The Seaforth News, 1919-03-27, Page 1Raw Series Yol: 17 No, 1 Seatorth Monument Works My New Stock of Mon 'Dents for the opening Spring trade, will arrive in a few days. And intend- ing purchasers will do well to inspect it, as the price for later orders is DE- CIDELY UPWARDS. W ,E. Chapman Prop, AIR �"°`�°"' Watch For Our Special ::;iG Display in Our Window. All Will Be Special on Saturday The Palm of perfection is held out to all who would possess a box of our sweets. Nothing transcends the succul- ent excellence of Freshly: Made Candy bought -here. One taste of our. Candy will dispel the most hor- rid case of the blues and aoowls i i:stautly disappear at its tirst tame. It's pe,Fectioti personi- tied. Bny a box for your girl; if you don't, sante other fellow will, 00000 '�Y�oo'4=oBomOe 000 os. mo? 000 Shig Rflry Op hip Thursday Friday; and Saturday arch 27, 29 Special Display of New Head. gear far Ladies and Children We Invite You to Lorne. MISS M. JOHNSTON 000000000.00':00000 000. 000.00000 00000000.00 The War Savings • In Great Britain By Basil P. Blackett, C, B. The National War Savings Com- mittee, appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in February, 1916, bad three aims: 1. To explain to all classes the uec essity for saving during the war. 2. To create a country -wide organi- zation to preach war savings and pro- viding facilities for landing small sums, S; To encourage as many people as possible to hold Government securities and to offer them the newly invented War Savings Certificate Theoanipaign wasfounded on the simple economic truth that to - spend money means to melte someone work for you, and that anyone who spent for his or her private purposes more than was absolutely essential for health and efficiency was using up "someone's work and making it more difficult for the Government to find people to do work needed to win the war. The Oommittee's first effort was to give wide publicity to this truth and to encourage or ebonite every member of the community into contributing his or her part by private self.rlenial, It then began to organize the country' It established local War Savings Com- mittees to om-mittees-to cncotirg° and supervise, and War Savings Associations which banded their members together to become 'ie- gulag savers and buy War- Savings Certificates through their Association: The War Savings Certificates was an entirely new form of Government seou- rity It combined the advantages of SE2IFORTHi, Ord T1- 1C9, T}IURSD1-Y, MAR 27 Its"i9 The'Nattonal War Savings Com- mittee in Great Britain does not mean to let its work come to an end with the end of the was,, indeed the vig- onus War Savings Assoc ations and local committees would not permit this ei'en if the Central Committee were to alaken its efforts, The -end of mili- tary activity has not ended the need for saving. This is of.00nree:as true in Canada as the United Kingdom. The work needed to win the war has indeed been provided—the goods have been .delivered—but the burden of paying for them remains. For 4.i years the Brit- ish Empire has not only stopped pro- iirling capital for new developments, but has also had to be sparing of re- pairs and renewals to its existing plant If the burden of the war debts is to be lightened and if work is to be found for the returned soldier, capital must be provided to the machine of isduetry into order and keep it in activity, and capital can only be created by caving, The poet -armistice motto of the War Savings Committee in Great Britain is "Spend wisely", Every bit saved and invested becomes capital which will be used for reproduction' purposes, and will provide others with work. In Canada I understand that the money raised by War Savings Certi- ficates will be used directly for recon - where ni evidence, It is eetiu,ater1 that 200,000 persons line,, the street,', Some coming from as for east a Port Hope and ns far west as Brampton. The soldiers looked very tired and no wonder' To Halifax by water awl then to Toronto by rail, with such a din and commotion when they got here. The scenes witnessed at the armories were intensely uathetic and touching espec- ially between mothers and anus and wives and husbands, four and a ha If years being a long time to be separated Yours, J. J, 1, The League Ot The Empire Imperial Union of Schools through Schools' and Pupils' Correspondence Through the co-operation of Om De- partment of Education there is being sent to every school in the Province two eirculare in which the Ontario Council of the League of the Empire offers its services in linking up in nor. respondence schemes, schools and pu- pils throughout Canada end other parts of the British Empire- With the cir- oulare there is a- covering latter from structiou expenditnre. It