled in their home here after
spending some months with relatives
in the west,
Mr Sumficombe and family loft last
seek for the Weet where they have e
farm, They are old etittlere here and
will be inistmd greatly • y sunny ft -tends
Rev. arid Mrs Garret were in London
last week to meet thy fin mot s brether
who bee just returned irons overeees
where he wus badly wetutiled.
Befote the frost furinere had started
plowing and seeding bat it stopped very
quickly when the cold Caine.
Geo. Smale is able to be around cg
sin atter a very bad fracture of the
Plea. Clark, Parker, and Wm, were
wlu'rxsy welcomed home.
Men to establish small tonal 'Amite
is every eenety to 1)1%11414)th? Faineus
Tires; puncture and blowout proof.
Cost half as much as new tires and wear
longer. , Money maker for live men;
good opportunity to get in business for
yourself. Dominion General Supply
, Ltd., 144 Clorefederation Life Bldg
canto Outars85
Scarlet fever is increasing rapidly
and there is much discussion of what
the Board of Health is doing.
Mrs. J. Hunter has returned to De-
troit after visiting her parents,
Mr, Leo Kennedy of Winnipeg has
been in Toronto fur treatment. He
lost a leg overseas. Be visited rela-
tives here last week
Mies Horan, who made a long visit
Yvitil hoc Sister, Mrs, tt.m. Evans, has
mu:toted to Galt,
Lois Events of the Merchante BMA
tit G. -spider spent a day at lila home.
Mr. G. Ryan of Litton was a visitor
The permake social whiell was to
have been held bete on Tuesday was
Mrs. Carter of Seaforth who has
been visiting friends here returned to
her home last week,
Miss Itiotilde JetzleSOn who has been
a Toronto visitor for the pest month
returned this week,
Miss Evelyn Cartwright a London
heeibeen spending this 'weak at her
home here.
Miss Mae Caldwell was a Clinton
visitor last week,
Mre, EI:Govier who has been
''.'ls:lisli h ro p
. ,
. Jilt s'iliii, kg, , b. r, •ind t-ike it El E,Ir.. - :`.'iLew, y.,oi bar,
' Isn't it 10,'„ ;el, n ..... ,. i 1 ei ,II I iii ia , .-: ,n• - I, ''5 2-5, '',.."; "0
' ",. •,,n, 12'o:A .Itin.211Peolc who 1 1 11101, .10 W:03 ...AA' A it .01'i ,y1 1 !,ili tqlrY ,t.:,,,;11./ , . ,i - A' ,4,,r, in
tit 2,,, C.,1.11,0 I .•„2! c ',Vitil it '1..'11- if ,'1, iI, , ricr,,, to 1St/
I „,',.., c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i ,-, ti,,,11, icww. 1 critic t: I, to 4,,,,.2 1, a cOto ',oat ..,.irt 11 .4v.,-, ft", ,,,.., r.. oopv !
.. - ..1 1:... ... I 1.,1, .)^,11, . 11,6) FlidAly, . of tilt' 1....),ALAA1 i:°1',.-) PA.12A,ree and titre te Vie ',VAN i i.1) TO
V Ul.l.!it A.s i,'. :;isownin L; io.,, .
''Id a 3',112cosactI
I n elf Arts and
tql 1,:1,1, 111-,,tk
• .1, loot Eddy Hart of Av.
1. Lek' 1." 0%2, s' toed, at', visiting friend a
.• mate. her, .), 01 t'ti'ltf,
I),A4t)t-r of the firth eon.
f:o LA to his nopiiew. John
ler the sum of 04000. . 0Ir, t
1.1,Attio gitoe itp possession at 0110 0,
)1r. syttlit-y Delluage is busy with hie
gasellue out tit earring wood and grind-
( jc,g, grain fur the farmers %repaid here,
Mr. IV. r. Grieve has tented Mr.
Donald Calder'o sore faun] on the
loth concession and as this farm is all
in gratis Mr, Grieve intends using it
for grazing purposes'
What Strawberries Shall
We Plant, and Why?
Strawberries are grown either for
home consumption or Inc market.
While those grown for market should
be m good as those grown for home use
tee fact is in most cases those produced
for markist are grown more because of
their productiveness and shirpreg qual-
ity than because of their flavor, The
lir-et minder variety is the Senator
I..),L,02cp, 'title is a very hardy variety
oil um fruit in handsome in appear..
list,O) Man PX.I..110111 variety foi ixanu up.
It is (It cOrol,In for 13001110111u (Wu suit
co ci bet. It tote seine faults, the shim
'It:Cut:lit of us malting a
I el ),lante the fruirbegies
Biwat','c i-otrly Ui tile eetsSOLI it,
!A Atte oT 1,:e.n.“14 wilvre dry, hot weath-
er often smears storing the finning
1e1)1,; wits -to there are each
ow-iiit/Vic. some ether Suit is desirable,
anti In the Puratats Leunty and Glen
NI it there are two -commercial varie
ties whieli are aucessesinsg very well in
nisi places iti Canada, especially iii
Eastern Canada, These are both large
v triettee anti keep their size well to
the red of the season. The Per -
sees Beauty is better in quality than
(41011 !Wary and the latter is tint very
(kelt &Olin for bents use, but both h0111C1
be tined to d0tertnitift which succeeds
b• at ill the particular locality and anti
where they, .,,ap grown, The Williams
jell firm berrY, which is very popular
in must parts of, Oenada. It has a
white rip which ittereases its ,shipping
qualities but lessens its value when it
is eaten raw. Splendid is a rather
early variety which has made a good
Is II, ,ti'r','I, t On w_41) to AL:n...) ,it ;;re ten, ask,:d for in
the 0 flu ! To lt'ljll Ut kiti: ettIAN1 14 ,iittlA) 01.041t1-414
Writo A -xi" ci'• Acid old Chou Co Cito Ltriti.)11 Fr,,,,
Pree1.11.,1'rettt,,etien in the FOR. ri A Lel II 1°.11111., Y..Ant in up
ii 'n -Il ',OYU real itienoi* fuir th no lit,,gttr nut'
and tIlt toluV.ollid he worth money to a env other peopi,..
