The Seaforth News, 1919-04-03, Page 5luq+aawvy 1.1I- II 3 Banking Service OUR banking requirements maybe entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendeted. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IA Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager .4 a J, Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. Walker, holder of guv- anu nt Diploma and License Day or Night cat's receive our prompt attention Day' Phone 67 Night " ra CENTRA!, SSTRATFORD. ONT. is reoognizod as ono of the most relianle;Cotnmeroial Schools in Gan - ,ado. The instructors are experien- ced and the Courses are up.to-date, ''Grerduatet are placed in positions end tri sy noset with atluceee. Students may enter nt any time. witi FIP. AT ONCE FOR FRF, r'ATALOG II I', 1D. *. Mct,aehlan, PrinCipal IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATi F Look, Mother! If tentdue is ooated, cleanse iktle bowers with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Plgs," htotltere can rest. easy aftgx shill"; "Wifornia Fyrup of rigs," because. in 1. few Bouts all the clogged -up waste, "four bile and fermenting fend gently roves out of the bowels, and you Ll e well, playful child again. (dick children needn't bo tataee1 i•' t+oke this harmless "fruit laxative!' dfilIione of mothers_ hoop it l;antic- ,. rauuse:they know !t teflon 1 "nit, liver and Iaowvl ,a pr:ta a t nod :: . ilek t'lul druggist u1' ik-Elornia '3yrt,;i aloe dirsa:tl,m,, eft and for c ria-tlpii, fig 0. .RA L l t 'na n 1'r,eltt I't. t eo, 7 reeelis fool tt.y 1vY c; a•; 1.t ..,aI II Jl.;hta . 4 c ..- I. 1111 L1°l, ti ,lata: Ill' 1112' heti t,,.t:• ?� °7a . §rnly . Ia News at&. n 1 pr': OE, c4a 10 IW ai.f i,.,.. -a '1 :1r70 enc: 0711 I0 0eli.gt. yarn' ria, otl!,lt:laid e,tn handle your felt supply and fort ill, yeti with rune. WO tray avian each mouth and weigh sample .lit' test each 041i of ere•ies aar- 1:,1'y, Oar motto is " Honesty to our Patrinu a ['aurins tars regtin4tea .,o re urnall.11:1' sane ';diet not in 11e ., 3 atter 'an Illuttermi1k alt.; on hand III for is; market prions. The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFOl?THMARKLrT Goon Milling Wheat.,.... . $2,12 Oats ,,. . ":'1,,......, fir) Barley ......,.. S,1 Bran per ton „......36.00 Shorts per ton 41 . 43-46. Eggs.., .........:.137-37 Hogs. to, fatmers . .......... ,TS.00 For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated' on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell property, Good Com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement eietern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good elate of cultivation, This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particelars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth.' REMOVAL Having removed my Barber Shop to the store next to the Ex:. press office I will be a better position than ever to serve my patrons. Leonard 1: olton JOHN [ Ili i Ate lC I lit Bonds for sale bearing interest from 6 to 7 p. c, —half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed Binds now is the time to buy some of these. C;hoiCl securities. No ex- pense t!,) investor. All 1111tirntaLion cheerfully fi;n I n Fi i 7 i', rr R;. til u,. 'f �1 31 tl lion I a Ill notiedure Bralfe'. 'tf'!i t, `]ti I =ivaierth Agent Waisted for the "Old Reliable" ICON Fl-II.LL NURSERIES i housancls of Orchard 1 .I tl'lte9 need replacing War C;:irdens call for small fruit trees, Aspar;l;li:l, Rho. barb plants etc, The detriand- for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissio ^s, Exper- ience not necessary, STONE & WELLINGTON (Established t83i) TORONTO,. ()NT. a.. ei sees :O. ' ilPi .eeeeo_.'s, ......0 riTown Topics , a 8tilgar®41;....smne®moi n . o rpwrt The High Cost of Living In is the word to -day. Make garments do instead of purohae ones. Have them dry olesn pressed, Dry cleaning when p done lengtliona the life of ga preserves their fresh new app and acts as 0 disinfectant, Tinswearing apparel often causes a and death due to germs, c should be cleaned at frequent in My Wardrobe,' Goderich S, Se Opp, Queen's note]. Dab eonomy your old lug new ed and roperly tenants, earanoe anitary iciness lothing tervels, aforth, By are 3', f{il- nrued guest relics Sun spent alai ay visit- itosh y at Mr, George Pethiek and fain moving into the rooms above M lespie's harness store. Mrs. J. R. Archibald has ,ret from a visit to Hamilton. Mrs. J. Cline of Toronto is the of Mrs..). P, Brine, Misses