HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-04-03, Page 1Now Series Vol. 17 No, 14 14W1111EamORANIVE Seatorth Monument Works My New Stock of Mon-- ments for the opening Spring trade, will arrive in a few days. : And intend- ing purebtsers will dolwell to i 1speet it, as the price for later orders is DE-- CTDELY UPWARDS. w .E. Chapman., Prop. rn Watch Por Our Special Big Display in Our Window: :1311 Will. Ile Special on Saturday The Palm of perfection is held out to all who would • possess a box of our sweets • Nothing teanacends the rumen': ' ant excellence of Freshly made. sandy- ' bobght here.. One taste of Mir Oulydy smfli d'iipel the most itor- ,eld case of the bitter and crow's inhtantJydiaappeor at its first taste ft's perfection 'persont- •lied, Buy a box for your girl; if you don't, some other fellow eill, alaZen , RISDAY, Ma SA ADA pr':sartC, :,DOROTJ-TV 17AL� TC�>7 i/itm v;t,'C Ott Electricity Is Not take its use in this way more papular.' Stlbst tate For COM we cannot look forward to tieing electricity for coping fully with the :heating requirements in.. tbo cold 'To every material its , own . world Canadian winters, we must, therefore ,1t very one ofnature's products bas .continue to rely mainly on fuels, and its own outstanding fields of usefulness, the two commodities, coal , end It is the purpose of science to assign electricity, should 'each be used whore to each of these products the tasks it is moat profitable, Tn his r'agard- that they are beet fitted .to-. perfoim, the report further states that, "It can Dutlug• recent years, careful expsri- be readily demonstrated' thot,k of the Mont hte dornoiletratotl'that electricity total anergy in fnele, at the present can nut compete eucoesefully with time and under. the .most favop,rehle coal for domestic heating. ennditions possible to the largest , and A recent • report issued by the most modteru plants, a maximum of Hydre.Elortrio Power Commission of 12 to re per cent is obtainable in the - Ontario demonstrates the undosir form of mochanicai power; this is oily slnility;ef the gentit•ai use of ei„oeicity about One-third of the percentage oh - for heating bonne, It coutalua the tainable in the form of heat in the following oonolusions. • average house furnace arid only about •'llegarding the ft ture;outlooll for ono•fuartbniuof tbohau;ntic0l power from the obtainable in the tam of the use of electric) .energy for heating water power of a hydro -electric plant it may ho Said that to push the matter on an extended scalp eiattld be econ- omically unsound in .Canada where such enormous amounts of energy would bo required for this lumpier) ralo1e, as ell other fields of Application •for electric energywould suffer• there available, then the fnolo mast, by ":Urea conservation, therefore, lies in tieing, to the tidiest practieable ex- tent; water power for •the generation' of mocbaufoal power and fuels for t eating, Where no water power is of 0ecnseity, he used for mechanical power•. "At existing - rates for cosi and purposes, but this will preferably be other fuels, compared with those foedone in large electric generating atilt 0 sleotricity, ebaotl•ic'is'too' 'expensive to' "0e,n • be adopted ostensively, but as an Corns. cripple the feet and make auxiliary its advantages are so attroc. wull(ing a tortu`o, yet s0,0 relief in the tine that efforts undoubtedly .will be shape of 13ollowaya corn Cure 1s with= made to seduce the cost 0c- ,ac- to in roach of all. SWWORTH ONTI3JHO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3 1919 $1.. operyear Milbnery .Openings Died in Saskatchewan NOTIcE The obange'from'Wartime to Peace oonditiene are very ' strongly -marked this year in the Millinery Openings, The new hats indicate the change conditions we enjoy and the many new. creations which held the eye were very charming to those who visited the stores.' Mise' Johnston has :again a. large display of the very latest models and is kept busy showing them to her eustomere, Maetavish,s has a splendid array of ohie hats in the many shades of color for I9I0 which are greatly ad• mired. Besides the 'hats there were also displayed the latest faehioua in Spring wear, of which this store is al. ways an authority, so that to say you got it, at Mactavisb'e is the hall mark of perfection. No pen can do justice to rho many pretty things to be seen, Nothing but a visit to the store+ will satisfy you, - d