will thus pro Dr. Cody, Minister of Education, coin vide work for the returned Canadian mending the plane of the league end soldier, and add to Canada's wealth. encanragtilg the teachers of Ontario to The good which that work produces nae the opportuniti offertid of doing a can be lent to the Allies in t''nropa and real imperial and educat!.mal service. to the people of Great Britain in their At this juncture, when (h n'adtt'e re- �-E3SSMSONSMSESSECESS=CIRSSiSSZE exchange for their obligations— a per- lationehips are under prowess of tr:• xd- feat example of that spirit of co -opera justruent within the Empire and the don ii song iudividuele, in small things League of Nations we WI that the ,is weestesersessneartimers Forty fifth nn6verrry SiforILi ethodist Church Svinday A,rii 6, 191 Sermons by Rev. W. G. Howson, Londesboro Special offering of $1500 Will be received to liquidate the Church debt. MINISTERS' CONCERT MONDAY APRIL 7th Addresses, readings, instrumental seleco tions, solo, duets, quartettes and choruses First Tenors:—Neva. Dr. Larkin, W, E.Millison, Harold Bentley, B, D. Moyer, Second Tenors: --Revs. A. E. ,hones, T, Brown, Arthur Slue:air, Baritones: --here, J. A -.Agnew, S. McLean, Adj. Leighton, 1, aon. Dewey, CL W. Dewey, L 1 • Oetsi'leont, T. E. Sawyer. (Flutist,-.falueou McCormick EiGIRTIMME AT Pa It41. ADMISSION 25c to produce world wide results which is velopment of the Li agurl a ,Seitool-Lit:to- --- -- - -- __ _ at the basis of the War iavinge move- lug and ('onlrasle-4'orreapendenee- a Inesi t. aohenlee will undoubted ' help tooroats y the must desirable feeili mei icteillost being absolutely safe, yielding, as high a rate of interest as any British Govern went security, absolute freedom from income tax, and, of being convertible into cash at any time. After a discouraging start, when war saving was universally unpopular, the campaign succeeded beyond the highest expectations On the first of January, 1919, there were in Great Britain over 2,000 War Savings Committees, flour- ishing and active self-governing bodies so distributed that there was one with- in easy reach of every :inhabitant. They supervised over 50,000 War Sav- ings Associations, The total number of War Savings Certificates sold exoeed ed 275 000,000 andleas than 10,000,000 had bean cashed. s. omething over £400,000,000 lied been contributed through War Savings Certificates and at least one-third of the 46,000,1100 inhabitants of Great Britain had be- come holders of Government securities. The success of the War Savings Committee was such that iii January 1917, it woe called on to place its or- ganization at the disposal of the Trea- sury for conducting the, campaign for the War Loan of January and February 1917, when oloso en to £1,000,000,000 was suboribed, During the spring end sttmtner-of 1917 it conducted the Food Savings Campaign which preceded the the introduction of the rationing system in Great Britain. Finally it ie ^She War , Savings Committee which from October, 1917, onwards has had charge of the campaign for selling National .War Bonds, which has continued from that time nit Without caseation and has produced over x1,600,000,000 of sub- scriptions. Toronto Letter Dear Nowt+— - - I go up to Queen's Park once in a while to hoar the debates in Pariia. nuant, Premier Heart is a lice kind- ly looking person with a touch of mel- ancholy in his cucutenance which appeals to sympathy while the leader of the opposition, Mr. Protldfoothaa a tinge of melancholy in his voice, This 'gentleman is too well known in Huron County to require further. description. He certainly has gained many genuine friends among Conservatives by his active efforts in behalf of the Union Government at the last Dominion elect ion. The present Ontario Government do very welt but like all Governments they have made mistakes. One of these is by promising large sums of money for roads at the request of the motor leagues. Automobile builders and other auto fiends who pr stand that it is to help the farmer instead of the joy rider. I believe that a large majority ofti'e farmers do not want these millions of dollars spent in that way now that there are so many oblig- ations to meet which have been caused by the war, But I believe I started out to talk about Temperance and Prohibition and 1 think I can safely say that if the Hearst Government is defeated at the next election the ship will be wrecked on the rook of prohibition. - Some of your gentle readers may ask why is this? Well Tory hotel keepers with many friends and hangers on will vote against the Government, They know that the leaders of the Grit party pro- fessed prohibition, and quis with that, but the Government which placed it an thea Statutes as law will be made to suffer