Gertrude Crielt and Flo Deem of Stratford Normal spent day et their homes here Miss Olive Siegel of Mitchell Sunday' in town, Mr, Gland Patterson left ou Tu for the West, Mr. Hugh Molnteslt of Toronto ed his mother Mrs. George MoII during the past week, Miss Ponies :Ball spent Sunda her home near Clinton, Howard Hays has aoaepted a poet - on in Greigs store, Miss Stimson of I3sylield is visiting er aunt, Mrs, Woods. Miss Isabel Woods is home after a easaut visit at Hayfield, Dr, J. 13, MoFaul of Toronto spent Su with his mother, Mrs, L, 'L, atm!.. . H tri etlt is - ng h - ti it pi S 111 Mrs H Bibson lies bought a lotus High Strout from J., A. Stewart, - Mr. Walker Hart of Stratford so Sunday with his parents. Pte, Earl Johnston of London is v iting relatives here, Miss Simpson of Watton is visisi Mrs. J. Archibald, Miss Thampset, is visiting her mot or, Mrs.(Dr.) Cooper, Lieut, F 0, Jackson of 1$gmondville arrived at Halifax on Monday on the Regina from overseas, Pte. Fred Larkin, art ived home cif Monday on the evening train Liefil Hugh McKee of liginondrille has returned from Toronto. Dr. A, McMillan of 1'orouto, eon. saner of the Hymnal ootmnittee of the t rasebytorian church had n conference with the choirs el N;gmonth'ill„ and +ioefortii en the nee of the net version which will be need 1n tinday, Mrs, (Dr.) Glendenning of Toxon was the guest of firs, W..1„ Seuthy,at uerviet.,t' ;n 1luula4. io The an:ad t 1'ilr•t ikota C'tsnip:az'4 t.. I111111001.1 ea !lino limo systan1 1 ie.sttav c10"i, .t at live in th.. ''1i.A Mary E,lj', ., tis spent , f. -u' days in Dotrott-this tw,elt The Firemen', (pod t'.I,nalnet!t w• o' fioi'hedTnesas:: niglht, 1:. Pa h, n,' he trimer n the lel. I,tire, .a cut „ !a.' 'r orry tt„tr""! 1.;J'Nl Smith •-,ala': ,sine. ""'70,,11 toll torn it watch fob tt'iti Jt, 't' 13a1: tt,•t the heeby iliac, 'i'li,, fµltowii sot110,a tatr'ire:I this week, Safipur Voting, aiiiIlnt,re et. 17,101 sots 1Ztyi_;,:rpel-ass and PEW). Al it) and l'4:unberre, The l:srhar+a is frlazun.0 t'iresle field their ince tifg lit the school room of the i!,rf:abytltrian I'hurch i,n Pur ,103' or, tl- itag,'i1,,,-prtasident Mite toIhick presided hi the alatimeeof the president' Mrs, II, Gilaeou, The'-nno. ea goad attendtuiv''t of members and th meeting proved quite interesting, lire. A, 0, Sutherland has returned from a visit to Toronto. Mr. L. T. Delacey evils a Teremo visitor beet week. Mr, W, 1)nvenlock of Lgmotalvdle lice -gone West on a 'nosiness trip. Mr. anal Mrs. 3V, II, Smith havr re- turned from a visit to their son In Port Colborne. Mi'. Everett Rivets loft 1, mulls for Brook Saslr, -Mr, (Alen Gordon of„:Stratford is a smeet at the home '''Mr .and Mrs,' Robert Bell, Owing to the continued high cost of all necessities of life the barbers are dompelled to raise the price of hair out - ting. to ut.titrg:'to 36o-Children`undal' 14 yrs 25 Note—It ie interesting to note that the price of heir cutting has not advanoeci, Saturday excepted for sir years, I'11F2 r'lt?Aril NE1\' Kr, Alexander Sparks is visiting friends in Dinsmore Seek. The Weekly Sun has this week Chang ed into the Farmers' Sun, Manley Quite a number of the farmers ale' delivering hay to our dealer Mr, P. Gardner who is hustling it away before the busy time, Some of onr prominent men attended the sale of short horn cattle of Mr, Marner's M, P. which was a decided sizooese The many(: friends of Mr. Martin Murray are pleased to hear that he is able to be around again, Mr, Dan Manley is<improviugi MAO the conditions he has suffered. Kippen Rev, A. Mo:Ylillan presohed ill the Church here on Sunday, Word Was reOehVed here of the death of Earl Means of Saskatoon from iu fiuenze, He is survived by a widow and two little children. Shover for Hospitals The Women's War Ausiliaay intends having a shower for ratmued soldiery at Loudon ou Friday and Saturday after000ne, 'April Ilth and I2rb. Donations of butter, eggs, canned fruit and maple syrup will he received at the Armories frorn two tri ai:x 0'0100k ou the afternoons mentioned, The Auxiliary asks for a liberal response from fife paopfe'of the town and ream - try. The gifts last year wet a very much appreoiatod by this Bien iced the need is even greater this year. Pita Auxiliary also ashy that those who have butter and eggs will give these and not frnit. Now that the war !s over and the mall-, who are itlels iltatl41 heoausn ni what they h ;vn i : e '' r their country, should b : the the epee tai care of those who Is inan'od at home, A Pill for All Seasons —.