What Canada Did -. Speakers can speak about Canada' war effort, and writers can write; but so much has been said and written that oold fingers have,, for a ohange, an in•- vieo_ating quality. The following hard; foots spealt fpr themail liras , Canada' enlisted 684,323 men,. Fear httndrsd'thonsand of 'thein went over - eerie. i'h4,323 stayed at home, Canada's tote] outlay for the war tg die end of x918 was $200 000,000. • 1'hn 11 8 010 0 11) debt before the war was Was $336,000,090 It is now. $t.2oo,000,000, or one bite 1iou,.two hrntdra(l.million dollars, The Canadian army drecbarged rip to September 2oth lust, .10,500, i;tficere lied men, for reesnirs ranging froni battle, 0otuille to. ineutepatability of temporment. Medically ut,St, J.467 office1s mitt ;8.6o0 other rotate were discharge(], Canada tient 4,o5$ of her soldiers to the British tunny as office1'v, 3,680 (-f whom enlisted rn the faults i0 Certain War loans in Oai,ade have totalled $736.000,0oo, or $1oo.per head of pop- ulation, .Canada has borruwed,$3o7,oco,000 in the United States. Cradle on behalf of the Imperial Government for $O5o,000,o0o have been established by Canada, - Oauadiatl banns have loaned Jlritaiu $2oo,000,oco for munitions and wheat. But the savings in Canadian banks have increased ohne 1914 by $275- 000 000, Oanada has given $40,000,000 to the I'atriotio Fund, $18,000,000 --to the Canadian Died Crone, $6,000,00o to the Britialt•RedCtose, $4,doo,000 to the Y. M. C. A, , $3,000,000 to the Relief Fund. The grand total of Canada's war, gifts totals $11 per headof population. Canad-a produced 55 percent of the - 18 pounder shrapnel shell used by the British army in the last six months in 191; which, to anyone who waa ,pro - sent at 13111 To. or ?aseebendaele, for instance, le saying something, Western Ontario.• • Votes in Estimates Take The main estimates )aid on the table of the House of Commons. Ottawa, on Match 19th by Sir 1'1110100 White, contain the following Western Onrario votes: Bayfield, repairs to piers, 51$00. Ooderich, repairs to decks, $2,700 Cirlwd Bend, repair' to duel( 51,260 ' Kincardine, repair to piers $2,700 PG login, repairs to wharf 26,060 Walkerton; . rural mail shelter, $x,200, • Will Have Easter Holidays i1 will bo pleasing noire to moat school children to keeev that they will bepblo to enjoy their. Beni] ten clays vecntio0 at 118080r, 11 was first thought that owing to 'moll havoc being oroagl(t in the ()ghoul year by illy fellnenza Unit the pupfle would be hatred 10 util. tae certain of the holiday) to make up for lost time, alit the Deputy Minister of education of Ontario says the. Jaws would have to be changed f0 order "to out out the usual holiday season, A dispatch in a recent daily contain- ed the following• Mr. Douglas Sparks died at his home 11001 Dinsmore, Sask. of pinro-pneumonia, after a week's ill- ness, He was thirty Years of age and was married only a •rnogth ago. JIie father and mother and a brother live,. in Seaforth and ware residents of Stanley;lownehip•^ Burial thole pliabe in the Weet', For 'tome "years` Mr. Sparks conducted a feed store in Zur. ick where he was well known, Much sympathy is felt for hie parents Mr, and Mrs, Geo Sparks formerly of Blake A Notable Figure Gone Pion W. J, Emma bad woe a• n im- portant place in the Mai/less and public. life in Canada, Beginning as a praotis- iug lawyer in Sarnia, his ability woe entrusted with the legal work of the Imperial 0i1 Oompany and soon .1)e - came 1c -came the general 0x008111 of that im- portant organization, Meanwhile he had been +looted to the Legislature and mune to ogfce utr- der Sir James Whitney as Provincial treasurer... .Ria record in politics was singularly. good, lie was a man of judgement with 'a genius of halting friends, fie.was known and 1pved by then on both aides, of the Speaker,. and {Imy a vast tinny of private citizens; v.lro toad long.been fareibtur with his ina'rry eouutatiahcei and vigorous policy ro ills way of prism, reform, r,l d his '.meta, powerful arguments upon the Besting+, 11'hen the war came 31r. ifar"tta Wary named 0c- food eontrollel, and despite an +ioniums amount of bitter and unin- formed criticism, 11)11 the fermila.ts'on for ttie esus lout workdone by the. U,,ti arta Food 1$oitr(11ruder 21 1-1 13 7110ur- rem. 13a yetifreer tire cleet)to. -dt- vote more time to hie private blueness, and on the 9rotnnti10-of Mr. ]'eagle to be ('resident of