by these people, Then there is. the Reform prohibitionists -whd will just vote for their party and make pro- hibition a secondary consideration I did purpose giving my own personal opinion but will not do ao at present. The greateet outburst of Patriotism since armistice day was visible here on Wednesday evening last- One of Tor- outo's Battalions, or what remained .of it was coming hebie sea unit. They lied gene away at the beginning of the war. It was nearly 8 o'clock p. m, when -they resulted North Toronto station, From there. down . Tongs St to Bluer along Bloor to Avenue Road out it there could be no editors, devils the whole distauce. across Qheen s or news,—Reportsr's Service, perk and dawn University Avenue to the oemuurtse was a dense mese a Theueande of mothers can testify to humanity with bands and torch bearers the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm at intervals. Old men with the aid of Exterminator, because they know from canes andhuudrede of mammae witbleaP cri0000,howuse[ulftfe. baby oarriagee or children in' arms goodwill amongst the ,.•1'a aid git who in a very few yearstw{mama- leg ho sum- ing the respot:eihilitiee 4d ei na,s!ti e. The Editor of the Mere heartily en- dorss the scheme t ark rr.,,,Arm nde that the Board of Education and per- eliteinNous'rsl en t.u-ge 'he teachersj and pupils to make use of the 41,R.. unity offered, We are massy advent - ages in having our schools exchanging letters, pictures 'and natural objects with other schools hi Australia, ,Great Britain, India and South Africa, as well as as our nearer neighbours in Quebec, Nova Scotia or British Comm. bio She League of the Empire from ite headquarters in London, England, has ever since its foundation in 1901, performed a. distinct imperial service by linking the Overseas Dominions with the Motherland through the - schools, and by Imperial Teachers' Conferences etc. During the war it bee made an enviable record by the hospitalities courtesies shown to ova- seas men visit- ing in London; and plans as a War Memorial the establiahment of a resid- ential Club House where Overseas' teachers may find a weloomo when vis- iting at the heart of "Dear Old Blighty" In view of the likelihood of the post- . Imperial Conference of Teachers being held in' Toronto in 1921, as a feature of the work of the League, it is fitting at this time that Ontario teachers should take advantage of the privileges offered by the Ontario Coun- cil, Address -Miss F. M. Standish, 61'S Euclid Avenue for particulars. The Letter `fE't 'Besides occupying the big box in a typographers°"1. o. ," the letter "se" is the most unfortunate better in the Eng. fish alphabet, because it is always out of cash, forever in debt, never out of danger and in hell all the time. For some reason, the fortunates of the let- ter -leas been overlooked, so we will call attention to the fact that "e" never is in war and ale aye in peace It is the beginning of existence, the commence - Ment of ease and the end of trouble Without it there would be no meat, no life, no heaven,- It is the centre of honesty, makes love perfect, and with; ire Two 'Dago o1,0 tura itt v 'r illi! $1.50 per year NOTICE A ,n; 'dog, of tits S+sforth Farmers (dub trill be hold iu the Separate School Hall on Wednesday evening, April Ind at g 1', tn. A bomber of important subjects wit be disouesed at this meeting and a full attendance is much - desired. All farmers Noe. Members as well as mem- bere are cordially invited to attend, Bring the Ladies with you. Geo. D. C. FIARN W R SMILLIE, Pres. • Secy. SALT FOR SALE We will have a ear load of No t coarse Salt fthe best cattle salt) on - Thnrsday and Friday, March 27 and 26. Bring your sacks and -get your summer supply. Phone 81 dol.n Mohlay FLAX LAND WANTED The Canadian Flax Mills Lim'ito Seaforth, out, wilt rent a large acreage of sod let,d, Spring or Fall sloughed. ' 1i'ifl furnish seed free and do the seed. ing_ Fanner will plow, disc, harrow and roil. Phone M. tIeC,,rmick. Nsafortl' er ": p. n1. 202. piung slab tthrba filar0 26 & let.rnnw gout icirr ebur SPRING OPENING A Fascinating Display Presenting the New Season's Authoritative Fashions That magic worker, Spring, together with that other Spirit, Peace, has brought about new conditions in the matter of wo- man's attire. These conditions are revealed for the filet time jlthie season to the women of -this community in our splendid collection of new apparel for women and misses. 'Tho store invites you to view thnee new fashions, which are as distinctive and beautiful as can be .seen anywhere. They most accurately depict the style tendencies for the Spring and emphasise the ability of style -creators end -designers as efleeting the demands of the Canadian Women. )(A CTA VISH