•Wistar and $unisier, in Ally Iatitode, whettiut in torrid zone or Arctic tetel'ertdte, Peruielee's'Vegetable Pills can ha- de- pended upon to do their work. The dywpeptie will find them a friend al- wav5 aura eiiouid carry thein with him ev,•rywbore. Theyac+, mail,. to with- stand any climate anti ere wart's,, ted to keep their freshness ..tad strength, They do not grow stale, a In 4litt 11, t possessed in many pills now os Itis market, Spare the cthildreli front soil'-titg from worms by ii, l', rt,,i,-t ,tilt• inaRt , . ,nit's tall , fit!;,tr teal. Dan 110 gu'r, c: i!h which to t!.'meet the,', insidious €St•5 r flit' creel,: r 11,11 I! 1,1i1 Sit. !'Irv.,, rd t!1ti'1 ,11 th , ll1 'Ir+.t.eli'ttte i1 ;:a worm el 1 1 r•1's n .1 u belt t '11l a tf f •..!nr 1 r ,, n i!,rt7(.li 1 11 ani' I ,.1�� f c 1ene11' t t t linin at ht.• r n r,tiira t....' It I -.e,.' t) !Loi'. r..i,. in II11. Floe Realist) Art An incident of a London Red Cross pale was the plarches° by Lady Worn - her of a mined of English tapestry, probably woven et Soho is the early eighteenth centur,', for 4,275, to give to the London Museum, and her pun chase of a 'roll ware dish, Inscribed "Thomas 'i:pft,” for GOO guineas— after purciiraiug it once for 650 guineas and tattling it In the sale again for the benefit of the Rod Cross, This' piece of ware Lady Wernher Nave to the British Museum.. Taft i ware, which is very rare, was one of a the peasant industries that fought a a losing fight against imported German earthenware, and in character nothing resembling it was ever imported. 1, �l f a HIGHEST a EGG RETURNS Secure These by (latching Your Chicks Eely,' Not Every gamier Should Plant an', Apple Orchard --Only Those Who Understand the Business and Wish to Specialize -.- The Small Orchard Is Usually Not Profitable. (Contributed by Ontario Department of AnvIculture, ' Toronto,) RIO early hatched pullets are usually the best winter lay- ers, Pullets hatched during the first three weeks of April not only lay from two• to three dozen more eggs during the year but lay many more eggs during the win- ter, The average pullet begins lay- ing at an age of six' and one-half to seven months; the later hatched ones are slower to mature than those hatched early. To be sure your chickens will be hatched early an in- cubator is almost a necessity. The later the hens begin to lay, generally the hirer they become broody. An incubwtor is a machine and re- sponds to Lreatment the same as any other machine. It is net difficult to handle but it can not supply its own oil for beat or. keep itself clean, nor et can It supply the Iittle chicks in- ide the eggs with good pure air un ass the room in which the incubator placed has goad air. - The room in which the'machine is un should be clean and well yen- Slated. If you can sleep in the room omfortably it is good enough. Us, ally a cellar is the best place be- muse the temperature is more even nd the machine is therefore. easier regulate as to heat. The incubator hould be clean; especially is this r, ue of the interior of the machine is advisable to brush out'the ma - Me as clean as you can, then wash out with water and soap and last - disinfect it. Perhaps one of the siert materials to use is the com- 1 on tarry' compounds that are used ;y out the stables, ,Suet spray or wash e. machine thoroughly, after each tch. It does not take much time d saves a lot of trouble with the joke, With some types or machines awing cloth tops in the hatching amber it is wise to remove the old th each season -and replace it with new piece. Be sore and test the thermometer ke it into a drug store and the .! uggist will test it for you along }I de one of known accuracy. Many tches are lost through bad ther meters. j Get only clean eggs and of good a 1; or set the kind of eggs you want t pullets to lay, Be sure your hands clean when you turn the eggs, y or dirty hands lower the hatch, not keep the oil can in the same I m as tile intubator, When chicks hatch do not feed , m before they are at least forty- ght hours old. Should they pant I Ade the machine open the door a; le, Give them plenty of air,— (, W. R. Graham, O. A. College, elph, y is c u 0 a to a tr It ch it ly ea in ab th ha an ch h ch clo a Ta dr sid ha mo sixe the are Oil Do roo the ei ins litt Pro Gu Who -Should Plant an Apple Orchard. The apple glowing industry of the future in Ontario will be developed