the btlrneiard 011 Craw- puny of New Jeteoy, 14•r1li 011111(1 10 11:11 pre/ndhDay of the Imperial 011 QOM' pally. • Coincident with this appointment he reaigied from the Pro mune.' Govern- ment, stilt retaining hie ;;eat in the donee. Be had not appeared in the Legislature (luring the present session and it was understood that he had gone eolith in search of health, Mr. Baena suffered a severe blow in the lose of his eon, who orae engaged in aviation worst on the Italian front, Methodist Anniversary The anniversary services of the Meth ouiet•ohuroh. to be held next Sunday promise to be epeotally inspiring. Rev Mr Howsen of London, who will mishit the pastor and preach at both services is widely known ase forceful speaker ao that a rich treat is n0 doubt in store for the citizens of our town, The ean- Va99 for the $I500 to pay off the bal- ance of the debt on the church is meet. ing with a splendid success, so there i no doubt the objective will be reached. The "blinietei•s' Concert" on Monday ie something unique in the mueieal an - Hale of Seaforth so that the seating capacity of their large edifice will no doubt be taxed to the limit, MAR131ACgs, PRXCE-STAPLES,--.At the manse McKillop 0nUhe 26th of March by Rev, D :Oat•a1Vell John Pryee Mc-' Ilillop to Mies Cora Elizabeth (laugh ter of Mr and. Mrs Witt Staples of nl(illop tJ 547618. SMITE -In tendon on March 3otii Elizabeth Jane Smith, aged 72 years QIJiGLLX- In Goderieh an March 30 Thomas Quigley, aged 52 yeers, Exte0na11y or Intenially, 11 fs Good— When applied eeteriutlly by brisk rub- bing, Dr. Thomas' Lroleotric 011 opens the pores and piantratns'the 11881108 .ac- few liniments do, touching the seat o the trouble and immediately affording relief. Administeredinternally,. it will still the irritation of the >throat which induces coughing: and will • cure affootatfons of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organe, Try it and be'con- vinced. Fortyfifth1.Anoiversary Soaforth Methodist Church SUfl/y April 6,11119: Sersalons by - Rev. W, ` 6, Howson, London Special offering of $1300 will be received to liquidate the Church debt, _ MINISTERS' coNcERT MONDAY APRIL 7th Addresses, readings, instrumental selec= Beals, solos, duets, quartettes and choruses Nirst'1'euerce—lln00. 1)r.. Larkin, W. B. 1Nilliso11, Harold Bentley. Id. L, Moyer. Second Tenors:—Revs, A, E, donee, 7, Brown, Arthur Sinclair, Baritones:—Revs. J. A. Agnew, 8, McLean,.Adj, Leighton, It, sons 0, Carswell Basses:—neva, C. W, Dewey, 1. 13, Osterhont, 7, N. 8awyer, ( i;lntiet) dohttaon McCormick PROGRAMME 2T 8 P.M. ADMISSION '.c • V"411 - WOMEN'S COATS of cloth and silks specially design= ed to meet many requirements. Twill, Gabardine Serge, Poplin, etc $10 to $40 WOMEN'S SUITS Entirely new stye les; Gabardines, Jer- ges, etc. $25 to $45 tm3 rldl°i1er Apparel c.rill°e- metrIts cE< pros perly filsiad here A meeting oi`th0 Seaforth Farmers - Club will be held in the Separate School Hall ou Wednesday groping• April Sud at 8 p, 1p, A number of important subjects wit be discussed at this meeting end' a full attendance is much (00100d, All farmers Non. Members as well as mem- bers are cordially invited to attend,. Bring the Ladies with you. Geo. D. C, BARN W Ii it1ILl�IB; ' Pres. Secy. s�,�s •ret( �,,,, . , . FLAX LAND WANTED The Canadian Flax Mills Limits Seaforth, Ont, will rent a large acreage of sod land, Spring or Fall ploughed. Will furnish seed free and do the seed. ing. Fernier will plow, disc-, barrow and roll, • - Phone M, McCormiak,:•)oafeet,h 212, after b P. n, 202. - BUFFALO LAND FEOTEI,IZEO lRave just retained 0 shipment of I Buffalo therm/veil Phnephate, - ' Orders Gallein and ternee arranged at gg R. ltl)fai1,',4.li'ars/wave Store. I-1„ COi:VIf1f'1', ffigincrndvif lr, CC t . , ,,;-7* .., .. t..:`.hc.,X., .1. -.- Fr�"e�celr x.553 t�C ill Low Than Elsewhere WONIE DRESSES '5 Street, afternoon and evening mos dels, of Taffetta, Georgetta, Satin, combinations of. serge with braid etc. $143 5o to $30 ALSO Sport's /Apparel Separate Skirts Waists _ nd 2 o Gesso ries. Lovely 5pi ing Blouses Worthy of Higher Prices But -To Be Had mere,' at $1.50 to $9 LINGERIE OF LOVELY SiMPL1WTy' 50.c to $5.00 1. APRONS P011? 1-101_1S OR GARDEN special at 50c to $L25 SPECIAL' EXHIBIT OF WOOL DRESS GOODS, SILKS, WA IS GOODS: • ETC, That have just been received into stock. You certainly must sea the beautiful effects ehown, Colne. SEAFQRTH is