Uot a copy of The L Union Free Pros:, ::ight now and. sue
for youreen what other -1)0°0s iris itayin4 a'i'l Imp through
the claesitiii columns. Yen might. jest is well tee same ex-
tra Money fort!: .star,
xna) ail, will psi enhereir word each day.
Think 'ii metering overate10 p,opls %VI, irfitIl
for Only It,, or 710, The postage n10110011 letters to ty 25 people
would be 76e„ -
Perhaps yolir boy has some ehlekons Or sonic tine setting of eggs to
rt -5
record in Eastern Canada, and Beder
Wood is also another reliable early'
sort. The Marshall is one of the best
in quality but must be grown under
high cultivation in Beaten) Canada In
get fair crops and is not now much
growm on account of its light cropping,
hut nn the lower mainland of British
Columbia it dove well and is one of the
lest commercial varieties there. The
Magoon is also a commercial variety
ii bleb is also gt own mainly itt British
The forgoing aro tins teasing rummer
oisl varieties in Canada although to
these might be adder! Sample, Poce•
woke, and Warfield as encteeraling very
wall in some places. For the!' Pro riot',
It variety stalled Dakota, rather small in
fruit het very herdy, lies preyed' one
nf the most 'reliable, though &enterer
Dunlap aleo (lees well if well eared for.
The best varieties for home use in
Eastern Canada are Senator Dunlap,
Parsons Beauty and Wm; Belt the let-
ter mid the united,, being large var
I ieties of good quality. In British Q00-
umbia the Royal Sovereign, Pazton,
and Marshall are three .of the best for
home. 0.0, The two former are Eng-
lish varieties nut satisfactory except in
the mildest section of the Dominion
The Everbearing strawberries are pert -1
Mularly desirable for home use, and two
of the beat of these are Progressive and
"Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes,
Ladies Shoes
Sizes 2÷
Men's Shoes
Sizes 6
Watch Windows
R ee TT
"The 1-lome of Good Shoes"
Phone 5.1
Pit LYN rip (1;
('blunter Cheek Books
Letter Heade
Mean ()Melo -
Loose Leaf Ledger
Forms etc.
Progra Iii melt
Calling Cards
Memorial Cards
:Bill Heads
Wedding Cards
Note Heads
Neatly and promptly
The' biggest men In -
the country have 1011.111141
that the easiest way to
spell success is to
pos!6i the newspaper
did not i, tal)lish Jae
news. how- wouid the '
peupk. kvow what is
happening ?l you
don't publi h your
4tore News how win
the people know about
your goods? You.can
never sell the qods
people do not know
you have.
Advertising is telling
about your,.stock. The
firm that advertises
gets ahead, every time,
of the firm 4hat does
not advertise. Shop.
worn and out.of.date
stock is the penalty
merchanilz pay for not
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump ofee,=.,..ereemmereeterzese
lead, or you belch gas and eructate .,
sour, undigested food, or have a feeling' LIFT OFF CORN3!
of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
bad taste in mouth and stonmeinhead.
eche, you can get relief in eve minutes
by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
such stomach distress now by getting a
large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless it is to suffer
from indigestion, dyspepsia or any atom.
11011 disorder caused by food fermentation
due to excessive acid in stomach.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for constructing flue Pryce
Drain in the Township of MeKillop,
end the Bieheon Drain in the Town-
ships of MoKillop and lisdieet will be
received by' the tuidereignecl Until
April 14th BM, or at the' Council'
Meeting at Seitfosth on April 15th at
2 o'clock -P.. M , a eheque for 0 per
ant of contract price to accompany
each Tender. The lowest Or any Ten
der not necessarily aceepted. Piers
esrcan.liS' seen at the office
Lot 24,Con, 7 AfcKitIc,p
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
Dodsn t hurt- es bite eProPey little
Freezolib ens nehingvtofte Instantly
that corm- stewhurtInge then. you lift
it'right out. Yes, magic!
A tiny bottle of Freezono coats but a
few cents at any drug store, but is suffi-
cient to remove every --hard corn, soft
corn, or corn -between the toes, and the
calluses, without soreness or irritation.
Freezone is the meneatianal diecovery
of gineinnati swing, It is wonderful,
For Safe
01113 011iek01.1 Coup for sale.
Apply to Mrs. A. George , •
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sari
Breath --Candy Cathartic.
_Nro odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much, your head, aches,
how miserable you are from oonstipa-
limn indigestion, biliousness and slug- '
gbh bowels—you always' get relief with
Casearets. •,,•• ,They imnoL4FrielY elzieritaa
and 'Oblateatho gfoindob, remove.theu
emir, feeirienting'Idod and foul guest, ' .
cake the excess bile from the liver and'
carry off the constipated waste matte(
said poison 'front the intestines and
besvels. A 10 -cent box from your drug-
will keep your liver and bowels
clean; stomach ewe.* and head clear Tor
months. They we0* *MI* 7ca dory.