by men who like the work, and who have the perseverance and intelli- gence to meet the problems encoun- tered. The necessary practice and experience can he acquired as one goes along, and the difeultjes of fin- ancing b the business can , overcome by stat ties in a small way. or by ptlttiee 0)1e.'s Duni on Other el'ripa while th of Chir. rr,i is growing. ,. T rte linen who Should hot under tae apple n. growing arc tho'who do not like' the work, , and -rho ' who from lack of i:xpe ieII, and 11now1;11 ,Apott to lilt? in itplierionte sal wears. -lila, apple industry elf e perhaps a, rood opportunities for 'roti uPAS., o be fol,nd in any nl71 tri"• t it'til tart. al' 11014.100u! , but is at tits b 111te Una. 1 u! 1st j s 7!llah2 t. n an aver til an t e' U 1 "I welt- t s ell hll. n t ,,u haul a c 11- ar ioc11a la, qtr .l. ! o lend d P .le. tor':, tautly OI sal ;. za Go, p, pin Out i It- i Lit Mite i l 1 i 7 1, y:i- .. 3e :AFL r.. t• t11°3 11114,11:,11';`;' Sllt ,h'',,ri sl (ii,. st, the mite; hod. hie �looal enol di; l y 7a ,who unt -1,1. Itis (0111, ;II III c•.aa i.a�t ea lldt,,r lot' it at tI , ;1 iai!tti2- a ire 111 7, 01 ell ,ltl i, I ', .,t- �.:, y t'110• ,, 1,11•+' , ls.n•I 1'. .l .; 7 -It 11, 1 r to I,xt iii.•or hu'r'tle: t :ti,:•1' to elft'- tLiteral, ot b. 'II _e al, fol' ova ti'.i I., i II': l_,tely' CO i<:ccl10 4rr;' 1111ln altealio:a n;t No i forme, itid itL:it',tdi 4-•ll0 1:a IL to de volar, ailp); orchards as it 1r.aiita hllz sl,ie it it ielli plant not 1 Limo Oil scree e. pe. i4ii)t a. Oa hN l•d i rig i,l 'Li,.;: from ten to to i 1y^:LPs 0! a'tn be ceaductet:l r,e ,1,11taiile hie --1111,'13 en ninny Lavine. The commercial t tri,• 1;rle i ig in- ustry is dt.velapiil," along ova linos. here are now to be found trance a umber of orchards ranging in size 1o111 forty. acres up to one hundred +1d twenty -live, or lager, Those con - Mute highly specialized bustnt-sees and are sound c:cononlie propositions rovided one is so situated as to 1 aye the extra labor reritt23',±d "at picking tine The chief. dif iculty with an orohurd o;: this class is that. great dell of help is required at. rials periods of the year, white at her ' perieds. there , is little or no ork to he done. The problem, there - 1'e, becomes one of adjusting apple chartting to other lines or product. on, so as to equalize the distribue on of labor throughout the year. It surd appear' that an ,excellent sys- of diversification could be worked lit - by using strawberries, rasp- rries, currants and --gooseberries ong with apples or other tree fruits, °opting sherries. Cherries conflict Picking season with the small nits, but can be handled along its apples' unless .strawberries -and pberries are preferred. — Prof. W. Crow, 0, A. College, Guelph. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, - HAIR HAIIi STO€ S FALLI ; 3 Save your Hair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stone itchiuq scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair as 'mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff ---that awful 5070'£. There is nothing so destructive to the hair es daudritif, - It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied ceases the hair roots to shrink. loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast, 1 little Danderine to. night—now .—any time—will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle of - Iinowlton's Danderne from any drug store. You sorely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you -will just try a little DaoSerine, Save your hairs Try ft Co of w fo 01 tt ti w tel b be al ex in fr wi ras J. 717 ill STRAN Thurs. Fri. & Sat. Dorothy l'aitoi-i The Kaiser's Shadow. A thrilling any store -Also. 2nd Episode of The Fight For Pillions "Bill" 'Duncan gets into the picture ill this episode with some of tile-moSt amazing and thrilling stunt's ever shown on the screen. —Added Attraction— ,Friday afternoon and Saturday night - A 2 reel side-splitting comedy 2000 feet with a laugh hi every foot. 15c, 8.i5 P. M. Friday Afternoon Matinee 10c sand 5c "What her eyes l Vii. , 2C8 Ii in ti,.t:: 'h i ltty ) rr 1Cil'. 1))ia:a i1<.1n. iii I this Met el ler.: he. lite �`�{7 qi�,_ p p y 11 kAha'lites���.tn `•y ,�ric',� h -;v y p ,{�. a a. � Matinee tine (i. a nd la at 3 p 3'vate F t 3' p. m. On account of theextra length tfll of trills I°ai>ila� our evening performance will start at' S o'clock sharp. n .4ha dl lig4P.; f'.l t, lit :A 11 itt.. 11151 alt "q r~L, It